\section{Setup of new Folders and new Tests} \label{sc_newfoldersetup} This section describes how to set up a new folder and how to tell the build system there is a new one. \paragraph{Adding new Folders} \begin{enumerate}[1)] \item create new folder with content \item adapt the \verb+CMakeList.txt+ in the folder above and add a line with \verb+add_subdirectory(NEW_FOLDER)+ \item create a \verb+CMakeList.txt+ in the newly created folder \item go to your \texttt{build}-directory and type \verb+make+ to re-configure the system \end{enumerate} \paragraph{Adding new Test Programs} \noindent To add a test use the \texttt{add\_dumux\_test} macro. The command has four arguments: \begin{enumerate}[1)] \item name of test (has to be unique) \item name of executable \item source file (*.cc) \item command to be executed as test - either the executable or a some helper script with arguments \end{enumerate}