diff --git a/.coverage b/.coverage new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e61eed4b7c43a3f551e07789589a565c8682ff7d Binary files /dev/null and b/.coverage differ diff --git a/.coverage.DESKTOP-ATMEKSV.24064.XFYCqtPx b/.coverage.DESKTOP-ATMEKSV.24064.XFYCqtPx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e1f7e6f75f5aa9a7a33884193b67b7cc22082200 Binary files /dev/null and b/.coverage.DESKTOP-ATMEKSV.24064.XFYCqtPx differ diff --git a/Outputs_SeqPosteriorComparison/posterior/Z.npy b/Outputs_SeqPosteriorComparison/posterior/Z.npy new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d89efa6714257ec2d867aa5eb95b7f23b915010 Binary files /dev/null and b/Outputs_SeqPosteriorComparison/posterior/Z.npy differ diff --git a/docs/diagrams/.$Structure_BayesInf.drawio.bkp b/docs/diagrams/.$Structure_BayesInf.drawio.bkp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cd3914505bc5b8bdc582e24e4edcce7eda04e86b --- 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target="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-21"> + <mxGeometry relative="1" as="geometry" /> + </mxCell> + <mxCell id="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-47" value="if self.plot_post_pred" style="edgeLabel;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;resizable=0;points=[];" vertex="1" connectable="0" parent="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-34"> + <mxGeometry x="0.2399" y="-1" relative="1" as="geometry"> + <mxPoint y="1" as="offset" /> + </mxGeometry> + </mxCell> + <mxCell id="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-35" style="edgeStyle=orthogonalEdgeStyle;rounded=0;orthogonalLoop=1;jettySize=auto;html=1;exitX=0.5;exitY=1;exitDx=0;exitDy=0;" edge="1" parent="1" source="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-9" target="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-20"> + <mxGeometry relative="1" as="geometry" /> + </mxCell> + <mxCell id="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-46" value="if self.plot_map_pred" style="edgeLabel;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;resizable=0;points=[];" vertex="1" connectable="0" parent="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-35"> + <mxGeometry x="0.4183" y="-1" relative="1" as="geometry"> 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width="110" height="50" as="geometry" /> + </mxCell> + <mxCell id="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-18" value="_rejection_sampling" style="html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;" vertex="1" parent="1"> + <mxGeometry x="330" y="790" width="120" height="50" as="geometry" /> + </mxCell> + <mxCell id="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-26" value="if not self.emulator&nbsp;<br>and not self.inference_method == 'rejection'&nbsp;<br>and self.name == 'calib" style="edgeStyle=orthogonalEdgeStyle;rounded=0;orthogonalLoop=1;jettySize=auto;html=1;exitX=0.5;exitY=1;exitDx=0;exitDy=0;entryX=0;entryY=0.5;entryDx=0;entryDy=0;" edge="1" parent="1" source="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-19" target="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-15"> + <mxGeometry relative="1" as="geometry" /> + </mxCell> + <mxCell id="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-37" style="edgeStyle=orthogonalEdgeStyle;rounded=0;orthogonalLoop=1;jettySize=auto;html=1;exitX=1;exitY=0.5;exitDx=0;exitDy=0;" edge="1" parent="1" source="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-19" target="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-1"> + <mxGeometry relative="1" as="geometry" /> + </mxCell> + <mxCell id="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-48" value="if sigma2_prior is not None<br>and if hasattr bias_inputs<br>and if not hasattr error_model" style="edgeLabel;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;resizable=0;points=[];labelBackgroundColor=#ffae00;" vertex="1" connectable="0" parent="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-37"> + <mxGeometry x="-0.5544" y="-1" relative="1" as="geometry"> + <mxPoint as="offset" /> + </mxGeometry> + </mxCell> + <mxCell id="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-19" value="_posterior_predictive" style="html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;" vertex="1" parent="1"> + <mxGeometry x="675" y="590" width="130" height="50" as="geometry" /> + </mxCell> + <mxCell id="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-28" style="edgeStyle=orthogonalEdgeStyle;rounded=0;orthogonalLoop=1;jettySize=auto;html=1;exitX=1;exitY=0.5;exitDx=0;exitDy=0;" edge="1" parent="1" source="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-20" target="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-15"> + <mxGeometry relative="1" as="geometry" /> + </mxCell> + <mxCell id="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-45" value="always" style="edgeLabel;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;resizable=0;points=[];labelBackgroundColor=#cdcbcb;" vertex="1" connectable="0" parent="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-28"> + <mxGeometry x="0.0517" relative="1" as="geometry"> + <mxPoint as="offset" /> + </mxGeometry> + </mxCell> + <mxCell id="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-20" value="_plot_max_a_posteriori" style="html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;" vertex="1" parent="1"> + <mxGeometry x="495" y="790" width="140" height="50" as="geometry" /> + </mxCell> + <mxCell id="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-21" value="plot_post_predictive" style="html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;" vertex="1" parent="1"> + <mxGeometry x="630" y="720" width="120" height="50" as="geometry" /> + </mxCell> + <mxCell id="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-22" value="<p style="margin:0px;margin-top:4px;text-align:center;"><b>MCMC</b></p><hr size="1"><div style="height:2px;"></div>" style="verticalAlign=top;align=left;overflow=fill;fontSize=12;fontFamily=Helvetica;html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;" vertex="1" parent="1"> + <mxGeometry x="1230" y="425" width="760" height="275" as="geometry" /> + </mxCell> + <mxCell id="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-36" value="Note: Arrows indicate function calls, beginning calls the end" style="text;html=1;strokeColor=none;fillColor=none;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;whiteSpace=wrap;rounded=0;" vertex="1" parent="1"> + <mxGeometry x="10" y="10" width="190" height="30" as="geometry" /> + </mxCell> + <mxCell id="xary-zVek9Bg-A1b1ZmA-51" value="Color meanings:<br><span style="white-space: pre;">	</span>red: wrong, change<br><span style="white-space: pre;">	</span>orange: seems off, look at again" style="text;html=1;strokeColor=none;fillColor=none;align=left;verticalAlign=middle;whiteSpace=wrap;rounded=0;" vertex="1" parent="1"> + <mxGeometry x="20" y="70" width="220" height="30" as="geometry" /> + </mxCell> + </root> + </mxGraphModel> + </diagram> +</mxfile> diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/__init__.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8e865af80652b8dd29203c2c85f8d1c717e335bc --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +__version__ = "0.0.5" + +from .pylink.pylink import PyLinkForwardModel +from .surrogate_models.surrogate_models import MetaModel +#from .surrogate_models.meta_model_engine import MetaModelEngine +from .surrogate_models.engine import Engine +from .surrogate_models.inputs import Input +from .post_processing.post_processing import PostProcessing +from .bayes_inference.bayes_inference import BayesInference +from .bayes_inference.bayes_model_comparison import BayesModelComparison +from .bayes_inference.discrepancy import Discrepancy + +__all__ = [ + "__version__", + "PyLinkForwardModel", + "Input", + "Discrepancy", + "MetaModel", + #"MetaModelEngine", + "Engine", + "PostProcessing", + "BayesInference", + "BayesModelComparison" + ] diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..beaab3c798a63fcfbc361982388fdf10830a787e Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..afe0b0529fcde6ca9dbc06ed8932485f099ca476 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d5ebaedb4c8b77b5d7dbd0a6945f09079d8b10e4 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__init__.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..df8d935680f96ab487cf087866e8bfd504762945 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +from .bayes_inference import BayesInference +from .mcmc import MCMC + +__all__ = [ + "BayesInference", + "MCMC" + ] diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..430b9885a8c8bd658da24bbc4ac1a6a0a74f69e6 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..72c63a98588c54dfec12536a99537cfa3a67e0cf Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..287257c1ca9b3f3a6d7e176e006ad432f8c685bf Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_inference.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_inference.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e89dfb5e6b3a873ac2f40dcc2084aa52caaedcd6 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_inference.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_inference.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_inference.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05467b4a003342c6353478050dd6b67db4347dcb Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_inference.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_inference.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_inference.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a37330680c29bbfdba5a1bfd98041dda24957604 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_inference.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_model_comparison.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_model_comparison.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..57322b839ff7d50ea32d3b36ce011c09cf91e232 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_model_comparison.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_model_comparison.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_model_comparison.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5f608d0ecf37288d6330349caabd5e7789533748 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_model_comparison.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_model_comparison.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_model_comparison.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b58f792ac36504c702205afc34228600f9bbba77 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_model_comparison.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/discrepancy.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/discrepancy.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bc71688a4cae4f74ec3a67838fca659881c520c9 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/discrepancy.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/discrepancy.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/discrepancy.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f505c78056d5629a52177e4fc2d67abdbd2aa48f Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/discrepancy.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/discrepancy.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/discrepancy.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f154800917aeaef9c499abf13d47fcca6ffc639b Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/discrepancy.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/mcmc.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/mcmc.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d2122246d54ec5697803cbce28900e077b2306a Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/mcmc.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/mcmc.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/mcmc.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..245146ac5f5f72cb819fa504cdf288da3a5b75d3 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/mcmc.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/mcmc.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/mcmc.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9fe4689524895c2149048d489b22b08e85026df Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/mcmc.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_inference.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_inference.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7ac43b62becf7441b2db90cf9b4ffeaab33c54bb --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_inference.py @@ -0,0 +1,1530 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +import numpy as np +import os +import copy +import pandas as pd +from tqdm import tqdm +from scipy import stats +import scipy.linalg as spla +import joblib +import seaborn as sns +import corner +import h5py +import multiprocessing +import gc +from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score +from sklearn import preprocessing +from matplotlib.patches import Patch +import matplotlib.lines as mlines +from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages +import matplotlib.pylab as plt + +from .mcmc import MCMC + +# Load the mplstyle +plt.style.use(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], + '../', 'bayesvalidrox.mplstyle')) + + +class BayesInference: + """ + A class to perform Bayesian Analysis. + + + Attributes + ---------- + MetaModel : obj + Meta model object. + discrepancy : obj + The discrepancy object for the sigma2s, i.e. the diagonal entries + of the variance matrix for a multivariate normal likelihood. + name : str, optional + The type of analysis, either calibration (`Calib`) or validation + (`Valid`). The default is `'Calib'`. + emulator : bool, optional + Analysis with emulator (MetaModel). The default is `True`. + bootstrap : bool, optional + Bootstrap the analysis. The default is `False`. + req_outputs : list, optional + The list of requested output to be used for the analysis. + The default is `None`. If None, all the defined outputs for the model + object is used. + selected_indices : dict, optional + A dictionary with the selected indices of each model output. The + default is `None`. If `None`, all measurement points are used in the + analysis. + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params), optional + The samples to be used in the analysis. The default is `None`. If + None the samples are drawn from the probablistic input parameter + object of the MetaModel object. + n_samples : int, optional + Number of samples to be used in the analysis. The default is `500000`. + If samples is not `None`, this argument will be assigned based on the + number of samples given. + measured_data : dict, optional + A dictionary containing the observation data. The default is `None`. + if `None`, the observation defined in the Model object of the + MetaModel is used. + inference_method : str, optional + A method for approximating the posterior distribution in the Bayesian + inference step. The default is `'rejection'`, which stands for + rejection sampling. A Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampler can be simply + selected by passing `'MCMC'`. + mcmc_params : dict, optional + A dictionary with args required for the Bayesian inference with + `MCMC`. The default is `None`. + + Pass the mcmc_params like the following: + + >>> mcmc_params:{ + 'init_samples': None, # initial samples + 'n_walkers': 100, # number of walkers (chain) + 'n_steps': 100000, # number of maximum steps + 'n_burn': 200, # number of burn-in steps + 'moves': None, # Moves for the emcee sampler + 'multiprocessing': False, # multiprocessing + 'verbose': False # verbosity + } + The items shown above are the default values. If any parmeter is + not defined, the default value will be assigned to it. + bayes_loocv : bool, optional + Bayesian Leave-one-out Cross Validation. The default is `False`. If + `True`, the LOOCV procedure is used to estimate the bayesian Model + Evidence (BME). + n_bootstrap_itrs : int, optional + Number of bootstrap iteration. The default is `1`. If bayes_loocv is + `True`, this is qualt to the total length of the observation data + set. + perturbed_data : array of shape (n_bootstrap_itrs, n_obs), optional + User defined perturbed data. The default is `[]`. + bootstrap_noise : float, optional + A noise level to perturb the data set. The default is `0.05`. + just_analysis : bool, optional + Justifiability analysis. The default is False. + valid_metrics : list, optional + List of the validation metrics. The following metrics are supported: + + 1. log_BME : logarithm of the Bayesian model evidence + 2. KLD : Kullback-Leibler Divergence + 3. inf_entropy: Information entropy + The default is `['log_BME']`. + plot_post_pred : bool, optional + Plot posterior predictive plots. The default is `True`. + plot_map_pred : bool, optional + Plot the model outputs vs the metamodel predictions for the maximum + a posteriori (defined as `max_a_posteriori`) parameter set. The + default is `False`. + max_a_posteriori : str, optional + Maximum a posteriori. `'mean'` and `'mode'` are available. The default + is `'mean'`. + corner_title_fmt : str, optional + Title format for the posterior distribution plot with python + package `corner`. The default is `'.2e'`. + + """ + + def __init__(self, engine, MetaModel = None, discrepancy=None, emulator=True, + name='Calib', bootstrap=False, req_outputs=None, + selected_indices=None, samples=None, n_samples=100000, + measured_data=None, inference_method='rejection', + mcmc_params=None, bayes_loocv=False, n_bootstrap_itrs=1, + perturbed_data=[], bootstrap_noise=0.05, just_analysis=False, + valid_metrics=['BME'], plot_post_pred=True, + plot_map_pred=False, max_a_posteriori='mean', + corner_title_fmt='.2e'): + + self.engine = engine + self.MetaModel = engine.MetaModel + self.Discrepancy = discrepancy + self.emulator = emulator + self.name = name + self.bootstrap = bootstrap + self.req_outputs = req_outputs + self.selected_indices = selected_indices + self.samples = samples + self.n_samples = n_samples + self.measured_data = measured_data + self.inference_method = inference_method + self.mcmc_params = mcmc_params + self.perturbed_data = perturbed_data + self.bayes_loocv = bayes_loocv + self.n_bootstrap_itrs = n_bootstrap_itrs + self.bootstrap_noise = bootstrap_noise + self.just_analysis = just_analysis + self.valid_metrics = valid_metrics + self.plot_post_pred = plot_post_pred + self.plot_map_pred = plot_map_pred + self.max_a_posteriori = max_a_posteriori + self.corner_title_fmt = corner_title_fmt + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def create_inference(self): + """ + Starts the inference. + + Returns + ------- + BayesInference : obj + The Bayes inference object. + + """ + + # Set some variables + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + Model = self.engine.Model + n_params = MetaModel.n_params + output_names = Model.Output.names + par_names = self.engine.ExpDesign.par_names + + # If the prior is set by the user, take it. + if self.samples is None: + self.samples = self.engine.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + self.n_samples, 'random') + else: + try: + samples = self.samples.values + except AttributeError: + samples = self.samples + + # Take care of an additional Sigma2s + self.samples = samples[:, :n_params] + + # Update number of samples + self.n_samples = self.samples.shape[0] + + # ---------- Preparation of observation data ---------- + # Read observation data and perturb it if requested. + if self.measured_data is None: + self.measured_data = Model.read_observation(case=self.name) + # Convert measured_data to a data frame + if not isinstance(self.measured_data, pd.DataFrame): + self.measured_data = pd.DataFrame(self.measured_data) + + # Extract the total number of measurement points + if self.name.lower() == 'calib': + self.n_tot_measurement = Model.n_obs + else: + self.n_tot_measurement = Model.n_obs_valid + + # Find measurement error (if not given) for post predictive plot + if not hasattr(self, 'measurement_error'): + if isinstance(self.Discrepancy, dict): + Disc = self.Discrepancy['known'] + else: + Disc = self.Discrepancy + if isinstance(Disc.parameters, dict): + self.measurement_error = {k: np.sqrt(Disc.parameters[k]) for k + in Disc.parameters.keys()} + else: + try: + self.measurement_error = np.sqrt(Disc.parameters) + except TypeError: + pass + + # ---------- Preparation of variance for covariance matrix ---------- + # Independent and identically distributed + total_sigma2 = dict() + opt_sigma_flag = isinstance(self.Discrepancy, dict) + opt_sigma = None + for key_idx, key in enumerate(output_names): + # Find opt_sigma + if opt_sigma_flag and opt_sigma is None: + # Option A: known error with unknown bias term + opt_sigma = 'A' + known_discrepancy = self.Discrepancy['known'] # TODO: the syntax here looks different from expected + self.Discrepancy = self.Discrepancy['infer'] # TODO: the syntax here looks different from expected + sigma2 = np.array(known_discrepancy.parameters[key]) + + elif self.Discrepancy.parameters is not None: + # Option B: The sigma2 is known (no bias term) + opt_sigma = 'B' + sigma2 = np.array(self.Discrepancy.parameters[key]) + + elif not isinstance(self.Discrepancy.InputDisc, str): + # Option C: The sigma2 is unknown (bias term including error) + opt_sigma = 'C' + n_measurement = self.measured_data[key].values.shape + sigma2 = np.zeros((n_measurement[0])) + + total_sigma2[key] = sigma2 + + self.Discrepancy.opt_sigma = opt_sigma + self.Discrepancy.total_sigma2 = total_sigma2 + + # If inferred sigma2s obtained from e.g. calibration are given + try: + self.sigma2s = self.Discrepancy.get_sample(self.n_samples) + except: + pass #TODO: should an error be raised in this case? + + # ---------------- Bootstrap & TOM -------------------- + if self.bootstrap or self.bayes_loocv or self.just_analysis: + if len(self.perturbed_data) == 0: + # zero mean noise Adding some noise to the observation function + self.perturbed_data = self._perturb_data( + self.measured_data, output_names + ) + else: + self.n_bootstrap_itrs = len(self.perturbed_data) + + # -------- Model Discrepancy ----------- + if hasattr(self, 'error_model') and self.error_model \ + and self.name.lower() != 'calib': + # Select posterior mean as MAP + MAP_theta = self.samples.mean(axis=0).reshape((1, n_params)) + # MAP_theta = stats.mode(self.samples,axis=0)[0] + + # Evaluate the (meta-)model at the MAP + y_MAP, y_std_MAP = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=MAP_theta) + + # Train a GPR meta-model using MAP + self.error_MetaModel = MetaModel.create_model_error( + self.bias_inputs, y_MAP, Name=self.name + ) + + # ----------------------------------------------------- + # ----- Loop over the perturbed observation data ------ + # ----------------------------------------------------- + # Initilize arrays + logLikelihoods = np.zeros((self.n_samples, self.n_bootstrap_itrs), + dtype=np.float16) + BME_Corr = np.zeros((self.n_bootstrap_itrs)) + log_BME = np.zeros((self.n_bootstrap_itrs)) + KLD = np.zeros((self.n_bootstrap_itrs)) + inf_entropy = np.zeros((self.n_bootstrap_itrs)) + + # Compute the prior predtions + # Evaluate the MetaModel + if self.emulator: + y_hat, y_std = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=self.samples) + self.__mean_pce_prior_pred = y_hat + self._std_pce_prior_pred = y_std + + # Correct the predictions with Model discrepancy + if hasattr(self, 'error_model') and self.error_model: + y_hat_corr, y_std = self.error_MetaModel.eval_model_error( + self.bias_inputs, self.__mean_pce_prior_pred + ) + self.__mean_pce_prior_pred = y_hat_corr + self._std_pce_prior_pred = y_std + + # Surrogate model's error using RMSE of test data + if hasattr(MetaModel, 'rmse'): + surrError = MetaModel.rmse + else: + surrError = None + + else: + # Evaluate the original model + self.__model_prior_pred = self._eval_model( + samples=self.samples, key='PriorPred' + ) + surrError = None + + # Start the likelihood-BME computations for the perturbed data + for itr_idx, data in tqdm( + enumerate(self.perturbed_data), + total=self.n_bootstrap_itrs, + desc="Bootstrapping the BME calculations", ascii=True + ): + + # ---------------- Likelihood calculation ---------------- + if self.emulator: + model_evals = self.__mean_pce_prior_pred + else: + model_evals = self.__model_prior_pred + + # Leave one out + if self.bayes_loocv or self.just_analysis: + self.selected_indices = np.nonzero(data)[0] + + # Prepare data dataframe + nobs = list(self.measured_data.count().values[1:]) + numbers = list(np.cumsum(nobs)) + indices = list(zip([0] + numbers, numbers)) + data_dict = { + output_names[i]: data[j:k] for i, (j, k) in + enumerate(indices) + } + #print(output_names) + #print(indices) + #print(numbers) + #print(nobs) + #print(self.measured_data) + #for i, (j, k) in enumerate(indices): + # print(i,j,k) + #print(data) + #print(data_dict) + #stop + + # Unknown sigma2 + if opt_sigma == 'C' or hasattr(self, 'sigma2s'): + logLikelihoods[:, itr_idx] = self.normpdf( + model_evals, data_dict, total_sigma2, + sigma2=self.sigma2s, std=surrError + ) + else: + # known sigma2 + logLikelihoods[:, itr_idx] = self.normpdf( + model_evals, data_dict, total_sigma2, + std=surrError + ) + # ---------------- BME Calculations ---------------- + # BME (log) + log_BME[itr_idx] = np.log( + np.nanmean(np.exp(logLikelihoods[:, itr_idx], + dtype=np.longdouble))#float128)) + ) + + # BME correction when using Emulator + if self.emulator: + BME_Corr[itr_idx] = self.__corr_factor_BME( + data_dict, total_sigma2, log_BME[itr_idx] + ) + + # Rejection Step + if 'kld' in list(map(str.lower, self.valid_metrics)) and\ + 'inf_entropy' in list(map(str.lower, self.valid_metrics)): + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, self.n_samples)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + Likelihoods = np.exp(logLikelihoods[:, itr_idx], + dtype=np.float64) + accepted = (Likelihoods/np.max(Likelihoods)) >= unif + posterior = self.samples[accepted] + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean( + logLikelihoods[:, itr_idx][accepted] + ) + + # Calculate Kullback-Leibler Divergence + KLD[itr_idx] = postExpLikelihoods - log_BME[itr_idx] + + # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + if 'inf_entropy' in list(map(str.lower, self.valid_metrics)): + n_thread = int(0.875 * multiprocessing.cpu_count()) + with multiprocessing.Pool(n_thread) as p: + postExpPrior = np.mean(np.concatenate( + p.map( + self.engine.ExpDesign.JDist.pdf, + np.array_split(posterior.T, n_thread, axis=1)) + ) + ) + # Information Entropy based on Entropy paper Eq. 38 + inf_entropy[itr_idx] = log_BME[itr_idx] - postExpPrior - \ + postExpLikelihoods + + # Clear memory + gc.collect(generation=2) + + # ---------- Store metrics for perturbed data set ---------------- + # Likelihoods (Size: n_samples, n_bootstrap_itr) + self.log_likes = logLikelihoods + + # BME (log), KLD, infEntropy (Size: 1,n_bootstrap_itr) + self.log_BME = log_BME + + # BMECorrFactor (log) (Size: 1,n_bootstrap_itr) + if self.emulator: + self.log_BME_corr_factor = BME_Corr + + if 'kld' in list(map(str.lower, self.valid_metrics)): + self.KLD = KLD + if 'inf_entropy' in list(map(str.lower, self.valid_metrics)): + self.inf_entropy = inf_entropy + + # BME = BME + BMECorrFactor + if self.emulator: + self.log_BME += self.log_BME_corr_factor + + # ---------------- Parameter Bayesian inference ---------------- + if self.inference_method.lower() == 'mcmc': + # Instantiate the MCMC object + MCMC_Obj = MCMC(self) + self.posterior_df = MCMC_Obj.run_sampler( + self.measured_data, total_sigma2 + ) + + elif self.name.lower() == 'valid': + # Convert to a dataframe if samples are provided after calibration. + self.posterior_df = pd.DataFrame(self.samples, columns=par_names) + + else: + # Rejection sampling + self.posterior_df = self._rejection_sampling() + + # Provide posterior's summary + print('\n') + print('-'*15 + 'Posterior summary' + '-'*15) + pd.options.display.max_columns = None + pd.options.display.max_rows = None + print(self.posterior_df.describe()) + print('-'*50) + + # -------- Model Discrepancy ----------- + if hasattr(self, 'error_model') and self.error_model \ + and self.name.lower() == 'calib': + if self.inference_method.lower() == 'mcmc': + self.error_MetaModel = MCMC_Obj.error_MetaModel + else: + # Select posterior mean as MAP + if opt_sigma == "B": + posterior_df = self.posterior_df.values + else: + posterior_df = self.posterior_df.values[:, :-Model.n_outputs] + + # Select posterior mean as Maximum a posteriori + map_theta = posterior_df.mean(axis=0).reshape((1, n_params)) + # map_theta = stats.mode(Posterior_df,axis=0)[0] + + # Evaluate the (meta-)model at the MAP + y_MAP, y_std_MAP = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=map_theta) + + # Train a GPR meta-model using MAP + self.error_MetaModel = MetaModel.create_model_error( + self.bias_inputs, y_MAP, Name=self.name + ) + + # -------- Posterior perdictive ----------- + self._posterior_predictive() + + # ----------------------------------------------------- + # ------------------ Visualization -------------------- + # ----------------------------------------------------- + # Create Output directory, if it doesn't exist already. + out_dir = f'Outputs_Bayes_{Model.name}_{self.name}' + os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) + + # -------- Posteior parameters -------- + if opt_sigma != "B": + par_names.extend( + [self.Discrepancy.InputDisc.Marginals[i].name for i + in range(len(self.Discrepancy.InputDisc.Marginals))] + ) + # Pot with corner + figPosterior = corner.corner(self.posterior_df.to_numpy(), + labels=par_names, + quantiles=[0.15, 0.5, 0.85], + show_titles=True, + title_fmt=self.corner_title_fmt, + labelpad=0.2, + use_math_text=True, + title_kwargs={"fontsize": 28}, + plot_datapoints=False, + plot_density=False, + fill_contours=True, + smooth=0.5, + smooth1d=0.5) + + # Loop over axes and set x limits + if opt_sigma == "B": + axes = np.array(figPosterior.axes).reshape( + (len(par_names), len(par_names)) + ) + for yi in range(len(par_names)): + ax = axes[yi, yi] + ax.set_xlim(self.engine.ExpDesign.bound_tuples[yi]) + for xi in range(yi): + ax = axes[yi, xi] + ax.set_xlim(self.engine.ExpDesign.bound_tuples[xi]) + plt.close() + + # Turn off gridlines + for ax in figPosterior.axes: + ax.grid(False) + + if self.emulator: + plotname = f'/Posterior_Dist_{Model.name}_emulator' + else: + plotname = f'/Posterior_Dist_{Model.name}' + + figPosterior.set_size_inches((24, 16)) + figPosterior.savefig(f'./{out_dir}{plotname}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + + # -------- Plot MAP -------- + if self.plot_map_pred: + self._plot_max_a_posteriori() + + # -------- Plot log_BME dist -------- + if self.bootstrap: + + # Computing the TOM performance + self.log_BME_tom = stats.chi2.rvs( + self.n_tot_measurement, size=self.log_BME.shape[0] + ) + + fig, ax = plt.subplots() + sns.kdeplot(self.log_BME_tom, ax=ax, color="green", shade=True) + sns.kdeplot( + self.log_BME, ax=ax, color="blue", shade=True, + label='Model BME') + + ax.set_xlabel('log$_{10}$(BME)') + ax.set_ylabel('Probability density') + + legend_elements = [ + Patch(facecolor='green', edgecolor='green', label='TOM BME'), + Patch(facecolor='blue', edgecolor='blue', label='Model BME') + ] + ax.legend(handles=legend_elements) + + if self.emulator: + plotname = f'/BME_hist_{Model.name}_emulator' + else: + plotname = f'/BME_hist_{Model.name}' + + plt.savefig(f'./{out_dir}{plotname}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') + plt.show() + plt.close() + + # -------- Posteior perdictives -------- + if self.plot_post_pred: + # Plot the posterior predictive + self._plot_post_predictive() + + return self + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _perturb_data(self, data, output_names): + """ + Returns an array with n_bootstrap_itrs rowsof perturbed data. + The first row includes the original observation data. + If `self.bayes_loocv` is True, a 2d-array will be returned with + repeated rows and zero diagonal entries. + + Parameters + ---------- + data : pandas DataFrame + Observation data. + output_names : list + List of the output names. + + Returns + ------- + final_data : array + Perturbed data set. + + """ + noise_level = self.bootstrap_noise + obs_data = data[output_names].values + n_measurement, n_outs = obs_data.shape + self.n_tot_measurement = obs_data[~np.isnan(obs_data)].shape[0] + # Number of bootstrap iterations + if self.bayes_loocv: + self.n_bootstrap_itrs = self.n_tot_measurement + + # Pass loocv dataset + if self.bayes_loocv: + obs = obs_data.T[~np.isnan(obs_data.T)] + final_data = np.repeat(np.atleast_2d(obs), self.n_bootstrap_itrs, + axis=0) + np.fill_diagonal(final_data, 0) + return final_data + + else: + final_data = np.zeros( + (self.n_bootstrap_itrs, self.n_tot_measurement) + ) + final_data[0] = obs_data.T[~np.isnan(obs_data.T)] + for itrIdx in range(1, self.n_bootstrap_itrs): + data = np.zeros((n_measurement, n_outs)) + for idx in range(len(output_names)): + std = np.nanstd(obs_data[:, idx]) + if std == 0: + std = 0.001 + noise = std * noise_level + data[:, idx] = np.add( + obs_data[:, idx], + np.random.normal(0, 1, obs_data.shape[0]) * noise, + ) + + final_data[itrIdx] = data.T[~np.isnan(data.T)] + + return final_data + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _logpdf(self, x, mean, cov): + """ + computes the likelihood based on a multivariate normal distribution. + + Parameters + ---------- + x : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + mean : array_like + Observation data. + cov : 2d array + Covariance matrix of the distribution. + + Returns + ------- + log_lik : float + Log likelihood. + + """ + n = len(mean) + L = spla.cholesky(cov, lower=True) + beta = np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L))) + dev = x - mean + alpha = dev.dot(spla.cho_solve((L, True), dev)) + log_lik = -0.5 * alpha - beta - n / 2. * np.log(2 * np.pi) + return log_lik + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _eval_model(self, samples=None, key='MAP'): + """ + Evaluates Forward Model. + + Parameters + ---------- + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params), optional + Parameter sets. The default is None. + key : str, optional + Key string to be passed to the run_model_parallel method. + The default is 'MAP'. + + Returns + ------- + model_outputs : dict + Model outputs. + + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + Model = self.engine.Model + + if samples is None: + self.samples = self.engine.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + self.n_samples, 'random') + else: + self.samples = samples + self.n_samples = len(samples) + + model_outputs, _ = Model.run_model_parallel( + self.samples, key_str=key+self.name) + + # Clean up + # Zip the subdirectories + try: + dir_name = f'{Model.name}MAP{self.name}' + key = dir_name + '_' + Model.zip_subdirs(dir_name, key) + except: + pass + + return model_outputs + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _kernel_rbf(self, X, hyperparameters): + """ + Isotropic squared exponential kernel. + + Higher l values lead to smoother functions and therefore to coarser + approximations of the training data. Lower l values make functions + more wiggly with wide uncertainty regions between training data points. + + sigma_f controls the marginal variance of b(x) + + Parameters + ---------- + X : ndarray of shape (n_samples_X, n_features) + + hyperparameters : Dict + Lambda characteristic length + sigma_f controls the marginal variance of b(x) + sigma_0 unresolvable error nugget term, interpreted as random + error that cannot be attributed to measurement error. + Returns + ------- + var_cov_matrix : ndarray of shape (n_samples_X,n_samples_X) + Kernel k(X, X). + + """ + from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RBF + min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler() + X_minmax = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(X) + + nparams = len(hyperparameters) + # characteristic length (0,1] + Lambda = hyperparameters[0] + # sigma_f controls the marginal variance of b(x) + sigma2_f = hyperparameters[1] + + # cov_matrix = sigma2_f*rbf_kernel(X_minmax, gamma = 1/Lambda**2) + + rbf = RBF(length_scale=Lambda) + cov_matrix = sigma2_f * rbf(X_minmax) + if nparams > 2: + # (unresolvable error) nugget term that is interpreted as random + # error that cannot be attributed to measurement error. + sigma2_0 = hyperparameters[2:] + for i, j in np.ndindex(cov_matrix.shape): + cov_matrix[i, j] += np.sum(sigma2_0) if i == j else 0 + + return cov_matrix + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def normpdf(self, outputs, obs_data, total_sigma2s, sigma2=None, std=None): + """ + Calculates the likelihood of simulation outputs compared with + observation data. + + Parameters + ---------- + outputs : dict + A dictionary containing the simulation outputs as array of shape + (n_samples, n_measurement) for each model output. + obs_data : dict + A dictionary/dataframe containing the observation data. + total_sigma2s : dict + A dictionary with known values of the covariance diagonal entries, + a.k.a sigma^2. + sigma2 : array, optional + An array of the sigma^2 samples, when the covariance diagonal + entries are unknown and are being jointly inferred. The default is + None. + std : dict, optional + A dictionary containing the root mean squared error as array of + shape (n_samples, n_measurement) for each model output. The default + is None. + + Returns + ------- + logLik : array of shape (n_samples) + Likelihoods. + + """ + Model = self.engine.Model + logLik = 0.0 + + # Extract the requested model outputs for likelihood calulation + if self.req_outputs is None: + req_outputs = Model.Output.names + else: + req_outputs = list(self.req_outputs) + + # Loop over the outputs + for idx, out in enumerate(req_outputs): + + # (Meta)Model Output + nsamples, nout = outputs[out].shape + + # Prepare data and remove NaN + try: + data = obs_data[out].values[~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + except AttributeError: + data = obs_data[out][~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + + # Prepare sigma2s + non_nan_indices = ~np.isnan(total_sigma2s[out]) + tot_sigma2s = total_sigma2s[out][non_nan_indices][:nout] + + # Add the std of the PCE is chosen as emulator. + if self.emulator: + if std is not None: + tot_sigma2s += std[out]**2 + + # Covariance Matrix + covMatrix = np.diag(tot_sigma2s) + + # Select the data points to compare + try: + indices = self.selected_indices[out] + except: + indices = list(range(nout)) + covMatrix = np.diag(covMatrix[indices, indices]) + + # If sigma2 is not given, use given total_sigma2s + if sigma2 is None: + logLik += stats.multivariate_normal.logpdf( + outputs[out][:, indices], data[indices], covMatrix) + #print('In if') + #print(logLik) + continue + + # Loop over each run/sample and calculate logLikelihood + logliks = np.zeros(nsamples) + for s_idx in range(nsamples): + + # Simulation run + tot_outputs = outputs[out] + + # Covariance Matrix + covMatrix = np.diag(tot_sigma2s) + + if sigma2 is not None: + # Check the type error term + if hasattr(self, 'bias_inputs') and \ + not hasattr(self, 'error_model'): + # Infer a Bias model usig Gaussian Process Regression + bias_inputs = np.hstack( + (self.bias_inputs[out], + tot_outputs[s_idx].reshape(-1, 1))) + + params = sigma2[s_idx, idx*3:(idx+1)*3] + covMatrix = self._kernel_rbf(bias_inputs, params) + else: + # Infer equal sigma2s + try: + sigma_2 = sigma2[s_idx, idx] + except TypeError: + sigma_2 = 0.0 + + covMatrix += sigma_2 * np.eye(nout) + # covMatrix = np.diag(sigma2 * total_sigma2s) + + # Select the data points to compare + try: + indices = self.selected_indices[out] + except: + indices = list(range(nout)) + covMatrix = np.diag(covMatrix[indices, indices]) + + # Compute loglikelihood + logliks[s_idx] = self._logpdf( + tot_outputs[s_idx, indices], data[indices], covMatrix + ) + #print('Continued') + #print(logliks) + logLik += logliks + #print(logLik) + return logLik + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _corr_factor_BME_old(self, Data, total_sigma2s, posterior): + """ + Calculates the correction factor for BMEs. + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + OrigModelOutput = self.engine.ExpDesign.Y + Model = self.engine.Model + + # Posterior with guassian-likelihood + postDist = stats.gaussian_kde(posterior.T) + + # Remove NaN + Data = Data[~np.isnan(Data)] + total_sigma2s = total_sigma2s[~np.isnan(total_sigma2s)] + + # Covariance Matrix + covMatrix = np.diag(total_sigma2s[:self.n_tot_measurement]) + + # Extract the requested model outputs for likelihood calulation + if self.req_outputs is None: + OutputType = Model.Output.names + else: + OutputType = list(self.req_outputs) + + # SampleSize = OrigModelOutput[OutputType[0]].shape[0] + + + # Flatten the OutputType for OrigModel + TotalOutputs = np.concatenate([OrigModelOutput[x] for x in OutputType], 1) + + NrofBayesSamples = self.n_samples + # Evaluate MetaModel on the experimental design + Samples = self.engine.ExpDesign.X + OutputRS, stdOutputRS = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=Samples) + + # Reset the NrofSamples to NrofBayesSamples + self.n_samples = NrofBayesSamples + + # Flatten the OutputType for MetaModel + TotalPCEOutputs = np.concatenate([OutputRS[x] for x in OutputRS], 1) + TotalPCEstdOutputRS= np.concatenate([stdOutputRS[x] for x in stdOutputRS], 1) + + logweight = 0 + for i, sample in enumerate(Samples): + # Compute likelilhood output vs RS + covMatrix = np.diag(TotalPCEstdOutputRS[i]**2) + logLik = self._logpdf(TotalOutputs[i], TotalPCEOutputs[i], covMatrix) + # Compute posterior likelihood of the collocation points + logpostLik = np.log(postDist.pdf(sample[:, None]))[0] + if logpostLik != -np.inf: + logweight += logLik + logpostLik + return logweight + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __corr_factor_BME(self, obs_data, total_sigma2s, logBME): + """ + Calculates the correction factor for BMEs. + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + samples = self.engine.ExpDesign.X + model_outputs = self.engine.ExpDesign.Y + Model = self.engine.Model + n_samples = samples.shape[0] + + # Extract the requested model outputs for likelihood calulation + output_names = Model.Output.names + + # Evaluate MetaModel on the experimental design and ValidSet + OutputRS, stdOutputRS = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=samples) + + logLik_data = np.zeros((n_samples)) + logLik_model = np.zeros((n_samples)) + # Loop over the outputs + for idx, out in enumerate(output_names): + + # (Meta)Model Output + nsamples, nout = model_outputs[out].shape + + # Prepare data and remove NaN + try: + data = obs_data[out].values[~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + except AttributeError: + data = obs_data[out][~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + + # Prepare sigma2s + non_nan_indices = ~np.isnan(total_sigma2s[out]) + tot_sigma2s = total_sigma2s[out][non_nan_indices][:nout] + + # Covariance Matrix + covMatrix_data = np.diag(tot_sigma2s) + + for i, sample in enumerate(samples): + + # Simulation run + y_m = model_outputs[out][i] + + # Surrogate prediction + y_m_hat = OutputRS[out][i] + + # CovMatrix with the surrogate error + covMatrix = np.eye(len(y_m)) * 1/(2*np.pi) + + # Select the data points to compare + try: + indices = self.selected_indices[out] + except: + indices = list(range(nout)) + covMatrix = np.diag(covMatrix[indices, indices]) + covMatrix_data = np.diag(covMatrix_data[indices, indices]) + + # Compute likelilhood output vs data + logLik_data[i] += self._logpdf( + y_m_hat[indices], data[indices], + covMatrix_data + ) + + # Compute likelilhood output vs surrogate + logLik_model[i] += self._logpdf( + y_m_hat[indices], y_m[indices], + covMatrix + ) + + # Weight + logLik_data -= logBME + weights = np.mean(np.exp(logLik_model+logLik_data)) + + return np.log(weights) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _rejection_sampling(self): + """ + Performs rejection sampling to update the prior distribution on the + input parameters. + + Returns + ------- + posterior : pandas.dataframe + Posterior samples of the input parameters. + + """ + + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + try: + sigma2_prior = self.Discrepancy.sigma2_prior + except: + sigma2_prior = None + + # Check if the discrepancy is defined as a distribution: + samples = self.samples + + if sigma2_prior is not None: + samples = np.hstack((samples, sigma2_prior)) + + # Take the first column of Likelihoods (Observation data without noise) + if self.just_analysis or self.bayes_loocv: + index = self.n_tot_measurement-1 + likelihoods = np.exp(self.log_likes[:, index], dtype=np.longdouble)#np.float128) + else: + likelihoods = np.exp(self.log_likes[:, 0], dtype=np.longdouble)#np.float128) + + n_samples = len(likelihoods) + norm_ikelihoods = likelihoods / np.max(likelihoods) + + # Normalize based on min if all Likelihoods are zero + if all(likelihoods == 0.0): + likelihoods = self.log_likes[:, 0] + norm_ikelihoods = likelihoods / np.min(likelihoods) + + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, n_samples)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + accepted_samples = samples[norm_ikelihoods >= unif] + + # Output the Posterior + par_names = self.engine.ExpDesign.par_names + if sigma2_prior is not None: + for name in self.Discrepancy.name: + par_names.append(name) + + return pd.DataFrame(accepted_samples, columns=sigma2_prior) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _posterior_predictive(self): + """ + Stores the prior- and posterior predictive samples, i.e. model + evaluations using the samples, into hdf5 files. + + priorPredictive.hdf5 : Prior predictive samples. + postPredictive_wo_noise.hdf5 : Posterior predictive samples without + the additive noise. + postPredictive.hdf5 : Posterior predictive samples with the additive + noise. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + Model = self.engine.Model + + # Make a directory to save the prior/posterior predictive + out_dir = f'Outputs_Bayes_{Model.name}_{self.name}' + os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) + + # Read observation data and perturb it if requested + if self.measured_data is None: + self.measured_data = Model.read_observation(case=self.name) + + if not isinstance(self.measured_data, pd.DataFrame): + self.measured_data = pd.DataFrame(self.measured_data) + + # X_values + x_values = self.engine.ExpDesign.x_values + + try: + sigma2_prior = self.Discrepancy.sigma2_prior + except: + sigma2_prior = None + + # Extract posterior samples + posterior_df = self.posterior_df + + # Take care of the sigma2 + if sigma2_prior is not None: + try: + sigma2s = posterior_df[self.Discrepancy.name].values + posterior_df = posterior_df.drop( + labels=self.Discrepancy.name, axis=1 + ) + except: + sigma2s = self.sigma2s + + # Posterior predictive + if self.emulator: + if self.inference_method == 'rejection': + prior_pred = self.__mean_pce_prior_pred + if self.name.lower() != 'calib': + post_pred = self.__mean_pce_prior_pred + post_pred_std = self._std_pce_prior_pred + else: + post_pred, post_pred_std = MetaModel.eval_metamodel( + samples=posterior_df.values + ) + + else: + if self.inference_method == 'rejection': + prior_pred = self.__model_prior_pred + if self.name.lower() != 'calib': + post_pred = self.__mean_pce_prior_pred, + post_pred_std = self._std_pce_prior_pred + else: + post_pred = self._eval_model( + samples=posterior_df.values, key='PostPred' + ) + # Correct the predictions with Model discrepancy + if hasattr(self, 'error_model') and self.error_model: + y_hat, y_std = self.error_MetaModel.eval_model_error( + self.bias_inputs, post_pred + ) + post_pred, post_pred_std = y_hat, y_std + + # Add discrepancy from likelihood Sample to the current posterior runs + total_sigma2 = self.Discrepancy.total_sigma2 + post_pred_withnoise = copy.deepcopy(post_pred) + for varIdx, var in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + for i in range(len(post_pred[var])): + pred = post_pred[var][i] + + # Known sigma2s + clean_sigma2 = total_sigma2[var][~np.isnan(total_sigma2[var])] + tot_sigma2 = clean_sigma2[:len(pred)] + cov = np.diag(tot_sigma2) + + # Check the type error term + if sigma2_prior is not None: + # Inferred sigma2s + if hasattr(self, 'bias_inputs') and \ + not hasattr(self, 'error_model'): + # TODO: Infer a Bias model usig GPR + bias_inputs = np.hstack(( + self.bias_inputs[var], pred.reshape(-1, 1))) + params = sigma2s[i, varIdx*3:(varIdx+1)*3] + cov = self._kernel_rbf(bias_inputs, params) + else: + # Infer equal sigma2s + try: + sigma2 = sigma2s[i, varIdx] + except TypeError: + sigma2 = 0.0 + + # Convert biasSigma2s to a covMatrix + cov += sigma2 * np.eye(len(pred)) + + if self.emulator: + if hasattr(MetaModel, 'rmse') and \ + MetaModel.rmse is not None: + stdPCE = MetaModel.rmse[var] + else: + stdPCE = post_pred_std[var][i] + # Expected value of variance (Assump: i.i.d stds) + cov += np.diag(stdPCE**2) + + # Sample a multivariate normal distribution with mean of + # prediction and variance of cov + post_pred_withnoise[var][i] = np.random.multivariate_normal( + pred, cov, 1 + ) + + # ----- Prior Predictive ----- + if self.inference_method.lower() == 'rejection': + # Create hdf5 metadata + hdf5file = f'{out_dir}/priorPredictive.hdf5' + hdf5_exist = os.path.exists(hdf5file) + if hdf5_exist: + os.remove(hdf5file) + file = h5py.File(hdf5file, 'a') + + # Store x_values + if type(x_values) is dict: + grp_x_values = file.create_group("x_values/") + for varIdx, var in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + grp_x_values.create_dataset(var, data=x_values[var]) + else: + file.create_dataset("x_values", data=x_values) + + # Store posterior predictive + grpY = file.create_group("EDY/") + for varIdx, var in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + grpY.create_dataset(var, data=prior_pred[var]) + + # ----- Posterior Predictive only model evaluations ----- + # Create hdf5 metadata + hdf5file = out_dir+'/postPredictive_wo_noise.hdf5' + hdf5_exist = os.path.exists(hdf5file) + if hdf5_exist: + os.remove(hdf5file) + file = h5py.File(hdf5file, 'a') + + # Store x_values + if type(x_values) is dict: + grp_x_values = file.create_group("x_values/") + for varIdx, var in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + grp_x_values.create_dataset(var, data=x_values[var]) + else: + file.create_dataset("x_values", data=x_values) + + # Store posterior predictive + grpY = file.create_group("EDY/") + for varIdx, var in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + grpY.create_dataset(var, data=post_pred[var]) + + # ----- Posterior Predictive with noise ----- + # Create hdf5 metadata + hdf5file = out_dir+'/postPredictive.hdf5' + hdf5_exist = os.path.exists(hdf5file) + if hdf5_exist: + os.remove(hdf5file) + file = h5py.File(hdf5file, 'a') + + # Store x_values + if type(x_values) is dict: + grp_x_values = file.create_group("x_values/") + for varIdx, var in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + grp_x_values.create_dataset(var, data=x_values[var]) + else: + file.create_dataset("x_values", data=x_values) + + # Store posterior predictive + grpY = file.create_group("EDY/") + for varIdx, var in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + grpY.create_dataset(var, data=post_pred_withnoise[var]) + + return + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _plot_max_a_posteriori(self): + """ + Plots the response of the model output against that of the metamodel at + the maximum a posteriori sample (mean or mode of posterior.) + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + Model = self.engine.Model + out_dir = f'Outputs_Bayes_{Model.name}_{self.name}' + opt_sigma = self.Discrepancy.opt_sigma + + # -------- Find MAP and run MetaModel and origModel -------- + # Compute the MAP + if self.max_a_posteriori.lower() == 'mean': + if opt_sigma == "B": + Posterior_df = self.posterior_df.values + else: + Posterior_df = self.posterior_df.values[:, :-Model.n_outputs] + map_theta = Posterior_df.mean(axis=0).reshape( + (1, MetaModel.n_params)) + else: + map_theta = stats.mode(Posterior_df.values, axis=0)[0] + # Prin report + print("\nPoint estimator:\n", map_theta[0]) + + # Run the models for MAP + # MetaModel + map_metamodel_mean, map_metamodel_std = MetaModel.eval_metamodel( + samples=map_theta) + self.map_metamodel_mean = map_metamodel_mean + self.map_metamodel_std = map_metamodel_std + + # origModel + map_orig_model = self._eval_model(samples=map_theta) + self.map_orig_model = map_orig_model + + # Extract slicing index + x_values = map_orig_model['x_values'] + + # List of markers and colors + Color = ['k', 'b', 'g', 'r'] + Marker = 'x' + + # Create a PdfPages object + pdf = PdfPages(f'./{out_dir}MAP_PCE_vs_Model_{self.name}.pdf') + fig = plt.figure() + for i, key in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + + y_val = map_orig_model[key] + y_pce_val = map_metamodel_mean[key] + y_pce_val_std = map_metamodel_std[key] + + plt.plot(x_values, y_val, color=Color[i], marker=Marker, + lw=2.0, label='$Y_{MAP}^{M}$') + + plt.plot( + x_values, y_pce_val[i], color=Color[i], lw=2.0, + marker=Marker, linestyle='--', label='$Y_{MAP}^{PCE}$' + ) + # plot the confidence interval + plt.fill_between( + x_values, y_pce_val[i] - 1.96*y_pce_val_std[i], + y_pce_val[i] + 1.96*y_pce_val_std[i], + color=Color[i], alpha=0.15 + ) + + # Calculate the adjusted R_squared and RMSE + R2 = r2_score(y_pce_val.reshape(-1, 1), y_val.reshape(-1, 1)) + rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_pce_val, y_val)) + + plt.ylabel(key) + plt.xlabel("Time [s]") + plt.title(f'Model vs MetaModel {key}') + + ax = fig.axes[0] + leg = ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=True) + fig.canvas.draw() + p = leg.get_window_extent().inverse_transformed(ax.transAxes) + ax.text( + p.p0[1]-0.05, p.p1[1]-0.25, + f'RMSE = {rmse:.3f}\n$R^2$ = {R2:.3f}', + transform=ax.transAxes, color='black', + bbox=dict(facecolor='none', edgecolor='black', + boxstyle='round,pad=1')) + + plt.show() + + # save the current figure + pdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches='tight') + + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + + pdf.close() + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _plot_post_predictive(self): + """ + Plots the posterior predictives against the observation data. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + + Model = self.engine.Model + out_dir = f'Outputs_Bayes_{Model.name}_{self.name}' + # Plot the posterior predictive + for out_idx, out_name in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + fig, ax = plt.subplots() + with sns.axes_style("ticks"): + x_key = list(self.measured_data)[0] + + # --- Read prior and posterior predictive --- + if self.inference_method == 'rejection' and \ + self.name.lower() != 'valid': + # --- Prior --- + # Load posterior predictive + f = h5py.File( + f'{out_dir}/priorPredictive.hdf5', 'r+') + + try: + x_coords = np.array(f[f"x_values/{out_name}"]) + except: + x_coords = np.array(f["x_values"]) + + X_values = np.repeat(x_coords, 10000) + + prior_pred_df = {} + prior_pred_df[x_key] = X_values + prior_pred_df[out_name] = np.array( + f[f"EDY/{out_name}"])[:10000].flatten('F') + prior_pred_df = pd.DataFrame(prior_pred_df) + + tags_post = ['prior'] * len(prior_pred_df) + prior_pred_df.insert( + len(prior_pred_df.columns), "Tags", tags_post, + True) + f.close() + + # --- Posterior --- + f = h5py.File(f"{out_dir}/postPredictive.hdf5", 'r+') + + X_values = np.repeat( + x_coords, np.array(f[f"EDY/{out_name}"]).shape[0]) + + post_pred_df = {} + post_pred_df[x_key] = X_values + post_pred_df[out_name] = np.array( + f[f"EDY/{out_name}"]).flatten('F') + + post_pred_df = pd.DataFrame(post_pred_df) + + tags_post = ['posterior'] * len(post_pred_df) + post_pred_df.insert( + len(post_pred_df.columns), "Tags", tags_post, True) + f.close() + # Concatenate two dataframes based on x_values + frames = [prior_pred_df, post_pred_df] + all_pred_df = pd.concat(frames) + + # --- Plot posterior predictive --- + sns.violinplot( + x_key, y=out_name, data=all_pred_df, hue="Tags", + legend=False, ax=ax, split=True, inner=None, + color=".8") + + # --- Plot Data --- + # Find the x,y coordinates for each point + x_coords = np.arange(x_coords.shape[0]) + first_header = list(self.measured_data)[0] + obs_data = self.measured_data.round({first_header: 6}) + sns.pointplot( + x=first_header, y=out_name, color='g', markers='x', + linestyles='', capsize=16, data=obs_data, ax=ax) + + ax.errorbar( + x_coords, obs_data[out_name].values, + yerr=1.96*self.measurement_error[out_name], + ecolor='g', fmt=' ', zorder=-1) + + # Add labels to the legend + handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() + labels.append('Data') + + data_marker = mlines.Line2D( + [], [], color='lime', marker='+', linestyle='None', + markersize=10) + handles.append(data_marker) + + # Add legend + ax.legend(handles=handles, labels=labels, loc='best', + fontsize='large', frameon=True) + + else: + # Load posterior predictive + f = h5py.File(f"{out_dir}/postPredictive.hdf5", 'r+') + + try: + x_coords = np.array(f[f"x_values/{out_name}"]) + except: + x_coords = np.array(f["x_values"]) + + mu = np.mean(np.array(f[f"EDY/{out_name}"]), axis=0) + std = np.std(np.array(f[f"EDY/{out_name}"]), axis=0) + + # --- Plot posterior predictive --- + plt.plot( + x_coords, mu, marker='o', color='b', + label='Mean Post. Predictive') + plt.fill_between( + x_coords, mu-1.96*std, mu+1.96*std, color='b', + alpha=0.15) + + # --- Plot Data --- + ax.plot( + x_coords, self.measured_data[out_name].values, + 'ko', label='data', markeredgecolor='w') + + # --- Plot ExpDesign --- + orig_ED_Y = self.engine.ExpDesign.Y[out_name] + for output in orig_ED_Y: + plt.plot( + x_coords, output, color='grey', alpha=0.15 + ) + + # Add labels for axes + plt.xlabel('Time [s]') + plt.ylabel(out_name) + + # Add labels to the legend + handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() + + patch = Patch(color='b', alpha=0.15) + handles.insert(1, patch) + labels.insert(1, '95 $\\%$ CI') + + # Add legend + ax.legend(handles=handles, labels=labels, loc='best', + frameon=True) + + # Save figure in pdf format + if self.emulator: + plotname = f'/Post_Prior_Perd_{Model.name}_emulator' + else: + plotname = f'/Post_Prior_Perd_{Model.name}' + + fig.savefig(f'./{out_dir}{plotname}_{out_name}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_model_comparison.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_model_comparison.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..769ad2ceaaced2c1fb6f18d22a9ca27278c3e8a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_model_comparison.py @@ -0,0 +1,680 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +import emcee +import numpy as np +import os +from scipy import stats +import seaborn as sns +import matplotlib.patches as patches +import matplotlib.colors as mcolors +import matplotlib.pylab as plt +from .bayes_inference import BayesInference + +# Load the mplstyle +plt.style.use(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], + '../', 'bayesvalidrox.mplstyle')) + + +class BayesModelComparison: + """ + A class to perform Bayesian Analysis. + + + Attributes + ---------- + justifiability : bool, optional + Whether to perform the justifiability analysis. The default is + `True`. + perturbed_data : array of shape (n_bootstrap_itrs, n_obs), optional + User defined perturbed data. The default is `None`. + n_bootstrap : int + Number of bootstrap iteration. The default is `1000`. + data_noise_level : float + A noise level to perturb the data set. The default is `0.01`. + just_n_meas : int + Number of measurements considered for visualization of the + justifiability results. + + """ + + def __init__(self, justifiability=True, perturbed_data=None, + n_bootstrap=1000, data_noise_level=0.01, just_n_meas=2): + + # TODO: check valid ranges of the parameters + + self.justifiability = justifiability + self.perturbed_data = perturbed_data + self.n_bootstrap = n_bootstrap + self.data_noise_level = data_noise_level + self.just_n_meas = just_n_meas # TODO: what is this parameter? + + # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def create_model_comparison(self, model_dict, opts_dict): + """ + Starts the two-stage model comparison. + Stage I: Compare models using Bayes factors. + Stage II: Compare models via justifiability analysis. + + Parameters + ---------- + model_dict : dict + A dictionary including the metamodels. + opts_dict : dict + A dictionary given the `BayesInference` options. + + Example: + + >>> opts_bootstrap = { + "bootstrap": True, + "n_samples": 10000, + "Discrepancy": DiscrepancyOpts, + "emulator": True, + "plot_post_pred": True + } + + Returns + ------- + output : dict + A dictionary containing the objects and the model weights for the + comparison using Bayes factors and justifiability analysis. + + """ + # TODO: why are these two separate calls of the same function? + # They should be performable at the same time + + # Bayes factor + bayes_dict_bf, model_weights_dict_bf = self.compare_models( + model_dict, opts_dict + ) + + output = { + 'Bayes objects BF': bayes_dict_bf, + 'Model weights BF': model_weights_dict_bf + } + + # Justifiability analysis + if self.justifiability: + bayes_dict_ja, model_weights_dict_ja = self.compare_models( + model_dict, opts_dict, justifiability=True + ) + + # TODO: why does this version of the call not return a summarized confusion matrix? + output['Bayes objects JA'] = bayes_dict_ja + output['Model weights JA'] = model_weights_dict_ja + + return output + + # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def compare_models(self, model_dict, opts_dict, justifiability=False): + """ + Passes the options to instantiates the BayesInference class for each + model and passes the options from `opts_dict`. Then, it starts the + computations. + It also creates a folder and saves the diagrams, e.g., Bayes factor + plot, confusion matrix, etc. + + Parameters + ---------- + model_dict : dict + A dictionary including the metamodels. + opts_dict : dict + A dictionary given the `BayesInference` options. + justifiability : bool, optional + Whether to perform the justifiability analysis. The default is + `False`. + + Returns + ------- + bayes_dict : dict + A dictionary with `BayesInference` objects. + model_weights_dict : dict + A dictionary containing the model weights. + + """ + + if not isinstance(model_dict, dict): + raise Exception("To run model comparsion, you need to pass a " + "dictionary of models.") + + # Extract model names + self.model_names = [*model_dict] + + # Compute total number of the measurement points + # TODO: there could be a different option for this here + Engine = list(model_dict.items())[0][1] + Engine.Model.read_observation() + self.n_meas = Engine.Model.n_obs + + # ----- Generate data ----- + # Find n_bootstrap + if self.perturbed_data is None: + n_bootstrap = self.n_bootstrap + else: + n_bootstrap = self.perturbed_data.shape[0] + + # Create dataset + justData = self.generate_dataset( + model_dict, justifiability, n_bootstarp=n_bootstrap) + + # Run create Interface for each model + self.bayes_dict = {} + for model in model_dict.keys(): + print("-"*20) + print("Bayesian inference of {}.\n".format(model)) + + BayesOpts = BayesInference(model_dict[model]) + + # Explicitly set the settings of the BayesOpts + if self.use_Bayes_settings: + BayesOpts.emulator= True + BayesOpts.plot_post_pred = True + #BayesOpts.inference_method = 'rejection' + BayesOpts.bootstrap = True + BayesOpts.n_bootstrap_itrs = 10 + BayesOpts.bootstrap_noise = 0.05 + + # Set the MCMC parameters + BayesOpts.inference_method = "MCMC" + BayesOpts.mcmc_params = { + 'n_steps': 1e3,#5, + 'n_walkers': 30, + 'moves': emcee.moves.KDEMove(), + 'multiprocessing': False, + 'verbose': False + } + + # Set BayesInference options + for key, value in opts_dict.items(): + if key in BayesOpts.__dict__.keys(): + if key == "Discrepancy" and isinstance(value, dict): + setattr(BayesOpts, key, value[model]) + else: + setattr(BayesOpts, key, value) + + # Pass justifiability data as perturbed data + BayesOpts.perturbed_data = justData + BayesOpts.just_analysis = justifiability + + self.bayes_dict[model] = BayesOpts.create_inference() + print("-"*20) + + # Compute model weights + self.BME_Dict = dict() + for modelName, bayesObj in self.bayes_dict.items(): + self.BME_Dict[modelName] = np.exp(bayesObj.log_BME, dtype=np.longdouble)#float128) + + # BME correction in BayesInference class + self.model_weights = self.cal_model_weight( + self.BME_Dict, justifiability, n_bootstarp=n_bootstrap) + + # Plot model weights + if justifiability: + model_names = self.model_names + model_names.insert(0, 'Observation') + + # Split the model weights and save in a dict + list_ModelWeights = np.split( + self.model_weights, self.model_weights.shape[1]/self.n_meas, axis=1) + model_weights_dict = {key: weights for key, weights in + zip(model_names, list_ModelWeights)} + + #self.plot_just_analysis(model_weights_dict) + else: + # Create box plot for model weights + self.plot_model_weights(self.model_weights, 'model_weights') + + # Create kde plot for bayes factors + self.plot_bayes_factor(self.BME_Dict, 'kde_plot') + + # Store model weights in a dict + model_weights_dict = {key: weights for key, weights in + zip(self.model_names, self.model_weights)} + + return self.bayes_dict, model_weights_dict + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def generate_dataset(self, model_dict, justifiability=False, + n_bootstrap=1): + """ + Generates the perturbed data set for the Bayes factor calculations and + the data set for the justifiability analysis. + + Parameters + ---------- + model_dict : dict + A dictionary including the metamodels. + bool, optional + Whether to perform the justifiability analysis. The default is + `False`. + n_bootstrap : int, optional + Number of bootstrap iterations. The default is `1`. + + Returns + ------- + all_just_data: array + Created data set. + + """ + # Compute some variables + all_just_data = [] + Engine = list(model_dict.items())[0][1] + out_names = Engine.Model.Output.names + + # Perturb observations for Bayes Factor + if self.perturbed_data is None: + self.perturbed_data = self.__perturb_data( + Engine.Model.observations, out_names, n_bootstrap, + noise_level=self.data_noise_level) + + # Only for Bayes Factor + if not justifiability: + return self.perturbed_data + + # Evaluate metamodel + runs = {} + for key, metaModel in model_dict.items(): + y_hat, _ = metaModel.eval_metamodel(nsamples=n_bootstrap) + runs[key] = y_hat + + # Generate data + for i in range(n_bootstrap): + y_data = self.perturbed_data[i].reshape(1, -1) + justData = np.tril(np.repeat(y_data, y_data.shape[1], axis=0)) + # Use surrogate runs for data-generating process + for key, metaModel in model_dict.items(): + model_data = np.array( + [runs[key][out][i] for out in out_names]).reshape(y_data.shape) + justData = np.vstack(( + justData, + np.tril(np.repeat(model_data, model_data.shape[1], axis=0)) + )) + # Save in a list + all_just_data.append(justData) + + # Squeeze the array + all_just_data = np.array(all_just_data).transpose(1, 0, 2).reshape( + -1, np.array(all_just_data).shape[2] + ) + + return all_just_data + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __perturb_data(self, data, output_names, n_bootstrap, noise_level): + """ + Returns an array with n_bootstrap_itrs rowsof perturbed data. + The first row includes the original observation data. + If `self.bayes_loocv` is True, a 2d-array will be returned with + repeated rows and zero diagonal entries. + + Parameters + ---------- + data : pandas DataFrame + Observation data. + output_names : list + List of the output names. + + Returns + ------- + final_data : array + Perturbed data set. + + """ + obs_data = data[output_names].values + n_measurement, n_outs = obs_data.shape + n_tot_measurement = obs_data[~np.isnan(obs_data)].shape[0] + final_data = np.zeros( + (n_bootstrap, n_tot_measurement) + ) + final_data[0] = obs_data.T[~np.isnan(obs_data.T)] + for itrIdx in range(1, n_bootstrap): + data = np.zeros((n_measurement, n_outs)) + for idx in range(len(output_names)): + std = np.nanstd(obs_data[:, idx]) + if std == 0: + std = 0.001 + noise = std * noise_level + data[:, idx] = np.add( + obs_data[:, idx], + np.random.normal(0, 1, obs_data.shape[0]) * noise, + ) + + final_data[itrIdx] = data.T[~np.isnan(data.T)] + + return final_data + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def cal_model_weight(self, BME_Dict, justifiability=False, n_bootstrap=1): + """ + Normalize the BME (Asumption: Model Prior weights are equal for models) + + Parameters + ---------- + BME_Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the BME values. + + Returns + ------- + model_weights : array + Model weights. + + """ + # Stack the BME values for all models + all_BME = np.vstack(list(BME_Dict.values())) + + if justifiability: + # Compute expected log_BME for justifiabiliy analysis + all_BME = all_BME.reshape( + all_BME.shape[0], -1, n_bootstrap).mean(axis=2) + + # Model weights + model_weights = np.divide(all_BME, np.nansum(all_BME, axis=0)) + + return model_weights + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def plot_just_analysis(self, model_weights_dict): + """ + Visualizes the confusion matrix and the model wights for the + justifiability analysis. + + Parameters + ---------- + model_weights_dict : dict + Model weights. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + + directory = 'Outputs_Comparison/' + os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) + Color = [*mcolors.TABLEAU_COLORS] + names = [*model_weights_dict] + + model_names = [model.replace('_', '$-$') for model in self.model_names] + for name in names: + fig, ax = plt.subplots() + for i, model in enumerate(model_names[1:]): + plt.plot(list(range(1, self.n_meas+1)), + model_weights_dict[name][i], + color=Color[i], marker='o', + ms=10, linewidth=2, label=model + ) + + plt.title(f"Data generated by: {name.replace('_', '$-$')}") + plt.ylabel("Weights") + plt.xlabel("No. of measurement points") + ax.set_xticks(list(range(1, self.n_meas+1))) + plt.legend(loc="best") + fig.savefig( + f'{directory}modelWeights_{name}.svg', bbox_inches='tight' + ) + plt.close() + + # Confusion matrix for some measurement points + epsilon = 1 if self.just_n_meas != 1 else 0 + for index in range(0, self.n_meas+epsilon, self.just_n_meas): + weights = np.array( + [model_weights_dict[key][:, index] for key in model_weights_dict] + ) + g = sns.heatmap( + weights.T, annot=True, cmap='Blues', xticklabels=model_names, + yticklabels=model_names[1:], annot_kws={"size": 24} + ) + + # x axis on top + g.xaxis.tick_top() + g.xaxis.set_label_position('top') + g.set_xlabel(r"\textbf{Data generated by:}", labelpad=15) + g.set_ylabel(r"\textbf{Model weight for:}", labelpad=15) + g.figure.savefig( + f"{directory}confusionMatrix_ND_{index+1}.pdf", + bbox_inches='tight' + ) + plt.close() + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def plot_model_weights(self, model_weights, plot_name): + """ + Visualizes the model weights resulting from BMS via the observation + data. + + Parameters + ---------- + model_weights : array + Model weights. + plot_name : str + Plot name. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + font_size = 40 + # mkdir for plots + directory = 'Outputs_Comparison/' + os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) + + # Create figure + fig, ax = plt.subplots() + + # Filter data using np.isnan + mask = ~np.isnan(model_weights.T) + filtered_data = [d[m] for d, m in zip(model_weights, mask.T)] + + # Create the boxplot + bp = ax.boxplot(filtered_data, patch_artist=True, showfliers=False) + + # change outline color, fill color and linewidth of the boxes + for box in bp['boxes']: + # change outline color + box.set(color='#7570b3', linewidth=4) + # change fill color + box.set(facecolor='#1b9e77') + + # change color and linewidth of the whiskers + for whisker in bp['whiskers']: + whisker.set(color='#7570b3', linewidth=2) + + # change color and linewidth of the caps + for cap in bp['caps']: + cap.set(color='#7570b3', linewidth=2) + + # change color and linewidth of the medians + for median in bp['medians']: + median.set(color='#b2df8a', linewidth=2) + + # change the style of fliers and their fill + # for flier in bp['fliers']: + # flier.set(marker='o', color='#e7298a', alpha=0.75) + + # Custom x-axis labels + model_names = [model.replace('_', '$-$') for model in self.model_names] + ax.set_xticklabels(model_names) + + ax.set_ylabel('Weight', fontsize=font_size) + + # Title + plt.title('Posterior Model Weights') + + # Set y lim + ax.set_ylim((-0.05, 1.05)) + + # Set size of the ticks + for t in ax.get_xticklabels(): + t.set_fontsize(font_size) + for t in ax.get_yticklabels(): + t.set_fontsize(font_size) + + # Save the figure + fig.savefig( + f'./{directory}{plot_name}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight' + ) + + plt.close() + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def plot_bayes_factor(self, BME_Dict, plot_name=''): + """ + Plots the Bayes factor distibutions in a :math:`N_m \\times N_m` + matrix, where :math:`N_m` is the number of the models. + + Parameters + ---------- + BME_Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the BME values of the models. + plot_name : str, optional + Plot name. The default is ''. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + + font_size = 40 + + # mkdir for plots + directory = 'Outputs_Comparison/' + os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) + + Colors = ["blue", "green", "gray", "brown"] + + model_names = list(BME_Dict.keys()) + nModels = len(model_names) + + # Plots + fig, axes = plt.subplots( + nrows=nModels, ncols=nModels, sharex=True, sharey=True + ) + + for i, key_i in enumerate(model_names): + + for j, key_j in enumerate(model_names): + ax = axes[i, j] + # Set size of the ticks + for t in ax.get_xticklabels(): + t.set_fontsize(font_size) + for t in ax.get_yticklabels(): + t.set_fontsize(font_size) + + if j != i: + + # Null hypothesis: key_j is the better model + BayesFactor = np.log10( + np.divide(BME_Dict[key_i], BME_Dict[key_j]) + ) + + # sns.kdeplot(BayesFactor, ax=ax, color=Colors[i], shade=True) + # sns.histplot(BayesFactor, ax=ax, stat="probability", + # kde=True, element='step', + # color=Colors[j]) + + # taken from seaborn's source code (utils.py and + # distributions.py) + def seaborn_kde_support(data, bw, gridsize, cut, clip): + if clip is None: + clip = (-np.inf, np.inf) + support_min = max(data.min() - bw * cut, clip[0]) + support_max = min(data.max() + bw * cut, clip[1]) + return np.linspace(support_min, support_max, gridsize) + + kde_estim = stats.gaussian_kde( + BayesFactor, bw_method='scott' + ) + + # manual linearization of data + # linearized = np.linspace( + # quotient.min(), quotient.max(), num=500) + + # or better: mimic seaborn's internal stuff + bw = kde_estim.scotts_factor() * np.std(BayesFactor) + linearized = seaborn_kde_support( + BayesFactor, bw, 100, 3, None) + + # computes values of the estimated function on the + # estimated linearized inputs + Z = kde_estim.evaluate(linearized) + + # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29661574/normalize- + # numpy-array-columns-in-python + def normalize(x): + return (x - x.min(0)) / x.ptp(0) + + # normalize so it is between 0;1 + Z2 = normalize(Z) + ax.plot(linearized, Z2, "-", color=Colors[i], linewidth=4) + ax.fill_between( + linearized, 0, Z2, color=Colors[i], alpha=0.25 + ) + + # Draw BF significant levels according to Jeffreys 1961 + # Strong evidence for both models + ax.axvline( + x=np.log10(3), ymin=0, linewidth=4, color='dimgrey' + ) + # Strong evidence for one model + ax.axvline( + x=np.log10(10), ymin=0, linewidth=4, color='orange' + ) + # Decisive evidence for one model + ax.axvline( + x=np.log10(100), ymin=0, linewidth=4, color='r' + ) + + # legend + BF_label = key_i.replace('_', '$-$') + \ + '/' + key_j.replace('_', '$-$') + legend_elements = [ + patches.Patch(facecolor=Colors[i], edgecolor=Colors[i], + label=f'BF({BF_label})') + ] + ax.legend( + loc='upper left', handles=legend_elements, + fontsize=font_size-(nModels+1)*5 + ) + + elif j == i: + # build a rectangle in axes coords + left, width = 0, 1 + bottom, height = 0, 1 + + # axes coordinates are 0,0 is bottom left and 1,1 is upper + # right + p = patches.Rectangle( + (left, bottom), width, height, color='white', + fill=True, transform=ax.transAxes, clip_on=False + ) + ax.grid(False) + ax.add_patch(p) + # ax.text(0.5*(left+right), 0.5*(bottom+top), key_i, + fsize = font_size+20 if nModels < 4 else font_size + ax.text(0.5, 0.5, key_i.replace('_', '$-$'), + horizontalalignment='center', + verticalalignment='center', + fontsize=fsize, color=Colors[i], + transform=ax.transAxes) + + # Defining custom 'ylim' values. + custom_ylim = (0, 1.05) + + # Setting the values for all axes. + plt.setp(axes, ylim=custom_ylim) + + # set labels + for i in range(nModels): + axes[-1, i].set_xlabel('log$_{10}$(BF)', fontsize=font_size) + axes[i, 0].set_ylabel('Probability', fontsize=font_size) + + # Adjust subplots + plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.2, hspace=0.1) + + plt.savefig( + f'./{directory}Bayes_Factor{plot_name}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight' + ) + + plt.close() diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/discrepancy.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/discrepancy.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b3c235ebeb6d6ae9e109ca862cc522cc21efb45e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/discrepancy.py @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +import scipy.stats as stats +from bayesvalidrox.surrogate_models.exp_designs import ExpDesigns + + +class Discrepancy: + """ + Discrepancy class for Bayesian inference method. + We define the reference or reality to be equal to what we can model and a + descripancy term \\( \\epsilon \\). We consider the followin format: + + $$\\textbf{y}_{\\text{reality}} = \\mathcal{M}(\\theta) + \\epsilon,$$ + + where \\( \\epsilon \\in R^{N_{out}} \\) represents the the effects of + measurement error and model inaccuracy. For simplicity, it can be defined + as an additive Gaussian disrepancy with zeromean and given covariance + matrix \\( \\Sigma \\): + + $$\\epsilon \\sim \\mathcal{N}(\\epsilon|0, \\Sigma). $$ + + In the context of model inversion or calibration, an observation point + \\( \\textbf{y}_i \\in \\mathcal{y} \\) is a realization of a Gaussian + distribution with mean value of \\(\\mathcal{M}(\\theta) \\) and covariance + matrix of \\( \\Sigma \\). + + $$ p(\\textbf{y}|\\theta) = \\mathcal{N}(\\textbf{y}|\\mathcal{M} + (\\theta))$$ + + The following options are available: + + * Option A: With known redidual covariance matrix \\(\\Sigma\\) for + independent measurements. + + * Option B: With unknown redidual covariance matrix \\(\\Sigma\\), + paramethrized as \\(\\Sigma(\\theta_{\\epsilon})=\\sigma^2 \\textbf{I}_ + {N_{out}}\\) with unknown residual variances \\(\\sigma^2\\). + This term will be jointly infered with the uncertain input parameters. For + the inversion, you need to define a prior marginal via `Input` class. Note + that \\(\\sigma^2\\) is only a single scalar multiplier for the diagonal + entries of the covariance matrix \\(\\Sigma\\). + + Attributes + ---------- + InputDisc : obj + Input object. When the \\(\\sigma^2\\) is expected to be inferred + jointly with the parameters (`Option B`).If multiple output groups are + defined by `Model.Output.names`, each model output needs to have. + a prior marginal using the `Input` class. The default is `''`. + disc_type : str + Type of the noise definition. `'Gaussian'` is only supported so far. + parameters : dict or pandas.DataFrame + Known residual variance \\(\\sigma^2\\), i.e. diagonal entry of the + covariance matrix of the multivariate normal likelihood in case of + `Option A`. + + """ + + def __init__(self, InputDisc='', disc_type='Gaussian', parameters=None): + # Set the values + self.InputDisc = InputDisc + self.disc_type = disc_type + self.parameters = parameters + + # Other inits + self.ExpDesign = None + self.n_samples = None + self.sigma2_prior = None + self.name = None + self.opt_sigma = None # This will be set in the inference class and used in mcmc + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def get_sample(self, n_samples): + """ + Generate samples for the \\(\\sigma^2\\), i.e. the diagonal entries of + the variance-covariance matrix in the multivariate normal distribution. + + Parameters + ---------- + n_samples : int + Number of samples (parameter sets). + + Returns + ------- + sigma2_prior: array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + \\(\\sigma^2\\) samples. + + """ + self.n_samples = n_samples # TODO: not used again in here - needed from the outside? + + if self.InputDisc == '': + raise AttributeError('Cannot create new samples, please provide input distributions') + + # Create and store BoundTuples + self.ExpDesign = ExpDesigns(self.InputDisc) + self.ExpDesign.sampling_method = 'random' + + # TODO: why does it call 'generate_ED' instead of 'generate_samples? + # ExpDesign.bound_tuples, onp_sigma, prior_space needed from the outside + # Discrepancy opt_sigma, InputDisc needed from the outside + # TODO: opt_sigma not defined here, but called from the outside?? + self.ExpDesign.generate_ED( + n_samples, max_pce_deg=1 + ) + # TODO: need to recheck the following line + # This used to simply be the return from the call above + self.sigma2_prior = self.ExpDesign.X + + # Naive approach: Fit a gaussian kernel to the provided data + self.ExpDesign.JDist = stats.gaussian_kde(self.ExpDesign.raw_data) + + # Save the names of sigmas + if len(self.InputDisc.Marginals) != 0: + self.name = [] + for Marginalidx in range(len(self.InputDisc.Marginals)): + self.name.append(self.InputDisc.Marginals[Marginalidx].name) + + return self.sigma2_prior diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/mcmc.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/mcmc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d78d15b5fd90dc4477da7d0fd58da835acc75310 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/mcmc.py @@ -0,0 +1,909 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +import os +import numpy as np +import emcee +import pandas as pd +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt +from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages +import multiprocessing +import scipy.stats as st +from scipy.linalg import cholesky as chol +import warnings +import shutil +os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1" + + +class MCMC: + """ + A class for bayesian inference via a Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) + Sampler to approximate the posterior distribution of the Bayes theorem: + $$p(\\theta|\\mathcal{y}) = \\frac{p(\\mathcal{y}|\\theta) p(\\theta)} + {p(\\mathcal{y})}.$$ + + This class make inference with emcee package [1] using an Affine Invariant + Ensemble sampler (AIES) [2]. + + [1] Foreman-Mackey, D., Hogg, D.W., Lang, D. and Goodman, J., 2013.emcee: + the MCMC hammer. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the + Pacific, 125(925), p.306. https://emcee.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ + + [2] Goodman, J. and Weare, J., 2010. Ensemble samplers with affine + invariance. Communications in applied mathematics and computational + science, 5(1), pp.65-80. + + + Attributes + ---------- + BayesOpts : obj + Bayes object. + """ + + def __init__(self, BayesOpts): + + self.BayesOpts = BayesOpts + + def run_sampler(self, observation, total_sigma2): + + BayesObj = self.BayesOpts + MetaModel = BayesObj.engine.MetaModel + Model = BayesObj.engine.Model + Discrepancy = self.BayesOpts.Discrepancy + n_cpus = Model.n_cpus + priorDist = BayesObj.engine.ExpDesign.JDist + ndim = MetaModel.n_params + self.counter = 0 + output_dir = f'Outputs_Bayes_{Model.name}_{self.BayesOpts.name}' + if not os.path.exists(output_dir): + os.makedirs(output_dir) + + self.observation = observation + self.total_sigma2 = total_sigma2 + + # Unpack mcmc parameters given to BayesObj.mcmc_params + self.initsamples = None + self.nwalkers = 100 + self.nburn = 200 + self.nsteps = 100000 + self.moves = None + self.mp = False + self.verbose = False + + # Extract initial samples + if 'init_samples' in BayesObj.mcmc_params: + self.initsamples = BayesObj.mcmc_params['init_samples'] + if isinstance(self.initsamples, pd.DataFrame): + self.initsamples = self.initsamples.values + + # Extract number of steps per walker + if 'n_steps' in BayesObj.mcmc_params: + self.nsteps = int(BayesObj.mcmc_params['n_steps']) + # Extract number of walkers (chains) + if 'n_walkers' in BayesObj.mcmc_params: + self.nwalkers = int(BayesObj.mcmc_params['n_walkers']) + # Extract moves + if 'moves' in BayesObj.mcmc_params: + self.moves = BayesObj.mcmc_params['moves'] + # Extract multiprocessing + if 'multiprocessing' in BayesObj.mcmc_params: + self.mp = BayesObj.mcmc_params['multiprocessing'] + # Extract verbose + if 'verbose' in BayesObj.mcmc_params: + self.verbose = BayesObj.mcmc_params['verbose'] + + # Set initial samples + np.random.seed(0) + if self.initsamples is None: + try: + initsamples = priorDist.sample(self.nwalkers).T + except: + # when aPCE selected - gaussian kernel distribution + inputSamples = self.BayesOpts.engine.ExpDesign.raw_data.T + random_indices = np.random.choice( + len(inputSamples), size=self.nwalkers, replace=False + ) + initsamples = inputSamples[random_indices] + + else: + if self.initsamples.ndim == 1: + # When MAL is given. + theta = self.initsamples + initsamples = [theta + 1e-1*np.multiply( + np.random.randn(ndim), theta) for i in + range(self.nwalkers)] + else: + # Pick samples based on a uniform dist between min and max of + # each dim + initsamples = np.zeros((self.nwalkers, ndim)) + bound_tuples = [] + for idx_dim in range(ndim): + lower = np.min(self.initsamples[:, idx_dim]) + upper = np.max(self.initsamples[:, idx_dim]) + bound_tuples.append((lower, upper)) + dist = st.uniform(loc=lower, scale=upper-lower) + initsamples[:, idx_dim] = dist.rvs(size=self.nwalkers) + + # Update lower and upper + MetaModel.ExpDesign.bound_tuples = bound_tuples + + # Check if sigma^2 needs to be inferred + if Discrepancy.opt_sigma != 'B': + sigma2_samples = Discrepancy.get_sample(self.nwalkers) + + # Update initsamples + initsamples = np.hstack((initsamples, sigma2_samples)) + + # Update ndim + ndim = initsamples.shape[1] + + # Discrepancy bound + disc_bound_tuple = Discrepancy.ExpDesign.bound_tuples + + # Update bound_tuples + BayesObj.engine.ExpDesign.bound_tuples += disc_bound_tuple + + print("\n>>>> Bayesian inference with MCMC for " + f"{self.BayesOpts.name} started. <<<<<<") + + # Set up the backend + filename = f"{output_dir}/emcee_sampler.h5" + backend = emcee.backends.HDFBackend(filename) + # Clear the backend in case the file already exists + backend.reset(self.nwalkers, ndim) + + # Define emcee sampler + # Here we'll set up the computation. emcee combines multiple "walkers", + # each of which is its own MCMC chain. The number of trace results will + # be nwalkers * nsteps. + if self.mp: + # Run in parallel + if n_cpus is None: + n_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() + + with multiprocessing.Pool(n_cpus) as pool: + sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler( + self.nwalkers, ndim, self.log_posterior, moves=self.moves, + pool=pool, backend=backend + ) + + # Check if a burn-in phase is needed! + if self.initsamples is None: + # Burn-in + print("\n Burn-in period is starting:") + pos = sampler.run_mcmc( + initsamples, self.nburn, progress=True + ) + + # Reset sampler + sampler.reset() + pos = pos.coords + else: + pos = initsamples + + # Production run + print("\n Production run is starting:") + pos, prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc( + pos, self.nsteps, progress=True + ) + + else: + # Run in series and monitor the convergence + sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler( + self.nwalkers, ndim, self.log_posterior, moves=self.moves, + backend=backend, vectorize=True + ) + + # Check if a burn-in phase is needed! + if self.initsamples is None: + # Burn-in + print("\n Burn-in period is starting:") + pos = sampler.run_mcmc( + initsamples, self.nburn, progress=True + ) + + # Reset sampler + sampler.reset() + pos = pos.coords + else: + pos = initsamples + + # Production run + print("\n Production run is starting:") + + # Track how the average autocorrelation time estimate changes + autocorrIdx = 0 + autocorr = np.empty(self.nsteps) + tauold = np.inf + autocorreverynsteps = 50 + + # sample step by step using the generator sampler.sample + for sample in sampler.sample(pos, + iterations=self.nsteps, + tune=True, + progress=True): + + # only check convergence every autocorreverynsteps steps + if sampler.iteration % autocorreverynsteps: + continue + + # Train model discrepancy/error + if hasattr(BayesObj, 'errorModel') and BayesObj.errorModel \ + and not sampler.iteration % 3 * autocorreverynsteps: + try: + self.error_MetaModel = self.train_error_model(sampler) + except: + pass + + # Print the current mean acceptance fraction + if self.verbose: + print("\nStep: {}".format(sampler.iteration)) + acc_fr = np.mean(sampler.acceptance_fraction) + print(f"Mean acceptance fraction: {acc_fr:.3f}") + + # compute the autocorrelation time so far + # using tol=0 means that we'll always get an estimate even if + # it isn't trustworthy + tau = sampler.get_autocorr_time(tol=0) + # average over walkers + autocorr[autocorrIdx] = np.nanmean(tau) + autocorrIdx += 1 + + # output current autocorrelation estimate + if self.verbose: + print(f"Mean autocorr. time estimate: {np.nanmean(tau):.3f}") + list_gr = np.round(self.gelman_rubin(sampler.chain), 3) + print("Gelman-Rubin Test*: ", list_gr) + + # check convergence + converged = np.all(tau*autocorreverynsteps < sampler.iteration) + converged &= np.all(np.abs(tauold - tau) / tau < 0.01) + converged &= np.all(self.gelman_rubin(sampler.chain) < 1.1) + + if converged: + break + tauold = tau + + # Posterior diagnostics + try: + tau = sampler.get_autocorr_time(tol=0) + except emcee.autocorr.AutocorrError: + tau = 5 + + if all(np.isnan(tau)): + tau = 5 + + burnin = int(2*np.nanmax(tau)) + thin = int(0.5*np.nanmin(tau)) if int(0.5*np.nanmin(tau)) != 0 else 1 + finalsamples = sampler.get_chain(discard=burnin, flat=True, thin=thin) + acc_fr = np.nanmean(sampler.acceptance_fraction) + list_gr = np.round(self.gelman_rubin(sampler.chain[:, burnin:]), 3) + + # Print summary + print('\n') + print('-'*15 + 'Posterior diagnostics' + '-'*15) + print(f"Mean auto-correlation time: {np.nanmean(tau):.3f}") + print(f"Thin: {thin}") + print(f"Burn-in: {burnin}") + print(f"Flat chain shape: {finalsamples.shape}") + print(f"Mean acceptance fraction*: {acc_fr:.3f}") + print("Gelman-Rubin Test**: ", list_gr) + + print("\n* This value must lay between 0.234 and 0.5.") + print("** These values must be smaller than 1.1.") + print('-'*50) + + print(f"\n>>>> Bayesian inference with MCMC for {self.BayesOpts.name} " + "successfully completed. <<<<<<\n") + + # Extract parameter names and their prior ranges + par_names = self.BayesOpts.engine.ExpDesign.par_names + + if Discrepancy.opt_sigma != 'B': + for i in range(len(Discrepancy.InputDisc.Marginals)): + par_names.append(Discrepancy.InputDisc.Marginals[i].name) + + params_range = self.BayesOpts.engine.ExpDesign.bound_tuples + + # Plot traces + if self.verbose and self.nsteps < 10000: + pdf = PdfPages(output_dir+'/traceplots.pdf') + fig = plt.figure() + for parIdx in range(ndim): + # Set up the axes with gridspec + fig = plt.figure() + grid = plt.GridSpec(4, 4, hspace=0.2, wspace=0.2) + main_ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[:-1, :3]) + y_hist = fig.add_subplot(grid[:-1, -1], xticklabels=[], + sharey=main_ax) + + for i in range(self.nwalkers): + samples = sampler.chain[i, :, parIdx] + main_ax.plot(samples, '-') + + # histogram on the attached axes + y_hist.hist(samples[burnin:], 40, histtype='stepfilled', + orientation='horizontal', color='gray') + + main_ax.set_ylim(params_range[parIdx]) + main_ax.set_title('traceplot for ' + par_names[parIdx]) + main_ax.set_xlabel('step number') + + # save the current figure + pdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches='tight') + + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + + pdf.close() + + # plot development of autocorrelation estimate + if not self.mp: + fig1 = plt.figure() + steps = autocorreverynsteps*np.arange(1, autocorrIdx+1) + taus = autocorr[:autocorrIdx] + plt.plot(steps, steps / autocorreverynsteps, "--k") + plt.plot(steps, taus) + plt.xlim(0, steps.max()) + plt.ylim(0, np.nanmax(taus)+0.1*(np.nanmax(taus)-np.nanmin(taus))) + plt.xlabel("number of steps") + plt.ylabel(r"mean $\hat{\tau}$") + fig1.savefig(f"{output_dir}/autocorrelation_time.pdf", + bbox_inches='tight') + + # logml_dict = self.marginal_llk_emcee(sampler, self.nburn, logp=None, + # maxiter=5000) + # print('\nThe Bridge Sampling Estimation is " + # f"{logml_dict['logml']:.5f}.') + + # # Posterior-based expectation of posterior probablity + # postExpPostLikelihoods = np.mean(sampler.get_log_prob(flat=True) + # [self.nburn*self.nwalkers:]) + + # # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + # postExpPrior = np.mean(self.log_prior(emcee_trace.T)) + + # # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + # postExpLikelihoods_emcee = postExpPostLikelihoods - postExpPrior + + # # Calculate Kullback-Leibler Divergence + # KLD_emcee = postExpLikelihoods_emcee - logml_dict['logml'] + # print("Kullback-Leibler divergence: %.5f"%KLD_emcee) + + # # Information Entropy based on Entropy paper Eq. 38 + # infEntropy_emcee = logml_dict['logml'] - postExpPrior - + # postExpLikelihoods_emcee + # print("Information Entropy: %.5f" %infEntropy_emcee) + + Posterior_df = pd.DataFrame(finalsamples, columns=par_names) + + return Posterior_df + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def log_prior(self, theta): + """ + Calculates the log prior likelihood \\( p(\\theta)\\) for the given + parameter set(s) \\( \\theta \\). + + Parameters + ---------- + theta : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Parameter sets, i.e. proposals of MCMC chains. + + Returns + ------- + logprior: float or array of shape n_samples + Log prior likelihood. If theta has only one row, a single value is + returned otherwise an array. + + """ + + MetaModel = self.BayesOpts.MetaModel + Discrepancy = self.BayesOpts.Discrepancy + + # Find the number of sigma2 parameters + if Discrepancy.opt_sigma != 'B': + disc_bound_tuples = Discrepancy.ExpDesign.bound_tuples + disc_marginals = Discrepancy.ExpDesign.InputObj.Marginals + disc_prior_space = Discrepancy.ExpDesign.prior_space + n_sigma2 = len(disc_bound_tuples) + else: + n_sigma2 = -len(theta) + prior_dist = self.BayesOpts.engine.ExpDesign.prior_space + params_range = self.BayesOpts.engine.ExpDesign.bound_tuples + theta = theta if theta.ndim != 1 else theta.reshape((1, -1)) + nsamples = theta.shape[0] + logprior = -np.inf*np.ones(nsamples) + + for i in range(nsamples): + # Check if the sample is within the parameters' range + if self._check_ranges(theta[i], params_range): + # Check if all dists are uniform, if yes priors are equal. + if all(MetaModel.input_obj.Marginals[i].dist_type == 'uniform' + for i in range(MetaModel.n_params)): + logprior[i] = 0.0 + else: + logprior[i] = np.log( + prior_dist.pdf(theta[i, :-n_sigma2].T) + ) + + # Check if bias term needs to be inferred + if Discrepancy.opt_sigma != 'B': + if self._check_ranges(theta[i, -n_sigma2:], + disc_bound_tuples): + if all('unif' in disc_marginals[i].dist_type for i in + range(Discrepancy.ExpDesign.ndim)): + logprior[i] = 0.0 + else: + logprior[i] += np.log( + disc_prior_space.pdf(theta[i, -n_sigma2:]) + ) + + if nsamples == 1: + return logprior[0] + else: + return logprior + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def log_likelihood(self, theta): + """ + Computes likelihood \\( p(\\mathcal{Y}|\\theta)\\) of the performance + of the (meta-)model in reproducing the observation data. + + Parameters + ---------- + theta : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Parameter set, i.e. proposals of the MCMC chains. + + Returns + ------- + log_like : array of shape (n_samples) + Log likelihood. + + """ + + BayesOpts = self.BayesOpts + MetaModel = BayesOpts.MetaModel + Discrepancy = self.BayesOpts.Discrepancy + + # Find the number of sigma2 parameters + if Discrepancy.opt_sigma != 'B': + disc_bound_tuples = Discrepancy.ExpDesign.bound_tuples + n_sigma2 = len(disc_bound_tuples) + else: + n_sigma2 = -len(theta) + # Check if bias term needs to be inferred + if Discrepancy.opt_sigma != 'B': + sigma2 = theta[:, -n_sigma2:] + theta = theta[:, :-n_sigma2] + else: + sigma2 = None + theta = theta if theta.ndim != 1 else theta.reshape((1, -1)) + + # Evaluate Model/MetaModel at theta + mean_pred, BayesOpts._std_pce_prior_pred = self.eval_model(theta) + + # Surrogate model's error using RMSE of test data + surrError = MetaModel.rmse if hasattr(MetaModel, 'rmse') else None + + # Likelihood + log_like = BayesOpts.normpdf( + mean_pred, self.observation, self.total_sigma2, sigma2, + std=surrError + ) + return log_like + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def log_posterior(self, theta): + """ + Computes the posterior likelihood \\(p(\\theta| \\mathcal{Y})\\) for + the given parameterset. + + Parameters + ---------- + theta : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Parameter set, i.e. proposals of the MCMC chains. + + Returns + ------- + log_like : array of shape (n_samples) + Log posterior likelihood. + + """ + + nsamples = 1 if theta.ndim == 1 else theta.shape[0] + + if nsamples == 1: + if self.log_prior(theta) == -np.inf: + return -np.inf + else: + # Compute log prior + log_prior = self.log_prior(theta) + # Compute log Likelihood + log_likelihood = self.log_likelihood(theta) + + return log_prior + log_likelihood + else: + # Compute log prior + log_prior = self.log_prior(theta) + + # Initialize log_likelihood + log_likelihood = -np.inf*np.ones(nsamples) + + # find the indices for -inf sets + non_inf_idx = np.where(log_prior != -np.inf)[0] + + # Compute loLikelihoods + if non_inf_idx.size != 0: + log_likelihood[non_inf_idx] = self.log_likelihood( + theta[non_inf_idx] + ) + + return log_prior + log_likelihood + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def eval_model(self, theta): + """ + Evaluates the (meta-) model at the given theta. + + Parameters + ---------- + theta : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Parameter set, i.e. proposals of the MCMC chains. + + Returns + ------- + mean_pred : dict + Mean model prediction. + std_pred : dict + Std of model prediction. + + """ + + BayesObj = self.BayesOpts + MetaModel = BayesObj.MetaModel + Model = BayesObj.engine.Model + + if BayesObj.emulator: + # Evaluate the MetaModel + mean_pred, std_pred = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=theta) + else: + # Evaluate the origModel + mean_pred, std_pred = dict(), dict() + + model_outs, _ = Model.run_model_parallel( + theta, prevRun_No=self.counter, + key_str='_MCMC', mp=False, verbose=False) + + # Save outputs in respective dicts + for varIdx, var in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + mean_pred[var] = model_outs[var] + std_pred[var] = np.zeros((mean_pred[var].shape)) + + # Remove the folder + if Model.link_type.lower() != 'function': + shutil.rmtree(f"{Model.name}_MCMC_{self.counter+1}") + + # Add one to the counter + self.counter += 1 + + if hasattr(self, 'error_MetaModel') and BayesObj.error_model: + meanPred, stdPred = self.error_MetaModel.eval_model_error( + BayesObj.BiasInputs, mean_pred + ) + + return mean_pred, std_pred + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def train_error_model(self, sampler): + """ + Trains an error model using a Gaussian Process Regression. + + Parameters + ---------- + sampler : obj + emcee sampler. + + Returns + ------- + error_MetaModel : obj + A error model. + + """ + BayesObj = self.BayesOpts + MetaModel = BayesObj.MetaModel + + # Prepare the poster samples + try: + tau = sampler.get_autocorr_time(tol=0) + except emcee.autocorr.AutocorrError: + tau = 5 + + if all(np.isnan(tau)): + tau = 5 + + burnin = int(2*np.nanmax(tau)) + thin = int(0.5*np.nanmin(tau)) if int(0.5*np.nanmin(tau)) != 0 else 1 + finalsamples = sampler.get_chain(discard=burnin, flat=True, thin=thin) + posterior = finalsamples[:, :MetaModel.n_params] + + # Select posterior mean as MAP + map_theta = posterior.mean(axis=0).reshape((1, MetaModel.n_params)) + # MAP_theta = st.mode(Posterior_df,axis=0)[0] + + # Evaluate the (meta-)model at the MAP + y_map, y_std_map = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=map_theta) + + # Train a GPR meta-model using MAP + error_MetaModel = MetaModel.create_model_error( + BayesObj.BiasInputs, y_map, name='Calib') + + return error_MetaModel + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def gelman_rubin(self, chain, return_var=False): + """ + The potential scale reduction factor (PSRF) defined by the variance + within one chain, W, with the variance between chains B. + Both variances are combined in a weighted sum to obtain an estimate of + the variance of a parameter \\( \\theta \\).The square root of the + ratio of this estimates variance to the within chain variance is called + the potential scale reduction. + For a well converged chain it should approach 1. Values greater than + 1.1 typically indicate that the chains have not yet fully converged. + + Source: http://joergdietrich.github.io/emcee-convergence.html + + https://github.com/jwalton3141/jwalton3141.github.io/blob/master/assets/posts/ESS/rwmh.py + + Parameters + ---------- + chain : array (n_walkers, n_steps, n_params) + The emcee ensamples. + + Returns + ------- + R_hat : float + The Gelman-Robin values. + + """ + m_chains, n_iters = chain.shape[:2] + + # Calculate between-chain variance + θb = np.mean(chain, axis=1) + θbb = np.mean(θb, axis=0) + B_over_n = ((θbb - θb)**2).sum(axis=0) + B_over_n /= (m_chains - 1) + + # Calculate within-chain variances + ssq = np.var(chain, axis=1, ddof=1) + W = np.mean(ssq, axis=0) + + # (over) estimate of variance + var_θ = W * (n_iters - 1) / n_iters + B_over_n + + if return_var: + return var_θ + else: + # The square root of the ratio of this estimates variance to the + # within chain variance + R_hat = np.sqrt(var_θ / W) + return R_hat + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def marginal_llk_emcee(self, sampler, nburn=None, logp=None, maxiter=1000): + """ + The Bridge Sampling Estimator of the Marginal Likelihood based on + https://gist.github.com/junpenglao/4d2669d69ddfe1d788318264cdcf0583 + + Parameters + ---------- + sampler : TYPE + MultiTrace, result of MCMC run. + nburn : int, optional + Number of burn-in step. The default is None. + logp : TYPE, optional + Model Log-probability function. The default is None. + maxiter : int, optional + Maximum number of iterations. The default is 1000. + + Returns + ------- + marg_llk : dict + Estimated Marginal log-Likelihood. + + """ + r0, tol1, tol2 = 0.5, 1e-10, 1e-4 + + if logp is None: + logp = sampler.log_prob_fn + + # Split the samples into two parts + # Use the first 50% for fiting the proposal distribution + # and the second 50% in the iterative scheme. + if nburn is None: + mtrace = sampler.chain + else: + mtrace = sampler.chain[:, nburn:, :] + + nchain, len_trace, nrofVars = mtrace.shape + + N1_ = len_trace // 2 + N1 = N1_*nchain + N2 = len_trace*nchain - N1 + + samples_4_fit = np.zeros((nrofVars, N1)) + samples_4_iter = np.zeros((nrofVars, N2)) + effective_n = np.zeros((nrofVars)) + + # matrix with already transformed samples + for var in range(nrofVars): + + # for fitting the proposal + x = mtrace[:, :N1_, var] + + samples_4_fit[var, :] = x.flatten() + # for the iterative scheme + x2 = mtrace[:, N1_:, var] + samples_4_iter[var, :] = x2.flatten() + + # effective sample size of samples_4_iter, scalar + effective_n[var] = self._my_ESS(x2) + + # median effective sample size (scalar) + neff = np.median(effective_n) + + # get mean & covariance matrix and generate samples from proposal + m = np.mean(samples_4_fit, axis=1) + V = np.cov(samples_4_fit) + L = chol(V, lower=True) + + # Draw N2 samples from the proposal distribution + gen_samples = m[:, None] + np.dot( + L, st.norm.rvs(0, 1, size=samples_4_iter.shape) + ) + + # Evaluate proposal distribution for posterior & generated samples + q12 = st.multivariate_normal.logpdf(samples_4_iter.T, m, V) + q22 = st.multivariate_normal.logpdf(gen_samples.T, m, V) + + # Evaluate unnormalized posterior for posterior & generated samples + q11 = logp(samples_4_iter.T) + q21 = logp(gen_samples.T) + + # Run iterative scheme: + tmp = self._iterative_scheme( + N1, N2, q11, q12, q21, q22, r0, neff, tol1, maxiter, 'r' + ) + if ~np.isfinite(tmp['logml']): + warnings.warn( + "Logml could not be estimated within maxiter, rerunning with " + "adjusted starting value. Estimate might be more variable than" + " usual.") + # use geometric mean as starting value + r0_2 = np.sqrt(tmp['r_vals'][-2]*tmp['r_vals'][-1]) + tmp = self._iterative_scheme( + q11, q12, q21, q22, r0_2, neff, tol2, maxiter, 'logml' + ) + + marg_llk = dict( + logml=tmp['logml'], niter=tmp['niter'], method="normal", + q11=q11, q12=q12, q21=q21, q22=q22 + ) + return marg_llk + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _iterative_scheme(self, N1, N2, q11, q12, q21, q22, r0, neff, tol, + maxiter, criterion): + """ + Iterative scheme as proposed in Meng and Wong (1996) to estimate the + marginal likelihood + + """ + l1 = q11 - q12 + l2 = q21 - q22 + # To increase numerical stability, + # subtracting the median of l1 from l1 & l2 later + lstar = np.median(l1) + s1 = neff/(neff + N2) + s2 = N2/(neff + N2) + r = r0 + r_vals = [r] + logml = np.log(r) + lstar + criterion_val = 1 + tol + + i = 0 + while (i <= maxiter) & (criterion_val > tol): + rold = r + logmlold = logml + numi = np.exp(l2 - lstar)/(s1 * np.exp(l2 - lstar) + s2 * r) + deni = 1/(s1 * np.exp(l1 - lstar) + s2 * r) + if np.sum(~np.isfinite(numi))+np.sum(~np.isfinite(deni)) > 0: + warnings.warn( + """Infinite value in iterative scheme, returning NaN. + Try rerunning with more samples.""") + r = (N1/N2) * np.sum(numi)/np.sum(deni) + r_vals.append(r) + logml = np.log(r) + lstar + i += 1 + if criterion == 'r': + criterion_val = np.abs((r - rold)/r) + elif criterion == 'logml': + criterion_val = np.abs((logml - logmlold)/logml) + + if i >= maxiter: + return dict(logml=np.NaN, niter=i, r_vals=np.asarray(r_vals)) + else: + return dict(logml=logml, niter=i) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _my_ESS(self, x): + """ + Compute the effective sample size of estimand of interest. + Vectorised implementation. + https://github.com/jwalton3141/jwalton3141.github.io/blob/master/assets/posts/ESS/rwmh.py + + + Parameters + ---------- + x : array of shape (n_walkers, n_steps) + MCMC Samples. + + Returns + ------- + int + Effective sample size. + + """ + m_chains, n_iters = x.shape + + def variogram(t): + variogram = ((x[:, t:] - x[:, :(n_iters - t)])**2).sum() + variogram /= (m_chains * (n_iters - t)) + return variogram + + post_var = self.gelman_rubin(x, return_var=True) + + t = 1 + rho = np.ones(n_iters) + negative_autocorr = False + + # Iterate until the sum of consecutive estimates of autocorrelation is + # negative + while not negative_autocorr and (t < n_iters): + rho[t] = 1 - variogram(t) / (2 * post_var) + + if not t % 2: + negative_autocorr = sum(rho[t-1:t+1]) < 0 + + t += 1 + + return int(m_chains*n_iters / (1 + 2*rho[1:t].sum())) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _check_ranges(self, theta, ranges): + """ + This function checks if theta lies in the given ranges. + + Parameters + ---------- + theta : array + Proposed parameter set. + ranges : nested list + List of the praremeter ranges. + + Returns + ------- + c : bool + If it lies in the given range, it return True else False. + + """ + c = True + # traverse in the list1 + for i, bounds in enumerate(ranges): + x = theta[i] + # condition check + if x < bounds[0] or x > bounds[1]: + c = False + return c + return c diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayesvalidrox.mplstyle b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayesvalidrox.mplstyle new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1f31c01f24597de0e0be741be4d3a706c4213a6c --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/bayesvalidrox.mplstyle @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +figure.titlesize : 30 +axes.titlesize : 30 +axes.labelsize : 30 +axes.linewidth : 3 +axes.grid : True +lines.linewidth : 3 +lines.markersize : 10 +xtick.labelsize : 30 +ytick.labelsize : 30 +legend.fontsize : 30 +font.family : serif +font.serif : Arial +font.size : 30 +text.usetex : True +grid.linestyle : - +figure.figsize : 24, 16 diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/desktop.ini b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/desktop.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..632de13ae6b61cecf0d9fdbf9c97cfb16bfb51a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/desktop.ini @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[LocalizedFileNames] +exploration.py=@exploration.py,0 diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__init__.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..81c9825420b6ed3f027fb3c141be8af05a89f695 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +from .post_processing import PostProcessing + +__all__ = [ + "PostProcessing" + ] diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8590a242166b2e8d40de7ee2eece71980bd1571 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e84acd550fed2f7af8a071adf99001f44547bdf6 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..58a0eb24635d0b97a14d13708e616de6a0659976 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/post_processing.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/post_processing.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0924d8afac04d4fe82ebe791bc55a8ae48d7c117 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/post_processing.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/post_processing.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/post_processing.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..797c6f82a4d9b29d81d7edc3a3df54e9cf3983aa Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/post_processing.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/post_processing.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/post_processing.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..312575d7655db85df423489051f494f3dce62692 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/post_processing.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/post_processing.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/post_processing.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..24ca8d9b9d4ea17268bc395c629c563db46899f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/post_processing.py @@ -0,0 +1,1491 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +import numpy as np +import math +import os +from itertools import combinations, cycle +import pandas as pd +import scipy.stats as stats +from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression +from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt +import matplotlib.ticker as ticker +from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText +from matplotlib.patches import Patch +# Load the mplstyle +plt.style.use(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], + '../', 'bayesvalidrox.mplstyle')) + + +class PostProcessing: + """ + This class provides many helper functions to post-process the trained + meta-model. + + Attributes + ---------- + MetaModel : obj + MetaModel object to do postprocessing on. + name : str + Type of the anaylsis. The default is `'calib'`. If a validation is + expected to be performed change this to `'valid'`. + out_dir : str + Directory to print the results into + """ + + def __init__(self, engine, name='calib', out_dir = '.'): + self.engine = engine + self.MetaModel = engine.MetaModel + self.ExpDesign = engine.ExpDesign + self.ModelObj = engine.Model + self.name = name + self.out_dir = out_dir + + newpath = (f'Outputs_PostProcessing_{self.name}/') + if not os.path.exists(self.out_dir+newpath): + os.makedirs(self.out_dir+newpath) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + def plot_moments(self, xlabel='Time [s]', plot_type=None, + use_mc=False, num_mc_samples=1e2): + """ + Plots the moments in a pdf format in the directory + `Outputs_PostProcessing`. + + Parameters + ---------- + xlabel : str, optional + String to be displayed as x-label. The default is `'Time [s]'`. + plot_type : str, optional + Options: bar or line. The default is `None`. + use_mc : bool, optional + Toggles if the moments are calculated from pce coefficients or + are estimated from samples + num_mc_samples : int, optional + The number of samples to use for estimating the moments via MC + + Returns + ------- + pce_means: dict + Mean of the model outputs. + pce_means: dict + Standard deviation of the model outputs. + + """ + + bar_plot = True if plot_type == 'bar' else False + meta_model_type = self.MetaModel.meta_model_type + Model = self.ModelObj + + # Read Monte-Carlo reference + self.mc_reference = Model.read_observation('mc_ref') + + # Set the x values + x_values_orig = self.engine.ExpDesign.x_values + + # Compute the moments with the PCEModel object + # TODO: optimize this call, what is really wanted is if it has polynomial coefficients to use here + if self.engine.MetaModel.meta_model_type.lower() == 'gpe' or use_mc == True: + self.pce_means, self.pce_stds = self.compute_mc_moments(num_mc_samples) + else: + self.pce_means, self.pce_stds = self.compute_pce_moments() + + # Get the variables + out_names = Model.Output.names + + # Open a pdf for the plots + newpath = (f'Outputs_PostProcessing_{self.name}/') + if not os.path.exists(newpath): + os.makedirs(newpath) + + # Plot the best fit line, set the linewidth (lw), color and + # transparency (alpha) of the line + for key in out_names: + fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2) + + # Extract mean and std + mean_data = self.pce_means[key] + std_data = self.pce_stds[key] + + # Extract a list of x values + if type(x_values_orig) is dict: + x = x_values_orig[key] + else: + x = x_values_orig + + # Plot: bar plot or line plot + if bar_plot: + ax[0].bar(list(map(str, x)), mean_data, color='b', + width=0.25) + ax[1].bar(list(map(str, x)), std_data, color='b', + width=0.25) + ax[0].legend(labels=[meta_model_type]) + ax[1].legend(labels=[meta_model_type]) + else: + ax[0].plot(x, mean_data, lw=3, color='k', marker='x', + label=meta_model_type) + ax[1].plot(x, std_data, lw=3, color='k', marker='x', + label=meta_model_type) + + if self.mc_reference is not None: + if bar_plot: + ax[0].bar(list(map(str, x)), self.mc_reference['mean'], + color='r', width=0.25) + ax[1].bar(list(map(str, x)), self.mc_reference['std'], + color='r', width=0.25) + ax[0].legend(labels=[meta_model_type]) + ax[1].legend(labels=[meta_model_type]) + else: + ax[0].plot(x, self.mc_reference['mean'], lw=3, marker='x', + color='r', label='Ref.') + ax[1].plot(x, self.mc_reference['std'], lw=3, marker='x', + color='r', label='Ref.') + + # Label the axes and provide a title + ax[0].set_xlabel(xlabel) + ax[1].set_xlabel(xlabel) + ax[0].set_ylabel(key) + ax[1].set_ylabel(key) + + # Provide a title + ax[0].set_title('Mean of ' + key) + ax[1].set_title('Std of ' + key) + + if not bar_plot: + ax[0].legend(loc='best') + ax[1].legend(loc='best') + + plt.tight_layout() + + # save the current figure + fig.savefig( + f'{self.out_dir}/{newpath}Mean_Std_PCE_{key}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight' + ) + + return self.pce_means, self.pce_stds + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def valid_metamodel(self, n_samples=1, samples=None, model_out_dict=None, + x_axis='Time [s]'): + """ + Evaluates and plots the meta model and the PCEModel outputs for the + given number of samples or the given samples. + + Parameters + ---------- + n_samples : int, optional + Number of samples to be evaluated. The default is 1. + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params), optional + Samples to be evaluated. The default is None. + model_out_dict: dict + The model runs using the samples provided. + x_axis : str, optional + Label of x axis. The default is `'Time [s]'`. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + Model = self.ModelObj + + if samples is None: + self.n_samples = n_samples + samples = self._get_sample() + else: + self.n_samples = samples.shape[0] + + # Extract x_values + x_values = self.engine.ExpDesign.x_values + + if model_out_dict is not None: + self.model_out_dict = model_out_dict + else: + self.model_out_dict = self._eval_model(samples, key_str='valid') + self.pce_out_mean, self.pce_out_std = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples) + + try: + key = Model.Output.names[1] + except IndexError: + key = Model.Output.names[0] + + n_obs = self.model_out_dict[key].shape[1] + + if n_obs == 1: + self._plot_validation() + else: + self._plot_validation_multi(x_values=x_values, x_axis=x_axis) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def check_accuracy(self, n_samples=None, samples=None, outputs=None): + """ + Checks accuracy of the metamodel by computing the root mean square + error and validation error for all outputs. + + Parameters + ---------- + n_samples : int, optional + Number of samples. The default is None. + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params), optional + Parameter sets to be checked. The default is None. + outputs : dict, optional + Output dictionary with model outputs for all given output types in + `Model.Output.names`. The default is None. + + Raises + ------ + Exception + When neither n_samples nor samples are provided. + + Returns + ------- + rmse: dict + Root mean squared error for each output. + valid_error : dict + Validation error for each output. + + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + Model = self.ModelObj + + # Set the number of samples + if n_samples: + self.n_samples = n_samples + elif samples is not None: + self.n_samples = samples.shape[0] + else: + raise Exception("Please provide either samples or pass the number" + " of samples!") + + # Generate random samples if necessary + Samples = self._get_sample() if samples is None else samples + + # Run the original model with the generated samples + if outputs is None: + outputs = self._eval_model(Samples, key_str='validSet') + + # Run the PCE model with the generated samples + pce_outputs, _ = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=Samples) + + self.rmse = {} + self.valid_error = {} + # Loop over the keys and compute RMSE error. + for key in Model.Output.names: + # Root mean square + self.rmse[key] = mean_squared_error(outputs[key], pce_outputs[key], + squared=False, + multioutput='raw_values') + # Validation error + self.valid_error[key] = (self.rmse[key]**2) / \ + np.var(outputs[key], ddof=1, axis=0) + + # Print a report table + print("\n>>>>> Errors of {} <<<<<".format(key)) + print("\nIndex | RMSE | Validation Error") + print('-'*35) + print('\n'.join(f'{i+1} | {k:.3e} | {j:.3e}' for i, (k, j) + in enumerate(zip(self.rmse[key], + self.valid_error[key])))) + # Save error dicts in PCEModel object + self.MetaModel.rmse = self.rmse + self.MetaModel.valid_error = self.valid_error + + return + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def plot_seq_design_diagnostics(self, ref_BME_KLD=None): + """ + Plots the Bayesian Model Evidence (BME) and Kullback-Leibler divergence + (KLD) for the sequential design. + + Parameters + ---------- + ref_BME_KLD : array, optional + Reference BME and KLD . The default is `None`. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + engine = self.engine + PCEModel = self.MetaModel + n_init_samples = engine.ExpDesign.n_init_samples + n_total_samples = engine.ExpDesign.X.shape[0] + + newpath = f'Outputs_PostProcessing_{self.name}/seq_design_diagnostics/' + if not os.path.exists(newpath): + os.makedirs(newpath) + + plotList = ['Modified LOO error', 'Validation error', 'KLD', 'BME', + 'RMSEMean', 'RMSEStd', 'Hellinger distance'] + seqList = [engine.SeqModifiedLOO, engine.seqValidError, + engine.SeqKLD, engine.SeqBME, engine.seqRMSEMean, + engine.seqRMSEStd, engine.SeqDistHellinger] + + markers = ('x', 'o', 'd', '*', '+') + colors = ('k', 'darkgreen', 'b', 'navy', 'darkred') + + # Plot the evolution of the diagnostic criteria of the + # Sequential Experimental Design. + for plotidx, plot in enumerate(plotList): + fig, ax = plt.subplots() + seq_dict = seqList[plotidx] + name_util = list(seq_dict.keys()) + + if len(name_util) == 0: + continue + + # Box plot when Replications have been detected. + if any(int(name.split("rep_", 1)[1]) > 1 for name in name_util): + # Extract the values from dict + sorted_seq_opt = {} + # Number of replications + n_reps = engine.ExpDesign.n_replication + + # Get the list of utility function names + # Handle if only one UtilityFunction is provided + if not isinstance(engine.ExpDesign.util_func, list): + util_funcs = [engine.ExpDesign.util_func] + else: + util_funcs = engine.ExpDesign.util_func + + for util in util_funcs: + sortedSeq = {} + # min number of runs available from reps + n_runs = min([seq_dict[f'{util}_rep_{i+1}'].shape[0] + for i in range(n_reps)]) + + for runIdx in range(n_runs): + values = [] + for key in seq_dict.keys(): + if util in key: + values.append(seq_dict[key][runIdx].mean()) + sortedSeq['SeqItr_'+str(runIdx)] = np.array(values) + sorted_seq_opt[util] = sortedSeq + + # BoxPlot + def draw_plot(data, labels, edge_color, fill_color, idx): + pos = labels - (idx-1) + bp = plt.boxplot(data, positions=pos, labels=labels, + patch_artist=True, sym='', widths=0.75) + elements = ['boxes', 'whiskers', 'fliers', 'means', + 'medians', 'caps'] + for element in elements: + plt.setp(bp[element], color=edge_color[idx]) + + for patch in bp['boxes']: + patch.set(facecolor=fill_color[idx]) + + if engine.ExpDesign.n_new_samples != 1: + step1 = engine.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + step2 = 1 + else: + step1 = 5 + step2 = 5 + edge_color = ['red', 'blue', 'green'] + fill_color = ['tan', 'cyan', 'lightgreen'] + plot_label = plot + # Plot for different Utility Functions + for idx, util in enumerate(util_funcs): + all_errors = np.empty((n_reps, 0)) + + for key in list(sorted_seq_opt[util].keys()): + errors = sorted_seq_opt.get(util, {}).get(key)[:, None] + all_errors = np.hstack((all_errors, errors)) + + # Special cases for BME and KLD + if plot == 'KLD' or plot == 'BME': + # BME convergence if refBME is provided + if ref_BME_KLD is not None: + if plot == 'BME': + refValue = ref_BME_KLD[0] + plot_label = r'BME/BME$^{Ref.}$' + if plot == 'KLD': + refValue = ref_BME_KLD[1] + plot_label = '$D_{KL}[p(\\theta|y_*),p(\\theta)]'\ + ' / D_{KL}^{Ref.}[p(\\theta|y_*), '\ + 'p(\\theta)]$' + + # Difference between BME/KLD and the ref. values + all_errors = np.divide(all_errors, + np.full((all_errors.shape), + refValue)) + + # Plot baseline for zero, i.e. no difference + plt.axhline(y=1.0, xmin=0, xmax=1, c='green', + ls='--', lw=2) + + # Plot each UtilFuncs + labels = np.arange(n_init_samples, n_total_samples+1, step1) + draw_plot(all_errors[:, ::step2], labels, edge_color, + fill_color, idx) + + plt.xticks(labels, labels) + # Set the major and minor locators + ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.AutoLocator()) + ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(ticker.AutoMinorLocator()) + ax.xaxis.grid(True, which='major', linestyle='-') + ax.xaxis.grid(True, which='minor', linestyle='--') + + # Legend + legend_elements = [] + for idx, util in enumerate(util_funcs): + legend_elements.append(Patch(facecolor=fill_color[idx], + edgecolor=edge_color[idx], + label=util)) + plt.legend(handles=legend_elements[::-1], loc='best') + + if plot != 'BME' and plot != 'KLD': + plt.yscale('log') + plt.autoscale(True) + plt.xlabel('\\# of training samples') + plt.ylabel(plot_label) + plt.title(plot) + + # save the current figure + plot_name = plot.replace(' ', '_') + fig.savefig( + f'{self.out_dir}/{newpath}/seq_{plot_name}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight' + ) + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + # Save arrays into files + f = open(f'{self.out_dir}/{newpath}/seq_{plot_name}.txt', 'w') + f.write(str(sorted_seq_opt)) + f.close() + else: + for idx, name in enumerate(name_util): + seq_values = seq_dict[name] + if engine.ExpDesign.n_new_samples != 1: + step = engine.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + else: + step = 1 + x_idx = np.arange(n_init_samples, n_total_samples+1, step) + if n_total_samples not in x_idx: + x_idx = np.hstack((x_idx, n_total_samples)) + + if plot == 'KLD' or plot == 'BME': + # BME convergence if refBME is provided + if ref_BME_KLD is not None: + if plot == 'BME': + refValue = ref_BME_KLD[0] + plot_label = r'BME/BME$^{Ref.}$' + if plot == 'KLD': + refValue = ref_BME_KLD[1] + plot_label = '$D_{KL}[p(\\theta|y_*),p(\\theta)]'\ + ' / D_{KL}^{Ref.}[p(\\theta|y_*), '\ + 'p(\\theta)]$' + + # Difference between BME/KLD and the ref. values + values = np.divide(seq_values, + np.full((seq_values.shape), + refValue)) + + # Plot baseline for zero, i.e. no difference + plt.axhline(y=1.0, xmin=0, xmax=1, c='green', + ls='--', lw=2) + + # Set the limits + plt.ylim([1e-1, 1e1]) + + # Create the plots + plt.semilogy(x_idx, values, marker=markers[idx], + color=colors[idx], ls='--', lw=2, + label=name.split("_rep", 1)[0]) + else: + plot_label = plot + + # Create the plots + plt.plot(x_idx, seq_values, marker=markers[idx], + color=colors[idx], ls='--', lw=2, + label=name.split("_rep", 1)[0]) + + else: + plot_label = plot + seq_values = np.nan_to_num(seq_values) + + # Plot the error evolution for each output + plt.semilogy(x_idx, seq_values.mean(axis=1), + marker=markers[idx], ls='--', lw=2, + color=colors[idx], + label=name.split("_rep", 1)[0]) + + # Set the major and minor locators + ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.AutoLocator()) + ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(ticker.AutoMinorLocator()) + ax.xaxis.grid(True, which='major', linestyle='-') + ax.xaxis.grid(True, which='minor', linestyle='--') + + ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', direction='in', + width=3, length=10) + ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', direction='in', + width=2, length=8) + plt.xlabel('Number of runs') + plt.ylabel(plot_label) + plt.title(plot) + plt.legend(frameon=True) + + # save the current figure + plot_name = plot.replace(' ', '_') + fig.savefig( + f'{self.out_dir}/{newpath}/seq_{plot_name}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight' + ) + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + + # ---------------- Saving arrays into files --------------- + np.save(f'{self.out_dir}/{newpath}/seq_{plot_name}.npy', seq_values) + + return + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def sobol_indices(self, xlabel='Time [s]', plot_type=None): + """ + Provides Sobol indices as a sensitivity measure to infer the importance + of the input parameters. See Eq. 27 in [1] for more details. For the + case with Principal component analysis refer to [2]. + + [1] Global sensitivity analysis: A flexible and efficient framework + with an example from stochastic hydrogeology S. Oladyshkin, F.P. + de Barros, W. Nowak https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres.2011.11.001 + + [2] Nagel, J.B., Rieckermann, J. and Sudret, B., 2020. Principal + component analysis and sparse polynomial chaos expansions for global + sensitivity analysis and model calibration: Application to urban + drainage simulation. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 195, + p.106737. + + Parameters + ---------- + xlabel : str, optional + Label of the x-axis. The default is `'Time [s]'`. + plot_type : str, optional + Plot type. The default is `None`. This corresponds to line plot. + Bar chart can be selected by `bar`. + + Returns + ------- + sobol_cell: dict + Sobol indices. + total_sobol: dict + Total Sobol indices. + + """ + # Extract the necessary variables + PCEModel = self.MetaModel + basis_dict = PCEModel.basis_dict + coeffs_dict = PCEModel.coeffs_dict + n_params = PCEModel.n_params + if hasattr(PCEModel, 'n_inner_params'): + n_params = PCEModel.n_inner_params + max_order = np.max(PCEModel.pce_deg) + sobol_cell_b = {} + total_sobol_b = {} + cov_Z_p_q = np.zeros((n_params)) + + outputs = self.ModelObj.Output.names + if hasattr(PCEModel, 'trafo_type'): + if PCEModel.trafo_type == 'space': + outputs = ['Z'] + + for b_i in range(PCEModel.n_bootstrap_itrs): + + sobol_cell_, total_sobol_ = {}, {} + + for output in outputs: + + n_meas_points = len(coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output]) + + # Initialize the (cell) array containing the (total) Sobol indices. + sobol_array = dict.fromkeys(range(1, max_order+1), []) + sobol_cell_array = dict.fromkeys(range(1, max_order+1), []) + + for i_order in range(1, max_order+1): + n_comb = math.comb(n_params, i_order) + + sobol_cell_array[i_order] = np.zeros((n_comb, n_meas_points)) + + total_sobol_array = np.zeros((n_params, n_meas_points)) + + # Initialize the cell to store the names of the variables + TotalVariance = np.zeros((n_meas_points)) + # Loop over all measurement points and calculate sobol indices + for pIdx in range(n_meas_points): + + # Extract the basis indices (alpha) and coefficients + Basis = basis_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][f'y_{pIdx+1}'] + + try: + clf_poly = PCEModel.clf_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][f'y_{pIdx+1}'] + PCECoeffs = clf_poly.coef_ + except: + PCECoeffs = coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][f'y_{pIdx+1}'] + + # Compute total variance + TotalVariance[pIdx] = np.sum(np.square(PCECoeffs[1:])) + + nzidx = np.where(PCECoeffs != 0)[0] + # Set all the Sobol indices equal to zero in the presence of a + # null output. + if len(nzidx) == 0: + # This is buggy. + for i_order in range(1, max_order+1): + sobol_cell_array[i_order][:, pIdx] = 0 + + # Otherwise compute them by summing well-chosen coefficients + else: + nz_basis = Basis[nzidx] + for i_order in range(1, max_order+1): + idx = np.where(np.sum(nz_basis > 0, axis=1) == i_order) + subbasis = nz_basis[idx] + Z = np.array(list(combinations(range(n_params), i_order))) + + for q in range(Z.shape[0]): + Zq = Z[q] + subsubbasis = subbasis[:, Zq] + subidx = np.prod(subsubbasis, axis=1) > 0 + sum_ind = nzidx[idx[0][subidx]] + if TotalVariance[pIdx] == 0.0: + sobol_cell_array[i_order][q, pIdx] = 0.0 + else: + sobol = np.sum(np.square(PCECoeffs[sum_ind])) + sobol /= TotalVariance[pIdx] + sobol_cell_array[i_order][q, pIdx] = sobol + + # Compute the TOTAL Sobol indices. + for ParIdx in range(n_params): + idx = nz_basis[:, ParIdx] > 0 + sum_ind = nzidx[idx] + + if TotalVariance[pIdx] == 0.0: + total_sobol_array[ParIdx, pIdx] = 0.0 + else: + sobol = np.sum(np.square(PCECoeffs[sum_ind])) + sobol /= TotalVariance[pIdx] + total_sobol_array[ParIdx, pIdx] = sobol + + # ----- if PCA selected: Compute covariance ----- + if PCEModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + # Extract the basis indices (alpha) and coefficients for + # next component + if pIdx < n_meas_points-1: + nextBasis = basis_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][f'y_{pIdx+2}'] + if PCEModel.bootstrap_method != 'fast' or b_i == 0: + clf_poly = PCEModel.clf_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][f'y_{pIdx+2}'] + nextPCECoeffs = clf_poly.coef_ + else: + nextPCECoeffs = coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][f'y_{pIdx+2}'] + + # Choose the common non-zero basis + mask = (Basis[:, None] == nextBasis).all(-1).any(-1) + n_mask = (nextBasis[:, None] == Basis).all(-1).any(-1) + + # Compute the covariance in Eq 17. + for ParIdx in range(n_params): + idx = (mask) & (Basis[:, ParIdx] > 0) + n_idx = (n_mask) & (nextBasis[:, ParIdx] > 0) + try: + cov_Z_p_q[ParIdx] += np.sum(np.dot( + PCECoeffs[idx], nextPCECoeffs[n_idx]) + ) + except: + pass + + # Compute the sobol indices according to Ref. 2 + if PCEModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + n_c_points = self.engine.ExpDesign.Y[output].shape[1] + PCA = PCEModel.pca[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output] + compPCA = PCA.components_ + nComp = compPCA.shape[0] + var_Z_p = PCA.explained_variance_ + + # Extract the sobol index of the components + for i_order in range(1, max_order+1): + n_comb = math.comb(n_params, i_order) + sobol_array[i_order] = np.zeros((n_comb, n_c_points)) + Z = np.array(list(combinations(range(n_params), i_order))) + + # Loop over parameters + for q in range(Z.shape[0]): + S_Z_i = sobol_cell_array[i_order][q] + + for tIdx in range(n_c_points): + var_Y_t = np.var( + self.engine.ExpDesign.Y[output][:, tIdx]) + if var_Y_t == 0.0: + term1, term2 = 0.0, 0.0 + else: + # Eq. 17 + term1 = 0.0 + for i in range(nComp): + a = S_Z_i[i] * var_Z_p[i] + a *= compPCA[i, tIdx]**2 + term1 += a + + # TODO: Term 2 + # term2 = 0.0 + # for i in range(nComp-1): + # term2 += cov_Z_p_q[q] * compPCA[i, tIdx] + # term2 *= compPCA[i+1, tIdx] + # term2 *= 2 + + sobol_array[i_order][q, tIdx] = term1 #+ term2 + + # Devide over total output variance Eq. 18 + sobol_array[i_order][q, tIdx] /= var_Y_t + + # Compute the TOTAL Sobol indices. + total_sobol = np.zeros((n_params, n_c_points)) + for ParIdx in range(n_params): + S_Z_i = total_sobol_array[ParIdx] + + for tIdx in range(n_c_points): + var_Y_t = np.var(self.engine.ExpDesign.Y[output][:, tIdx]) + if var_Y_t == 0.0: + term1, term2 = 0.0, 0.0 + else: + term1 = 0 + for i in range(nComp): + term1 += S_Z_i[i] * var_Z_p[i] * \ + (compPCA[i, tIdx]**2) + + # Term 2 + term2 = 0 + for i in range(nComp-1): + term2 += cov_Z_p_q[ParIdx] * compPCA[i, tIdx] \ + * compPCA[i+1, tIdx] + term2 *= 2 + + total_sobol[ParIdx, tIdx] = term1 #+ term2 + + # Devide over total output variance Eq. 18 + total_sobol[ParIdx, tIdx] /= var_Y_t + + sobol_cell_[output] = sobol_array + total_sobol_[output] = total_sobol + else: + sobol_cell_[output] = sobol_cell_array + total_sobol_[output] = total_sobol_array + + # Save for each bootsrtap iteration + sobol_cell_b[b_i] = sobol_cell_ + total_sobol_b[b_i] = total_sobol_ + + # Average total sobol indices + total_sobol_all = {} + for i in sorted(total_sobol_b): + for k, v in total_sobol_b[i].items(): + if k not in total_sobol_all: + total_sobol_all[k] = [None] * len(total_sobol_b) + total_sobol_all[k][i] = v + sobol_all = {} + for i in sorted(sobol_cell_b): + for k, v in sobol_cell_b[i].items(): + for l,m in v.items(): + if l not in sobol_all: + sobol_all[l]={} + if k not in sobol_all[l]: + sobol_all[l][k] = [None] * len(sobol_cell_b) + sobol_all[l][k][i] = v[l] + #print(sobol_all) + + self.sobol = {} + # Will receive a set of indices for each possible degree of polynomial/interaction + for i_order in range(1, max_order+1): + self.sobol[i_order]={} + for output in outputs: + self.sobol[i_order][output] = np.mean([sobol_all[i_order][output]], axis=0) + + self.total_sobol = {} + for output in outputs: + self.total_sobol[output] = np.mean(total_sobol_all[output], axis=0) + + # ---------------- Plot ----------------------- + par_names = self.engine.ExpDesign.par_names + x_values_orig = self.engine.ExpDesign.x_values + + # Check if the x_values match the number of metamodel outputs + if not np.array(x_values_orig).shape[0] == self.total_sobol[outputs[0]].shape[1]: + print('The number of MetaModel outputs does not match the x_values' + ' specified in ExpDesign. Images are created with ' + 'equidistant numbers on the x-axis') + x_values_orig = np.arange(0,1,self.total_sobol[output].shape[0]) + + # Check if it uses a wrapper structure + if hasattr(PCEModel, 'trafo_type'): + if PCEModel.trafo_type == 'time': + par_names.append('time') + + newpath = (f'Outputs_PostProcessing_{self.name}/') + if not os.path.exists(newpath): + os.makedirs(newpath) + + if 1: + fig = plt.figure() + + for i_order in range(1, max_order+1): + # Change labels to combined params sets for higher order indices + if i_order == 1: + par_names_i = par_names + else: + par_names_i = list(combinations(par_names, i_order)) + for outIdx, output in enumerate(outputs): + + # Extract total Sobol indices + sobol = self.sobol[i_order][output][0] + + # Compute quantiles + q_5 = np.quantile(sobol_all[i_order][output], q=0.05, axis=0) + q_97_5 = np.quantile(sobol_all[i_order][output], q=0.975, axis=0) + + # Extract a list of x values + if type(x_values_orig) is dict: + x = x_values_orig[output] + else: + x = x_values_orig + + if plot_type == 'bar': + ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) + dict1 = {xlabel: x} + dict2 = {param: sobolIndices for param, sobolIndices + in zip(par_names_i, sobol)} + + df = pd.DataFrame({**dict1, **dict2}) + df.plot(x=xlabel, y=par_names_i, kind="bar", ax=ax, rot=0, + colormap='Dark2', yerr=q_97_5-q_5) + ax.set_ylabel('Sobol indices, $S^T$') + + else: + for i, sobolIndices in enumerate(sobol): + plt.plot(x, sobolIndices, label=par_names_i[i], + marker='x', lw=2.5) + plt.fill_between(x, q_5[i], q_97_5[i], alpha=0.15) + + plt.ylabel('Sobol indices, $S^T$') + plt.xlabel(xlabel) + + plt.title(f'{i_order} degree Sensitivity analysis of {output}') + if plot_type != 'bar': + plt.legend(loc='best', frameon=True) + + # Save indices + np.savetxt(f'{self.out_dir}/{newpath}sobol_{i_order}_' + + output.replace('/', '_') + '.csv', + sobol.T, delimiter=',', + header=','.join(par_names), comments='') + + # save the current figure + #print(f'{self.out_dir}/{newpath}Sobol_indices_{i_order}_{output}.pdf') + fig.savefig( + f'{self.out_dir}/{newpath}Sobol_indices_{i_order}_{output}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight' + ) + + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + + fig = plt.figure() + + for outIdx, output in enumerate(outputs): + + # Extract total Sobol indices + total_sobol = self.total_sobol[output] + + # Compute quantiles + q_5 = np.quantile(total_sobol_all[output], q=0.05, axis=0) + q_97_5 = np.quantile(total_sobol_all[output], q=0.975, axis=0) + + # Extract a list of x values + if type(x_values_orig) is dict: + x = x_values_orig[output] + else: + x = x_values_orig + + if plot_type == 'bar': + ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) + dict1 = {xlabel: x} + dict2 = {param: sobolIndices for param, sobolIndices + in zip(par_names, total_sobol)} + + df = pd.DataFrame({**dict1, **dict2}) + df.plot(x=xlabel, y=par_names, kind="bar", ax=ax, rot=0, + colormap='Dark2', yerr=q_97_5-q_5) + ax.set_ylabel('Total Sobol indices, $S^T$') + + else: + for i, sobolIndices in enumerate(total_sobol): + plt.plot(x, sobolIndices, label=par_names[i], + marker='x', lw=2.5) + plt.fill_between(x, q_5[i], q_97_5[i], alpha=0.15) + + plt.ylabel('Total Sobol indices, $S^T$') + plt.xlabel(xlabel) + + plt.title(f'Sensitivity analysis of {output}') + if plot_type != 'bar': + plt.legend(loc='best', frameon=True) + + # Save indices + np.savetxt(f'{self.out_dir}/{newpath}totalsobol_' + + output.replace('/', '_') + '.csv', + total_sobol.T, delimiter=',', + header=','.join(par_names), comments='') + + # save the current figure + fig.savefig( + f'{self.out_dir}/{newpath}TotalSobol_indices_{output}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight' + ) + + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + + return self.sobol, self.total_sobol + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def check_reg_quality(self, n_samples=1000, samples=None): + """ + Checks the quality of the metamodel for single output models based on: + https://towardsdatascience.com/how-do-you-check-the-quality-of-your-regression-model-in-python-fa61759ff685 + + + Parameters + ---------- + n_samples : int, optional + Number of parameter sets to use for the check. The default is 1000. + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params), optional + Parameter sets to use for the check. The default is None. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + + if samples is None: + self.n_samples = n_samples + samples = self._get_sample() + else: + self.n_samples = samples.shape[0] + + # Evaluate the original and the surrogate model + y_val = self._eval_model(samples, key_str='valid') + y_pce_val, _ = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=samples) + + # Open a pdf for the plots + newpath = f'Outputs_PostProcessing_{self.name}/' + if not os.path.exists(newpath): + os.makedirs(newpath) + + # Fit the data(train the model) + for key in y_pce_val.keys(): + + y_pce_val_ = y_pce_val[key] + y_val_ = y_val[key] + residuals = y_val_ - y_pce_val_ + + # ------ Residuals vs. predicting variables ------ + # Check the assumptions of linearity and independence + fig1 = plt.figure() + for i, par in enumerate(self.engine.ExpDesign.par_names): + plt.title(f"{key}: Residuals vs. {par}") + plt.scatter( + x=samples[:, i], y=residuals, color='blue', edgecolor='k') + plt.grid(True) + xmin, xmax = min(samples[:, i]), max(samples[:, i]) + plt.hlines(y=0, xmin=xmin*0.9, xmax=xmax*1.1, color='red', + lw=3, linestyle='--') + plt.xlabel(par) + plt.ylabel('Residuals') + plt.show() + + # save the current figure + fig1.savefig(f'{self.out_dir}/{newpath}/Residuals_vs_Par_{i+1}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + + # ------ Fitted vs. residuals ------ + # Check the assumptions of linearity and independence + fig2 = plt.figure() + plt.title(f"{key}: Residuals vs. fitted values") + plt.scatter(x=y_pce_val_, y=residuals, color='blue', edgecolor='k') + plt.grid(True) + xmin, xmax = min(y_val_), max(y_val_) + plt.hlines(y=0, xmin=xmin*0.9, xmax=xmax*1.1, color='red', lw=3, + linestyle='--') + plt.xlabel(key) + plt.ylabel('Residuals') + plt.show() + + # save the current figure + fig2.savefig(f'{self.out_dir}/{newpath}/Fitted_vs_Residuals.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + + # ------ Histogram of normalized residuals ------ + fig3 = plt.figure() + resid_pearson = residuals / (max(residuals)-min(residuals)) + plt.hist(resid_pearson, bins=20, edgecolor='k') + plt.ylabel('Count') + plt.xlabel('Normalized residuals') + plt.title(f"{key}: Histogram of normalized residuals") + + # Normality (Shapiro-Wilk) test of the residuals + ax = plt.gca() + _, p = stats.shapiro(residuals) + if p < 0.01: + annText = "The residuals seem to come from a Gaussian Process." + else: + annText = "The normality assumption may not hold." + at = AnchoredText(annText, prop=dict(size=30), frameon=True, + loc='upper left') + at.patch.set_boxstyle("round,pad=0.,rounding_size=0.2") + ax.add_artist(at) + + plt.show() + + # save the current figure + fig3.savefig(f'{self.out_dir}/{newpath}/Hist_NormResiduals.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + + # ------ Q-Q plot of the normalized residuals ------ + plt.figure() + stats.probplot(residuals[:, 0], plot=plt) + plt.xticks() + plt.yticks() + plt.xlabel("Theoretical quantiles") + plt.ylabel("Sample quantiles") + plt.title(f"{key}: Q-Q plot of normalized residuals") + plt.grid(True) + plt.show() + + # save the current figure + plt.savefig(f'{self.out_dir}/{newpath}/QQPlot_NormResiduals.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def eval_pce_model_3d(self): + + self.n_samples = 1000 + + PCEModel = self.MetaModel + Model = self.ModelObj + n_samples = self.n_samples + + # Create 3D-Grid + # TODO: Make it general + x = np.linspace(-5, 10, n_samples) + y = np.linspace(0, 15, n_samples) + + X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) + PCE_Z = np.zeros((self.n_samples, self.n_samples)) + Model_Z = np.zeros((self.n_samples, self.n_samples)) + + for idxMesh in range(self.n_samples): + sample_mesh = np.vstack((X[:, idxMesh], Y[:, idxMesh])).T + + univ_p_val = PCEModel.univ_basis_vals(sample_mesh) + + for Outkey, ValuesDict in PCEModel.coeffs_dict.items(): + + pce_out_mean = np.zeros((len(sample_mesh), len(ValuesDict))) + pce_out_std = np.zeros((len(sample_mesh), len(ValuesDict))) + model_outs = np.zeros((len(sample_mesh), len(ValuesDict))) + + for Inkey, InIdxValues in ValuesDict.items(): + idx = int(Inkey.split('_')[1]) - 1 + basis_deg_ind = PCEModel.basis_dict[Outkey][Inkey] + clf_poly = PCEModel.clf_poly[Outkey][Inkey] + + PSI_Val = PCEModel.create_psi(basis_deg_ind, univ_p_val) + + # Perdiction with error bar + y_mean, y_std = clf_poly.predict(PSI_Val, return_std=True) + + pce_out_mean[:, idx] = y_mean + pce_out_std[:, idx] = y_std + + # Model evaluation + model_out_dict, _ = Model.run_model_parallel(sample_mesh, + key_str='Valid3D') + model_outs[:, idx] = model_out_dict[Outkey].T + + PCE_Z[:, idxMesh] = y_mean + Model_Z[:, idxMesh] = model_outs[:, 0] + + # ---------------- 3D plot for PCEModel ----------------------- + fig_PCE = plt.figure() + ax = plt.axes(projection='3d') + ax.plot_surface(X, Y, PCE_Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, + cmap='viridis', edgecolor='none') + ax.set_title('PCEModel') + ax.set_xlabel('$x_1$') + ax.set_ylabel('$x_2$') + ax.set_zlabel('$f(x_1,x_2)$') + + plt.grid() + plt.show() + + # Saving the figure + newpath = f'Outputs_PostProcessing_{self.name}/' + if not os.path.exists(newpath): + os.makedirs(newpath) + + # save the figure to file + fig_PCE.savefig(f'{self.out_dir}/{newpath}/3DPlot_PCEModel.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + plt.close(fig_PCE) + + # ---------------- 3D plot for Model ----------------------- + fig_Model = plt.figure() + ax = plt.axes(projection='3d') + ax.plot_surface(X, Y, PCE_Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, + cmap='viridis', edgecolor='none') + ax.set_title('Model') + ax.set_xlabel('$x_1$') + ax.set_ylabel('$x_2$') + ax.set_zlabel('$f(x_1,x_2)$') + + plt.grid() + plt.show() + + # Save the figure + fig_Model.savefig(f'{self.out_dir}/{newpath}/3DPlot_Model.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + plt.close(fig_Model) + + return + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def compute_pce_moments(self): + """ + Computes the first two moments using the PCE-based meta-model. + + Returns + ------- + pce_means: dict + The first moments (mean) of outpust. + pce_means: dict + The first moments (mean) of outpust. + + """ + + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + outputs = self.ModelObj.Output.names + pce_means_b = {} + pce_stds_b = {} + + # Loop over bootstrap iterations + for b_i in range(MetaModel.n_bootstrap_itrs): + # Loop over the metamodels + coeffs_dicts = MetaModel.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'].items() + means = {} + stds = {} + for output, coef_dict in coeffs_dicts: + + pce_mean = np.zeros((len(coef_dict))) + pce_var = np.zeros((len(coef_dict))) + + for index, values in coef_dict.items(): + idx = int(index.split('_')[1]) - 1 + coeffs = MetaModel.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][index] + + # Mean = c_0 + if coeffs[0] != 0: + pce_mean[idx] = coeffs[0] + else: + clf_poly = MetaModel.clf_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output] + pce_mean[idx] = clf_poly[index].intercept_ + # Var = sum(coeffs[1:]**2) + pce_var[idx] = np.sum(np.square(coeffs[1:])) + + # Save predictions for each output + if MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + PCA = MetaModel.pca[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output] + means[output] = PCA.inverse_transform(pce_mean) + stds[output] = np.sqrt(np.dot(pce_var, + PCA.components_**2)) + else: + means[output] = pce_mean + stds[output] = np.sqrt(pce_var) + + # Save predictions for each bootstrap iteration + pce_means_b[b_i] = means + pce_stds_b[b_i] = stds + + # Change the order of nesting + mean_all = {} + for i in sorted(pce_means_b): + for k, v in pce_means_b[i].items(): + if k not in mean_all: + mean_all[k] = [None] * len(pce_means_b) + mean_all[k][i] = v + std_all = {} + for i in sorted(pce_stds_b): + for k, v in pce_stds_b[i].items(): + if k not in std_all: + std_all[k] = [None] * len(pce_stds_b) + std_all[k][i] = v + + # Back transformation if PCA is selected. + pce_means, pce_stds = {}, {} + for output in outputs: + pce_means[output] = np.mean(mean_all[output], axis=0) + pce_stds[output] = np.mean(std_all[output], axis=0) + + # Print a report table + print("\n>>>>> Moments of {} <<<<<".format(output)) + print("\nIndex | Mean | Std. deviation") + print('-'*35) + print('\n'.join(f'{i+1} | {k:.3e} | {j:.3e}' for i, (k, j) + in enumerate(zip(pce_means[output], + pce_stds[output])))) + print('-'*40) + + return pce_means, pce_stds + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def compute_mc_moments(self, num_mc_samples): + """ + Computes the first two moments of the metamodel using MC samples. + + Parameters + ---------- + num_mc_samples : int + The number of samples to estimate the moments by + + Returns + ------- + pce_means: dict + The first moments (mean) of outpust. + pce_means: dict + The first moments (mean) of outpust. + + """ + # Get the MC-samples + samples = self.engine.ExpDesign.generate_samples(num_mc_samples) + print('Random samples are genereated, now starting the evaluations') + + # Run the metamodel on the samples + approx, stds = self.engine.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples) + + # Estimate the overall mean and std from this + pce_means = {} + pce_stds = {} + for key in approx.keys(): + if key == 'x_values': + continue + pce_means[key] = np.mean(approx[key], axis = 0) + pce_stds[key] = np.std(approx[key], axis = 0) + + return pce_means, pce_stds + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _get_sample(self, n_samples=None): + """ + Generates random samples taken from the input parameter space. + + Returns + ------- + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Generated samples. + + """ + if n_samples is None: + n_samples = self.n_samples + self.samples = self.ExpDesign.generate_samples(n_samples, + sampling_method='random') + return self.samples + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _eval_model(self, samples=None, key_str='Valid'): + """ + Evaluates Forward Model for the given number of self.samples or given + samples. + + Parameters + ---------- + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params), optional + Samples to evaluate the model at. The default is None. + key_str : str, optional + Key string pass to the model. The default is 'Valid'. + + Returns + ------- + model_outs : dict + Dictionary of results. + + """ + Model = self.ModelObj + + if samples is None: + samples = self._get_sample() + self.samples = samples + else: + self.n_samples = len(samples) + + model_outs, _ = Model.run_model_parallel(samples, key_str=key_str) + + return model_outs + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _plot_validation(self): + """ + Plots outputs for visual comparison of metamodel outputs with that of + the (full) original model. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + PCEModel = self.MetaModel + + # get the samples + x_val = self.samples + y_pce_val = self.pce_out_mean + y_val = self.model_out_dict + + # Open a pdf for the plots + newpath = f'Outputs_PostProcessing_{self.name}/' + if not os.path.exists(newpath): + os.makedirs(newpath) + + fig = plt.figure() + # Fit the data(train the model) + for key in y_pce_val.keys(): + + y_pce_val_ = y_pce_val[key] + y_val_ = y_val[key] + + regression_model = LinearRegression() + regression_model.fit(y_pce_val_, y_val_) + + # Predict + x_new = np.linspace(np.min(y_pce_val_), np.max(y_val_), 100) + y_predicted = regression_model.predict(x_new[:, np.newaxis]) + + plt.scatter(y_pce_val_, y_val_, color='gold', linewidth=2) + plt.plot(x_new, y_predicted, color='k') + + # Calculate the adjusted R_squared and RMSE + # the total number of explanatory variables in the model + # (not including the constant term) + length_list = [] + for key, value in PCEModel.coeffs_dict['b_1'][key].items(): + length_list.append(len(value)) + n_predictors = min(length_list) + n_samples = x_val.shape[0] + + R2 = r2_score(y_pce_val_, y_val_) + AdjR2 = 1 - (1 - R2) * (n_samples - 1) / \ + (n_samples - n_predictors - 1) + rmse = mean_squared_error(y_pce_val_, y_val_, squared=False) + + plt.annotate(f'RMSE = {rmse:.3f}\n Adjusted $R^2$ = {AdjR2:.3f}', + xy=(0.05, 0.85), xycoords='axes fraction') + + plt.ylabel("Original Model") + plt.xlabel("PCE Model") + plt.grid() + plt.show() + + # save the current figure + plot_name = key.replace(' ', '_') + fig.savefig(f'{self.out_dir}/{newpath}/Model_vs_PCEModel_{plot_name}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _plot_validation_multi(self, x_values=[], x_axis="x [m]"): + """ + Plots outputs for visual comparison of metamodel outputs with that of + the (full) multioutput original model + + Parameters + ---------- + x_values : list or array, optional + List of x values. The default is []. + x_axis : str, optional + Label of the x axis. The default is "x [m]". + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + Model = self.ModelObj + + newpath = f'Outputs_PostProcessing_{self.name}/' + if not os.path.exists(newpath): + os.makedirs(newpath) + + # List of markers and colors + color = cycle((['b', 'g', 'r', 'y', 'k'])) + marker = cycle(('x', 'd', '+', 'o', '*')) + + fig = plt.figure() + # Plot the model vs PCE model + for keyIdx, key in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + + y_pce_val = self.pce_out_mean[key] + y_pce_val_std = self.pce_out_std[key] + y_val = self.model_out_dict[key] + try: + x = self.model_out_dict['x_values'][key] + except (TypeError, IndexError): + x = x_values + + for idx in range(y_val.shape[0]): + Color = next(color) + Marker = next(marker) + + plt.plot(x, y_val[idx], color=Color, marker=Marker, + label='$Y_{%s}^M$'%(idx+1)) + + plt.plot(x, y_pce_val[idx], color=Color, marker=Marker, + linestyle='--', + label='$Y_{%s}^{PCE}$'%(idx+1)) + plt.fill_between(x, y_pce_val[idx]-1.96*y_pce_val_std[idx], + y_pce_val[idx]+1.96*y_pce_val_std[idx], + color=Color, alpha=0.15) + + # Calculate the RMSE + rmse = mean_squared_error(y_pce_val, y_val, squared=False) + R2 = r2_score(y_pce_val[idx].reshape(-1, 1), + y_val[idx].reshape(-1, 1)) + + plt.annotate(f'RMSE = {rmse:.3f}\n $R^2$ = {R2:.3f}', + xy=(0.85, 0.1), xycoords='axes fraction') + + plt.ylabel(key) + plt.xlabel(x_axis) + plt.legend(loc='best') + plt.grid() + + # save the current figure + plot_name = key.replace(' ', '_') + fig.savefig(f'{self.out_dir}/{newpath}/Model_vs_PCEModel_{plot_name}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + + # Zip the subdirectories + Model.zip_subdirs(f'{Model.name}valid', f'{Model.name}valid_') diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__init__.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4bd81739faf43956324b30f6d8e5365b29d55677 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +from .pylink import PyLinkForwardModel + +__all__ = [ + "PyLinkForwardModel" + ] diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5b7c1b3926506fb279b856f55ca6120df31b8888 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1947ad354716d0293953761f0d35193f706cedc1 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0bbb522855ad250ad55bca46123c0f5023076291 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/pylink.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/pylink.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b6ae7c14b35b60388e38fcbd3af64d04771a947c Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/pylink.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/pylink.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/pylink.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6b8b695cb653d82323fc0c075eca519e389c960e Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/pylink.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/pylink.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/pylink.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..746c82eb52be2e437c61bd201433f9d38b8ab177 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/pylink.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/pylink.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/pylink.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0ef7d48e293987941d42ff1414efc1d9fc77af65 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/pylink/pylink.py @@ -0,0 +1,807 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Calls to the model and evaluations +""" + +from dataclasses import dataclass + +import os +import shutil +import h5py +import numpy as np +import time +import zipfile +import pandas as pd +import multiprocessing +from functools import partial +import tqdm + +#from multiprocessing import get_context +from multiprocess import get_context + + + +def within_range(out, minout, maxout): + """ + Checks if all the values in out lie between minout and maxout + + Parameters + ---------- + out : array or list + Data to check against range + minout : int + Lower bound of the range + maxout : int + Upper bound of the range + + Returns + ------- + inside : bool + True if all values in out are in the specified range + + """ + try: + out = np.array(out) + except: + raise AttributeError('The given values should be a 1D array, but are not') + if out.ndim != 1: + raise AttributeError('The given values should be a 1D array, but are not') + + if minout > maxout: + raise ValueError('The lower and upper bounds do not form a valid range, they might be switched') + + inside = False + if (out > minout).all() and (out < maxout).all(): + inside = True + return inside + + +class PyLinkForwardModel(object): + """ + A forward model binder + + This calss serves as a code wrapper. This wrapper allows the execution of + a third-party software/solver within the scope of BayesValidRox. + + Attributes + ---------- + link_type : str + The type of the wrapper. The default is `'pylink'`. This runs the + third-party software or an executable using a shell command with given + input files. + Second option is `'function'` which assumed that model can be run using + a function written separately in a Python script. + name : str + Name of the model. + py_file : str + Python file name without `.py` extension to be run for the `'function'` + wrapper. Note that the name of the python file and that of the function + must be simillar. This function must recieve the parameters in an array + of shape `(n_samples, n_params)` and returns a dictionary with the + x_values and output arrays for given output names. + func_args : dict + Additional arguments for the python file. The default is `{}`. + shell_command : str + Shell command to be executed for the `'pylink'` wrapper. + input_file : str or list + The input file to be passed to the `'pylink'` wrapper. + input_template : str or list + A template input file to be passed to the `'pylink'` wrapper. This file + must be a copy of `input_file` with `<Xi>` place holder for the input + parameters defined using `inputs` class, with i being the number of + parameter. The file name ending should include `.tpl` before the actual + extension of the input file, for example, `params.tpl.input`. + aux_file : str or list + The list of auxiliary files needed for the `'pylink'` wrapper. + exe_path : str + Execution path if you wish to run the model for the `'pylink'` wrapper + in another directory. The default is `None`, which corresponds to the + currecnt working directory. + output_file_names : list of str + List of the name of the model output text files for the `'pylink'` + wrapper. + output_names : list of str + List of the model outputs to be used for the analysis. + output_parser : str + Name of the model parser file (without `.py` extension) that recieves + the `output_file_names` and returns a 2d-array with the first row being + the x_values, e.g. x coordinates or time and the rest of raws pass the + simulation output for each model output defined in `output_names`. Note + that again here the name of the file and that of the function must be + the same. + multi_process: bool + Whether the model runs to be executed in parallel for the `'pylink'` + wrapper. The default is `True`. + n_cpus: int + The number of cpus to be used for the parallel model execution for the + `'pylink'` wrapper. The default is `None`, which corresponds to all + available cpus. + meas_file : str + The name of the measurement text-based file. This file must contain + x_values as the first column and one column for each model output. The + default is `None`. Only needed for the Bayesian Inference. + meas_file_valid : str + The name of the measurement text-based file for the validation. The + default is `None`. Only needed for the validation with Bayesian + Inference. + mc_ref_file : str + The name of the text file for the Monte-Carlo reference (mean and + standard deviation) values. It must contain `x_values` as the first + column, `mean` as the second column and `std` as the third. It can be + used to compare the estimated moments using meta-model in the post- + processing step. This is only available for one output. + obs_dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement text-based file. It must + contain `x_values` as the first item and one item for each model output + . The default is `{}`. Only needed for the Bayesian Inference. + obs_dict_valid : dict + A dictionary containing the validation measurement text-based file. It + must contain `x_values` as the first item and one item for each model + output. The default is `{}`. + mc_ref_dict : dict + A dictionary containing the Monte-Carlo reference (mean and standard + deviation) values. It must contain `x_values` as the first item and + `mean` as the second item and `std` as the third. The default is `{}`. + This is only available for one output. + """ + + # Nested class + @dataclass + class OutputData(object): + parser: str = "" + names: list = None + file_names: list = None + + def __init__(self, link_type='pylink', name=None, py_file=None, + func_args={}, shell_command='', input_file=None, + input_template=None, aux_file=None, exe_path='', + output_file_names=[], output_names=[], output_parser='', + multi_process=True, n_cpus=None, meas_file=None, + meas_file_valid=None, mc_ref_file=None, obs_dict={}, + obs_dict_valid={}, mc_ref_dict={}): + self.link_type = link_type + self.name = name + self.shell_command = shell_command + self.py_file = py_file + self.func_args = func_args + self.input_file = input_file + self.input_template = input_template + self.aux_file = aux_file + self.exe_path = exe_path + self.multi_process = multi_process + self.n_cpus = n_cpus + self.Output = self.OutputData( + parser=output_parser, + names=output_names, + file_names=output_file_names, + ) + self.n_outputs = len(self.Output.names) + self.meas_file = meas_file + self.meas_file_valid = meas_file_valid + self.mc_ref_file = mc_ref_file + self.observations = obs_dict + self.observations_valid = obs_dict_valid + self.mc_reference = mc_ref_dict + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def read_observation(self, case='calib'): + """ + Reads/prepare the observation/measurement data for + calibration. + + Parameters + ---------- + case : str + The type of observation to read in. Can be either 'calib', + 'valid' or 'mc_ref' + + Returns + ------- + DataFrame + A dataframe with the calibration data. + + """ + # TOOD: check that what is read in/transformed matches the expected form of data/reference + if case.lower() == 'calib': + if isinstance(self.observations, dict) and bool(self.observations): + self.observations = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self.observations) + elif self.meas_file is not None: + file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.meas_file) + self.observations = pd.read_csv(file_path, delimiter=',') + elif isinstance(self.observations, pd.DataFrame): + self.observations = self.observations + else: + raise Exception("Please provide the observation data as a " + "dictionary via observations attribute or pass" + " the csv-file path to MeasurementFile " + "attribute") + # Compute the number of observation + self.n_obs = self.observations[self.Output.names].notnull().sum().values.sum() + return self.observations + + elif case.lower() == 'valid': + if isinstance(self.observations_valid, dict) and \ + bool(self.observations_valid): + self.observations_valid = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self.observations_valid) + elif self.meas_file_valid is not None: + file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.meas_file_valid) + self.observations_valid = pd.read_csv(file_path, delimiter=',') + elif isinstance(self.observations_valid, pd.DataFrame): + self.observations_valid = self.observations_valid + else: + raise Exception("Please provide the observation data as a " + "dictionary via observations attribute or pass" + " the csv-file path to MeasurementFile " + "attribute") + # Compute the number of observation + self.n_obs_valid = self.observations_valid[self.Output.names].notnull().sum().values.sum() + return self.observations_valid + + elif case.lower() == 'mc_ref': + if self.mc_ref_file is None and \ + isinstance(self.mc_reference, pd.DataFrame): + return self.mc_reference + elif isinstance(self.mc_reference, dict) and bool(self.mc_reference): + self.mc_reference = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self.mc_reference) + elif self.mc_ref_file is not None: + file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.mc_ref_file) + self.mc_reference = pd.read_csv(file_path, delimiter=',') + else: + self.mc_reference = None + return self.mc_reference + + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def read_output(self): + """ + Reads the the parser output file and returns it as an + executable function. It is required when the models returns the + simulation outputs in csv files. + + Returns + ------- + Output : func + Output parser function. + + """ + output_func_name = self.Output.parser + + output_func = getattr(__import__(output_func_name), output_func_name) + + file_names = [] + for File in self.Output.file_names: + file_names.append(os.path.join(self.exe_path, File)) + try: + output = output_func(self.name, file_names) + except TypeError: + output = output_func(file_names) + return output + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def update_input_params(self, new_input_file, param_set): + """ + Finds this pattern with <X1> in the new_input_file and replace it with + the new value from the array param_sets. + + Parameters + ---------- + new_input_file : list + List of the input files with the adapted names. + param_set : array of shape (n_params) + Parameter set. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + NofPa = param_set.shape[0] + text_to_search_list = [f'<X{i+1}>' for i in range(NofPa)] + + for filename in new_input_file: + # Read in the file + with open(filename, 'r') as file: + filedata = file.read() + + # Replace the target string + for text_to_search, params in zip(text_to_search_list, param_set): + filedata = filedata.replace(text_to_search, f'{params:0.4e}') + + # Write the file out again + with open(filename, 'w') as file: + file.write(filedata) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def run_command(self, command, output_file_names): + """ + Runs the execution command given by the user to run the given model. + It checks if the output files have been generated. If yes, the jobe is + done and it extracts and returns the requested output(s). Otherwise, + it executes the command again. + + Parameters + ---------- + command : str + The shell command to be executed. + output_file_names : list + Name of the output file names. + + Returns + ------- + simulation_outputs : array of shape (n_obs, n_outputs) + Simulation outputs. + + """ + + # Check if simulation is finished + while True: + time.sleep(3) + files = os.listdir(".") + if all(elem in files for elem in output_file_names): + break + else: + # Run command + Process = os.system(f'./../{command}') + if Process != 0: + print('\nMessage 1:') + print(f'\tIf the value of \'{Process}\' is a non-zero value' + ', then compilation problems occur \n' % Process) + os.chdir("..") + + # Read the output + simulation_outputs = self.read_output() + + return simulation_outputs + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def run_forwardmodel(self, xx): + """ + This function creates subdirectory for the current run and copies the + necessary files to this directory and renames them. Next, it executes + the given command. + + Parameters + ---------- + xx : tuple + A tuple including parameter set, simulation number and key string. + + Returns + ------- + output : array of shape (n_outputs+1, n_obs) + An array passed by the output paraser containing the x_values as + the first row and the simulations results stored in the the rest of + the array. + + """ + c_points, run_no, key_str = xx + + # Handle if only one imput file is provided + if not isinstance(self.input_template, list): + self.input_template = [self.input_template] + if not isinstance(self.input_file, list): + self.input_file = [self.input_file] + + new_input_file = [] + # Loop over the InputTemplates: + for in_temp in self.input_template: + if '/' in in_temp: + in_temp = in_temp.split('/')[-1] + new_input_file.append(in_temp.split('.tpl')[0] + key_str + + f"_{run_no+1}" + in_temp.split('.tpl')[1]) + + # Create directories + newpath = self.name + key_str + f'_{run_no+1}' + if not os.path.exists(newpath): + os.makedirs(newpath) + + # Copy the necessary files to the directories + print(self.input_template) + for in_temp in self.input_template: + # Input file(s) of the model + shutil.copy2(in_temp, newpath) + # Auxiliary file + if self.aux_file is not None: + shutil.copy2(self.aux_file, newpath) # Auxiliary file + + # Rename the Inputfile and/or auxiliary file + os.chdir(newpath) + for input_tem, input_file in zip(self.input_template, new_input_file): + if '/' in input_tem: + input_tem = input_tem.split('/')[-1] + os.rename(input_tem, input_file) + + # Update the parametrs in Input file + self.update_input_params(new_input_file, c_points) + + # Update the user defined command and the execution path + try: + new_command = self.shell_command.replace(self.input_file[0], + new_input_file[0]) + new_command = new_command.replace(self.input_file[1], + new_input_file[1]) + except: + new_command = self.shell_command.replace(self.input_file[0], + new_input_file[0]) + # Set the exe path if not provided + if not bool(self.exe_path): + self.exe_path = os.getcwd() + + # Run the model + print(new_command) + output = self.run_command(new_command, self.Output.file_names) + + return output + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def run_model_parallel(self, c_points, prevRun_No=0, key_str='', + mp=True, verbose=True): + """ + Runs model simulations. If mp is true (default), then the simulations + are started in parallel. + + Parameters + ---------- + c_points : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Collocation points (training set). + prevRun_No : int, optional + Previous run number, in case the sequential design is selected. + The default is `0`. + key_str : str, optional + A descriptive string for validation runs. The default is `''`. + mp : bool, optional + Multiprocessing. The default is `True`. + verbose: bool, optional + Verbosity. The default is `True`. + + Returns + ------- + all_outputs : dict + A dictionary with x values (time step or point id) and all outputs. + Each key contains an array of the shape `(n_samples, n_obs)`. + new_c_points : array + Updated collocation points (training set). If a simulation does not + executed successfully, the parameter set is removed. + + """ + + # Initilization + n_c_points = len(c_points) + all_outputs = {} + + # If the link type is UM-Bridge, then no parallel needs to be started from here + if self.link_type.lower() == 'umbridge': + import umbridge + if not hasattr(self, 'x_values'): + raise AttributeError('For model type `umbridge` the attribute `x_values` needs to be set for the model!') + # Init model + #model = umbridge.HTTPModel('http://localhost:4242', 'forward') + self.model = umbridge.HTTPModel(self.host, 'forward') # TODO: is this always forward? + Function = self.uMBridge_model + + # Extract the function + if self.link_type.lower() == 'function': + # Prepare the function + Function = getattr(__import__(self.py_file), self.py_file) + # --------------------------------------------------------------- + # -------------- Multiprocessing with Pool Class ---------------- + # --------------------------------------------------------------- + # Start a pool with the number of CPUs + if self.n_cpus is None: + n_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() + else: + n_cpus = self.n_cpus + + # Run forward model + if n_c_points == 1 or not mp: + if n_c_points== 1: + if self.link_type.lower() == 'function' or self.link_type.lower() == 'umbridge': + group_results = Function(c_points, **self.func_args) + else: + group_results = self.run_forwardmodel( + (c_points[0], prevRun_No, key_str) + ) + else: + for i in range(c_points.shape[0]): + if i == 0: + if self.link_type.lower() == 'function' or self.link_type.lower() == 'umbridge': + group_results = Function(np.array([c_points[0]]), **self.func_args) + else: + group_results = self.run_forwardmodel( + (c_points[0], prevRun_No, key_str) + ) + for key in group_results: + if key != 'x_values': + group_results[key] = [group_results[key]] + else: + if self.link_type.lower() == 'function' or self.link_type.lower() == 'umbridge': + res = Function(np.array([c_points[i]]), **self.func_args) + else: + res = self.run_forwardmodel( + (c_points[i], prevRun_No, key_str) + ) + for key in res: + if key != 'x_values': + group_results[key].append(res[key]) + + for key in group_results: + if key != 'x_values': + group_results[key]= np.array(group_results[key]) + + elif self.multi_process or mp: + with get_context('spawn').Pool(n_cpus) as p: + #with multiprocessing.Pool(n_cpus) as p: + + if self.link_type.lower() == 'function' or self.link_type.lower() == 'umbridge': + imap_var = p.imap(partial(Function, **self.func_args), + c_points[:, np.newaxis]) + else: + args = zip(c_points, + [prevRun_No+i for i in range(n_c_points)], + [key_str]*n_c_points) + imap_var = p.imap(self.run_forwardmodel, args) + + if verbose: + desc = f'Running forward model {key_str}' + group_results = list(tqdm.tqdm(imap_var, total=n_c_points, + desc=desc)) + else: + group_results = list(imap_var) + + # Check for NaN + for var_i, var in enumerate(self.Output.names): + # If results are given as one dictionary + if isinstance(group_results, dict): + Outputs = np.asarray(group_results[var]) + # If results are given as list of dictionaries + elif isinstance(group_results, list): + cnt = 0 + for item in group_results: + #print(var, c_points[cnt],item[var]) + cnt+=1 + Outputs = np.asarray([item[var] for item in group_results], + dtype=np.float64) + NaN_idx = np.unique(np.argwhere(np.isnan(Outputs))[:, 0]) + new_c_points = np.delete(c_points, NaN_idx, axis=0) + all_outputs[var] = np.atleast_2d( + np.delete(Outputs, NaN_idx, axis=0) + ) + + # Print the collocation points whose simulations crashed + if len(NaN_idx) != 0: + print('\n') + print('*'*20) + print("\nThe following parameter sets have been removed:\n", + c_points[NaN_idx]) + print("\n") + print('*'*20) + + # Save time steps or x-values + if isinstance(group_results, dict): + all_outputs["x_values"] = group_results["x_values"] + elif any(isinstance(i, dict) for i in group_results): + all_outputs["x_values"] = group_results[0]["x_values"] + + # Store simulations in a hdf5 file + self._store_simulations( + c_points, all_outputs, NaN_idx, key_str, prevRun_No + ) + + return all_outputs, new_c_points + + def uMBridge_model(self, params): + """ + Function that calls a UMBridge model and transforms its output into the + shape expected for the surrogate. + + Parameters + ---------- + params : 2d np.array, shape (#samples, #params) + The parameter values for which the model is run. + + Returns + ------- + dict + The transformed model outputs. + + """ + # Run the model + #out = np.array(model(np.ndarray.tolist(params), {'level':0})) + out = np.array(self.model(np.ndarray.tolist(params), self.modelparams)) + + # Sort into dict + out_dict = {} + cnt = 0 + for key in self.Output.names: + # # If needed resort into single-value outputs + # if self.output_type == 'single-valued': + # if out.shape[1]>1: # TODO: this doesn't fully seem correct?? + # for i in range(out[:,key]): # TODO: this doesn't fully seem correct?? + # new_key = key+str(i) + # if new_key not in self.Output.names: + # self.Output.names.append(new_key) + # if i == 0: + # self.Ouptut.names.remove(key) + # out_dict[new_key] = out[:,cnt,i] # TODO: not sure about this, need to test + # else: + # out_dict[key] = out[:,cnt] + # + # + # else: + out_dict[key] = out[:,cnt] + cnt += 1 + + + ## TODO: how to deal with the x-values? + #if self.output_type == 'single-valued': + # out_dict['x_values'] = [0] + #else: + # out_dict['x_values'] = np.arange(0,out[:,0].shape[0],1) + out_dict['x_values'] = self.x_values + + #return {'T1':out[:,0], 'T2':out[:,1], 'H1':out[:,2], 'H2':out[:,3], + # 'x_values':[0]} + return out_dict + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _store_simulations(self, c_points, all_outputs, NaN_idx, key_str, + prevRun_No): + """ + + + Parameters + ---------- + c_points : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + all_outputs : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + NaN_idx : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + key_str : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + prevRun_No : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + + # Create hdf5 metadata + if key_str == '': + hdf5file = f'ExpDesign_{self.name}.hdf5' + else: + hdf5file = f'ValidSet_{self.name}.hdf5' + hdf5_exist = os.path.exists(hdf5file) + file = h5py.File(hdf5file, 'a') + + # ---------- Save time steps or x-values ---------- + if not hdf5_exist: + if type(all_outputs["x_values"]) is dict: + grp_x_values = file.create_group("x_values/") + for varIdx, var in enumerate(self.Output.names): + grp_x_values.create_dataset( + var, data=all_outputs["x_values"][var] + ) + else: + file.create_dataset("x_values", data=all_outputs["x_values"]) + + # ---------- Save outputs ---------- + for varIdx, var in enumerate(self.Output.names): + if not hdf5_exist: + grpY = file.create_group("EDY/"+var) + else: + grpY = file.get("EDY/"+var) + + if prevRun_No == 0 and key_str == '': + grpY.create_dataset(f'init_{key_str}', data=all_outputs[var]) + else: + try: + oldEDY = np.array(file[f'EDY/{var}/adaptive_{key_str}']) + del file[f'EDY/{var}/adaptive_{key_str}'] + data = np.vstack((oldEDY, all_outputs[var])) + except KeyError: + data = all_outputs[var] + grpY.create_dataset('adaptive_'+key_str, data=data) + + if prevRun_No == 0 and key_str == '': + grpY.create_dataset(f"New_init_{key_str}", + data=all_outputs[var]) + else: + try: + name = f'EDY/{var}/New_adaptive_{key_str}' + oldEDY = np.array(file[name]) + del file[f'EDY/{var}/New_adaptive_{key_str}'] + data = np.vstack((oldEDY, all_outputs[var])) + except KeyError: + data = all_outputs[var] + grpY.create_dataset(f'New_adaptive_{key_str}', data=data) + + # ---------- Save CollocationPoints ---------- + new_c_points = np.delete(c_points, NaN_idx, axis=0) + grpX = file.create_group("EDX") if not hdf5_exist else file.get("EDX") + if prevRun_No == 0 and key_str == '': + grpX.create_dataset("init_"+key_str, data=c_points) + if len(NaN_idx) != 0: + grpX.create_dataset("New_init_"+key_str, data=new_c_points) + + else: + try: + name = f'EDX/adaptive_{key_str}' + oldCollocationPoints = np.array(file[name]) + del file[f'EDX/adaptive_{key_str}'] + data = np.vstack((oldCollocationPoints, new_c_points)) + except KeyError: + data = new_c_points + grpX.create_dataset('adaptive_'+key_str, data=data) + + if len(NaN_idx) != 0: + try: + name = f'EDX/New_adaptive_{key_str}' + oldCollocationPoints = np.array(file[name]) + del file[f'EDX/New_adaptive_{key_str}'] + data = np.vstack((oldCollocationPoints, new_c_points)) + except KeyError: + data = new_c_points + grpX.create_dataset('New_adaptive_'+key_str, data=data) + + # Close h5py file + file.close() + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def zip_subdirs(self, dir_name, key): + """ + Zips all the files containing the key(word). + + Parameters + ---------- + dir_name : str + Directory name. + key : str + Keyword to search for. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + # setup file paths variable + dir_list = [] + file_paths = [] + + # Read all directory, subdirectories and file lists + dir_path = os.getcwd() + + for root, directories, files in os.walk(dir_path): + for directory in directories: + # Create the full filepath by using os module. + if key in directory: + folderPath = os.path.join(dir_path, directory) + dir_list.append(folderPath) + + # Loop over the identified directories to store the file paths + for direct_name in dir_list: + for root, directories, files in os.walk(direct_name): + for filename in files: + # Create the full filepath by using os module. + filePath = os.path.join(root, filename) + file_paths.append('.'+filePath.split(dir_path)[1]) + + # writing files to a zipfile + if len(file_paths) != 0: + zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(dir_name+'.zip', 'w') + with zip_file: + # writing each file one by one + for file in file_paths: + zip_file.write(file) + + file_paths = [path for path in os.listdir('.') if key in path] + + for path in file_paths: + shutil.rmtree(path) + + print("\n") + print(f'{dir_name}.zip has been created successfully!\n') + + return diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__init__.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..70bfb20f570464c2907a0a4128f4ed99b6c13736 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +from .surrogate_models import MetaModel + +__all__ = [ + "MetaModel" + ] diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8c10c82287a57ba1e3b4dd428962e57cdfbc5c58 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b73e63a3096fbc9afc41bae35a3fcc1d7851166 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f1a3fcc2eed66172304cd27ab5fe111ca0198bf5 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/adaptPlot.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/adaptPlot.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2854217e56fecb2456011a91a984951fed9cbcbb Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/adaptPlot.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/apoly_construction.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/apoly_construction.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ffab8b4f67e52a3128aa8740301f958a0d72c502 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/apoly_construction.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/apoly_construction.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/apoly_construction.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..331e387822163df3108bcfc6ee48301f71d7b4c3 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/apoly_construction.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/apoly_construction.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/apoly_construction.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..82737a42dd7351d06b703b3da838031ba95979da Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/apoly_construction.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/bayes_linear.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/bayes_linear.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..92d0cc0e7a0a07123fdfbc2c777d1b9281a43344 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/bayes_linear.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/bayes_linear.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/bayes_linear.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..15917cec53bee82813d19f9029552d6ccba086cf Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/bayes_linear.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git 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b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_laplace.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1aff76e3864a194b97534ad92aa7bb35db1038da Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_laplace.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_laplace.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_laplace.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7a3bbc05003eab405d52a934e83053ae50080d25 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_laplace.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/sequential_design.cpython-311.pyc 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b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/surrogate_models.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f46bce593fcfaf95cb1a46ef07808179601d655b Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/surrogate_models.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/surrogate_models.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/surrogate_models.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f44a774b4165e6ff769d8db2f2c13c4dd0cbe8b3 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/surrogate_models.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/wrapper.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/wrapper.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a6d61c979e164a0fd590b3f925c2d1ac68adb4fc Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/wrapper.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/adaptPlot.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/adaptPlot.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..102f0373c1086ba4420ada2fb2fc723b78bbd53f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/adaptPlot.py @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Created on Thu Aug 13 13:46:24 2020 + +@author: farid +""" +import os +from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score +from itertools import cycle +from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt + + +def adaptPlot(PCEModel, Y_Val, Y_PC_Val, Y_PC_Val_std, x_values=[], + plotED=False, SaveFig=True): + + NrofSamples = PCEModel.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + initNSamples = PCEModel.ExpDesign.n_init_samples + itrNr = 1 + (PCEModel.ExpDesign.X.shape[0] - initNSamples)//NrofSamples + + oldEDY = PCEModel.ExpDesign.Y + + if SaveFig: + newpath = 'adaptivePlots' + os.makedirs(newpath, exist_ok=True) + + # create a PdfPages object + pdf = PdfPages(f'./{newpath}/Model_vs_PCEModel_itr_{itrNr}.pdf') + + # List of markers and colors + color = cycle((['b', 'g', 'r', 'y', 'k'])) + marker = cycle(('x', 'd', '+', 'o', '*')) + + OutNames = list(Y_Val.keys()) + x_axis = 'Time [s]' + + if len(OutNames) == 1: + OutNames.insert(0, x_axis) + try: + x_values = Y_Val['x_values'] + except KeyError: + x_values = x_values + + fig = plt.figure(figsize=(24, 16)) + + # Plot the model vs PCE model + for keyIdx, key in enumerate(PCEModel.ModelObj.Output.names): + Y_PC_Val_ = Y_PC_Val[key] + Y_PC_Val_std_ = Y_PC_Val_std[key] + Y_Val_ = Y_Val[key] + if Y_Val_.ndim == 1: + Y_Val_ = Y_Val_.reshape(1, -1) + old_EDY = oldEDY[key] + if isinstance(x_values, dict): + x = x_values[key] + else: + x = x_values + + for idx, y in enumerate(Y_Val_): + Color = next(color) + Marker = next(marker) + + plt.plot( + x, y, color=Color, marker=Marker, + lw=2.0, label='$Y_{%s}^{M}$'%(idx+itrNr) + ) + + plt.plot( + x, Y_PC_Val_[idx], color=Color, marker=Marker, + lw=2.0, linestyle='--', label='$Y_{%s}^{PCE}$'%(idx+itrNr) + ) + plt.fill_between( + x, Y_PC_Val_[idx]-1.96*Y_PC_Val_std_[idx], + Y_PC_Val_[idx]+1.96*Y_PC_Val_std_[idx], color=Color, + alpha=0.15 + ) + + if plotED: + for output in old_EDY: + plt.plot(x, output, color='grey', alpha=0.1) + + # Calculate the RMSE + RMSE = mean_squared_error(Y_PC_Val_, Y_Val_, squared=False) + R2 = r2_score(Y_PC_Val_.reshape(-1, 1), Y_Val_.reshape(-1, 1)) + + plt.ylabel(key) + plt.xlabel(x_axis) + plt.title(key) + + ax = fig.axes[0] + ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=True) + fig.canvas.draw() + ax.text(0.65, 0.85, + f'RMSE = {round(RMSE, 3)}\n$R^2$ = {round(R2, 3)}', + transform=ax.transAxes, color='black', + bbox=dict(facecolor='none', + edgecolor='black', + boxstyle='round,pad=1') + ) + plt.grid() + + if SaveFig: + # save the current figure + pdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches='tight') + + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + pdf.close() diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/apoly_construction.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/apoly_construction.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..40830fe8aaa94248df4828c0c49bd4d23e755abd --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/apoly_construction.py @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +import numpy as np + + +def apoly_construction(Data, degree): + """ + Construction of Data-driven Orthonormal Polynomial Basis + Author: Dr.-Ing. habil. Sergey Oladyshkin + Department of Stochastic Simulation and Safety Research for Hydrosystems + Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems + Universitaet Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 5a, 70569 Stuttgart + E-mail: Sergey.Oladyshkin@iws.uni-stuttgart.de + http://www.iws-ls3.uni-stuttgart.de + The current script is based on definition of arbitrary polynomial chaos + expansion (aPC), which is presented in the following manuscript: + Oladyshkin, S. and W. Nowak. Data-driven uncertainty quantification using + the arbitrary polynomial chaos expansion. Reliability Engineering & System + Safety, Elsevier, V. 106, P. 179-190, 2012. + DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2012.05.002. + + Parameters + ---------- + Data : array + Raw data. + degree : int + Maximum polynomial degree. + + Returns + ------- + Polynomial : array + The coefficients of the univariate orthonormal polynomials. + + """ + if Data.ndim !=1: + raise AttributeError('Data should be a 1D array') + + # Initialization + dd = degree + 1 + nsamples = len(Data) + + # Forward linear transformation (Avoiding numerical issues) + MeanOfData = np.mean(Data) + Data = Data/MeanOfData + + # Compute raw moments of input data + raw_moments = [np.sum(np.power(Data, p))/nsamples for p in range(2*dd+2)] + + # Main Loop for Polynomial with degree up to dd + PolyCoeff_NonNorm = np.empty((0, 1)) + Polynomial = np.zeros((dd+1, dd+1)) + + for degree in range(dd+1): + Mm = np.zeros((degree+1, degree+1)) + Vc = np.zeros((degree+1)) + + # Define Moments Matrix Mm + for i in range(degree+1): + for j in range(degree+1): + if (i < degree): + Mm[i, j] = raw_moments[i+j] + + elif (i == degree) and (j == degree): + Mm[i, j] = 1 + + # Numerical Optimization for Matrix Solver + Mm[i] = Mm[i] / max(abs(Mm[i])) + + # Defenition of Right Hand side ortogonality conditions: Vc + for i in range(degree+1): + Vc[i] = 1 if i == degree else 0 + + # Solution: Coefficients of Non-Normal Orthogonal Polynomial: Vp Eq.(4) + try: + Vp = np.linalg.solve(Mm, Vc) + except: + inv_Mm = np.linalg.pinv(Mm) + Vp = np.dot(inv_Mm, Vc.T) + + if degree == 0: + PolyCoeff_NonNorm = np.append(PolyCoeff_NonNorm, Vp) + + if degree != 0: + if degree == 1: + zero = [0] + else: + zero = np.zeros((degree, 1)) + PolyCoeff_NonNorm = np.hstack((PolyCoeff_NonNorm, zero)) + + PolyCoeff_NonNorm = np.vstack((PolyCoeff_NonNorm, Vp)) + + if 100*abs(sum(abs(np.dot(Mm, Vp)) - abs(Vc))) > 0.5: + print('\n---> Attention: Computational Error too high !') + print('\n---> Problem: Convergence of Linear Solver') + + # Original Numerical Normalization of Coefficients with Norm and + # orthonormal Basis computation Matrix Storrage + # Note: Polynomial(i,j) correspont to coefficient number "j-1" + # of polynomial degree "i-1" + P_norm = 0 + for i in range(nsamples): + Poly = 0 + for k in range(degree+1): + if degree == 0: + Poly += PolyCoeff_NonNorm[k] * (Data[i]**k) + else: + Poly += PolyCoeff_NonNorm[degree, k] * (Data[i]**k) + + P_norm += Poly**2 / nsamples + + P_norm = np.sqrt(P_norm) + + for k in range(degree+1): + if degree == 0: + Polynomial[degree, k] = PolyCoeff_NonNorm[k]/P_norm + else: + Polynomial[degree, k] = PolyCoeff_NonNorm[degree, k]/P_norm + + # Backward linear transformation to the real data space + Data *= MeanOfData + for k in range(len(Polynomial)): + Polynomial[:, k] = Polynomial[:, k] / (MeanOfData**(k)) + + return Polynomial diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/bayes_linear.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/bayes_linear.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3bd827ac0ecc5b3a38116b21767e8a8799593b24 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/bayes_linear.py @@ -0,0 +1,523 @@ +import numpy as np +from sklearn.base import RegressorMixin +from sklearn.linear_model._base import LinearModel +from sklearn.utils import check_X_y, check_array, as_float_array +from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted +from scipy.linalg import svd +import warnings +from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize as f_normalize + + + +class BayesianLinearRegression(RegressorMixin,LinearModel): + ''' + Superclass for Empirical Bayes and Variational Bayes implementations of + Bayesian Linear Regression Model + ''' + def __init__(self, n_iter, tol, fit_intercept,copy_X, verbose): + self.n_iter = n_iter + self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept + self.copy_X = copy_X + self.verbose = verbose + self.tol = tol + + + def _check_convergence(self, mu, mu_old): + ''' + Checks convergence of algorithm using changes in mean of posterior + distribution of weights + ''' + return np.sum(abs(mu-mu_old)>self.tol) == 0 + + + def _center_data(self,X,y): + ''' Centers data''' + X = as_float_array(X,copy = self.copy_X) + # normalisation should be done in preprocessing! + X_std = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype = X.dtype) + if self.fit_intercept: + X_mean = np.average(X,axis = 0) + y_mean = np.average(y,axis = 0) + X -= X_mean + y = y - y_mean + else: + X_mean = np.zeros(X.shape[1],dtype = X.dtype) + y_mean = 0. if y.ndim == 1 else np.zeros(y.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + return X,y, X_mean, y_mean, X_std + + + def predict_dist(self,X): + ''' + Calculates mean and variance of predictive distribution for each data + point of test set.(Note predictive distribution for each data point is + Gaussian, therefore it is uniquely determined by mean and variance) + + Parameters + ---------- + x: array-like of size (n_test_samples, n_features) + Set of features for which corresponding responses should be predicted + + Returns + ------- + :list of two numpy arrays [mu_pred, var_pred] + + mu_pred : numpy array of size (n_test_samples,) + Mean of predictive distribution + + var_pred: numpy array of size (n_test_samples,) + Variance of predictive distribution + ''' + # Note check_array and check_is_fitted are done within self._decision_function(X) + mu_pred = self._decision_function(X) + data_noise = 1./self.beta_ + model_noise = np.sum(np.dot(X,self.eigvecs_)**2 * self.eigvals_,1) + var_pred = data_noise + model_noise + return [mu_pred,var_pred] + + + + +class EBLinearRegression(BayesianLinearRegression): + ''' + Bayesian Regression with type II maximum likelihood (Empirical Bayes) + + Parameters: + ----------- + n_iter: int, optional (DEFAULT = 300) + Maximum number of iterations + + tol: float, optional (DEFAULT = 1e-3) + Threshold for convergence + + optimizer: str, optional (DEFAULT = 'fp') + Method for optimization , either Expectation Maximization or + Fixed Point Gull-MacKay {'em','fp'}. Fixed point iterations are + faster, but can be numerically unstable (especially in case of near perfect fit). + + fit_intercept: bool, optional (DEFAULT = True) + If True includes bias term in model + + perfect_fit_tol: float (DEAFAULT = 1e-5) + Prevents overflow of precision parameters (this is smallest value RSS can have). + ( !!! Note if using EM instead of fixed-point, try smaller values + of perfect_fit_tol, for better estimates of variance of predictive distribution ) + + alpha: float (DEFAULT = 1) + Initial value of precision paramter for coefficients ( by default we define + very broad distribution ) + + copy_X : boolean, optional (DEFAULT = True) + If True, X will be copied, otherwise will be + + verbose: bool, optional (Default = False) + If True at each iteration progress report is printed out + + Attributes + ---------- + coef_ : array, shape = (n_features) + Coefficients of the regression model (mean of posterior distribution) + + intercept_: float + Value of bias term (if fit_intercept is False, then intercept_ = 0) + + alpha_ : float + Estimated precision of coefficients + + beta_ : float + Estimated precision of noise + + eigvals_ : array, shape = (n_features, ) + Eigenvalues of covariance matrix (from posterior distribution of weights) + + eigvecs_ : array, shape = (n_features, n_featues) + Eigenvectors of covariance matrix (from posterior distribution of weights) + + ''' + + def __init__(self,n_iter = 300, tol = 1e-3, optimizer = 'fp', fit_intercept = True, + normalize=True, perfect_fit_tol = 1e-6, alpha = 1, copy_X = True, verbose = False): + super(EBLinearRegression,self).__init__(n_iter, tol, fit_intercept, copy_X, verbose) + if optimizer not in ['em','fp']: + raise ValueError('Optimizer can be either "em" or "fp" ') + self.optimizer = optimizer + self.alpha = alpha + self.perfect_fit = False + self.normalize = True + self.scores_ = [np.NINF] + self.perfect_fit_tol = perfect_fit_tol + + def _check_convergence(self, mu, mu_old): + ''' + Checks convergence of algorithm using changes in mean of posterior + distribution of weights + ''' + return np.sum(abs(mu-mu_old)>self.tol) == 0 + + + def _center_data(self,X,y): + ''' Centers data''' + X = as_float_array(X,copy = self.copy_X) + # normalisation should be done in preprocessing! + X_std = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype = X.dtype) + if self.fit_intercept: + X_mean = np.average(X, axis=0) + X -= X_mean + if self.normalize: + X, X_std = f_normalize(X, axis=0, copy=False, + return_norm=True) + else: + X_std = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + y_mean = np.average(y, axis=0) + y = y - y_mean + else: + X_mean = np.zeros(X.shape[1],dtype = X.dtype) + y_mean = 0. if y.ndim == 1 else np.zeros(y.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + return X,y, X_mean, y_mean, X_std + + def fit(self, X, y): + ''' + Fits Bayesian Linear Regression using Empirical Bayes + + Parameters + ---------- + X: array-like of size [n_samples,n_features] + Matrix of explanatory variables (should not include bias term) + + y: array-like of size [n_features] + Vector of dependent variables. + + Returns + ------- + object: self + self + + ''' + # preprocess data + X, y = check_X_y(X, y, dtype=np.float64, y_numeric=True) + n_samples, n_features = X.shape + X, y, X_mean, y_mean, X_std = self._center_data(X, y) + self._x_mean_ = X_mean + self._y_mean = y_mean + self._x_std = X_std + + # precision of noise & and coefficients + alpha = self.alpha + var_y = np.var(y) + # check that variance is non zero !!! + if var_y == 0 : + beta = 1e-2 + else: + beta = 1. / np.var(y) + + # to speed all further computations save svd decomposition and reuse it later + u,d,vt = svd(X, full_matrices = False) + Uy = np.dot(u.T,y) + dsq = d**2 + mu = 0 + + for i in range(self.n_iter): + + # find mean for posterior of w ( for EM this is E-step) + mu_old = mu + if n_samples > n_features: + mu = vt.T * d/(dsq+alpha/beta) + else: + # clever use of SVD here , faster for large n_features + mu = u * 1./(dsq + alpha/beta) + mu = np.dot(X.T,mu) + mu = np.dot(mu,Uy) + + # precompute errors, since both methods use it in estimation + error = y - np.dot(X,mu) + sqdErr = np.sum(error**2) + + if sqdErr / n_samples < self.perfect_fit_tol: + self.perfect_fit = True + warnings.warn( ('Almost perfect fit!!! Estimated values of variance ' + 'for predictive distribution are computed using only RSS')) + break + + if self.optimizer == "fp": + gamma = np.sum(beta*dsq/(beta*dsq + alpha)) + # use updated mu and gamma parameters to update alpha and beta + # !!! made computation numerically stable for perfect fit case + alpha = gamma / (np.sum(mu**2) + np.finfo(np.float32).eps ) + beta = ( n_samples - gamma ) / (sqdErr + np.finfo(np.float32).eps ) + else: + # M-step, update parameters alpha and beta to maximize ML TYPE II + eigvals = 1. / (beta * dsq + alpha) + alpha = n_features / ( np.sum(mu**2) + np.sum(1/eigvals) ) + beta = n_samples / ( sqdErr + np.sum(dsq/eigvals) ) + + # if converged or exceeded maximum number of iterations => terminate + converged = self._check_convergence(mu_old,mu) + if self.verbose: + print( "Iteration {0} completed".format(i) ) + if converged is True: + print("Algorithm converged after {0} iterations".format(i)) + if converged or i==self.n_iter -1: + break + eigvals = 1./(beta * dsq + alpha) + self.coef_ = beta*np.dot(vt.T*d*eigvals ,Uy) + self._set_intercept(X_mean,y_mean,X_std) + self.beta_ = beta + self.alpha_ = alpha + self.eigvals_ = eigvals + self.eigvecs_ = vt.T + + # set intercept_ + if self.fit_intercept: + self.coef_ = self.coef_ / X_std + self.intercept_ = y_mean - np.dot(X_mean, self.coef_.T) + else: + self.intercept_ = 0. + + return self + + def predict(self,X, return_std=False): + ''' + Computes predictive distribution for test set. + Predictive distribution for each data point is one dimensional + Gaussian and therefore is characterised by mean and variance. + + Parameters + ----------- + X: {array-like, sparse} (n_samples_test, n_features) + Test data, matrix of explanatory variables + + Returns + ------- + : list of length two [y_hat, var_hat] + + y_hat: numpy array of size (n_samples_test,) + Estimated values of targets on test set (i.e. mean of predictive + distribution) + + var_hat: numpy array of size (n_samples_test,) + Variance of predictive distribution + ''' + y_hat = np.dot(X,self.coef_) + self.intercept_ + + if return_std: + if self.normalize: + X = (X - self._x_mean_) / self._x_std + data_noise = 1./self.beta_ + model_noise = np.sum(np.dot(X,self.eigvecs_)**2 * self.eigvals_,1) + var_pred = data_noise + model_noise + std_hat = np.sqrt(var_pred) + return y_hat, std_hat + else: + return y_hat + + +# ============================== VBLR ========================================= + +def gamma_mean(a,b): + ''' + Computes mean of gamma distribution + + Parameters + ---------- + a: float + Shape parameter of Gamma distribution + + b: float + Rate parameter of Gamma distribution + + Returns + ------- + : float + Mean of Gamma distribution + ''' + return float(a) / b + + + +class VBLinearRegression(BayesianLinearRegression): + ''' + Implements Bayesian Linear Regression using mean-field approximation. + Assumes gamma prior on precision parameters of coefficients and noise. + + Parameters: + ----------- + n_iter: int, optional (DEFAULT = 100) + Maximum number of iterations for KL minimization + + tol: float, optional (DEFAULT = 1e-3) + Convergence threshold + + fit_intercept: bool, optional (DEFAULT = True) + If True will use bias term in model fitting + + a: float, optional (Default = 1e-4) + Shape parameter of Gamma prior for precision of coefficients + + b: float, optional (Default = 1e-4) + Rate parameter of Gamma prior for precision coefficients + + c: float, optional (Default = 1e-4) + Shape parameter of Gamma prior for precision of noise + + d: float, optional (Default = 1e-4) + Rate parameter of Gamma prior for precision of noise + + verbose: bool, optional (Default = False) + If True at each iteration progress report is printed out + + Attributes + ---------- + coef_ : array, shape = (n_features) + Coefficients of the regression model (mean of posterior distribution) + + intercept_: float + Value of bias term (if fit_intercept is False, then intercept_ = 0) + + alpha_ : float + Mean of precision of coefficients + + beta_ : float + Mean of precision of noise + + eigvals_ : array, shape = (n_features, ) + Eigenvalues of covariance matrix (from posterior distribution of weights) + + eigvecs_ : array, shape = (n_features, n_featues) + Eigenvectors of covariance matrix (from posterior distribution of weights) + + ''' + + def __init__(self, n_iter = 100, tol =1e-4, fit_intercept = True, + a = 1e-4, b = 1e-4, c = 1e-4, d = 1e-4, copy_X = True, + verbose = False): + super(VBLinearRegression,self).__init__(n_iter, tol, fit_intercept, copy_X, + verbose) + self.a,self.b = a, b + self.c,self.d = c, d + + + def fit(self,X,y): + ''' + Fits Variational Bayesian Linear Regression Model + + Parameters + ---------- + X: array-like of size [n_samples,n_features] + Matrix of explanatory variables (should not include bias term) + + Y: array-like of size [n_features] + Vector of dependent variables. + + Returns + ------- + object: self + self + ''' + # preprocess data + X, y = check_X_y(X, y, dtype=np.float64, y_numeric=True) + n_samples, n_features = X.shape + X, y, X_mean, y_mean, X_std = self._center_data(X, y) + self._x_mean_ = X_mean + self._y_mean = y_mean + self._x_std = X_std + + # SVD decomposition, done once , reused at each iteration + u,D,vt = svd(X, full_matrices = False) + dsq = D**2 + UY = np.dot(u.T,y) + + # some parameters of Gamma distribution have closed form solution + a = self.a + 0.5 * n_features + c = self.c + 0.5 * n_samples + b,d = self.b, self.d + + # initial mean of posterior for coefficients + mu = 0 + + for i in range(self.n_iter): + + # update parameters of distribution Q(weights) + e_beta = gamma_mean(c,d) + e_alpha = gamma_mean(a,b) + mu_old = np.copy(mu) + mu,eigvals = self._posterior_weights(e_beta,e_alpha,UY,dsq,u,vt,D,X) + + # update parameters of distribution Q(precision of weights) + b = self.b + 0.5*( np.sum(mu**2) + np.sum(eigvals)) + + # update parameters of distribution Q(precision of likelihood) + sqderr = np.sum((y - np.dot(X,mu))**2) + xsx = np.sum(dsq*eigvals) + d = self.d + 0.5*(sqderr + xsx) + + # check convergence + converged = self._check_convergence(mu,mu_old) + if self.verbose is True: + print("Iteration {0} is completed".format(i)) + if converged is True: + print("Algorithm converged after {0} iterations".format(i)) + + # terminate if convergence or maximum number of iterations are achieved + if converged or i==(self.n_iter-1): + break + + # save necessary parameters + self.beta_ = gamma_mean(c,d) + self.alpha_ = gamma_mean(a,b) + self.coef_, self.eigvals_ = self._posterior_weights(self.beta_, self.alpha_, UY, + dsq, u, vt, D, X) + self._set_intercept(X_mean,y_mean,X_std) + self.eigvecs_ = vt.T + return self + + + def _posterior_weights(self, e_beta, e_alpha, UY, dsq, u, vt, d, X): + ''' + Calculates parameters of approximate posterior distribution + of weights + ''' + # eigenvalues of covariance matrix + sigma = 1./ (e_beta*dsq + e_alpha) + + # mean of approximate posterior distribution + n_samples, n_features = X.shape + if n_samples > n_features: + mu = vt.T * d/(dsq + e_alpha/e_beta)# + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) + else: + mu = u * 1./(dsq + e_alpha/e_beta)# + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) + mu = np.dot(X.T,mu) + mu = np.dot(mu,UY) + return mu,sigma + + def predict(self,X, return_std=False): + ''' + Computes predictive distribution for test set. + Predictive distribution for each data point is one dimensional + Gaussian and therefore is characterised by mean and variance. + + Parameters + ----------- + X: {array-like, sparse} (n_samples_test, n_features) + Test data, matrix of explanatory variables + + Returns + ------- + : list of length two [y_hat, var_hat] + + y_hat: numpy array of size (n_samples_test,) + Estimated values of targets on test set (i.e. mean of predictive + distribution) + + var_hat: numpy array of size (n_samples_test,) + Variance of predictive distribution + ''' + x = (X - self._x_mean_) / self._x_std + y_hat = np.dot(x,self.coef_) + self._y_mean + + if return_std: + data_noise = 1./self.beta_ + model_noise = np.sum(np.dot(X,self.eigvecs_)**2 * self.eigvals_,1) + var_pred = data_noise + model_noise + std_hat = np.sqrt(var_pred) + return y_hat, std_hat + else: + return y_hat \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/desktop.ini b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/desktop.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..632de13ae6b61cecf0d9fdbf9c97cfb16bfb51a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/desktop.ini @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[LocalizedFileNames] +exploration.py=@exploration.py,0 diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/engine.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/engine.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..387cec5010373a087b01e838aba89404f2069c51 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/engine.py @@ -0,0 +1,2233 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Engine to train the surrogate + +""" +import copy +from copy import deepcopy, copy +import h5py +import joblib +import numpy as np +import os + +from scipy import stats, signal, linalg, sparse +from scipy.spatial import distance +from tqdm import tqdm +import scipy.optimize as opt +from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error +import multiprocessing +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt +import pandas as pd +import sys +import seaborn as sns +from joblib import Parallel, delayed + + +from bayesvalidrox.bayes_inference.bayes_inference import BayesInference +from bayesvalidrox.bayes_inference.discrepancy import Discrepancy +from .exploration import Exploration +import pathlib + +#from .inputs import Input +#from .exp_designs import ExpDesigns +#from .surrogate_models import MetaModel +#from bayesvalidrox.post_processing.post_processing import PostProcessing + +def hellinger_distance(P, Q): + """ + Hellinger distance between two continuous distributions. + + The maximum distance 1 is achieved when P assigns probability zero to + every set to which Q assigns a positive probability, and vice versa. + 0 (identical) and 1 (maximally different) + + Parameters + ---------- + P : array + Reference likelihood. + Q : array + Estimated likelihood. + + Returns + ------- + float + Hellinger distance of two distributions. + + """ + P = np.array(P) + Q= np.array(Q) + + mu1 = P.mean() + Sigma1 = np.std(P) + + mu2 = Q.mean() + Sigma2 = np.std(Q) + + term1 = np.sqrt(2*Sigma1*Sigma2 / (Sigma1**2 + Sigma2**2)) + + term2 = np.exp(-.25 * (mu1 - mu2)**2 / (Sigma1**2 + Sigma2**2)) + + H_squared = 1 - term1 * term2 + + return np.sqrt(H_squared) + + +def logpdf(x, mean, cov): + """ + Computes the likelihood based on a multivariate normal distribution. + + Parameters + ---------- + x : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + mean : array_like + Observation data. + cov : 2d array + Covariance matrix of the distribution. + + Returns + ------- + log_lik : float + Log likelihood. + + """ + n = len(mean) + L = linalg.cholesky(cov, lower=True) + beta = np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L))) + dev = x - mean + alpha = dev.dot(linalg.cho_solve((L, True), dev)) + log_lik = -0.5 * alpha - beta - n / 2. * np.log(2 * np.pi) + + return log_lik + +def subdomain(Bounds, n_new_samples): + """ + Divides a domain defined by Bounds into sub domains. + + Parameters + ---------- + Bounds : list of tuples + List of lower and upper bounds. + n_new_samples : int + Number of samples to divide the domain for. + n_params : int + The number of params to build the subdomains for + + Returns + ------- + Subdomains : List of tuples of tuples + Each tuple of tuples divides one set of bounds into n_new_samples parts. + + """ + n_params = len(Bounds) + n_subdomains = n_new_samples + 1 + LinSpace = np.zeros((n_params, n_subdomains)) + + for i in range(n_params): + LinSpace[i] = np.linspace(start=Bounds[i][0], stop=Bounds[i][1], + num=n_subdomains) + Subdomains = [] + for k in range(n_subdomains-1): + mylist = [] + for i in range(n_params): + mylist.append((LinSpace[i, k+0], LinSpace[i, k+1])) + Subdomains.append(tuple(mylist)) + + return Subdomains + +class Engine(): + + + def __init__(self, MetaMod, Model, ExpDes): + self.MetaModel = MetaMod + self.Model = Model + self.ExpDesign = ExpDes + self.parallel = False + self.trained = False + + def start_engine(self) -> None: + """ + Do all the preparations that need to be run before the actual training + + Returns + ------- + None + + """ + self.out_names = self.Model.Output.names + self.MetaModel.out_names = self.out_names + + + def train_normal(self, parallel = False, verbose = False, save = False) -> None: + """ + Trains surrogate on static samples only. + Samples are taken from the experimental design and the specified + model is run on them. + Alternatively the samples can be read in from a provided hdf5 file. + + + Returns + ------- + None + + """ + + ExpDesign = self.ExpDesign + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + + # Read ExpDesign (training and targets) from the provided hdf5 + if ExpDesign.hdf5_file is not None: + # TODO: need to run 'generate_ED' as well after this or not? + ExpDesign.read_from_file(self.out_names) + else: + # Check if an old hdf5 file exists: if yes, rename it + hdf5file = f'ExpDesign_{self.Model.name}.hdf5' + if os.path.exists(hdf5file): + # os.rename(hdf5file, 'old_'+hdf5file) + file = pathlib.Path(hdf5file) + file.unlink() + + # Prepare X samples + # For training the surrogate use ExpDesign.X_tr, ExpDesign.X is for the model to run on + ExpDesign.generate_ED(ExpDesign.n_init_samples, + transform=True, + max_pce_deg=np.max(MetaModel.pce_deg)) + + # Run simulations at X + if not hasattr(ExpDesign, 'Y') or ExpDesign.Y is None: + print('\n Now the forward model needs to be run!\n') + ED_Y, up_ED_X = self.Model.run_model_parallel(ExpDesign.X, mp = parallel) + ExpDesign.Y = ED_Y + else: + # Check if a dict has been passed. + if not type(ExpDesign.Y) is dict: + raise Exception('Please provide either a dictionary or a hdf5' + 'file to ExpDesign.hdf5_file argument.') + + # Separate output dict and x-values + if 'x_values' in ExpDesign.Y: + ExpDesign.x_values = ExpDesign.Y['x_values'] + del ExpDesign.Y['x_values'] + else: + print('No x_values are given, this might lead to issues during PostProcessing') + + + # Fit the surrogate + MetaModel.fit(ExpDesign.X, ExpDesign.Y, parallel, verbose) + + # Save what there is to save + if save: + # Save surrogate + with open(f'surrogates/surrogate_{self.Model.name}.pk1', 'wb') as output: + joblib.dump(MetaModel, output, 2) + + # Zip the model run directories + if self.Model.link_type.lower() == 'pylink' and\ + self.ExpDesign.sampling_method.lower() != 'user': + self.Model.zip_subdirs(self.Model.name, f'{self.Model.name}_') + + # Set that training was done + self.trained = True + + + def train_sequential(self, parallel = False, verbose = False) -> None: + """ + Train the surrogate in a sequential manner. + First build and train evereything on the static samples, then iterate + choosing more samples and refitting the surrogate on them. + + Returns + ------- + None + + """ + #self.train_normal(parallel, verbose) + self.parallel = parallel + self.train_seq_design(parallel, verbose) + + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def eval_metamodel(self, samples=None, nsamples=None, + sampling_method='random', return_samples=False): + """ + Evaluates meta-model at the requested samples. One can also generate + nsamples. + + Parameters + ---------- + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params), optional + Samples to evaluate meta-model at. The default is None. + nsamples : int, optional + Number of samples to generate, if no `samples` is provided. The + default is None. + sampling_method : str, optional + Type of sampling, if no `samples` is provided. The default is + 'random'. + return_samples : bool, optional + Retun samples, if no `samples` is provided. The default is False. + + Returns + ------- + mean_pred : dict + Mean of the predictions. + std_pred : dict + Standard deviatioon of the predictions. + """ + # Generate or transform (if need be) samples + if samples is None: + # Generate + samples = self.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + nsamples, + sampling_method + ) + + # Transformation to other space is to be done in the MetaModel + # TODO: sort the transformations better + mean_pred, std_pred = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples) + + if return_samples: + return mean_pred, std_pred, samples + else: + return mean_pred, std_pred + + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def train_seq_design(self, parallel = False, verbose = False): + """ + Starts the adaptive sequential design for refining the surrogate model + by selecting training points in a sequential manner. + + Returns + ------- + MetaModel : object + Meta model object. + + """ + self.parallel = parallel + + # Initialization + self.SeqModifiedLOO = {} + self.seqValidError = {} + self.SeqBME = {} + self.SeqKLD = {} + self.SeqDistHellinger = {} + self.seqRMSEMean = {} + self.seqRMSEStd = {} + self.seqMinDist = [] + + if not hasattr(self.MetaModel, 'valid_samples'): + self.ExpDesign.valid_samples = [] + self.ExpDesign.valid_model_runs = [] + self.valid_likelihoods = [] + + validError = None + + + # Determine the metamodel type + if self.MetaModel.meta_model_type.lower() != 'gpe': + pce = True + else: + pce = False + mc_ref = True if bool(self.Model.mc_reference) else False + if mc_ref: + self.Model.read_observation('mc_ref') + + # Get the parameters + max_n_samples = self.ExpDesign.n_max_samples + mod_LOO_threshold = self.ExpDesign.mod_LOO_threshold + n_canddidate = self.ExpDesign.n_canddidate + post_snapshot = self.ExpDesign.post_snapshot + n_replication = self.ExpDesign.n_replication + util_func = self.ExpDesign.util_func + output_name = self.out_names + + # Handle if only one UtilityFunctions is provided + if not isinstance(util_func, list): + util_func = [self.ExpDesign.util_func] + + # Read observations or MCReference + # TODO: recheck the logic in this if statement + if (len(self.Model.observations) != 0 or self.Model.meas_file is not None) and hasattr(self.MetaModel, 'Discrepancy'): + self.observations = self.Model.read_observation() + obs_data = self.observations + else: + obs_data = [] + # TODO: TotalSigma2 not defined if not in this else??? + # TODO: no self.observations if in here + TotalSigma2 = {} + + # ---------- Initial self.MetaModel ---------- + if not self.trained: + self.train_normal(parallel = parallel, verbose=verbose) + + initMetaModel = deepcopy(self.MetaModel) + + # Validation error if validation set is provided. + if self.ExpDesign.valid_model_runs: + init_rmse, init_valid_error = self._validError(initMetaModel) + init_valid_error = list(init_valid_error.values()) + else: + init_rmse = None + + # Check if discrepancy is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0 and hasattr(self.MetaModel, 'Discrepancy'): + TotalSigma2 = self.MetaModel.Discrepancy.parameters + + # Calculate the initial BME + out = self._BME_Calculator( + obs_data, TotalSigma2, init_rmse) + init_BME, init_KLD, init_post, init_likes, init_dist_hellinger = out + print(f"\nInitial BME: {init_BME:.2f}") + print(f"Initial KLD: {init_KLD:.2f}") + + # Posterior snapshot (initial) + if post_snapshot: + parNames = self.ExpDesign.par_names + print('Posterior snapshot (initial) is being plotted...') + self.__posteriorPlot(init_post, parNames, 'SeqPosterior_init') + + # Check the convergence of the Mean & Std + if mc_ref and pce: + init_rmse_mean, init_rmse_std = self._error_Mean_Std() + print(f"Initial Mean and Std error: {init_rmse_mean:.2f}," + f" {init_rmse_std:.2f}") + + # Read the initial experimental design + Xinit = self.ExpDesign.X + init_n_samples = len(self.ExpDesign.X) + initYprev = self.ExpDesign.Y#initMetaModel.ModelOutputDict + #self.MetaModel.ModelOutputDict = self.ExpDesign.Y + initLCerror = initMetaModel.LCerror + n_itrs = max_n_samples - init_n_samples + + ## Get some initial statistics + # Read the initial ModifiedLOO + if pce: + Scores_all, varExpDesignY = [], [] + for out_name in output_name: + y = self.ExpDesign.Y[out_name] + Scores_all.append(list( + self.MetaModel.score_dict['b_1'][out_name].values())) + if self.MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + pca = self.MetaModel.pca['b_1'][out_name] + components = pca.transform(y) + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(components, axis=0)) + else: + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(y, axis=0)) + + Scores = [item for sublist in Scores_all for item in sublist] + weights = [item for sublist in varExpDesignY for item in sublist] + init_mod_LOO = [np.average([1-score for score in Scores], + weights=weights)] + + prevMetaModel_dict = {} + #prevExpDesign_dict = {} + # Can run sequential design multiple times for comparison + for repIdx in range(n_replication): + print(f'\n>>>> Replication: {repIdx+1}<<<<') + + # util_func: the function to use inside the type of exploitation + for util_f in util_func: + print(f'\n>>>> Utility Function: {util_f} <<<<') + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + self.ExpDesign.X = Xinit + self.ExpDesign.Y = initYprev + self.ExpDesign.LCerror = initLCerror + + # Set the experimental design + Xprev = Xinit + total_n_samples = init_n_samples + Yprev = initYprev + + Xfull = [] + Yfull = [] + + # Store the initial ModifiedLOO + if pce: + print("\nInitial ModifiedLOO:", init_mod_LOO) + SeqModifiedLOO = np.array(init_mod_LOO) + + if len(self.ExpDesign.valid_model_runs) != 0: + SeqValidError = np.array(init_valid_error) + + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0 and hasattr(self.MetaModel, 'Discrepancy'): + SeqBME = np.array([init_BME]) + SeqKLD = np.array([init_KLD]) + SeqDistHellinger = np.array([init_dist_hellinger]) + + if mc_ref and pce: + seqRMSEMean = np.array([init_rmse_mean]) + seqRMSEStd = np.array([init_rmse_std]) + + # ------- Start Sequential Experimental Design ------- + postcnt = 1 + for itr_no in range(1, n_itrs+1): + print(f'\n>>>> Iteration number {itr_no} <<<<') + + # Save the metamodel prediction before updating + prevMetaModel_dict[itr_no] = deepcopy(self.MetaModel) + #prevExpDesign_dict[itr_no] = deepcopy(self.ExpDesign) + if itr_no > 1: + pc_model = prevMetaModel_dict[itr_no-1] + self._y_hat_prev, _ = pc_model.eval_metamodel( + samples=Xfull[-1].reshape(1, -1)) + del prevMetaModel_dict[itr_no-1] + + # Optimal Bayesian Design + #self.MetaModel.ExpDesignFlag = 'sequential' + Xnew, updatedPrior = self.choose_next_sample(TotalSigma2, + n_canddidate, + util_f) + S = np.min(distance.cdist(Xinit, Xnew, 'euclidean')) + self.seqMinDist.append(S) + print(f"\nmin Dist from OldExpDesign: {S:2f}") + print("\n") + + # Evaluate the full model response at the new sample + Ynew, _ = self.Model.run_model_parallel( + Xnew, prevRun_No=total_n_samples + ) + total_n_samples += Xnew.shape[0] + + # ------ Plot the surrogate model vs Origninal Model ------ + if hasattr(self.ExpDesign, 'adapt_verbose') and \ + self.ExpDesign.adapt_verbose: + from .adaptPlot import adaptPlot + y_hat, std_hat = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel( + samples=Xnew + ) + adaptPlot( + self.MetaModel, Ynew, y_hat, std_hat, + plotED=False + ) + + # -------- Retrain the surrogate model ------- + # Extend new experimental design + Xfull = np.vstack((Xprev, Xnew)) + + # Updating experimental design Y + for out_name in output_name: + Yfull = np.vstack((Yprev[out_name], Ynew[out_name])) + self.ExpDesign.Y[out_name] = Yfull + + # Pass new design to the metamodel object + self.ExpDesign.sampling_method = 'user' + self.ExpDesign.X = Xfull + #self.ExpDesign.Y = self.MetaModel.ModelOutputDict + + # Save the Experimental Design for next iteration + Xprev = Xfull + Yprev = self.ExpDesign.Y + + # Pass the new prior as the input + # TODO: another look at this - no difference apc to pce to gpe? + self.MetaModel.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = False + if updatedPrior is not None: + self.MetaModel.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = True + print("updatedPrior:", updatedPrior.shape) + # Arbitrary polynomial chaos + for i in range(updatedPrior.shape[1]): + self.MetaModel.input_obj.Marginals[i].dist_type = None + x = updatedPrior[:, i] + self.MetaModel.input_obj.Marginals[i].raw_data = x + + # Train the surrogate model for new ExpDesign + self.train_normal(parallel=False) + + # -------- Evaluate the retrained surrogate model ------- + # Extract Modified LOO from Output + if pce: + Scores_all, varExpDesignY = [], [] + for out_name in output_name: + y = self.ExpDesign.Y[out_name] + Scores_all.append(list( + self.MetaModel.score_dict['b_1'][out_name].values())) + if self.MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + pca = self.MetaModel.pca['b_1'][out_name] + components = pca.transform(y) + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(components, + axis=0)) + else: + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(y, axis=0)) + Scores = [item for sublist in Scores_all for item + in sublist] + weights = [item for sublist in varExpDesignY for item + in sublist] + ModifiedLOO = [np.average( + [1-score for score in Scores], weights=weights)] + + print('\n') + print(f"Updated ModifiedLOO {util_f}:\n", ModifiedLOO) + print('\n') + + # Compute the validation error + if self.ExpDesign.valid_model_runs: + rmse, validError = self._validError(self.MetaModel) + ValidError = list(validError.values()) + else: + rmse = None + + # Store updated ModifiedLOO + if pce: + SeqModifiedLOO = np.vstack( + (SeqModifiedLOO, ModifiedLOO)) + if len(self.ExpDesign.valid_model_runs) != 0: + SeqValidError = np.vstack( + (SeqValidError, ValidError)) + # -------- Caclulation of BME as accuracy metric ------- + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + # Calculate the initial BME + out = self._BME_Calculator(obs_data, TotalSigma2, rmse) + BME, KLD, Posterior, likes, DistHellinger = out + print('\n') + print(f"Updated BME: {BME:.2f}") + print(f"Updated KLD: {KLD:.2f}") + print('\n') + + # Plot some snapshots of the posterior + step_snapshot = self.ExpDesign.step_snapshot + if post_snapshot and postcnt % step_snapshot == 0: + parNames = self.ExpDesign.par_names + print('Posterior snapshot is being plotted...') + self.__posteriorPlot(Posterior, parNames, + f'SeqPosterior_{postcnt}') + postcnt += 1 + + # Check the convergence of the Mean&Std + if mc_ref and pce: + print('\n') + RMSE_Mean, RMSE_std = self._error_Mean_Std() + print(f"Updated Mean and Std error: {RMSE_Mean:.2f}, " + f"{RMSE_std:.2f}") + print('\n') + + # Store the updated BME & KLD + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + SeqBME = np.vstack((SeqBME, BME)) + SeqKLD = np.vstack((SeqKLD, KLD)) + SeqDistHellinger = np.vstack((SeqDistHellinger, + DistHellinger)) + if mc_ref and pce: + seqRMSEMean = np.vstack((seqRMSEMean, RMSE_Mean)) + seqRMSEStd = np.vstack((seqRMSEStd, RMSE_std)) + + if pce and any(LOO < mod_LOO_threshold + for LOO in ModifiedLOO): + break + + # Clean up + if len(obs_data) != 0: + del out + print() + print('-'*50) + print() + + # Store updated ModifiedLOO and BME in dictonary + strKey = f'{util_f}_rep_{repIdx+1}' + if pce: + self.SeqModifiedLOO[strKey] = SeqModifiedLOO + if len(self.ExpDesign.valid_model_runs) != 0: + self.seqValidError[strKey] = SeqValidError + + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + self.SeqBME[strKey] = SeqBME + self.SeqKLD[strKey] = SeqKLD + if hasattr(self.MetaModel, 'valid_likelihoods') and \ + self.valid_likelihoods: + self.SeqDistHellinger[strKey] = SeqDistHellinger + if mc_ref and pce: + self.seqRMSEMean[strKey] = seqRMSEMean + self.seqRMSEStd[strKey] = seqRMSEStd + + # return self.MetaModel + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_VarBasedDesign(self, X_can, index, util_func='Entropy'): + """ + Computes the exploitation scores based on: + active learning MacKay(ALM) and active learning Cohn (ALC) + Paper: Sequential Design with Mutual Information for Computer + Experiments (MICE): Emulation of a Tsunami Model by Beck and Guillas + (2016) + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + index : int + Model output index. + UtilMethod : string, optional + Exploitation utility function. The default is 'Entropy'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + ED_X = self.ExpDesign.X + out_dict_y = self.ExpDesign.Y + out_names = self.out_names + + # Run the Metamodel for the candidate + X_can = X_can.reshape(1, -1) + Y_PC_can, std_PC_can = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_can) + + if util_func.lower() == 'alm': + # ----- Entropy/MMSE/active learning MacKay(ALM) ----- + # Compute perdiction variance of the old model + canPredVar = {key: std_PC_can[key]**2 for key in out_names} + + varPCE = np.zeros((len(out_names), X_can.shape[0])) + for KeyIdx, key in enumerate(out_names): + varPCE[KeyIdx] = np.max(canPredVar[key], axis=1) + score = np.max(varPCE, axis=0) + + elif util_func.lower() == 'eigf': + # ----- Expected Improvement for Global fit ----- + # Find closest EDX to the candidate + distances = distance.cdist(ED_X, X_can, 'euclidean') + index = np.argmin(distances) + + # Compute perdiction error and variance of the old model + predError = {key: Y_PC_can[key] for key in out_names} + canPredVar = {key: std_PC_can[key]**2 for key in out_names} + + # Compute perdiction error and variance of the old model + # Eq (5) from Liu et al.(2018) + EIGF_PCE = np.zeros((len(out_names), X_can.shape[0])) + for KeyIdx, key in enumerate(out_names): + residual = predError[key] - out_dict_y[key][int(index)] + var = canPredVar[key] + EIGF_PCE[KeyIdx] = np.max(residual**2 + var, axis=1) + score = np.max(EIGF_PCE, axis=0) + + return -1 * score # -1 is for minimization instead of maximization + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_BayesianActiveDesign(self, y_hat, std, sigma2Dict, var='DKL'): + """ + Computes scores based on Bayesian active design criterion (var). + + It is based on the following paper: + Oladyshkin, Sergey, Farid Mohammadi, Ilja Kroeker, and Wolfgang Nowak. + "Bayesian3 active learning for the gaussian process emulator using + information theory." Entropy 22, no. 8 (2020): 890. + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + var : string, optional + BAL design criterion. The default is 'DKL'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + + # Get the data + obs_data = self.observations + # TODO: this should be optimizable to be calculated explicitly + if hasattr(self.Model, 'n_obs'): + n_obs = self.Model.n_obs + else: + n_obs = self.n_obs + mc_size = 10000 + + # Sample a distribution for a normal dist + # with Y_mean_can as the mean and Y_std_can as std. + Y_MC, std_MC = {}, {} + logPriorLikelihoods = np.zeros((mc_size)) + # print(y_hat) + # print(list[y_hat]) + #print(std) + for key in list(y_hat): + #print(std[key]) + cov = np.diag(std[key]**2) + #print(y_hat[key], cov) + print(key, y_hat[key], std[key]) + # TODO: added the allow_singular = True here + rv = stats.multivariate_normal(mean=y_hat[key], cov=cov,allow_singular = True) + Y_MC[key] = rv.rvs(size=mc_size) + logPriorLikelihoods += rv.logpdf(Y_MC[key]) + std_MC[key] = np.zeros((mc_size, y_hat[key].shape[0])) + + # Likelihood computation (Comparison of data and simulation + # results via PCE with candidate design) + likelihoods = self._normpdf(Y_MC, std_MC, obs_data, sigma2Dict) + + # Rejection Step + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, mc_size)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + accepted = (likelihoods/np.max(likelihoods)) >= unif + + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods), dtype=np.longdouble)#float128) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postLikelihoods = likelihoods[accepted] + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(postLikelihoods)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + postExpPrior = np.mean(logPriorLikelihoods[accepted]) + + # Utility function Eq.2 in Ref. (2) + # Posterior covariance matrix after observing data y + # Kullback-Leibler Divergence (Sergey's paper) + if var == 'DKL': + + # TODO: Calculate the correction factor for BME + # BMECorrFactor = self.BME_Corr_Weight(PCE_SparseBayes_can, + # ObservationData, sigma2Dict) + # BME += BMECorrFactor + # Haun et al implementation + # U_J_d = np.mean(np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0])- logBME) + U_J_d = postExpLikelihoods - logBME + + # Marginal log likelihood + elif var == 'BME': + U_J_d = np.nanmean(likelihoods) + + # Entropy-based information gain + elif var == 'infEntropy': + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods)) + infEntropy = logBME - postExpPrior - postExpLikelihoods + U_J_d = infEntropy * -1 # -1 for minimization + + # Bayesian information criterion + elif var == 'BIC': + coeffs = self.MetaModel.coeffs_dict.values() + nModelParams = max(len(v) for val in coeffs for v in val.values()) + maxL = np.nanmax(likelihoods) + U_J_d = -2 * np.log(maxL) + np.log(n_obs) * nModelParams + + # Akaike information criterion + elif var == 'AIC': + coeffs = self.MetaModel.coeffs_dict.values() + nModelParams = max(len(v) for val in coeffs for v in val.values()) + maxlogL = np.log(np.nanmax(likelihoods)) + AIC = -2 * maxlogL + 2 * nModelParams + # 2 * nModelParams * (nModelParams+1) / (n_obs-nModelParams-1) + penTerm = 0 + U_J_d = 1*(AIC + penTerm) + + # Deviance information criterion + elif var == 'DIC': + # D_theta_bar = np.mean(-2 * Likelihoods) + N_star_p = 0.5 * np.var(np.log(likelihoods[likelihoods != 0])) + Likelihoods_theta_mean = self._normpdf( + y_hat, std, obs_data, sigma2Dict + ) + DIC = -2 * np.log(Likelihoods_theta_mean) + 2 * N_star_p + + U_J_d = DIC + + else: + print('The algorithm you requested has not been implemented yet!') + + # Handle inf and NaN (replace by zero) + if np.isnan(U_J_d) or U_J_d == -np.inf or U_J_d == np.inf: + U_J_d = 0.0 + + # Clear memory + del likelihoods + del Y_MC + del std_MC + + return -1 * U_J_d # -1 is for minimization instead of maximization + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_BayesianDesign(self, X_can, X_MC, sigma2Dict, var='DKL'): + """ + Computes scores based on Bayesian sequential design criterion (var). + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + var : string, optional + Bayesian design criterion. The default is 'DKL'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + out_names = self.out_names + if X_can.ndim == 1: + X_can = X_can.reshape(1, -1) + + # Compute the mean and std based on the MetaModel + # pce_means, pce_stds = self._compute_pce_moments(MetaModel) + if var == 'ALC': + Y_MC, Y_MC_std = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Old Experimental design + oldExpDesignX = self.ExpDesign.X + oldExpDesignY = self.ExpDesign.Y + + # Evaluate the PCE metamodels at that location ??? + Y_PC_can, Y_std_can = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_can) + PCE_Model_can = deepcopy(MetaModel) + engine_can = deepcopy(self) + # Add the candidate to the ExpDesign + NewExpDesignX = np.vstack((oldExpDesignX, X_can)) + + NewExpDesignY = {} + for key in oldExpDesignY.keys(): + NewExpDesignY[key] = np.vstack( + (oldExpDesignY[key], Y_PC_can[key]) + ) + + engine_can.ExpDesign.sampling_method = 'user' + engine_can.ExpDesign.X = NewExpDesignX + #engine_can.ModelOutputDict = NewExpDesignY + engine_can.ExpDesign.Y = NewExpDesignY + + # Train the model for the observed data using x_can + engine_can.MetaModel.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = False + engine_can.start_engine() + engine_can.train_normal(parallel=False) + engine_can.MetaModel.fit(NewExpDesignX, NewExpDesignY) +# engine_can.train_norm_design(parallel=False) + + # Set the ExpDesign to its original values + engine_can.ExpDesign.X = oldExpDesignX + engine_can.ModelOutputDict = oldExpDesignY + engine_can.ExpDesign.Y = oldExpDesignY + + if var.lower() == 'mi': + # Mutual information based on Krause et al + # Adapted from Beck & Guillas (MICE) paper + _, std_PC_can = engine_can.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_can) + std_can = {key: std_PC_can[key] for key in out_names} + + std_old = {key: Y_std_can[key] for key in out_names} + + varPCE = np.zeros((len(out_names))) + for i, key in enumerate(out_names): + varPCE[i] = np.mean(std_old[key]**2/std_can[key]**2) + score = np.mean(varPCE) + + return -1 * score + + elif var.lower() == 'alc': + # Active learning based on Gramyc and Lee + # Adaptive design and analysis of supercomputer experiments Techno- + # metrics, 51 (2009), pp. 130–145. + + # Evaluate the MetaModel at the given samples + Y_MC_can, Y_MC_std_can = engine_can.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Compute the score + score = [] + for i, key in enumerate(out_names): + pce_var = Y_MC_std_can[key]**2 + pce_var_can = Y_MC_std[key]**2 + score.append(np.mean(pce_var-pce_var_can, axis=0)) + score = np.mean(score) + + return -1 * score + + # ---------- Inner MC simulation for computing Utility Value ---------- + # Estimation of the integral via Monte Varlo integration + MCsize = X_MC.shape[0] + ESS = 0 + + while ((ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1)): + + # Enriching Monte Carlo samples if need be + if ESS != 0: + X_MC = self.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + MCsize, 'random' + ) + + # Evaluate the MetaModel at the given samples + Y_MC, std_MC = PCE_Model_can.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Likelihood computation (Comparison of data and simulation + # results via PCE with candidate design) + likelihoods = self._normpdf( + Y_MC, std_MC, self.observations, sigma2Dict + ) + + # Check the Effective Sample Size (1<ESS<MCsize) + ESS = 1 / np.sum(np.square(likelihoods/np.sum(likelihoods))) + + # Enlarge sample size if it doesn't fulfill the criteria + if ((ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1)): + print("--- increasing MC size---") + MCsize *= 10 + ESS = 0 + + # Rejection Step + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, MCsize)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + accepted = (likelihoods/np.max(likelihoods)) >= unif + + # -------------------- Utility functions -------------------- + # Utility function Eq.2 in Ref. (2) + # Kullback-Leibler Divergence (Sergey's paper) + if var == 'DKL': + + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods, dtype=np.longdouble))#float128)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postLikelihoods = likelihoods[accepted] + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(postLikelihoods)) + + # Haun et al implementation + U_J_d = np.mean(np.log(likelihoods[likelihoods != 0]) - logBME) + + # U_J_d = np.sum(G_n_m_all) + # Ryan et al (2014) implementation + # importanceWeights = Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0]/np.sum(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0]) + # U_J_d = np.mean(importanceWeights*np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0])) - logBME + + # U_J_d = postExpLikelihoods - logBME + + # Marginal likelihood + elif var == 'BME': + + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods)) + U_J_d = logBME + + # Bayes risk likelihood + elif var == 'BayesRisk': + + U_J_d = -1 * np.var(likelihoods) + + # Entropy-based information gain + elif var == 'infEntropy': + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postLikelihoods = likelihoods[accepted] + postLikelihoods /= np.nansum(likelihoods[accepted]) + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(postLikelihoods)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + postExpPrior = np.mean(logPriorLikelihoods[accepted]) + + infEntropy = logBME - postExpPrior - postExpLikelihoods + + U_J_d = infEntropy * -1 # -1 for minimization + + # D-Posterior-precision + elif var == 'DPP': + X_Posterior = X_MC[accepted] + # covariance of the posterior parameters + U_J_d = -np.log(np.linalg.det(np.cov(X_Posterior))) + + # A-Posterior-precision + elif var == 'APP': + X_Posterior = X_MC[accepted] + # trace of the posterior parameters + U_J_d = -np.log(np.trace(np.cov(X_Posterior))) + + else: + print('The algorithm you requested has not been implemented yet!') + + # Clear memory + del likelihoods + del Y_MC + del std_MC + + return -1 * U_J_d # -1 is for minimization instead of maximization + + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def run_util_func(self, method, candidates, index, sigma2Dict=None, + var=None, X_MC=None): + """ + Runs the utility function based on the given method. + + Parameters + ---------- + method : string + Exploitation method: `VarOptDesign`, `BayesActDesign` and + `BayesOptDesign`. + candidates : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + All candidate parameter sets. + index : int + ExpDesign index. + sigma2Dict : dict, optional + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). The + default is None. + var : string, optional + Utility function. The default is None. + X_MC : TYPE, optional + DESCRIPTION. The default is None. + + Returns + ------- + index : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + List + Scores. + + """ + + if method.lower() == 'varoptdesign': + # U_J_d = self.util_VarBasedDesign(candidates, index, var) + U_J_d = np.zeros((candidates.shape[0])) + for idx, X_can in tqdm(enumerate(candidates), ascii=True, + desc="varoptdesign"): + U_J_d[idx] = self.util_VarBasedDesign(X_can, index, var) + + elif method.lower() == 'bayesactdesign': + NCandidate = candidates.shape[0] + U_J_d = np.zeros((NCandidate)) + # Evaluate all candidates + y_can, std_can = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=candidates) + # loop through candidates + for idx, X_can in tqdm(enumerate(candidates), ascii=True, + desc="BAL Design"): + y_hat = {key: items[idx] for key, items in y_can.items()} + std = {key: items[idx] for key, items in std_can.items()} + + # print(y_hat) + # print(std) + U_J_d[idx] = self.util_BayesianActiveDesign( + y_hat, std, sigma2Dict, var) + + elif method.lower() == 'bayesoptdesign': + NCandidate = candidates.shape[0] + U_J_d = np.zeros((NCandidate)) + for idx, X_can in tqdm(enumerate(candidates), ascii=True, + desc="OptBayesianDesign"): + U_J_d[idx] = self.util_BayesianDesign(X_can, X_MC, sigma2Dict, + var) + return (index, -1 * U_J_d) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def dual_annealing(self, method, Bounds, sigma2Dict, var, Run_No, + verbose=False): + """ + Exploration algorithm to find the optimum parameter space. + + Parameters + ---------- + method : string + Exploitation method: `VarOptDesign`, `BayesActDesign` and + `BayesOptDesign`. + Bounds : list of tuples + List of lower and upper boundaries of parameters. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + Run_No : int + Run number. + verbose : bool, optional + Print out a summary. The default is False. + + Returns + ------- + Run_No : int + Run number. + array + Optimial candidate. + + """ + + Model = self.Model + max_func_itr = self.ExpDesign.max_func_itr + + if method == 'VarOptDesign': + Res_Global = opt.dual_annealing(self.util_VarBasedDesign, + bounds=Bounds, + args=(Model, var), + maxfun=max_func_itr) + + elif method == 'BayesOptDesign': + Res_Global = opt.dual_annealing(self.util_BayesianDesign, + bounds=Bounds, + args=(Model, sigma2Dict, var), + maxfun=max_func_itr) + + if verbose: + print(f"Global minimum: xmin = {Res_Global.x}, " + f"f(xmin) = {Res_Global.fun:.6f}, nfev = {Res_Global.nfev}") + + return (Run_No, Res_Global.x) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def tradeoff_weights(self, tradeoff_scheme, old_EDX, old_EDY): + """ + Calculates weights for exploration scores based on the requested + scheme: `None`, `equal`, `epsilon-decreasing` and `adaptive`. + + `None`: No exploration. + `equal`: Same weights for exploration and exploitation scores. + `epsilon-decreasing`: Start with more exploration and increase the + influence of exploitation along the way with a exponential decay + function + `adaptive`: An adaptive method based on: + Liu, Haitao, Jianfei Cai, and Yew-Soon Ong. "An adaptive sampling + approach for Kriging metamodeling by maximizing expected prediction + error." Computers & Chemical Engineering 106 (2017): 171-182. + + Parameters + ---------- + tradeoff_scheme : string + Trade-off scheme for exloration and exploitation scores. + old_EDX : array (n_samples, n_params) + Old experimental design (training points). + old_EDY : dict + Old model responses (targets). + + Returns + ------- + exploration_weight : float + Exploration weight. + exploitation_weight: float + Exploitation weight. + + """ + if tradeoff_scheme is None: + exploration_weight = 0 + + elif tradeoff_scheme == 'equal': + exploration_weight = 0.5 + + elif tradeoff_scheme == 'epsilon-decreasing': + # epsilon-decreasing scheme + # Start with more exploration and increase the influence of + # exploitation along the way with a exponential decay function + initNSamples = self.ExpDesign.n_init_samples + n_max_samples = self.ExpDesign.n_max_samples + + itrNumber = (self.ExpDesign.X.shape[0] - initNSamples) + itrNumber //= self.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + + tau2 = -(n_max_samples-initNSamples-1) / np.log(1e-8) + exploration_weight = signal.exponential(n_max_samples-initNSamples, + 0, tau2, False)[itrNumber] + + elif tradeoff_scheme == 'adaptive': + + # Extract itrNumber + initNSamples = self.ExpDesign.n_init_samples + n_max_samples = self.ExpDesign.n_max_samples + itrNumber = (self.ExpDesign.X.shape[0] - initNSamples) + itrNumber //= self.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + + if itrNumber == 0: + exploration_weight = 0.5 + else: + # New adaptive trade-off according to Liu et al. (2017) + # Mean squared error for last design point + last_EDX = old_EDX[-1].reshape(1, -1) + lastPCEY, _ = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=last_EDX) + pce_y = np.array(list(lastPCEY.values()))[:, 0] + y = np.array(list(old_EDY.values()))[:, -1, :] + mseError = mean_squared_error(pce_y, y) + + # Mean squared CV - error for last design point + pce_y_prev = np.array(list(self._y_hat_prev.values()))[:, 0] + mseCVError = mean_squared_error(pce_y_prev, y) + + exploration_weight = min([0.5*mseError/mseCVError, 1]) + + # Exploitation weight + exploitation_weight = 1 - exploration_weight + + return exploration_weight, exploitation_weight + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def choose_next_sample(self, sigma2=None, n_candidates=5, var='DKL'): + """ + Runs optimal sequential design. + + Parameters + ---------- + sigma2 : dict, optional + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). The + default is None. + n_candidates : int, optional + Number of candidate samples. The default is 5. + var : string, optional + Utility function. The default is None. # TODO: default is set to DKL, not none + + Raises + ------ + NameError + Wrong utility function. + + Returns + ------- + Xnew : array (n_samples, n_params) + Selected new training point(s). + """ + + # Initialization + Bounds = self.ExpDesign.bound_tuples + n_new_samples = self.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + explore_method = self.ExpDesign.explore_method + exploit_method = self.ExpDesign.exploit_method + n_cand_groups = self.ExpDesign.n_cand_groups + tradeoff_scheme = self.ExpDesign.tradeoff_scheme + + old_EDX = self.ExpDesign.X + old_EDY = self.ExpDesign.Y.copy() + ndim = self.ExpDesign.X.shape[1] + OutputNames = self.out_names + + # ----------------------------------------- + # ----------- CUSTOMIZED METHODS ---------- + # ----------------------------------------- + # Utility function exploit_method provided by user + if exploit_method.lower() == 'user': + if not hasattr(self.ExpDesign, 'ExploitFunction'): + raise AttributeError('Function `ExploitFunction` not given to the ExpDesign, thus cannor run user-defined sequential scheme') + # TODO: syntax does not fully match the rest - can test this?? + Xnew, filteredSamples = self.ExpDesign.ExploitFunction(self) + + print("\n") + print("\nXnew:\n", Xnew) + + return Xnew, filteredSamples + + + # Dual-Annealing works differently from the rest, so deal with this first + # Here exploration and exploitation are performed simulataneously + if explore_method == 'dual annealing': + # ------- EXPLORATION: OPTIMIZATION ------- + import time + start_time = time.time() + + # Divide the domain to subdomains + subdomains = subdomain(Bounds, n_new_samples) + + # Multiprocessing + if self.parallel: + args = [] + for i in range(n_new_samples): + args.append((exploit_method, subdomains[i], sigma2, var, i)) + pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) + + # With Pool.starmap_async() + results = pool.starmap_async(self.dual_annealing, args).get() + + # Close the pool + pool.close() + # Without multiprocessing + else: + results = [] + for i in range(n_new_samples): + results.append(self.dual_annealing(exploit_method, subdomains[i], sigma2, var, i)) + + # New sample + Xnew = np.array([results[i][1] for i in range(n_new_samples)]) + print("\nXnew:\n", Xnew) + + # Computational cost + elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time + print("\n") + print(f"Elapsed_time: {round(elapsed_time,2)} sec.") + print('-'*20) + + return Xnew, None + + # Generate needed Exploration class + explore = Exploration(self.ExpDesign, n_candidates) + explore.w = 100 # * ndim #500 # TODO: where does this value come from? + + # Select criterion (mc-intersite-proj-th, mc-intersite-proj) + explore.mc_criterion = 'mc-intersite-proj' + + # Generate the candidate samples + # TODO: here use the sampling method provided by the expdesign? + sampling_method = self.ExpDesign.sampling_method + + # TODO: changed this from 'random' for LOOCV + if explore_method == 'LOOCV': + allCandidates = self.ExpDesign.generate_samples(n_candidates, + sampling_method) + else: + allCandidates, scoreExploration = explore.get_exploration_samples() + + # ----------------------------------------- + # ---------- EXPLORATION METHODS ---------- + # ----------------------------------------- + if explore_method == 'LOOCV': + # ----------------------------------------------------------------- + # TODO: LOOCV model construnction based on Feng et al. (2020) + # 'LOOCV': + # Initilize the ExploitScore array + + # Generate random samples + allCandidates = self.ExpDesign.generate_samples(n_candidates, + 'random') + + # Construct error model based on LCerror + errorModel = self.MetaModel.create_ModelError(old_EDX, self.LCerror) + self.errorModel.append(copy(errorModel)) + + # Evaluate the error models for allCandidates + eLCAllCands, _ = errorModel.eval_errormodel(allCandidates) + # Select the maximum as the representative error + eLCAllCands = np.dstack(eLCAllCands.values()) + eLCAllCandidates = np.max(eLCAllCands, axis=1)[:, 0] + + # Normalize the error w.r.t the maximum error + scoreExploration = eLCAllCandidates / np.sum(eLCAllCandidates) + + else: + # ------- EXPLORATION: SPACE-FILLING DESIGN ------- + # Generate candidate samples from Exploration class + explore = Exploration(self.ExpDesign, n_candidates) + explore.w = 100 # * ndim #500 + # Select criterion (mc-intersite-proj-th, mc-intersite-proj) + explore.mc_criterion = 'mc-intersite-proj' + allCandidates, scoreExploration = explore.get_exploration_samples() + + # Temp: ---- Plot all candidates ----- + if ndim == 2: + def plotter(points, allCandidates, Method, + scoreExploration=None): + if Method == 'Voronoi': + from scipy.spatial import Voronoi, voronoi_plot_2d + vor = Voronoi(points) + fig = voronoi_plot_2d(vor) + ax1 = fig.axes[0] + else: + fig = plt.figure() + ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) + ax1.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], s=10, c='r', + marker="s", label='Old Design Points') + ax1.scatter(allCandidates[:, 0], allCandidates[:, 1], s=10, + c='b', marker="o", label='Design candidates') + for i in range(points.shape[0]): + txt = 'p'+str(i+1) + ax1.annotate(txt, (points[i, 0], points[i, 1])) + if scoreExploration is not None: + for i in range(allCandidates.shape[0]): + txt = str(round(scoreExploration[i], 5)) + ax1.annotate(txt, (allCandidates[i, 0], + allCandidates[i, 1])) + + plt.xlim(self.bound_tuples[0]) + plt.ylim(self.bound_tuples[1]) + # plt.show() + plt.legend(loc='upper left') + + # ----------------------------------------- + # --------- EXPLOITATION METHODS ---------- + # ----------------------------------------- + if exploit_method == 'BayesOptDesign' or\ + exploit_method == 'BayesActDesign': + + # ------- Calculate Exoploration weight ------- + # Compute exploration weight based on trade off scheme + explore_w, exploit_w = self.tradeoff_weights(tradeoff_scheme, + old_EDX, + old_EDY) + print(f"\n Exploration weight={explore_w:0.3f} " + f"Exploitation weight={exploit_w:0.3f}\n") + + # ------- EXPLOITATION: BayesOptDesign & ActiveLearning ------- + if explore_w != 1.0: + # Check if all needed properties are set + if not hasattr(self.ExpDesign, 'max_func_itr'): + raise AttributeError('max_func_itr not given to the experimental design') + + # Create a sample pool for rejection sampling + MCsize = 15000 + X_MC = self.ExpDesign.generate_samples(MCsize, 'random') + candidates = self.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + n_candidates, 'latin_hypercube') + + # Split the candidates in groups for multiprocessing + split_cand = np.array_split( + candidates, n_cand_groups, axis=0 + ) + # print(candidates) + # print(split_cand) + if self.parallel: + results = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, backend='multiprocessing')( + delayed(self.run_util_func)( + exploit_method, split_cand[i], i, sigma2, var, X_MC) + for i in range(n_cand_groups)) + else: + results = [] + for i in range(n_cand_groups): + results.append(self.run_util_func(exploit_method, split_cand[i], i, sigma2, var, X_MC)) + + # Retrieve the results and append them + U_J_d = np.concatenate([results[NofE][1] for NofE in + range(n_cand_groups)]) + + # Check if all scores are inf + if np.isinf(U_J_d).all() or np.isnan(U_J_d).all(): + U_J_d = np.ones(len(U_J_d)) + + # Get the expected value (mean) of the Utility score + # for each cell + if explore_method == 'Voronoi': + U_J_d = np.mean(U_J_d.reshape(-1, n_candidates), axis=1) + + # Normalize U_J_d + norm_U_J_d = U_J_d / np.sum(U_J_d) + else: + norm_U_J_d = np.zeros((len(scoreExploration))) + + # ------- Calculate Total score ------- + # ------- Trade off between EXPLORATION & EXPLOITATION ------- + # Accumulate the samples + finalCandidates = np.concatenate((allCandidates, candidates), axis = 0) + finalCandidates = np.unique(finalCandidates, axis = 0) + + # Calculations take into account both exploration and exploitation + # samples without duplicates + totalScore = np.zeros(finalCandidates.shape[0]) + #self.totalScore = totalScore + + for cand_idx in range(finalCandidates.shape[0]): + # find candidate indices + idx1 = np.where(allCandidates == finalCandidates[cand_idx])[0] + idx2 = np.where(candidates == finalCandidates[cand_idx])[0] + + # exploration + if idx1 != []: + idx1 = idx1[0] + totalScore[cand_idx] += explore_w * scoreExploration[idx1] + + # exploitation + if idx2 != []: + idx2 = idx2[0] + totalScore[cand_idx] += exploit_w * norm_U_J_d[idx2] + + + # Total score + totalScore = exploit_w * norm_U_J_d + totalScore += explore_w * scoreExploration + + # temp: Plot + # dim = self.ExpDesign.X.shape[1] + # if dim == 2: + # plotter(self.ExpDesign.X, allCandidates, explore_method) + + # ------- Select the best candidate ------- + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design by + # maximization of the utility score and taking care of NaN values + temp = totalScore.copy() + temp[np.isnan(totalScore)] = -np.inf + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(temp)[::-1] + bestIdx = sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples] + + # select the requested number of samples + if explore_method == 'Voronoi': + Xnew = np.zeros((n_new_samples, ndim)) + for i, idx in enumerate(bestIdx): + X_can = explore.closestPoints[idx] + + # Calculate the maxmin score for the region of interest + newSamples, maxminScore = explore.get_mc_samples(X_can) + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew[i] = newSamples[np.argmax(maxminScore)] + else: + # Changed this from allCandiates to full set of candidates + # TODO: still not changed for e.g. 'Voronoi' + Xnew = finalCandidates[sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples]] + + + elif exploit_method == 'VarOptDesign': + # ------- EXPLOITATION: VarOptDesign ------- + UtilMethod = var + + # ------- Calculate Exoploration weight ------- + # Compute exploration weight based on trade off scheme + explore_w, exploit_w = self.tradeoff_weights(tradeoff_scheme, + old_EDX, + old_EDY) + print(f"\nweightExploration={explore_w:0.3f} " + f"weightExploitation={exploit_w:0.3f}") + + # Generate candidate samples from Exploration class + nMeasurement = old_EDY[OutputNames[0]].shape[1] + + # print(UtilMethod) + + # Find sensitive region + if UtilMethod == 'LOOCV': + LCerror = self.MetaModel.LCerror + allModifiedLOO = np.zeros((len(old_EDX), len(OutputNames), + nMeasurement)) + for y_idx, y_key in enumerate(OutputNames): + for idx, key in enumerate(LCerror[y_key].keys()): + allModifiedLOO[:, y_idx, idx] = abs( + LCerror[y_key][key]) + + ExploitScore = np.max(np.max(allModifiedLOO, axis=1), axis=1) + # print(allModifiedLOO.shape) + + elif UtilMethod in ['EIGF', 'ALM']: + # ----- All other in ['EIGF', 'ALM'] ----- + # Initilize the ExploitScore array + ExploitScore = np.zeros((len(old_EDX), len(OutputNames))) + + # Split the candidates in groups for multiprocessing + if explore_method != 'Voronoi': + split_cand = np.array_split(allCandidates, + n_cand_groups, + axis=0) + goodSampleIdx = range(n_cand_groups) + else: + # Find indices of the Vornoi cells with samples + goodSampleIdx = [] + for idx in range(len(explore.closest_points)): + if len(explore.closest_points[idx]) != 0: + goodSampleIdx.append(idx) + split_cand = explore.closest_points + + # Split the candidates in groups for multiprocessing + args = [] + for index in goodSampleIdx: + args.append((exploit_method, split_cand[index], index, + sigma2, var)) + + # Multiprocessing + pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) + # With Pool.starmap_async() + results = pool.starmap_async(self.run_util_func, args).get() + + # Close the pool + pool.close() + + # Retrieve the results and append them + if explore_method == 'Voronoi': + ExploitScore = [np.mean(results[k][1]) for k in + range(len(goodSampleIdx))] + else: + ExploitScore = np.concatenate( + [results[k][1] for k in range(len(goodSampleIdx))]) + + else: + raise NameError('The requested utility function is not ' + 'available.') + + # print("ExploitScore:\n", ExploitScore) + + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design by + # maximization of the utility score and taking care of NaN values + # Total score + # Normalize U_J_d + ExploitScore = ExploitScore / np.sum(ExploitScore) + totalScore = exploit_w * ExploitScore + # print(totalScore.shape) + # print(explore_w) + # print(scoreExploration.shape) + totalScore += explore_w * scoreExploration + + temp = totalScore.copy() + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(temp, axis=0)[::-1] + bestIdx = sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples] + + Xnew = np.zeros((n_new_samples, ndim)) + if explore_method != 'Voronoi': + Xnew = allCandidates[bestIdx] + else: + for i, idx in enumerate(bestIdx.flatten()): + X_can = explore.closest_points[idx] + # plotter(self.ExpDesign.X, X_can, explore_method, + # scoreExploration=None) + + # Calculate the maxmin score for the region of interest + newSamples, maxminScore = explore.get_mc_samples(X_can) + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew[i] = newSamples[np.argmax(maxminScore)] + + elif exploit_method == 'alphabetic': + # ------- EXPLOITATION: ALPHABETIC ------- + Xnew = self.util_AlphOptDesign(allCandidates, var) + + elif exploit_method == 'Space-filling': + # ------- EXPLOITATION: SPACE-FILLING ------- + totalScore = scoreExploration + + # ------- Select the best candidate ------- + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design by + # maximization of the utility score and taking care of NaN values + temp = totalScore.copy() + temp[np.isnan(totalScore)] = -np.inf + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(temp)[::-1] + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew = allCandidates[sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples]] + + else: + raise NameError('The requested design method is not available.') + + print("\n") + print("\nRun No. {}:".format(old_EDX.shape[0]+1)) + print("Xnew:\n", Xnew) + + # TODO: why does it also return None? + return Xnew, None + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_AlphOptDesign(self, candidates, var='D-Opt'): + """ + Enriches the Experimental design with the requested alphabetic + criterion based on exploring the space with number of sampling points. + + Ref: Hadigol, M., & Doostan, A. (2018). Least squares polynomial chaos + expansion: A review of sampling strategies., Computer Methods in + Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 332, 382-407. + + Arguments + --------- + NCandidate : int + Number of candidate points to be searched + + var : string + Alphabetic optimality criterion + + Returns + ------- + X_new : array of shape (1, n_params) + The new sampling location in the input space. + """ + MetaModelOrig = self # TODO: this doesn't fully seem correct? + n_new_samples = MetaModelOrig.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + NCandidate = candidates.shape[0] + + # TODO: Loop over outputs + OutputName = self.out_names[0] + + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + MetaModel = deepcopy(MetaModelOrig) + + # Old Experimental design + oldExpDesignX = self.ExpDesign.X + + # TODO: Only one psi can be selected. + # Suggestion: Go for the one with the highest LOO error + # TODO: this is just a patch, need to look at again! + Scores = list(self.MetaModel.score_dict['b_1'][OutputName].values()) + #print(Scores) + #print(self.MetaModel.score_dict) + #print(self.MetaModel.score_dict.values()) + #print(self.MetaModel.score_dict['b_1'].values()) + #print(self.MetaModel.score_dict['b_1'][OutputName].values()) + ModifiedLOO = [1-score for score in Scores] + outIdx = np.argmax(ModifiedLOO) + + # Initialize Phi to save the criterion's values + Phi = np.zeros((NCandidate)) + + # TODO: also patched here + BasisIndices = self.MetaModel.basis_dict['b_1'][OutputName]["y_"+str(outIdx+1)] + P = len(BasisIndices) + + # ------ Old Psi ------------ + univ_p_val = self.MetaModel.univ_basis_vals(oldExpDesignX) + Psi = self.MetaModel.create_psi(BasisIndices, univ_p_val) + + # ------ New candidates (Psi_c) ------------ + # Assemble Psi_c + univ_p_val_c = self.MetaModel.univ_basis_vals(candidates) + Psi_c = self.MetaModel.create_psi(BasisIndices, univ_p_val_c) + + for idx in range(NCandidate): + + # Include the new row to the original Psi + Psi_cand = np.vstack((Psi, Psi_c[idx])) + + # Information matrix + PsiTPsi = np.dot(Psi_cand.T, Psi_cand) + M = PsiTPsi / (len(oldExpDesignX)+1) + + if np.linalg.cond(PsiTPsi) > 1e-12 \ + and np.linalg.cond(PsiTPsi) < 1 / sys.float_info.epsilon: + # faster + invM = linalg.solve(M, sparse.eye(PsiTPsi.shape[0]).toarray()) + else: + # stabler + invM = np.linalg.pinv(M) + + # ---------- Calculate optimality criterion ---------- + # Optimality criteria according to Section 4.5.1 in Ref. + + # D-Opt + if var.lower() == 'd-opt': + Phi[idx] = (np.linalg.det(invM)) ** (1/P) + + # A-Opt + elif var.lower() == 'a-opt': + Phi[idx] = np.trace(invM) + + # K-Opt + elif var.lower() == 'k-opt': + Phi[idx] = np.linalg.cond(M) + + else: + # print(var.lower()) + raise Exception('The optimality criterion you requested has ' + 'not been implemented yet!') + + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design + # by minimization of the Phi + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(Phi) + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew = candidates[sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples]] + + return Xnew + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _normpdf(self, y_hat_pce, std_pce, obs_data, total_sigma2s, + rmse=None): + """ + Calculated gaussian likelihood for given y+std based on given obs+sigma + # TODO: is this understanding correct? + + Parameters + ---------- + y_hat_pce : dict of 2d np arrays + Mean output of the surrogate. + std_pce : dict of 2d np arrays + Standard deviation output of the surrogate. + obs_data : dict of 1d np arrays + Observed data. + total_sigma2s : pandas dataframe, matches obs_data + Estimated uncertainty for the observed data. + rmse : dict, optional + RMSE values from validation of the surrogate. The default is None. + + Returns + ------- + likelihoods : dict of float + The likelihood for each surrogate eval in y_hat_pce compared to the + observations (?). + + """ + + likelihoods = 1.0 + + # Loop over the outputs + for idx, out in enumerate(self.out_names): + + # (Meta)Model Output + # print(y_hat_pce[out]) + nsamples, nout = y_hat_pce[out].shape + + # Prepare data and remove NaN + try: + data = obs_data[out].values[~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + except AttributeError: + data = obs_data[out][~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + + # Prepare sigma2s + non_nan_indices = ~np.isnan(total_sigma2s[out]) + tot_sigma2s = total_sigma2s[out][non_nan_indices][:nout].values + + # Surrogate error if valid dataset is given. + if rmse is not None: + tot_sigma2s += rmse[out]**2 + else: + tot_sigma2s += np.mean(std_pce[out])**2 + + likelihoods *= stats.multivariate_normal.pdf( + y_hat_pce[out], data, np.diag(tot_sigma2s), + allow_singular=True) + + # TODO: remove this here + self.Likelihoods = likelihoods + + return likelihoods + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _corr_factor_BME(self, obs_data, total_sigma2s, logBME): + """ + Calculates the correction factor for BMEs. + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + samples = self.ExpDesign.X # valid_samples + model_outputs = self.ExpDesign.Y # valid_model_runs + n_samples = samples.shape[0] + + # Extract the requested model outputs for likelihood calulation + output_names = self.out_names + + # TODO: Evaluate MetaModel on the experimental design and ValidSet + OutputRS, stdOutputRS = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=samples) + + logLik_data = np.zeros((n_samples)) + logLik_model = np.zeros((n_samples)) + # Loop over the outputs + for idx, out in enumerate(output_names): + + # (Meta)Model Output + nsamples, nout = model_outputs[out].shape + + # Prepare data and remove NaN + try: + data = obs_data[out].values[~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + except AttributeError: + data = obs_data[out][~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + + # Prepare sigma2s + non_nan_indices = ~np.isnan(total_sigma2s[out]) + tot_sigma2s = total_sigma2s[out][non_nan_indices][:nout] + + # Covariance Matrix + covMatrix_data = np.diag(tot_sigma2s) + + for i, sample in enumerate(samples): + + # Simulation run + y_m = model_outputs[out][i] + + # Surrogate prediction + y_m_hat = OutputRS[out][i] + + # CovMatrix with the surrogate error + # covMatrix = np.diag(stdOutputRS[out][i]**2) + covMatrix = np.diag((y_m-y_m_hat)**2) + covMatrix = np.diag( + np.mean((model_outputs[out]-OutputRS[out]), axis=0)**2 + ) + + # Compute likelilhood output vs data + logLik_data[i] += logpdf( + y_m_hat, data, covMatrix_data + ) + + # Compute likelilhood output vs surrogate + logLik_model[i] += logpdf(y_m_hat, y_m, covMatrix) + + # Weight + logLik_data -= logBME + weights = np.exp(logLik_model+logLik_data) + + return np.log(np.mean(weights)) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _posteriorPlot(self, posterior, par_names, key): + """ + Plot the posterior of a specific key as a corner plot + + Parameters + ---------- + posterior : 2d np.array + Samples of the posterior. + par_names : list of strings + List of the parameter names. + key : string + Output key that this posterior belongs to. + + Returns + ------- + figPosterior : corner.corner + Plot of the posterior. + + """ + + # Initialization + newpath = (r'Outputs_SeqPosteriorComparison/posterior') + os.makedirs(newpath, exist_ok=True) + + bound_tuples = self.ExpDesign.bound_tuples + n_params = len(par_names) + font_size = 40 + if n_params == 2: + + figPosterior, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 15)) + + sns.kdeplot(x=posterior[:, 0], y=posterior[:, 1], + fill=True, ax=ax, cmap=plt.cm.jet, + clip=bound_tuples) + # Axis labels + plt.xlabel(par_names[0], fontsize=font_size) + plt.ylabel(par_names[1], fontsize=font_size) + + # Set axis limit + plt.xlim(bound_tuples[0]) + plt.ylim(bound_tuples[1]) + + # Increase font size + plt.xticks(fontsize=font_size) + plt.yticks(fontsize=font_size) + + # Switch off the grids + plt.grid(False) + + else: + import corner + figPosterior = corner.corner(posterior, labels=par_names, + title_fmt='.2e', show_titles=True, + title_kwargs={"fontsize": 12}) + + figPosterior.savefig(f'./{newpath}/{key}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') + plt.close() + + # Save the posterior as .npy + np.save(f'./{newpath}/{key}.npy', posterior) + + return figPosterior + + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _BME_Calculator(self, obs_data, sigma2Dict, rmse=None): + """ + This function computes the Bayesian model evidence (BME) via Monte + Carlo integration. + + Parameters + ---------- + obs_data : dict of 1d np arrays + Observed data. + sigma2Dict : pandas dataframe, matches obs_data + Estimated uncertainty for the observed data. + rmse : dict of floats, optional + RMSE values for each output-key. The dafault is None. + + Returns + ------- + (logBME, KLD, X_Posterior, Likelihoods, distHellinger) + + """ + # Initializations + if hasattr(self, 'valid_likelihoods'): + valid_likelihoods = self.valid_likelihoods + else: + valid_likelihoods = [] + valid_likelihoods = np.array(valid_likelihoods) + + post_snapshot = self.ExpDesign.post_snapshot + if post_snapshot or valid_likelihoods.shape[0] != 0: + newpath = (r'Outputs_SeqPosteriorComparison/likelihood_vs_ref') + os.makedirs(newpath, exist_ok=True) + + SamplingMethod = 'random' + MCsize = 10000 + ESS = 0 + + # Estimation of the integral via Monte Varlo integration + while (ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1): + + # Generate samples for Monte Carlo simulation + X_MC = self.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + MCsize, SamplingMethod + ) + + # Monte Carlo simulation for the candidate design + Y_MC, std_MC = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Likelihood computation (Comparison of data and + # simulation results via PCE with candidate design) + Likelihoods = self._normpdf( + Y_MC, std_MC, obs_data, sigma2Dict, rmse + ) + + # Check the Effective Sample Size (1000<ESS<MCsize) + ESS = 1 / np.sum(np.square(Likelihoods/np.sum(Likelihoods))) + + # Enlarge sample size if it doesn't fulfill the criteria + if (ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1): + print(f'ESS={ESS} MC size should be larger.') + MCsize *= 10 + ESS = 0 + + # Rejection Step + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, MCsize)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + accepted = (Likelihoods/np.max(Likelihoods)) >= unif + X_Posterior = X_MC[accepted] + + # ------------------------------------------------------------ + # --- Kullback-Leibler Divergence & Information Entropy ------ + # ------------------------------------------------------------ + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(Likelihoods)) + + # TODO: Correction factor + # log_weight = self.__corr_factor_BME(obs_data, sigma2Dict, logBME) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(Likelihoods[accepted])) + + # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + postExpPrior = np.mean( + np.log(self.ExpDesign.JDist.pdf(X_Posterior.T)) + ) + + # Calculate Kullback-Leibler Divergence + # KLD = np.mean(np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0])- logBME) + KLD = postExpLikelihoods - logBME + + # Information Entropy based on Entropy paper Eq. 38 + infEntropy = logBME - postExpPrior - postExpLikelihoods + + # If post_snapshot is True, plot likelihood vs refrence + if post_snapshot or valid_likelihoods: + # Hellinger distance + valid_likelihoods = np.array(valid_likelihoods) + ref_like = np.log(valid_likelihoods[(valid_likelihoods > 0)]) + est_like = np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods > 0]) + distHellinger = hellinger_distance(ref_like, est_like) + + idx = len([name for name in os.listdir(newpath) if 'Likelihoods_' + in name and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(newpath, name))]) + + fig, ax = plt.subplots() + try: + sns.kdeplot(np.log(valid_likelihoods[valid_likelihoods > 0]), + shade=True, color="g", label='Ref. Likelihood') + sns.kdeplot(np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods > 0]), shade=True, + color="b", label='Likelihood with PCE') + except: + pass + + text = f"Hellinger Dist.={distHellinger:.3f}\n logBME={logBME:.3f}" + "\n DKL={KLD:.3f}" + + plt.text(0.05, 0.75, text, bbox=dict(facecolor='wheat', + edgecolor='black', + boxstyle='round,pad=1'), + transform=ax.transAxes) + + fig.savefig(f'./{newpath}/Likelihoods_{idx}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + plt.close() + + else: + distHellinger = 0.0 + + # Bayesian inference with Emulator only for 2D problem + if post_snapshot and self.MetaModel.n_params == 2 and not idx % 5: + BayesOpts = BayesInference(self) + + BayesOpts.emulator = True + BayesOpts.plot_post_pred = False + + # Select the inference method + import emcee + BayesOpts.inference_method = "MCMC" + # Set the MCMC parameters passed to self.mcmc_params + BayesOpts.mcmc_params = { + 'n_steps': 1e5, + 'n_walkers': 30, + 'moves': emcee.moves.KDEMove(), + 'verbose': False + } + + # ----- Define the discrepancy model ------- + # TODO: check with Farid if this first line is how it should be + BayesOpts.measured_data = obs_data + obs_data = pd.DataFrame(obs_data, columns=self.out_names) + BayesOpts.measurement_error = obs_data + # TODO: shouldn't the uncertainty be sigma2Dict instead of obs_data? + + # # -- (Option B) -- + DiscrepancyOpts = Discrepancy('') + DiscrepancyOpts.type = 'Gaussian' + DiscrepancyOpts.parameters = obs_data**2 + BayesOpts.Discrepancy = DiscrepancyOpts + # Start the calibration/inference + Bayes_PCE = BayesOpts.create_inference() + X_Posterior = Bayes_PCE.posterior_df.values + + return (logBME, KLD, X_Posterior, Likelihoods, distHellinger) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _validError(self): + """ + Evaluate the metamodel on the validation samples and calculate the + error against the corresponding model runs + + Returns + ------- + rms_error : dict + RMSE for each validation run. + valid_error : dict + Normed (?)RMSE for each validation run. + + """ + # Extract the original model with the generated samples + valid_model_runs = self.ExpDesign.valid_model_runs + + # Run the PCE model with the generated samples + valid_PCE_runs, _ = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=self.ExpDesign.valid_samples) + + rms_error = {} + valid_error = {} + # Loop over the keys and compute RMSE error. + for key in self.out_names: + rms_error[key] = mean_squared_error( + valid_model_runs[key], valid_PCE_runs[key], + multioutput='raw_values', + sample_weight=None, + squared=False) + # Validation error + valid_error[key] = (rms_error[key]**2) + valid_error[key] /= np.var(valid_model_runs[key], ddof=1, axis=0) + + # Print a report table + print("\n>>>>> Updated Errors of {} <<<<<".format(key)) + print("\nIndex | RMSE | Validation Error") + print('-'*35) + print('\n'.join(f'{i+1} | {k:.3e} | {j:.3e}' for i, (k, j) + in enumerate(zip(rms_error[key], + valid_error[key])))) + + return rms_error, valid_error + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _error_Mean_Std(self): + """ + Calculates the error in the overall mean and std approximation of the + surrogate against the mc-reference provided to the model. + This can only be applied to metamodels of polynomial type + + Returns + ------- + RMSE_Mean : float + RMSE of the means + RMSE_std : float + RMSE of the standard deviations + + """ + # Compute the mean and std based on the MetaModel + pce_means, pce_stds = self.MetaModel._compute_pce_moments() + + # Compute the root mean squared error + for output in self.out_names: + + # Compute the error between mean and std of MetaModel and OrigModel + RMSE_Mean = mean_squared_error( + self.Model.mc_reference['mean'], pce_means[output], squared=False + ) + RMSE_std = mean_squared_error( + self.Model.mc_reference['std'], pce_stds[output], squared=False + ) + + return RMSE_Mean, RMSE_std diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/eval_rec_rule.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/eval_rec_rule.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b583c7eb2ec58d55d19b34130812730d21a12368 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/eval_rec_rule.py @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" + + +Based on the implementation in UQLab [1]. + +References: +1. S. Marelli, and B. Sudret, UQLab: A framework for uncertainty quantification +in Matlab, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Vulnerability, Risk Analysis and Management +(ICVRAM2014), Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2014, 2554-2563. + +2. S. Marelli, N. Lüthen, B. Sudret, UQLab user manual – Polynomial chaos +expansions, Report # UQLab-V1.4-104, Chair of Risk, Safety and Uncertainty +Quantification, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 2021. + +Author: Farid Mohammadi, M.Sc. +E-Mail: farid.mohammadi@iws.uni-stuttgart.de +Department of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems (LH2) +Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems (IWS), University +of Stuttgart, www.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/lh2/ +Pfaffenwaldring 61 +70569 Stuttgart + +Created on Fri Jan 14 2022 +""" +import numpy as np +from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyval + + +def poly_rec_coeffs(n_max, poly_type, params=None): + """ + Computes the recurrence coefficients for classical Wiener-Askey orthogonal + polynomials. + + Parameters + ---------- + n_max : int + Maximum polynomial degree. + poly_type : string + Polynomial type. + params : list, optional + Parameters required for `laguerre` poly type. The default is None. + + Returns + ------- + AB : dict + The 3 term recursive coefficients and the applicable ranges. + + """ + + if poly_type == 'legendre': + + def an(n): + return np.zeros((n+1, 1)) + + def sqrt_bn(n): + sq_bn = np.zeros((n+1, 1)) + sq_bn[0, 0] = 1 + for i in range(1, n+1): + sq_bn[i, 0] = np.sqrt(1./(4-i**-2)) + return sq_bn + + bounds = [-1, 1] + + elif poly_type == 'hermite': + + def an(n): + return np.zeros((n+1, 1)) + + def sqrt_bn(n): + sq_bn = np.zeros((n+1, 1)) + sq_bn[0, 0] = 1 + for i in range(1, n+1): + sq_bn[i, 0] = np.sqrt(i) + return sq_bn + + bounds = [-np.inf, np.inf] + + elif poly_type == 'laguerre': + + def an(n): + a = np.zeros((n+1, 1)) + for i in range(1, n+1): + a[i] = 2*n + params[1] + return a + + def sqrt_bn(n): + sq_bn = np.zeros((n+1, 1)) + sq_bn[0, 0] = 1 + for i in range(1, n+1): + sq_bn[i, 0] = -np.sqrt(i * (i+params[1]-1)) + return sq_bn + + bounds = [0, np.inf] + + AB = {'alpha_beta': np.concatenate((an(n_max), sqrt_bn(n_max)), axis=1), + 'bounds': bounds} + + return AB + + +def eval_rec_rule(x, max_deg, poly_type): + """ + Evaluates the polynomial that corresponds to the Jacobi matrix defined + from the AB. + + Parameters + ---------- + x : array (n_samples) + Points where the polynomials are evaluated. + max_deg : int + Maximum degree. + poly_type : string + Polynomial type. + + Returns + ------- + values : array of shape (n_samples, max_deg+1) + Polynomials corresponding to the Jacobi matrix. + + """ + AB = poly_rec_coeffs(max_deg, poly_type) + AB = AB['alpha_beta'] + + values = np.zeros((len(x), AB.shape[0]+1)) + values[:, 1] = 1 / AB[0, 1] + + for k in range(AB.shape[0]-1): + values[:, k+2] = np.multiply((x - AB[k, 0]), values[:, k+1]) - \ + np.multiply(values[:, k], AB[k, 1]) + values[:, k+2] = np.divide(values[:, k+2], AB[k+1, 1]) + return values[:, 1:] + + +def eval_rec_rule_arbitrary(x, max_deg, poly_coeffs): + """ + Evaluates the polynomial at sample array x. + + Parameters + ---------- + x : array (n_samples) + Points where the polynomials are evaluated. + max_deg : int + Maximum degree. + poly_coeffs : dict + Polynomial coefficients computed based on moments. + + Returns + ------- + values : array of shape (n_samples, max_deg+1) + Univariate Polynomials evaluated at samples. + + """ + values = np.zeros((len(x), max_deg+1)) + + for deg in range(max_deg+1): + values[:, deg] = polyval(x, poly_coeffs[deg]).T + + return values + + +def eval_univ_basis(x, max_deg, poly_types, apoly_coeffs=None): + """ + Evaluates univariate regressors along input directions. + + Parameters + ---------- + x : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Training samples. + max_deg : int + Maximum polynomial degree. + poly_types : list of strings + List of polynomial types for all parameters. + apoly_coeffs : dict , optional + Polynomial coefficients computed based on moments. The default is None. + + Returns + ------- + univ_vals : array of shape (n_samples, n_params, max_deg+1) + Univariate polynomials for all degrees and parameters evaluated at x. + + """ + # Initilize the output array + n_samples, n_params = x.shape + univ_vals = np.zeros((n_samples, n_params, max_deg+1)) + + for i in range(n_params): + + if poly_types[i] == 'arbitrary': + polycoeffs = apoly_coeffs[f'p_{i+1}'] + univ_vals[:, i] = eval_rec_rule_arbitrary(x[:, i], max_deg, + polycoeffs) + else: + univ_vals[:, i] = eval_rec_rule(x[:, i], max_deg, poly_types[i]) + + return univ_vals diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/exp_designs.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/exp_designs.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fa03fe17d96fb2c1f19546b7b72fb2fd6dd1c13a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/exp_designs.py @@ -0,0 +1,479 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Experimental design with associated sampling methods +""" + +import numpy as np +import math +import itertools +import chaospy +import scipy.stats as st +from tqdm import tqdm +import h5py +import os + +from .apoly_construction import apoly_construction +from .input_space import InputSpace + +# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +def check_ranges(theta, ranges): + """ + This function checks if theta lies in the given ranges. + + Parameters + ---------- + theta : array + Proposed parameter set. + ranges : nested list + List of the praremeter ranges. + + Returns + ------- + c : bool + If it lies in the given range, it return True else False. + + """ + c = True + # traverse in the list1 + for i, bounds in enumerate(ranges): + x = theta[i] + # condition check + if x < bounds[0] or x > bounds[1]: + c = False + return c + return c + + +class ExpDesigns(InputSpace): + """ + This class generates samples from the prescribed marginals for the model + parameters using the `Input` object. + + Attributes + ---------- + Input : obj + Input object containing the parameter marginals, i.e. name, + distribution type and distribution parameters or available raw data. + meta_Model_type : str + Type of the meta_Model_type. + sampling_method : str + Name of the sampling method for the experimental design. The following + sampling method are supported: + + * random + * latin_hypercube + * sobol + * halton + * hammersley + * chebyshev(FT) + * grid(FT) + * user + hdf5_file : str + Name of the hdf5 file that contains the experimental design. + n_new_samples : int + Number of (initial) training points. + n_max_samples : int + Number of maximum training points. + mod_LOO_threshold : float + The modified leave-one-out cross validation threshold where the + sequential design stops. + tradeoff_scheme : str + Trade-off scheme to assign weights to the exploration and exploitation + scores in the sequential design. + n_canddidate : int + Number of candidate training sets to calculate the scores for. + explore_method : str + Type of the exploration method for the sequential design. The following + methods are supported: + + * Voronoi + * random + * latin_hypercube + * LOOCV + * dual annealing + exploit_method : str + Type of the exploitation method for the sequential design. The + following methods are supported: + + * BayesOptDesign + * BayesActDesign + * VarOptDesign + * alphabetic + * Space-filling + util_func : str or list + The utility function to be specified for the `exploit_method`. For the + available utility functions see Note section. + n_cand_groups : int + Number of candidate groups. Each group of candidate training sets will + be evaulated separately in parallel. + n_replication : int + Number of replications. Only for comparison. The default is 1. + post_snapshot : int + Whether to plot the posterior in the sequential design. The default is + `True`. + step_snapshot : int + The number of steps to plot the posterior in the sequential design. The + default is 1. + max_a_post : list or array + Maximum a posteriori of the posterior distribution, if known. The + default is `[]`. + adapt_verbose : bool + Whether to plot the model response vs that of metamodel for the new + trining point in the sequential design. + + Note + ---------- + The following utiliy functions for the **exploitation** methods are + supported: + + #### BayesOptDesign (when data is available) + - DKL (Kullback-Leibler Divergence) + - DPP (D-Posterior-percision) + - APP (A-Posterior-percision) + + #### VarBasedOptDesign -> when data is not available + - Entropy (Entropy/MMSE/active learning) + - EIGF (Expected Improvement for Global fit) + - LOOCV (Leave-one-out Cross Validation) + + #### alphabetic + - D-Opt (D-Optimality) + - A-Opt (A-Optimality) + - K-Opt (K-Optimality) + """ + + def __init__(self, Input, meta_Model_type='pce', + sampling_method='random', hdf5_file=None, + n_new_samples=1, n_max_samples=None, mod_LOO_threshold=1e-16, + tradeoff_scheme=None, n_canddidate=1, explore_method='random', + exploit_method='Space-filling', util_func='Space-filling', + n_cand_groups=4, n_replication=1, post_snapshot=False, + step_snapshot=1, max_a_post=[], adapt_verbose=False, max_func_itr=1): + + self.InputObj = Input + self.meta_Model_type = meta_Model_type + self.sampling_method = sampling_method + self.hdf5_file = hdf5_file + self.n_new_samples = n_new_samples + self.n_max_samples = n_max_samples + self.mod_LOO_threshold = mod_LOO_threshold + self.explore_method = explore_method + self.exploit_method = exploit_method + self.util_func = util_func + self.tradeoff_scheme = tradeoff_scheme + self.n_canddidate = n_canddidate + self.n_cand_groups = n_cand_groups + self.n_replication = n_replication + self.post_snapshot = post_snapshot + self.step_snapshot = step_snapshot + self.max_a_post = max_a_post + self.adapt_verbose = adapt_verbose + self.max_func_itr = max_func_itr + + # Other + self.apce = None + self.ndim = None + + # Init + self.check_valid_inputs() + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def generate_samples(self, n_samples, sampling_method='random', + transform=False): + """ + Generates samples with given sampling method + + Parameters + ---------- + n_samples : int + Number of requested samples. + sampling_method : str, optional + Sampling method. The default is `'random'`. + transform : bool, optional + Transformation via an isoprobabilistic transformation method. The + default is `False`. + + Returns + ------- + samples: array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Generated samples from defined model input object. + + """ + try: + samples = chaospy.generate_samples( + int(n_samples), domain=self.origJDist, rule=sampling_method + ) + except: + samples = self.random_sampler(int(n_samples)).T + + return samples.T + + + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def generate_ED(self, n_samples, transform=False, + max_pce_deg=None): + """ + Generates experimental designs (training set) with the given method. + + Parameters + ---------- + n_samples : int + Number of requested training points. + sampling_method : str, optional + Sampling method. The default is `'random'`. + transform : bool, optional + Isoprobabilistic transformation. The default is `False`. + max_pce_deg : int, optional + Maximum PCE polynomial degree. The default is `None`. + + Returns + ------- + None + + """ + if n_samples <0: + raise ValueError('A negative number of samples cannot be created. Please provide positive n_samples') + n_samples = int(n_samples) + + if not hasattr(self, 'n_init_samples'): + self.n_init_samples = n_samples + + # Generate the samples based on requested method + self.init_param_space(max_pce_deg) + + sampling_method = self.sampling_method + # Pass user-defined samples as ED + if sampling_method == 'user': + if not hasattr(self, 'X'): + raise AttributeError('User-defined sampling cannot proceed as no samples provided. Please add them to this class as attribute X') + if not self.X.ndim == 2: + raise AttributeError('The provided samples shuld have 2 dimensions') + samples = self.X + self.n_samples = len(samples) + + # Sample the distribution of parameters + elif self.input_data_given: + # Case II: Input values are directly given by the user. + + if sampling_method == 'random': + samples = self.random_sampler(n_samples) + + elif sampling_method == 'PCM' or \ + sampling_method == 'LSCM': + samples = self.pcm_sampler(n_samples, max_pce_deg) + + else: + # Create ExpDesign in the actual space using chaospy + try: + samples = chaospy.generate_samples(n_samples, + domain=self.JDist, + rule=sampling_method).T + except: + samples = self.JDist.resample(n_samples).T + + elif not self.input_data_given: + # Case I = User passed known distributions + samples = chaospy.generate_samples(n_samples, domain=self.JDist, + rule=sampling_method).T + + self.X = samples + + def read_from_file(self, out_names): + """ + Reads in the ExpDesign from a provided h5py file and saves the results. + + Parameters + ---------- + out_names : list of strings + The keys that are in the outputs (y) saved in the provided file. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + if self.hdf5_file == None: + raise AttributeError('ExpDesign cannot be read in, please provide hdf5 file first') + + # Read hdf5 file + f = h5py.File(self.hdf5_file, 'r+') + + # Read EDX and pass it to ExpDesign object + try: + self.X = np.array(f["EDX/New_init_"]) + except KeyError: + self.X = np.array(f["EDX/init_"]) + + # Update number of initial samples + self.n_init_samples = self.X.shape[0] + + # Read EDX and pass it to ExpDesign object + self.Y = {} + + # Extract x values + try: + self.Y["x_values"] = dict() + for varIdx, var in enumerate(out_names): + x = np.array(f[f"x_values/{var}"]) + self.Y["x_values"][var] = x + except KeyError: + self.Y["x_values"] = np.array(f["x_values"]) + + # Store the output + for varIdx, var in enumerate(out_names): + try: + y = np.array(f[f"EDY/{var}/New_init_"]) + except KeyError: + y = np.array(f[f"EDY/{var}/init_"]) + self.Y[var] = y + f.close() + print(f'Experimental Design is read in from file {self.hdf5_file}') + print('') + + + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def random_sampler(self, n_samples, max_deg = None): + """ + Samples the given raw data randomly. + + Parameters + ---------- + n_samples : int + Number of requested samples. + + max_deg : int, optional + Maximum degree. The default is `None`. + This will be used to run init_param_space, if it has not been done + until now. + + Returns + ------- + samples: array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + The sampling locations in the input space. + + """ + if not hasattr(self, 'raw_data'): + self.init_param_space(max_deg) + else: + if np.array(self.raw_data).ndim !=2: + raise AttributeError('The given raw data for sampling should have two dimensions') + samples = np.zeros((n_samples, self.ndim)) + sample_size = self.raw_data.shape[1] + + # Use a combination of raw data + if n_samples < sample_size: + for pa_idx in range(self.ndim): + # draw random indices + rand_idx = np.random.randint(0, sample_size, n_samples) + # store the raw data with given random indices + samples[:, pa_idx] = self.raw_data[pa_idx, rand_idx] + else: + try: + samples = self.JDist.resample(int(n_samples)).T + except AttributeError: + samples = self.JDist.sample(int(n_samples)).T + # Check if all samples are in the bound_tuples + for idx, param_set in enumerate(samples): + if not check_ranges(param_set, self.bound_tuples): + try: + proposed_sample = chaospy.generate_samples( + 1, domain=self.JDist, rule='random').T[0] + except: + proposed_sample = self.JDist.resample(1).T[0] + while not check_ranges(proposed_sample, + self.bound_tuples): + try: + proposed_sample = chaospy.generate_samples( + 1, domain=self.JDist, rule='random').T[0] + except: + proposed_sample = self.JDist.resample(1).T[0] + samples[idx] = proposed_sample + + return samples + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def pcm_sampler(self, n_samples, max_deg): + """ + Generates collocation points based on the root of the polynomial + degrees. + + Parameters + ---------- + n_samples : int + Number of requested samples. + max_deg : int + Maximum degree defined by user. Will also be used to run + init_param_space if that has not been done beforehand. + + Returns + ------- + opt_col_points: array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Collocation points. + + """ + + if not hasattr(self, 'raw_data'): + self.init_param_space(max_deg) + + raw_data = self.raw_data + + # Guess the closest degree to self.n_samples + def M_uptoMax(deg): + result = [] + for d in range(1, deg+1): + result.append(math.factorial(self.ndim+d) // + (math.factorial(self.ndim) * math.factorial(d))) + return np.array(result) + #print(M_uptoMax(max_deg)) + #print(np.where(M_uptoMax(max_deg) > n_samples)[0]) + + guess_Deg = np.where(M_uptoMax(max_deg) > n_samples)[0][0] + + c_points = np.zeros((guess_Deg+1, self.ndim)) + + def PolynomialPa(parIdx): + return apoly_construction(self.raw_data[parIdx], max_deg) + + for i in range(self.ndim): + poly_coeffs = PolynomialPa(i)[guess_Deg+1][::-1] + c_points[:, i] = np.trim_zeros(np.roots(poly_coeffs)) + + # Construction of optimal integration points + Prod = itertools.product(np.arange(1, guess_Deg+2), repeat=self.ndim) + sort_dig_unique_combos = np.array(list(filter(lambda x: x, Prod))) + + # Ranking relatively mean + Temp = np.empty(shape=[0, guess_Deg+1]) + for j in range(self.ndim): + s = abs(c_points[:, j]-np.mean(raw_data[j])) + Temp = np.append(Temp, [s], axis=0) + temp = Temp.T + + index_CP = np.sort(temp, axis=0) + sort_cpoints = np.empty((0, guess_Deg+1)) + + for j in range(self.ndim): + #print(index_CP[:, j]) + sort_cp = c_points[index_CP[:, j], j] + sort_cpoints = np.vstack((sort_cpoints, sort_cp)) + + # Mapping of Combination to Cpoint Combination + sort_unique_combos = np.empty(shape=[0, self.ndim]) + for i in range(len(sort_dig_unique_combos)): + sort_un_comb = [] + for j in range(self.ndim): + SortUC = sort_cpoints[j, sort_dig_unique_combos[i, j]-1] + sort_un_comb.append(SortUC) + sort_uni_comb = np.asarray(sort_un_comb) + sort_unique_combos = np.vstack((sort_unique_combos, sort_uni_comb)) + + # Output the collocation points + if self.sampling_method.lower() == 'lscm': + opt_col_points = sort_unique_combos + else: + opt_col_points = sort_unique_combos[0:self.n_samples] + + return opt_col_points diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/exploration.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/exploration.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6abb652f145fadb410ecf8f987142e8ceb544a41 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/exploration.py @@ -0,0 +1,367 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Exploration for sequential training of metamodels +""" + +import numpy as np +from scipy.spatial import distance + + +class Exploration: + """ + Created based on the Surrogate Modeling Toolbox (SUMO) [1]. + + [1] Gorissen, D., Couckuyt, I., Demeester, P., Dhaene, T. and Crombecq, K., + 2010. A surrogate modeling and adaptive sampling toolbox for computer + based design. Journal of machine learning research.-Cambridge, Mass., + 11, pp.2051-2055. sumo@sumo.intec.ugent.be - http://sumo.intec.ugent.be + + Attributes + ---------- + ExpDesign : obj + ExpDesign object. + n_candidate : int + Number of candidate samples. + mc_criterion : str + Selection crieterion. The default is `'mc-intersite-proj-th'`. Another + option is `'mc-intersite-proj'`. + w : int + Number of random points in the domain for each sample of the + training set. + """ + + def __init__(self, ExpDesign, n_candidate, + mc_criterion='mc-intersite-proj-th'): + self.ExpDesign = ExpDesign + self.n_candidate = n_candidate + self.mc_criterion = mc_criterion + self.w = 100 + + def get_exploration_samples(self): + """ + This function generates candidates to be selected as new design and + their associated exploration scores. + + Returns + ------- + all_candidates : array of shape (n_candidate, n_params) + A list of samples. + exploration_scores: arrays of shape (n_candidate) + Exploration scores. + """ + explore_method = self.ExpDesign.explore_method + + print("\n") + print(f' The {explore_method}-Method is selected as the exploration ' + 'method.') + print("\n") + + if explore_method == 'Voronoi': + # Generate samples using the Voronoi method + all_candidates, exploration_scores = self.get_vornoi_samples() + else: + # Generate samples using the MC method + all_candidates, exploration_scores = self.get_mc_samples() + + return all_candidates, exploration_scores + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def get_vornoi_samples(self): + """ + This function generates samples based on voronoi cells and their + corresponding scores + + Returns + ------- + new_samples : array of shape (n_candidate, n_params) + A list of samples. + exploration_scores: arrays of shape (n_candidate) + Exploration scores. + """ + + mc_criterion = self.mc_criterion + n_candidate = self.n_candidate + # Get the Old ExpDesign #samples + old_ED_X = self.ExpDesign.X + ndim = old_ED_X.shape[1] + + # calculate error #averageErrors + error_voronoi, all_candidates = self.approximate_voronoi( + self.w, old_ED_X + ) + + # Pick the best candidate point in the voronoi cell + # for each best sample + selected_samples = np.empty((0, ndim)) + bad_samples = [] + + for index in range(len(error_voronoi)): + + # get candidate new samples from voronoi tesselation + candidates = self.closest_points[index] + + # get total number of candidates + n_new_samples = candidates.shape[0] + + # still no candidate samples around this one, skip it! + if n_new_samples == 0: + print('The following sample has been skipped because there ' + 'were no candidate samples around it...') + print(old_ED_X[index]) + bad_samples.append(index) + continue + + # find candidate that is farthest away from any existing sample + max_min_distance = 0 + best_candidate = 0 + min_intersite_dist = np.zeros((n_new_samples)) + min_projected_dist = np.zeros((n_new_samples)) + + for j in range(n_new_samples): + + new_samples = np.vstack((old_ED_X, selected_samples)) + + # find min distorted distance from all other samples + euclidean_dist = self._build_dist_matrix_point( + new_samples, candidates[j], do_sqrt=True) + min_euclidean_dist = np.min(euclidean_dist) + min_intersite_dist[j] = min_euclidean_dist + + # Check if this is the maximum minimum distance from all other + # samples + if min_euclidean_dist >= max_min_distance: + max_min_distance = min_euclidean_dist + best_candidate = j + + # Projected distance + projected_dist = distance.cdist( + new_samples, [candidates[j]], 'chebyshev') + min_projected_dist[j] = np.min(projected_dist) + + if mc_criterion == 'mc-intersite-proj': + weight_euclidean_dist = 0.5 * ((n_new_samples+1)**(1/ndim) - 1) + weight_projected_dist = 0.5 * (n_new_samples+1) + total_dist_scores = weight_euclidean_dist * min_intersite_dist + total_dist_scores += weight_projected_dist * min_projected_dist + + elif mc_criterion == 'mc-intersite-proj-th': + alpha = 0.5 # chosen (tradeoff) + d_min = 2 * alpha / n_new_samples + if any(min_projected_dist < d_min): + candidates = np.delete( + candidates, [min_projected_dist < d_min], axis=0 + ) + total_dist_scores = np.delete( + min_intersite_dist, [min_projected_dist < d_min], + axis=0 + ) + else: + total_dist_scores = min_intersite_dist + else: + raise NameError( + 'The MC-Criterion you requested is not available.' + ) + + # Add the best candidate to the list of new samples + best_candidate = np.argsort(total_dist_scores)[::-1][:n_candidate] + selected_samples = np.vstack( + (selected_samples, candidates[best_candidate]) + ) + + self.new_samples = selected_samples + self.exploration_scores = np.delete(error_voronoi, bad_samples, axis=0) + + return self.new_samples, self.exploration_scores + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def get_mc_samples(self, all_candidates=None): + """ + This function generates random samples based on Global Monte Carlo + methods and their corresponding scores, based on [1]. + + [1] Crombecq, K., Laermans, E. and Dhaene, T., 2011. Efficient + space-filling and non-collapsing sequential design strategies for + simulation-based modeling. European Journal of Operational Research + , 214(3), pp.683-696. + DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2011.05.032 + + Implemented methods to compute scores: + 1) mc-intersite-proj + 2) mc-intersite-proj-th + + Arguments + --------- + all_candidates : array, optional + Samples to compute the scores for. The default is `None`. In this + case, samples will be generated by defined model input marginals. + + Returns + ------- + new_samples : array of shape (n_candidate, n_params) + A list of samples. + exploration_scores: arrays of shape (n_candidate) + Exploration scores. + """ + explore_method = self.ExpDesign.explore_method + mc_criterion = self.mc_criterion + if all_candidates is None: + n_candidate = self.n_candidate + else: + n_candidate = all_candidates.shape[0] + + # Get the Old ExpDesign #samples + old_ED_X = self.ExpDesign.X + ndim = old_ED_X.shape[1] + + # ----- Compute the number of random points ----- + if all_candidates is None: + # Generate MC Samples + all_candidates = self.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + self.n_candidate, explore_method + ) + self.all_candidates = all_candidates + + # initialization + min_intersite_dist = np.zeros((n_candidate)) + min_projected_dist = np.zeros((n_candidate)) + + for i, candidate in enumerate(all_candidates): + + # find candidate that is farthest away from any existing sample + maxMinDistance = 0 + + # find min distorted distance from all other samples + euclidean_dist = self._build_dist_matrix_point( + old_ED_X, candidate, do_sqrt=True + ) + min_euclidean_dist = np.min(euclidean_dist) + min_intersite_dist[i] = min_euclidean_dist + + # Check if this is the maximum minimum distance from all other + # samples + if min_euclidean_dist >= maxMinDistance: + maxMinDistance = min_euclidean_dist + + # Projected distance + projected_dist = self._build_dist_matrix_point( + old_ED_X, candidate, 'chebyshev' + ) + min_projected_dist[i] = np.min(projected_dist) + + if mc_criterion == 'mc-intersite-proj': + weight_euclidean_dist = ((n_candidate+1)**(1/ndim) - 1) * 0.5 + weight_projected_dist = (n_candidate+1) * 0.5 + total_dist_scores = weight_euclidean_dist * min_intersite_dist + total_dist_scores += weight_projected_dist * min_projected_dist + + elif mc_criterion == 'mc-intersite-proj-th': + alpha = 0.5 # chosen (tradeoff) + d_min = 2 * alpha / n_candidate + if any(min_projected_dist < d_min): + all_candidates = np.delete( + all_candidates, [min_projected_dist < d_min], axis=0 + ) + total_dist_scores = np.delete( + min_intersite_dist, [min_projected_dist < d_min], axis=0 + ) + else: + total_dist_scores = min_intersite_dist + else: + raise NameError('The MC-Criterion you requested is not available.') + + self.new_samples = all_candidates + self.exploration_scores = total_dist_scores + self.exploration_scores /= np.nansum(total_dist_scores) + + return self.new_samples, self.exploration_scores + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def approximate_voronoi(self, w, samples): + """ + An approximate (monte carlo) version of Matlab's voronoi command. + + Arguments + --------- + samples : array + Old experimental design to be used as center points for voronoi + cells. + + Returns + ------- + areas : array + An approximation of the voronoi cells' areas. + all_candidates: list of arrays + A list of samples in each voronoi cell. + """ + n_samples = samples.shape[0] + ndim = samples.shape[1] + + # Compute the number of random points + n_points = w * samples.shape[0] + # Generate w random points in the domain for each sample + points = self.ExpDesign.generate_samples(n_points, 'random') + self.all_candidates = points + + # Calculate the nearest sample to each point + self.areas = np.zeros((n_samples)) + self.closest_points = [np.empty((0, ndim)) for i in range(n_samples)] + + # Compute the minimum distance from all the samples of old_ED_X for + # each test point + for idx in range(n_points): + # calculate the minimum distance + distances = self._build_dist_matrix_point( + samples, points[idx], do_sqrt=True + ) + closest_sample = np.argmin(distances) + + # Add to the voronoi list of the closest sample + self.areas[closest_sample] = self.areas[closest_sample] + 1 + prev_closest_points = self.closest_points[closest_sample] + self.closest_points[closest_sample] = np.vstack( + (prev_closest_points, points[idx]) + ) + + # Divide by the amount of points to get the estimated volume of each + # voronoi cell + self.areas /= n_points + + self.perc = np.max(self.areas * 100) + + self.errors = self.areas + + return self.areas, self.all_candidates + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _build_dist_matrix_point(self, samples, point, method='euclidean', + do_sqrt=False): + """ + Calculates the intersite distance of all points in samples from point. + + Parameters + ---------- + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + The old experimental design. + point : array + A candidate point. + method : str + Distance method. + do_sqrt : bool, optional + Whether to return distances or squared distances. The default is + `False`. + + Returns + ------- + distances : array + Distances. + + """ + distances = distance.cdist(samples, np.array([point]), method) + + # do square root? + if do_sqrt: + return distances + else: + return distances**2 + diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/glexindex.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/glexindex.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..90877331ec121750e7f81e32a4b69edbc9a110ba --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/glexindex.py @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Multi indices for monomial exponents. +Credit: Jonathan Feinberg +https://github.com/jonathf/numpoly/blob/master/numpoly/utils/glexindex.py +""" + +import numpy +import numpy.typing + + +def glexindex(start, stop=None, dimensions=1, cross_truncation=1., + graded=False, reverse=False): + """ + Generate graded lexicographical multi-indices for the monomial exponents. + Args: + start (Union[int, numpy.ndarray]): + The lower order of the indices. If array of int, counts as lower + bound for each axis. + stop (Union[int, numpy.ndarray, None]): + The maximum shape included. If omitted: stop <- start; start <- 0 + If int is provided, set as largest total order. If array of int, + set as upper bound for each axis. + dimensions (int): + The number of dimensions in the expansion. + cross_truncation (float, Tuple[float, float]): + Use hyperbolic cross truncation scheme to reduce the number of + terms in expansion. If two values are provided, first is low bound + truncation, while the latter upper bound. If only one value, upper + bound is assumed. + graded (bool): + Graded sorting, meaning the indices are always sorted by the index + sum. E.g. ``(2, 2, 2)`` has a sum of 6, and will therefore be + consider larger than both ``(3, 1, 1)`` and ``(1, 1, 3)``. + reverse (bool): + Reversed lexicographical sorting meaning that ``(1, 3)`` is + considered smaller than ``(3, 1)``, instead of the opposite. + Returns: + list: + Order list of indices. + Examples: + >>> numpoly.glexindex(4).tolist() + [[0], [1], [2], [3]] + >>> numpoly.glexindex(2, dimensions=2).tolist() + [[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]] + >>> numpoly.glexindex(start=2, stop=3, dimensions=2).tolist() + [[2, 0], [1, 1], [0, 2]] + >>> numpoly.glexindex([1, 2, 3]).tolist() + [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2]] + >>> numpoly.glexindex([1, 2, 3], cross_truncation=numpy.inf).tolist() + [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 2], [0, 1, 2]] + """ + if stop is None: + start, stop = 0, start + start = numpy.array(start, dtype=int).flatten() + stop = numpy.array(stop, dtype=int).flatten() + start, stop, _ = numpy.broadcast_arrays(start, stop, numpy.empty(dimensions)) + + cross_truncation = cross_truncation*numpy.ones(2) + + # Moved here from _glexindex + bound = stop.max() + dimensions = len(start) + start = numpy.clip(start, a_min=0, a_max=None) + dtype = numpy.uint8 if bound < 256 else numpy.uint16 + range_ = numpy.arange(bound, dtype=dtype) + indices = range_[:, numpy.newaxis] + + for idx in range(dimensions-1): + + # Truncate at each step to keep memory usage low + if idx: + indices = indices[cross_truncate(indices, bound-1, cross_truncation[1])] + + # Repeats the current set of indices. + # e.g. [0,1,2] -> [0,1,2,0,1,2,...,0,1,2] + indices = numpy.tile(indices, (bound, 1)) + + # Stretches ranges over the new dimension. + # e.g. [0,1,2] -> [0,0,...,0,1,1,...,1,2,2,...,2] + front = range_.repeat(len(indices)//bound)[:, numpy.newaxis] + + # Puts them two together. + indices = numpy.column_stack((front, indices)) + + # Complete the truncation scheme + if dimensions == 1: + indices = indices[(indices >= start) & (indices < bound)] + else: + lower = cross_truncate(indices, start-1, cross_truncation[0]) + upper = cross_truncate(indices, stop-1, cross_truncation[1]) + indices = indices[lower ^ upper] + + indices = numpy.array(indices, dtype=int).reshape(-1, dimensions) + if indices.size: + # moved here from glexsort + keys = indices.T + keys_ = numpy.atleast_2d(keys) + if reverse: + keys_ = keys_[::-1] + + indices_sort = numpy.array(numpy.lexsort(keys_)) + if graded: + indices_sort = indices_sort[numpy.argsort( + numpy.sum(keys_[:, indices_sort], axis=0))].T + + indices = indices[indices_sort] + return indices + +def cross_truncate(indices, bound, norm): + r""" + Truncate of indices using L_p norm. + .. math: + L_p(x) = \sum_i |x_i/b_i|^p ^{1/p} \leq 1 + where :math:`b_i` are bounds that each :math:`x_i` should follow. + Args: + indices (Sequence[int]): + Indices to be truncated. + bound (int, Sequence[int]): + The bound function for witch the indices can not be larger than. + norm (float, Sequence[float]): + The `p` in the `L_p`-norm. Support includes both `L_0` and `L_inf`. + Returns: + Boolean indices to ``indices`` with True for each index where the + truncation criteria holds. + Examples: + >>> indices = numpy.array(numpy.mgrid[:10, :10]).reshape(2, -1).T + >>> indices[cross_truncate(indices, 2, norm=0)].T + array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 2], + [0, 1, 2, 0, 0]]) + >>> indices[cross_truncate(indices, 2, norm=1)].T + array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2], + [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0]]) + >>> indices[cross_truncate(indices, [0, 1], norm=1)].T + array([[0, 0], + [0, 1]]) + """ + assert norm >= 0, "negative L_p norm not allowed" + bound = numpy.asfarray(bound).flatten()*numpy.ones(indices.shape[1]) + + if numpy.any(bound < 0): + return numpy.zeros((len(indices),), dtype=bool) + + if numpy.any(bound == 0): + out = numpy.all(indices[:, bound == 0] == 0, axis=-1) + if numpy.any(bound): + out &= cross_truncate(indices[:, bound != 0], bound[bound != 0], norm=norm) + return out + + if norm == 0: + out = numpy.sum(indices > 0, axis=-1) <= 1 + out[numpy.any(indices > bound, axis=-1)] = False + elif norm == numpy.inf: + out = numpy.max(indices/bound, axis=-1) <= 1 + else: + out = numpy.sum((indices/bound)**norm, axis=-1)**(1./norm) <= 1 + + assert numpy.all(out[numpy.all(indices == 0, axis=-1)]) + + return out diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/input_space.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/input_space.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4e010d66f2933ec243bad756d8f2c5454808d802 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/input_space.py @@ -0,0 +1,398 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Input space built from set prior distributions +""" + +import numpy as np +import chaospy +import scipy.stats as st + + +class InputSpace: + """ + This class generates the input space for the metamodel from the + distributions provided using the `Input` object. + + Attributes + ---------- + Input : obj + Input object containing the parameter marginals, i.e. name, + distribution type and distribution parameters or available raw data. + meta_Model_type : str + Type of the meta_Model_type. + + """ + + def __init__(self, Input, meta_Model_type='pce'): + self.InputObj = Input + self.meta_Model_type = meta_Model_type + + # Other + self.apce = None + self.ndim = None + + # Init + self.check_valid_inputs() + + + def check_valid_inputs(self)-> None: + """ + Check if the given InputObj is valid to use for further calculations: + Has some Marginals + Marginals have valid priors + All Marginals given as the same type (samples vs dist) + + Returns + ------- + None + + """ + Inputs = self.InputObj + self.ndim = len(Inputs.Marginals) + + # Check if PCE or aPCE metamodel is selected. + # TODO: test also for 'pce'?? + if self.meta_Model_type.lower() == 'apce': + self.apce = True + else: + self.apce = False + + # check if marginals given + if not self.ndim >=1: + raise AssertionError('Cannot build distributions if no marginals are given') + + # check that each marginal is valid + for marginals in Inputs.Marginals: + if len(marginals.input_data) == 0: + if marginals.dist_type == None: + raise AssertionError('Not all marginals were provided priors') + break + if np.array(marginals.input_data).shape[0] and (marginals.dist_type != None): + raise AssertionError('Both samples and distribution type are given. Please choose only one.') + break + + # Check if input is given as dist or input_data. + self.input_data_given = -1 + for marg in Inputs.Marginals: + #print(self.input_data_given) + size = np.array(marg.input_data).shape[0] + #print(f'Size: {size}') + if size and abs(self.input_data_given) !=1: + self.input_data_given = 2 + break + if (not size) and self.input_data_given > 0: + self.input_data_given = 2 + break + if not size: + self.input_data_given = 0 + if size: + self.input_data_given = 1 + + if self.input_data_given == 2: + raise AssertionError('Distributions cannot be built as the priors have different types') + + + # Get the bounds if input_data are directly defined by user: + if self.input_data_given: + for i in range(self.ndim): + low_bound = np.min(Inputs.Marginals[i].input_data) + up_bound = np.max(Inputs.Marginals[i].input_data) + Inputs.Marginals[i].parameters = [low_bound, up_bound] + + + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def init_param_space(self, max_deg=None): + """ + Initializes parameter space. + + Parameters + ---------- + max_deg : int, optional + Maximum degree. The default is `None`. + + Creates + ------- + raw_data : array of shape (n_params, n_samples) + Raw data. + bound_tuples : list of tuples + A list containing lower and upper bounds of parameters. + + """ + # Recheck all before running! + self.check_valid_inputs() + + Inputs = self.InputObj + ndim = self.ndim + rosenblatt_flag = Inputs.Rosenblatt + mc_size = 50000 + + # Save parameter names + self.par_names = [] + for parIdx in range(ndim): + self.par_names.append(Inputs.Marginals[parIdx].name) + + # Create a multivariate probability distribution + # TODO: change this to make max_deg obligatory? at least in some specific cases? + if max_deg is not None: + JDist, poly_types = self.build_polytypes(rosenblatt=rosenblatt_flag) + self.JDist, self.poly_types = JDist, poly_types + + if self.input_data_given: + self.MCSize = len(Inputs.Marginals[0].input_data) + self.raw_data = np.zeros((ndim, self.MCSize)) + + for parIdx in range(ndim): + # Save parameter names + try: + self.raw_data[parIdx] = np.array( + Inputs.Marginals[parIdx].input_data) + except: + self.raw_data[parIdx] = self.JDist[parIdx].sample(mc_size) + + else: + # Generate random samples based on parameter distributions + self.raw_data = chaospy.generate_samples(mc_size, + domain=self.JDist) + + # Extract moments + for parIdx in range(ndim): + mu = np.mean(self.raw_data[parIdx]) + std = np.std(self.raw_data[parIdx]) + self.InputObj.Marginals[parIdx].moments = [mu, std] + + # Generate the bounds based on given inputs for marginals + bound_tuples = [] + for i in range(ndim): + if Inputs.Marginals[i].dist_type == 'unif': + low_bound = Inputs.Marginals[i].parameters[0] + up_bound = Inputs.Marginals[i].parameters[1] + else: + low_bound = np.min(self.raw_data[i]) + up_bound = np.max(self.raw_data[i]) + + bound_tuples.append((low_bound, up_bound)) + + self.bound_tuples = tuple(bound_tuples) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def build_polytypes(self, rosenblatt): + """ + Creates the polynomial types to be passed to univ_basis_vals method of + the MetaModel object. + + Parameters + ---------- + rosenblatt : bool + Rosenblatt transformation flag. + + Returns + ------- + orig_space_dist : object + A chaospy JDist object or a gaussian_kde object. + poly_types : list + List of polynomial types for the parameters. + + """ + Inputs = self.InputObj + + all_data = [] + all_dist_types = [] + orig_joints = [] + poly_types = [] + + for parIdx in range(self.ndim): + + if Inputs.Marginals[parIdx].dist_type is None: + data = Inputs.Marginals[parIdx].input_data + all_data.append(data) + dist_type = None + else: + dist_type = Inputs.Marginals[parIdx].dist_type + params = Inputs.Marginals[parIdx].parameters + + if rosenblatt: + polytype = 'hermite' + dist = chaospy.Normal() + + elif dist_type is None: + polytype = 'arbitrary' + dist = None + + elif 'unif' in dist_type.lower(): + polytype = 'legendre' + if not np.array(params).shape[0]>=2: + raise AssertionError('Distribution has too few parameters!') + dist = chaospy.Uniform(lower=params[0], upper=params[1]) + + elif 'norm' in dist_type.lower() and \ + 'log' not in dist_type.lower(): + if not np.array(params).shape[0]>=2: + raise AssertionError('Distribution has too few parameters!') + polytype = 'hermite' + dist = chaospy.Normal(mu=params[0], sigma=params[1]) + + elif 'gamma' in dist_type.lower(): + polytype = 'laguerre' + if not np.array(params).shape[0]>=3: + raise AssertionError('Distribution has too few parameters!') + dist = chaospy.Gamma(shape=params[0], + scale=params[1], + shift=params[2]) + + elif 'beta' in dist_type.lower(): + if not np.array(params).shape[0]>=4: + raise AssertionError('Distribution has too few parameters!') + polytype = 'jacobi' + dist = chaospy.Beta(alpha=params[0], beta=params[1], + lower=params[2], upper=params[3]) + + elif 'lognorm' in dist_type.lower(): + polytype = 'hermite' + if not np.array(params).shape[0]>=2: + raise AssertionError('Distribution has too few parameters!') + mu = np.log(params[0]**2/np.sqrt(params[0]**2 + params[1]**2)) + sigma = np.sqrt(np.log(1 + params[1]**2 / params[0]**2)) + dist = chaospy.LogNormal(mu, sigma) + # dist = chaospy.LogNormal(mu=params[0], sigma=params[1]) + + elif 'expon' in dist_type.lower(): + polytype = 'exponential' + if not np.array(params).shape[0]>=2: + raise AssertionError('Distribution has too few parameters!') + dist = chaospy.Exponential(scale=params[0], shift=params[1]) + + elif 'weibull' in dist_type.lower(): + polytype = 'weibull' + if not np.array(params).shape[0]>=3: + raise AssertionError('Distribution has too few parameters!') + dist = chaospy.Weibull(shape=params[0], scale=params[1], + shift=params[2]) + + else: + message = (f"DistType {dist_type} for parameter" + f"{parIdx+1} is not available.") + raise ValueError(message) + + if self.input_data_given or self.apce: + polytype = 'arbitrary' + + # Store dists and poly_types + orig_joints.append(dist) + poly_types.append(polytype) + all_dist_types.append(dist_type) + + # Prepare final output to return + if None in all_dist_types: + # Naive approach: Fit a gaussian kernel to the provided data + Data = np.asarray(all_data) + try: + orig_space_dist = st.gaussian_kde(Data) + except: + raise ValueError('The samples provided to the Marginals should be 1D only') + self.prior_space = orig_space_dist + else: + orig_space_dist = chaospy.J(*orig_joints) + try: + self.prior_space = st.gaussian_kde(orig_space_dist.sample(10000)) + except: + raise ValueError('Parameter values are not valid, please set differently') + + return orig_space_dist, poly_types + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def transform(self, X, params=None, method=None): + """ + Transforms the samples via either a Rosenblatt or an isoprobabilistic + transformation. + + Parameters + ---------- + X : array of shape (n_samples,n_params) + Samples to be transformed. + method : string + If transformation method is 'user' transform X, else just pass X. + + Returns + ------- + tr_X: array of shape (n_samples,n_params) + Transformed samples. + + """ + # Check for built JDist + if not hasattr(self, 'JDist'): + raise AttributeError('Call function init_param_space first to create JDist') + + # Check if X is 2d + if X.ndim != 2: + raise AttributeError('X should have two dimensions') + + # Check if size of X matches Marginals + if X.shape[1]!= self.ndim: + raise AttributeError('The second dimension of X should be the same size as the number of marginals in the InputObj') + + if self.InputObj.Rosenblatt: + self.origJDist, _ = self.build_polytypes(False) + if method == 'user': + tr_X = self.JDist.inv(self.origJDist.fwd(X.T)).T + else: + # Inverse to original spcace -- generate sample ED + tr_X = self.origJDist.inv(self.JDist.fwd(X.T)).T + else: + # Transform samples via an isoprobabilistic transformation + n_samples, n_params = X.shape + Inputs = self.InputObj + origJDist = self.JDist + poly_types = self.poly_types + + disttypes = [] + for par_i in range(n_params): + disttypes.append(Inputs.Marginals[par_i].dist_type) + + # Pass non-transformed X, if arbitrary PCE is selected. + if None in disttypes or self.input_data_given or self.apce: + return X + + cdfx = np.zeros((X.shape)) + tr_X = np.zeros((X.shape)) + + for par_i in range(n_params): + + # Extract the parameters of the original space + disttype = disttypes[par_i] + if disttype is not None: + dist = origJDist[par_i] + else: + dist = None + polytype = poly_types[par_i] + cdf = np.vectorize(lambda x: dist.cdf(x)) + + # Extract the parameters of the transformation space based on + # polyType + if polytype == 'legendre' or disttype == 'uniform': + # Generate Y_Dists based + params_Y = [-1, 1] + dist_Y = st.uniform(loc=params_Y[0], + scale=params_Y[1]-params_Y[0]) + inv_cdf = np.vectorize(lambda x: dist_Y.ppf(x)) + + elif polytype == 'hermite' or disttype == 'norm': + params_Y = [0, 1] + dist_Y = st.norm(loc=params_Y[0], scale=params_Y[1]) + inv_cdf = np.vectorize(lambda x: dist_Y.ppf(x)) + + elif polytype == 'laguerre' or disttype == 'gamma': + if params == None: + raise AttributeError('Additional parameters have to be set for the gamma distribution!') + params_Y = [1, params[1]] + dist_Y = st.gamma(loc=params_Y[0], scale=params_Y[1]) + inv_cdf = np.vectorize(lambda x: dist_Y.ppf(x)) + + # Compute CDF_x(X) + cdfx[:, par_i] = cdf(X[:, par_i]) + + # Compute invCDF_y(cdfx) + tr_X[:, par_i] = inv_cdf(cdfx[:, par_i]) + + return tr_X diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/inputs.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/inputs.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..094e1066fe008e37288e44750524c5a1370bd7a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/inputs.py @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Inputs and related marginal distributions +""" + +class Input: + """ + A class to define the uncertain input parameters. + + Attributes + ---------- + Marginals : obj + Marginal objects. See `inputs.Marginal`. + Rosenblatt : bool + If Rossenblatt transformation is required for the dependent input + parameters. + + Examples + ------- + Marginals can be defined as following: + + >>> Inputs.add_marginals() + >>> Inputs.Marginals[0].name = 'X_1' + >>> Inputs.Marginals[0].dist_type = 'uniform' + >>> Inputs.Marginals[0].parameters = [-5, 5] + + If there is no common data is avaliable, the input data can be given + as following: + + >>> Inputs.add_marginals() + >>> Inputs.Marginals[0].name = 'X_1' + >>> Inputs.Marginals[0].input_data = input_data + """ + poly_coeffs_flag = True + + def __init__(self): + self.Marginals = [] + self.Rosenblatt = False + + def add_marginals(self): + """ + Adds a new Marginal object to the input object. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + self.Marginals.append(Marginal()) + + +# Nested class +class Marginal: + """ + An object containing the specifications of the marginals for each uncertain + parameter. + + Attributes + ---------- + name : string + Name of the parameter. The default is `'$x_1$'`. + dist_type : string + Name of the distribution. The default is `None`. + parameters : list + List of the parameters corresponding to the distribution type. The + default is `None`. + input_data : array + Available input data. The default is `[]`. + moments : list + List of the moments. + """ + + def __init__(self): + self.name = '$x_1$' + self.dist_type = None + self.parameters = None + self.input_data = [] + self.moments = None diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/meta_model_engine.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/meta_model_engine.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..71c0244216b0c87a22174a3ad2043a4c0a80efab --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/meta_model_engine.py @@ -0,0 +1,2195 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Created on Fri Jan 28 09:21:18 2022 + +@author: farid +""" +import numpy as np +from scipy import stats, signal, linalg, sparse +from scipy.spatial import distance +from copy import deepcopy, copy +from tqdm import tqdm +import scipy.optimize as opt +from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error +import multiprocessing +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt +import sys +import os +import gc +import seaborn as sns +from joblib import Parallel, delayed + +import bayesvalidrox +from .exploration import Exploration +from bayesvalidrox.bayes_inference.bayes_inference import BayesInference +from bayesvalidrox.bayes_inference.discrepancy import Discrepancy +import pandas as pd + + +class MetaModelEngine(): + """ Sequential experimental design + This class provieds method for trainig the meta-model in an iterative + manners. + The main method to execute the task is `train_seq_design`, which + recieves a model object and returns the trained metamodel. + """ + + def __init__(self, meta_model_opts): + self.MetaModel = meta_model_opts + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def run(self): + + Model = self.MetaModel.ModelObj + self.MetaModel.n_params = len(self.MetaModel.input_obj.Marginals) + self.MetaModel.ExpDesignFlag = 'normal' + # --- Prepare pce degree --- + if self.MetaModel.meta_model_type.lower() == 'pce': + if type(self.MetaModel.pce_deg) is not np.ndarray: + self.MetaModel.pce_deg = np.array(self.MetaModel.pce_deg) + + if self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.method == 'normal': + self.MetaModel.ExpDesignFlag = 'normal' + self.MetaModel.train_norm_design(parallel = False) + + elif self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.method == 'sequential': + self.train_seq_design() + else: + raise Exception("The method for experimental design you requested" + " has not been implemented yet.") + + # Zip the model run directories + if self.MetaModel.ModelObj.link_type.lower() == 'pylink' and\ + self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.sampling_method.lower() != 'user': + Model.zip_subdirs(Model.name, f'{Model.name}_') + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def train_seq_design(self): + """ + Starts the adaptive sequential design for refining the surrogate model + by selecting training points in a sequential manner. + + Returns + ------- + MetaModel : object + Meta model object. + + """ + # Set model to have shorter call + Model = self.MetaModel.ModelObj + # MetaModel = self.MetaModel + self.Model = Model + + # Initialization + self.MetaModel.SeqModifiedLOO = {} + self.MetaModel.seqValidError = {} + self.MetaModel.SeqBME = {} + self.MetaModel.SeqKLD = {} + self.MetaModel.SeqDistHellinger = {} + self.MetaModel.seqRMSEMean = {} + self.MetaModel.seqRMSEStd = {} + self.MetaModel.seqMinDist = [] + + # Determine the metamodel type + if self.MetaModel.meta_model_type.lower() != 'gpe': + pce = True + else: + pce = False + # If given, use mc reference data + mc_ref = True if bool(Model.mc_reference) else False + if mc_ref: + Model.read_mc_reference() + + # if valid_samples not defined, do so now + if not hasattr(self.MetaModel, 'valid_samples'): + self.MetaModel.valid_samples = [] + self.MetaModel.valid_model_runs = [] + self.MetaModel.valid_likelihoods = [] + + # Get the parameters + max_n_samples = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_max_samples + mod_LOO_threshold = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.mod_LOO_threshold + n_canddidate = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_canddidate + post_snapshot = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.post_snapshot + n_replication = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_replication + util_func = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.util_func + output_name = Model.Output.names + validError = None + # Handle if only one UtilityFunctions is provided + if not isinstance(util_func, list): + util_func = [self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.util_func] + + # Read observations or MCReference + if len(Model.observations) != 0 or Model.meas_file is not None: + self.observations = Model.read_observation() + obs_data = self.observations + else: + obs_data = [] + TotalSigma2 = {} + + # TODO: ---------- Initial self.MetaModel ---------- + # First run MetaModel on non-sequential design + self.MetaModel.train_norm_design(parallel = False) + initMetaModel = deepcopy(self.MetaModel) + + # Validation error if validation set is provided. - use as initial errors + if self.MetaModel.valid_model_runs: + init_rmse, init_valid_error = self.__validError(initMetaModel) + init_valid_error = list(init_valid_error.values()) + else: + init_rmse = None + + # Check if discrepancy is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0 and hasattr(self.MetaModel, 'Discrepancy'): + TotalSigma2 = self.MetaModel.Discrepancy.parameters + + # Calculate the initial BME + out = self.__BME_Calculator( + initMetaModel, obs_data, TotalSigma2, init_rmse) + init_BME, init_KLD, init_post, init_likes, init_dist_hellinger = out + print(f"\nInitial BME: {init_BME:.2f}") + print(f"Initial KLD: {init_KLD:.2f}") + + # Posterior snapshot (initial) + if post_snapshot: + parNames = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.par_names + print('Posterior snapshot (initial) is being plotted...') + self.__posteriorPlot(init_post, parNames, 'SeqPosterior_init') + + # Check the convergence of the Mean & Std + if mc_ref and pce: + init_rmse_mean, init_rmse_std = self.__error_Mean_Std() + print(f"Initial Mean and Std error: {init_rmse_mean:.2f}," + f" {init_rmse_std:.2f}") + + # Read the initial experimental design + # TODO: this sequential, or the non-sequential samples?? + Xinit = initMetaModel.ExpDesign.X + init_n_samples = len(initMetaModel.ExpDesign.X) + initYprev = initMetaModel.ModelOutputDict + initLCerror = initMetaModel.LCerror + n_itrs = max_n_samples - init_n_samples + + # Read the initial ModifiedLOO + if pce: + Scores_all, varExpDesignY = [], [] + for out_name in output_name: + y = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y[out_name] + Scores_all.append(list( + self.MetaModel.score_dict['b_1'][out_name].values())) + if self.MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + pca = self.MetaModel.pca['b_1'][out_name] + components = pca.transform(y) + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(components, axis=0)) + else: + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(y, axis=0)) + + Scores = [item for sublist in Scores_all for item in sublist] + weights = [item for sublist in varExpDesignY for item in sublist] + init_mod_LOO = [np.average([1-score for score in Scores], + weights=weights)] + + prevMetaModel_dict = {} + # Replicate the sequential design + for repIdx in range(n_replication): # TODO: what does this do? + print(f'\n>>>> Replication: {repIdx+1}<<<<') + + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.X = Xinit + self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y = initYprev + self.MetaModel.LCerror = initLCerror + + for util_f in util_func: # TODO: recheck choices for this + print(f'\n>>>> Utility Function: {util_f} <<<<') + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.X = Xinit + self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y = initYprev + self.MetaModel.LCerror = initLCerror + + # Set the experimental design + Xprev = Xinit + total_n_samples = init_n_samples + Yprev = initYprev + + Xfull = [] + Yfull = [] + + # Store the initial ModifiedLOO + if pce: + print("\nInitial ModifiedLOO:", init_mod_LOO) + SeqModifiedLOO = np.array(init_mod_LOO) + + if len(self.MetaModel.valid_model_runs) != 0: + SeqValidError = np.array(init_valid_error) + + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + SeqBME = np.array([init_BME]) + SeqKLD = np.array([init_KLD]) + SeqDistHellinger = np.array([init_dist_hellinger]) + + if mc_ref and pce: + seqRMSEMean = np.array([init_rmse_mean]) + seqRMSEStd = np.array([init_rmse_std]) + + # ------- Start Sequential Experimental Design ------- + postcnt = 1 + for itr_no in range(1, n_itrs+1): + print(f'\n>>>> Iteration number {itr_no} <<<<') + + # Save the metamodel prediction before updating + prevMetaModel_dict[itr_no] = deepcopy(self.MetaModel) # Write last MetaModel here + if itr_no > 1: + pc_model = prevMetaModel_dict[itr_no-1] + self._y_hat_prev, _ = pc_model.eval_metamodel( # What's the use of this here?? + samples=Xfull[-1].reshape(1, -1)) + del prevMetaModel_dict[itr_no-1] # Delete second to last metamodel here? + + # Optimal Bayesian Design + self.MetaModel.ExpDesignFlag = 'sequential' + Xnew, updatedPrior = self.opt_SeqDesign(TotalSigma2, # TODO: check in this!! + n_canddidate, + util_f) + S = np.min(distance.cdist(Xinit, Xnew, 'euclidean')) + self.MetaModel.seqMinDist.append(S) + print(f"\nmin Dist from OldExpDesign: {S:2f}") + print("\n") + + # Evaluate the full model response at the new sample + Ynew, _ = Model.run_model_parallel( + Xnew, prevRun_No=total_n_samples + ) + total_n_samples += Xnew.shape[0] + + # ------ Plot the surrogate model vs Origninal Model ------ + if hasattr(self.MetaModel, 'adapt_verbose') and \ + self.MetaModel.adapt_verbose: + from .adaptPlot import adaptPlot + y_hat, std_hat = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel( + samples=Xnew + ) + adaptPlot( + self.MetaModel, Ynew, y_hat, std_hat, + plotED=False + ) + + # -------- Retrain the surrogate model ------- + # Extend new experimental design + Xfull = np.vstack((Xprev, Xnew)) + + # Updating experimental design Y + for out_name in output_name: + Yfull = np.vstack((Yprev[out_name], Ynew[out_name])) + self.MetaModel.ModelOutputDict[out_name] = Yfull + + # Pass new design to the metamodel object + self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.sampling_method = 'user' + self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.X = Xfull + self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y = self.MetaModel.ModelOutputDict + + # Save the Experimental Design for next iteration + Xprev = Xfull + Yprev = self.MetaModel.ModelOutputDict + + # Pass the new prior as the input + self.MetaModel.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = False + if updatedPrior is not None: + self.MetaModel.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = True + print("updatedPrior:", updatedPrior.shape) + # Arbitrary polynomial chaos + for i in range(updatedPrior.shape[1]): + self.MetaModel.input_obj.Marginals[i].dist_type = None + x = updatedPrior[:, i] + self.MetaModel.input_obj.Marginals[i].raw_data = x + + # Train the surrogate model for new ExpDesign + self.MetaModel.train_norm_design(parallel=False) + + # -------- Evaluate the retrained surrogate model ------- + # Extract Modified LOO from Output + if pce: + Scores_all, varExpDesignY = [], [] + for out_name in output_name: + y = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y[out_name] + Scores_all.append(list( + self.MetaModel.score_dict['b_1'][out_name].values())) + if self.MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + pca = self.MetaModel.pca['b_1'][out_name] + components = pca.transform(y) + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(components, + axis=0)) + else: + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(y, axis=0)) + Scores = [item for sublist in Scores_all for item + in sublist] + weights = [item for sublist in varExpDesignY for item + in sublist] + ModifiedLOO = [np.average( + [1-score for score in Scores], weights=weights)] + + print('\n') + print(f"Updated ModifiedLOO {util_f}:\n", ModifiedLOO) + print('\n') + + # Compute the validation error + if self.MetaModel.valid_model_runs: + rmse, validError = self.__validError(self.MetaModel) + ValidError = list(validError.values()) + else: + rmse = None + + # Store updated ModifiedLOO + if pce: + SeqModifiedLOO = np.vstack( + (SeqModifiedLOO, ModifiedLOO)) + if len(self.MetaModel.valid_model_runs) != 0: + SeqValidError = np.vstack( + (SeqValidError, ValidError)) + # -------- Caclulation of BME as accuracy metric ------- + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + # Calculate the initial BME + out = self.__BME_Calculator(self.MetaModel, obs_data, + TotalSigma2, rmse) + BME, KLD, Posterior, likes, DistHellinger = out + print('\n') + print(f"Updated BME: {BME:.2f}") + print(f"Updated KLD: {KLD:.2f}") + print('\n') + + # Plot some snapshots of the posterior + step_snapshot = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.step_snapshot + if post_snapshot and postcnt % step_snapshot == 0: + parNames = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.par_names + print('Posterior snapshot is being plotted...') + self.__posteriorPlot(Posterior, parNames, + f'SeqPosterior_{postcnt}') + postcnt += 1 + + # Check the convergence of the Mean&Std + if mc_ref and pce: + print('\n') + RMSE_Mean, RMSE_std = self.__error_Mean_Std() + print(f"Updated Mean and Std error: {RMSE_Mean:.2f}, " + f"{RMSE_std:.2f}") + print('\n') + + # Store the updated BME & KLD + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + SeqBME = np.vstack((SeqBME, BME)) + SeqKLD = np.vstack((SeqKLD, KLD)) + SeqDistHellinger = np.vstack((SeqDistHellinger, + DistHellinger)) + if mc_ref and pce: + seqRMSEMean = np.vstack((seqRMSEMean, RMSE_Mean)) + seqRMSEStd = np.vstack((seqRMSEStd, RMSE_std)) + + if pce and any(LOO < mod_LOO_threshold + for LOO in ModifiedLOO): + break + + # Clean up + if len(obs_data) != 0: + del out + print() + print('-'*50) + print() + + # Store updated ModifiedLOO and BME in dictonary + strKey = f'{util_f}_rep_{repIdx+1}' + if pce: + self.MetaModel.SeqModifiedLOO[strKey] = SeqModifiedLOO + if len(self.MetaModel.valid_model_runs) != 0: + self.MetaModel.seqValidError[strKey] = SeqValidError + + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + self.MetaModel.SeqBME[strKey] = SeqBME + self.MetaModel.SeqKLD[strKey] = SeqKLD + if hasattr(self.MetaModel, 'valid_likelihoods') and \ + self.MetaModel.valid_likelihoods: + self.MetaModel.SeqDistHellinger[strKey] = SeqDistHellinger + if mc_ref and pce: + self.MetaModel.seqRMSEMean[strKey] = seqRMSEMean + self.MetaModel.seqRMSEStd[strKey] = seqRMSEStd + + # return self.MetaModel + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_VarBasedDesign(self, X_can, index, util_func='Entropy'): + """ + Computes the exploitation scores based on: + active learning MacKay(ALM) and active learning Cohn (ALC) + Paper: Sequential Design with Mutual Information for Computer + Experiments (MICE): Emulation of a Tsunami Model by Beck and Guillas + (2016) + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + index : int + Model output index. + UtilMethod : string, optional + Exploitation utility function. The default is 'Entropy'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + ED_X = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X + out_dict_y = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y + out_names = MetaModel.ModelObj.Output.names + + # Run the Metamodel for the candidate + X_can = X_can.reshape(1, -1) + Y_PC_can, std_PC_can = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_can) + + if util_func.lower() == 'alm': + # ----- Entropy/MMSE/active learning MacKay(ALM) ----- + # Compute perdiction variance of the old model + canPredVar = {key: std_PC_can[key]**2 for key in out_names} + + varPCE = np.zeros((len(out_names), X_can.shape[0])) + for KeyIdx, key in enumerate(out_names): + varPCE[KeyIdx] = np.max(canPredVar[key], axis=1) + score = np.max(varPCE, axis=0) + + elif util_func.lower() == 'eigf': + # ----- Expected Improvement for Global fit ----- + # Find closest EDX to the candidate + distances = distance.cdist(ED_X, X_can, 'euclidean') + index = np.argmin(distances) + + # Compute perdiction error and variance of the old model + predError = {key: Y_PC_can[key] for key in out_names} + canPredVar = {key: std_PC_can[key]**2 for key in out_names} + + # Compute perdiction error and variance of the old model + # Eq (5) from Liu et al.(2018) + EIGF_PCE = np.zeros((len(out_names), X_can.shape[0])) + for KeyIdx, key in enumerate(out_names): + residual = predError[key] - out_dict_y[key][int(index)] + var = canPredVar[key] + EIGF_PCE[KeyIdx] = np.max(residual**2 + var, axis=1) + score = np.max(EIGF_PCE, axis=0) + + return -1 * score # -1 is for minimization instead of maximization + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_BayesianActiveDesign(self, y_hat, std, sigma2Dict, var='DKL'): + """ + Computes scores based on Bayesian active design criterion (var). + + It is based on the following paper: + Oladyshkin, Sergey, Farid Mohammadi, Ilja Kroeker, and Wolfgang Nowak. + "Bayesian3 active learning for the gaussian process emulator using + information theory." Entropy 22, no. 8 (2020): 890. + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + var : string, optional + BAL design criterion. The default is 'DKL'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + + # Get the data + obs_data = self.observations + n_obs = self.Model.n_obs + mc_size = 10000 + + # Sample a distribution for a normal dist + # with Y_mean_can as the mean and Y_std_can as std. + Y_MC, std_MC = {}, {} + logPriorLikelihoods = np.zeros((mc_size)) + for key in list(y_hat): + cov = np.diag(std[key]**2) + rv = stats.multivariate_normal(mean=y_hat[key], cov=cov) + Y_MC[key] = rv.rvs(size=mc_size) + logPriorLikelihoods += rv.logpdf(Y_MC[key]) + std_MC[key] = np.zeros((mc_size, y_hat[key].shape[0])) + + # Likelihood computation (Comparison of data and simulation + # results via PCE with candidate design) + likelihoods = self.__normpdf(Y_MC, std_MC, obs_data, sigma2Dict) + + # Rejection Step + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, mc_size)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + accepted = (likelihoods/np.max(likelihoods)) >= unif + + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods), dtype=np.longdouble) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postLikelihoods = likelihoods[accepted] + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(postLikelihoods)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + postExpPrior = np.mean(logPriorLikelihoods[accepted]) + + # Utility function Eq.2 in Ref. (2) + # Posterior covariance matrix after observing data y + # Kullback-Leibler Divergence (Sergey's paper) + if var == 'DKL': + + # TODO: Calculate the correction factor for BME + # BMECorrFactor = self.BME_Corr_Weight(PCE_SparseBayes_can, + # ObservationData, sigma2Dict) + # BME += BMECorrFactor + # Haun et al implementation + # U_J_d = np.mean(np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0])- logBME) + U_J_d = postExpLikelihoods - logBME + + # Marginal log likelihood + elif var == 'BME': + U_J_d = np.nanmean(likelihoods) + + # Entropy-based information gain + elif var == 'infEntropy': + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods)) + infEntropy = logBME - postExpPrior - postExpLikelihoods + U_J_d = infEntropy * -1 # -1 for minimization + + # Bayesian information criterion + elif var == 'BIC': + coeffs = self.MetaModel.coeffs_dict.values() + nModelParams = max(len(v) for val in coeffs for v in val.values()) + maxL = np.nanmax(likelihoods) + U_J_d = -2 * np.log(maxL) + np.log(n_obs) * nModelParams + + # Akaike information criterion + elif var == 'AIC': + coeffs = self.MetaModel.coeffs_dict.values() + nModelParams = max(len(v) for val in coeffs for v in val.values()) + maxlogL = np.log(np.nanmax(likelihoods)) + AIC = -2 * maxlogL + 2 * nModelParams + # 2 * nModelParams * (nModelParams+1) / (n_obs-nModelParams-1) + penTerm = 0 + U_J_d = 1*(AIC + penTerm) + + # Deviance information criterion + elif var == 'DIC': + # D_theta_bar = np.mean(-2 * Likelihoods) + N_star_p = 0.5 * np.var(np.log(likelihoods[likelihoods != 0])) + Likelihoods_theta_mean = self.__normpdf( + y_hat, std, obs_data, sigma2Dict + ) + DIC = -2 * np.log(Likelihoods_theta_mean) + 2 * N_star_p + + U_J_d = DIC + + else: + print('The algorithm you requested has not been implemented yet!') + + # Handle inf and NaN (replace by zero) + if np.isnan(U_J_d) or U_J_d == -np.inf or U_J_d == np.inf: + U_J_d = 0.0 + + # Clear memory + del likelihoods + del Y_MC + del std_MC + + return -1 * U_J_d # -1 is for minimization instead of maximization + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def update_metamodel(self, MetaModel, output, y_hat_can, univ_p_val, index, + new_pca=False): + BasisIndices = MetaModel.basis_dict[output]["y_"+str(index+1)] + clf_poly = MetaModel.clf_poly[output]["y_"+str(index+1)] + Mn = clf_poly.coef_ + Sn = clf_poly.sigma_ + beta = clf_poly.alpha_ + active = clf_poly.active_ + Psi = self.MetaModel.create_psi(BasisIndices, univ_p_val) + + Sn_new_inv = np.linalg.inv(Sn) + Sn_new_inv += beta * np.dot(Psi[:, active].T, Psi[:, active]) + Sn_new = np.linalg.inv(Sn_new_inv) + + Mn_new = np.dot(Sn_new_inv, Mn[active]).reshape(-1, 1) + Mn_new += beta * np.dot(Psi[:, active].T, y_hat_can) + Mn_new = np.dot(Sn_new, Mn_new).flatten() + + # Compute the old and new moments of PCEs + mean_old = Mn[0] + mean_new = Mn_new[0] + std_old = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(Mn[1:]))) + std_new = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(Mn_new[1:]))) + + # Back transformation if PCA is selected. + if MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + old_pca = MetaModel.pca[output] + mean_old = old_pca.mean_[index] + mean_old += np.sum(mean_old * old_pca.components_[:, index]) + std_old = np.sqrt(np.sum(std_old**2 * + old_pca.components_[:, index]**2)) + mean_new = new_pca.mean_[index] + mean_new += np.sum(mean_new * new_pca.components_[:, index]) + std_new = np.sqrt(np.sum(std_new**2 * + new_pca.components_[:, index]**2)) + # print(f"mean_old: {mean_old:.2f} mean_new: {mean_new:.2f}") + # print(f"std_old: {std_old:.2f} std_new: {std_new:.2f}") + # Store the old and new moments of PCEs + results = { + 'mean_old': mean_old, + 'mean_new': mean_new, + 'std_old': std_old, + 'std_new': std_new + } + return results + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_BayesianDesign_old(self, X_can, X_MC, sigma2Dict, var='DKL'): + """ + Computes scores based on Bayesian sequential design criterion (var). + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + var : string, optional + Bayesian design criterion. The default is 'DKL'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + Model = self.Model + MetaModel = deepcopy(self.MetaModel) + old_EDY = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y + + # Evaluate the PCE metamodels using the candidate design + Y_PC_can, Y_std_can = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel( + samples=np.array([X_can]) + ) + + # Generate y from posterior predictive + m_size = 100 + y_hat_samples = {} + for idx, key in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + means, stds = Y_PC_can[key][0], Y_std_can[key][0] + y_hat_samples[key] = np.random.multivariate_normal( + means, np.diag(stds), m_size) + + # Create the SparseBayes-based PCE metamodel: + MetaModel.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = False + univ_p_val = self.MetaModel.univ_basis_vals(X_can) + G_n_m_all = np.zeros((m_size, len(Model.Output.names), Model.n_obs)) + + for i in range(m_size): + for idx, key in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + if MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + # Equal number of components + new_outputs = np.vstack( + (old_EDY[key], y_hat_samples[key][i]) + ) + new_pca, _ = MetaModel.pca_transformation(new_outputs) + target = new_pca.transform( + y_hat_samples[key][i].reshape(1, -1) + )[0] + else: + new_pca, target = False, y_hat_samples[key][i] + + for j in range(len(target)): + + # Update surrogate + result = self.update_metamodel( + MetaModel, key, target[j], univ_p_val, j, new_pca) + + # Compute Expected Information Gain (Eq. 39) + G_n_m = np.log(result['std_old']/result['std_new']) - 1./2 + G_n_m += result['std_new']**2 / (2*result['std_old']**2) + G_n_m += (result['mean_new'] - result['mean_old'])**2 /\ + (2*result['std_old']**2) + + G_n_m_all[i, idx, j] = G_n_m + + U_J_d = G_n_m_all.mean(axis=(1, 2)).mean() + return -1 * U_J_d + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_BayesianDesign(self, X_can, X_MC, sigma2Dict, var='DKL'): + """ + Computes scores based on Bayesian sequential design criterion (var). + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + var : string, optional + Bayesian design criterion. The default is 'DKL'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + out_names = MetaModel.ModelObj.Output.names + if X_can.ndim == 1: + X_can = X_can.reshape(1, -1) + + # Compute the mean and std based on the MetaModel + # pce_means, pce_stds = self._compute_pce_moments(MetaModel) + if var == 'ALC': + Y_MC, Y_MC_std = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Old Experimental design + oldExpDesignX = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X + oldExpDesignY = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y + + # Evaluate the PCE metamodels at that location ??? + Y_PC_can, Y_std_can = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_can) + PCE_Model_can = deepcopy(MetaModel) + # Add the candidate to the ExpDesign + NewExpDesignX = np.vstack((oldExpDesignX, X_can)) + + NewExpDesignY = {} + for key in oldExpDesignY.keys(): + NewExpDesignY[key] = np.vstack( + (oldExpDesignY[key], Y_PC_can[key]) + ) + + PCE_Model_can.ExpDesign.sampling_method = 'user' + PCE_Model_can.ExpDesign.X = NewExpDesignX + PCE_Model_can.ModelOutputDict = NewExpDesignY + PCE_Model_can.ExpDesign.Y = NewExpDesignY + + # Train the model for the observed data using x_can + PCE_Model_can.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = False + PCE_Model_can.train_norm_design(parallel=False) + + # Set the ExpDesign to its original values + PCE_Model_can.ExpDesign.X = oldExpDesignX + PCE_Model_can.ModelOutputDict = oldExpDesignY + PCE_Model_can.ExpDesign.Y = oldExpDesignY + + if var.lower() == 'mi': + # Mutual information based on Krause et al + # Adapted from Beck & Guillas (MICE) paper + _, std_PC_can = PCE_Model_can.eval_metamodel(samples=X_can) + std_can = {key: std_PC_can[key] for key in out_names} + + std_old = {key: Y_std_can[key] for key in out_names} + + varPCE = np.zeros((len(out_names))) + for i, key in enumerate(out_names): + varPCE[i] = np.mean(std_old[key]**2/std_can[key]**2) + score = np.mean(varPCE) + + return -1 * score + + elif var.lower() == 'alc': + # Active learning based on Gramyc and Lee + # Adaptive design and analysis of supercomputer experiments Techno- + # metrics, 51 (2009), pp. 130–145. + + # Evaluate the MetaModel at the given samples + Y_MC_can, Y_MC_std_can = PCE_Model_can.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Compute the score + score = [] + for i, key in enumerate(out_names): + pce_var = Y_MC_std_can[key]**2 + pce_var_can = Y_MC_std[key]**2 + score.append(np.mean(pce_var-pce_var_can, axis=0)) + score = np.mean(score) + + return -1 * score + + # ---------- Inner MC simulation for computing Utility Value ---------- + # Estimation of the integral via Monte Varlo integration + MCsize = X_MC.shape[0] + ESS = 0 + + while ((ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1)): + + # Enriching Monte Carlo samples if need be + if ESS != 0: + X_MC = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + MCsize, 'random' + ) + + # Evaluate the MetaModel at the given samples + Y_MC, std_MC = PCE_Model_can.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Likelihood computation (Comparison of data and simulation + # results via PCE with candidate design) + likelihoods = self.__normpdf( + Y_MC, std_MC, self.observations, sigma2Dict + ) + + # Check the Effective Sample Size (1<ESS<MCsize) + ESS = 1 / np.sum(np.square(likelihoods/np.sum(likelihoods))) + + # Enlarge sample size if it doesn't fulfill the criteria + if ((ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1)): + print("--- increasing MC size---") + MCsize *= 10 + ESS = 0 + + # Rejection Step + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, MCsize)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + accepted = (likelihoods/np.max(likelihoods)) >= unif + + # -------------------- Utility functions -------------------- + # Utility function Eq.2 in Ref. (2) + # Kullback-Leibler Divergence (Sergey's paper) + if var == 'DKL': + + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods, dtype=np.longdouble)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postLikelihoods = likelihoods[accepted] + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(postLikelihoods)) + + # Haun et al implementation + U_J_d = np.mean(np.log(likelihoods[likelihoods != 0]) - logBME) + + # U_J_d = np.sum(G_n_m_all) + # Ryan et al (2014) implementation + # importanceWeights = Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0]/np.sum(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0]) + # U_J_d = np.mean(importanceWeights*np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0])) - logBME + + # U_J_d = postExpLikelihoods - logBME + + # Marginal likelihood + elif var == 'BME': + + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods)) + U_J_d = logBME + + # Bayes risk likelihood + elif var == 'BayesRisk': + + U_J_d = -1 * np.var(likelihoods) + + # Entropy-based information gain + elif var == 'infEntropy': + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postLikelihoods = likelihoods[accepted] + postLikelihoods /= np.nansum(likelihoods[accepted]) + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(postLikelihoods)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + postExpPrior = np.mean(logPriorLikelihoods[accepted]) + + infEntropy = logBME - postExpPrior - postExpLikelihoods + + U_J_d = infEntropy * -1 # -1 for minimization + + # D-Posterior-precision + elif var == 'DPP': + X_Posterior = X_MC[accepted] + # covariance of the posterior parameters + U_J_d = -np.log(np.linalg.det(np.cov(X_Posterior))) + + # A-Posterior-precision + elif var == 'APP': + X_Posterior = X_MC[accepted] + # trace of the posterior parameters + U_J_d = -np.log(np.trace(np.cov(X_Posterior))) + + else: + print('The algorithm you requested has not been implemented yet!') + + # Clear memory + del likelihoods + del Y_MC + del std_MC + + return -1 * U_J_d # -1 is for minimization instead of maximization + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def subdomain(self, Bounds, n_new_samples): + """ + Divides a domain defined by Bounds into sub domains. + + Parameters + ---------- + Bounds : list of tuples + List of lower and upper bounds. + n_new_samples : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + + Returns + ------- + Subdomains : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + + """ + n_params = self.MetaModel.n_params + n_subdomains = n_new_samples + 1 + LinSpace = np.zeros((n_params, n_subdomains)) + + for i in range(n_params): + LinSpace[i] = np.linspace(start=Bounds[i][0], stop=Bounds[i][1], + num=n_subdomains) + Subdomains = [] + for k in range(n_subdomains-1): + mylist = [] + for i in range(n_params): + mylist.append((LinSpace[i, k+0], LinSpace[i, k+1])) + Subdomains.append(tuple(mylist)) + + return Subdomains + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def run_util_func(self, method, candidates, index, sigma2Dict=None, + var=None, X_MC=None): + """ + Runs the utility function based on the given method. + + Parameters + ---------- + method : string + Exploitation method: `VarOptDesign`, `BayesActDesign` and + `BayesOptDesign`. + candidates : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + All candidate parameter sets. + index : int + ExpDesign index. + sigma2Dict : dict, optional + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). The + default is None. + var : string, optional + Utility function. The default is None. + X_MC : TYPE, optional + DESCRIPTION. The default is None. + + Returns + ------- + index : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + List + Scores. + + """ + + if method.lower() == 'varoptdesign': + # U_J_d = self.util_VarBasedDesign(candidates, index, var) + U_J_d = np.zeros((candidates.shape[0])) + for idx, X_can in tqdm(enumerate(candidates), ascii=True, + desc="varoptdesign"): + U_J_d[idx] = self.util_VarBasedDesign(X_can, index, var) + + elif method.lower() == 'bayesactdesign': + NCandidate = candidates.shape[0] + U_J_d = np.zeros((NCandidate)) + # Evaluate all candidates + y_can, std_can = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=candidates) + # loop through candidates + for idx, X_can in tqdm(enumerate(candidates), ascii=True, + desc="BAL Design"): + y_hat = {key: items[idx] for key, items in y_can.items()} + std = {key: items[idx] for key, items in std_can.items()} + U_J_d[idx] = self.util_BayesianActiveDesign( + y_hat, std, sigma2Dict, var) + + elif method.lower() == 'bayesoptdesign': + NCandidate = candidates.shape[0] + U_J_d = np.zeros((NCandidate)) + for idx, X_can in tqdm(enumerate(candidates), ascii=True, + desc="OptBayesianDesign"): + U_J_d[idx] = self.util_BayesianDesign(X_can, X_MC, sigma2Dict, + var) + return (index, -1 * U_J_d) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def dual_annealing(self, method, Bounds, sigma2Dict, var, Run_No, + verbose=False): + """ + Exploration algorithim to find the optimum parameter space. + + Parameters + ---------- + method : string + Exploitation method: `VarOptDesign`, `BayesActDesign` and + `BayesOptDesign`. + Bounds : list of tuples + List of lower and upper boundaries of parameters. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + Run_No : int + Run number. + verbose : bool, optional + Print out a summary. The default is False. + + Returns + ------- + Run_No : int + Run number. + array + Optimial candidate. + + """ + + Model = self.Model + max_func_itr = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.max_func_itr + + if method == 'VarOptDesign': + Res_Global = opt.dual_annealing(self.util_VarBasedDesign, + bounds=Bounds, + args=(Model, var), + maxfun=max_func_itr) + + elif method == 'BayesOptDesign': + Res_Global = opt.dual_annealing(self.util_BayesianDesign, + bounds=Bounds, + args=(Model, sigma2Dict, var), + maxfun=max_func_itr) + + if verbose: + print(f"global minimum: xmin = {Res_Global.x}, " + f"f(xmin) = {Res_Global.fun:.6f}, nfev = {Res_Global.nfev}") + + return (Run_No, Res_Global.x) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def tradoff_weights(self, tradeoff_scheme, old_EDX, old_EDY): + """ + Calculates weights for exploration scores based on the requested + scheme: `None`, `equal`, `epsilon-decreasing` and `adaptive`. + + `None`: No exploration. + `equal`: Same weights for exploration and exploitation scores. + `epsilon-decreasing`: Start with more exploration and increase the + influence of exploitation along the way with a exponential decay + function + `adaptive`: An adaptive method based on: + Liu, Haitao, Jianfei Cai, and Yew-Soon Ong. "An adaptive sampling + approach for Kriging metamodeling by maximizing expected prediction + error." Computers & Chemical Engineering 106 (2017): 171-182. + + Parameters + ---------- + tradeoff_scheme : string + Trade-off scheme for exloration and exploitation scores. + old_EDX : array (n_samples, n_params) + Old experimental design (training points). + old_EDY : dict + Old model responses (targets). + + Returns + ------- + exploration_weight : float + Exploration weight. + exploitation_weight: float + Exploitation weight. + + """ + if tradeoff_scheme is None: + exploration_weight = 0 + + elif tradeoff_scheme == 'equal': + exploration_weight = 0.5 + + elif tradeoff_scheme == 'epsilon-decreasing': + # epsilon-decreasing scheme + # Start with more exploration and increase the influence of + # exploitation along the way with a exponential decay function + initNSamples = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_init_samples + n_max_samples = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_max_samples + + itrNumber = (self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.X.shape[0] - initNSamples) + itrNumber //= self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + + tau2 = -(n_max_samples-initNSamples-1) / np.log(1e-8) + exploration_weight = signal.exponential(n_max_samples-initNSamples, + 0, tau2, False)[itrNumber] + + elif tradeoff_scheme == 'adaptive': + + # Extract itrNumber + initNSamples = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_init_samples + n_max_samples = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_max_samples + itrNumber = (self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.X.shape[0] - initNSamples) + itrNumber //= self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + + if itrNumber == 0: + exploration_weight = 0.5 + else: + # New adaptive trade-off according to Liu et al. (2017) + # Mean squared error for last design point + last_EDX = old_EDX[-1].reshape(1, -1) + lastPCEY, _ = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=last_EDX) + pce_y = np.array(list(lastPCEY.values()))[:, 0] + y = np.array(list(old_EDY.values()))[:, -1, :] + mseError = mean_squared_error(pce_y, y) + + # Mean squared CV - error for last design point + pce_y_prev = np.array(list(self._y_hat_prev.values()))[:, 0] + mseCVError = mean_squared_error(pce_y_prev, y) + + exploration_weight = min([0.5*mseError/mseCVError, 1]) + + # Exploitation weight + exploitation_weight = 1 - exploration_weight + + return exploration_weight, exploitation_weight + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def opt_SeqDesign(self, sigma2, n_candidates=5, var='DKL'): + """ + Runs optimal sequential design. + + Parameters + ---------- + sigma2 : dict, optional + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). The + default is None. + n_candidates : int, optional + Number of candidate samples. The default is 5. + var : string, optional + Utility function. The default is None. + + Raises + ------ + NameError + Wrong utility function. + + Returns + ------- + Xnew : array (n_samples, n_params) + Selected new training point(s). + """ + + # Initialization + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + Bounds = MetaModel.bound_tuples + n_new_samples = MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + explore_method = MetaModel.ExpDesign.explore_method + exploit_method = MetaModel.ExpDesign.exploit_method + n_cand_groups = MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_cand_groups + tradeoff_scheme = MetaModel.ExpDesign.tradeoff_scheme + + old_EDX = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X + old_EDY = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y.copy() + ndim = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X.shape[1] + OutputNames = MetaModel.ModelObj.Output.names + + # ----------------------------------------- + # ----------- CUSTOMIZED METHODS ---------- + # ----------------------------------------- + # Utility function exploit_method provided by user + if exploit_method.lower() == 'user': + + Xnew, filteredSamples = MetaModel.ExpDesign.ExploitFunction(self) + + print("\n") + print("\nXnew:\n", Xnew) + + return Xnew, filteredSamples + + # ----------------------------------------- + # ---------- EXPLORATION METHODS ---------- + # ----------------------------------------- + if explore_method == 'dual annealing': + # ------- EXPLORATION: OPTIMIZATION ------- + import time + start_time = time.time() + + # Divide the domain to subdomains + args = [] + subdomains = self.subdomain(Bounds, n_new_samples) + for i in range(n_new_samples): + args.append((exploit_method, subdomains[i], sigma2, var, i)) + + # Multiprocessing + pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) + + # With Pool.starmap_async() + results = pool.starmap_async(self.dual_annealing, args).get() + + # Close the pool + pool.close() + + Xnew = np.array([results[i][1] for i in range(n_new_samples)]) + + print("\nXnew:\n", Xnew) + + elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time + print("\n") + print(f"elapsed_time: {round(elapsed_time,2)} sec.") + print('-'*20) + + elif explore_method == 'LOOCV': + # ----------------------------------------------------------------- + # TODO: LOOCV model construnction based on Feng et al. (2020) + # 'LOOCV': + # Initilize the ExploitScore array + + # Generate random samples + allCandidates = MetaModel.ExpDesign.generate_samples(n_candidates, + 'random') + + # Construct error model based on LCerror + errorModel = MetaModel.create_ModelError(old_EDX, self.LCerror) + self.errorModel.append(copy(errorModel)) + + # Evaluate the error models for allCandidates + eLCAllCands, _ = errorModel.eval_errormodel(allCandidates) + # Select the maximum as the representative error + eLCAllCands = np.dstack(eLCAllCands.values()) + eLCAllCandidates = np.max(eLCAllCands, axis=1)[:, 0] + + # Normalize the error w.r.t the maximum error + scoreExploration = eLCAllCandidates / np.sum(eLCAllCandidates) + + else: + # ------- EXPLORATION: SPACE-FILLING DESIGN ------- + # Generate candidate samples from Exploration class + explore = Exploration(MetaModel, n_candidates) + explore.w = 100 # * ndim #500 + # Select criterion (mc-intersite-proj-th, mc-intersite-proj) + explore.mc_criterion = 'mc-intersite-proj' + allCandidates, scoreExploration = explore.get_exploration_samples() + + # Temp: ---- Plot all candidates ----- + if ndim == 2: + def plotter(points, allCandidates, Method, + scoreExploration=None): + if Method == 'Voronoi': + from scipy.spatial import Voronoi, voronoi_plot_2d + vor = Voronoi(points) + fig = voronoi_plot_2d(vor) + ax1 = fig.axes[0] + else: + fig = plt.figure() + ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) + ax1.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], s=10, c='r', + marker="s", label='Old Design Points') + ax1.scatter(allCandidates[:, 0], allCandidates[:, 1], s=10, + c='b', marker="o", label='Design candidates') + for i in range(points.shape[0]): + txt = 'p'+str(i+1) + ax1.annotate(txt, (points[i, 0], points[i, 1])) + if scoreExploration is not None: + for i in range(allCandidates.shape[0]): + txt = str(round(scoreExploration[i], 5)) + ax1.annotate(txt, (allCandidates[i, 0], + allCandidates[i, 1])) + + plt.xlim(self.bound_tuples[0]) + plt.ylim(self.bound_tuples[1]) + # plt.show() + plt.legend(loc='upper left') + + # ----------------------------------------- + # --------- EXPLOITATION METHODS ---------- + # ----------------------------------------- + if exploit_method == 'BayesOptDesign' or\ + exploit_method == 'BayesActDesign': + + # ------- Calculate Exoploration weight ------- + # Compute exploration weight based on trade off scheme + explore_w, exploit_w = self.tradoff_weights(tradeoff_scheme, + old_EDX, + old_EDY) + print(f"\n Exploration weight={explore_w:0.3f} " + f"Exploitation weight={exploit_w:0.3f}\n") + + # ------- EXPLOITATION: BayesOptDesign & ActiveLearning ------- + if explore_w != 1.0: + + # Create a sample pool for rejection sampling + MCsize = 15000 + X_MC = MetaModel.ExpDesign.generate_samples(MCsize, 'random') + candidates = MetaModel.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + MetaModel.ExpDesign.max_func_itr, 'latin_hypercube') + + # Split the candidates in groups for multiprocessing + split_cand = np.array_split( + candidates, n_cand_groups, axis=0 + ) + + results = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, backend='multiprocessing')( + delayed(self.run_util_func)( + exploit_method, split_cand[i], i, sigma2, var, X_MC) + for i in range(n_cand_groups)) + # out = map(self.run_util_func, + # [exploit_method]*n_cand_groups, + # split_cand, + # range(n_cand_groups), + # [sigma2] * n_cand_groups, + # [var] * n_cand_groups, + # [X_MC] * n_cand_groups + # ) + # results = list(out) + + # Retrieve the results and append them + U_J_d = np.concatenate([results[NofE][1] for NofE in + range(n_cand_groups)]) + + # Check if all scores are inf + if np.isinf(U_J_d).all() or np.isnan(U_J_d).all(): + U_J_d = np.ones(len(U_J_d)) + + # Get the expected value (mean) of the Utility score + # for each cell + if explore_method == 'Voronoi': + U_J_d = np.mean(U_J_d.reshape(-1, n_candidates), axis=1) + + # create surrogate model for U_J_d + # from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler + # # Take care of inf entries + # good_indices = [i for i, arr in enumerate(U_J_d) + # if np.isfinite(arr).all()] + # scaler = MinMaxScaler() + # X_S = scaler.fit_transform(candidates[good_indices]) + # gp = MetaModel.gaussian_process_emulator( + # X_S, U_J_d[good_indices], autoSelect=False + # ) + # U_J_d = gp.predict(scaler.transform(allCandidates)) + + # Normalize U_J_d + norm_U_J_d = U_J_d / np.sum(U_J_d) + else: + norm_U_J_d = np.zeros((len(scoreExploration))) + + # ------- Calculate Total score ------- + # ------- Trade off between EXPLORATION & EXPLOITATION ------- + # Accumulate the samples + # TODO: added this, recheck!! + finalCandidates = np.concatenate((allCandidates, candidates), axis = 0) + finalCandidates = np.unique(finalCandidates, axis = 0) + + #self.allCandidates = allCandidates + #self.candidates = candidates + #self.norm_U_J_d = norm_U_J_d + #self.exploit_w = exploit_w + #self.scoreExploration = scoreExploration + + # Total score + #totalScore = exploit_w * norm_U_J_d + #totalScore += explore_w * scoreExploration + + # TODO: changed this from the above to take into account both exploration and exploitation samples without duplicates + totalScore = np.zeros(finalCandidates.shape[0]) + #self.totalScore = totalScore + + for cand_idx in range(finalCandidates.shape[0]): + # find candidate indices + idx1 = np.where(allCandidates == finalCandidates[cand_idx])[0] + idx2 = np.where(candidates == finalCandidates[cand_idx])[0] + #print(f'Candidate number {cand_idx}') + #print(finalCandidates[cand_idx]) + #print(f'Idx1: {idx1}, Idx2: {idx2}') + + # exploration + if idx1 != []: + idx1 = idx1[0] + #print(f'Values1: {allCandidates[idx1]}') + totalScore[cand_idx] += explore_w * scoreExploration[idx1] + + # exploitation + if idx2 != []: + idx2 = idx2[0] + #print(f'Values1: {candidates[idx2]}') + totalScore[cand_idx] += exploit_w * norm_U_J_d[idx2] + + + # temp: Plot + # dim = self.ExpDesign.X.shape[1] + # if dim == 2: + # plotter(self.ExpDesign.X, allCandidates, explore_method) + + # ------- Select the best candidate ------- + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design by + # maximization of the utility score and taking care of NaN values + temp = totalScore.copy() + temp[np.isnan(totalScore)] = -np.inf + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(temp)[::-1] + bestIdx = sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples] + + # select the requested number of samples + if explore_method == 'Voronoi': + Xnew = np.zeros((n_new_samples, ndim)) + for i, idx in enumerate(bestIdx): + X_can = explore.closestPoints[idx] + + # Calculate the maxmin score for the region of interest + newSamples, maxminScore = explore.get_mc_samples(X_can) + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew[i] = newSamples[np.argmax(maxminScore)] + else: + # TODO: changed this from allCandiates to full set of candidates - still not changed for e.g. 'Voronoi' + Xnew = finalCandidates[sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples]] # here candidates(exploitation) vs allCandidates (exploration)!! + + elif exploit_method == 'VarOptDesign': + # ------- EXPLOITATION: VarOptDesign ------- + UtilMethod = var + + # ------- Calculate Exoploration weight ------- + # Compute exploration weight based on trade off scheme + explore_w, exploit_w = self.tradoff_weights(tradeoff_scheme, + old_EDX, + old_EDY) + print(f"\nweightExploration={explore_w:0.3f} " + f"weightExploitation={exploit_w:0.3f}") + + # Generate candidate samples from Exploration class + nMeasurement = old_EDY[OutputNames[0]].shape[1] + + # Find sensitive region + if UtilMethod == 'LOOCV': + LCerror = MetaModel.LCerror + allModifiedLOO = np.zeros((len(old_EDX), len(OutputNames), + nMeasurement)) + for y_idx, y_key in enumerate(OutputNames): + for idx, key in enumerate(LCerror[y_key].keys()): + allModifiedLOO[:, y_idx, idx] = abs( + LCerror[y_key][key]) + + ExploitScore = np.max(np.max(allModifiedLOO, axis=1), axis=1) + + elif UtilMethod in ['EIGF', 'ALM']: + # ----- All other in ['EIGF', 'ALM'] ----- + # Initilize the ExploitScore array + ExploitScore = np.zeros((len(old_EDX), len(OutputNames))) + + # Split the candidates in groups for multiprocessing + if explore_method != 'Voronoi': + split_cand = np.array_split(allCandidates, + n_cand_groups, + axis=0) + goodSampleIdx = range(n_cand_groups) + else: + # Find indices of the Vornoi cells with samples + goodSampleIdx = [] + for idx in range(len(explore.closest_points)): + if len(explore.closest_points[idx]) != 0: + goodSampleIdx.append(idx) + split_cand = explore.closest_points + + # Split the candidates in groups for multiprocessing + args = [] + for index in goodSampleIdx: + args.append((exploit_method, split_cand[index], index, + sigma2, var)) + + # Multiprocessing + pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) + # With Pool.starmap_async() + results = pool.starmap_async(self.run_util_func, args).get() + + # Close the pool + pool.close() + # out = map(self.run_util_func, + # [exploit_method]*len(goodSampleIdx), + # split_cand, + # range(len(goodSampleIdx)), + # [sigma2] * len(goodSampleIdx), + # [var] * len(goodSampleIdx) + # ) + # results = list(out) + + # Retrieve the results and append them + if explore_method == 'Voronoi': + ExploitScore = [np.mean(results[k][1]) for k in + range(len(goodSampleIdx))] + else: + ExploitScore = np.concatenate( + [results[k][1] for k in range(len(goodSampleIdx))]) + + else: + raise NameError('The requested utility function is not ' + 'available.') + + # print("ExploitScore:\n", ExploitScore) + + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design by + # maximization of the utility score and taking care of NaN values + # Total score + # Normalize U_J_d + ExploitScore = ExploitScore / np.sum(ExploitScore) + totalScore = exploit_w * ExploitScore + totalScore += explore_w * scoreExploration + + temp = totalScore.copy() + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(temp, axis=0)[::-1] + bestIdx = sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples] + + Xnew = np.zeros((n_new_samples, ndim)) + if explore_method != 'Voronoi': + Xnew = allCandidates[bestIdx] + else: + for i, idx in enumerate(bestIdx.flatten()): + X_can = explore.closest_points[idx] + # plotter(self.ExpDesign.X, X_can, explore_method, + # scoreExploration=None) + + # Calculate the maxmin score for the region of interest + newSamples, maxminScore = explore.get_mc_samples(X_can) + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew[i] = newSamples[np.argmax(maxminScore)] + + elif exploit_method == 'alphabetic': + # ------- EXPLOITATION: ALPHABETIC ------- + Xnew = self.util_AlphOptDesign(allCandidates, var) + + elif exploit_method == 'Space-filling': + # ------- EXPLOITATION: SPACE-FILLING ------- + totalScore = scoreExploration + + # ------- Select the best candidate ------- + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design by + # maximization of the utility score and taking care of NaN values + temp = totalScore.copy() + temp[np.isnan(totalScore)] = -np.inf + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(temp)[::-1] + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew = allCandidates[sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples]] + + else: + raise NameError('The requested design method is not available.') + + print("\n") + print("\nRun No. {}:".format(old_EDX.shape[0]+1)) + print("Xnew:\n", Xnew) + + return Xnew, None + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_AlphOptDesign(self, candidates, var='D-Opt'): + """ + Enriches the Experimental design with the requested alphabetic + criterion based on exploring the space with number of sampling points. + + Ref: Hadigol, M., & Doostan, A. (2018). Least squares polynomial chaos + expansion: A review of sampling strategies., Computer Methods in + Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 332, 382-407. + + Arguments + --------- + NCandidate : int + Number of candidate points to be searched + + var : string + Alphabetic optimality criterion + + Returns + ------- + X_new : array of shape (1, n_params) + The new sampling location in the input space. + """ + MetaModelOrig = self + Model = self.Model + n_new_samples = MetaModelOrig.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + NCandidate = candidates.shape[0] + + # TODO: Loop over outputs + OutputName = Model.Output.names[0] + + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + MetaModel = deepcopy(MetaModelOrig) + + # Old Experimental design + oldExpDesignX = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X + + # TODO: Only one psi can be selected. + # Suggestion: Go for the one with the highest LOO error + Scores = list(MetaModel.score_dict[OutputName].values()) + ModifiedLOO = [1-score for score in Scores] + outIdx = np.argmax(ModifiedLOO) + + # Initialize Phi to save the criterion's values + Phi = np.zeros((NCandidate)) + + BasisIndices = MetaModelOrig.basis_dict[OutputName]["y_"+str(outIdx+1)] + P = len(BasisIndices) + + # ------ Old Psi ------------ + univ_p_val = MetaModelOrig.univ_basis_vals(oldExpDesignX) + Psi = MetaModelOrig.create_psi(BasisIndices, univ_p_val) + + # ------ New candidates (Psi_c) ------------ + # Assemble Psi_c + univ_p_val_c = self.univ_basis_vals(candidates) + Psi_c = self.create_psi(BasisIndices, univ_p_val_c) + + for idx in range(NCandidate): + + # Include the new row to the original Psi + Psi_cand = np.vstack((Psi, Psi_c[idx])) + + # Information matrix + PsiTPsi = np.dot(Psi_cand.T, Psi_cand) + M = PsiTPsi / (len(oldExpDesignX)+1) + + if np.linalg.cond(PsiTPsi) > 1e-12 \ + and np.linalg.cond(PsiTPsi) < 1 / sys.float_info.epsilon: + # faster + invM = linalg.solve(M, sparse.eye(PsiTPsi.shape[0]).toarray()) + else: + # stabler + invM = np.linalg.pinv(M) + + # ---------- Calculate optimality criterion ---------- + # Optimality criteria according to Section 4.5.1 in Ref. + + # D-Opt + if var == 'D-Opt': + Phi[idx] = (np.linalg.det(invM)) ** (1/P) + + # A-Opt + elif var == 'A-Opt': + Phi[idx] = np.trace(invM) + + # K-Opt + elif var == 'K-Opt': + Phi[idx] = np.linalg.cond(M) + + else: + raise Exception('The optimality criterion you requested has ' + 'not been implemented yet!') + + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design + # by minimization of the Phi + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(Phi) + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew = candidates[sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples]] + + return Xnew + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __normpdf(self, y_hat_pce, std_pce, obs_data, total_sigma2s, + rmse=None): + + Model = self.Model + likelihoods = 1.0 + + # Loop over the outputs + for idx, out in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + + # (Meta)Model Output + nsamples, nout = y_hat_pce[out].shape + + # Prepare data and remove NaN + try: + data = obs_data[out].values[~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + except AttributeError: + data = obs_data[out][~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + + # Prepare sigma2s + non_nan_indices = ~np.isnan(total_sigma2s[out]) + tot_sigma2s = total_sigma2s[out][non_nan_indices][:nout].values + + # Surrogate error if valid dataset is given. + if rmse is not None: + tot_sigma2s += rmse[out]**2 + else: + tot_sigma2s += np.mean(std_pce[out])**2 + + likelihoods *= stats.multivariate_normal.pdf( + y_hat_pce[out], data, np.diag(tot_sigma2s), + allow_singular=True) + + self.Likelihoods = likelihoods + + return likelihoods + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __corr_factor_BME(self, obs_data, total_sigma2s, logBME): + """ + Calculates the correction factor for BMEs. + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + samples = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X # valid_samples + model_outputs = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y # valid_model_runs + Model = MetaModel.ModelObj + n_samples = samples.shape[0] + + # Extract the requested model outputs for likelihood calulation + output_names = Model.Output.names + + # TODO: Evaluate MetaModel on the experimental design and ValidSet + OutputRS, stdOutputRS = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=samples) + + logLik_data = np.zeros((n_samples)) + logLik_model = np.zeros((n_samples)) + # Loop over the outputs + for idx, out in enumerate(output_names): + + # (Meta)Model Output + nsamples, nout = model_outputs[out].shape + + # Prepare data and remove NaN + try: + data = obs_data[out].values[~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + except AttributeError: + data = obs_data[out][~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + + # Prepare sigma2s + non_nan_indices = ~np.isnan(total_sigma2s[out]) + tot_sigma2s = total_sigma2s[out][non_nan_indices][:nout] + + # Covariance Matrix + covMatrix_data = np.diag(tot_sigma2s) + + for i, sample in enumerate(samples): + + # Simulation run + y_m = model_outputs[out][i] + + # Surrogate prediction + y_m_hat = OutputRS[out][i] + + # CovMatrix with the surrogate error + # covMatrix = np.diag(stdOutputRS[out][i]**2) + covMatrix = np.diag((y_m-y_m_hat)**2) + covMatrix = np.diag( + np.mean((model_outputs[out]-OutputRS[out]), axis=0)**2 + ) + + # Compute likelilhood output vs data + logLik_data[i] += self.__logpdf( + y_m_hat, data, covMatrix_data + ) + + # Compute likelilhood output vs surrogate + logLik_model[i] += self.__logpdf(y_m_hat, y_m, covMatrix) + + # Weight + logLik_data -= logBME + weights = np.exp(logLik_model+logLik_data) + + return np.log(np.mean(weights)) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __logpdf(self, x, mean, cov): + """ + computes the likelihood based on a multivariate normal distribution. + + Parameters + ---------- + x : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + mean : array_like + Observation data. + cov : 2d array + Covariance matrix of the distribution. + + Returns + ------- + log_lik : float + Log likelihood. + + """ + n = len(mean) + L = linalg.cholesky(cov, lower=True) + beta = np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L))) + dev = x - mean + alpha = dev.dot(linalg.cho_solve((L, True), dev)) + log_lik = -0.5 * alpha - beta - n / 2. * np.log(2 * np.pi) + + return log_lik + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __posteriorPlot(self, posterior, par_names, key): + + # Initialization + newpath = (r'Outputs_SeqPosteriorComparison/posterior') + os.makedirs(newpath, exist_ok=True) + + bound_tuples = self.MetaModel.bound_tuples + n_params = len(par_names) + font_size = 40 + if n_params == 2: + + figPosterior, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 15)) + + sns.kdeplot(x=posterior[:, 0], y=posterior[:, 1], + fill=True, ax=ax, cmap=plt.cm.jet, + clip=bound_tuples) + # Axis labels + plt.xlabel(par_names[0], fontsize=font_size) + plt.ylabel(par_names[1], fontsize=font_size) + + # Set axis limit + plt.xlim(bound_tuples[0]) + plt.ylim(bound_tuples[1]) + + # Increase font size + plt.xticks(fontsize=font_size) + plt.yticks(fontsize=font_size) + + # Switch off the grids + plt.grid(False) + + else: + import corner + figPosterior = corner.corner(posterior, labels=par_names, + title_fmt='.2e', show_titles=True, + title_kwargs={"fontsize": 12}) + + figPosterior.savefig(f'./{newpath}/{key}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') + plt.close() + + # Save the posterior as .npy + np.save(f'./{newpath}/{key}.npy', posterior) + + return figPosterior + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __hellinger_distance(self, P, Q): + """ + Hellinger distance between two continuous distributions. + + The maximum distance 1 is achieved when P assigns probability zero to + every set to which Q assigns a positive probability, and vice versa. + 0 (identical) and 1 (maximally different) + + Parameters + ---------- + P : array + Reference likelihood. + Q : array + Estimated likelihood. + + Returns + ------- + float + Hellinger distance of two distributions. + + """ + mu1 = P.mean() + Sigma1 = np.std(P) + + mu2 = Q.mean() + Sigma2 = np.std(Q) + + term1 = np.sqrt(2*Sigma1*Sigma2 / (Sigma1**2 + Sigma2**2)) + + term2 = np.exp(-.25 * (mu1 - mu2)**2 / (Sigma1**2 + Sigma2**2)) + + H_squared = 1 - term1 * term2 + + return np.sqrt(H_squared) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __BME_Calculator(self, MetaModel, obs_data, sigma2Dict, rmse=None): + """ + This function computes the Bayesian model evidence (BME) via Monte + Carlo integration. + + """ + # Initializations + if hasattr(MetaModel, 'valid_likelihoods'): + valid_likelihoods = MetaModel.valid_likelihoods + else: + valid_likelihoods = [] + + post_snapshot = MetaModel.ExpDesign.post_snapshot + #print(f'post_snapshot: {post_snapshot}') + if post_snapshot or len(valid_likelihoods) != 0: + newpath = (r'Outputs_SeqPosteriorComparison/likelihood_vs_ref') + os.makedirs(newpath, exist_ok=True) + + SamplingMethod = 'random' + MCsize = 10000 + ESS = 0 + + # Estimation of the integral via Monte Varlo integration + while (ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1): + + # Generate samples for Monte Carlo simulation + X_MC = MetaModel.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + MCsize, SamplingMethod + ) + + # Monte Carlo simulation for the candidate design + Y_MC, std_MC = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Likelihood computation (Comparison of data and + # simulation results via PCE with candidate design) + Likelihoods = self.__normpdf( + Y_MC, std_MC, obs_data, sigma2Dict, rmse + ) + + # Check the Effective Sample Size (1000<ESS<MCsize) + ESS = 1 / np.sum(np.square(Likelihoods/np.sum(Likelihoods))) + + # Enlarge sample size if it doesn't fulfill the criteria + if (ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1): + print(f'ESS={ESS} MC size should be larger.') + MCsize *= 10 + ESS = 0 + + # Rejection Step + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, MCsize)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + accepted = (Likelihoods/np.max(Likelihoods)) >= unif + X_Posterior = X_MC[accepted] + + # ------------------------------------------------------------ + # --- Kullback-Leibler Divergence & Information Entropy ------ + # ------------------------------------------------------------ + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(Likelihoods)) + + # TODO: Correction factor + # log_weight = self.__corr_factor_BME(obs_data, sigma2Dict, logBME) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(Likelihoods[accepted])) + + # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + postExpPrior = np.mean( + np.log(MetaModel.ExpDesign.JDist.pdf(X_Posterior.T)) + ) + + # Calculate Kullback-Leibler Divergence + # KLD = np.mean(np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0])- logBME) + KLD = postExpLikelihoods - logBME + + # Information Entropy based on Entropy paper Eq. 38 + infEntropy = logBME - postExpPrior - postExpLikelihoods + + # If post_snapshot is True, plot likelihood vs refrence + if post_snapshot or valid_likelihoods: + # Hellinger distance + #print('arrived here') + #print(np.array(valid_likelihoods)) + valid_likelihoods = np.array(valid_likelihoods) + #valid_likelihoods = np.array(valid_likelihoods) + ref_like = np.log(valid_likelihoods[(valid_likelihoods > 0)]) + est_like = np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods > 0]) + distHellinger = self.__hellinger_distance(ref_like, est_like) + + idx = len([name for name in os.listdir(newpath) if 'Likelihoods_' + in name and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(newpath, name))]) + fig, ax = plt.subplots() + try: + sns.kdeplot(np.log(valid_likelihoods[valid_likelihoods > 0]), + shade=True, color="g", label='Ref. Likelihood') + sns.kdeplot(np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods > 0]), shade=True, + color="b", label='Likelihood with PCE') + except: + pass + + text = f"Hellinger Dist.={distHellinger:.3f}\n logBME={logBME:.3f}" + "\n DKL={KLD:.3f}" + + plt.text(0.05, 0.75, text, bbox=dict(facecolor='wheat', + edgecolor='black', + boxstyle='round,pad=1'), + transform=ax.transAxes) + + fig.savefig(f'./{newpath}/Likelihoods_{idx}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + plt.close() + + else: + distHellinger = 0.0 + + # Bayesian inference with Emulator only for 2D problem + if post_snapshot and MetaModel.n_params == 2 and not idx % 5: + BayesOpts = BayesInference(MetaModel) + BayesOpts.emulator = True + BayesOpts.plot_post_pred = False + + # Select the inference method + import emcee + BayesOpts.inference_method = "MCMC" + # Set the MCMC parameters passed to self.mcmc_params + BayesOpts.mcmc_params = { + 'n_steps': 1e5, + 'n_walkers': 30, + 'moves': emcee.moves.KDEMove(), + 'verbose': False + } + + # ----- Define the discrepancy model ------- + obs_data = pd.DataFrame(obs_data, columns=self.Model.Output.names) + BayesOpts.measurement_error = obs_data + + # # -- (Option B) -- + DiscrepancyOpts = Discrepancy('') + DiscrepancyOpts.type = 'Gaussian' + DiscrepancyOpts.parameters = obs_data**2 + BayesOpts.Discrepancy = DiscrepancyOpts + # Start the calibration/inference + Bayes_PCE = BayesOpts.create_inference() + X_Posterior = Bayes_PCE.posterior_df.values + + return (logBME, KLD, X_Posterior, Likelihoods, distHellinger) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __validError(self, MetaModel): + + # MetaModel = self.MetaModel + Model = MetaModel.ModelObj + OutputName = Model.Output.names + + # Extract the original model with the generated samples + valid_samples = MetaModel.valid_samples + valid_model_runs = MetaModel.valid_model_runs + + # Run the PCE model with the generated samples + valid_PCE_runs, _ = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=valid_samples) + + rms_error = {} + valid_error = {} + # Loop over the keys and compute RMSE error. + for key in OutputName: + rms_error[key] = mean_squared_error( + valid_model_runs[key], valid_PCE_runs[key], + multioutput='raw_values', + sample_weight=None, + squared=False) + # Validation error + valid_error[key] = (rms_error[key]**2) + valid_error[key] /= np.var(valid_model_runs[key], ddof=1, axis=0) + + # Print a report table + print("\n>>>>> Updated Errors of {} <<<<<".format(key)) + print("\nIndex | RMSE | Validation Error") + print('-'*35) + print('\n'.join(f'{i+1} | {k:.3e} | {j:.3e}' for i, (k, j) + in enumerate(zip(rms_error[key], + valid_error[key])))) + + return rms_error, valid_error + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __error_Mean_Std(self): + + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + # Extract the mean and std provided by user + df_MCReference = MetaModel.ModelObj.mc_reference + + # Compute the mean and std based on the MetaModel + pce_means, pce_stds = self._compute_pce_moments(MetaModel) + + # Compute the root mean squared error + for output in MetaModel.ModelObj.Output.names: + + # Compute the error between mean and std of MetaModel and OrigModel + RMSE_Mean = mean_squared_error( + df_MCReference['mean'], pce_means[output], squared=False + ) + RMSE_std = mean_squared_error( + df_MCReference['std'], pce_means[output], squared=False + ) + + return RMSE_Mean, RMSE_std + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _compute_pce_moments(self, MetaModel): + """ + Computes the first two moments using the PCE-based meta-model. + + Returns + ------- + pce_means: dict + The first moment (mean) of the surrogate. + pce_stds: dict + The second moment (standard deviation) of the surrogate. + + """ + outputs = MetaModel.ModelObj.Output.names + pce_means_b = {} + pce_stds_b = {} + + # Loop over bootstrap iterations + for b_i in range(MetaModel.n_bootstrap_itrs): + # Loop over the metamodels + coeffs_dicts = MetaModel.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'].items() + means = {} + stds = {} + for output, coef_dict in coeffs_dicts: + + pce_mean = np.zeros((len(coef_dict))) + pce_var = np.zeros((len(coef_dict))) + + for index, values in coef_dict.items(): + idx = int(index.split('_')[1]) - 1 + coeffs = MetaModel.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][index] + + # Mean = c_0 + if coeffs[0] != 0: + pce_mean[idx] = coeffs[0] + else: + clf_poly = MetaModel.clf_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output] + pce_mean[idx] = clf_poly[index].intercept_ + # Var = sum(coeffs[1:]**2) + pce_var[idx] = np.sum(np.square(coeffs[1:])) + + # Save predictions for each output + if MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + PCA = MetaModel.pca[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output] + means[output] = PCA.inverse_transform(pce_mean) + stds[output] = PCA.inverse_transform(np.sqrt(pce_var)) + else: + means[output] = pce_mean + stds[output] = np.sqrt(pce_var) + + # Save predictions for each bootstrap iteration + pce_means_b[b_i] = means + pce_stds_b[b_i] = stds + + # Change the order of nesting + mean_all = {} + for i in sorted(pce_means_b): + for k, v in pce_means_b[i].items(): + if k not in mean_all: + mean_all[k] = [None] * len(pce_means_b) + mean_all[k][i] = v + std_all = {} + for i in sorted(pce_stds_b): + for k, v in pce_stds_b[i].items(): + if k not in std_all: + std_all[k] = [None] * len(pce_stds_b) + std_all[k][i] = v + + # Back transformation if PCA is selected. + pce_means, pce_stds = {}, {} + for output in outputs: + pce_means[output] = np.mean(mean_all[output], axis=0) + pce_stds[output] = np.mean(std_all[output], axis=0) + + return pce_means, pce_stds diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/orthogonal_matching_pursuit.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/orthogonal_matching_pursuit.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..96ef9c1d50b10b587ad0846d41733fc7f1cedfe8 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/orthogonal_matching_pursuit.py @@ -0,0 +1,366 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Created on Fri Jul 15 14:08:59 2022 + +@author: farid +""" +import numpy as np +from sklearn.base import RegressorMixin +from sklearn.linear_model._base import LinearModel +from sklearn.utils import check_X_y + + +def corr(x, y): + return abs(x.dot(y))/np.sqrt((x**2).sum()) + + +class OrthogonalMatchingPursuit(LinearModel, RegressorMixin): + ''' + Regression with Orthogonal Matching Pursuit [1]. + + Parameters + ---------- + fit_intercept : boolean, optional (DEFAULT = True) + whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set + to false, no intercept will be used in calculations + (e.g. data is expected to be already centered). + + copy_X : boolean, optional (DEFAULT = True) + If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. + + verbose : boolean, optional (DEFAULT = FALSE) + Verbose mode when fitting the model + + Attributes + ---------- + coef_ : array, shape = (n_features) + Coefficients of the regression model (mean of posterior distribution) + + active_ : array, dtype = np.bool, shape = (n_features) + True for non-zero coefficients, False otherwise + + References + ---------- + [1] Pati, Y., Rezaiifar, R., Krishnaprasad, P. (1993). Orthogonal matching + pursuit: recursive function approximation with application to wavelet + decomposition. Proceedings of 27th Asilomar Conference on Signals, + Systems and Computers, 40-44. + ''' + + def __init__(self, fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, copy_X=True, + verbose=False): + self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept + self.normalize = normalize + self.copy_X = copy_X + self.verbose = verbose + + def _preprocess_data(self, X, y): + """Center and scale data. + Centers data to have mean zero along axis 0. If fit_intercept=False or + if the X is a sparse matrix, no centering is done, but normalization + can still be applied. The function returns the statistics necessary to + reconstruct the input data, which are X_offset, y_offset, X_scale, such + that the output + X = (X - X_offset) / X_scale + X_scale is the L2 norm of X - X_offset. + """ + + if self.copy_X: + X = X.copy(order='K') + + y = np.asarray(y, dtype=X.dtype) + + if self.fit_intercept: + X_offset = np.average(X, axis=0) + X -= X_offset + if self.normalize: + X_scale = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + std = np.sqrt(np.sum(X**2, axis=0)/(len(X)-1)) + X_scale[std != 0] = std[std != 0] + X /= X_scale + else: + X_scale = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + y_offset = np.mean(y) + y = y - y_offset + else: + X_offset = np.zeros(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + X_scale = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + if y.ndim == 1: + y_offset = X.dtype.type(0) + else: + y_offset = np.zeros(y.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + + return X, y, X_offset, y_offset, X_scale + + def fit(self, X, y): + ''' + Fits Regression with Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Algorithm. + + Parameters + ----------- + X: {array-like, sparse matrix} of size (n_samples, n_features) + Training data, matrix of explanatory variables + + y: array-like of size [n_samples, n_features] + Target values + + Returns + ------- + self : object + Returns self. + ''' + X, y = check_X_y(X, y, dtype=np.float64, y_numeric=True) + n_samples, n_features = X.shape + + X, y, X_mean, y_mean, X_std = self._preprocess_data(X, y) + self._x_mean_ = X_mean + self._y_mean = y_mean + self._x_std = X_std + + # Normalize columns of Psi, so that each column has norm = 1 + norm_X = np.linalg.norm(X, axis=0) + X_norm = X/norm_X + + # Initialize residual vector to full model response and normalize + R = y + norm_y = np.sqrt(np.dot(y, y)) + r = y/norm_y + + # Check for constant regressors + const_indices = np.where(~np.diff(X, axis=0).any(axis=0))[0] + bool_const = not const_indices + + # Start regression using OPM algorithm + precision = 0 # Set precision criterion to precision of program + early_stop = True + cond_early = True # Initialize condition for early stop + ind = [] + iindx = [] # index of selected columns + indtot = np.arange(n_features) # Full index set for remaining columns + kmax = min(n_samples, n_features) # Maximum number of iterations + LOO = np.PINF * np.ones(kmax) # Store LOO error at each iteration + LOOmin = np.PINF # Initialize minimum value of LOO + coeff = np.zeros((n_features, kmax)) + count = 0 + k = 0.1 # Percentage of iteration history for early stop + + # Begin iteration over regressors set (Matrix X) + while (np.linalg.norm(R) > precision) and (count <= kmax-1) and \ + ((cond_early or early_stop) ^ ~cond_early): + + # Update index set of columns yet to select + if count != 0: + indtot = np.delete(indtot, iindx) + + # Find column of X that is most correlated with residual + h = abs(np.dot(r, X_norm)) + iindx = np.argmax(h[indtot]) + indx = indtot[iindx] + + # initialize with the constant regressor, if it exists in the basis + if (count == 0) and bool_const: + # overwrite values for iindx and indx + iindx = const_indices[0] + indx = indtot[iindx] + + # Invert the information matrix at the first iteration, later only + # update its value on the basis of the previously inverted one, + if count == 0: + M = 1 / np.dot(X[:, indx], X[:, indx]) + else: + x = np.dot(X[:, ind].T, X[:, indx]) + r = np.dot(X[:, indx], X[:, indx]) + M = self.blockwise_inverse(M, x, x.T, r) + + # Add newly found index to the selected indexes set + ind.append(indx) + + # Select regressors subset (Projection subspace) + Xpro = X[:, ind] + + # Obtain coefficient by performing OLS + TT = np.dot(y, Xpro) + beta = np.dot(M, TT) + coeff[ind, count] = beta + + # Compute LOO error + LOO[count] = self.loo_error(Xpro, M, y, beta) + + # Compute new residual due to new projection + R = y - np.dot(Xpro, beta) + + # Normalize residual + norm_R = np.sqrt(np.dot(R, R)) + r = R / norm_R + + # Update counters and early-stop criterions + countinf = max(0, int(count-k*kmax)) + LOOmin = min(LOOmin, LOO[count]) + + if count == 0: + cond_early = (LOO[0] <= LOOmin) + else: + cond_early = (min(LOO[countinf:count+1]) <= LOOmin) + + if self.verbose: + print(f'Iteration: {count+1}, mod. LOOCV error : ' + f'{LOO[count]:.2e}') + + # Update counter + count += 1 + + # Select projection with smallest cross-validation error + countmin = np.argmin(LOO[:-1]) + self.coef_ = coeff[:, countmin] + self.active = coeff[:, countmin] != 0.0 + + # set intercept_ + if self.fit_intercept: + self.coef_ = self.coef_ / X_std + self.intercept_ = y_mean - np.dot(X_mean, self.coef_.T) + else: + self.intercept_ = 0. + + return self + + def predict(self, X): + ''' + Computes predictive distribution for test set. + + Parameters + ----------- + X: {array-like, sparse} (n_samples_test, n_features) + Test data, matrix of explanatory variables + + Returns + ------- + y_hat: numpy array of size (n_samples_test,) + Estimated values of targets on test set (i.e. mean of + predictive distribution) + ''' + + y_hat = np.dot(X, self.coef_) + self.intercept_ + + return y_hat + + def loo_error(self, psi, inv_inf_matrix, y, coeffs): + """ + Calculates the corrected LOO error for regression on regressor + matrix `psi` that generated the coefficients based on [1] and [2]. + + [1] Blatman, G., 2009. Adaptive sparse polynomial chaos expansions for + uncertainty propagation and sensitivity analysis (Doctoral + dissertation, Clermont-Ferrand 2). + + [2] Blatman, G. and Sudret, B., 2011. Adaptive sparse polynomial chaos + expansion based on least angle regression. Journal of computational + Physics, 230(6), pp.2345-2367. + + Parameters + ---------- + psi : array of shape (n_samples, n_feature) + Orthogonal bases evaluated at the samples. + inv_inf_matrix : array + Inverse of the information matrix. + y : array of shape (n_samples, ) + Targets. + coeffs : array + Computed regresssor cofficients. + + Returns + ------- + loo_error : float + Modified LOOCV error. + + """ + + # NrEvaluation (Size of experimental design) + N, P = psi.shape + + # h factor (the full matrix is not calculated explicitly, + # only the trace is, to save memory) + PsiM = np.dot(psi, inv_inf_matrix) + + h = np.sum(np.multiply(PsiM, psi), axis=1, dtype=np.longdouble) + + # ------ Calculate Error Loocv for each measurement point ---- + # Residuals + residual = np.dot(psi, coeffs) - y + + # Variance + varY = np.var(y) + + if varY == 0: + norm_emp_error = 0 + loo_error = 0 + else: + norm_emp_error = np.mean(residual**2)/varY + + loo_error = np.mean(np.square(residual / (1-h))) / varY + + # if there are NaNs, just return an infinite LOO error (this + # happens, e.g., when a strongly underdetermined problem is solved) + if np.isnan(loo_error): + loo_error = np.inf + + # Corrected Error for over-determined system + tr_M = np.trace(np.atleast_2d(inv_inf_matrix)) + if tr_M < 0 or abs(tr_M) > 1e6: + tr_M = np.trace(np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(psi.T, psi))) + + # Over-determined system of Equation + if N > P: + T_factor = N/(N-P) * (1 + tr_M) + + # Under-determined system of Equation + else: + T_factor = np.inf + + loo_error *= T_factor + + return loo_error + + def blockwise_inverse(self, Ainv, B, C, D): + """ + non-singular square matrix M defined as M = [[A B]; [C D]] . + B, C and D can have any dimension, provided their combination defines + a square matrix M. + + Parameters + ---------- + Ainv : float or array + inverse of the square-submatrix A. + B : float or array + Information matrix with all new regressor. + C : float or array + Transpose of B. + D : float or array + Information matrix with all selected regressors. + + Returns + ------- + M : array + Inverse of the information matrix. + + """ + if np.isscalar(D): + # Inverse of D + Dinv = 1/D + # Schur complement + SCinv = 1/(D - np.dot(C, np.dot(Ainv, B[:, None])))[0] + else: + # Inverse of D + Dinv = np.linalg.solve(D, np.eye(D.shape)) + # Schur complement + SCinv = np.linalg.solve((D - C*Ainv*B), np.eye(D.shape)) + + T1 = np.dot(Ainv, np.dot(B[:, None], SCinv)) + T2 = np.dot(C, Ainv) + + # Assemble the inverse matrix + M = np.vstack(( + np.hstack((Ainv+T1*T2, -T1)), + np.hstack((-(SCinv)*T2, SCinv)) + )) + return M diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/reg_fast_ard.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/reg_fast_ard.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e6883a3edd6d247c219b8be328f5206b75780fbb --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/reg_fast_ard.py @@ -0,0 +1,475 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Created on Tue Mar 24 19:41:45 2020 + +@author: farid +""" +import numpy as np +from scipy.linalg import solve_triangular +from numpy.linalg import LinAlgError +from sklearn.base import RegressorMixin +from sklearn.linear_model._base import LinearModel +import warnings +from sklearn.utils import check_X_y +from scipy.linalg import pinvh + + +def update_precisions(Q,S,q,s,A,active,tol,n_samples,clf_bias): + ''' + Selects one feature to be added/recomputed/deleted to model based on + effect it will have on value of log marginal likelihood. + ''' + # initialise vector holding changes in log marginal likelihood + deltaL = np.zeros(Q.shape[0]) + + # identify features that can be added , recomputed and deleted in model + theta = q**2 - s + add = (theta > 0) * (active == False) + recompute = (theta > 0) * (active == True) + delete = ~(add + recompute) + + # compute sparsity & quality parameters corresponding to features in + # three groups identified above + Qadd,Sadd = Q[add], S[add] + Qrec,Srec,Arec = Q[recompute], S[recompute], A[recompute] + Qdel,Sdel,Adel = Q[delete], S[delete], A[delete] + + # compute new alpha's (precision parameters) for features that are + # currently in model and will be recomputed + Anew = s[recompute]**2/ ( theta[recompute] + np.finfo(np.float32).eps) + delta_alpha = (1./Anew - 1./Arec) + + # compute change in log marginal likelihood + deltaL[add] = ( Qadd**2 - Sadd ) / Sadd + np.log(Sadd/Qadd**2 ) + deltaL[recompute] = Qrec**2 / (Srec + 1. / delta_alpha) - np.log(1 + Srec*delta_alpha) + deltaL[delete] = Qdel**2 / (Sdel - Adel) - np.log(1 - Sdel / Adel) + deltaL = deltaL / n_samples + + # find feature which caused largest change in likelihood + feature_index = np.argmax(deltaL) + + # no deletions or additions + same_features = np.sum( theta[~recompute] > 0) == 0 + + # changes in precision for features already in model is below threshold + no_delta = np.sum( abs( Anew - Arec ) > tol ) == 0 + # if same_features: print(abs( Anew - Arec )) + # print("same_features = {} no_delta = {}".format(same_features,no_delta)) + # check convergence: if no features to add or delete and small change in + # precision for current features then terminate + converged = False + if same_features and no_delta: + converged = True + return [A,converged] + + # if not converged update precision parameter of weights and return + if theta[feature_index] > 0: + A[feature_index] = s[feature_index]**2 / theta[feature_index] + if active[feature_index] == False: + active[feature_index] = True + else: + # at least two active features + if active[feature_index] == True and np.sum(active) >= 2: + # do not remove bias term in classification + # (in regression it is factored in through centering) + if not (feature_index == 0 and clf_bias): + active[feature_index] = False + A[feature_index] = np.PINF + + return [A,converged] + + +class RegressionFastARD(LinearModel, RegressorMixin): + ''' + Regression with Automatic Relevance Determination (Fast Version uses + Sparse Bayesian Learning) + https://github.com/AmazaspShumik/sklearn-bayes/blob/master/skbayes/rvm_ard_models/fast_rvm.py + + Parameters + ---------- + n_iter: int, optional (DEFAULT = 100) + Maximum number of iterations + + start: list, optional (DEFAULT = None) + Initial selected features. + + tol: float, optional (DEFAULT = 1e-3) + If absolute change in precision parameter for weights is below threshold + algorithm terminates. + + fit_intercept : boolean, optional (DEFAULT = True) + whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set + to false, no intercept will be used in calculations + (e.g. data is expected to be already centered). + + copy_X : boolean, optional (DEFAULT = True) + If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. + + compute_score : bool, default=False + If True, compute the log marginal likelihood at each iteration of the + optimization. + + verbose : boolean, optional (DEFAULT = FALSE) + Verbose mode when fitting the model + + Attributes + ---------- + coef_ : array, shape = (n_features) + Coefficients of the regression model (mean of posterior distribution) + + alpha_ : float + estimated precision of the noise + + active_ : array, dtype = np.bool, shape = (n_features) + True for non-zero coefficients, False otherwise + + lambda_ : array, shape = (n_features) + estimated precisions of the coefficients + + sigma_ : array, shape = (n_features, n_features) + estimated covariance matrix of the weights, computed only + for non-zero coefficients + + scores_ : array-like of shape (n_iter_+1,) + If computed_score is True, value of the log marginal likelihood (to be + maximized) at each iteration of the optimization. + + References + ---------- + [1] Fast marginal likelihood maximisation for sparse Bayesian models + (Tipping & Faul 2003) (http://www.miketipping.com/papers/met-fastsbl.pdf) + [2] Analysis of sparse Bayesian learning (Tipping & Faul 2001) + (http://www.miketipping.com/abstracts.htm#Faul:NIPS01) + ''' + + def __init__(self, n_iter=300, start=None, tol=1e-3, fit_intercept=True, + normalize=False, copy_X=True, compute_score=False, verbose=False): + self.n_iter = n_iter + self.start = start + self.tol = tol + self.scores_ = list() + self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept + self.normalize = normalize + self.copy_X = copy_X + self.compute_score = compute_score + self.verbose = verbose + + def _preprocess_data(self, X, y): + """Center and scale data. + Centers data to have mean zero along axis 0. If fit_intercept=False or + if the X is a sparse matrix, no centering is done, but normalization + can still be applied. The function returns the statistics necessary to + reconstruct the input data, which are X_offset, y_offset, X_scale, such + that the output + X = (X - X_offset) / X_scale + X_scale is the L2 norm of X - X_offset. + """ + + if self.copy_X: + X = X.copy(order='K') + + y = np.asarray(y, dtype=X.dtype) + + if self.fit_intercept: + X_offset = np.average(X, axis=0) + X -= X_offset + if self.normalize: + X_scale = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + std = np.sqrt(np.sum(X**2, axis=0)/(len(X)-1)) + X_scale[std != 0] = std[std != 0] + X /= X_scale + else: + X_scale = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + y_offset = np.mean(y) + y = y - y_offset + else: + X_offset = np.zeros(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + X_scale = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + if y.ndim == 1: + y_offset = X.dtype.type(0) + else: + y_offset = np.zeros(y.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + + return X, y, X_offset, y_offset, X_scale + + def fit(self, X, y): + ''' + Fits ARD Regression with Sequential Sparse Bayes Algorithm. + + Parameters + ----------- + X: {array-like, sparse matrix} of size (n_samples, n_features) + Training data, matrix of explanatory variables + + y: array-like of size [n_samples, n_features] + Target values + + Returns + ------- + self : object + Returns self. + ''' + X, y = check_X_y(X, y, dtype=np.float64, y_numeric=True) + n_samples, n_features = X.shape + + X, y, X_mean, y_mean, X_std = self._preprocess_data(X, y) + self._x_mean_ = X_mean + self._y_mean = y_mean + self._x_std = X_std + + # precompute X'*Y , X'*X for faster iterations & allocate memory for + # sparsity & quality vectors + XY = np.dot(X.T, y) + XX = np.dot(X.T, X) + XXd = np.diag(XX) + + # initialise precision of noise & and coefficients + var_y = np.var(y) + + # check that variance is non zero !!! + if var_y == 0: + beta = 1e-2 + self.var_y = True + else: + beta = 1. / np.var(y) + self.var_y = False + + A = np.PINF * np.ones(n_features) + active = np.zeros(n_features, dtype=np.bool) + + if self.start is not None and not hasattr(self, 'active_'): + start = self.start + # start from a given start basis vector + proj = XY**2 / XXd + active[start] = True + A[start] = XXd[start]/(proj[start] - var_y) + + else: + # in case of almost perfect multicollinearity between some features + # start from feature 0 + if np.sum(XXd - X_mean**2 < np.finfo(np.float32).eps) > 0: + A[0] = np.finfo(np.float16).eps + active[0] = True + + else: + # start from a single basis vector with largest projection on + # targets + proj = XY**2 / XXd + start = np.argmax(proj) + active[start] = True + A[start] = XXd[start]/(proj[start] - var_y + + np.finfo(np.float32).eps) + + warning_flag = 0 + scores_ = [] + for i in range(self.n_iter): + # Handle variance zero + if self.var_y: + A[0] = y_mean + active[0] = True + converged = True + break + + XXa = XX[active, :][:, active] + XYa = XY[active] + Aa = A[active] + + # mean & covariance of posterior distribution + Mn, Ri, cholesky = self._posterior_dist(Aa, beta, XXa, XYa) + if cholesky: + Sdiag = np.sum(Ri**2, 0) + else: + Sdiag = np.copy(np.diag(Ri)) + warning_flag += 1 + + # raise warning in case cholesky fails + if warning_flag == 1: + warnings.warn(("Cholesky decomposition failed! Algorithm uses " + "pinvh, which is significantly slower. If you " + "use RVR it is advised to change parameters of " + "the kernel!")) + + # compute quality & sparsity parameters + s, q, S, Q = self._sparsity_quality(XX, XXd, XY, XYa, Aa, Ri, + active, beta, cholesky) + + # update precision parameter for noise distribution + rss = np.sum((y - np.dot(X[:, active], Mn))**2) + + # if near perfect fit , then terminate + if (rss / n_samples/var_y) < self.tol: + warnings.warn('Early termination due to near perfect fit') + converged = True + break + beta = n_samples - np.sum(active) + np.sum(Aa * Sdiag) + beta /= rss + # beta /= (rss + np.finfo(np.float32).eps) + + # update precision parameters of coefficients + A, converged = update_precisions(Q, S, q, s, A, active, self.tol, + n_samples, False) + + if self.compute_score: + scores_.append(self.log_marginal_like(XXa, XYa, Aa, beta)) + + if self.verbose: + print(('Iteration: {0}, number of features ' + 'in the model: {1}').format(i, np.sum(active))) + + if converged or i == self.n_iter - 1: + if converged and self.verbose: + print('Algorithm converged!') + break + + # after last update of alpha & beta update parameters + # of posterior distribution + XXa, XYa, Aa = XX[active, :][:, active], XY[active], A[active] + Mn, Sn, cholesky = self._posterior_dist(Aa, beta, XXa, XYa, True) + self.coef_ = np.zeros(n_features) + self.coef_[active] = Mn + self.sigma_ = Sn + self.active_ = active + self.lambda_ = A + self.alpha_ = beta + self.converged = converged + if self.compute_score: + self.scores_ = np.array(scores_) + + # set intercept_ + if self.fit_intercept: + self.coef_ = self.coef_ / X_std + self.intercept_ = y_mean - np.dot(X_mean, self.coef_.T) + else: + self.intercept_ = 0. + return self + + def log_marginal_like(self, XXa, XYa, Aa, beta): + """Computes the log of the marginal likelihood.""" + N, M = XXa.shape + A = np.diag(Aa) + + Mn, sigma_, cholesky = self._posterior_dist(Aa, beta, XXa, XYa, + full_covar=True) + + C = sigma_ + np.dot(np.dot(XXa.T, np.linalg.pinv(A)), XXa) + + score = np.dot(np.dot(XYa.T, np.linalg.pinv(C)), XYa) +\ + np.log(np.linalg.det(C)) + N * np.log(2 * np.pi) + + return -0.5 * score + + def predict(self, X, return_std=False): + ''' + Computes predictive distribution for test set. + Predictive distribution for each data point is one dimensional + Gaussian and therefore is characterised by mean and variance based on + Ref.[1] Section 3.3.2. + + Parameters + ----------- + X: {array-like, sparse} (n_samples_test, n_features) + Test data, matrix of explanatory variables + + Returns + ------- + : list of length two [y_hat, var_hat] + + y_hat: numpy array of size (n_samples_test,) + Estimated values of targets on test set (i.e. mean of + predictive distribution) + + var_hat: numpy array of size (n_samples_test,) + Variance of predictive distribution + References + ---------- + [1] Bishop, C. M. (2006). Pattern recognition and machine learning. + springer. + ''' + + y_hat = np.dot(X, self.coef_) + self.intercept_ + + if return_std: + # Handle the zero variance case + if self.var_y: + return y_hat, np.zeros_like(y_hat) + + if self.normalize: + X -= self._x_mean_[self.active_] + X /= self._x_std[self.active_] + var_hat = 1./self.alpha_ + var_hat += np.sum(X.dot(self.sigma_) * X, axis=1) + std_hat = np.sqrt(var_hat) + return y_hat, std_hat + else: + return y_hat + + def _posterior_dist(self, A, beta, XX, XY, full_covar=False): + ''' + Calculates mean and covariance matrix of posterior distribution + of coefficients. + ''' + # compute precision matrix for active features + Sinv = beta * XX + np.fill_diagonal(Sinv, np.diag(Sinv) + A) + cholesky = True + + # try cholesky, if it fails go back to pinvh + try: + # find posterior mean : R*R.T*mean = beta*X.T*Y + # solve(R*z = beta*X.T*Y) =>find z=> solve(R.T*mean = z)=>find mean + R = np.linalg.cholesky(Sinv) + Z = solve_triangular(R, beta*XY, check_finite=True, lower=True) + Mn = solve_triangular(R.T, Z, check_finite=True, lower=False) + + # invert lower triangular matrix from cholesky decomposition + Ri = solve_triangular(R, np.eye(A.shape[0]), check_finite=False, + lower=True) + if full_covar: + Sn = np.dot(Ri.T, Ri) + return Mn, Sn, cholesky + else: + return Mn, Ri, cholesky + except LinAlgError: + cholesky = False + Sn = pinvh(Sinv) + Mn = beta*np.dot(Sinv, XY) + return Mn, Sn, cholesky + + def _sparsity_quality(self, XX, XXd, XY, XYa, Aa, Ri, active, beta, cholesky): + ''' + Calculates sparsity and quality parameters for each feature + + Theoretical Note: + ----------------- + Here we used Woodbury Identity for inverting covariance matrix + of target distribution + C = 1/beta + 1/alpha * X' * X + C^-1 = beta - beta^2 * X * Sn * X' + ''' + bxy = beta*XY + bxx = beta*XXd + if cholesky: + # here Ri is inverse of lower triangular matrix obtained from + # cholesky decomp + xxr = np.dot(XX[:, active], Ri.T) + rxy = np.dot(Ri, XYa) + S = bxx - beta**2 * np.sum(xxr**2, axis=1) + Q = bxy - beta**2 * np.dot(xxr, rxy) + else: + # here Ri is covariance matrix + XXa = XX[:, active] + XS = np.dot(XXa, Ri) + S = bxx - beta**2 * np.sum(XS*XXa, 1) + Q = bxy - beta**2 * np.dot(XS, XYa) + # Use following: + # (EQ 1) q = A*Q/(A - S) ; s = A*S/(A-S) + # so if A = np.PINF q = Q, s = S + qi = np.copy(Q) + si = np.copy(S) + # If A is not np.PINF, then it should be 'active' feature => use (EQ 1) + Qa, Sa = Q[active], S[active] + qi[active] = Aa * Qa / (Aa - Sa) + si[active] = Aa * Sa / (Aa - Sa) + + return [si, qi, S, Q] diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/reg_fast_laplace.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/reg_fast_laplace.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7fdcb5cf6e93c396d32eae2b0aad87a194a9cba4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/reg_fast_laplace.py @@ -0,0 +1,452 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +import numpy as np +from sklearn.utils import as_float_array +from sklearn.model_selection import KFold + + +class RegressionFastLaplace(): + ''' + Sparse regression with Bayesian Compressive Sensing as described in Alg. 1 + (Fast Laplace) of Ref.[1], which updated formulas from [2]. + + sigma2: noise precision (sigma^2) + nu fixed to 0 + + uqlab/lib/uq_regression/BCS/uq_bsc.m + + Parameters + ---------- + n_iter: int, optional (DEFAULT = 1000) + Maximum number of iterations + + tol: float, optional (DEFAULT = 1e-7) + If absolute change in precision parameter for weights is below + threshold algorithm terminates. + + fit_intercept : boolean, optional (DEFAULT = True) + whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set + to false, no intercept will be used in calculations + (e.g. data is expected to be already centered). + + copy_X : boolean, optional (DEFAULT = True) + If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. + + verbose : boolean, optional (DEFAULT = FALSE) + Verbose mode when fitting the model + + Attributes + ---------- + coef_ : array, shape = (n_features) + Coefficients of the regression model (mean of posterior distribution) + + alpha_ : float + estimated precision of the noise + + active_ : array, dtype = np.bool, shape = (n_features) + True for non-zero coefficients, False otherwise + + lambda_ : array, shape = (n_features) + estimated precisions of the coefficients + + sigma_ : array, shape = (n_features, n_features) + estimated covariance matrix of the weights, computed only + for non-zero coefficients + + References + ---------- + [1] Babacan, S. D., Molina, R., & Katsaggelos, A. K. (2009). Bayesian + compressive sensing using Laplace priors. IEEE Transactions on image + processing, 19(1), 53-63. + [2] Fast marginal likelihood maximisation for sparse Bayesian models + (Tipping & Faul 2003). + (http://www.miketipping.com/papers/met-fastsbl.pdf) + ''' + + def __init__(self, n_iter=1000, n_Kfold=10, tol=1e-7, fit_intercept=False, + bias_term=True, copy_X=True, verbose=False): + self.n_iter = n_iter + self.n_Kfold = n_Kfold + self.tol = tol + self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept + self.bias_term = bias_term + self.copy_X = copy_X + self.verbose = verbose + + def _center_data(self, X, y): + ''' Centers data''' + X = as_float_array(X, copy = self.copy_X) + + # normalisation should be done in preprocessing! + X_std = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + if self.fit_intercept: + X_mean = np.average(X, axis=0) + y_mean = np.average(y, axis=0) + X -= X_mean + y -= y_mean + else: + X_mean = np.zeros(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + y_mean = 0. if y.ndim == 1 else np.zeros(y.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + return X, y, X_mean, y_mean, X_std + + def fit(self, X, y): + + k_fold = KFold(n_splits=self.n_Kfold) + + varY = np.var(y, ddof=1) if np.var(y, ddof=1) != 0 else 1.0 + sigma2s = len(y)*varY*(10**np.linspace(-16, -1, self.n_Kfold)) + + errors = np.zeros((len(sigma2s), self.n_Kfold)) + for s, sigma2 in enumerate(sigma2s): + for k, (train, test) in enumerate(k_fold.split(X, y)): + self.fit_(X[train], y[train], sigma2) + errors[s, k] = np.linalg.norm( + y[test] - self.predict(X[test]) + )**2/len(test) + + KfCVerror = np.sum(errors, axis=1)/self.n_Kfold/varY + i_minCV = np.argmin(KfCVerror) + + self.kfoldCVerror = np.min(KfCVerror) + + return self.fit_(X, y, sigma2s[i_minCV]) + + def fit_(self, X, y, sigma2): + + N, P = X.shape + # n_samples, n_features = X.shape + + X, y, X_mean, y_mean, X_std = self._center_data(X, y) + self._x_mean_ = X_mean + self._y_mean = y_mean + self._x_std = X_std + + # check that variance is non zero !!! + if np.var(y) == 0: + self.var_y = True + else: + self.var_y = False + beta = 1./sigma2 + + # precompute X'*Y , X'*X for faster iterations & allocate memory for + # sparsity & quality vectors X=Psi + PsiTY = np.dot(X.T, y) + PsiTPsi = np.dot(X.T, X) + XXd = np.diag(PsiTPsi) + + # initialize with constant regressor, or if that one does not exist, + # with the one that has the largest correlation with Y + ind_global_to_local = np.zeros(P, dtype=np.int32) + + # identify constant regressors + constidx = np.where(~np.diff(X, axis=0).all(axis=0))[0] + + if self.bias_term and constidx.size != 0: + ind_start = constidx[0] + ind_global_to_local[ind_start] = True + else: + # start from a single basis vector with largest projection on + # targets + proj = np.divide(np.square(PsiTY), XXd) + ind_start = np.argmax(proj) + ind_global_to_local[ind_start] = True + + num_active = 1 + active_indices = [ind_start] + deleted_indices = [] + bcs_path = [ind_start] + gamma = np.zeros(P) + # for the initial value of gamma(ind_start), use the RVM formula + # gamma = (q^2 - s) / (s^2) + # and the fact that initially s = S = beta*Psi_i'*Psi_i and q = Q = + # beta*Psi_i'*Y + gamma[ind_start] = np.square(PsiTY[ind_start]) + gamma[ind_start] -= sigma2 * PsiTPsi[ind_start, ind_start] + gamma[ind_start] /= np.square(PsiTPsi[ind_start, ind_start]) + + Sigma = 1. / (beta * PsiTPsi[ind_start, ind_start] + + 1./gamma[ind_start]) + + mu = Sigma * PsiTY[ind_start] * beta + tmp1 = beta * PsiTPsi[ind_start] + S = beta * np.diag(PsiTPsi).T - Sigma * np.square(tmp1) + Q = beta * PsiTY.T - mu*(tmp1) + + tmp2 = np.ones(P) # alternative computation for the initial s,q + q0tilde = PsiTY[ind_start] + s0tilde = PsiTPsi[ind_start, ind_start] + tmp2[ind_start] = s0tilde / (q0tilde**2) / beta + s = np.divide(S, tmp2) + q = np.divide(Q, tmp2) + Lambda = 2*(num_active - 1) / np.sum(gamma) + + Delta_L_max = [] + for i in range(self.n_iter): + # Handle variance zero + if self.var_y: + mu = np.mean(y) + break + + if self.verbose: + print(' lambda = {0:.6e}\n'.format(Lambda)) + + # Calculate the potential updated value of each gamma[i] + if Lambda == 0.0: # RVM + gamma_potential = np.multiply(( + (q**2 - s) > Lambda), + np.divide(q**2 - s, s**2) + ) + else: + a = Lambda * s**2 + b = s**2 + 2*Lambda*s + c = Lambda + s - q**2 + gamma_potential = np.multiply( + (c < 0), np.divide( + -b + np.sqrt(b**2 - 4*np.multiply(a, c)), 2*a) + ) + + l_gamma = - np.log(np.absolute(1 + np.multiply(gamma, s))) + l_gamma += np.divide(np.multiply(q**2, gamma), + (1 + np.multiply(gamma, s))) + l_gamma -= Lambda*gamma # omitted the factor 1/2 + + # Contribution of each updated gamma(i) to L(gamma) + l_gamma_potential = - np.log( + np.absolute(1 + np.multiply(gamma_potential, s)) + ) + l_gamma_potential += np.divide( + np.multiply(q**2, gamma_potential), + (1 + np.multiply(gamma_potential, s)) + ) + # omitted the factor 1/2 + l_gamma_potential -= Lambda*gamma_potential + + # Check how L(gamma) would change if we replaced gamma(i) by the + # updated gamma_potential(i), for each i separately + Delta_L_potential = l_gamma_potential - l_gamma + + # deleted indices should not be chosen again + if len(deleted_indices) != 0: + values = -np.inf * np.ones(len(deleted_indices)) + Delta_L_potential[deleted_indices] = values + + Delta_L_max.append(np.nanmax(Delta_L_potential)) + ind_L_max = np.nanargmax(Delta_L_potential) + + # in case there is only 1 regressor in the model and it would now + # be deleted + if len(active_indices) == 1 and ind_L_max == active_indices[0] \ + and gamma_potential[ind_L_max] == 0.0: + Delta_L_potential[ind_L_max] = -np.inf + Delta_L_max[i] = np.max(Delta_L_potential) + ind_L_max = np.argmax(Delta_L_potential) + + # If L did not change significantly anymore, break + if Delta_L_max[i] <= 0.0 or\ + (i > 0 and all(np.absolute(Delta_L_max[i-1:]) + < sum(Delta_L_max)*self.tol)) or \ + (i > 0 and all(np.diff(bcs_path)[i-1:] == 0.0)): + if self.verbose: + print('Increase in L: {0:.6e} (eta = {1:.3e})\ + -- break\n'.format(Delta_L_max[i], self.tol)) + break + + # Print information + if self.verbose: + print(' Delta L = {0:.6e} \n'.format(Delta_L_max[i])) + + what_changed = int(gamma[ind_L_max] == 0.0) + what_changed -= int(gamma_potential[ind_L_max] == 0.0) + + # Print information + if self.verbose: + if what_changed < 0: + print(f'{i+1} - Remove regressor #{ind_L_max+1}..\n') + elif what_changed == 0: + print(f'{i+1} - Recompute regressor #{ind_L_max+1}..\n') + else: + print(f'{i+1} - Add regressor #{ind_L_max+1}..\n') + + # --- Update all quantities ---- + if what_changed == 1: + # adding a regressor + + # update gamma + gamma[ind_L_max] = gamma_potential[ind_L_max] + + Sigma_ii = 1.0 / (1.0/gamma[ind_L_max] + S[ind_L_max]) + try: + x_i = np.matmul( + Sigma, PsiTPsi[active_indices, ind_L_max].reshape(-1, 1) + ) + except ValueError: + x_i = Sigma * PsiTPsi[active_indices, ind_L_max] + tmp_1 = - (beta * Sigma_ii) * x_i + Sigma = np.vstack( + (np.hstack(((beta**2 * Sigma_ii) * np.dot(x_i, x_i.T) + + Sigma, tmp_1)), np.append(tmp_1.T, Sigma_ii)) + ) + mu_i = Sigma_ii * Q[ind_L_max] + mu = np.vstack((mu - (beta * mu_i) * x_i, mu_i)) + + tmp2_1 = PsiTPsi[:, ind_L_max] - beta * np.squeeze( + np.matmul(PsiTPsi[:, active_indices], x_i) + ) + if i == 0: + tmp2_1[0] /= 2 + tmp2 = beta * tmp2_1.T + S = S - Sigma_ii * np.square(tmp2) + Q = Q - mu_i * tmp2 + + num_active += 1 + ind_global_to_local[ind_L_max] = num_active + active_indices.append(ind_L_max) + bcs_path.append(ind_L_max) + + elif what_changed == 0: + # recomputation + # zero if regressor has not been chosen yet + if not ind_global_to_local[ind_L_max]: + raise Exception('Cannot recompute index{0} -- not yet\ + part of the model!'.format(ind_L_max)) + Sigma = np.atleast_2d(Sigma) + mu = np.atleast_2d(mu) + gamma_i_new = gamma_potential[ind_L_max] + gamma_i_old = gamma[ind_L_max] + # update gamma + gamma[ind_L_max] = gamma_potential[ind_L_max] + + # index of regressor in Sigma + local_ind = ind_global_to_local[ind_L_max]-1 + + kappa_i = (1.0/gamma_i_new - 1.0/gamma_i_old) + kappa_i = 1.0 / kappa_i + kappa_i += Sigma[local_ind, local_ind] + kappa_i = 1 / kappa_i + Sigma_i_col = Sigma[:, local_ind] + + Sigma = Sigma - kappa_i * (Sigma_i_col * Sigma_i_col.T) + mu_i = mu[local_ind] + mu = mu - (kappa_i * mu_i) * Sigma_i_col[:, None] + + tmp1 = beta * np.dot( + Sigma_i_col.reshape(1, -1), PsiTPsi[active_indices])[0] + S = S + kappa_i * np.square(tmp1) + Q = Q + (kappa_i * mu_i) * tmp1 + + # no change in active_indices or ind_global_to_local + bcs_path.append(ind_L_max + 0.1) + + elif what_changed == -1: + gamma[ind_L_max] = 0 + + # index of regressor in Sigma + local_ind = ind_global_to_local[ind_L_max]-1 + + Sigma_ii_inv = 1. / Sigma[local_ind, local_ind] + Sigma_i_col = Sigma[:, local_ind] + + Sigma = Sigma - Sigma_ii_inv * (Sigma_i_col * Sigma_i_col.T) + + Sigma = np.delete( + np.delete(Sigma, local_ind, axis=0), local_ind, axis=1) + + mu = mu - (mu[local_ind] * Sigma_ii_inv) * Sigma_i_col[:, None] + mu = np.delete(mu, local_ind, axis=0) + + tmp1 = beta * np.dot(Sigma_i_col, PsiTPsi[active_indices]) + S = S + Sigma_ii_inv * np.square(tmp1) + Q = Q + (mu_i * Sigma_ii_inv) * tmp1 + + num_active -= 1 + ind_global_to_local[ind_L_max] = 0.0 + v = ind_global_to_local[ind_global_to_local > local_ind] - 1 + ind_global_to_local[ind_global_to_local > local_ind] = v + del active_indices[local_ind] + deleted_indices.append(ind_L_max) + # and therefore ineligible + bcs_path.append(-ind_L_max) + + # same for all three cases + tmp3 = 1 - np.multiply(gamma, S) + s = np.divide(S, tmp3) + q = np.divide(Q, tmp3) + + # Update lambda + Lambda = 2*(num_active - 1) / np.sum(gamma) + + # Prepare the result object + self.coef_ = np.zeros(P) + self.coef_[active_indices] = np.squeeze(mu) + self.sigma_ = Sigma + self.active_ = active_indices + self.gamma = gamma + self.Lambda = Lambda + self.beta = beta + self.bcs_path = bcs_path + + # set intercept_ + if self.fit_intercept: + self.coef_ = self.coef_ / X_std + self.intercept_ = y_mean - np.dot(X_mean, self.coef_.T) + else: + self.intercept_ = 0. + + return self + + def predict(self, X, return_std=False): + ''' + Computes predictive distribution for test set. + Predictive distribution for each data point is one dimensional + Gaussian and therefore is characterised by mean and variance based on + Ref.[1] Section 3.3.2. + + Parameters + ----------- + X: {array-like, sparse} (n_samples_test, n_features) + Test data, matrix of explanatory variables + + Returns + ------- + : list of length two [y_hat, var_hat] + + y_hat: numpy array of size (n_samples_test,) + Estimated values of targets on test set (i.e. mean of + predictive distribution) + + var_hat: numpy array of size (n_samples_test,) + Variance of predictive distribution + + References + ---------- + [1] Bishop, C. M. (2006). Pattern recognition and machine learning. + springer. + ''' + y_hat = np.dot(X, self.coef_) + self.intercept_ + + if return_std: + # Handle the zero variance case + if self.var_y: + return y_hat, np.zeros_like(y_hat) + + var_hat = 1./self.beta + var_hat += np.sum(X.dot(self.sigma_) * X, axis=1) + std_hat = np.sqrt(var_hat) + return y_hat, std_hat + else: + return y_hat + +# l2norm = 0.0 +# for idx in range(10): +# sigma2 = np.genfromtxt('./test/sigma2_{0}.csv'.format(idx+1), delimiter=',') +# Psi_train = np.genfromtxt('./test/Psi_train_{0}.csv'.format(idx+1), delimiter=',') +# Y_train = np.genfromtxt('./test/Y_train_{0}.csv'.format(idx+1)) +# Psi_test = np.genfromtxt('./test/Psi_test_{0}.csv'.format(idx+1), delimiter=',') +# Y_test = np.genfromtxt('./test/Y_test_{0}.csv'.format(idx+1)) + +# clf = RegressionFastLaplace(verbose=True) +# clf.fit_(Psi_train, Y_train, sigma2) +# coeffs_fold = np.genfromtxt('./test/coeffs_fold_{0}.csv'.format(idx+1)) +# print("coeffs error: {0:.4g}".format(np.linalg.norm(clf.coef_ - coeffs_fold))) +# l2norm += np.linalg.norm(Y_test - clf.predict(Psi_test))**2/len(Y_test) +# print("l2norm error: {0:.4g}".format(l2norm)) diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/sequential_design.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/sequential_design.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc81dcd4529ca0708dfba47385aef4415992eb3e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/sequential_design.py @@ -0,0 +1,2187 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Created on Fri Jan 28 09:21:18 2022 + +@author: farid +""" +import numpy as np +from scipy import stats, signal, linalg, sparse +from scipy.spatial import distance +from copy import deepcopy, copy +from tqdm import tqdm +import scipy.optimize as opt +from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error +import multiprocessing +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt +import sys +import os +import gc +import seaborn as sns +from joblib import Parallel, delayed +import resource +from .exploration import Exploration + + +class SeqDesign(): + """ Sequential experimental design + This class provieds method for trainig the meta-model in an iterative + manners. + The main method to execute the task is `train_seq_design`, which + recieves a model object and returns the trained metamodel. + """ + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def train_seq_design(self, MetaModel): + """ + Starts the adaptive sequential design for refining the surrogate model + by selecting training points in a sequential manner. + + Parameters + ---------- + Model : object + An object containing all model specifications. + + Returns + ------- + MetaModel : object + Meta model object. + + """ + # MetaModel = self + Model = MetaModel.ModelObj + self.MetaModel = MetaModel + self.Model = Model + + # Initialization + MetaModel.SeqModifiedLOO = {} + MetaModel.seqValidError = {} + MetaModel.SeqBME = {} + MetaModel.SeqKLD = {} + MetaModel.SeqDistHellinger = {} + MetaModel.seqRMSEMean = {} + MetaModel.seqRMSEStd = {} + MetaModel.seqMinDist = [] + pce = True if MetaModel.meta_model_type.lower() != 'gpe' else False + mc_ref = True if bool(Model.mc_reference) else False + if mc_ref: + Model.read_mc_reference() + + if not hasattr(MetaModel, 'valid_likelihoods'): + MetaModel.valid_samples = [] + MetaModel.valid_model_runs = [] + MetaModel.valid_likelihoods = [] + + # Get the parameters + max_n_samples = MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_max_samples + mod_LOO_threshold = MetaModel.ExpDesign.mod_LOO_threshold + n_canddidate = MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_canddidate + post_snapshot = MetaModel.ExpDesign.post_snapshot + n_replication = MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_replication + util_func = MetaModel.ExpDesign.util_func + output_name = Model.Output.names + validError = None + # Handle if only one UtilityFunctions is provided + if not isinstance(util_func, list): + util_func = [MetaModel.ExpDesign.util_func] + + # Read observations or MCReference + if len(Model.observations) != 0 or Model.meas_file is not None: + self.observations = Model.read_observation() + obs_data = self.observations + else: + obs_data = [] + TotalSigma2 = {} + # ---------- Initial MetaModel ---------- + initMetaModel = deepcopy(MetaModel) + + # Validation error if validation set is provided. + if len(MetaModel.valid_model_runs) != 0: + init_rmse, init_valid_error = self.__validError(initMetaModel) + init_valid_error = list(init_valid_error.values()) + else: + init_rmse = None + + # Check if discrepancy is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0 and hasattr(MetaModel, 'Discrepancy'): + TotalSigma2 = MetaModel.Discrepancy.parameters + + # Calculate the initial BME + out = self.__BME_Calculator( + initMetaModel, obs_data, TotalSigma2, init_rmse) + init_BME, init_KLD, init_post, init_likes, init_dist_hellinger = out + print(f"\nInitial BME: {init_BME:.2f}") + print(f"Initial KLD: {init_KLD:.2f}") + + # Posterior snapshot (initial) + if post_snapshot: + parNames = MetaModel.ExpDesign.par_names + print('Posterior snapshot (initial) is being plotted...') + self.__posteriorPlot(init_post, parNames, 'SeqPosterior_init') + + # Check the convergence of the Mean & Std + if mc_ref and pce: + init_rmse_mean, init_rmse_std = self.__error_Mean_Std() + print(f"Initial Mean and Std error: {init_rmse_mean}," + f" {init_rmse_std}") + + # Read the initial experimental design + Xinit = initMetaModel.ExpDesign.X + init_n_samples = len(MetaModel.ExpDesign.X) + initYprev = initMetaModel.ModelOutputDict + initLCerror = initMetaModel.LCerror + n_itrs = max_n_samples - init_n_samples + + # Read the initial ModifiedLOO + if pce: + Scores_all, varExpDesignY = [], [] + for out_name in output_name: + y = initMetaModel.ExpDesign.Y[out_name] + Scores_all.append(list( + initMetaModel.score_dict['b_1'][out_name].values())) + if MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + pca = MetaModel.pca['b_1'][out_name] + components = pca.transform(y) + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(components, axis=0)) + else: + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(y, axis=0)) + + Scores = [item for sublist in Scores_all for item in sublist] + weights = [item for sublist in varExpDesignY for item in sublist] + init_mod_LOO = [np.average([1-score for score in Scores], + weights=weights)] + + prevMetaModel_dict = {} + # Replicate the sequential design + for repIdx in range(n_replication): + print(f'\n>>>> Replication: {repIdx+1}<<<<') + + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + MetaModel.ExpDesign.X = Xinit + MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y = initYprev + MetaModel.LCerror = initLCerror + + for util_f in util_func: + print(f'\n>>>> Utility Function: {util_f} <<<<') + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + MetaModel.ExpDesign.X = Xinit + MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y = initYprev + MetaModel.LCerror = initLCerror + + # Set the experimental design + Xprev = Xinit + total_n_samples = init_n_samples + Yprev = initYprev + + Xfull = [] + Yfull = [] + + # Store the initial ModifiedLOO + if pce: + print("\nInitial ModifiedLOO:", init_mod_LOO) + SeqModifiedLOO = np.array(init_mod_LOO) + + if len(MetaModel.valid_model_runs) != 0: + SeqValidError = np.array(init_valid_error) + + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + SeqBME = np.array([init_BME]) + SeqKLD = np.array([init_KLD]) + SeqDistHellinger = np.array([init_dist_hellinger]) + + if mc_ref and pce: + seqRMSEMean = np.array([init_rmse_mean]) + seqRMSEStd = np.array([init_rmse_std]) + + # ------- Start Sequential Experimental Design ------- + postcnt = 1 + for itr_no in range(1, n_itrs+1): + print(f'\n>>>> Iteration number {itr_no} <<<<') + + # Save the metamodel prediction before updating + prevMetaModel_dict[itr_no] = deepcopy(MetaModel) + if itr_no > 1: + pc_model = prevMetaModel_dict[itr_no-1] + self._y_hat_prev, _ = pc_model.eval_metamodel( + samples=Xfull[-1].reshape(1, -1)) + + # Optimal Bayesian Design + m_1 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/1024 + MetaModel.ExpDesignFlag = 'sequential' + Xnew, updatedPrior = self.opt_SeqDesign(TotalSigma2, + n_canddidate, + util_f) + m_2 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/1024 + S = np.min(distance.cdist(Xinit, Xnew, 'euclidean')) + MetaModel.seqMinDist.append(S) + print(f"\nmin Dist from OldExpDesign: {S:2f}") + print("\n") + + # Evaluate the full model response at the new sample + Ynew, _ = Model.run_model_parallel( + Xnew, prevRun_No=total_n_samples + ) + total_n_samples += Xnew.shape[0] + # ------ Plot the surrogate model vs Origninal Model ------ + if hasattr(MetaModel, 'adapt_verbose') and \ + MetaModel.adapt_verbose: + from .adaptPlot import adaptPlot + y_hat, std_hat = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=Xnew) + adaptPlot(MetaModel, Ynew, y_hat, std_hat, plotED=False) + + # -------- Retrain the surrogate model ------- + # Extend new experimental design + Xfull = np.vstack((Xprev, Xnew)) + + # Updating experimental design Y + for out_name in output_name: + Yfull = np.vstack((Yprev[out_name], Ynew[out_name])) + MetaModel.ModelOutputDict[out_name] = Yfull + + # Pass new design to the metamodel object + MetaModel.ExpDesign.sampling_method = 'user' + MetaModel.ExpDesign.X = Xfull + MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y = MetaModel.ModelOutputDict + + # Save the Experimental Design for next iteration + Xprev = Xfull + Yprev = MetaModel.ModelOutputDict + + # Pass the new prior as the input + MetaModel.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = False + if updatedPrior is not None: + MetaModel.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = True + print("updatedPrior:", updatedPrior.shape) + # Arbitrary polynomial chaos + for i in range(updatedPrior.shape[1]): + MetaModel.input_obj.Marginals[i].dist_type = None + x = updatedPrior[:, i] + MetaModel.input_obj.Marginals[i].raw_data = x + + # Train the surrogate model for new ExpDesign + MetaModel.train_norm_design(parallel=False) + m_3 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/1024 + + # -------- Evaluate the retrained surrogate model ------- + # Extract Modified LOO from Output + if pce: + Scores_all, varExpDesignY = [], [] + for out_name in output_name: + y = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y[out_name] + Scores_all.append(list( + MetaModel.score_dict['b_1'][out_name].values())) + if MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + pca = MetaModel.pca['b_1'][out_name] + components = pca.transform(y) + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(components, + axis=0)) + else: + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(y, axis=0)) + Scores = [item for sublist in Scores_all for item + in sublist] + weights = [item for sublist in varExpDesignY for item + in sublist] + ModifiedLOO = [np.average( + [1-score for score in Scores], weights=weights)] + + print('\n') + print(f"Updated ModifiedLOO {util_f}:\n", ModifiedLOO) + print('\n') + + # Compute the validation error + if len(MetaModel.valid_model_runs) != 0: + rmse, validError = self.__validError(MetaModel) + ValidError = list(validError.values()) + else: + rmse = None + + # Store updated ModifiedLOO + if pce: + SeqModifiedLOO = np.vstack( + (SeqModifiedLOO, ModifiedLOO)) + if len(MetaModel.valid_model_runs) != 0: + SeqValidError = np.vstack( + (SeqValidError, ValidError)) + m_4 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/1024 + # -------- Caclulation of BME as accuracy metric ------- + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + # Calculate the initial BME + out = self.__BME_Calculator(MetaModel, obs_data, + TotalSigma2, rmse) + BME, KLD, Posterior, likes, DistHellinger = out + print('\n') + print(f"Updated BME: {BME:.2f}") + print(f"Updated KLD: {KLD:.2f}") + print('\n') + + # Plot some snapshots of the posterior + step_snapshot = MetaModel.ExpDesign.step_snapshot + if post_snapshot and postcnt % step_snapshot == 0: + parNames = MetaModel.ExpDesign.par_names + print('Posterior snapshot is being plotted...') + self.__posteriorPlot(Posterior, parNames, + f'SeqPosterior_{postcnt}') + postcnt += 1 + m_5 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/1024 + + # Check the convergence of the Mean&Std + if mc_ref and pce: + print('\n') + RMSE_Mean, RMSE_std = self.__error_Mean_Std() + print(f"Updated Mean and Std error: {RMSE_Mean:.2f}, " + f"{RMSE_std:.2f}") + print('\n') + + # Store the updated BME & KLD + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + SeqBME = np.vstack((SeqBME, BME)) + SeqKLD = np.vstack((SeqKLD, KLD)) + SeqDistHellinger = np.vstack((SeqDistHellinger, + DistHellinger)) + if mc_ref and pce: + seqRMSEMean = np.vstack((seqRMSEMean, RMSE_Mean)) + seqRMSEStd = np.vstack((seqRMSEStd, RMSE_std)) + + if pce and any(LOO < mod_LOO_threshold + for LOO in ModifiedLOO): + break + + print(f"Memory itr {itr_no}: I: {m_2-m_1:.2f} MB") + print(f"Memory itr {itr_no}: II: {m_3-m_2:.2f} MB") + print(f"Memory itr {itr_no}: III: {m_4-m_3:.2f} MB") + print(f"Memory itr {itr_no}: IV: {m_5-m_4:.2f} MB") + m_6 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/1024 + print(f"Memory itr {itr_no}: total: {m_6:.2f} MB") + + # Clean up + if len(obs_data) != 0: + del out + gc.collect() + print() + print('-'*50) + print() + + # Store updated ModifiedLOO and BME in dictonary + strKey = f'{util_f}_rep_{repIdx+1}' + if pce: + MetaModel.SeqModifiedLOO[strKey] = SeqModifiedLOO + if len(MetaModel.valid_model_runs) != 0: + MetaModel.seqValidError[strKey] = SeqValidError + + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + MetaModel.SeqBME[strKey] = SeqBME + MetaModel.SeqKLD[strKey] = SeqKLD + if len(MetaModel.valid_likelihoods) != 0: + MetaModel.SeqDistHellinger[strKey] = SeqDistHellinger + if mc_ref and pce: + MetaModel.seqRMSEMean[strKey] = seqRMSEMean + MetaModel.seqRMSEStd[strKey] = seqRMSEStd + + return MetaModel + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_VarBasedDesign(self, X_can, index, util_func='Entropy'): + """ + Computes the exploitation scores based on: + active learning MacKay(ALM) and active learning Cohn (ALC) + Paper: Sequential Design with Mutual Information for Computer + Experiments (MICE): Emulation of a Tsunami Model by Beck and Guillas + (2016) + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + index : int + Model output index. + UtilMethod : string, optional + Exploitation utility function. The default is 'Entropy'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + ED_X = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X + out_dict_y = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y + out_names = MetaModel.ModelObj.Output.names + + # Run the Metamodel for the candidate + X_can = X_can.reshape(1, -1) + Y_PC_can, std_PC_can = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_can) + + if util_func.lower() == 'alm': + # ----- Entropy/MMSE/active learning MacKay(ALM) ----- + # Compute perdiction variance of the old model + canPredVar = {key: std_PC_can[key]**2 for key in out_names} + + varPCE = np.zeros((len(out_names), X_can.shape[0])) + for KeyIdx, key in enumerate(out_names): + varPCE[KeyIdx] = np.max(canPredVar[key], axis=1) + score = np.max(varPCE, axis=0) + + elif util_func.lower() == 'eigf': + # ----- Expected Improvement for Global fit ----- + # Find closest EDX to the candidate + distances = distance.cdist(ED_X, X_can, 'euclidean') + index = np.argmin(distances) + + # Compute perdiction error and variance of the old model + predError = {key: Y_PC_can[key] for key in out_names} + canPredVar = {key: std_PC_can[key]**2 for key in out_names} + + # Compute perdiction error and variance of the old model + # Eq (5) from Liu et al.(2018) + EIGF_PCE = np.zeros((len(out_names), X_can.shape[0])) + for KeyIdx, key in enumerate(out_names): + residual = predError[key] - out_dict_y[key][int(index)] + var = canPredVar[key] + EIGF_PCE[KeyIdx] = np.max(residual**2 + var, axis=1) + score = np.max(EIGF_PCE, axis=0) + + return -1 * score # -1 is for minimization instead of maximization + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_BayesianActiveDesign(self, X_can, sigma2Dict, var='DKL'): + """ + Computes scores based on Bayesian active design criterion (var). + + It is based on the following paper: + Oladyshkin, Sergey, Farid Mohammadi, Ilja Kroeker, and Wolfgang Nowak. + "Bayesian3 active learning for the gaussian process emulator using + information theory." Entropy 22, no. 8 (2020): 890. + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + var : string, optional + BAL design criterion. The default is 'DKL'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + + # Evaluate the PCE metamodels at that location ??? + Y_mean_can, Y_std_can = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel( + samples=np.array([X_can]) + ) + + # Get the data + obs_data = self.observations + n_obs = self.Model.n_obs + # TODO: Analytical DKL + # Sample a distribution for a normal dist + # with Y_mean_can as the mean and Y_std_can as std. + + # priorMean, priorSigma2, Obs = np.empty((0)),np.empty((0)),np.empty((0)) + + # for key in list(Y_mean_can): + # # concatenate the measurement error + # Obs = np.hstack((Obs,ObservationData[key])) + + # # concatenate the mean and variance of prior predictive + # means, stds = Y_mean_can[key][0], Y_std_can[key][0] + # priorMean = np.hstack((priorSigma2,means)) + # priorSigma2 = np.hstack((priorSigma2,stds**2)) + + # # Covariance Matrix of prior + # covPrior = np.zeros((priorSigma2.shape[0], priorSigma2.shape[0]), float) + # np.fill_diagonal(covPrior, priorSigma2) + + # # Covariance Matrix of Likelihood + # covLikelihood = np.zeros((sigma2Dict.shape[0], sigma2Dict.shape[0]), float) + # np.fill_diagonal(covLikelihood, sigma2Dict) + + # # Calculate moments of the posterior (Analytical derivation) + # n = priorSigma2.shape[0] + # covPost = np.dot(np.dot(covPrior,np.linalg.inv(covPrior+(covLikelihood/n))),covLikelihood/n) + + # meanPost = np.dot(np.dot(covPrior,np.linalg.inv(covPrior+(covLikelihood/n))) , Obs) + \ + # np.dot(np.dot(covPrior,np.linalg.inv(covPrior+(covLikelihood/n))), + # priorMean/n) + # # Compute DKL from prior to posterior + # term1 = np.trace(np.dot(np.linalg.inv(covPrior),covPost)) + # deltaMean = priorMean-meanPost + # term2 = np.dot(np.dot(deltaMean,np.linalg.inv(covPrior)),deltaMean[:,None]) + # term3 = np.log(np.linalg.det(covPrior)/np.linalg.det(covPost)) + # DKL = 0.5 * (term1 + term2 - n + term3)[0] + + # ---------- Inner MC simulation for computing Utility Value ---------- + # Estimation of the integral via Monte Varlo integration + MCsize = 20000 + ESS = 0 + + while ((ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1)): + + # Sample a distribution for a normal dist + # with Y_mean_can as the mean and Y_std_can as std. + Y_MC, std_MC = {}, {} + logPriorLikelihoods = np.zeros((MCsize)) + for key in list(Y_mean_can): + means, stds = Y_mean_can[key][0], Y_std_can[key][0] + # cov = np.zeros((means.shape[0], means.shape[0]), float) + # np.fill_diagonal(cov, stds**2) + + Y_MC[key] = np.zeros((MCsize, n_obs)) + logsamples = np.zeros((MCsize, n_obs)) + for i in range(n_obs): + NormalDensity = stats.norm(means[i], stds[i]) + Y_MC[key][:, i] = NormalDensity.rvs(MCsize) + logsamples[:, i] = NormalDensity.logpdf(Y_MC[key][:, i]) + + logPriorLikelihoods = np.sum(logsamples, axis=1) + std_MC[key] = np.zeros((MCsize, means.shape[0])) + + # Likelihood computation (Comparison of data and simulation + # results via PCE with candidate design) + likelihoods = self.__normpdf(Y_MC, std_MC, obs_data, sigma2Dict) + + # Check the Effective Sample Size (1<ESS<MCsize) + ESS = 1 / np.sum(np.square(likelihoods/np.nansum(likelihoods))) + + # Enlarge sample size if it doesn't fulfill the criteria + if ((ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1)): + MCsize *= 10 + ESS = 0 + + # Rejection Step + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, MCsize)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + accepted = (likelihoods/np.max(likelihoods)) >= unif + + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postLikelihoods = likelihoods[accepted] + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(postLikelihoods)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + postExpPrior = np.mean(logPriorLikelihoods[accepted]) + + # Utility function Eq.2 in Ref. (2) + # Posterior covariance matrix after observing data y + # Kullback-Leibler Divergence (Sergey's paper) + if var == 'DKL': + + # TODO: Calculate the correction factor for BME + # BMECorrFactor = self.BME_Corr_Weight(PCE_SparseBayes_can, + # ObservationData, sigma2Dict) + # BME += BMECorrFactor + # Haun et al implementation + # U_J_d = np.mean(np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0])- logBME) + U_J_d = postExpLikelihoods - logBME + + # Marginal log likelihood + elif var == 'BME': + U_J_d = logBME + + # Entropy-based information gain + elif var == 'infEntropy': + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods)) + infEntropy = logBME - postExpPrior - postExpLikelihoods + U_J_d = infEntropy * -1 # -1 for minimization + + # Bayesian information criterion + elif var == 'BIC': + coeffs = self.MetaModel.coeffs_dict.values() + nModelParams = max(len(v) for val in coeffs for v in val.values()) + maxL = np.nanmax(likelihoods) + U_J_d = -2 * np.log(maxL) + np.log(n_obs) * nModelParams + + # Akaike information criterion + elif var == 'AIC': + coeffs = self.MetaModel.coeffs_dict.values() + nModelParams = max(len(v) for val in coeffs for v in val.values()) + maxlogL = np.log(np.nanmax(likelihoods)) + AIC = -2 * maxlogL + 2 * nModelParams + # 2 * nModelParams * (nModelParams+1) / (n_obs-nModelParams-1) + penTerm = 0 + U_J_d = 1*(AIC + penTerm) + + # Deviance information criterion + elif var == 'DIC': + # D_theta_bar = np.mean(-2 * Likelihoods) + N_star_p = 0.5 * np.var(np.log(likelihoods[likelihoods != 0])) + Likelihoods_theta_mean = self.__normpdf( + Y_mean_can, Y_std_can, obs_data, sigma2Dict + ) + DIC = -2 * np.log(Likelihoods_theta_mean) + 2 * N_star_p + + U_J_d = DIC + + else: + print('The algorithm you requested has not been implemented yet!') + + # Handle inf and NaN (replace by zero) + if np.isnan(U_J_d) or U_J_d == -np.inf or U_J_d == np.inf: + U_J_d = 0.0 + + # Clear memory + del likelihoods + del Y_MC + del std_MC + gc.collect(generation=2) + + return -1 * U_J_d # -1 is for minimization instead of maximization + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def update_metamodel(self, MetaModel, output, y_hat_can, univ_p_val, index, + new_pca=False): + BasisIndices = MetaModel.basis_dict[output]["y_"+str(index+1)] + clf_poly = MetaModel.clf_poly[output]["y_"+str(index+1)] + Mn = clf_poly.coef_ + Sn = clf_poly.sigma_ + beta = clf_poly.alpha_ + active = clf_poly.active_ + Psi = self.MetaModel.create_psi(BasisIndices, univ_p_val) + + Sn_new_inv = np.linalg.inv(Sn) + Sn_new_inv += beta * np.dot(Psi[:, active].T, Psi[:, active]) + Sn_new = np.linalg.inv(Sn_new_inv) + + Mn_new = np.dot(Sn_new_inv, Mn[active]).reshape(-1, 1) + Mn_new += beta * np.dot(Psi[:, active].T, y_hat_can) + Mn_new = np.dot(Sn_new, Mn_new).flatten() + + # Compute the old and new moments of PCEs + mean_old = Mn[0] + mean_new = Mn_new[0] + std_old = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(Mn[1:]))) + std_new = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(Mn_new[1:]))) + + # Back transformation if PCA is selected. + if MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + old_pca = MetaModel.pca[output] + mean_old = old_pca.mean_[index] + mean_old += np.sum(mean_old * old_pca.components_[:, index]) + std_old = np.sqrt(np.sum(std_old**2 * + old_pca.components_[:, index]**2)) + mean_new = new_pca.mean_[index] + mean_new += np.sum(mean_new * new_pca.components_[:, index]) + std_new = np.sqrt(np.sum(std_new**2 * + new_pca.components_[:, index]**2)) + # print(f"mean_old: {mean_old:.2f} mean_new: {mean_new:.2f}") + # print(f"std_old: {std_old:.2f} std_new: {std_new:.2f}") + # Store the old and new moments of PCEs + results = { + 'mean_old': mean_old, + 'mean_new': mean_new, + 'std_old': std_old, + 'std_new': std_new + } + return results + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_BayesianDesign_old(self, X_can, X_MC, sigma2Dict, var='DKL'): + """ + Computes scores based on Bayesian sequential design criterion (var). + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + var : string, optional + Bayesian design criterion. The default is 'DKL'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + Model = self.Model + MetaModel = deepcopy(self.MetaModel) + old_EDY = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y + + # Evaluate the PCE metamodels using the candidate design + Y_PC_can, Y_std_can = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel( + samples=np.array([X_can]) + ) + + # Generate y from posterior predictive + m_size = 100 + y_hat_samples = {} + for idx, key in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + means, stds = Y_PC_can[key][0], Y_std_can[key][0] + y_hat_samples[key] = np.random.multivariate_normal( + means, np.diag(stds), m_size) + + # Create the SparseBayes-based PCE metamodel: + MetaModel.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = False + univ_p_val = self.MetaModel.univ_basis_vals(X_can) + G_n_m_all = np.zeros((m_size, len(Model.Output.names), Model.n_obs)) + + for i in range(m_size): + for idx, key in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + if MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + # Equal number of components + new_outputs = np.vstack( + (old_EDY[key], y_hat_samples[key][i]) + ) + new_pca, _ = MetaModel.pca_transformation(new_outputs) + target = new_pca.transform( + y_hat_samples[key][i].reshape(1, -1) + )[0] + else: + new_pca, target = False, y_hat_samples[key][i] + + for j in range(len(target)): + + # Update surrogate + result = self.update_metamodel( + MetaModel, key, target[j], univ_p_val, j, new_pca) + + # Compute Expected Information Gain (Eq. 39) + G_n_m = np.log(result['std_old']/result['std_new']) - 1./2 + G_n_m += result['std_new']**2 / (2*result['std_old']**2) + G_n_m += (result['mean_new'] - result['mean_old'])**2 /\ + (2*result['std_old']**2) + + G_n_m_all[i, idx, j] = G_n_m + + U_J_d = G_n_m_all.mean(axis=(1, 2)).mean() + return -1 * U_J_d + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_BayesianDesign(self, X_can, X_MC, sigma2Dict, var='DKL'): + """ + Computes scores based on Bayesian sequential design criterion (var). + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + var : string, optional + Bayesian design criterion. The default is 'DKL'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + Model = self.Model + MetaModel = deepcopy(self.MetaModel) + out_names = MetaModel.ModelObj.Output.names + if X_can.ndim == 1: + X_can = X_can.reshape(1, -1) + + # Compute the mean and std based on the MetaModel + # pce_means, pce_stds = self._compute_pce_moments(MetaModel) + if var == 'ALC': + Y_MC, Y_MC_std = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Old Experimental design + oldExpDesignX = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X + oldExpDesignY = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y + + # Evaluate the PCE metamodels at that location ??? + Y_PC_can, Y_std_can = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_can) + + # Add all suggestion as new ExpDesign + NewExpDesignX = np.vstack((oldExpDesignX, X_can)) + + NewExpDesignY = {} + for key in oldExpDesignY.keys(): + try: + NewExpDesignY[key] = np.vstack((oldExpDesignY[key], + Y_PC_can[key])) + except: + NewExpDesignY[key] = oldExpDesignY[key] + + MetaModel.ExpDesign.sampling_method = 'user' + MetaModel.ExpDesign.X = NewExpDesignX + MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y = NewExpDesignY + + # Train the model for the observed data using x_can + MetaModel.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = False + MetaModel.train_norm_design(parallel=False) + PCE_Model_can = MetaModel + + if var.lower() == 'mi': + # Mutual information based on Krause et al + # Adapted from Beck & Guillas (MICE) paper + _, std_PC_can = PCE_Model_can.eval_metamodel(samples=X_can) + std_can = {key: std_PC_can[key] for key in out_names} + + std_old = {key: Y_std_can[key] for key in out_names} + + varPCE = np.zeros((len(out_names))) + for i, key in enumerate(out_names): + varPCE[i] = np.mean(std_old[key]**2/std_can[key]**2) + score = np.mean(varPCE) + + return -1 * score + + elif var.lower() == 'alc': + # Active learning based on Gramyc and Lee + # Adaptive design and analysis of supercomputer experiments Techno- + # metrics, 51 (2009), pp. 130–145. + + # Evaluate the MetaModel at the given samples + Y_MC_can, Y_MC_std_can = PCE_Model_can.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Compute the score + score = [] + for i, key in enumerate(out_names): + pce_var = Y_MC_std_can[key]**2 + pce_var_can = Y_MC_std[key]**2 + score.append(np.mean(pce_var-pce_var_can, axis=0)) + score = np.mean(score) + + return -1 * score + + # ---------- Inner MC simulation for computing Utility Value ---------- + # Estimation of the integral via Monte Varlo integration + MCsize = X_MC.shape[0] + ESS = 0 + + while ((ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1)): + + # Enriching Monte Carlo samples if need be + if ESS != 0: + X_MC = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + MCsize, 'random' + ) + + # Evaluate the MetaModel at the given samples + Y_MC, std_MC = PCE_Model_can.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Likelihood computation (Comparison of data and simulation + # results via PCE with candidate design) + likelihoods = self.__normpdf( + Y_MC, std_MC, self.observations, sigma2Dict + ) + + # Check the Effective Sample Size (1<ESS<MCsize) + ESS = 1 / np.sum(np.square(likelihoods/np.sum(likelihoods))) + + # Enlarge sample size if it doesn't fulfill the criteria + if ((ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1)): + print("--- increasing MC size---") + MCsize *= 10 + ESS = 0 + + # Rejection Step + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, MCsize)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + accepted = (likelihoods/np.max(likelihoods)) >= unif + + # -------------------- Utility functions -------------------- + # Utility function Eq.2 in Ref. (2) + # Kullback-Leibler Divergence (Sergey's paper) + if var == 'DKL': + + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods, dtype=np.float128)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postLikelihoods = likelihoods[accepted] + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(postLikelihoods)) + + # Haun et al implementation + U_J_d = np.mean(np.log(likelihoods[likelihoods != 0]) - logBME) + + # U_J_d = np.sum(G_n_m_all) + # Ryan et al (2014) implementation + # importanceWeights = Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0]/np.sum(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0]) + # U_J_d = np.mean(importanceWeights*np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0])) - logBME + + # U_J_d = postExpLikelihoods - logBME + + # Marginal likelihood + elif var == 'BME': + + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods)) + U_J_d = logBME + + # Bayes risk likelihood + elif var == 'BayesRisk': + + U_J_d = -1 * np.var(likelihoods) + + # Entropy-based information gain + elif var == 'infEntropy': + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postLikelihoods = likelihoods[accepted] / np.nansum(likelihoods[accepted]) + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(postLikelihoods)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + postExpPrior = np.mean(logPriorLikelihoods[accepted]) + + infEntropy = logBME - postExpPrior - postExpLikelihoods + + U_J_d = infEntropy * -1 # -1 for minimization + + # D-Posterior-precision + elif var == 'DPP': + X_Posterior = X_MC[accepted] + # covariance of the posterior parameters + U_J_d = -np.log(np.linalg.det(np.cov(X_Posterior))) + + # A-Posterior-precision + elif var == 'APP': + X_Posterior = X_MC[accepted] + # trace of the posterior parameters + U_J_d = -np.log(np.trace(np.cov(X_Posterior))) + + else: + print('The algorithm you requested has not been implemented yet!') + + # Clear memory + del likelihoods + del Y_MC + del std_MC + gc.collect(generation=2) + + return -1 * U_J_d # -1 is for minimization instead of maximization + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def subdomain(self, Bounds, n_new_samples): + """ + Divides a domain defined by Bounds into sub domains. + + Parameters + ---------- + Bounds : list of tuples + List of lower and upper bounds. + n_new_samples : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + + Returns + ------- + Subdomains : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + + """ + n_params = self.MetaModel.n_params + n_subdomains = n_new_samples + 1 + LinSpace = np.zeros((n_params, n_subdomains)) + + for i in range(n_params): + LinSpace[i] = np.linspace(start=Bounds[i][0], stop=Bounds[i][1], + num=n_subdomains) + Subdomains = [] + for k in range(n_subdomains-1): + mylist = [] + for i in range(n_params): + mylist.append((LinSpace[i, k+0], LinSpace[i, k+1])) + Subdomains.append(tuple(mylist)) + + return Subdomains + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def run_util_func(self, method, candidates, index, sigma2Dict=None, + var=None, X_MC=None): + """ + Runs the utility function based on the given method. + + Parameters + ---------- + method : string + Exploitation method: `VarOptDesign`, `BayesActDesign` and + `BayesOptDesign`. + candidates : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + All candidate parameter sets. + index : int + ExpDesign index. + sigma2Dict : dict, optional + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). The + default is None. + var : string, optional + Utility function. The default is None. + X_MC : TYPE, optional + DESCRIPTION. The default is None. + + Returns + ------- + index : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + List + Scores. + + """ + + if method.lower() == 'varoptdesign': + # U_J_d = self.util_VarBasedDesign(candidates, index, var) + U_J_d = np.zeros((candidates.shape[0])) + for idx, X_can in tqdm(enumerate(candidates), ascii=True, + desc="varoptdesign"): + U_J_d[idx] = self.util_VarBasedDesign(X_can, index, var) + + elif method.lower() == 'bayesactdesign': + NCandidate = candidates.shape[0] + U_J_d = np.zeros((NCandidate)) + for idx, X_can in tqdm(enumerate(candidates), ascii=True, + desc="OptBayesianDesign"): + U_J_d[idx] = self.util_BayesianActiveDesign(X_can, sigma2Dict, + var) + elif method.lower() == 'bayesoptdesign': + NCandidate = candidates.shape[0] + U_J_d = np.zeros((NCandidate)) + for idx, X_can in tqdm(enumerate(candidates), ascii=True, + desc="OptBayesianDesign"): + U_J_d[idx] = self.util_BayesianDesign(X_can, X_MC, sigma2Dict, + var) + return (index, -1 * U_J_d) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def dual_annealing(self, method, Bounds, sigma2Dict, var, Run_No, + verbose=False): + """ + Exploration algorithim to find the optimum parameter space. + + Parameters + ---------- + method : string + Exploitation method: `VarOptDesign`, `BayesActDesign` and + `BayesOptDesign`. + Bounds : list of tuples + List of lower and upper boundaries of parameters. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + Run_No : int + Run number. + verbose : bool, optional + Print out a summary. The default is False. + + Returns + ------- + Run_No : int + Run number. + array + Optimial candidate. + + """ + + Model = self.Model + max_func_itr = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.max_func_itr + + if method == 'VarOptDesign': + Res_Global = opt.dual_annealing(self.util_VarBasedDesign, + bounds=Bounds, + args=(Model, var), + maxfun=max_func_itr) + + elif method == 'BayesOptDesign': + Res_Global = opt.dual_annealing(self.util_BayesianDesign, + bounds=Bounds, + args=(Model, sigma2Dict, var), + maxfun=max_func_itr) + + if verbose: + print(f"global minimum: xmin = {Res_Global.x}, " + f"f(xmin) = {Res_Global.fun:.6f}, nfev = {Res_Global.nfev}") + + return (Run_No, Res_Global.x) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def tradoff_weights(self, tradeoff_scheme, old_EDX, old_EDY): + """ + Calculates weights for exploration scores based on the requested + scheme: `None`, `equal`, `epsilon-decreasing` and `adaptive`. + + `None`: No exploration. + `equal`: Same weights for exploration and exploitation scores. + `epsilon-decreasing`: Start with more exploration and increase the + influence of exploitation along the way with a exponential decay + function + `adaptive`: An adaptive method based on: + Liu, Haitao, Jianfei Cai, and Yew-Soon Ong. "An adaptive sampling + approach for Kriging metamodeling by maximizing expected prediction + error." Computers & Chemical Engineering 106 (2017): 171-182. + + Parameters + ---------- + tradeoff_scheme : string + Trade-off scheme for exloration and exploitation scores. + old_EDX : array (n_samples, n_params) + Old experimental design (training points). + old_EDY : dict + Old model responses (targets). + + Returns + ------- + exploration_weight : float + Exploration weight. + exploitation_weight: float + Exploitation weight. + + """ + if tradeoff_scheme is None: + exploration_weight = 0 + + elif tradeoff_scheme == 'equal': + exploration_weight = 0.5 + + elif tradeoff_scheme == 'epsilon-decreasing': + # epsilon-decreasing scheme + # Start with more exploration and increase the influence of + # exploitation along the way with a exponential decay function + initNSamples = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_init_samples + n_max_samples = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_max_samples + + itrNumber = (self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.X.shape[0] - initNSamples) + itrNumber //= self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + + tau2 = -(n_max_samples-initNSamples-1) / np.log(1e-8) + exploration_weight = signal.exponential(n_max_samples-initNSamples, + 0, tau2, False)[itrNumber] + + elif tradeoff_scheme == 'adaptive': + + # Extract itrNumber + initNSamples = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_init_samples + n_max_samples = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_max_samples + itrNumber = (self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.X.shape[0] - initNSamples) + itrNumber //= self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + + if itrNumber == 0: + exploration_weight = 0.5 + else: + # New adaptive trade-off according to Liu et al. (2017) + # Mean squared error for last design point + last_EDX = old_EDX[-1].reshape(1, -1) + lastPCEY, _ = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=last_EDX) + pce_y = np.array(list(lastPCEY.values()))[:, 0] + y = np.array(list(old_EDY.values()))[:, -1, :] + mseError = mean_squared_error(pce_y, y) + + # Mean squared CV - error for last design point + pce_y_prev = np.array(list(self._y_hat_prev.values()))[:, 0] + mseCVError = mean_squared_error(pce_y_prev, y) + + exploration_weight = min([0.5*mseError/mseCVError, 1]) + + # Exploitation weight + exploitation_weight = 1 - exploration_weight + + return exploration_weight, exploitation_weight + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def opt_SeqDesign(self, sigma2, n_candidates=5, var='DKL'): + """ + Runs optimal sequential design. + + Parameters + ---------- + sigma2 : dict, optional + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). The + default is None. + n_candidates : int, optional + Number of candidate samples. The default is 5. + var : string, optional + Utility function. The default is None. + + Raises + ------ + NameError + Wrong utility function. + + Returns + ------- + Xnew : array (n_samples, n_params) + Selected new training point(s). + """ + + # Initialization + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + Bounds = MetaModel.bound_tuples + n_new_samples = MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + explore_method = MetaModel.ExpDesign.explore_method + exploit_method = MetaModel.ExpDesign.exploit_method + n_cand_groups = MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_cand_groups + tradeoff_scheme = MetaModel.ExpDesign.tradeoff_scheme + + old_EDX = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X + old_EDY = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y.copy() + ndim = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X.shape[1] + OutputNames = MetaModel.ModelObj.Output.names + + # ----------------------------------------- + # ----------- CUSTOMIZED METHODS ---------- + # ----------------------------------------- + # Utility function exploit_method provided by user + if exploit_method.lower() == 'user': + + Xnew, filteredSamples = MetaModel.ExpDesign.ExploitFunction(self) + + print("\n") + print("\nXnew:\n", Xnew) + + return Xnew, filteredSamples + + # ----------------------------------------- + # ---------- EXPLORATION METHODS ---------- + # ----------------------------------------- + if explore_method == 'dual annealing': + # ------- EXPLORATION: OPTIMIZATION ------- + import time + start_time = time.time() + + # Divide the domain to subdomains + args = [] + subdomains = self.subdomain(Bounds, n_new_samples) + for i in range(n_new_samples): + args.append((exploit_method, subdomains[i], sigma2, var, i)) + + # Multiprocessing + pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) + + # With Pool.starmap_async() + results = pool.starmap_async(self.dual_annealing, args).get() + + # Close the pool + pool.close() + + Xnew = np.array([results[i][1] for i in range(n_new_samples)]) + + print("\nXnew:\n", Xnew) + + elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time + print("\n") + print(f"elapsed_time: {round(elapsed_time,2)} sec.") + print('-'*20) + + elif explore_method == 'LOOCV': + # ----------------------------------------------------------------- + # TODO: LOOCV model construnction based on Feng et al. (2020) + # 'LOOCV': + # Initilize the ExploitScore array + + # Generate random samples + allCandidates = MetaModel.ExpDesign.generate_samples(n_candidates, + 'random') + + # Construct error model based on LCerror + errorModel = MetaModel.create_ModelError(old_EDX, self.LCerror) + self.errorModel.append(copy(errorModel)) + + # Evaluate the error models for allCandidates + eLCAllCands, _ = errorModel.eval_errormodel(allCandidates) + # Select the maximum as the representative error + eLCAllCands = np.dstack(eLCAllCands.values()) + eLCAllCandidates = np.max(eLCAllCands, axis=1)[:, 0] + + # Normalize the error w.r.t the maximum error + scoreExploration = eLCAllCandidates / np.sum(eLCAllCandidates) + + else: + # ------- EXPLORATION: SPACE-FILLING DESIGN ------- + # Generate candidate samples from Exploration class + explore = Exploration(MetaModel, n_candidates) + explore.w = 100 # * ndim #500 + # Select criterion (mc-intersite-proj-th, mc-intersite-proj) + explore.mc_criterion = 'mc-intersite-proj' + allCandidates, scoreExploration = explore.get_exploration_samples() + + # Temp: ---- Plot all candidates ----- + if ndim == 2: + def plotter(points, allCandidates, Method, + scoreExploration=None): + if Method == 'Voronoi': + from scipy.spatial import Voronoi, voronoi_plot_2d + vor = Voronoi(points) + fig = voronoi_plot_2d(vor) + ax1 = fig.axes[0] + else: + fig = plt.figure() + ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) + ax1.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], s=10, c='r', + marker="s", label='Old Design Points') + ax1.scatter(allCandidates[:, 0], allCandidates[:, 1], s=10, + c='b', marker="o", label='Design candidates') + for i in range(points.shape[0]): + txt = 'p'+str(i+1) + ax1.annotate(txt, (points[i, 0], points[i, 1])) + if scoreExploration is not None: + for i in range(allCandidates.shape[0]): + txt = str(round(scoreExploration[i], 5)) + ax1.annotate(txt, (allCandidates[i, 0], + allCandidates[i, 1])) + + plt.xlim(self.bound_tuples[0]) + plt.ylim(self.bound_tuples[1]) + # plt.show() + plt.legend(loc='upper left') + + # ----------------------------------------- + # --------- EXPLOITATION METHODS ---------- + # ----------------------------------------- + if exploit_method == 'BayesOptDesign' or\ + exploit_method == 'BayesActDesign': + + # ------- Calculate Exoploration weight ------- + # Compute exploration weight based on trade off scheme + explore_w, exploit_w = self.tradoff_weights(tradeoff_scheme, + old_EDX, + old_EDY) + print(f"\n Exploration weight={explore_w:0.3f} " + f"Exploitation weight={exploit_w:0.3f}\n") + + # ------- EXPLOITATION: BayesOptDesign & ActiveLearning ------- + if explore_w != 1.0: + + # Create a sample pool for rejection sampling + MCsize = 15000 + X_MC = MetaModel.ExpDesign.generate_samples(MCsize, 'random') + candidates = MetaModel.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + MetaModel.ExpDesign.max_func_itr, 'latin_hypercube') + + # Split the candidates in groups for multiprocessing + split_cand = np.array_split( + candidates, n_cand_groups, axis=0 + ) + + results = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, backend='threading')( + delayed(self.run_util_func)( + exploit_method, split_cand[i], i, sigma2, var, X_MC) + for i in range(n_cand_groups)) + # out = map(self.run_util_func, + # [exploit_method]*n_cand_groups, + # split_cand, + # range(n_cand_groups), + # [sigma2] * n_cand_groups, + # [var] * n_cand_groups, + # [X_MC] * n_cand_groups + # ) + # results = list(out) + + # Retrieve the results and append them + U_J_d = np.concatenate([results[NofE][1] for NofE in + range(n_cand_groups)]) + + # Check if all scores are inf + if np.isinf(U_J_d).all() or np.isnan(U_J_d).all(): + U_J_d = np.ones(len(U_J_d)) + + # Get the expected value (mean) of the Utility score + # for each cell + if explore_method == 'Voronoi': + U_J_d = np.mean(U_J_d.reshape(-1, n_candidates), axis=1) + + # create surrogate model for U_J_d + from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler + # Take care of inf entries + good_indices = [i for i, arr in enumerate(U_J_d) + if np.isfinite(arr).all()] + scaler = MinMaxScaler() + X_S = scaler.fit_transform(candidates[good_indices]) + gp = MetaModel.gaussian_process_emulator( + X_S, U_J_d[good_indices], autoSelect=True + ) + U_J_d = gp.predict(scaler.transform(allCandidates)) + + # Normalize U_J_d + norm_U_J_d = U_J_d / np.sum(U_J_d) + print("norm_U_J_d:\n", norm_U_J_d) + else: + norm_U_J_d = np.zeros((len(scoreExploration))) + + # ------- Calculate Total score ------- + # ------- Trade off between EXPLORATION & EXPLOITATION ------- + # Total score + totalScore = exploit_w * norm_U_J_d + totalScore += explore_w * scoreExploration + + # temp: Plot + # dim = self.ExpDesign.X.shape[1] + # if dim == 2: + # plotter(self.ExpDesign.X, allCandidates, explore_method) + + # ------- Select the best candidate ------- + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design by + # maximization of the utility score and taking care of NaN values + temp = totalScore.copy() + temp[np.isnan(totalScore)] = -np.inf + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(temp)[::-1] + bestIdx = sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples] + + # select the requested number of samples + if explore_method == 'Voronoi': + Xnew = np.zeros((n_new_samples, ndim)) + for i, idx in enumerate(bestIdx): + X_can = explore.closestPoints[idx] + + # Calculate the maxmin score for the region of interest + newSamples, maxminScore = explore.get_mc_samples(X_can) + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew[i] = newSamples[np.argmax(maxminScore)] + else: + Xnew = allCandidates[sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples]] + + elif exploit_method == 'VarOptDesign': + # ------- EXPLOITATION: VarOptDesign ------- + UtilMethod = var + + # ------- Calculate Exoploration weight ------- + # Compute exploration weight based on trade off scheme + explore_w, exploit_w = self.tradoff_weights(tradeoff_scheme, + old_EDX, + old_EDY) + print(f"\nweightExploration={explore_w:0.3f} " + f"weightExploitation={exploit_w:0.3f}") + + # Generate candidate samples from Exploration class + nMeasurement = old_EDY[OutputNames[0]].shape[1] + + # Find sensitive region + if UtilMethod == 'LOOCV': + LCerror = MetaModel.LCerror + allModifiedLOO = np.zeros((len(old_EDX), len(OutputNames), + nMeasurement)) + for y_idx, y_key in enumerate(OutputNames): + for idx, key in enumerate(LCerror[y_key].keys()): + allModifiedLOO[:, y_idx, idx] = abs( + LCerror[y_key][key]) + + ExploitScore = np.max(np.max(allModifiedLOO, axis=1), axis=1) + + elif UtilMethod in ['EIGF', 'ALM']: + # ----- All other in ['EIGF', 'ALM'] ----- + # Initilize the ExploitScore array + ExploitScore = np.zeros((len(old_EDX), len(OutputNames))) + + # Split the candidates in groups for multiprocessing + if explore_method != 'Voronoi': + split_cand = np.array_split(allCandidates, + n_cand_groups, + axis=0) + goodSampleIdx = range(n_cand_groups) + else: + # Find indices of the Vornoi cells with samples + goodSampleIdx = [] + for idx in range(len(explore.closest_points)): + if len(explore.closest_points[idx]) != 0: + goodSampleIdx.append(idx) + split_cand = explore.closest_points + + # Split the candidates in groups for multiprocessing + args = [] + for index in goodSampleIdx: + args.append((exploit_method, split_cand[index], index, + sigma2, var)) + + # Multiprocessing + pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) + # With Pool.starmap_async() + results = pool.starmap_async(self.run_util_func, args).get() + + # Close the pool + pool.close() + # out = map(self.run_util_func, + # [exploit_method]*len(goodSampleIdx), + # split_cand, + # range(len(goodSampleIdx)), + # [sigma2] * len(goodSampleIdx), + # [var] * len(goodSampleIdx) + # ) + # results = list(out) + + # Retrieve the results and append them + if explore_method == 'Voronoi': + ExploitScore = [np.mean(results[k][1]) for k in + range(len(goodSampleIdx))] + else: + ExploitScore = np.concatenate( + [results[k][1] for k in range(len(goodSampleIdx))]) + + else: + raise NameError('The requested utility function is not ' + 'available.') + + # print("ExploitScore:\n", ExploitScore) + + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design by + # maximization of the utility score and taking care of NaN values + # Total score + # Normalize U_J_d + ExploitScore = ExploitScore / np.sum(ExploitScore) + totalScore = exploit_w * ExploitScore + totalScore += explore_w * scoreExploration + + temp = totalScore.copy() + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(temp, axis=0)[::-1] + bestIdx = sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples] + + Xnew = np.zeros((n_new_samples, ndim)) + if explore_method != 'Voronoi': + Xnew = allCandidates[bestIdx] + else: + for i, idx in enumerate(bestIdx.flatten()): + X_can = explore.closest_points[idx] + # plotter(self.ExpDesign.X, X_can, explore_method, + # scoreExploration=None) + + # Calculate the maxmin score for the region of interest + newSamples, maxminScore = explore.get_mc_samples(X_can) + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew[i] = newSamples[np.argmax(maxminScore)] + + elif exploit_method == 'alphabetic': + # ------- EXPLOITATION: ALPHABETIC ------- + Xnew = self.util_AlphOptDesign(allCandidates, var) + + elif exploit_method == 'Space-filling': + # ------- EXPLOITATION: SPACE-FILLING ------- + totalScore = scoreExploration + + # ------- Select the best candidate ------- + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design by + # maximization of the utility score and taking care of NaN values + temp = totalScore.copy() + temp[np.isnan(totalScore)] = -np.inf + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(temp)[::-1] + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew = allCandidates[sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples]] + + else: + raise NameError('The requested design method is not available.') + + print("\n") + print("\nRun No. {}:".format(old_EDX.shape[0]+1)) + print("Xnew:\n", Xnew) + gc.collect() + + return Xnew, None + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_AlphOptDesign(self, candidates, var='D-Opt'): + """ + Enriches the Experimental design with the requested alphabetic + criterion based on exploring the space with number of sampling points. + + Ref: Hadigol, M., & Doostan, A. (2018). Least squares polynomial chaos + expansion: A review of sampling strategies., Computer Methods in + Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 332, 382-407. + + Arguments + --------- + NCandidate : int + Number of candidate points to be searched + + var : string + Alphabetic optimality criterion + + Returns + ------- + X_new : array of shape (1, n_params) + The new sampling location in the input space. + """ + MetaModelOrig = self + Model = self.Model + n_new_samples = MetaModelOrig.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + NCandidate = candidates.shape[0] + + # TODO: Loop over outputs + OutputName = Model.Output.names[0] + + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + MetaModel = deepcopy(MetaModelOrig) + + # Old Experimental design + oldExpDesignX = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X + + # TODO: Only one psi can be selected. + # Suggestion: Go for the one with the highest LOO error + Scores = list(MetaModel.score_dict[OutputName].values()) + ModifiedLOO = [1-score for score in Scores] + outIdx = np.argmax(ModifiedLOO) + + # Initialize Phi to save the criterion's values + Phi = np.zeros((NCandidate)) + + BasisIndices = MetaModelOrig.basis_dict[OutputName]["y_"+str(outIdx+1)] + P = len(BasisIndices) + + # ------ Old Psi ------------ + univ_p_val = MetaModelOrig.univ_basis_vals(oldExpDesignX) + Psi = MetaModelOrig.create_psi(BasisIndices, univ_p_val) + + # ------ New candidates (Psi_c) ------------ + # Assemble Psi_c + univ_p_val_c = self.univ_basis_vals(candidates) + Psi_c = self.create_psi(BasisIndices, univ_p_val_c) + + for idx in range(NCandidate): + + # Include the new row to the original Psi + Psi_cand = np.vstack((Psi, Psi_c[idx])) + + # Information matrix + PsiTPsi = np.dot(Psi_cand.T, Psi_cand) + M = PsiTPsi / (len(oldExpDesignX)+1) + + if np.linalg.cond(PsiTPsi) > 1e-12 \ + and np.linalg.cond(PsiTPsi) < 1 / sys.float_info.epsilon: + # faster + invM = linalg.solve(M, sparse.eye(PsiTPsi.shape[0]).toarray()) + else: + # stabler + invM = np.linalg.pinv(M) + + # ---------- Calculate optimality criterion ---------- + # Optimality criteria according to Section 4.5.1 in Ref. + + # D-Opt + if var == 'D-Opt': + Phi[idx] = (np.linalg.det(invM)) ** (1/P) + + # A-Opt + elif var == 'A-Opt': + Phi[idx] = np.trace(invM) + + # K-Opt + elif var == 'K-Opt': + Phi[idx] = np.linalg.cond(M) + + else: + raise Exception('The optimality criterion you requested has ' + 'not been implemented yet!') + + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design + # by minimization of the Phi + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(Phi) + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew = candidates[sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples]] + + return Xnew + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __normpdf(self, y_hat_pce, std_pce, obs_data, total_sigma2s, + rmse=None): + + Model = self.Model + likelihoods = 1.0 + + # Loop over the outputs + for idx, out in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + + # (Meta)Model Output + nsamples, nout = y_hat_pce[out].shape + + # Prepare data and remove NaN + try: + data = obs_data[out].values[~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + except AttributeError: + data = obs_data[out][~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + + # Prepare sigma2s + non_nan_indices = ~np.isnan(total_sigma2s[out]) + tot_sigma2s = total_sigma2s[out][non_nan_indices][:nout].values + + # Surrogate error if valid dataset is given. + if rmse is not None: + tot_sigma2s += rmse[out]**2 + + likelihoods *= stats.multivariate_normal.pdf( + y_hat_pce[out], data, np.diag(tot_sigma2s), + allow_singular=True) + self.Likelihoods = likelihoods + + return likelihoods + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __corr_factor_BME(self, obs_data, total_sigma2s, logBME): + """ + Calculates the correction factor for BMEs. + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + samples = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X # valid_samples + model_outputs = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y # valid_model_runs + Model = MetaModel.ModelObj + n_samples = samples.shape[0] + + # Extract the requested model outputs for likelihood calulation + output_names = Model.Output.names + + # TODO: Evaluate MetaModel on the experimental design and ValidSet + OutputRS, stdOutputRS = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=samples) + + logLik_data = np.zeros((n_samples)) + logLik_model = np.zeros((n_samples)) + # Loop over the outputs + for idx, out in enumerate(output_names): + + # (Meta)Model Output + nsamples, nout = model_outputs[out].shape + + # Prepare data and remove NaN + try: + data = obs_data[out].values[~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + except AttributeError: + data = obs_data[out][~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + + # Prepare sigma2s + non_nan_indices = ~np.isnan(total_sigma2s[out]) + tot_sigma2s = total_sigma2s[out][non_nan_indices][:nout] + + # Covariance Matrix + covMatrix_data = np.diag(tot_sigma2s) + + for i, sample in enumerate(samples): + + # Simulation run + y_m = model_outputs[out][i] + + # Surrogate prediction + y_m_hat = OutputRS[out][i] + + # CovMatrix with the surrogate error + # covMatrix = np.diag(stdOutputRS[out][i]**2) + covMatrix = np.diag((y_m-y_m_hat)**2) + covMatrix = np.diag( + np.mean((model_outputs[out]-OutputRS[out]), axis=0)**2 + ) + + # Compute likelilhood output vs data + logLik_data[i] += self.__logpdf( + y_m_hat, data, covMatrix_data + ) + + # Compute likelilhood output vs surrogate + logLik_model[i] += self.__logpdf(y_m_hat, y_m, covMatrix) + + # Weight + logLik_data -= logBME + weights = np.exp(logLik_model+logLik_data) + + return np.log(np.mean(weights)) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __logpdf(self, x, mean, cov): + """ + computes the likelihood based on a multivariate normal distribution. + + Parameters + ---------- + x : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + mean : array_like + Observation data. + cov : 2d array + Covariance matrix of the distribution. + + Returns + ------- + log_lik : float + Log likelihood. + + """ + n = len(mean) + L = linalg.cholesky(cov, lower=True) + beta = np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L))) + dev = x - mean + alpha = dev.dot(linalg.cho_solve((L, True), dev)) + log_lik = -0.5 * alpha - beta - n / 2. * np.log(2 * np.pi) + + return log_lik + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __posteriorPlot(self, posterior, par_names, key): + + # Initialization + newpath = (r'Outputs_SeqPosteriorComparison/posterior') + os.makedirs(newpath, exist_ok=True) + + bound_tuples = self.MetaModel.bound_tuples + n_params = len(par_names) + font_size = 40 + if n_params == 2: + + figPosterior, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 15)) + + sns.kdeplot(x=posterior[:, 0], y=posterior[:, 1], + fill=True, ax=ax, cmap=plt.cm.jet, + clip=bound_tuples) + # Axis labels + plt.xlabel(par_names[0], fontsize=font_size) + plt.ylabel(par_names[1], fontsize=font_size) + + # Set axis limit + plt.xlim(bound_tuples[0]) + plt.ylim(bound_tuples[1]) + + # Increase font size + plt.xticks(fontsize=font_size) + plt.yticks(fontsize=font_size) + + # Switch off the grids + plt.grid(False) + + else: + import corner + figPosterior = corner.corner(posterior, labels=par_names, + title_fmt='.2e', show_titles=True, + title_kwargs={"fontsize": 12}) + + figPosterior.savefig(f'./{newpath}/{key}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') + plt.close() + + # Save the posterior as .npy + np.save(f'./{newpath}/{key}.npy', posterior) + + return figPosterior + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __hellinger_distance(self, P, Q): + """ + Hellinger distance between two continuous distributions. + + The maximum distance 1 is achieved when P assigns probability zero to + every set to which Q assigns a positive probability, and vice versa. + 0 (identical) and 1 (maximally different) + + Parameters + ---------- + P : array + Reference likelihood. + Q : array + Estimated likelihood. + + Returns + ------- + float + Hellinger distance of two distributions. + + """ + mu1 = P.mean() + Sigma1 = np.std(P) + + mu2 = Q.mean() + Sigma2 = np.std(Q) + + term1 = np.sqrt(2*Sigma1*Sigma2 / (Sigma1**2 + Sigma2**2)) + + term2 = np.exp(-.25 * (mu1 - mu2)**2 / (Sigma1**2 + Sigma2**2)) + + H_squared = 1 - term1 * term2 + + return np.sqrt(H_squared) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __BME_Calculator(self, MetaModel, obs_data, sigma2Dict, rmse=None): + """ + This function computes the Bayesian model evidence (BME) via Monte + Carlo integration. + + """ + # Initializations + valid_likelihoods = MetaModel.valid_likelihoods + + post_snapshot = MetaModel.ExpDesign.post_snapshot + if post_snapshot or len(valid_likelihoods) != 0: + newpath = (r'Outputs_SeqPosteriorComparison/likelihood_vs_ref') + os.makedirs(newpath, exist_ok=True) + + SamplingMethod = 'random' + MCsize = 10000 + ESS = 0 + + # Estimation of the integral via Monte Varlo integration + while (ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1): + + # Generate samples for Monte Carlo simulation + X_MC = MetaModel.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + MCsize, SamplingMethod + ) + + # Monte Carlo simulation for the candidate design + m_1 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/1024 + Y_MC, std_MC = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + m_2 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/1024 + print(f"\nMemory eval_metamodel in BME: {m_2-m_1:.2f} MB") + + # Likelihood computation (Comparison of data and + # simulation results via PCE with candidate design) + Likelihoods = self.__normpdf( + Y_MC, std_MC, obs_data, sigma2Dict, rmse + ) + + # Check the Effective Sample Size (1000<ESS<MCsize) + ESS = 1 / np.sum(np.square(Likelihoods/np.sum(Likelihoods))) + + # Enlarge sample size if it doesn't fulfill the criteria + if (ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1): + print(f'ESS={ESS} MC size should be larger.') + MCsize *= 10 + ESS = 0 + + # Rejection Step + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, MCsize)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + accepted = (Likelihoods/np.max(Likelihoods)) >= unif + X_Posterior = X_MC[accepted] + + # ------------------------------------------------------------ + # --- Kullback-Leibler Divergence & Information Entropy ------ + # ------------------------------------------------------------ + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(Likelihoods)) + + # TODO: Correction factor + # log_weight = self.__corr_factor_BME(obs_data, sigma2Dict, logBME) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(Likelihoods[accepted])) + + # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + postExpPrior = np.mean( + np.log(MetaModel.ExpDesign.JDist.pdf(X_Posterior.T)) + ) + + # Calculate Kullback-Leibler Divergence + # KLD = np.mean(np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0])- logBME) + KLD = postExpLikelihoods - logBME + + # Information Entropy based on Entropy paper Eq. 38 + infEntropy = logBME - postExpPrior - postExpLikelihoods + + # If post_snapshot is True, plot likelihood vs refrence + if post_snapshot or len(valid_likelihoods) != 0: + # Hellinger distance + ref_like = np.log(valid_likelihoods[valid_likelihoods > 0]) + est_like = np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods > 0]) + distHellinger = self.__hellinger_distance(ref_like, est_like) + + idx = len([name for name in os.listdir(newpath) if 'Likelihoods_' + in name and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(newpath, name))]) + fig, ax = plt.subplots() + try: + sns.kdeplot(np.log(valid_likelihoods[valid_likelihoods > 0]), + shade=True, color="g", label='Ref. Likelihood') + sns.kdeplot(np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods > 0]), shade=True, + color="b", label='Likelihood with PCE') + except: + pass + + text = f"Hellinger Dist.={distHellinger:.3f}\n logBME={logBME:.3f}" + "\n DKL={KLD:.3f}" + + plt.text(0.05, 0.75, text, bbox=dict(facecolor='wheat', + edgecolor='black', + boxstyle='round,pad=1'), + transform=ax.transAxes) + + fig.savefig(f'./{newpath}/Likelihoods_{idx}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + plt.close() + + else: + distHellinger = 0.0 + + # Bayesian inference with Emulator only for 2D problem + if post_snapshot and MetaModel.n_params == 2 and not idx % 5: + from bayes_inference.bayes_inference import BayesInference + from bayes_inference.discrepancy import Discrepancy + import pandas as pd + BayesOpts = BayesInference(MetaModel) + BayesOpts.emulator = True + BayesOpts.plot_post_pred = False + + # Select the inference method + import emcee + BayesOpts.inference_method = "MCMC" + # Set the MCMC parameters passed to self.mcmc_params + BayesOpts.mcmc_params = { + 'n_steps': 1e5, + 'n_walkers': 30, + 'moves': emcee.moves.KDEMove(), + 'verbose': False + } + + # ----- Define the discrepancy model ------- + obs_data = pd.DataFrame(obs_data, columns=self.Model.Output.names) + BayesOpts.measurement_error = obs_data + + # # -- (Option B) -- + DiscrepancyOpts = Discrepancy('') + DiscrepancyOpts.type = 'Gaussian' + DiscrepancyOpts.parameters = obs_data**2 + BayesOpts.Discrepancy = DiscrepancyOpts + # Start the calibration/inference + Bayes_PCE = BayesOpts.create_inference() + X_Posterior = Bayes_PCE.posterior_df.values + + # Clean up + del Y_MC, std_MC + gc.collect() + + return (logBME, KLD, X_Posterior, Likelihoods, distHellinger) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __validError(self, MetaModel): + + # MetaModel = self.MetaModel + Model = MetaModel.ModelObj + OutputName = Model.Output.names + + # Extract the original model with the generated samples + valid_samples = MetaModel.valid_samples + valid_model_runs = MetaModel.valid_model_runs + + # Run the PCE model with the generated samples + m_1 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/1024 + valid_PCE_runs, valid_PCE_std = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=valid_samples) + m_2 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/1024 + print(f"\nMemory eval_metamodel: {m_2-m_1:.2f} MB") + + rms_error = {} + valid_error = {} + # Loop over the keys and compute RMSE error. + for key in OutputName: + rms_error[key] = mean_squared_error( + valid_model_runs[key], valid_PCE_runs[key], + multioutput='raw_values', + sample_weight=None, + squared=False) + + # Validation error + valid_error[key] = (rms_error[key]**2) + valid_error[key] /= np.var(valid_model_runs[key], ddof=1, axis=0) + + # Print a report table + print("\n>>>>> Updated Errors of {} <<<<<".format(key)) + print("\nIndex | RMSE | Validation Error") + print('-'*35) + print('\n'.join(f'{i+1} | {k:.3e} | {j:.3e}' for i, (k, j) + in enumerate(zip(rms_error[key], + valid_error[key])))) + + return rms_error, valid_error + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __error_Mean_Std(self): + + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + # Extract the mean and std provided by user + df_MCReference = MetaModel.ModelObj.mc_reference + + # Compute the mean and std based on the MetaModel + pce_means, pce_stds = self._compute_pce_moments(MetaModel) + + # Compute the root mean squared error + for output in MetaModel.ModelObj.Output.names: + + # Compute the error between mean and std of MetaModel and OrigModel + RMSE_Mean = mean_squared_error( + df_MCReference['mean'], pce_means[output], squared=False + ) + RMSE_std = mean_squared_error( + df_MCReference['std'], pce_means[output], squared=False + ) + + return RMSE_Mean, RMSE_std + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _compute_pce_moments(self, MetaModel): + """ + Computes the first two moments using the PCE-based meta-model. + + Returns + ------- + pce_means: dict + The first moment (mean) of the surrogate. + pce_stds: dict + The second moment (standard deviation) of the surrogate. + + """ + outputs = MetaModel.ModelObj.Output.names + pce_means_b = {} + pce_stds_b = {} + + # Loop over bootstrap iterations + for b_i in range(MetaModel.n_bootstrap_itrs): + # Loop over the metamodels + coeffs_dicts = MetaModel.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'].items() + means = {} + stds = {} + for output, coef_dict in coeffs_dicts: + + pce_mean = np.zeros((len(coef_dict))) + pce_var = np.zeros((len(coef_dict))) + + for index, values in coef_dict.items(): + idx = int(index.split('_')[1]) - 1 + coeffs = MetaModel.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][index] + + # Mean = c_0 + if coeffs[0] != 0: + pce_mean[idx] = coeffs[0] + else: + clf_poly = MetaModel.clf_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output] + pce_mean[idx] = clf_poly[index].intercept_ + # Var = sum(coeffs[1:]**2) + pce_var[idx] = np.sum(np.square(coeffs[1:])) + + # Save predictions for each output + if MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + PCA = MetaModel.pca[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output] + means[output] = PCA.mean_ + np.dot( + pce_mean, PCA.components_) + stds[output] = np.sqrt(np.dot(pce_var, + PCA.components_**2)) + else: + means[output] = pce_mean + stds[output] = np.sqrt(pce_var) + + # Save predictions for each bootstrap iteration + pce_means_b[b_i] = means + pce_stds_b[b_i] = stds + + # Change the order of nesting + mean_all = {} + for i in sorted(pce_means_b): + for k, v in pce_means_b[i].items(): + if k not in mean_all: + mean_all[k] = [None] * len(pce_means_b) + mean_all[k][i] = v + std_all = {} + for i in sorted(pce_stds_b): + for k, v in pce_stds_b[i].items(): + if k not in std_all: + std_all[k] = [None] * len(pce_stds_b) + std_all[k][i] = v + + # Back transformation if PCA is selected. + pce_means, pce_stds = {}, {} + for output in outputs: + pce_means[output] = np.mean(mean_all[output], axis=0) + pce_stds[output] = np.mean(std_all[output], axis=0) + + return pce_means, pce_stds diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/surrogate_models.py b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/surrogate_models.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e318dfc32a22a1b02efc4ee8d3ccbaa4b2b190f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/analytical-function/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/surrogate_models.py @@ -0,0 +1,1581 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Implementation of metamodel as either PC, aPC or GPE +""" + +import warnings +import numpy as np +import math +import h5py +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt +from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler +import scipy as sp +from scipy.optimize import minimize, NonlinearConstraint, LinearConstraint +from tqdm import tqdm +from sklearn.decomposition import PCA as sklearnPCA +import sklearn.linear_model as lm +from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor +import sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels as kernels +import os +from joblib import Parallel, delayed +import copy + +from .input_space import InputSpace +from .glexindex import glexindex +from .eval_rec_rule import eval_univ_basis +from .reg_fast_ard import RegressionFastARD +from .reg_fast_laplace import RegressionFastLaplace +from .orthogonal_matching_pursuit import OrthogonalMatchingPursuit +from .bayes_linear import VBLinearRegression, EBLinearRegression +from .apoly_construction import apoly_construction +warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") +# Load the mplstyle +plt.style.use(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], + '../', 'bayesvalidrox.mplstyle')) + + +class MetaModel(): + """ + Meta (surrogate) model + + This class trains a surrogate model. It accepts an input object (input_obj) + containing the specification of the distributions for uncertain parameters + and a model object with instructions on how to run the computational model. + + Attributes + ---------- + input_obj : obj + Input object with the information on the model input parameters. + meta_model_type : str + Surrogate model types. Three surrogate model types are supported: + polynomial chaos expansion (`PCE`), arbitrary PCE (`aPCE`) and + Gaussian process regression (`GPE`). Default is PCE. + pce_reg_method : str + PCE regression method to compute the coefficients. The following + regression methods are available: + + 1. OLS: Ordinary Least Square method + 2. BRR: Bayesian Ridge Regression + 3. LARS: Least angle regression + 4. ARD: Bayesian ARD Regression + 5. FastARD: Fast Bayesian ARD Regression + 6. VBL: Variational Bayesian Learning + 7. EBL: Emperical Bayesian Learning + Default is `OLS`. + bootstrap_method : str + Bootstraping method. Options are `'normal'` and `'fast'`. The default + is `'fast'`. It means that in each iteration except the first one, only + the coefficent are recalculated with the ordinary least square method. + n_bootstrap_itrs : int + Number of iterations for the bootstrap sampling. The default is `1`. + pce_deg : int or list of int + Polynomial degree(s). If a list is given, an adaptive algorithm is used + to find the best degree with the lowest Leave-One-Out cross-validation + (LOO) error (or the highest score=1-LOO). Default is `1`. + pce_q_norm : float + Hyperbolic (or q-norm) truncation for multi-indices of multivariate + polynomials. Default is `1.0`. + dim_red_method : str + Dimensionality reduction method for the output space. The available + method is based on principal component analysis (PCA). The Default is + `'no'`. There are two ways to select number of components: use + percentage of the explainable variance threshold (between 0 and 100) + (Option A) or direct prescription of components' number (Option B): + + >>> MetaModelOpts.dim_red_method = 'PCA' + >>> MetaModelOpts.var_pca_threshold = 99.999 # Option A + >>> MetaModelOpts.n_pca_components = 12 # Option B + apply_constraints : bool + If set to true constraints will be applied during training. + In this case the training uses OLS. In this version the constraints + need to be set explicitly in this class. + + verbose : bool + Prints summary of the regression results. Default is `False`. + + Note + ------- + To define the sampling methods and the training set, an experimental design + instance shall be defined. This can be done by: + + >>> MetaModelOpts.add_InputSpace() + + Two experimental design schemes are supported: one-shot (`normal`) and + adaptive sequential (`sequential`) designs. + For experimental design refer to `InputSpace`. + + """ + + def __init__(self, input_obj, meta_model_type='PCE', + pce_reg_method='OLS', bootstrap_method='fast', + n_bootstrap_itrs=1, pce_deg=1, pce_q_norm=1.0, + dim_red_method='no', apply_constraints = False, + verbose=False): + + self.input_obj = input_obj + self.meta_model_type = meta_model_type + self.pce_reg_method = pce_reg_method + self.bootstrap_method = bootstrap_method + self.n_bootstrap_itrs = n_bootstrap_itrs + self.pce_deg = pce_deg + self.pce_q_norm = pce_q_norm + self.dim_red_method = dim_red_method + self.apply_constraints = apply_constraints + self.verbose = verbose + + def build_metamodel(self, n_init_samples = None) -> None: + """ + Builds the parts for the metamodel (polynomes,...) that are neede before fitting. + + Returns + ------- + None + DESCRIPTION. + + """ + + # Generate general warnings + if self.apply_constraints or self.pce_reg_method.lower() == 'ols': + print('There are no estimations of surrogate uncertainty available' + ' for the chosen regression options. This might lead to issues' + ' in later steps.') + + # Add InputSpace to MetaModel if it does not have any + if not hasattr(self, 'InputSpace'): + self.InputSpace = InputSpace(self.input_obj) + self.InputSpace.n_init_samples = n_init_samples + self.InputSpace.init_param_space(np.max(self.pce_deg)) + + self.ndim = self.InputSpace.ndim + + if not hasattr(self, 'CollocationPoints'): + raise AttributeError('Please provide samples to the metamodel before building it.') + + # Transform input samples + # TODO: this is probably not yet correct! Make 'method' variable + self.CollocationPoints = self.InputSpace.transform(self.CollocationPoints, method='user') + + + self.n_params = len(self.input_obj.Marginals) + + # Generate polynomials + if self.meta_model_type.lower() != 'gpe': + self.generate_polynomials(np.max(self.pce_deg)) + + # Initialize the nested dictionaries + if self.meta_model_type.lower() == 'gpe': + self.gp_poly = self.auto_vivification() + self.x_scaler = self.auto_vivification() + self.LCerror = self.auto_vivification() + else: + self.deg_dict = self.auto_vivification() + self.q_norm_dict = self.auto_vivification() + self.coeffs_dict = self.auto_vivification() + self.basis_dict = self.auto_vivification() + self.score_dict = self.auto_vivification() + self.clf_poly = self.auto_vivification() + self.LCerror = self.auto_vivification() + if self.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + self.pca = self.auto_vivification() + + # Define an array containing the degrees + self.CollocationPoints = np.array(self.CollocationPoints) + self.n_samples, ndim = self.CollocationPoints.shape + if self.ndim != ndim: + raise AttributeError('The given samples do not match the given number of priors. The samples should be a 2D array of size (#samples, #priors)') + + self.deg_array = self.__select_degree(ndim, self.n_samples) + + # Generate all basis indices + self.allBasisIndices = self.auto_vivification() + for deg in self.deg_array: + keys = self.allBasisIndices.keys() + if deg not in np.fromiter(keys, dtype=float): + # Generate the polynomial basis indices + for qidx, q in enumerate(self.pce_q_norm): + basis_indices = glexindex(start=0, stop=deg+1, + dimensions=self.n_params, + cross_truncation=q, + reverse=False, graded=True) + self.allBasisIndices[str(deg)][str(q)] = basis_indices + + + + def fit(self, X, y, parallel = True, verbose = False): + """ + Fits the surrogate to the given data (samples X, outputs y). + Note here that the samples X should be the transformed samples provided + by the experimental design if the transformation is used there. + + Parameters + ---------- + X : 2D list or np.array of shape (#samples, #dim) + The parameter value combinations that the model was evaluated at. + y : dict of 2D lists or arrays of shape (#samples, #timesteps) + The respective model evaluations. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ +# print(X) +# print(X.shape) +# print(y) +# print(y['Z'].shape) + X = np.array(X) + for key in y.keys(): + y_val = np.array(y[key]) + if y_val.ndim !=2: + raise ValueError('The given outputs y should be 2D') + y[key] = np.array(y[key]) + + # Output names are the same as the keys in y + self.out_names = list(y.keys()) + + # Build the MetaModel on the static samples + self.CollocationPoints = X + + # TODO: other option: rebuild every time + if not hasattr(self, 'deg_array'): + self.build_metamodel(n_init_samples = X.shape[1]) + + # Evaluate the univariate polynomials on InputSpace + if self.meta_model_type.lower() != 'gpe': + self.univ_p_val = self.univ_basis_vals(self.CollocationPoints) + + # --- Loop through data points and fit the surrogate --- + if verbose: + print(f"\n>>>> Training the {self.meta_model_type} metamodel " + "started. <<<<<<\n") + + # --- Bootstrap sampling --- + # Correct number of bootstrap if PCA transformation is required. + if self.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca' and self.n_bootstrap_itrs == 1: + self.n_bootstrap_itrs = 100 + + # Check if fast version (update coeffs with OLS) is selected. + if self.bootstrap_method.lower() == 'fast': + fast_bootstrap = True + first_out = {} + n_comp_dict = {} + else: + fast_bootstrap = False + + # Prepare tqdm iteration maessage + if verbose and self.n_bootstrap_itrs > 1: + enum_obj = tqdm(range(self.n_bootstrap_itrs), + total=self.n_bootstrap_itrs, + desc="Bootstrapping the metamodel", + ascii=True) + else: + enum_obj = range(self.n_bootstrap_itrs) + + # Loop over the bootstrap iterations + for b_i in enum_obj: + if b_i > 0: + b_indices = np.random.randint(self.n_samples, size=self.n_samples) + else: + b_indices = np.arange(len(X)) + + X_train_b = X[b_indices] + + if verbose and self.n_bootstrap_itrs == 1: + items = tqdm(y.items(), desc="Fitting regression") + else: + items = y.items() + + # For loop over the components/outputs + for key, Output in items: + + # Dimensionality reduction with PCA, if specified + if self.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + + # Use the stored n_comp for fast bootsrtrapping + if fast_bootstrap and b_i > 0: + self.n_pca_components = n_comp_dict[key] + + # Start transformation + pca, target, n_comp = self.pca_transformation( + Output[b_indices], verbose=False + ) + self.pca[f'b_{b_i+1}'][key] = pca + # Store the number of components for fast bootsrtrapping + if fast_bootstrap and b_i == 0: + n_comp_dict[key] = n_comp + else: + #print(b_indices) + target = Output[b_indices] + + # Parallel fit regression + if self.meta_model_type.lower() == 'gpe': + # Prepare the input matrix + scaler = MinMaxScaler() + X_S = scaler.fit_transform(X_train_b) + + self.x_scaler[f'b_{b_i+1}'][key] = scaler + if parallel: + out = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, backend='multiprocessing')( + delayed(self.gaussian_process_emulator)( + X_S, target[:, idx]) for idx in + range(target.shape[1])) + else: + results = map(self.gaussian_process_emulator, + [X_train_b]*target.shape[1], + [target[:, idx] for idx in + range(target.shape[1])] + ) + out = list(results) + + for idx in range(target.shape[1]): + self.gp_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'][key][f"y_{idx+1}"] = out[idx] + + else: + self.univ_p_val = self.univ_p_val[b_indices] + if parallel and (not fast_bootstrap or b_i == 0): + out = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, backend='multiprocessing')( + delayed(self.adaptive_regression)(X_train_b, + target[:, idx], + idx) + for idx in range(target.shape[1])) + elif not parallel and (not fast_bootstrap or b_i == 0): + results = map(self.adaptive_regression, + [X_train_b]*target.shape[1], + [target[:, idx] for idx in + range(target.shape[1])], + range(target.shape[1])) + out = list(results) + + # Store the first out dictionary + if fast_bootstrap and b_i == 0: + first_out[key] = copy.deepcopy(out) + + if b_i > 0 and fast_bootstrap: + + # fast bootstrap + out = self.update_pce_coeffs( + X_train_b, target, first_out[key]) + + for i in range(target.shape[1]): + # Create a dict to pass the variables + self.deg_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][key][f"y_{i+1}"] = out[i]['degree'] + self.q_norm_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][key][f"y_{i+1}"] = out[i]['qnorm'] + self.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][key][f"y_{i+1}"] = out[i]['coeffs'] + self.basis_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][key][f"y_{i+1}"] = out[i]['multi_indices'] + self.score_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][key][f"y_{i+1}"] = out[i]['LOOCVScore'] + self.clf_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'][key][f"y_{i+1}"] = out[i]['clf_poly'] + #self.LCerror[f'b_{b_i+1}'][key][f"y_{i+1}"] = out[i]['LCerror'] + + if verbose: + print(f"\n>>>> Training the {self.meta_model_type} metamodel" + " sucessfully completed. <<<<<<\n") + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def update_pce_coeffs(self, X, y, out_dict = None): + """ + Updates the PCE coefficents using only the ordinary least square method + for the fast version of the bootstrapping. + + Parameters + ---------- + X : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Training set. + y : array of shape (n_samples, n_outs) + The (transformed) model responses. + out_dict : dict + The training output dictionary of the first iteration, i.e. + the surrogate model for the original experimental design. + + Returns + ------- + final_out_dict : dict + The updated training output dictionary. + + """ + # Make a copy + final_out_dict = copy.deepcopy(out_dict) + + # Loop over the points + for i in range(y.shape[1]): + + + # Extract nonzero basis indices + nnz_idx = np.nonzero(out_dict[i]['coeffs'])[0] + if len(nnz_idx) != 0: + basis_indices = out_dict[i]['multi_indices'] + + # Evaluate the multivariate polynomials on CollocationPoints + psi = self.create_psi(basis_indices, self.univ_p_val) + + # Calulate the cofficients of surrogate model + updated_out = self.regression( + psi, y[:, i], basis_indices, reg_method='OLS', + sparsity=False + ) + + # Update coeffs in out_dict + final_out_dict[i]['coeffs'][nnz_idx] = updated_out['coeffs'] + + return final_out_dict + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def add_InputSpace(self): + """ + Instanciates experimental design object. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + self.InputSpace = InputSpace(self.input_obj, + meta_Model_type=self.meta_model_type) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def univ_basis_vals(self, samples, n_max=None): + """ + Evaluates univariate regressors along input directions. + + Parameters + ---------- + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Samples. + n_max : int, optional + Maximum polynomial degree. The default is `None`. + + Returns + ------- + univ_basis: array of shape (n_samples, n_params, n_max+1) + All univariate regressors up to n_max. + """ + # Extract information + poly_types = self.InputSpace.poly_types + if samples.ndim != 2: + samples = samples.reshape(1, len(samples)) + n_max = np.max(self.pce_deg) if n_max is None else n_max + + # Extract poly coeffs + if self.InputSpace.input_data_given or self.InputSpace.apce: + apolycoeffs = self.polycoeffs + else: + apolycoeffs = None + + # Evaluate univariate basis + univ_basis = eval_univ_basis(samples, n_max, poly_types, apolycoeffs) + + return univ_basis + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def create_psi(self, basis_indices, univ_p_val): + """ + This function assemble the design matrix Psi from the given basis index + set INDICES and the univariate polynomial evaluations univ_p_val. + + Parameters + ---------- + basis_indices : array of shape (n_terms, n_params) + Multi-indices of multivariate polynomials. + univ_p_val : array of (n_samples, n_params, n_max+1) + All univariate regressors up to `n_max`. + + Raises + ------ + ValueError + n_terms in arguments do not match. + + Returns + ------- + psi : array of shape (n_samples, n_terms) + Multivariate regressors. + + """ + # Check if BasisIndices is a sparse matrix + sparsity = sp.sparse.issparse(basis_indices) + if sparsity: + basis_indices = basis_indices.toarray() + + # Initialization and consistency checks + # number of input variables + n_params = univ_p_val.shape[1] + + # Size of the experimental design + n_samples = univ_p_val.shape[0] + + # number of basis terms + n_terms = basis_indices.shape[0] + + # check that the variables have consistent sizes + if n_params != basis_indices.shape[1]: + raise ValueError( + f"The shapes of basis_indices ({basis_indices.shape[1]}) and " + f"univ_p_val ({n_params}) don't match!!" + ) + + # Preallocate the Psi matrix for performance + psi = np.ones((n_samples, n_terms)) + # Assemble the Psi matrix + for m in range(basis_indices.shape[1]): + aa = np.where(basis_indices[:, m] > 0)[0] + try: + basisIdx = basis_indices[aa, m] + bb = univ_p_val[:, m, basisIdx].reshape(psi[:, aa].shape) + psi[:, aa] = np.multiply(psi[:, aa], bb) + except ValueError as err: + raise err + return psi + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def regression(self, X, y, basis_indices, reg_method=None, sparsity=True): + """ + Fit regression using the regression method provided. + + Parameters + ---------- + X : array of shape (n_samples, n_features) + Training vector, where n_samples is the number of samples and + n_features is the number of features. + y : array of shape (n_samples,) + Target values. + basis_indices : array of shape (n_terms, n_params) + Multi-indices of multivariate polynomials. + reg_method : str, optional + DESCRIPTION. The default is None. + + Returns + ------- + return_out_dict : Dict + Fitted estimator, spareMulti-Index, sparseX and coefficients. + + """ + if reg_method is None: + reg_method = self.pce_reg_method + + bias_term = self.dim_red_method.lower() != 'pca' + + compute_score = True if self.verbose else False + + # inverse of the observed variance of the data + if np.var(y) != 0: + Lambda = 1 / np.var(y) + else: + Lambda = 1e-6 + + # Bayes sparse adaptive aPCE + if reg_method.lower() == 'ols': + clf_poly = lm.LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False) + elif reg_method.lower() == 'brr': + clf_poly = lm.BayesianRidge(n_iter=1000, tol=1e-7, + fit_intercept=False, + #normalize=True, + compute_score=compute_score, + alpha_1=1e-04, alpha_2=1e-04, + lambda_1=Lambda, lambda_2=Lambda) + clf_poly.converged = True + + elif reg_method.lower() == 'ard': + if X.shape[0]<2: + raise ValueError('Regression with ARD can only be performed for more than 2 samples') + clf_poly = lm.ARDRegression(fit_intercept=False, + #normalize=True, + compute_score=compute_score, + n_iter=1000, tol=0.0001, + alpha_1=1e-3, alpha_2=1e-3, + lambda_1=Lambda, lambda_2=Lambda) + + elif reg_method.lower() == 'fastard': + clf_poly = RegressionFastARD(fit_intercept=False, + normalize=True, + compute_score=compute_score, + n_iter=300, tol=1e-10) + + elif reg_method.lower() == 'bcs': + if X.shape[0]<10: + raise ValueError('Regression with BCS can only be performed for more than 10 samples') + clf_poly = RegressionFastLaplace(fit_intercept=False, + bias_term=bias_term, + n_iter=1000, tol=1e-7) + + elif reg_method.lower() == 'lars': + if X.shape[0]<10: + raise ValueError('Regression with LARS can only be performed for more than 5 samples') + clf_poly = lm.LassoLarsCV(fit_intercept=False) + + elif reg_method.lower() == 'sgdr': + clf_poly = lm.SGDRegressor(fit_intercept=False, + max_iter=5000, tol=1e-7) + + elif reg_method.lower() == 'omp': + clf_poly = OrthogonalMatchingPursuit(fit_intercept=False) + + elif reg_method.lower() == 'vbl': + clf_poly = VBLinearRegression(fit_intercept=False) + + elif reg_method.lower() == 'ebl': + clf_poly = EBLinearRegression(optimizer='em') + + + # Training with constraints automatically uses L2 + if self.apply_constraints: + # TODO: set the constraints here + # Define the nonlin. constraint + nlc = NonlinearConstraint(lambda x: np.matmul(X,x),-1,1.1) + self.nlc = nlc + + fun = lambda x: (np.linalg.norm(np.matmul(X, x)-y, ord = 2))**2 + if self.init_type =='zeros': + res = minimize(fun, np.zeros(X.shape[1]), method = 'trust-constr', constraints = self.nlc) + if self.init_type == 'nonpi': + clf_poly.fit(X, y) + coeff = clf_poly.coef_ + res = minimize(fun, coeff, method = 'trust-constr', constraints = self.nlc) + + coeff = np.array(res.x) + clf_poly.coef_ = coeff + clf_poly.X = X + clf_poly.y = y + clf_poly.intercept_ = 0 + + # Training without constraints uses chosen regression method + else: + clf_poly.fit(X, y) + + # Select the nonzero entries of coefficients + if sparsity: + nnz_idx = np.nonzero(clf_poly.coef_)[0] + else: + nnz_idx = np.arange(clf_poly.coef_.shape[0]) + + # This is for the case where all outputs are zero, thereby + # all coefficients are zero + if (y == 0).all(): + nnz_idx = np.insert(np.nonzero(clf_poly.coef_)[0], 0, 0) + + sparse_basis_indices = basis_indices[nnz_idx] + sparse_X = X[:, nnz_idx] + coeffs = clf_poly.coef_[nnz_idx] + clf_poly.coef_ = coeffs + + # Create a dict to pass the outputs + return_out_dict = dict() + return_out_dict['clf_poly'] = clf_poly + return_out_dict['spareMulti-Index'] = sparse_basis_indices + return_out_dict['sparePsi'] = sparse_X + return_out_dict['coeffs'] = coeffs + return return_out_dict + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def create_psi(self, basis_indices, univ_p_val): + """ + This function assemble the design matrix Psi from the given basis index + set INDICES and the univariate polynomial evaluations univ_p_val. + + Parameters + ---------- + basis_indices : array of shape (n_terms, n_params) + Multi-indices of multivariate polynomials. + univ_p_val : array of (n_samples, n_params, n_max+1) + All univariate regressors up to `n_max`. + + Raises + ------ + ValueError + n_terms in arguments do not match. + + Returns + ------- + psi : array of shape (n_samples, n_terms) + Multivariate regressors. + + """ + # Check if BasisIndices is a sparse matrix + sparsity = sp.sparse.issparse(basis_indices) + if sparsity: + basis_indices = basis_indices.toarray() + + # Initialization and consistency checks + # number of input variables + n_params = univ_p_val.shape[1] + + # Size of the experimental design + n_samples = univ_p_val.shape[0] + + # number of basis terms + n_terms = basis_indices.shape[0] + + # check that the variables have consistent sizes + if n_params != basis_indices.shape[1]: + raise ValueError( + f"The shapes of basis_indices ({basis_indices.shape[1]}) and " + f"univ_p_val ({n_params}) don't match!!" + ) + + # Preallocate the Psi matrix for performance + psi = np.ones((n_samples, n_terms)) + # Assemble the Psi matrix + for m in range(basis_indices.shape[1]): + aa = np.where(basis_indices[:, m] > 0)[0] + try: + basisIdx = basis_indices[aa, m] + bb = univ_p_val[:, m, basisIdx].reshape(psi[:, aa].shape) + psi[:, aa] = np.multiply(psi[:, aa], bb) + except ValueError as err: + raise err + return psi + + # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def adaptive_regression(self, ED_X, ED_Y, varIdx, verbose=False): + """ + Adaptively fits the PCE model by comparing the scores of different + degrees and q-norm. + + Parameters + ---------- + ED_X : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Experimental design. + ED_Y : array of shape (n_samples,) + Target values, i.e. simulation results for the Experimental design. + varIdx : int + Index of the output. + verbose : bool, optional + Print out summary. The default is False. + + Returns + ------- + returnVars : Dict + Fitted estimator, best degree, best q-norm, LOOCVScore and + coefficients. + + """ + + n_samples, n_params = ED_X.shape + # Initialization + qAllCoeffs, AllCoeffs = {}, {} + qAllIndices_Sparse, AllIndices_Sparse = {}, {} + qAllclf_poly, Allclf_poly = {}, {} + qAllnTerms, AllnTerms = {}, {} + qAllLCerror, AllLCerror = {}, {} + + # Extract degree array and qnorm array + deg_array = np.array([*self.allBasisIndices], dtype=int) + qnorm = [*self.allBasisIndices[str(int(deg_array[0]))]] + + # Some options for EarlyStop + errorIncreases = False + # Stop degree, if LOO error does not decrease n_checks_degree times + n_checks_degree = 3 + # Stop qNorm, if criterion isn't fulfilled n_checks_qNorm times + n_checks_qNorm = 2 + nqnorms = len(qnorm) + qNormEarlyStop = True + if nqnorms < n_checks_qNorm+1: + qNormEarlyStop = False + + # ===================================================================== + # basis adaptive polynomial chaos: repeat the calculation by increasing + # polynomial degree until the highest accuracy is reached + # ===================================================================== + # For each degree check all q-norms and choose the best one + scores = -np.inf * np.ones(deg_array.shape[0]) + qNormScores = -np.inf * np.ones(nqnorms) + + for degIdx, deg in enumerate(deg_array): + + for qidx, q in enumerate(qnorm): + + # Extract the polynomial basis indices from the pool of + # allBasisIndices + BasisIndices = self.allBasisIndices[str(deg)][str(q)] + + # Assemble the Psi matrix + Psi = self.create_psi(BasisIndices, self.univ_p_val) + + # Calulate the cofficients of the meta model + outs = self.regression(Psi, ED_Y, BasisIndices) + + # Calculate and save the score of LOOCV + score, LCerror = self.corr_loocv_error(outs['clf_poly'], + outs['sparePsi'], + outs['coeffs'], + ED_Y) + + # Check the convergence of noise for FastARD + if self.pce_reg_method == 'FastARD' and \ + outs['clf_poly'].alpha_ < np.finfo(np.float32).eps: + score = -np.inf + + qNormScores[qidx] = score + qAllCoeffs[str(qidx+1)] = outs['coeffs'] + qAllIndices_Sparse[str(qidx+1)] = outs['spareMulti-Index'] + qAllclf_poly[str(qidx+1)] = outs['clf_poly'] + qAllnTerms[str(qidx+1)] = BasisIndices.shape[0] + qAllLCerror[str(qidx+1)] = LCerror + + # EarlyStop check + # if there are at least n_checks_qNorm entries after the + # best one, we stop + if qNormEarlyStop and \ + sum(np.isfinite(qNormScores)) > n_checks_qNorm: + # If the error has increased the last two iterations, stop! + qNormScores_nonInf = qNormScores[np.isfinite(qNormScores)] + deltas = np.sign(np.diff(qNormScores_nonInf)) + if sum(deltas[-n_checks_qNorm+1:]) == 2: + # stop the q-norm loop here + break + if np.var(ED_Y) == 0: + break + + # Store the score in the scores list + best_q = np.nanargmax(qNormScores) + scores[degIdx] = qNormScores[best_q] + + AllCoeffs[str(degIdx+1)] = qAllCoeffs[str(best_q+1)] + AllIndices_Sparse[str(degIdx+1)] = qAllIndices_Sparse[str(best_q+1)] + Allclf_poly[str(degIdx+1)] = qAllclf_poly[str(best_q+1)] + AllnTerms[str(degIdx+1)] = qAllnTerms[str(best_q+1)] + AllLCerror[str(degIdx+1)] = qAllLCerror[str(best_q+1)] + + # Check the direction of the error (on average): + # if it increases consistently stop the iterations + if len(scores[scores != -np.inf]) > n_checks_degree: + scores_nonInf = scores[scores != -np.inf] + ss = np.sign(scores_nonInf - np.max(scores_nonInf)) + # ss<0 error decreasing + errorIncreases = np.sum(np.sum(ss[-2:])) <= -1*n_checks_degree + + if errorIncreases: + break + + # Check only one degree, if target matrix has zero variance + if np.var(ED_Y) == 0: + break + + # ------------------ Summary of results ------------------ + # Select the one with the best score and save the necessary outputs + best_deg = np.nanargmax(scores)+1 + coeffs = AllCoeffs[str(best_deg)] + basis_indices = AllIndices_Sparse[str(best_deg)] + clf_poly = Allclf_poly[str(best_deg)] + LOOCVScore = np.nanmax(scores) + P = AllnTerms[str(best_deg)] + LCerror = AllLCerror[str(best_deg)] + degree = deg_array[np.nanargmax(scores)] + qnorm = float(qnorm[best_q]) + + # ------------------ Print out Summary of results ------------------ + if self.verbose: + # Create PSI_Sparse by removing redundent terms + nnz_idx = np.nonzero(coeffs)[0] + BasisIndices_Sparse = basis_indices[nnz_idx] + + print(f'Output variable {varIdx+1}:') + print('The estimation of PCE coefficients converged at polynomial ' + f'degree {deg_array[best_deg-1]} with ' + f'{len(BasisIndices_Sparse)} terms (Sparsity index = ' + f'{round(len(BasisIndices_Sparse)/P, 3)}).') + + print(f'Final ModLOO error estimate: {1-max(scores):.3e}') + print('\n'+'-'*50) + + if verbose: + print('='*50) + print(' '*10 + ' Summary of results ') + print('='*50) + + print("Scores:\n", scores) + print("Degree of best score:", self.deg_array[best_deg-1]) + print("No. of terms:", len(basis_indices)) + print("Sparsity index:", round(len(basis_indices)/P, 3)) + print("Best Indices:\n", basis_indices) + + if self.pce_reg_method in ['BRR', 'ARD']: + fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 10)) + plt.title("Marginal log-likelihood") + plt.plot(clf_poly.scores_, color='navy', linewidth=2) + plt.ylabel("Score") + plt.xlabel("Iterations") + if self.pce_reg_method.lower() == 'bbr': + text = f"$\\alpha={clf_poly.alpha_:.1f}$\n" + f"$\\lambda={clf_poly.lambda_:.3f}$\n" + f"$L={clf_poly.scores_[-1]:.1f}$" + else: + text = f"$\\alpha={clf_poly.alpha_:.1f}$\n$" + f"\\L={clf_poly.scores_[-1]:.1f}$" + + plt.text(0.75, 0.5, text, fontsize=18, transform=ax.transAxes) + plt.show() + print('='*80) + + # Create a dict to pass the outputs + returnVars = dict() + returnVars['clf_poly'] = clf_poly + returnVars['degree'] = degree + returnVars['qnorm'] = qnorm + returnVars['coeffs'] = coeffs + returnVars['multi_indices'] = basis_indices + returnVars['LOOCVScore'] = LOOCVScore + returnVars['LCerror'] = LCerror + + return returnVars + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def corr_loocv_error(self, clf, psi, coeffs, y): + """ + Calculates the corrected LOO error for regression on regressor + matrix `psi` that generated the coefficients based on [1] and [2]. + + [1] Blatman, G., 2009. Adaptive sparse polynomial chaos expansions for + uncertainty propagation and sensitivity analysis (Doctoral + dissertation, Clermont-Ferrand 2). + + [2] Blatman, G. and Sudret, B., 2011. Adaptive sparse polynomial chaos + expansion based on least angle regression. Journal of computational + Physics, 230(6), pp.2345-2367. + + Parameters + ---------- + clf : object + Fitted estimator. + psi : array of shape (n_samples, n_features) + The multivariate orthogonal polynomials (regressor). + coeffs : array-like of shape (n_features,) + Estimated cofficients. + y : array of shape (n_samples,) + Target values. + + Returns + ------- + R_2 : float + LOOCV Validation score (1-LOOCV erro). + residual : array of shape (n_samples,) + Residual values (y - predicted targets). + + """ + psi = np.array(psi, dtype=float) + + # Create PSI_Sparse by removing redundent terms + nnz_idx = np.nonzero(coeffs)[0] + if len(nnz_idx) == 0: + nnz_idx = [0] + psi_sparse = psi[:, nnz_idx] + + # NrCoeffs of aPCEs + P = len(nnz_idx) + # NrEvaluation (Size of experimental design) + N = psi.shape[0] + + # Build the projection matrix + PsiTPsi = np.dot(psi_sparse.T, psi_sparse) + + if np.linalg.cond(PsiTPsi) > 1e-12: #and \ + # np.linalg.cond(PsiTPsi) < 1/sys.float_info.epsilon: + # faster + try: + M = sp.linalg.solve(PsiTPsi, + sp.sparse.eye(PsiTPsi.shape[0]).toarray()) + except: + raise AttributeError('There are too few samples for the corrected loo-cv error. Fit surrogate on at least as many samples as parameters to use this') + else: + # stabler + M = np.linalg.pinv(PsiTPsi) + + # h factor (the full matrix is not calculated explicitly, + # only the trace is, to save memory) + PsiM = np.dot(psi_sparse, M) + + h = np.sum(np.multiply(PsiM, psi_sparse), axis=1, dtype=np.longdouble)#float128) + + # ------ Calculate Error Loocv for each measurement point ---- + # Residuals + try: + residual = clf.predict(psi) - y + except: + residual = np.dot(psi, coeffs) - y + + # Variance + var_y = np.var(y) + + if var_y == 0: + norm_emp_error = 0 + loo_error = 0 + LCerror = np.zeros((y.shape)) + return 1-loo_error, LCerror + else: + norm_emp_error = np.mean(residual**2)/var_y + + # LCerror = np.divide(residual, (1-h)) + LCerror = residual / (1-h) + loo_error = np.mean(np.square(LCerror)) / var_y + # if there are NaNs, just return an infinite LOO error (this + # happens, e.g., when a strongly underdetermined problem is solved) + if np.isnan(loo_error): + loo_error = np.inf + + # Corrected Error for over-determined system + tr_M = np.trace(M) + if tr_M < 0 or abs(tr_M) > 1e6: + tr_M = np.trace(np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(psi.T, psi))) + + # Over-determined system of Equation + if N > P: + T_factor = N/(N-P) * (1 + tr_M) + + # Under-determined system of Equation + else: + T_factor = np.inf + + corrected_loo_error = loo_error * T_factor + + R_2 = 1 - corrected_loo_error + + return R_2, LCerror + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def pca_transformation(self, target, verbose=False): + """ + Transforms the targets (outputs) via Principal Component Analysis + + Parameters + ---------- + target : array of shape (n_samples,) + Target values. + + Returns + ------- + pca : obj + Fitted sklearnPCA object. + OutputMatrix : array of shape (n_samples,) + Transformed target values. + n_pca_components : int + Number of selected principal components. + + """ + # Transform via Principal Component Analysis + if hasattr(self, 'var_pca_threshold'): + var_pca_threshold = self.var_pca_threshold + else: + var_pca_threshold = 100.0 + n_samples, n_features = target.shape + + if hasattr(self, 'n_pca_components'): + n_pca_components = self.n_pca_components + else: + # Instantiate and fit sklearnPCA object + covar_matrix = sklearnPCA(n_components=None) + covar_matrix.fit(target) + var = np.cumsum(np.round(covar_matrix.explained_variance_ratio_, + decimals=5)*100) + # Find the number of components to explain self.varPCAThreshold of + # variance + try: + n_components = np.where(var >= var_pca_threshold)[0][0] + 1 + except IndexError: + n_components = min(n_samples, n_features) + + n_pca_components = min(n_samples, n_features, n_components) + + # Print out a report + if verbose: + print() + print('-' * 50) + print(f"PCA transformation is performed with {n_pca_components}" + " components.") + print('-' * 50) + print() + + # Fit and transform with the selected number of components + pca = sklearnPCA(n_components=n_pca_components, svd_solver='arpack') + scaled_target = pca.fit_transform(target) + + return pca, scaled_target, n_pca_components + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def gaussian_process_emulator(self, X, y, nug_term=None, autoSelect=False, + varIdx=None): + """ + Fits a Gaussian Process Emulator to the target given the training + points. + + Parameters + ---------- + X : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Training points. + y : array of shape (n_samples,) + Target values. + nug_term : float, optional + Nugget term. The default is None, i.e. variance of y. + autoSelect : bool, optional + Loop over some kernels and select the best. The default is False. + varIdx : int, optional + The index number. The default is None. + + Returns + ------- + gp : object + Fitted estimator. + + """ + + nug_term = nug_term if nug_term else np.var(y) + + Kernels = [nug_term * kernels.RBF(length_scale=1.0, + length_scale_bounds=(1e-25, 1e15)), + nug_term * kernels.RationalQuadratic(length_scale=0.2, + alpha=1.0), + nug_term * kernels.Matern(length_scale=1.0, + length_scale_bounds=(1e-15, 1e5), + nu=1.5)] + + # Automatic selection of the kernel + if autoSelect: + gp = {} + BME = [] + for i, kernel in enumerate(Kernels): + gp[i] = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel, + n_restarts_optimizer=3, + normalize_y=False) + + # Fit to data using Maximum Likelihood Estimation + gp[i].fit(X, y) + + # Store the MLE as BME score + BME.append(gp[i].log_marginal_likelihood()) + + gp = gp[np.argmax(BME)] + + else: + gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=Kernels[0], + n_restarts_optimizer=3, + normalize_y=False) + gp.fit(X, y) + + # Compute score + if varIdx is not None: + Score = gp.score(X, y) + print('-'*50) + print(f'Output variable {varIdx}:') + print('The estimation of GPE coefficients converged,') + print(f'with the R^2 score: {Score:.3f}') + print('-'*50) + + return gp + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def eval_metamodel(self, samples): + """ + Evaluates meta-model at the requested samples. One can also generate + nsamples. + + Parameters + ---------- + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params), optional + Samples to evaluate meta-model at. The default is None. + nsamples : int, optional + Number of samples to generate, if no `samples` is provided. The + default is None. + sampling_method : str, optional + Type of sampling, if no `samples` is provided. The default is + 'random'. + return_samples : bool, optional + Retun samples, if no `samples` is provided. The default is False. + + Returns + ------- + mean_pred : dict + Mean of the predictions. + std_pred : dict + Standard deviatioon of the predictions. + """ + # Transform into np array - can also be given as list + samples = np.array(samples) + + # Transform samples to the independent space + samples = self.InputSpace.transform( + samples, + method='user' + ) + # Compute univariate bases for the given samples + if self.meta_model_type.lower() != 'gpe': + univ_p_val = self.univ_basis_vals( + samples, + n_max=np.max(self.pce_deg) + ) + + mean_pred_b = {} + std_pred_b = {} + # Loop over bootstrap iterations + for b_i in range(self.n_bootstrap_itrs): + + # Extract model dictionary + if self.meta_model_type.lower() == 'gpe': + model_dict = self.gp_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'] + else: + model_dict = self.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'] + + # Loop over outputs + mean_pred = {} + std_pred = {} + for output, values in model_dict.items(): + + mean = np.empty((len(samples), len(values))) + std = np.empty((len(samples), len(values))) + idx = 0 + for in_key, InIdxValues in values.items(): + + # Prediction with GPE + if self.meta_model_type.lower() == 'gpe': + X_T = self.x_scaler[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output].transform(samples) + gp = self.gp_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][in_key] + y_mean, y_std = gp.predict(X_T, return_std=True) + + else: + # Prediction with PCE + # Assemble Psi matrix + basis = self.basis_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][in_key] + psi = self.create_psi(basis, univ_p_val) + + # Prediction + if self.bootstrap_method != 'fast' or b_i == 0: + # with error bar, i.e. use clf_poly + clf_poly = self.clf_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][in_key] + try: + y_mean, y_std = clf_poly.predict( + psi, return_std=True + ) + except TypeError: + y_mean = clf_poly.predict(psi) + y_std = np.zeros_like(y_mean) + else: + # without error bar + coeffs = self.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][in_key] + y_mean = np.dot(psi, coeffs) + y_std = np.zeros_like(y_mean) + + mean[:, idx] = y_mean + std[:, idx] = y_std + idx += 1 + + # Save predictions for each output + if self.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + PCA = self.pca[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output] + mean_pred[output] = PCA.inverse_transform(mean) + std_pred[output] = np.zeros(mean.shape) + else: + mean_pred[output] = mean + std_pred[output] = std + + # Save predictions for each bootstrap iteration + mean_pred_b[b_i] = mean_pred + std_pred_b[b_i] = std_pred + + # Change the order of nesting + mean_pred_all = {} + for i in sorted(mean_pred_b): + for k, v in mean_pred_b[i].items(): + if k not in mean_pred_all: + mean_pred_all[k] = [None] * len(mean_pred_b) + mean_pred_all[k][i] = v + + # Compute the moments of predictions over the predictions + for output in self.out_names: + # Only use bootstraps with finite values + finite_rows = np.isfinite( + mean_pred_all[output]).all(axis=2).all(axis=1) + outs = np.asarray(mean_pred_all[output])[finite_rows] + # Compute mean + mean_pred[output] = np.mean(outs, axis=0) + # Compute standard deviation + if self.n_bootstrap_itrs > 1: + std_pred[output] = np.std(outs, axis=0) + else: + std_pred[output] = std_pred_b[b_i][output] + + return mean_pred, std_pred + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def create_model_error(self, X, y, Model, name='Calib'): + """ + Fits a GPE-based model error. + + Parameters + ---------- + X : array of shape (n_outputs, n_inputs) + Input array. It can contain any forcing inputs or coordinates of + extracted data. + y : array of shape (n_outputs,) + The model response for the MAP parameter set. + name : str, optional + Calibration or validation. The default is `'Calib'`. + + Returns + ------- + self: object + Self object. + + """ + outputNames = self.out_names + self.errorRegMethod = 'GPE' + self.errorclf_poly = self.auto_vivification() + self.errorScale = self.auto_vivification() + + # Read data + # TODO: do this call outside the metamodel + MeasuredData = Model.read_observation(case=name) + + # Fitting GPR based bias model + for out in outputNames: + nan_idx = ~np.isnan(MeasuredData[out]) + # Select data + try: + data = MeasuredData[out].values[nan_idx] + except AttributeError: + data = MeasuredData[out][nan_idx] + + # Prepare the input matrix + scaler = MinMaxScaler() + delta = data # - y[out][0] + BiasInputs = np.hstack((X[out], y[out].reshape(-1, 1))) + X_S = scaler.fit_transform(BiasInputs) + gp = self.gaussian_process_emulator(X_S, delta) + + self.errorScale[out]["y_1"] = scaler + self.errorclf_poly[out]["y_1"] = gp + + return self + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def eval_model_error(self, X, y_pred): + """ + Evaluates the error model. + + Parameters + ---------- + X : array + Inputs. + y_pred : dict + Predictions. + + Returns + ------- + mean_pred : dict + Mean predition of the GPE-based error model. + std_pred : dict + standard deviation of the GPE-based error model. + + """ + mean_pred = {} + std_pred = {} + + for Outkey, ValuesDict in self.errorclf_poly.items(): + + pred_mean = np.zeros_like(y_pred[Outkey]) + pred_std = np.zeros_like(y_pred[Outkey]) + + for Inkey, InIdxValues in ValuesDict.items(): + + gp = self.errorclf_poly[Outkey][Inkey] + scaler = self.errorScale[Outkey][Inkey] + + # Transform Samples using scaler + for j, pred in enumerate(y_pred[Outkey]): + BiasInputs = np.hstack((X[Outkey], pred.reshape(-1, 1))) + Samples_S = scaler.transform(BiasInputs) + y_hat, y_std = gp.predict(Samples_S, return_std=True) + pred_mean[j] = y_hat + pred_std[j] = y_std + # pred_mean[j] += pred + + mean_pred[Outkey] = pred_mean + std_pred[Outkey] = pred_std + + return mean_pred, std_pred + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + class auto_vivification(dict): + """ + Implementation of perl's AutoVivification feature. + + Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/651879/18082457 + """ + + def __getitem__(self, item): + try: + return dict.__getitem__(self, item) + except KeyError: + value = self[item] = type(self)() + return value + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def copy_meta_model_opts(self): + """ + This method is a convinient function to copy the metamodel options. + + Returns + ------- + new_MetaModelOpts : object + The copied object. + + """ + # TODO: what properties should be moved to the new object? + new_MetaModelOpts = copy.deepcopy(self) + new_MetaModelOpts.input_obj = self.input_obj#InputObj + new_MetaModelOpts.InputSpace = self.InputSpace + #new_MetaModelOpts.InputSpace.meta_Model = 'aPCE' + #new_MetaModelOpts.InputSpace.InputObj = self.input_obj + #new_MetaModelOpts.InputSpace.ndim = len(self.input_obj.Marginals) + new_MetaModelOpts.n_params = len(self.input_obj.Marginals) + #new_MetaModelOpts.InputSpace.hdf5_file = None + + return new_MetaModelOpts + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __select_degree(self, ndim, n_samples): + """ + Selects degree based on the number of samples and parameters in the + sequential design. + + Parameters + ---------- + ndim : int + Dimension of the parameter space. + n_samples : int + Number of samples. + + Returns + ------- + deg_array: array + Array containing the arrays. + + """ + # Define the deg_array + max_deg = np.max(self.pce_deg) + min_Deg = np.min(self.pce_deg) + + # TODO: remove the options for sequential? + #nitr = n_samples - self.InputSpace.n_init_samples + + # Check q-norm + if not np.isscalar(self.pce_q_norm): + self.pce_q_norm = np.array(self.pce_q_norm) + else: + self.pce_q_norm = np.array([self.pce_q_norm]) + + def M_uptoMax(maxDeg): + n_combo = np.zeros(maxDeg) + for i, d in enumerate(range(1, maxDeg+1)): + n_combo[i] = math.factorial(ndim+d) + n_combo[i] /= math.factorial(ndim) * math.factorial(d) + return n_combo + + deg_new = max_deg + #d = nitr if nitr != 0 and self.n_params > 5 else 1 + # d = 1 + # min_index = np.argmin(abs(M_uptoMax(max_deg)-ndim*n_samples*d)) + # deg_new = range(1, max_deg+1)[min_index] + + if deg_new > min_Deg and self.pce_reg_method.lower() != 'fastard': + deg_array = np.arange(min_Deg, deg_new+1) + else: + deg_array = np.array([deg_new]) + + return deg_array + + def generate_polynomials(self, max_deg=None): + # Check for InputSpace + if not hasattr(self, 'InputSpace'): + raise AttributeError('Generate or add InputSpace before generating polynomials') + + ndim = self.InputSpace.ndim + # Create orthogonal polynomial coefficients if necessary + if (self.meta_model_type.lower()!='gpe') and max_deg is not None:# and self.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag: + self.polycoeffs = {} + for parIdx in tqdm(range(ndim), ascii=True, + desc="Computing orth. polynomial coeffs"): + poly_coeffs = apoly_construction( + self.InputSpace.raw_data[parIdx], + max_deg + ) + self.polycoeffs[f'p_{parIdx+1}'] = poly_coeffs + else: + raise AttributeError('MetaModel cannot generate polynomials in the given scenario!') + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _compute_pce_moments(self): + """ + Computes the first two moments using the PCE-based meta-model. + + Returns + ------- + pce_means: dict + The first moment (mean) of the surrogate. + pce_stds: dict + The second moment (standard deviation) of the surrogate. + + """ + + # Check if its truly a pce-surrogate + if self.meta_model_type.lower() == 'gpe': + raise AttributeError('Moments can only be computed for pce-type surrogates') + + outputs = self.out_names + pce_means_b = {} + pce_stds_b = {} + + # Loop over bootstrap iterations + for b_i in range(self.n_bootstrap_itrs): + # Loop over the metamodels + coeffs_dicts = self.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'].items() + means = {} + stds = {} + for output, coef_dict in coeffs_dicts: + + pce_mean = np.zeros((len(coef_dict))) + pce_var = np.zeros((len(coef_dict))) + + for index, values in coef_dict.items(): + idx = int(index.split('_')[1]) - 1 + coeffs = self.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][index] + + # Mean = c_0 + if coeffs[0] != 0: + pce_mean[idx] = coeffs[0] + else: + clf_poly = self.clf_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output] + pce_mean[idx] = clf_poly[index].intercept_ + # Var = sum(coeffs[1:]**2) + pce_var[idx] = np.sum(np.square(coeffs[1:])) + + # Save predictions for each output + if self.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + PCA = self.pca[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output] + means[output] = PCA.inverse_transform(pce_mean) + stds[output] = PCA.inverse_transform(np.sqrt(pce_var)) + else: + means[output] = pce_mean + stds[output] = np.sqrt(pce_var) + + # Save predictions for each bootstrap iteration + pce_means_b[b_i] = means + pce_stds_b[b_i] = stds + + # Change the order of nesting + mean_all = {} + for i in sorted(pce_means_b): + for k, v in pce_means_b[i].items(): + if k not in mean_all: + mean_all[k] = [None] * len(pce_means_b) + mean_all[k][i] = v + std_all = {} + for i in sorted(pce_stds_b): + for k, v in pce_stds_b[i].items(): + if k not in std_all: + std_all[k] = [None] * len(pce_stds_b) + std_all[k][i] = v + + # Back transformation if PCA is selected. + pce_means, pce_stds = {}, {} + for output in outputs: + pce_means[output] = np.mean(mean_all[output], axis=0) + pce_stds[output] = np.mean(std_all[output], axis=0) + + return pce_means, pce_stds diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/example_analytical_function.py b/examples/analytical-function/example_analytical_function.py index 52e7731b576c42cdd29a705865f0a0389f812654..9ec23f8cdaae003c33bac4cfe75e9a1a4d82bc42 100644 --- a/examples/analytical-function/example_analytical_function.py +++ b/examples/analytical-function/example_analytical_function.py @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__": # One-shot (normal) or Sequential Adaptive (sequential) Design ExpDesign.method = 'sequential' - ExpDesign.n_init_samples = 100#3*ndim + ExpDesign.n_init_samples = 140#00#3*ndim # Sampling methods # 1) random 2) latin_hypercube 3) sobol 4) halton 5) hammersley @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__": # BayesOpts.bootstrap_noise = 100 # Bayesian cross validation - # BayesOpts.bayes_loocv = True + BayesOpts.bayes_loocv = True # TODO: test what this does # Select the inference method import emcee diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/__init__.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8e865af80652b8dd29203c2c85f8d1c717e335bc --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +__version__ = "0.0.5" + +from .pylink.pylink import PyLinkForwardModel +from .surrogate_models.surrogate_models import MetaModel +#from .surrogate_models.meta_model_engine import MetaModelEngine +from .surrogate_models.engine import Engine +from .surrogate_models.inputs import Input +from .post_processing.post_processing import PostProcessing +from .bayes_inference.bayes_inference import BayesInference +from .bayes_inference.bayes_model_comparison import BayesModelComparison +from .bayes_inference.discrepancy import Discrepancy + +__all__ = [ + "__version__", + "PyLinkForwardModel", + "Input", + "Discrepancy", + "MetaModel", + #"MetaModelEngine", + "Engine", + "PostProcessing", + "BayesInference", + "BayesModelComparison" + ] diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..beaab3c798a63fcfbc361982388fdf10830a787e Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b1f65d567bf46826c3f2f76b1c730caf924b8f43 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d5ebaedb4c8b77b5d7dbd0a6945f09079d8b10e4 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__init__.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..df8d935680f96ab487cf087866e8bfd504762945 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +from .bayes_inference import BayesInference +from .mcmc import MCMC + +__all__ = [ + "BayesInference", + "MCMC" + ] diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..430b9885a8c8bd658da24bbc4ac1a6a0a74f69e6 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..72c63a98588c54dfec12536a99537cfa3a67e0cf Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..287257c1ca9b3f3a6d7e176e006ad432f8c685bf Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_inference.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_inference.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e89dfb5e6b3a873ac2f40dcc2084aa52caaedcd6 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_inference.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_inference.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_inference.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..88adfbcabb95e11d86659db42240c5fa87390c2e Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_inference.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_inference.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_inference.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a37330680c29bbfdba5a1bfd98041dda24957604 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_inference.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_model_comparison.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_model_comparison.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..57322b839ff7d50ea32d3b36ce011c09cf91e232 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_model_comparison.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_model_comparison.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_model_comparison.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f8cf9ea94d01b774b2d634e4e0caa06ef9bf6843 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_model_comparison.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_model_comparison.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_model_comparison.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b58f792ac36504c702205afc34228600f9bbba77 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/bayes_model_comparison.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/discrepancy.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/discrepancy.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bc71688a4cae4f74ec3a67838fca659881c520c9 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/discrepancy.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/discrepancy.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/discrepancy.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5301d0c093a62cd323cbd18cdf99d5eed93ad76c Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/discrepancy.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/discrepancy.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/discrepancy.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f154800917aeaef9c499abf13d47fcca6ffc639b Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/discrepancy.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/mcmc.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/mcmc.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d2122246d54ec5697803cbce28900e077b2306a Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/mcmc.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/mcmc.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/mcmc.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6177da43e7573677803782f2472399b0cb79a672 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/mcmc.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/mcmc.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/mcmc.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9fe4689524895c2149048d489b22b08e85026df Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/__pycache__/mcmc.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_inference.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_inference.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1898a8ae619597d92bc355ac4249f57019f0aed7 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_inference.py @@ -0,0 +1,1532 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +import numpy as np +import os +import copy +import pandas as pd +from tqdm import tqdm +from scipy import stats +import scipy.linalg as spla +import joblib +import seaborn as sns +import corner +import h5py +import multiprocessing +import gc +from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score +from sklearn import preprocessing +from matplotlib.patches import Patch +import matplotlib.lines as mlines +from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages +import matplotlib.pylab as plt + +from .mcmc import MCMC + +# Load the mplstyle +plt.style.use(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], + '../', 'bayesvalidrox.mplstyle')) + + +class BayesInference: + """ + A class to perform Bayesian Analysis. + + + Attributes + ---------- + MetaModel : obj + Meta model object. + discrepancy : obj + The discrepancy object for the sigma2s, i.e. the diagonal entries + of the variance matrix for a multivariate normal likelihood. + name : str, optional + The type of analysis, either calibration (`Calib`) or validation + (`Valid`). The default is `'Calib'`. + emulator : bool, optional + Analysis with emulator (MetaModel). The default is `True`. + bootstrap : bool, optional + Bootstrap the analysis. The default is `False`. + req_outputs : list, optional + The list of requested output to be used for the analysis. + The default is `None`. If None, all the defined outputs for the model + object is used. + selected_indices : dict, optional + A dictionary with the selected indices of each model output. The + default is `None`. If `None`, all measurement points are used in the + analysis. + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params), optional + The samples to be used in the analysis. The default is `None`. If + None the samples are drawn from the probablistic input parameter + object of the MetaModel object. + n_samples : int, optional + Number of samples to be used in the analysis. The default is `500000`. + If samples is not `None`, this argument will be assigned based on the + number of samples given. + measured_data : dict, optional + A dictionary containing the observation data. The default is `None`. + if `None`, the observation defined in the Model object of the + MetaModel is used. + inference_method : str, optional + A method for approximating the posterior distribution in the Bayesian + inference step. The default is `'rejection'`, which stands for + rejection sampling. A Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampler can be simply + selected by passing `'MCMC'`. + mcmc_params : dict, optional + A dictionary with args required for the Bayesian inference with + `MCMC`. The default is `None`. + + Pass the mcmc_params like the following: + + >>> mcmc_params:{ + 'init_samples': None, # initial samples + 'n_walkers': 100, # number of walkers (chain) + 'n_steps': 100000, # number of maximum steps + 'n_burn': 200, # number of burn-in steps + 'moves': None, # Moves for the emcee sampler + 'multiprocessing': False, # multiprocessing + 'verbose': False # verbosity + } + The items shown above are the default values. If any parmeter is + not defined, the default value will be assigned to it. + bayes_loocv : bool, optional + Bayesian Leave-one-out Cross Validation. The default is `False`. If + `True`, the LOOCV procedure is used to estimate the bayesian Model + Evidence (BME). + n_bootstrap_itrs : int, optional + Number of bootstrap iteration. The default is `1`. If bayes_loocv is + `True`, this is qualt to the total length of the observation data + set. + perturbed_data : array of shape (n_bootstrap_itrs, n_obs), optional + User defined perturbed data. The default is `[]`. + bootstrap_noise : float, optional + A noise level to perturb the data set. The default is `0.05`. + just_analysis : bool, optional + Justifiability analysis. The default is False. + valid_metrics : list, optional + List of the validation metrics. The following metrics are supported: + + 1. log_BME : logarithm of the Bayesian model evidence + 2. KLD : Kullback-Leibler Divergence + 3. inf_entropy: Information entropy + The default is `['log_BME']`. + plot_post_pred : bool, optional + Plot posterior predictive plots. The default is `True`. + plot_map_pred : bool, optional + Plot the model outputs vs the metamodel predictions for the maximum + a posteriori (defined as `max_a_posteriori`) parameter set. The + default is `False`. + max_a_posteriori : str, optional + Maximum a posteriori. `'mean'` and `'mode'` are available. The default + is `'mean'`. + corner_title_fmt : str, optional + Title format for the posterior distribution plot with python + package `corner`. The default is `'.2e'`. + + """ + + def __init__(self, engine, MetaModel = None, discrepancy=None, emulator=True, + name='Calib', bootstrap=False, req_outputs=None, + selected_indices=None, samples=None, n_samples=100000, + measured_data=None, inference_method='rejection', + mcmc_params=None, bayes_loocv=False, n_bootstrap_itrs=1, + perturbed_data=[], bootstrap_noise=0.05, just_analysis=False, + valid_metrics=['BME'], plot_post_pred=True, + plot_map_pred=False, max_a_posteriori='mean', + corner_title_fmt='.2e'): + + self.engine = engine + self.MetaModel = engine.MetaModel + self.Discrepancy = discrepancy + self.emulator = emulator + self.name = name + self.bootstrap = bootstrap + self.req_outputs = req_outputs + self.selected_indices = selected_indices + self.samples = samples + self.n_samples = n_samples + self.measured_data = measured_data + self.inference_method = inference_method + self.mcmc_params = mcmc_params + self.perturbed_data = perturbed_data + self.bayes_loocv = bayes_loocv + self.n_bootstrap_itrs = n_bootstrap_itrs + self.bootstrap_noise = bootstrap_noise + self.just_analysis = just_analysis + self.valid_metrics = valid_metrics + self.plot_post_pred = plot_post_pred + self.plot_map_pred = plot_map_pred + self.max_a_posteriori = max_a_posteriori + self.corner_title_fmt = corner_title_fmt + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def create_inference(self): + """ + Starts the inference. + + Returns + ------- + BayesInference : obj + The Bayes inference object. + + """ + + # Set some variables + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + Model = self.engine.Model + n_params = MetaModel.n_params + output_names = Model.Output.names + par_names = self.engine.ExpDesign.par_names + + # If the prior is set by the user, take it. + if self.samples is None: + self.samples = self.engine.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + self.n_samples, 'random') + else: + try: + samples = self.samples.values + except AttributeError: + samples = self.samples + + # Take care of an additional Sigma2s + self.samples = samples[:, :n_params] + + # Update number of samples + self.n_samples = self.samples.shape[0] + + # ---------- Preparation of observation data ---------- + # Read observation data and perturb it if requested. + if self.measured_data is None: + self.measured_data = Model.read_observation(case=self.name) + # Convert measured_data to a data frame + if not isinstance(self.measured_data, pd.DataFrame): + self.measured_data = pd.DataFrame(self.measured_data) + + # Extract the total number of measurement points + if self.name.lower() == 'calib': + self.n_tot_measurement = Model.n_obs + else: + self.n_tot_measurement = Model.n_obs_valid + + # Find measurement error (if not given) for post predictive plot + if not hasattr(self, 'measurement_error'): + if isinstance(self.Discrepancy, dict): + Disc = self.Discrepancy['known'] + else: + Disc = self.Discrepancy + if isinstance(Disc.parameters, dict): + self.measurement_error = {k: np.sqrt(Disc.parameters[k]) for k + in Disc.parameters.keys()} + else: + try: + self.measurement_error = np.sqrt(Disc.parameters) + except TypeError: + pass + + # ---------- Preparation of variance for covariance matrix ---------- + # Independent and identically distributed + total_sigma2 = dict() + opt_sigma_flag = isinstance(self.Discrepancy, dict) + opt_sigma = None + for key_idx, key in enumerate(output_names): + + # Find opt_sigma + if opt_sigma_flag and opt_sigma is None: + # Option A: known error with unknown bias term + opt_sigma = 'A' + known_discrepancy = self.Discrepancy['known'] + self.Discrepancy = self.Discrepancy['infer'] + sigma2 = np.array(known_discrepancy.parameters[key]) + + elif opt_sigma == 'A' or self.Discrepancy.parameters is not None: + # Option B: The sigma2 is known (no bias term) + if opt_sigma == 'A': + sigma2 = np.array(known_discrepancy.parameters[key]) + else: + opt_sigma = 'B' + sigma2 = np.array(self.Discrepancy.parameters[key]) + + elif not isinstance(self.Discrepancy.InputDisc, str): + # Option C: The sigma2 is unknown (bias term including error) + opt_sigma = 'C' + self.Discrepancy.opt_sigma = opt_sigma + n_measurement = self.measured_data[key].values.shape + sigma2 = np.zeros((n_measurement[0])) + + total_sigma2[key] = sigma2 + + self.Discrepancy.opt_sigma = opt_sigma + self.Discrepancy.total_sigma2 = total_sigma2 + + # If inferred sigma2s obtained from e.g. calibration are given + try: + self.sigma2s = self.Discrepancy.get_sample(self.n_samples) + except: + pass + + # ---------------- Bootstrap & TOM -------------------- + if self.bootstrap or self.bayes_loocv or self.just_analysis: + if len(self.perturbed_data) == 0: + # zero mean noise Adding some noise to the observation function + self.perturbed_data = self._perturb_data( + self.measured_data, output_names + ) + else: + self.n_bootstrap_itrs = len(self.perturbed_data) + + # -------- Model Discrepancy ----------- + if hasattr(self, 'error_model') and self.error_model \ + and self.name.lower() != 'calib': + # Select posterior mean as MAP + MAP_theta = self.samples.mean(axis=0).reshape((1, n_params)) + # MAP_theta = stats.mode(self.samples,axis=0)[0] + + # Evaluate the (meta-)model at the MAP + y_MAP, y_std_MAP = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=MAP_theta) + + # Train a GPR meta-model using MAP + self.error_MetaModel = MetaModel.create_model_error( + self.bias_inputs, y_MAP, Name=self.name + ) + + # ----------------------------------------------------- + # ----- Loop over the perturbed observation data ------ + # ----------------------------------------------------- + # Initilize arrays + logLikelihoods = np.zeros((self.n_samples, self.n_bootstrap_itrs), + dtype=np.float16) + BME_Corr = np.zeros((self.n_bootstrap_itrs)) + log_BME = np.zeros((self.n_bootstrap_itrs)) + KLD = np.zeros((self.n_bootstrap_itrs)) + inf_entropy = np.zeros((self.n_bootstrap_itrs)) + + # Compute the prior predtions + # Evaluate the MetaModel + if self.emulator: + y_hat, y_std = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=self.samples) + self.__mean_pce_prior_pred = y_hat + self._std_pce_prior_pred = y_std + + # Correct the predictions with Model discrepancy + if hasattr(self, 'error_model') and self.error_model: + y_hat_corr, y_std = self.error_MetaModel.eval_model_error( + self.bias_inputs, self.__mean_pce_prior_pred + ) + self.__mean_pce_prior_pred = y_hat_corr + self._std_pce_prior_pred = y_std + + # Surrogate model's error using RMSE of test data + if hasattr(MetaModel, 'rmse'): + surrError = MetaModel.rmse + else: + surrError = None + + else: + # Evaluate the original model + self.__model_prior_pred = self._eval_model( + samples=self.samples, key='PriorPred' + ) + surrError = None + + # Start the likelihood-BME computations for the perturbed data + for itr_idx, data in tqdm( + enumerate(self.perturbed_data), + total=self.n_bootstrap_itrs, + desc="Bootstrapping the BME calculations", ascii=True + ): + + # ---------------- Likelihood calculation ---------------- + if self.emulator: + model_evals = self.__mean_pce_prior_pred + else: + model_evals = self.__model_prior_pred + + # Leave one out + if self.bayes_loocv or self.just_analysis: + self.selected_indices = np.nonzero(data)[0] + + # Prepare data dataframe + nobs = list(self.measured_data.count().values[1:]) + numbers = list(np.cumsum(nobs)) + indices = list(zip([0] + numbers, numbers)) + data_dict = { + output_names[i]: data[j:k] for i, (j, k) in + enumerate(indices) + } + #print(output_names) + #print(indices) + #print(numbers) + #print(nobs) + #print(self.measured_data) + #for i, (j, k) in enumerate(indices): + # print(i,j,k) + #print(data) + #print(data_dict) + #stop + + # Unknown sigma2 + if opt_sigma == 'C' or hasattr(self, 'sigma2s'): + logLikelihoods[:, itr_idx] = self.normpdf( + model_evals, data_dict, total_sigma2, + sigma2=self.sigma2s, std=surrError + ) + else: + # known sigma2 + logLikelihoods[:, itr_idx] = self.normpdf( + model_evals, data_dict, total_sigma2, + std=surrError + ) + + # ---------------- BME Calculations ---------------- + # BME (log) + log_BME[itr_idx] = np.log( + np.nanmean(np.exp(logLikelihoods[:, itr_idx], + dtype=np.longdouble))#float128)) + ) + + # BME correction when using Emulator + if self.emulator: + BME_Corr[itr_idx] = self.__corr_factor_BME( + data_dict, total_sigma2, log_BME[itr_idx] + ) + + # Rejection Step + if 'kld' in list(map(str.lower, self.valid_metrics)) and\ + 'inf_entropy' in list(map(str.lower, self.valid_metrics)): + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, self.n_samples)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + Likelihoods = np.exp(logLikelihoods[:, itr_idx], + dtype=np.float64) + accepted = (Likelihoods/np.max(Likelihoods)) >= unif + posterior = self.samples[accepted] + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean( + logLikelihoods[:, itr_idx][accepted] + ) + + # Calculate Kullback-Leibler Divergence + KLD[itr_idx] = postExpLikelihoods - log_BME[itr_idx] + + # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + if 'inf_entropy' in list(map(str.lower, self.valid_metrics)): + n_thread = int(0.875 * multiprocessing.cpu_count()) + with multiprocessing.Pool(n_thread) as p: + postExpPrior = np.mean(np.concatenate( + p.map( + self.engine.ExpDesign.JDist.pdf, + np.array_split(posterior.T, n_thread, axis=1)) + ) + ) + # Information Entropy based on Entropy paper Eq. 38 + inf_entropy[itr_idx] = log_BME[itr_idx] - postExpPrior - \ + postExpLikelihoods + + # Clear memory + gc.collect(generation=2) + + # ---------- Store metrics for perturbed data set ---------------- + # Likelihoods (Size: n_samples, n_bootstrap_itr) + self.log_likes = logLikelihoods + + # BME (log), KLD, infEntropy (Size: 1,n_bootstrap_itr) + self.log_BME = log_BME + + # BMECorrFactor (log) (Size: 1,n_bootstrap_itr) + if self.emulator: + self.log_BME_corr_factor = BME_Corr + + if 'kld' in list(map(str.lower, self.valid_metrics)): + self.KLD = KLD + if 'inf_entropy' in list(map(str.lower, self.valid_metrics)): + self.inf_entropy = inf_entropy + + # BME = BME + BMECorrFactor + if self.emulator: + self.log_BME += self.log_BME_corr_factor + + # ---------------- Parameter Bayesian inference ---------------- + if self.inference_method.lower() == 'mcmc': + # Instantiate the MCMC object + MCMC_Obj = MCMC(self) + self.posterior_df = MCMC_Obj.run_sampler( + self.measured_data, total_sigma2 + ) + + elif self.name.lower() == 'valid': + # Convert to a dataframe if samples are provided after calibration. + self.posterior_df = pd.DataFrame(self.samples, columns=par_names) + + else: + # Rejection sampling + self.posterior_df = self._rejection_sampling() + + # Provide posterior's summary + print('\n') + print('-'*15 + 'Posterior summary' + '-'*15) + pd.options.display.max_columns = None + pd.options.display.max_rows = None + print(self.posterior_df.describe()) + print('-'*50) + + # -------- Model Discrepancy ----------- + if hasattr(self, 'error_model') and self.error_model \ + and self.name.lower() == 'calib': + if self.inference_method.lower() == 'mcmc': + self.error_MetaModel = MCMC_Obj.error_MetaModel + else: + # Select posterior mean as MAP + if opt_sigma == "B": + posterior_df = self.posterior_df.values + else: + posterior_df = self.posterior_df.values[:, :-Model.n_outputs] + + # Select posterior mean as Maximum a posteriori + map_theta = posterior_df.mean(axis=0).reshape((1, n_params)) + # map_theta = stats.mode(Posterior_df,axis=0)[0] + + # Evaluate the (meta-)model at the MAP + y_MAP, y_std_MAP = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=map_theta) + + # Train a GPR meta-model using MAP + self.error_MetaModel = MetaModel.create_model_error( + self.bias_inputs, y_MAP, Name=self.name + ) + + # -------- Posterior perdictive ----------- + self._posterior_predictive() + + # ----------------------------------------------------- + # ------------------ Visualization -------------------- + # ----------------------------------------------------- + # Create Output directory, if it doesn't exist already. + out_dir = f'Outputs_Bayes_{Model.name}_{self.name}' + os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) + + # -------- Posteior parameters -------- + if opt_sigma != "B": + par_names.extend( + [self.Discrepancy.InputDisc.Marginals[i].name for i + in range(len(self.Discrepancy.InputDisc.Marginals))] + ) + # Pot with corner + figPosterior = corner.corner(self.posterior_df.to_numpy(), + labels=par_names, + quantiles=[0.15, 0.5, 0.85], + show_titles=True, + title_fmt=self.corner_title_fmt, + labelpad=0.2, + use_math_text=True, + title_kwargs={"fontsize": 28}, + plot_datapoints=False, + plot_density=False, + fill_contours=True, + smooth=0.5, + smooth1d=0.5) + + # Loop over axes and set x limits + if opt_sigma == "B": + axes = np.array(figPosterior.axes).reshape( + (len(par_names), len(par_names)) + ) + for yi in range(len(par_names)): + ax = axes[yi, yi] + ax.set_xlim(self.engine.ExpDesign.bound_tuples[yi]) + for xi in range(yi): + ax = axes[yi, xi] + ax.set_xlim(self.engine.ExpDesign.bound_tuples[xi]) + plt.close() + + # Turn off gridlines + for ax in figPosterior.axes: + ax.grid(False) + + if self.emulator: + plotname = f'/Posterior_Dist_{Model.name}_emulator' + else: + plotname = f'/Posterior_Dist_{Model.name}' + + figPosterior.set_size_inches((24, 16)) + figPosterior.savefig(f'./{out_dir}{plotname}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + + # -------- Plot MAP -------- + if self.plot_map_pred: + self._plot_max_a_posteriori() + + # -------- Plot log_BME dist -------- + if self.bootstrap: + + # Computing the TOM performance + self.log_BME_tom = stats.chi2.rvs( + self.n_tot_measurement, size=self.log_BME.shape[0] + ) + + fig, ax = plt.subplots() + sns.kdeplot(self.log_BME_tom, ax=ax, color="green", shade=True) + sns.kdeplot( + self.log_BME, ax=ax, color="blue", shade=True, + label='Model BME') + + ax.set_xlabel('log$_{10}$(BME)') + ax.set_ylabel('Probability density') + + legend_elements = [ + Patch(facecolor='green', edgecolor='green', label='TOM BME'), + Patch(facecolor='blue', edgecolor='blue', label='Model BME') + ] + ax.legend(handles=legend_elements) + + if self.emulator: + plotname = f'/BME_hist_{Model.name}_emulator' + else: + plotname = f'/BME_hist_{Model.name}' + + plt.savefig(f'./{out_dir}{plotname}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') + plt.show() + plt.close() + + # -------- Posteior perdictives -------- + if self.plot_post_pred: + # Plot the posterior predictive + self._plot_post_predictive() + + return self + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _perturb_data(self, data, output_names): + """ + Returns an array with n_bootstrap_itrs rowsof perturbed data. + The first row includes the original observation data. + If `self.bayes_loocv` is True, a 2d-array will be returned with + repeated rows and zero diagonal entries. + + Parameters + ---------- + data : pandas DataFrame + Observation data. + output_names : list + List of the output names. + + Returns + ------- + final_data : array + Perturbed data set. + + """ + noise_level = self.bootstrap_noise + obs_data = data[output_names].values + n_measurement, n_outs = obs_data.shape + self.n_tot_measurement = obs_data[~np.isnan(obs_data)].shape[0] + # Number of bootstrap iterations + if self.bayes_loocv: + self.n_bootstrap_itrs = self.n_tot_measurement + + # Pass loocv dataset + if self.bayes_loocv: + obs = obs_data.T[~np.isnan(obs_data.T)] + final_data = np.repeat(np.atleast_2d(obs), self.n_bootstrap_itrs, + axis=0) + np.fill_diagonal(final_data, 0) + return final_data + + else: + final_data = np.zeros( + (self.n_bootstrap_itrs, self.n_tot_measurement) + ) + final_data[0] = obs_data.T[~np.isnan(obs_data.T)] + for itrIdx in range(1, self.n_bootstrap_itrs): + data = np.zeros((n_measurement, n_outs)) + for idx in range(len(output_names)): + std = np.nanstd(obs_data[:, idx]) + if std == 0: + std = 0.001 + noise = std * noise_level + data[:, idx] = np.add( + obs_data[:, idx], + np.random.normal(0, 1, obs_data.shape[0]) * noise, + ) + + final_data[itrIdx] = data.T[~np.isnan(data.T)] + + return final_data + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _logpdf(self, x, mean, cov): + """ + computes the likelihood based on a multivariate normal distribution. + + Parameters + ---------- + x : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + mean : array_like + Observation data. + cov : 2d array + Covariance matrix of the distribution. + + Returns + ------- + log_lik : float + Log likelihood. + + """ + n = len(mean) + L = spla.cholesky(cov, lower=True) + beta = np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L))) + dev = x - mean + alpha = dev.dot(spla.cho_solve((L, True), dev)) + log_lik = -0.5 * alpha - beta - n / 2. * np.log(2 * np.pi) + return log_lik + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _eval_model(self, samples=None, key='MAP'): + """ + Evaluates Forward Model. + + Parameters + ---------- + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params), optional + Parameter sets. The default is None. + key : str, optional + Key string to be passed to the run_model_parallel method. + The default is 'MAP'. + + Returns + ------- + model_outputs : dict + Model outputs. + + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + Model = self.engine.Model + + if samples is None: + self.samples = self.engine.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + self.n_samples, 'random') + else: + self.samples = samples + self.n_samples = len(samples) + + model_outputs, _ = Model.run_model_parallel( + self.samples, key_str=key+self.name) + + # Clean up + # Zip the subdirectories + try: + dir_name = f'{Model.name}MAP{self.name}' + key = dir_name + '_' + Model.zip_subdirs(dir_name, key) + except: + pass + + return model_outputs + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _kernel_rbf(self, X, hyperparameters): + """ + Isotropic squared exponential kernel. + + Higher l values lead to smoother functions and therefore to coarser + approximations of the training data. Lower l values make functions + more wiggly with wide uncertainty regions between training data points. + + sigma_f controls the marginal variance of b(x) + + Parameters + ---------- + X : ndarray of shape (n_samples_X, n_features) + + hyperparameters : Dict + Lambda characteristic length + sigma_f controls the marginal variance of b(x) + sigma_0 unresolvable error nugget term, interpreted as random + error that cannot be attributed to measurement error. + Returns + ------- + var_cov_matrix : ndarray of shape (n_samples_X,n_samples_X) + Kernel k(X, X). + + """ + from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RBF + min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler() + X_minmax = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(X) + + nparams = len(hyperparameters) + # characteristic length (0,1] + Lambda = hyperparameters[0] + # sigma_f controls the marginal variance of b(x) + sigma2_f = hyperparameters[1] + + # cov_matrix = sigma2_f*rbf_kernel(X_minmax, gamma = 1/Lambda**2) + + rbf = RBF(length_scale=Lambda) + cov_matrix = sigma2_f * rbf(X_minmax) + if nparams > 2: + # (unresolvable error) nugget term that is interpreted as random + # error that cannot be attributed to measurement error. + sigma2_0 = hyperparameters[2:] + for i, j in np.ndindex(cov_matrix.shape): + cov_matrix[i, j] += np.sum(sigma2_0) if i == j else 0 + + return cov_matrix + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def normpdf(self, outputs, obs_data, total_sigma2s, sigma2=None, std=None): + """ + Calculates the likelihood of simulation outputs compared with + observation data. + + Parameters + ---------- + outputs : dict + A dictionary containing the simulation outputs as array of shape + (n_samples, n_measurement) for each model output. + obs_data : dict + A dictionary/dataframe containing the observation data. + total_sigma2s : dict + A dictionary with known values of the covariance diagonal entries, + a.k.a sigma^2. + sigma2 : array, optional + An array of the sigma^2 samples, when the covariance diagonal + entries are unknown and are being jointly inferred. The default is + None. + std : dict, optional + A dictionary containing the root mean squared error as array of + shape (n_samples, n_measurement) for each model output. The default + is None. + + Returns + ------- + logLik : array of shape (n_samples) + Likelihoods. + + """ + Model = self.engine.Model + logLik = 0.0 + + # Extract the requested model outputs for likelihood calulation + if self.req_outputs is None: + req_outputs = Model.Output.names + else: + req_outputs = list(self.req_outputs) + + # Loop over the outputs + for idx, out in enumerate(req_outputs): + + # (Meta)Model Output + nsamples, nout = outputs[out].shape + + # Prepare data and remove NaN + try: + data = obs_data[out].values[~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + except AttributeError: + data = obs_data[out][~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + + # Prepare sigma2s + non_nan_indices = ~np.isnan(total_sigma2s[out]) + tot_sigma2s = total_sigma2s[out][non_nan_indices][:nout] + + # Add the std of the PCE is chosen as emulator. + if self.emulator: + if std is not None: + tot_sigma2s += std[out]**2 + + # Covariance Matrix + covMatrix = np.diag(tot_sigma2s) + + # Select the data points to compare + try: + indices = self.selected_indices[out] + except: + indices = list(range(nout)) + covMatrix = np.diag(covMatrix[indices, indices]) + + # If sigma2 is not given, use given total_sigma2s + if sigma2 is None: + logLik += stats.multivariate_normal.logpdf( + outputs[out][:, indices], data[indices], covMatrix) + continue + + # Loop over each run/sample and calculate logLikelihood + logliks = np.zeros(nsamples) + for s_idx in range(nsamples): + + # Simulation run + tot_outputs = outputs[out] + + # Covariance Matrix + covMatrix = np.diag(tot_sigma2s) + + if sigma2 is not None: + # Check the type error term + if hasattr(self, 'bias_inputs') and \ + not hasattr(self, 'error_model'): + # Infer a Bias model usig Gaussian Process Regression + bias_inputs = np.hstack( + (self.bias_inputs[out], + tot_outputs[s_idx].reshape(-1, 1))) + + params = sigma2[s_idx, idx*3:(idx+1)*3] + covMatrix = self._kernel_rbf(bias_inputs, params) + else: + # Infer equal sigma2s + try: + sigma_2 = sigma2[s_idx, idx] + except TypeError: + sigma_2 = 0.0 + + covMatrix += sigma_2 * np.eye(nout) + # covMatrix = np.diag(sigma2 * total_sigma2s) + + # Select the data points to compare + try: + indices = self.selected_indices[out] + except: + indices = list(range(nout)) + covMatrix = np.diag(covMatrix[indices, indices]) + + # Compute loglikelihood + logliks[s_idx] = self._logpdf( + tot_outputs[s_idx, indices], data[indices], covMatrix + ) + + logLik += logliks + return logLik + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _corr_factor_BME_old(self, Data, total_sigma2s, posterior): + """ + Calculates the correction factor for BMEs. + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + OrigModelOutput = self.engine.ExpDesign.Y + Model = self.engine.Model + + # Posterior with guassian-likelihood + postDist = stats.gaussian_kde(posterior.T) + + # Remove NaN + Data = Data[~np.isnan(Data)] + total_sigma2s = total_sigma2s[~np.isnan(total_sigma2s)] + + # Covariance Matrix + covMatrix = np.diag(total_sigma2s[:self.n_tot_measurement]) + + # Extract the requested model outputs for likelihood calulation + if self.req_outputs is None: + OutputType = Model.Output.names + else: + OutputType = list(self.req_outputs) + + # SampleSize = OrigModelOutput[OutputType[0]].shape[0] + + + # Flatten the OutputType for OrigModel + TotalOutputs = np.concatenate([OrigModelOutput[x] for x in OutputType], 1) + + NrofBayesSamples = self.n_samples + # Evaluate MetaModel on the experimental design + Samples = self.engine.ExpDesign.X + OutputRS, stdOutputRS = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=Samples) + + # Reset the NrofSamples to NrofBayesSamples + self.n_samples = NrofBayesSamples + + # Flatten the OutputType for MetaModel + TotalPCEOutputs = np.concatenate([OutputRS[x] for x in OutputRS], 1) + TotalPCEstdOutputRS= np.concatenate([stdOutputRS[x] for x in stdOutputRS], 1) + + logweight = 0 + for i, sample in enumerate(Samples): + # Compute likelilhood output vs RS + covMatrix = np.diag(TotalPCEstdOutputRS[i]**2) + logLik = self._logpdf(TotalOutputs[i], TotalPCEOutputs[i], covMatrix) + # Compute posterior likelihood of the collocation points + logpostLik = np.log(postDist.pdf(sample[:, None]))[0] + if logpostLik != -np.inf: + logweight += logLik + logpostLik + return logweight + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __corr_factor_BME(self, obs_data, total_sigma2s, logBME): + """ + Calculates the correction factor for BMEs. + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + samples = self.engine.ExpDesign.X + model_outputs = self.engine.ExpDesign.Y + Model = self.engine.Model + n_samples = samples.shape[0] + + # Extract the requested model outputs for likelihood calulation + output_names = Model.Output.names + + # Evaluate MetaModel on the experimental design and ValidSet + OutputRS, stdOutputRS = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=samples) + + logLik_data = np.zeros((n_samples)) + logLik_model = np.zeros((n_samples)) + # Loop over the outputs + for idx, out in enumerate(output_names): + + # (Meta)Model Output + nsamples, nout = model_outputs[out].shape + + # Prepare data and remove NaN + try: + data = obs_data[out].values[~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + except AttributeError: + data = obs_data[out][~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + + # Prepare sigma2s + non_nan_indices = ~np.isnan(total_sigma2s[out]) + tot_sigma2s = total_sigma2s[out][non_nan_indices][:nout] + + # Covariance Matrix + covMatrix_data = np.diag(tot_sigma2s) + + for i, sample in enumerate(samples): + + # Simulation run + y_m = model_outputs[out][i] + + # Surrogate prediction + y_m_hat = OutputRS[out][i] + + # CovMatrix with the surrogate error + covMatrix = np.eye(len(y_m)) * 1/(2*np.pi) + + # Select the data points to compare + try: + indices = self.selected_indices[out] + except: + indices = list(range(nout)) + covMatrix = np.diag(covMatrix[indices, indices]) + covMatrix_data = np.diag(covMatrix_data[indices, indices]) + + # Compute likelilhood output vs data + logLik_data[i] += self._logpdf( + y_m_hat[indices], data[indices], + covMatrix_data + ) + + # Compute likelilhood output vs surrogate + logLik_model[i] += self._logpdf( + y_m_hat[indices], y_m[indices], + covMatrix + ) + + # Weight + logLik_data -= logBME + weights = np.mean(np.exp(logLik_model+logLik_data)) + + return np.log(weights) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _rejection_sampling(self): + """ + Performs rejection sampling to update the prior distribution on the + input parameters. + + Returns + ------- + posterior : pandas.dataframe + Posterior samples of the input parameters. + + """ + + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + try: + sigma2_prior = self.Discrepancy.sigma2_prior + except: + sigma2_prior = None + + # Check if the discrepancy is defined as a distribution: + samples = self.samples + + if sigma2_prior is not None: + samples = np.hstack((samples, sigma2_prior)) + + # Take the first column of Likelihoods (Observation data without noise) + if self.just_analysis or self.bayes_loocv: + index = self.n_tot_measurement-1 + likelihoods = np.exp(self.log_likes[:, index], dtype=np.longdouble)#np.float128) + else: + likelihoods = np.exp(self.log_likes[:, 0], dtype=np.longdouble)#np.float128) + + n_samples = len(likelihoods) + norm_ikelihoods = likelihoods / np.max(likelihoods) + + # Normalize based on min if all Likelihoods are zero + if all(likelihoods == 0.0): + likelihoods = self.log_likes[:, 0] + norm_ikelihoods = likelihoods / np.min(likelihoods) + + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, n_samples)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + accepted_samples = samples[norm_ikelihoods >= unif] + + # Output the Posterior + par_names = self.engine.ExpDesign.par_names + if sigma2_prior is not None: + for name in self.Discrepancy.name: + par_names.append(name) + + return pd.DataFrame(accepted_samples, columns=sigma2_prior) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _posterior_predictive(self): + """ + Stores the prior- and posterior predictive samples, i.e. model + evaluations using the samples, into hdf5 files. + + priorPredictive.hdf5 : Prior predictive samples. + postPredictive_wo_noise.hdf5 : Posterior predictive samples without + the additive noise. + postPredictive.hdf5 : Posterior predictive samples with the additive + noise. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + Model = self.engine.Model + + # Make a directory to save the prior/posterior predictive + out_dir = f'Outputs_Bayes_{Model.name}_{self.name}' + os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) + + # Read observation data and perturb it if requested + if self.measured_data is None: + self.measured_data = Model.read_observation(case=self.name) + + if not isinstance(self.measured_data, pd.DataFrame): + self.measured_data = pd.DataFrame(self.measured_data) + + # X_values + x_values = self.engine.ExpDesign.x_values + + try: + sigma2_prior = self.Discrepancy.sigma2_prior + except: + sigma2_prior = None + + # Extract posterior samples + posterior_df = self.posterior_df + + # Take care of the sigma2 + if sigma2_prior is not None: + try: + sigma2s = posterior_df[self.Discrepancy.name].values + posterior_df = posterior_df.drop( + labels=self.Discrepancy.name, axis=1 + ) + except: + sigma2s = self.sigma2s + + # Posterior predictive + if self.emulator: + if self.inference_method == 'rejection': + prior_pred = self.__mean_pce_prior_pred + if self.name.lower() != 'calib': + post_pred = self.__mean_pce_prior_pred + post_pred_std = self._std_pce_prior_pred + else: + post_pred, post_pred_std = MetaModel.eval_metamodel( + samples=posterior_df.values + ) + + else: + if self.inference_method == 'rejection': + prior_pred = self.__model_prior_pred + if self.name.lower() != 'calib': + post_pred = self.__mean_pce_prior_pred, + post_pred_std = self._std_pce_prior_pred + else: + post_pred = self._eval_model( + samples=posterior_df.values, key='PostPred' + ) + # Correct the predictions with Model discrepancy + if hasattr(self, 'error_model') and self.error_model: + y_hat, y_std = self.error_MetaModel.eval_model_error( + self.bias_inputs, post_pred + ) + post_pred, post_pred_std = y_hat, y_std + + # Add discrepancy from likelihood Sample to the current posterior runs + total_sigma2 = self.Discrepancy.total_sigma2 + post_pred_withnoise = copy.deepcopy(post_pred) + for varIdx, var in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + for i in range(len(post_pred[var])): + pred = post_pred[var][i] + + # Known sigma2s + clean_sigma2 = total_sigma2[var][~np.isnan(total_sigma2[var])] + tot_sigma2 = clean_sigma2[:len(pred)] + cov = np.diag(tot_sigma2) + + # Check the type error term + if sigma2_prior is not None: + # Inferred sigma2s + if hasattr(self, 'bias_inputs') and \ + not hasattr(self, 'error_model'): + # TODO: Infer a Bias model usig GPR + bias_inputs = np.hstack(( + self.bias_inputs[var], pred.reshape(-1, 1))) + params = sigma2s[i, varIdx*3:(varIdx+1)*3] + cov = self._kernel_rbf(bias_inputs, params) + else: + # Infer equal sigma2s + try: + sigma2 = sigma2s[i, varIdx] + except TypeError: + sigma2 = 0.0 + + # Convert biasSigma2s to a covMatrix + cov += sigma2 * np.eye(len(pred)) + + if self.emulator: + if hasattr(MetaModel, 'rmse') and \ + MetaModel.rmse is not None: + stdPCE = MetaModel.rmse[var] + else: + stdPCE = post_pred_std[var][i] + # Expected value of variance (Assump: i.i.d stds) + cov += np.diag(stdPCE**2) + + # Sample a multivariate normal distribution with mean of + # prediction and variance of cov + post_pred_withnoise[var][i] = np.random.multivariate_normal( + pred, cov, 1 + ) + + # ----- Prior Predictive ----- + if self.inference_method.lower() == 'rejection': + # Create hdf5 metadata + hdf5file = f'{out_dir}/priorPredictive.hdf5' + hdf5_exist = os.path.exists(hdf5file) + if hdf5_exist: + os.remove(hdf5file) + file = h5py.File(hdf5file, 'a') + + # Store x_values + if type(x_values) is dict: + grp_x_values = file.create_group("x_values/") + for varIdx, var in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + grp_x_values.create_dataset(var, data=x_values[var]) + else: + file.create_dataset("x_values", data=x_values) + + # Store posterior predictive + grpY = file.create_group("EDY/") + for varIdx, var in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + grpY.create_dataset(var, data=prior_pred[var]) + + # ----- Posterior Predictive only model evaluations ----- + # Create hdf5 metadata + hdf5file = out_dir+'/postPredictive_wo_noise.hdf5' + hdf5_exist = os.path.exists(hdf5file) + if hdf5_exist: + os.remove(hdf5file) + file = h5py.File(hdf5file, 'a') + + # Store x_values + if type(x_values) is dict: + grp_x_values = file.create_group("x_values/") + for varIdx, var in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + grp_x_values.create_dataset(var, data=x_values[var]) + else: + file.create_dataset("x_values", data=x_values) + + # Store posterior predictive + grpY = file.create_group("EDY/") + for varIdx, var in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + grpY.create_dataset(var, data=post_pred[var]) + + # ----- Posterior Predictive with noise ----- + # Create hdf5 metadata + hdf5file = out_dir+'/postPredictive.hdf5' + hdf5_exist = os.path.exists(hdf5file) + if hdf5_exist: + os.remove(hdf5file) + file = h5py.File(hdf5file, 'a') + + # Store x_values + if type(x_values) is dict: + grp_x_values = file.create_group("x_values/") + for varIdx, var in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + grp_x_values.create_dataset(var, data=x_values[var]) + else: + file.create_dataset("x_values", data=x_values) + + # Store posterior predictive + grpY = file.create_group("EDY/") + for varIdx, var in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + grpY.create_dataset(var, data=post_pred_withnoise[var]) + + return + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _plot_max_a_posteriori(self): + """ + Plots the response of the model output against that of the metamodel at + the maximum a posteriori sample (mean or mode of posterior.) + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + Model = self.engine.Model + out_dir = f'Outputs_Bayes_{Model.name}_{self.name}' + opt_sigma = self.Discrepancy.opt_sigma + + # -------- Find MAP and run MetaModel and origModel -------- + # Compute the MAP + if self.max_a_posteriori.lower() == 'mean': + if opt_sigma == "B": + Posterior_df = self.posterior_df.values + else: + Posterior_df = self.posterior_df.values[:, :-Model.n_outputs] + map_theta = Posterior_df.mean(axis=0).reshape( + (1, MetaModel.n_params)) + else: + map_theta = stats.mode(Posterior_df.values, axis=0)[0] + # Prin report + print("\nPoint estimator:\n", map_theta[0]) + + # Run the models for MAP + # MetaModel + map_metamodel_mean, map_metamodel_std = MetaModel.eval_metamodel( + samples=map_theta) + self.map_metamodel_mean = map_metamodel_mean + self.map_metamodel_std = map_metamodel_std + + # origModel + map_orig_model = self._eval_model(samples=map_theta) + self.map_orig_model = map_orig_model + + # Extract slicing index + x_values = map_orig_model['x_values'] + + # List of markers and colors + Color = ['k', 'b', 'g', 'r'] + Marker = 'x' + + # Create a PdfPages object + pdf = PdfPages(f'./{out_dir}MAP_PCE_vs_Model_{self.name}.pdf') + fig = plt.figure() + for i, key in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + + y_val = map_orig_model[key] + y_pce_val = map_metamodel_mean[key] + y_pce_val_std = map_metamodel_std[key] + + plt.plot(x_values, y_val, color=Color[i], marker=Marker, + lw=2.0, label='$Y_{MAP}^{M}$') + + plt.plot( + x_values, y_pce_val[i], color=Color[i], lw=2.0, + marker=Marker, linestyle='--', label='$Y_{MAP}^{PCE}$' + ) + # plot the confidence interval + plt.fill_between( + x_values, y_pce_val[i] - 1.96*y_pce_val_std[i], + y_pce_val[i] + 1.96*y_pce_val_std[i], + color=Color[i], alpha=0.15 + ) + + # Calculate the adjusted R_squared and RMSE + R2 = r2_score(y_pce_val.reshape(-1, 1), y_val.reshape(-1, 1)) + rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_pce_val, y_val)) + + plt.ylabel(key) + plt.xlabel("Time [s]") + plt.title(f'Model vs MetaModel {key}') + + ax = fig.axes[0] + leg = ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=True) + fig.canvas.draw() + p = leg.get_window_extent().inverse_transformed(ax.transAxes) + ax.text( + p.p0[1]-0.05, p.p1[1]-0.25, + f'RMSE = {rmse:.3f}\n$R^2$ = {R2:.3f}', + transform=ax.transAxes, color='black', + bbox=dict(facecolor='none', edgecolor='black', + boxstyle='round,pad=1')) + + plt.show() + + # save the current figure + pdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches='tight') + + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + + pdf.close() + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _plot_post_predictive(self): + """ + Plots the posterior predictives against the observation data. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + + Model = self.engine.Model + out_dir = f'Outputs_Bayes_{Model.name}_{self.name}' + # Plot the posterior predictive + for out_idx, out_name in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + fig, ax = plt.subplots() + with sns.axes_style("ticks"): + x_key = list(self.measured_data)[0] + + # --- Read prior and posterior predictive --- + if self.inference_method == 'rejection' and \ + self.name.lower() != 'valid': + # --- Prior --- + # Load posterior predictive + f = h5py.File( + f'{out_dir}/priorPredictive.hdf5', 'r+') + + try: + x_coords = np.array(f[f"x_values/{out_name}"]) + except: + x_coords = np.array(f["x_values"]) + + X_values = np.repeat(x_coords, 10000) + + prior_pred_df = {} + prior_pred_df[x_key] = X_values + prior_pred_df[out_name] = np.array( + f[f"EDY/{out_name}"])[:10000].flatten('F') + prior_pred_df = pd.DataFrame(prior_pred_df) + + tags_post = ['prior'] * len(prior_pred_df) + prior_pred_df.insert( + len(prior_pred_df.columns), "Tags", tags_post, + True) + f.close() + + # --- Posterior --- + f = h5py.File(f"{out_dir}/postPredictive.hdf5", 'r+') + + X_values = np.repeat( + x_coords, np.array(f[f"EDY/{out_name}"]).shape[0]) + + post_pred_df = {} + post_pred_df[x_key] = X_values + post_pred_df[out_name] = np.array( + f[f"EDY/{out_name}"]).flatten('F') + + post_pred_df = pd.DataFrame(post_pred_df) + + tags_post = ['posterior'] * len(post_pred_df) + post_pred_df.insert( + len(post_pred_df.columns), "Tags", tags_post, True) + f.close() + # Concatenate two dataframes based on x_values + frames = [prior_pred_df, post_pred_df] + all_pred_df = pd.concat(frames) + + # --- Plot posterior predictive --- + sns.violinplot( + x_key, y=out_name, data=all_pred_df, hue="Tags", + legend=False, ax=ax, split=True, inner=None, + color=".8") + + # --- Plot Data --- + # Find the x,y coordinates for each point + x_coords = np.arange(x_coords.shape[0]) + first_header = list(self.measured_data)[0] + obs_data = self.measured_data.round({first_header: 6}) + sns.pointplot( + x=first_header, y=out_name, color='g', markers='x', + linestyles='', capsize=16, data=obs_data, ax=ax) + + ax.errorbar( + x_coords, obs_data[out_name].values, + yerr=1.96*self.measurement_error[out_name], + ecolor='g', fmt=' ', zorder=-1) + + # Add labels to the legend + handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() + labels.append('Data') + + data_marker = mlines.Line2D( + [], [], color='lime', marker='+', linestyle='None', + markersize=10) + handles.append(data_marker) + + # Add legend + ax.legend(handles=handles, labels=labels, loc='best', + fontsize='large', frameon=True) + + else: + # Load posterior predictive + f = h5py.File(f"{out_dir}/postPredictive.hdf5", 'r+') + + try: + x_coords = np.array(f[f"x_values/{out_name}"]) + except: + x_coords = np.array(f["x_values"]) + + mu = np.mean(np.array(f[f"EDY/{out_name}"]), axis=0) + std = np.std(np.array(f[f"EDY/{out_name}"]), axis=0) + + # --- Plot posterior predictive --- + plt.plot( + x_coords, mu, marker='o', color='b', + label='Mean Post. Predictive') + plt.fill_between( + x_coords, mu-1.96*std, mu+1.96*std, color='b', + alpha=0.15) + + # --- Plot Data --- + ax.plot( + x_coords, self.measured_data[out_name].values, + 'ko', label='data', markeredgecolor='w') + + # --- Plot ExpDesign --- + orig_ED_Y = self.engine.ExpDesign.Y[out_name] + for output in orig_ED_Y: + plt.plot( + x_coords, output, color='grey', alpha=0.15 + ) + + # Add labels for axes + plt.xlabel('Time [s]') + plt.ylabel(out_name) + + # Add labels to the legend + handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() + + patch = Patch(color='b', alpha=0.15) + handles.insert(1, patch) + labels.insert(1, '95 $\\%$ CI') + + # Add legend + ax.legend(handles=handles, labels=labels, loc='best', + frameon=True) + + # Save figure in pdf format + if self.emulator: + plotname = f'/Post_Prior_Perd_{Model.name}_emulator' + else: + plotname = f'/Post_Prior_Perd_{Model.name}' + + fig.savefig(f'./{out_dir}{plotname}_{out_name}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_model_comparison.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_model_comparison.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..828613556e90ec0c529b91f2592eec148c98136b --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_model_comparison.py @@ -0,0 +1,654 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +import numpy as np +import os +from scipy import stats +import seaborn as sns +import matplotlib.patches as patches +import matplotlib.colors as mcolors +import matplotlib.pylab as plt +from .bayes_inference import BayesInference + +# Load the mplstyle +plt.style.use(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], + '../', 'bayesvalidrox.mplstyle')) + + +class BayesModelComparison: + """ + A class to perform Bayesian Analysis. + + + Attributes + ---------- + justifiability : bool, optional + Whether to perform the justifiability analysis. The default is + `True`. + perturbed_data : array of shape (n_bootstrap_itrs, n_obs), optional + User defined perturbed data. The default is `None`. + n_bootstarp : int + Number of bootstrap iteration. The default is `1000`. + data_noise_level : float + A noise level to perturb the data set. The default is `0.01`. + just_n_meas : int + Number of measurements considered for visualization of the + justifiability results. + + """ + + def __init__(self, justifiability=True, perturbed_data=None, + n_bootstarp=1000, data_noise_level=0.01, just_n_meas=2): + + self.justifiability = justifiability + self.perturbed_data = perturbed_data + self.n_bootstarp = n_bootstarp + self.data_noise_level = data_noise_level + self.just_n_meas = just_n_meas + + # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def create_model_comparison(self, model_dict, opts_dict): + """ + Starts the two-stage model comparison. + Stage I: Compare models using Bayes factors. + Stage II: Compare models via justifiability analysis. + + Parameters + ---------- + model_dict : dict + A dictionary including the metamodels. + opts_dict : dict + A dictionary given the `BayesInference` options. + + Example: + + >>> opts_bootstrap = { + "bootstrap": True, + "n_samples": 10000, + "Discrepancy": DiscrepancyOpts, + "emulator": True, + "plot_post_pred": True + } + + Returns + ------- + output : dict + A dictionary containing the objects and the model weights for the + comparison using Bayes factors and justifiability analysis. + + """ + + # Bayes factor + bayes_dict_bf, model_weights_dict_bf = self.compare_models( + model_dict, opts_dict + ) + + output = { + 'Bayes objects BF': bayes_dict_bf, + 'Model weights BF': model_weights_dict_bf + } + + # Justifiability analysis + if self.justifiability: + bayes_dict_ja, model_weights_dict_ja = self.compare_models( + model_dict, opts_dict, justifiability=True + ) + + output['Bayes objects JA'] = bayes_dict_ja + output['Model weights JA'] = model_weights_dict_ja + + return output + + # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def compare_models(self, model_dict, opts_dict, justifiability=False): + """ + Passes the options to instantiates the BayesInference class for each + model and passes the options from `opts_dict`. Then, it starts the + computations. + It also creates a folder and saves the diagrams, e.g., Bayes factor + plot, confusion matrix, etc. + + Parameters + ---------- + model_dict : dict + A dictionary including the metamodels. + opts_dict : dict + A dictionary given the `BayesInference` options. + justifiability : bool, optional + Whether to perform the justifiability analysis. The default is + `False`. + + Returns + ------- + bayes_dict : dict + A dictionary with `BayesInference` objects. + model_weights_dict : dict + A dictionary containing the model weights. + + """ + + if not isinstance(model_dict, dict): + raise Exception("To run model comparsion, you need to pass a " + "dictionary of models.") + + # Extract model names + self.model_names = [*model_dict] + + # Compute total number of the measurement points + Engine = list(model_dict.items())[0][1] + Engine.Model.read_observation() + self.n_meas = Engine.Model.n_obs + + # ----- Generate data ----- + # Find n_bootstrap + if self.perturbed_data is None: + n_bootstarp = self.n_bootstarp + else: + n_bootstarp = self.perturbed_data.shape[0] + + # Create dataset + justData = self.generate_dataset( + model_dict, justifiability, n_bootstarp=n_bootstarp) + + # Run create Interface for each model + bayes_dict = {} + for model in model_dict.keys(): + print("-"*20) + print("Bayesian inference of {}.\n".format(model)) + + BayesOpts = BayesInference(model_dict[model]) + + # Set BayesInference options + for key, value in opts_dict.items(): + if key in BayesOpts.__dict__.keys(): + if key == "Discrepancy" and isinstance(value, dict): + setattr(BayesOpts, key, value[model]) + else: + setattr(BayesOpts, key, value) + + # Pass justifiability data as perturbed data + BayesOpts.perturbed_data = justData + BayesOpts.just_analysis = justifiability + + bayes_dict[model] = BayesOpts.create_inference() + print("-"*20) + + # Compute model weights + BME_Dict = dict() + for modelName, bayesObj in bayes_dict.items(): + BME_Dict[modelName] = np.exp(bayesObj.log_BME, dtype=np.longdouble)#float128) + + # BME correction in BayesInference class + model_weights = self.cal_model_weight( + BME_Dict, justifiability, n_bootstarp=n_bootstarp) + + # Plot model weights + if justifiability: + model_names = self.model_names + model_names.insert(0, 'Observation') + + # Split the model weights and save in a dict + list_ModelWeights = np.split( + model_weights, model_weights.shape[1]/self.n_meas, axis=1) + model_weights_dict = {key: weights for key, weights in + zip(model_names, list_ModelWeights)} + + #self.plot_just_analysis(model_weights_dict) + else: + # Create box plot for model weights + self.plot_model_weights(model_weights, 'model_weights') + + # Create kde plot for bayes factors + self.plot_bayes_factor(BME_Dict, 'kde_plot') + + # Store model weights in a dict + model_weights_dict = {key: weights for key, weights in + zip(self.model_names, model_weights)} + + return bayes_dict, model_weights_dict + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def generate_dataset(self, model_dict, justifiability=False, + n_bootstarp=1): + """ + Generates the perturbed data set for the Bayes factor calculations and + the data set for the justifiability analysis. + + Parameters + ---------- + model_dict : dict + A dictionary including the metamodels. + bool, optional + Whether to perform the justifiability analysis. The default is + `False`. + n_bootstarp : int, optional + Number of bootstrap iterations. The default is `1`. + + Returns + ------- + all_just_data: array + Created data set. + + """ + # Compute some variables + all_just_data = [] + Engine = list(model_dict.items())[0][1] + out_names = Engine.Model.Output.names + + # Perturb observations for Bayes Factor + if self.perturbed_data is None: + self.perturbed_data = self.__perturb_data( + Engine.Model.observations, out_names, n_bootstarp, + noise_level=self.data_noise_level) + + # Only for Bayes Factor + if not justifiability: + return self.perturbed_data + + # Evaluate metamodel + runs = {} + for key, metaModel in model_dict.items(): + y_hat, _ = metaModel.eval_metamodel(nsamples=n_bootstarp) + runs[key] = y_hat + + # Generate data + for i in range(n_bootstarp): + y_data = self.perturbed_data[i].reshape(1, -1) + justData = np.tril(np.repeat(y_data, y_data.shape[1], axis=0)) + # Use surrogate runs for data-generating process + for key, metaModel in model_dict.items(): + model_data = np.array( + [runs[key][out][i] for out in out_names]).reshape(y_data.shape) + justData = np.vstack(( + justData, + np.tril(np.repeat(model_data, model_data.shape[1], axis=0)) + )) + # Save in a list + all_just_data.append(justData) + + # Squeeze the array + all_just_data = np.array(all_just_data).transpose(1, 0, 2).reshape( + -1, np.array(all_just_data).shape[2] + ) + + return all_just_data + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __perturb_data(self, data, output_names, n_bootstrap, noise_level): + """ + Returns an array with n_bootstrap_itrs rowsof perturbed data. + The first row includes the original observation data. + If `self.bayes_loocv` is True, a 2d-array will be returned with + repeated rows and zero diagonal entries. + + Parameters + ---------- + data : pandas DataFrame + Observation data. + output_names : list + List of the output names. + + Returns + ------- + final_data : array + Perturbed data set. + + """ + obs_data = data[output_names].values + n_measurement, n_outs = obs_data.shape + n_tot_measurement = obs_data[~np.isnan(obs_data)].shape[0] + final_data = np.zeros( + (n_bootstrap, n_tot_measurement) + ) + final_data[0] = obs_data.T[~np.isnan(obs_data.T)] + for itrIdx in range(1, n_bootstrap): + data = np.zeros((n_measurement, n_outs)) + for idx in range(len(output_names)): + std = np.nanstd(obs_data[:, idx]) + if std == 0: + std = 0.001 + noise = std * noise_level + data[:, idx] = np.add( + obs_data[:, idx], + np.random.normal(0, 1, obs_data.shape[0]) * noise, + ) + + final_data[itrIdx] = data.T[~np.isnan(data.T)] + + return final_data + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def cal_model_weight(self, BME_Dict, justifiability=False, n_bootstarp=1): + """ + Normalize the BME (Asumption: Model Prior weights are equal for models) + + Parameters + ---------- + BME_Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the BME values. + + Returns + ------- + model_weights : array + Model weights. + + """ + # Stack the BME values for all models + all_BME = np.vstack(list(BME_Dict.values())) + + if justifiability: + # Compute expected log_BME for justifiabiliy analysis + all_BME = all_BME.reshape( + all_BME.shape[0], -1, n_bootstarp).mean(axis=2) + + # Model weights + model_weights = np.divide(all_BME, np.nansum(all_BME, axis=0)) + + return model_weights + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def plot_just_analysis(self, model_weights_dict): + """ + Visualizes the confusion matrix and the model wights for the + justifiability analysis. + + Parameters + ---------- + model_weights_dict : dict + Model weights. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + + directory = 'Outputs_Comparison/' + os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) + Color = [*mcolors.TABLEAU_COLORS] + names = [*model_weights_dict] + + model_names = [model.replace('_', '$-$') for model in self.model_names] + for name in names: + fig, ax = plt.subplots() + for i, model in enumerate(model_names[1:]): + plt.plot(list(range(1, self.n_meas+1)), + model_weights_dict[name][i], + color=Color[i], marker='o', + ms=10, linewidth=2, label=model + ) + + plt.title(f"Data generated by: {name.replace('_', '$-$')}") + plt.ylabel("Weights") + plt.xlabel("No. of measurement points") + ax.set_xticks(list(range(1, self.n_meas+1))) + plt.legend(loc="best") + fig.savefig( + f'{directory}modelWeights_{name}.svg', bbox_inches='tight' + ) + plt.close() + + # Confusion matrix for some measurement points + epsilon = 1 if self.just_n_meas != 1 else 0 + for index in range(0, self.n_meas+epsilon, self.just_n_meas): + weights = np.array( + [model_weights_dict[key][:, index] for key in model_weights_dict] + ) + g = sns.heatmap( + weights.T, annot=True, cmap='Blues', xticklabels=model_names, + yticklabels=model_names[1:], annot_kws={"size": 24} + ) + + # x axis on top + g.xaxis.tick_top() + g.xaxis.set_label_position('top') + g.set_xlabel(r"\textbf{Data generated by:}", labelpad=15) + g.set_ylabel(r"\textbf{Model weight for:}", labelpad=15) + g.figure.savefig( + f"{directory}confusionMatrix_ND_{index+1}.pdf", + bbox_inches='tight' + ) + plt.close() + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def plot_model_weights(self, model_weights, plot_name): + """ + Visualizes the model weights resulting from BMS via the observation + data. + + Parameters + ---------- + model_weights : array + Model weights. + plot_name : str + Plot name. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + font_size = 40 + # mkdir for plots + directory = 'Outputs_Comparison/' + os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) + + # Create figure + fig, ax = plt.subplots() + + # Filter data using np.isnan + mask = ~np.isnan(model_weights.T) + filtered_data = [d[m] for d, m in zip(model_weights, mask.T)] + + # Create the boxplot + bp = ax.boxplot(filtered_data, patch_artist=True, showfliers=False) + + # change outline color, fill color and linewidth of the boxes + for box in bp['boxes']: + # change outline color + box.set(color='#7570b3', linewidth=4) + # change fill color + box.set(facecolor='#1b9e77') + + # change color and linewidth of the whiskers + for whisker in bp['whiskers']: + whisker.set(color='#7570b3', linewidth=2) + + # change color and linewidth of the caps + for cap in bp['caps']: + cap.set(color='#7570b3', linewidth=2) + + # change color and linewidth of the medians + for median in bp['medians']: + median.set(color='#b2df8a', linewidth=2) + + # change the style of fliers and their fill + # for flier in bp['fliers']: + # flier.set(marker='o', color='#e7298a', alpha=0.75) + + # Custom x-axis labels + model_names = [model.replace('_', '$-$') for model in self.model_names] + ax.set_xticklabels(model_names) + + ax.set_ylabel('Weight', fontsize=font_size) + + # Title + plt.title('Posterior Model Weights') + + # Set y lim + ax.set_ylim((-0.05, 1.05)) + + # Set size of the ticks + for t in ax.get_xticklabels(): + t.set_fontsize(font_size) + for t in ax.get_yticklabels(): + t.set_fontsize(font_size) + + # Save the figure + fig.savefig( + f'./{directory}{plot_name}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight' + ) + + plt.close() + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def plot_bayes_factor(self, BME_Dict, plot_name=''): + """ + Plots the Bayes factor distibutions in a :math:`N_m \\times N_m` + matrix, where :math:`N_m` is the number of the models. + + Parameters + ---------- + BME_Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the BME values of the models. + plot_name : str, optional + Plot name. The default is ''. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + + font_size = 40 + + # mkdir for plots + directory = 'Outputs_Comparison/' + os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) + + Colors = ["blue", "green", "gray", "brown"] + + model_names = list(BME_Dict.keys()) + nModels = len(model_names) + + # Plots + fig, axes = plt.subplots( + nrows=nModels, ncols=nModels, sharex=True, sharey=True + ) + + for i, key_i in enumerate(model_names): + + for j, key_j in enumerate(model_names): + ax = axes[i, j] + # Set size of the ticks + for t in ax.get_xticklabels(): + t.set_fontsize(font_size) + for t in ax.get_yticklabels(): + t.set_fontsize(font_size) + + if j != i: + + # Null hypothesis: key_j is the better model + BayesFactor = np.log10( + np.divide(BME_Dict[key_i], BME_Dict[key_j]) + ) + + # sns.kdeplot(BayesFactor, ax=ax, color=Colors[i], shade=True) + # sns.histplot(BayesFactor, ax=ax, stat="probability", + # kde=True, element='step', + # color=Colors[j]) + + # taken from seaborn's source code (utils.py and + # distributions.py) + def seaborn_kde_support(data, bw, gridsize, cut, clip): + if clip is None: + clip = (-np.inf, np.inf) + support_min = max(data.min() - bw * cut, clip[0]) + support_max = min(data.max() + bw * cut, clip[1]) + return np.linspace(support_min, support_max, gridsize) + + kde_estim = stats.gaussian_kde( + BayesFactor, bw_method='scott' + ) + + # manual linearization of data + # linearized = np.linspace( + # quotient.min(), quotient.max(), num=500) + + # or better: mimic seaborn's internal stuff + bw = kde_estim.scotts_factor() * np.std(BayesFactor) + linearized = seaborn_kde_support( + BayesFactor, bw, 100, 3, None) + + # computes values of the estimated function on the + # estimated linearized inputs + Z = kde_estim.evaluate(linearized) + + # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29661574/normalize- + # numpy-array-columns-in-python + def normalize(x): + return (x - x.min(0)) / x.ptp(0) + + # normalize so it is between 0;1 + Z2 = normalize(Z) + ax.plot(linearized, Z2, "-", color=Colors[i], linewidth=4) + ax.fill_between( + linearized, 0, Z2, color=Colors[i], alpha=0.25 + ) + + # Draw BF significant levels according to Jeffreys 1961 + # Strong evidence for both models + ax.axvline( + x=np.log10(3), ymin=0, linewidth=4, color='dimgrey' + ) + # Strong evidence for one model + ax.axvline( + x=np.log10(10), ymin=0, linewidth=4, color='orange' + ) + # Decisive evidence for one model + ax.axvline( + x=np.log10(100), ymin=0, linewidth=4, color='r' + ) + + # legend + BF_label = key_i.replace('_', '$-$') + \ + '/' + key_j.replace('_', '$-$') + legend_elements = [ + patches.Patch(facecolor=Colors[i], edgecolor=Colors[i], + label=f'BF({BF_label})') + ] + ax.legend( + loc='upper left', handles=legend_elements, + fontsize=font_size-(nModels+1)*5 + ) + + elif j == i: + # build a rectangle in axes coords + left, width = 0, 1 + bottom, height = 0, 1 + + # axes coordinates are 0,0 is bottom left and 1,1 is upper + # right + p = patches.Rectangle( + (left, bottom), width, height, color='white', + fill=True, transform=ax.transAxes, clip_on=False + ) + ax.grid(False) + ax.add_patch(p) + # ax.text(0.5*(left+right), 0.5*(bottom+top), key_i, + fsize = font_size+20 if nModels < 4 else font_size + ax.text(0.5, 0.5, key_i.replace('_', '$-$'), + horizontalalignment='center', + verticalalignment='center', + fontsize=fsize, color=Colors[i], + transform=ax.transAxes) + + # Defining custom 'ylim' values. + custom_ylim = (0, 1.05) + + # Setting the values for all axes. + plt.setp(axes, ylim=custom_ylim) + + # set labels + for i in range(nModels): + axes[-1, i].set_xlabel('log$_{10}$(BF)', fontsize=font_size) + axes[i, 0].set_ylabel('Probability', fontsize=font_size) + + # Adjust subplots + plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.2, hspace=0.1) + + plt.savefig( + f'./{directory}Bayes_Factor{plot_name}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight' + ) + + plt.close() diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/discrepancy.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/discrepancy.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fff32a2500ae20b3667c7b0ec2cc85c1da614688 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/discrepancy.py @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +import scipy.stats as stats +from bayesvalidrox.surrogate_models.exp_designs import ExpDesigns + + +class Discrepancy: + """ + Discrepancy class for Bayesian inference method. + We define the reference or reality to be equal to what we can model and a + descripancy term \\( \\epsilon \\). We consider the followin format: + + $$\\textbf{y}_{\\text{reality}} = \\mathcal{M}(\\theta) + \\epsilon,$$ + + where \\( \\epsilon \\in R^{N_{out}} \\) represents the the effects of + measurement error and model inaccuracy. For simplicity, it can be defined + as an additive Gaussian disrepancy with zeromean and given covariance + matrix \\( \\Sigma \\): + + $$\\epsilon \\sim \\mathcal{N}(\\epsilon|0, \\Sigma). $$ + + In the context of model inversion or calibration, an observation point + \\( \\textbf{y}_i \\in \\mathcal{y} \\) is a realization of a Gaussian + distribution with mean value of \\(\\mathcal{M}(\\theta) \\) and covariance + matrix of \\( \\Sigma \\). + + $$ p(\\textbf{y}|\\theta) = \\mathcal{N}(\\textbf{y}|\\mathcal{M} + (\\theta))$$ + + The following options are available: + + * Option A: With known redidual covariance matrix \\(\\Sigma\\) for + independent measurements. + + * Option B: With unknown redidual covariance matrix \\(\\Sigma\\), + paramethrized as \\(\\Sigma(\\theta_{\\epsilon})=\\sigma^2 \\textbf{I}_ + {N_{out}}\\) with unknown residual variances \\(\\sigma^2\\). + This term will be jointly infer with the uncertain input parameters. For + the inversion, you need to define a prior marginal via `Input` class. Note + that \\(\\sigma^2\\) is only a single scalar multiplier for the diagonal + entries of the covariance matrix \\(\\Sigma\\). + + Attributes + ---------- + InputDisc : obj + Input object. When the \\(\\sigma^2\\) is expected to be inferred + jointly with the parameters (`Option B`).If multiple output groups are + defined by `Model.Output.names`, each model output needs to have. + a prior marginal using the `Input` class. The default is `''`. + disc_type : str + Type of the noise definition. `'Gaussian'` is only supported so far. + parameters : dict or pandas.DataFrame + Known residual variance \\(\\sigma^2\\), i.e. diagonal entry of the + covariance matrix of the multivariate normal likelihood in case of + `Option A`. + + """ + + def __init__(self, InputDisc='', disc_type='Gaussian', parameters=None): + self.InputDisc = InputDisc + self.disc_type = disc_type + self.parameters = parameters + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def get_sample(self, n_samples): + """ + Generate samples for the \\(\\sigma^2\\), i.e. the diagonal entries of + the variance-covariance matrix in the multivariate normal distribution. + + Parameters + ---------- + n_samples : int + Number of samples (parameter sets). + + Returns + ------- + sigma2_prior: array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + \\(\\sigma^2\\) samples. + + """ + self.n_samples = n_samples # TODO: not used again in here - needed from the outside? + + if self.InputDisc == '': + raise AttributeError('Cannot create new samples, please provide input distributions') + + # Create and store BoundTuples + self.ExpDesign = ExpDesigns(self.InputDisc) + self.ExpDesign.sampling_method = 'random' + self.ExpDesign.generate_ED( + n_samples, max_pce_deg=1 + ) + # TODO: need to recheck the following line + # This used to simply be the return from the call above + self.sigma2_prior = self.ExpDesign.X + + # Naive approach: Fit a gaussian kernel to the provided data + self.ExpDesign.JDist = stats.gaussian_kde(self.ExpDesign.raw_data) + + # Save the names of sigmas + if len(self.InputDisc.Marginals) != 0: + self.name = [] + for Marginalidx in range(len(self.InputDisc.Marginals)): + self.name.append(self.InputDisc.Marginals[Marginalidx].name) + + return self.sigma2_prior diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/mcmc.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/mcmc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fe22a152f117aab7023bfe6592ce3a48bb0b3aec --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/mcmc.py @@ -0,0 +1,909 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +import os +import numpy as np +import emcee +import pandas as pd +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt +from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages +import multiprocessing +import scipy.stats as st +from scipy.linalg import cholesky as chol +import warnings +import shutil +os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1" + + +class MCMC: + """ + A class for bayesian inference via a Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) + Sampler to approximate the posterior distribution of the Bayes theorem: + $$p(\\theta|\\mathcal{y}) = \\frac{p(\\mathcal{y}|\\theta) p(\\theta)} + {p(\\mathcal{y})}.$$ + + This class make inference with emcee package [1] using an Affine Invariant + Ensemble sampler (AIES) [2]. + + [1] Foreman-Mackey, D., Hogg, D.W., Lang, D. and Goodman, J., 2013.emcee: + the MCMC hammer. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the + Pacific, 125(925), p.306. https://emcee.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ + + [2] Goodman, J. and Weare, J., 2010. Ensemble samplers with affine + invariance. Communications in applied mathematics and computational + science, 5(1), pp.65-80. + + + Attributes + ---------- + BayesOpts : obj + Bayes object. + """ + + def __init__(self, BayesOpts): + + self.BayesOpts = BayesOpts + + def run_sampler(self, observation, total_sigma2): + + BayesObj = self.BayesOpts + MetaModel = BayesObj.engine.MetaModel + Model = BayesObj.engine.Model + Discrepancy = self.BayesOpts.Discrepancy + n_cpus = Model.n_cpus + priorDist = BayesObj.engine.ExpDesign.JDist + ndim = MetaModel.n_params + self.counter = 0 + output_dir = f'Outputs_Bayes_{Model.name}_{self.BayesOpts.name}' + if not os.path.exists(output_dir): + os.makedirs(output_dir) + + self.observation = observation + self.total_sigma2 = total_sigma2 + + # Unpack mcmc parameters given to BayesObj.mcmc_params + self.initsamples = None + self.nwalkers = 100 + self.nburn = 200 + self.nsteps = 100000 + self.moves = None + self.mp = False + self.verbose = False + + # Extract initial samples + if 'init_samples' in BayesObj.mcmc_params: + self.initsamples = BayesObj.mcmc_params['init_samples'] + if isinstance(self.initsamples, pd.DataFrame): + self.initsamples = self.initsamples.values + + # Extract number of steps per walker + if 'n_steps' in BayesObj.mcmc_params: + self.nsteps = int(BayesObj.mcmc_params['n_steps']) + # Extract number of walkers (chains) + if 'n_walkers' in BayesObj.mcmc_params: + self.nwalkers = int(BayesObj.mcmc_params['n_walkers']) + # Extract moves + if 'moves' in BayesObj.mcmc_params: + self.moves = BayesObj.mcmc_params['moves'] + # Extract multiprocessing + if 'multiprocessing' in BayesObj.mcmc_params: + self.mp = BayesObj.mcmc_params['multiprocessing'] + # Extract verbose + if 'verbose' in BayesObj.mcmc_params: + self.verbose = BayesObj.mcmc_params['verbose'] + + # Set initial samples + np.random.seed(0) + if self.initsamples is None: + try: + initsamples = priorDist.sample(self.nwalkers).T + except: + # when aPCE selected - gaussian kernel distribution + inputSamples = MetaModel.ExpDesign.raw_data.T + random_indices = np.random.choice( + len(inputSamples), size=self.nwalkers, replace=False + ) + initsamples = inputSamples[random_indices] + + else: + if self.initsamples.ndim == 1: + # When MAL is given. + theta = self.initsamples + initsamples = [theta + 1e-1*np.multiply( + np.random.randn(ndim), theta) for i in + range(self.nwalkers)] + else: + # Pick samples based on a uniform dist between min and max of + # each dim + initsamples = np.zeros((self.nwalkers, ndim)) + bound_tuples = [] + for idx_dim in range(ndim): + lower = np.min(self.initsamples[:, idx_dim]) + upper = np.max(self.initsamples[:, idx_dim]) + bound_tuples.append((lower, upper)) + dist = st.uniform(loc=lower, scale=upper-lower) + initsamples[:, idx_dim] = dist.rvs(size=self.nwalkers) + + # Update lower and upper + MetaModel.ExpDesign.bound_tuples = bound_tuples + + # Check if sigma^2 needs to be inferred + if Discrepancy.opt_sigma != 'B': + sigma2_samples = Discrepancy.get_sample(self.nwalkers) + + # Update initsamples + initsamples = np.hstack((initsamples, sigma2_samples)) + + # Update ndim + ndim = initsamples.shape[1] + + # Discrepancy bound + disc_bound_tuple = Discrepancy.ExpDesign.bound_tuples + + # Update bound_tuples + BayesObj.engine.ExpDesign.bound_tuples += disc_bound_tuple + + print("\n>>>> Bayesian inference with MCMC for " + f"{self.BayesOpts.name} started. <<<<<<") + + # Set up the backend + filename = f"{output_dir}/emcee_sampler.h5" + backend = emcee.backends.HDFBackend(filename) + # Clear the backend in case the file already exists + backend.reset(self.nwalkers, ndim) + + # Define emcee sampler + # Here we'll set up the computation. emcee combines multiple "walkers", + # each of which is its own MCMC chain. The number of trace results will + # be nwalkers * nsteps. + if self.mp: + # Run in parallel + if n_cpus is None: + n_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() + + with multiprocessing.Pool(n_cpus) as pool: + sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler( + self.nwalkers, ndim, self.log_posterior, moves=self.moves, + pool=pool, backend=backend + ) + + # Check if a burn-in phase is needed! + if self.initsamples is None: + # Burn-in + print("\n Burn-in period is starting:") + pos = sampler.run_mcmc( + initsamples, self.nburn, progress=True + ) + + # Reset sampler + sampler.reset() + pos = pos.coords + else: + pos = initsamples + + # Production run + print("\n Production run is starting:") + pos, prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc( + pos, self.nsteps, progress=True + ) + + else: + # Run in series and monitor the convergence + sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler( + self.nwalkers, ndim, self.log_posterior, moves=self.moves, + backend=backend, vectorize=True + ) + + # Check if a burn-in phase is needed! + if self.initsamples is None: + # Burn-in + print("\n Burn-in period is starting:") + pos = sampler.run_mcmc( + initsamples, self.nburn, progress=True + ) + + # Reset sampler + sampler.reset() + pos = pos.coords + else: + pos = initsamples + + # Production run + print("\n Production run is starting:") + + # Track how the average autocorrelation time estimate changes + autocorrIdx = 0 + autocorr = np.empty(self.nsteps) + tauold = np.inf + autocorreverynsteps = 50 + + # sample step by step using the generator sampler.sample + for sample in sampler.sample(pos, + iterations=self.nsteps, + tune=True, + progress=True): + + # only check convergence every autocorreverynsteps steps + if sampler.iteration % autocorreverynsteps: + continue + + # Train model discrepancy/error + if hasattr(BayesObj, 'errorModel') and BayesObj.errorModel \ + and not sampler.iteration % 3 * autocorreverynsteps: + try: + self.error_MetaModel = self.train_error_model(sampler) + except: + pass + + # Print the current mean acceptance fraction + if self.verbose: + print("\nStep: {}".format(sampler.iteration)) + acc_fr = np.mean(sampler.acceptance_fraction) + print(f"Mean acceptance fraction: {acc_fr:.3f}") + + # compute the autocorrelation time so far + # using tol=0 means that we'll always get an estimate even if + # it isn't trustworthy + tau = sampler.get_autocorr_time(tol=0) + # average over walkers + autocorr[autocorrIdx] = np.nanmean(tau) + autocorrIdx += 1 + + # output current autocorrelation estimate + if self.verbose: + print(f"Mean autocorr. time estimate: {np.nanmean(tau):.3f}") + list_gr = np.round(self.gelman_rubin(sampler.chain), 3) + print("Gelman-Rubin Test*: ", list_gr) + + # check convergence + converged = np.all(tau*autocorreverynsteps < sampler.iteration) + converged &= np.all(np.abs(tauold - tau) / tau < 0.01) + converged &= np.all(self.gelman_rubin(sampler.chain) < 1.1) + + if converged: + break + tauold = tau + + # Posterior diagnostics + try: + tau = sampler.get_autocorr_time(tol=0) + except emcee.autocorr.AutocorrError: + tau = 5 + + if all(np.isnan(tau)): + tau = 5 + + burnin = int(2*np.nanmax(tau)) + thin = int(0.5*np.nanmin(tau)) if int(0.5*np.nanmin(tau)) != 0 else 1 + finalsamples = sampler.get_chain(discard=burnin, flat=True, thin=thin) + acc_fr = np.nanmean(sampler.acceptance_fraction) + list_gr = np.round(self.gelman_rubin(sampler.chain[:, burnin:]), 3) + + # Print summary + print('\n') + print('-'*15 + 'Posterior diagnostics' + '-'*15) + print(f"Mean auto-correlation time: {np.nanmean(tau):.3f}") + print(f"Thin: {thin}") + print(f"Burn-in: {burnin}") + print(f"Flat chain shape: {finalsamples.shape}") + print(f"Mean acceptance fraction*: {acc_fr:.3f}") + print("Gelman-Rubin Test**: ", list_gr) + + print("\n* This value must lay between 0.234 and 0.5.") + print("** These values must be smaller than 1.1.") + print('-'*50) + + print(f"\n>>>> Bayesian inference with MCMC for {self.BayesOpts.name} " + "successfully completed. <<<<<<\n") + + # Extract parameter names and their prior ranges + par_names = self.BayesOpts.engine.ExpDesign.par_names + + if Discrepancy.opt_sigma != 'B': + for i in range(len(Discrepancy.InputDisc.Marginals)): + par_names.append(Discrepancy.InputDisc.Marginals[i].name) + + params_range = self.BayesOpts.engine.ExpDesign.bound_tuples + + # Plot traces + if self.verbose and self.nsteps < 10000: + pdf = PdfPages(output_dir+'/traceplots.pdf') + fig = plt.figure() + for parIdx in range(ndim): + # Set up the axes with gridspec + fig = plt.figure() + grid = plt.GridSpec(4, 4, hspace=0.2, wspace=0.2) + main_ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[:-1, :3]) + y_hist = fig.add_subplot(grid[:-1, -1], xticklabels=[], + sharey=main_ax) + + for i in range(self.nwalkers): + samples = sampler.chain[i, :, parIdx] + main_ax.plot(samples, '-') + + # histogram on the attached axes + y_hist.hist(samples[burnin:], 40, histtype='stepfilled', + orientation='horizontal', color='gray') + + main_ax.set_ylim(params_range[parIdx]) + main_ax.set_title('traceplot for ' + par_names[parIdx]) + main_ax.set_xlabel('step number') + + # save the current figure + pdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches='tight') + + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + + pdf.close() + + # plot development of autocorrelation estimate + if not self.mp: + fig1 = plt.figure() + steps = autocorreverynsteps*np.arange(1, autocorrIdx+1) + taus = autocorr[:autocorrIdx] + plt.plot(steps, steps / autocorreverynsteps, "--k") + plt.plot(steps, taus) + plt.xlim(0, steps.max()) + plt.ylim(0, np.nanmax(taus)+0.1*(np.nanmax(taus)-np.nanmin(taus))) + plt.xlabel("number of steps") + plt.ylabel(r"mean $\hat{\tau}$") + fig1.savefig(f"{output_dir}/autocorrelation_time.pdf", + bbox_inches='tight') + + # logml_dict = self.marginal_llk_emcee(sampler, self.nburn, logp=None, + # maxiter=5000) + # print('\nThe Bridge Sampling Estimation is " + # f"{logml_dict['logml']:.5f}.') + + # # Posterior-based expectation of posterior probablity + # postExpPostLikelihoods = np.mean(sampler.get_log_prob(flat=True) + # [self.nburn*self.nwalkers:]) + + # # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + # postExpPrior = np.mean(self.log_prior(emcee_trace.T)) + + # # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + # postExpLikelihoods_emcee = postExpPostLikelihoods - postExpPrior + + # # Calculate Kullback-Leibler Divergence + # KLD_emcee = postExpLikelihoods_emcee - logml_dict['logml'] + # print("Kullback-Leibler divergence: %.5f"%KLD_emcee) + + # # Information Entropy based on Entropy paper Eq. 38 + # infEntropy_emcee = logml_dict['logml'] - postExpPrior - + # postExpLikelihoods_emcee + # print("Information Entropy: %.5f" %infEntropy_emcee) + + Posterior_df = pd.DataFrame(finalsamples, columns=par_names) + + return Posterior_df + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def log_prior(self, theta): + """ + Calculates the log prior likelihood \\( p(\\theta)\\) for the given + parameter set(s) \\( \\theta \\). + + Parameters + ---------- + theta : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Parameter sets, i.e. proposals of MCMC chains. + + Returns + ------- + logprior: float or array of shape n_samples + Log prior likelihood. If theta has only one row, a single value is + returned otherwise an array. + + """ + + MetaModel = self.BayesOpts.MetaModel + Discrepancy = self.BayesOpts.Discrepancy + + # Find the number of sigma2 parameters + if Discrepancy.opt_sigma != 'B': + disc_bound_tuples = Discrepancy.ExpDesign.bound_tuples + disc_marginals = Discrepancy.ExpDesign.InputObj.Marginals + disc_prior_space = Discrepancy.ExpDesign.prior_space + n_sigma2 = len(disc_bound_tuples) + else: + n_sigma2 = -len(theta) + prior_dist = self.BayesOpts.engine.ExpDesign.prior_space + params_range = self.BayesOpts.engine.ExpDesign.bound_tuples + theta = theta if theta.ndim != 1 else theta.reshape((1, -1)) + nsamples = theta.shape[0] + logprior = -np.inf*np.ones(nsamples) + + for i in range(nsamples): + # Check if the sample is within the parameters' range + if self._check_ranges(theta[i], params_range): + # Check if all dists are uniform, if yes priors are equal. + if all(MetaModel.input_obj.Marginals[i].dist_type == 'uniform' + for i in range(MetaModel.n_params)): + logprior[i] = 0.0 + else: + logprior[i] = np.log( + prior_dist.pdf(theta[i, :-n_sigma2].T) + ) + + # Check if bias term needs to be inferred + if Discrepancy.opt_sigma != 'B': + if self._check_ranges(theta[i, -n_sigma2:], + disc_bound_tuples): + if all('unif' in disc_marginals[i].dist_type for i in + range(Discrepancy.ExpDesign.ndim)): + logprior[i] = 0.0 + else: + logprior[i] += np.log( + disc_prior_space.pdf(theta[i, -n_sigma2:]) + ) + + if nsamples == 1: + return logprior[0] + else: + return logprior + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def log_likelihood(self, theta): + """ + Computes likelihood \\( p(\\mathcal{Y}|\\theta)\\) of the performance + of the (meta-)model in reproducing the observation data. + + Parameters + ---------- + theta : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Parameter set, i.e. proposals of the MCMC chains. + + Returns + ------- + log_like : array of shape (n_samples) + Log likelihood. + + """ + + BayesOpts = self.BayesOpts + MetaModel = BayesOpts.MetaModel + Discrepancy = self.BayesOpts.Discrepancy + + # Find the number of sigma2 parameters + if Discrepancy.opt_sigma != 'B': + disc_bound_tuples = Discrepancy.ExpDesign.bound_tuples + n_sigma2 = len(disc_bound_tuples) + else: + n_sigma2 = -len(theta) + # Check if bias term needs to be inferred + if Discrepancy.opt_sigma != 'B': + sigma2 = theta[:, -n_sigma2:] + theta = theta[:, :-n_sigma2] + else: + sigma2 = None + theta = theta if theta.ndim != 1 else theta.reshape((1, -1)) + + # Evaluate Model/MetaModel at theta + mean_pred, BayesOpts._std_pce_prior_pred = self.eval_model(theta) + + # Surrogate model's error using RMSE of test data + surrError = MetaModel.rmse if hasattr(MetaModel, 'rmse') else None + + # Likelihood + log_like = BayesOpts.normpdf( + mean_pred, self.observation, self.total_sigma2, sigma2, + std=surrError + ) + return log_like + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def log_posterior(self, theta): + """ + Computes the posterior likelihood \\(p(\\theta| \\mathcal{Y})\\) for + the given parameterset. + + Parameters + ---------- + theta : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Parameter set, i.e. proposals of the MCMC chains. + + Returns + ------- + log_like : array of shape (n_samples) + Log posterior likelihood. + + """ + + nsamples = 1 if theta.ndim == 1 else theta.shape[0] + + if nsamples == 1: + if self.log_prior(theta) == -np.inf: + return -np.inf + else: + # Compute log prior + log_prior = self.log_prior(theta) + # Compute log Likelihood + log_likelihood = self.log_likelihood(theta) + + return log_prior + log_likelihood + else: + # Compute log prior + log_prior = self.log_prior(theta) + + # Initialize log_likelihood + log_likelihood = -np.inf*np.ones(nsamples) + + # find the indices for -inf sets + non_inf_idx = np.where(log_prior != -np.inf)[0] + + # Compute loLikelihoods + if non_inf_idx.size != 0: + log_likelihood[non_inf_idx] = self.log_likelihood( + theta[non_inf_idx] + ) + + return log_prior + log_likelihood + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def eval_model(self, theta): + """ + Evaluates the (meta-) model at the given theta. + + Parameters + ---------- + theta : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Parameter set, i.e. proposals of the MCMC chains. + + Returns + ------- + mean_pred : dict + Mean model prediction. + std_pred : dict + Std of model prediction. + + """ + + BayesObj = self.BayesOpts + MetaModel = BayesObj.MetaModel + Model = BayesObj.engine.Model + + if BayesObj.emulator: + # Evaluate the MetaModel + mean_pred, std_pred = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=theta) + else: + # Evaluate the origModel + mean_pred, std_pred = dict(), dict() + + model_outs, _ = Model.run_model_parallel( + theta, prevRun_No=self.counter, + key_str='_MCMC', mp=False, verbose=False) + + # Save outputs in respective dicts + for varIdx, var in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + mean_pred[var] = model_outs[var] + std_pred[var] = np.zeros((mean_pred[var].shape)) + + # Remove the folder + if Model.link_type.lower() != 'function': + shutil.rmtree(f"{Model.name}_MCMC_{self.counter+1}") + + # Add one to the counter + self.counter += 1 + + if hasattr(self, 'error_MetaModel') and BayesObj.error_model: + meanPred, stdPred = self.error_MetaModel.eval_model_error( + BayesObj.BiasInputs, mean_pred + ) + + return mean_pred, std_pred + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def train_error_model(self, sampler): + """ + Trains an error model using a Gaussian Process Regression. + + Parameters + ---------- + sampler : obj + emcee sampler. + + Returns + ------- + error_MetaModel : obj + A error model. + + """ + BayesObj = self.BayesOpts + MetaModel = BayesObj.MetaModel + + # Prepare the poster samples + try: + tau = sampler.get_autocorr_time(tol=0) + except emcee.autocorr.AutocorrError: + tau = 5 + + if all(np.isnan(tau)): + tau = 5 + + burnin = int(2*np.nanmax(tau)) + thin = int(0.5*np.nanmin(tau)) if int(0.5*np.nanmin(tau)) != 0 else 1 + finalsamples = sampler.get_chain(discard=burnin, flat=True, thin=thin) + posterior = finalsamples[:, :MetaModel.n_params] + + # Select posterior mean as MAP + map_theta = posterior.mean(axis=0).reshape((1, MetaModel.n_params)) + # MAP_theta = st.mode(Posterior_df,axis=0)[0] + + # Evaluate the (meta-)model at the MAP + y_map, y_std_map = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=map_theta) + + # Train a GPR meta-model using MAP + error_MetaModel = MetaModel.create_model_error( + BayesObj.BiasInputs, y_map, name='Calib') + + return error_MetaModel + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def gelman_rubin(self, chain, return_var=False): + """ + The potential scale reduction factor (PSRF) defined by the variance + within one chain, W, with the variance between chains B. + Both variances are combined in a weighted sum to obtain an estimate of + the variance of a parameter \\( \\theta \\).The square root of the + ratio of this estimates variance to the within chain variance is called + the potential scale reduction. + For a well converged chain it should approach 1. Values greater than + 1.1 typically indicate that the chains have not yet fully converged. + + Source: http://joergdietrich.github.io/emcee-convergence.html + + https://github.com/jwalton3141/jwalton3141.github.io/blob/master/assets/posts/ESS/rwmh.py + + Parameters + ---------- + chain : array (n_walkers, n_steps, n_params) + The emcee ensamples. + + Returns + ------- + R_hat : float + The Gelman-Robin values. + + """ + m_chains, n_iters = chain.shape[:2] + + # Calculate between-chain variance + θb = np.mean(chain, axis=1) + θbb = np.mean(θb, axis=0) + B_over_n = ((θbb - θb)**2).sum(axis=0) + B_over_n /= (m_chains - 1) + + # Calculate within-chain variances + ssq = np.var(chain, axis=1, ddof=1) + W = np.mean(ssq, axis=0) + + # (over) estimate of variance + var_θ = W * (n_iters - 1) / n_iters + B_over_n + + if return_var: + return var_θ + else: + # The square root of the ratio of this estimates variance to the + # within chain variance + R_hat = np.sqrt(var_θ / W) + return R_hat + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def marginal_llk_emcee(self, sampler, nburn=None, logp=None, maxiter=1000): + """ + The Bridge Sampling Estimator of the Marginal Likelihood based on + https://gist.github.com/junpenglao/4d2669d69ddfe1d788318264cdcf0583 + + Parameters + ---------- + sampler : TYPE + MultiTrace, result of MCMC run. + nburn : int, optional + Number of burn-in step. The default is None. + logp : TYPE, optional + Model Log-probability function. The default is None. + maxiter : int, optional + Maximum number of iterations. The default is 1000. + + Returns + ------- + marg_llk : dict + Estimated Marginal log-Likelihood. + + """ + r0, tol1, tol2 = 0.5, 1e-10, 1e-4 + + if logp is None: + logp = sampler.log_prob_fn + + # Split the samples into two parts + # Use the first 50% for fiting the proposal distribution + # and the second 50% in the iterative scheme. + if nburn is None: + mtrace = sampler.chain + else: + mtrace = sampler.chain[:, nburn:, :] + + nchain, len_trace, nrofVars = mtrace.shape + + N1_ = len_trace // 2 + N1 = N1_*nchain + N2 = len_trace*nchain - N1 + + samples_4_fit = np.zeros((nrofVars, N1)) + samples_4_iter = np.zeros((nrofVars, N2)) + effective_n = np.zeros((nrofVars)) + + # matrix with already transformed samples + for var in range(nrofVars): + + # for fitting the proposal + x = mtrace[:, :N1_, var] + + samples_4_fit[var, :] = x.flatten() + # for the iterative scheme + x2 = mtrace[:, N1_:, var] + samples_4_iter[var, :] = x2.flatten() + + # effective sample size of samples_4_iter, scalar + effective_n[var] = self._my_ESS(x2) + + # median effective sample size (scalar) + neff = np.median(effective_n) + + # get mean & covariance matrix and generate samples from proposal + m = np.mean(samples_4_fit, axis=1) + V = np.cov(samples_4_fit) + L = chol(V, lower=True) + + # Draw N2 samples from the proposal distribution + gen_samples = m[:, None] + np.dot( + L, st.norm.rvs(0, 1, size=samples_4_iter.shape) + ) + + # Evaluate proposal distribution for posterior & generated samples + q12 = st.multivariate_normal.logpdf(samples_4_iter.T, m, V) + q22 = st.multivariate_normal.logpdf(gen_samples.T, m, V) + + # Evaluate unnormalized posterior for posterior & generated samples + q11 = logp(samples_4_iter.T) + q21 = logp(gen_samples.T) + + # Run iterative scheme: + tmp = self._iterative_scheme( + N1, N2, q11, q12, q21, q22, r0, neff, tol1, maxiter, 'r' + ) + if ~np.isfinite(tmp['logml']): + warnings.warn( + "Logml could not be estimated within maxiter, rerunning with " + "adjusted starting value. Estimate might be more variable than" + " usual.") + # use geometric mean as starting value + r0_2 = np.sqrt(tmp['r_vals'][-2]*tmp['r_vals'][-1]) + tmp = self._iterative_scheme( + q11, q12, q21, q22, r0_2, neff, tol2, maxiter, 'logml' + ) + + marg_llk = dict( + logml=tmp['logml'], niter=tmp['niter'], method="normal", + q11=q11, q12=q12, q21=q21, q22=q22 + ) + return marg_llk + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _iterative_scheme(self, N1, N2, q11, q12, q21, q22, r0, neff, tol, + maxiter, criterion): + """ + Iterative scheme as proposed in Meng and Wong (1996) to estimate the + marginal likelihood + + """ + l1 = q11 - q12 + l2 = q21 - q22 + # To increase numerical stability, + # subtracting the median of l1 from l1 & l2 later + lstar = np.median(l1) + s1 = neff/(neff + N2) + s2 = N2/(neff + N2) + r = r0 + r_vals = [r] + logml = np.log(r) + lstar + criterion_val = 1 + tol + + i = 0 + while (i <= maxiter) & (criterion_val > tol): + rold = r + logmlold = logml + numi = np.exp(l2 - lstar)/(s1 * np.exp(l2 - lstar) + s2 * r) + deni = 1/(s1 * np.exp(l1 - lstar) + s2 * r) + if np.sum(~np.isfinite(numi))+np.sum(~np.isfinite(deni)) > 0: + warnings.warn( + """Infinite value in iterative scheme, returning NaN. + Try rerunning with more samples.""") + r = (N1/N2) * np.sum(numi)/np.sum(deni) + r_vals.append(r) + logml = np.log(r) + lstar + i += 1 + if criterion == 'r': + criterion_val = np.abs((r - rold)/r) + elif criterion == 'logml': + criterion_val = np.abs((logml - logmlold)/logml) + + if i >= maxiter: + return dict(logml=np.NaN, niter=i, r_vals=np.asarray(r_vals)) + else: + return dict(logml=logml, niter=i) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _my_ESS(self, x): + """ + Compute the effective sample size of estimand of interest. + Vectorised implementation. + https://github.com/jwalton3141/jwalton3141.github.io/blob/master/assets/posts/ESS/rwmh.py + + + Parameters + ---------- + x : array of shape (n_walkers, n_steps) + MCMC Samples. + + Returns + ------- + int + Effective sample size. + + """ + m_chains, n_iters = x.shape + + def variogram(t): + variogram = ((x[:, t:] - x[:, :(n_iters - t)])**2).sum() + variogram /= (m_chains * (n_iters - t)) + return variogram + + post_var = self.gelman_rubin(x, return_var=True) + + t = 1 + rho = np.ones(n_iters) + negative_autocorr = False + + # Iterate until the sum of consecutive estimates of autocorrelation is + # negative + while not negative_autocorr and (t < n_iters): + rho[t] = 1 - variogram(t) / (2 * post_var) + + if not t % 2: + negative_autocorr = sum(rho[t-1:t+1]) < 0 + + t += 1 + + return int(m_chains*n_iters / (1 + 2*rho[1:t].sum())) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _check_ranges(self, theta, ranges): + """ + This function checks if theta lies in the given ranges. + + Parameters + ---------- + theta : array + Proposed parameter set. + ranges : nested list + List of the praremeter ranges. + + Returns + ------- + c : bool + If it lies in the given range, it return True else False. + + """ + c = True + # traverse in the list1 + for i, bounds in enumerate(ranges): + x = theta[i] + # condition check + if x < bounds[0] or x > bounds[1]: + c = False + return c + return c diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayesvalidrox.mplstyle b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayesvalidrox.mplstyle new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1f31c01f24597de0e0be741be4d3a706c4213a6c --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/bayesvalidrox.mplstyle @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +figure.titlesize : 30 +axes.titlesize : 30 +axes.labelsize : 30 +axes.linewidth : 3 +axes.grid : True +lines.linewidth : 3 +lines.markersize : 10 +xtick.labelsize : 30 +ytick.labelsize : 30 +legend.fontsize : 30 +font.family : serif +font.serif : Arial +font.size : 30 +text.usetex : True +grid.linestyle : - +figure.figsize : 24, 16 diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__init__.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..81c9825420b6ed3f027fb3c141be8af05a89f695 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +from .post_processing import PostProcessing + +__all__ = [ + "PostProcessing" + ] diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8590a242166b2e8d40de7ee2eece71980bd1571 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e84acd550fed2f7af8a071adf99001f44547bdf6 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..58a0eb24635d0b97a14d13708e616de6a0659976 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/post_processing.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/post_processing.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0924d8afac04d4fe82ebe791bc55a8ae48d7c117 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/post_processing.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/post_processing.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/post_processing.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..94ffbf6f3da6b2b15cdf648a10ce9edb82d90834 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/post_processing.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/post_processing.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/post_processing.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..312575d7655db85df423489051f494f3dce62692 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/__pycache__/post_processing.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/post_processing.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/post_processing.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6520a40f9f2393798f6b8abac026b9ed38fe33ca --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/post_processing/post_processing.py @@ -0,0 +1,1338 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +import numpy as np +import math +import os +from itertools import combinations, cycle +import pandas as pd +import scipy.stats as stats +from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression +from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt +import matplotlib.ticker as ticker +from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText +from matplotlib.patches import Patch +# Load the mplstyle +plt.style.use(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], + '../', 'bayesvalidrox.mplstyle')) + + +class PostProcessing: + """ + This class provides many helper functions to post-process the trained + meta-model. + + Attributes + ---------- + MetaModel : obj + MetaModel object to do postprocessing on. + name : str + Type of the anaylsis. The default is `'calib'`. If a validation is + expected to be performed change this to `'valid'`. + """ + + def __init__(self, engine, name='calib'): + self.engine = engine + self.MetaModel = engine.MetaModel + self.ExpDesign = engine.ExpDesign + self.ModelObj = engine.Model + self.name = name + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def plot_moments(self, xlabel='Time [s]', plot_type=None): + """ + Plots the moments in a pdf format in the directory + `Outputs_PostProcessing`. + + Parameters + ---------- + xlabel : str, optional + String to be displayed as x-label. The default is `'Time [s]'`. + plot_type : str, optional + Options: bar or line. The default is `None`. + + Returns + ------- + pce_means: dict + Mean of the model outputs. + pce_means: dict + Standard deviation of the model outputs. + + """ + + bar_plot = True if plot_type == 'bar' else False + meta_model_type = self.MetaModel.meta_model_type + Model = self.ModelObj + + # Read Monte-Carlo reference + self.mc_reference = Model.read_observation('mc_ref') + + # Set the x values + x_values_orig = self.engine.ExpDesign.x_values + + # Compute the moments with the PCEModel object + self.pce_means, self.pce_stds = self.compute_pce_moments() + + # Get the variables + out_names = Model.Output.names + + # Open a pdf for the plots + newpath = (f'Outputs_PostProcessing_{self.name}/') + if not os.path.exists(newpath): + os.makedirs(newpath) + + # Plot the best fit line, set the linewidth (lw), color and + # transparency (alpha) of the line + for key in out_names: + fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2) + + # Extract mean and std + mean_data = self.pce_means[key] + std_data = self.pce_stds[key] + + # Extract a list of x values + if type(x_values_orig) is dict: + x = x_values_orig[key] + else: + x = x_values_orig + + # Plot: bar plot or line plot + if bar_plot: + ax[0].bar(list(map(str, x)), mean_data, color='b', + width=0.25) + ax[1].bar(list(map(str, x)), std_data, color='b', + width=0.25) + ax[0].legend(labels=[meta_model_type]) + ax[1].legend(labels=[meta_model_type]) + else: + ax[0].plot(x, mean_data, lw=3, color='k', marker='x', + label=meta_model_type) + ax[1].plot(x, std_data, lw=3, color='k', marker='x', + label=meta_model_type) + + if self.mc_reference is not None: + if bar_plot: + ax[0].bar(list(map(str, x)), self.mc_reference['mean'], + color='r', width=0.25) + ax[1].bar(list(map(str, x)), self.mc_reference['std'], + color='r', width=0.25) + ax[0].legend(labels=[meta_model_type]) + ax[1].legend(labels=[meta_model_type]) + else: + ax[0].plot(x, self.mc_reference['mean'], lw=3, marker='x', + color='r', label='Ref.') + ax[1].plot(x, self.mc_reference['std'], lw=3, marker='x', + color='r', label='Ref.') + + # Label the axes and provide a title + ax[0].set_xlabel(xlabel) + ax[1].set_xlabel(xlabel) + ax[0].set_ylabel(key) + ax[1].set_ylabel(key) + + # Provide a title + ax[0].set_title('Mean of ' + key) + ax[1].set_title('Std of ' + key) + + if not bar_plot: + ax[0].legend(loc='best') + ax[1].legend(loc='best') + + plt.tight_layout() + + # save the current figure + fig.savefig( + f'./{newpath}Mean_Std_PCE_{key}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight' + ) + + return self.pce_means, self.pce_stds + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def valid_metamodel(self, n_samples=1, samples=None, model_out_dict=None, + x_axis='Time [s]'): + """ + Evaluates and plots the meta model and the PCEModel outputs for the + given number of samples or the given samples. + + Parameters + ---------- + n_samples : int, optional + Number of samples to be evaluated. The default is 1. + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params), optional + Samples to be evaluated. The default is None. + model_out_dict: dict + The model runs using the samples provided. + x_axis : str, optional + Label of x axis. The default is `'Time [s]'`. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + Model = self.ModelObj + + if samples is None: + self.n_samples = n_samples + samples = self._get_sample() + else: + self.n_samples = samples.shape[0] + + # Extract x_values + x_values = self.engine.ExpDesign.x_values + + if model_out_dict is not None: + self.model_out_dict = model_out_dict + else: + self.model_out_dict = self._eval_model(samples, key_str='valid') + self.pce_out_mean, self.pce_out_std = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples) + + try: + key = Model.Output.names[1] + except IndexError: + key = Model.Output.names[0] + + n_obs = self.model_out_dict[key].shape[1] + + if n_obs == 1: + self._plot_validation() + else: + self._plot_validation_multi(x_values=x_values, x_axis=x_axis) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def check_accuracy(self, n_samples=None, samples=None, outputs=None): + """ + Checks accuracy of the metamodel by computing the root mean square + error and validation error for all outputs. + + Parameters + ---------- + n_samples : int, optional + Number of samples. The default is None. + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params), optional + Parameter sets to be checked. The default is None. + outputs : dict, optional + Output dictionary with model outputs for all given output types in + `Model.Output.names`. The default is None. + + Raises + ------ + Exception + When neither n_samples nor samples are provided. + + Returns + ------- + rmse: dict + Root mean squared error for each output. + valid_error : dict + Validation error for each output. + + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + Model = self.ModelObj + + # Set the number of samples + if n_samples: + self.n_samples = n_samples + elif samples is not None: + self.n_samples = samples.shape[0] + else: + raise Exception("Please provide either samples or pass the number" + " of samples!") + + # Generate random samples if necessary + Samples = self._get_sample() if samples is None else samples + + # Run the original model with the generated samples + if outputs is None: + outputs = self._eval_model(Samples, key_str='validSet') + + # Run the PCE model with the generated samples + pce_outputs, _ = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=Samples) + + self.rmse = {} + self.valid_error = {} + # Loop over the keys and compute RMSE error. + for key in Model.Output.names: + # Root mena square + self.rmse[key] = mean_squared_error(outputs[key], pce_outputs[key], + squared=False, + multioutput='raw_values') + # Validation error + self.valid_error[key] = (self.rmse[key]**2) / \ + np.var(outputs[key], ddof=1, axis=0) + + # Print a report table + print("\n>>>>> Errors of {} <<<<<".format(key)) + print("\nIndex | RMSE | Validation Error") + print('-'*35) + print('\n'.join(f'{i+1} | {k:.3e} | {j:.3e}' for i, (k, j) + in enumerate(zip(self.rmse[key], + self.valid_error[key])))) + # Save error dicts in PCEModel object + self.MetaModel.rmse = self.rmse + self.MetaModel.valid_error = self.valid_error + + return + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def plot_seq_design_diagnostics(self, ref_BME_KLD=None): + """ + Plots the Bayesian Model Evidence (BME) and Kullback-Leibler divergence + (KLD) for the sequential design. + + Parameters + ---------- + ref_BME_KLD : array, optional + Reference BME and KLD . The default is `None`. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + engine = self.engine + PCEModel = self.MetaModel + n_init_samples = engine.ExpDesign.n_init_samples + n_total_samples = engine.ExpDesign.X.shape[0] + + newpath = f'Outputs_PostProcessing_{self.name}/seq_design_diagnostics/' + if not os.path.exists(newpath): + os.makedirs(newpath) + + plotList = ['Modified LOO error', 'Validation error', 'KLD', 'BME', + 'RMSEMean', 'RMSEStd', 'Hellinger distance'] + seqList = [engine.SeqModifiedLOO, engine.seqValidError, + engine.SeqKLD, engine.SeqBME, engine.seqRMSEMean, + engine.seqRMSEStd, engine.SeqDistHellinger] + + markers = ('x', 'o', 'd', '*', '+') + colors = ('k', 'darkgreen', 'b', 'navy', 'darkred') + + # Plot the evolution of the diagnostic criteria of the + # Sequential Experimental Design. + for plotidx, plot in enumerate(plotList): + fig, ax = plt.subplots() + seq_dict = seqList[plotidx] + name_util = list(seq_dict.keys()) + + if len(name_util) == 0: + continue + + # Box plot when Replications have been detected. + if any(int(name.split("rep_", 1)[1]) > 1 for name in name_util): + # Extract the values from dict + sorted_seq_opt = {} + # Number of replications + n_reps = engine.ExpDesign.n_replication + + # Get the list of utility function names + # Handle if only one UtilityFunction is provided + if not isinstance(engine.ExpDesign.util_func, list): + util_funcs = [engine.ExpDesign.util_func] + else: + util_funcs = engine.ExpDesign.util_func + + for util in util_funcs: + sortedSeq = {} + # min number of runs available from reps + n_runs = min([seq_dict[f'{util}_rep_{i+1}'].shape[0] + for i in range(n_reps)]) + + for runIdx in range(n_runs): + values = [] + for key in seq_dict.keys(): + if util in key: + values.append(seq_dict[key][runIdx].mean()) + sortedSeq['SeqItr_'+str(runIdx)] = np.array(values) + sorted_seq_opt[util] = sortedSeq + + # BoxPlot + def draw_plot(data, labels, edge_color, fill_color, idx): + pos = labels - (idx-1) + bp = plt.boxplot(data, positions=pos, labels=labels, + patch_artist=True, sym='', widths=0.75) + elements = ['boxes', 'whiskers', 'fliers', 'means', + 'medians', 'caps'] + for element in elements: + plt.setp(bp[element], color=edge_color[idx]) + + for patch in bp['boxes']: + patch.set(facecolor=fill_color[idx]) + + if engine.ExpDesign.n_new_samples != 1: + step1 = engine.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + step2 = 1 + else: + step1 = 5 + step2 = 5 + edge_color = ['red', 'blue', 'green'] + fill_color = ['tan', 'cyan', 'lightgreen'] + plot_label = plot + # Plot for different Utility Functions + for idx, util in enumerate(util_funcs): + all_errors = np.empty((n_reps, 0)) + + for key in list(sorted_seq_opt[util].keys()): + errors = sorted_seq_opt.get(util, {}).get(key)[:, None] + all_errors = np.hstack((all_errors, errors)) + + # Special cases for BME and KLD + if plot == 'KLD' or plot == 'BME': + # BME convergence if refBME is provided + if ref_BME_KLD is not None: + if plot == 'BME': + refValue = ref_BME_KLD[0] + plot_label = r'BME/BME$^{Ref.}$' + if plot == 'KLD': + refValue = ref_BME_KLD[1] + plot_label = '$D_{KL}[p(\\theta|y_*),p(\\theta)]'\ + ' / D_{KL}^{Ref.}[p(\\theta|y_*), '\ + 'p(\\theta)]$' + + # Difference between BME/KLD and the ref. values + all_errors = np.divide(all_errors, + np.full((all_errors.shape), + refValue)) + + # Plot baseline for zero, i.e. no difference + plt.axhline(y=1.0, xmin=0, xmax=1, c='green', + ls='--', lw=2) + + # Plot each UtilFuncs + labels = np.arange(n_init_samples, n_total_samples+1, step1) + draw_plot(all_errors[:, ::step2], labels, edge_color, + fill_color, idx) + + plt.xticks(labels, labels) + # Set the major and minor locators + ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.AutoLocator()) + ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(ticker.AutoMinorLocator()) + ax.xaxis.grid(True, which='major', linestyle='-') + ax.xaxis.grid(True, which='minor', linestyle='--') + + # Legend + legend_elements = [] + for idx, util in enumerate(util_funcs): + legend_elements.append(Patch(facecolor=fill_color[idx], + edgecolor=edge_color[idx], + label=util)) + plt.legend(handles=legend_elements[::-1], loc='best') + + if plot != 'BME' and plot != 'KLD': + plt.yscale('log') + plt.autoscale(True) + plt.xlabel('\\# of training samples') + plt.ylabel(plot_label) + plt.title(plot) + + # save the current figure + plot_name = plot.replace(' ', '_') + fig.savefig( + f'./{newpath}/seq_{plot_name}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight' + ) + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + # Save arrays into files + f = open(f'./{newpath}/seq_{plot_name}.txt', 'w') + f.write(str(sorted_seq_opt)) + f.close() + else: + for idx, name in enumerate(name_util): + seq_values = seq_dict[name] + if engine.ExpDesign.n_new_samples != 1: + step = engine.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + else: + step = 1 + x_idx = np.arange(n_init_samples, n_total_samples+1, step) + if n_total_samples not in x_idx: + x_idx = np.hstack((x_idx, n_total_samples)) + + if plot == 'KLD' or plot == 'BME': + # BME convergence if refBME is provided + if ref_BME_KLD is not None: + if plot == 'BME': + refValue = ref_BME_KLD[0] + plot_label = r'BME/BME$^{Ref.}$' + if plot == 'KLD': + refValue = ref_BME_KLD[1] + plot_label = '$D_{KL}[p(\\theta|y_*),p(\\theta)]'\ + ' / D_{KL}^{Ref.}[p(\\theta|y_*), '\ + 'p(\\theta)]$' + + # Difference between BME/KLD and the ref. values + values = np.divide(seq_values, + np.full((seq_values.shape), + refValue)) + + # Plot baseline for zero, i.e. no difference + plt.axhline(y=1.0, xmin=0, xmax=1, c='green', + ls='--', lw=2) + + # Set the limits + plt.ylim([1e-1, 1e1]) + + # Create the plots + plt.semilogy(x_idx, values, marker=markers[idx], + color=colors[idx], ls='--', lw=2, + label=name.split("_rep", 1)[0]) + else: + plot_label = plot + + # Create the plots + plt.plot(x_idx, seq_values, marker=markers[idx], + color=colors[idx], ls='--', lw=2, + label=name.split("_rep", 1)[0]) + + else: + plot_label = plot + seq_values = np.nan_to_num(seq_values) + + # Plot the error evolution for each output + plt.semilogy(x_idx, seq_values.mean(axis=1), + marker=markers[idx], ls='--', lw=2, + color=colors[idx], + label=name.split("_rep", 1)[0]) + + # Set the major and minor locators + ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.AutoLocator()) + ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(ticker.AutoMinorLocator()) + ax.xaxis.grid(True, which='major', linestyle='-') + ax.xaxis.grid(True, which='minor', linestyle='--') + + ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', direction='in', + width=3, length=10) + ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', direction='in', + width=2, length=8) + plt.xlabel('Number of runs') + plt.ylabel(plot_label) + plt.title(plot) + plt.legend(frameon=True) + + # save the current figure + plot_name = plot.replace(' ', '_') + fig.savefig( + f'./{newpath}/seq_{plot_name}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight' + ) + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + + # ---------------- Saving arrays into files --------------- + np.save(f'./{newpath}/seq_{plot_name}.npy', seq_values) + + return + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def sobol_indices(self, xlabel='Time [s]', plot_type=None): + """ + Provides Sobol indices as a sensitivity measure to infer the importance + of the input parameters. See Eq. 27 in [1] for more details. For the + case with Principal component analysis refer to [2]. + + [1] Global sensitivity analysis: A flexible and efficient framework + with an example from stochastic hydrogeology S. Oladyshkin, F.P. + de Barros, W. Nowak https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres.2011.11.001 + + [2] Nagel, J.B., Rieckermann, J. and Sudret, B., 2020. Principal + component analysis and sparse polynomial chaos expansions for global + sensitivity analysis and model calibration: Application to urban + drainage simulation. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 195, + p.106737. + + Parameters + ---------- + xlabel : str, optional + Label of the x-axis. The default is `'Time [s]'`. + plot_type : str, optional + Plot type. The default is `None`. This corresponds to line plot. + Bar chart can be selected by `bar`. + + Returns + ------- + sobol_cell: dict + Sobol indices. + total_sobol: dict + Total Sobol indices. + + """ + # Extract the necessary variables + PCEModel = self.MetaModel + basis_dict = PCEModel.basis_dict + coeffs_dict = PCEModel.coeffs_dict + n_params = PCEModel.n_params + max_order = np.max(PCEModel.pce_deg) + sobol_cell_b = {} + total_sobol_b = {} + cov_Z_p_q = np.zeros((n_params)) + + for b_i in range(PCEModel.n_bootstrap_itrs): + + sobol_cell_, total_sobol_ = {}, {} + + for output in self.ModelObj.Output.names: + + n_meas_points = len(coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output]) + + # Initialize the (cell) array containing the (total) Sobol indices. + sobol_array = dict.fromkeys(range(1, max_order+1), []) + sobol_cell_array = dict.fromkeys(range(1, max_order+1), []) + + for i_order in range(1, max_order+1): + n_comb = math.comb(n_params, i_order) + + sobol_cell_array[i_order] = np.zeros((n_comb, n_meas_points)) + + total_sobol_array = np.zeros((n_params, n_meas_points)) + + # Initialize the cell to store the names of the variables + TotalVariance = np.zeros((n_meas_points)) + # Loop over all measurement points and calculate sobol indices + for pIdx in range(n_meas_points): + + # Extract the basis indices (alpha) and coefficients + Basis = basis_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][f'y_{pIdx+1}'] + + try: + clf_poly = PCEModel.clf_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][f'y_{pIdx+1}'] + PCECoeffs = clf_poly.coef_ + except: + PCECoeffs = coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][f'y_{pIdx+1}'] + + # Compute total variance + TotalVariance[pIdx] = np.sum(np.square(PCECoeffs[1:])) + + nzidx = np.where(PCECoeffs != 0)[0] + # Set all the Sobol indices equal to zero in the presence of a + # null output. + if len(nzidx) == 0: + # This is buggy. + for i_order in range(1, max_order+1): + sobol_cell_array[i_order][:, pIdx] = 0 + + # Otherwise compute them by summing well-chosen coefficients + else: + nz_basis = Basis[nzidx] + for i_order in range(1, max_order+1): + idx = np.where(np.sum(nz_basis > 0, axis=1) == i_order) + subbasis = nz_basis[idx] + Z = np.array(list(combinations(range(n_params), i_order))) + + for q in range(Z.shape[0]): + Zq = Z[q] + subsubbasis = subbasis[:, Zq] + subidx = np.prod(subsubbasis, axis=1) > 0 + sum_ind = nzidx[idx[0][subidx]] + if TotalVariance[pIdx] == 0.0: + sobol_cell_array[i_order][q, pIdx] = 0.0 + else: + sobol = np.sum(np.square(PCECoeffs[sum_ind])) + sobol /= TotalVariance[pIdx] + sobol_cell_array[i_order][q, pIdx] = sobol + + # Compute the TOTAL Sobol indices. + for ParIdx in range(n_params): + idx = nz_basis[:, ParIdx] > 0 + sum_ind = nzidx[idx] + + if TotalVariance[pIdx] == 0.0: + total_sobol_array[ParIdx, pIdx] = 0.0 + else: + sobol = np.sum(np.square(PCECoeffs[sum_ind])) + sobol /= TotalVariance[pIdx] + total_sobol_array[ParIdx, pIdx] = sobol + + # ----- if PCA selected: Compute covariance ----- + if PCEModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + # Extract the basis indices (alpha) and coefficients for + # next component + if pIdx < n_meas_points-1: + nextBasis = basis_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][f'y_{pIdx+2}'] + if PCEModel.bootstrap_method != 'fast' or b_i == 0: + clf_poly = PCEModel.clf_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][f'y_{pIdx+2}'] + nextPCECoeffs = clf_poly.coef_ + else: + nextPCECoeffs = coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][f'y_{pIdx+2}'] + + # Choose the common non-zero basis + mask = (Basis[:, None] == nextBasis).all(-1).any(-1) + n_mask = (nextBasis[:, None] == Basis).all(-1).any(-1) + + # Compute the covariance in Eq 17. + for ParIdx in range(n_params): + idx = (mask) & (Basis[:, ParIdx] > 0) + n_idx = (n_mask) & (nextBasis[:, ParIdx] > 0) + try: + cov_Z_p_q[ParIdx] += np.sum(np.dot( + PCECoeffs[idx], nextPCECoeffs[n_idx]) + ) + except: + pass + + # Compute the sobol indices according to Ref. 2 + if PCEModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + n_c_points = self.engine.ExpDesign.Y[output].shape[1] + PCA = PCEModel.pca[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output] + compPCA = PCA.components_ + nComp = compPCA.shape[0] + var_Z_p = PCA.explained_variance_ + + # Extract the sobol index of the components + for i_order in range(1, max_order+1): + n_comb = math.comb(n_params, i_order) + sobol_array[i_order] = np.zeros((n_comb, n_c_points)) + Z = np.array(list(combinations(range(n_params), i_order))) + + # Loop over parameters + for q in range(Z.shape[0]): + S_Z_i = sobol_cell_array[i_order][q] + + for tIdx in range(n_c_points): + var_Y_t = np.var( + self.engine.ExpDesign.Y[output][:, tIdx]) + if var_Y_t == 0.0: + term1, term2 = 0.0, 0.0 + else: + # Eq. 17 + term1 = 0.0 + for i in range(nComp): + a = S_Z_i[i] * var_Z_p[i] + a *= compPCA[i, tIdx]**2 + term1 += a + + # TODO: Term 2 + # term2 = 0.0 + # for i in range(nComp-1): + # term2 += cov_Z_p_q[q] * compPCA[i, tIdx] + # term2 *= compPCA[i+1, tIdx] + # term2 *= 2 + + sobol_array[i_order][q, tIdx] = term1 #+ term2 + + # Devide over total output variance Eq. 18 + sobol_array[i_order][q, tIdx] /= var_Y_t + + # Compute the TOTAL Sobol indices. + total_sobol = np.zeros((n_params, n_c_points)) + for ParIdx in range(n_params): + S_Z_i = total_sobol_array[ParIdx] + + for tIdx in range(n_c_points): + var_Y_t = np.var(self.engine.ExpDesign.Y[output][:, tIdx]) + if var_Y_t == 0.0: + term1, term2 = 0.0, 0.0 + else: + term1 = 0 + for i in range(nComp): + term1 += S_Z_i[i] * var_Z_p[i] * \ + (compPCA[i, tIdx]**2) + + # Term 2 + term2 = 0 + for i in range(nComp-1): + term2 += cov_Z_p_q[ParIdx] * compPCA[i, tIdx] \ + * compPCA[i+1, tIdx] + term2 *= 2 + + total_sobol[ParIdx, tIdx] = term1 #+ term2 + + # Devide over total output variance Eq. 18 + total_sobol[ParIdx, tIdx] /= var_Y_t + + sobol_cell_[output] = sobol_array + total_sobol_[output] = total_sobol + else: + sobol_cell_[output] = sobol_cell_array + total_sobol_[output] = total_sobol_array + + # Save for each bootsrtap iteration + sobol_cell_b[b_i] = sobol_cell_ + total_sobol_b[b_i] = total_sobol_ + + # Average total sobol indices + total_sobol_all = {} + for i in sorted(total_sobol_b): + for k, v in total_sobol_b[i].items(): + if k not in total_sobol_all: + total_sobol_all[k] = [None] * len(total_sobol_b) + total_sobol_all[k][i] = v + + self.total_sobol = {} + for output in self.ModelObj.Output.names: + self.total_sobol[output] = np.mean(total_sobol_all[output], axis=0) + + # ---------------- Plot ----------------------- + par_names = self.engine.ExpDesign.par_names + x_values_orig = self.engine.ExpDesign.x_values + + newpath = (f'Outputs_PostProcessing_{self.name}/') + if not os.path.exists(newpath): + os.makedirs(newpath) + + fig = plt.figure() + + for outIdx, output in enumerate(self.ModelObj.Output.names): + + # Extract total Sobol indices + total_sobol = self.total_sobol[output] + + # Compute quantiles + q_5 = np.quantile(total_sobol_all[output], q=0.05, axis=0) + q_97_5 = np.quantile(total_sobol_all[output], q=0.975, axis=0) + + # Extract a list of x values + if type(x_values_orig) is dict: + x = x_values_orig[output] + else: + x = x_values_orig + + if plot_type == 'bar': + ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) + dict1 = {xlabel: x} + dict2 = {param: sobolIndices for param, sobolIndices + in zip(par_names, total_sobol)} + + df = pd.DataFrame({**dict1, **dict2}) + df.plot(x=xlabel, y=par_names, kind="bar", ax=ax, rot=0, + colormap='Dark2', yerr=q_97_5-q_5) + ax.set_ylabel('Total Sobol indices, $S^T$') + + else: + for i, sobolIndices in enumerate(total_sobol): + plt.plot(x, sobolIndices, label=par_names[i], + marker='x', lw=2.5) + plt.fill_between(x, q_5[i], q_97_5[i], alpha=0.15) + + plt.ylabel('Total Sobol indices, $S^T$') + plt.xlabel(xlabel) + + plt.title(f'Sensitivity analysis of {output}') + if plot_type != 'bar': + plt.legend(loc='best', frameon=True) + + # Save indices + np.savetxt(f'./{newpath}totalsobol_' + + output.replace('/', '_') + '.csv', + total_sobol.T, delimiter=',', + header=','.join(par_names), comments='') + + # save the current figure + fig.savefig( + f'./{newpath}Sobol_indices_{output}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight' + ) + + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + + return self.total_sobol + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def check_reg_quality(self, n_samples=1000, samples=None): + """ + Checks the quality of the metamodel for single output models based on: + https://towardsdatascience.com/how-do-you-check-the-quality-of-your-regression-model-in-python-fa61759ff685 + + + Parameters + ---------- + n_samples : int, optional + Number of parameter sets to use for the check. The default is 1000. + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params), optional + Parameter sets to use for the check. The default is None. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + + if samples is None: + self.n_samples = n_samples + samples = self._get_sample() + else: + self.n_samples = samples.shape[0] + + # Evaluate the original and the surrogate model + y_val = self._eval_model(samples, key_str='valid') + y_pce_val, _ = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=samples) + + # Open a pdf for the plots + newpath = f'Outputs_PostProcessing_{self.name}/' + if not os.path.exists(newpath): + os.makedirs(newpath) + + # Fit the data(train the model) + for key in y_pce_val.keys(): + + y_pce_val_ = y_pce_val[key] + y_val_ = y_val[key] + residuals = y_val_ - y_pce_val_ + + # ------ Residuals vs. predicting variables ------ + # Check the assumptions of linearity and independence + fig1 = plt.figure() + for i, par in enumerate(self.engine.ExpDesign.par_names): + plt.title(f"{key}: Residuals vs. {par}") + plt.scatter( + x=samples[:, i], y=residuals, color='blue', edgecolor='k') + plt.grid(True) + xmin, xmax = min(samples[:, i]), max(samples[:, i]) + plt.hlines(y=0, xmin=xmin*0.9, xmax=xmax*1.1, color='red', + lw=3, linestyle='--') + plt.xlabel(par) + plt.ylabel('Residuals') + plt.show() + + # save the current figure + fig1.savefig(f'./{newpath}/Residuals_vs_Par_{i+1}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + + # ------ Fitted vs. residuals ------ + # Check the assumptions of linearity and independence + fig2 = plt.figure() + plt.title(f"{key}: Residuals vs. fitted values") + plt.scatter(x=y_pce_val_, y=residuals, color='blue', edgecolor='k') + plt.grid(True) + xmin, xmax = min(y_val_), max(y_val_) + plt.hlines(y=0, xmin=xmin*0.9, xmax=xmax*1.1, color='red', lw=3, + linestyle='--') + plt.xlabel(key) + plt.ylabel('Residuals') + plt.show() + + # save the current figure + fig2.savefig(f'./{newpath}/Fitted_vs_Residuals.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + + # ------ Histogram of normalized residuals ------ + fig3 = plt.figure() + resid_pearson = residuals / (max(residuals)-min(residuals)) + plt.hist(resid_pearson, bins=20, edgecolor='k') + plt.ylabel('Count') + plt.xlabel('Normalized residuals') + plt.title(f"{key}: Histogram of normalized residuals") + + # Normality (Shapiro-Wilk) test of the residuals + ax = plt.gca() + _, p = stats.shapiro(residuals) + if p < 0.01: + annText = "The residuals seem to come from a Gaussian Process." + else: + annText = "The normality assumption may not hold." + at = AnchoredText(annText, prop=dict(size=30), frameon=True, + loc='upper left') + at.patch.set_boxstyle("round,pad=0.,rounding_size=0.2") + ax.add_artist(at) + + plt.show() + + # save the current figure + fig3.savefig(f'./{newpath}/Hist_NormResiduals.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + + # ------ Q-Q plot of the normalized residuals ------ + plt.figure() + stats.probplot(residuals[:, 0], plot=plt) + plt.xticks() + plt.yticks() + plt.xlabel("Theoretical quantiles") + plt.ylabel("Sample quantiles") + plt.title(f"{key}: Q-Q plot of normalized residuals") + plt.grid(True) + plt.show() + + # save the current figure + plt.savefig(f'./{newpath}/QQPlot_NormResiduals.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def eval_pce_model_3d(self): + + self.n_samples = 1000 + + PCEModel = self.MetaModel + Model = self.ModelObj + n_samples = self.n_samples + + # Create 3D-Grid + # TODO: Make it general + x = np.linspace(-5, 10, n_samples) + y = np.linspace(0, 15, n_samples) + + X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) + PCE_Z = np.zeros((self.n_samples, self.n_samples)) + Model_Z = np.zeros((self.n_samples, self.n_samples)) + + for idxMesh in range(self.n_samples): + sample_mesh = np.vstack((X[:, idxMesh], Y[:, idxMesh])).T + + univ_p_val = PCEModel.univ_basis_vals(sample_mesh) + + for Outkey, ValuesDict in PCEModel.coeffs_dict.items(): + + pce_out_mean = np.zeros((len(sample_mesh), len(ValuesDict))) + pce_out_std = np.zeros((len(sample_mesh), len(ValuesDict))) + model_outs = np.zeros((len(sample_mesh), len(ValuesDict))) + + for Inkey, InIdxValues in ValuesDict.items(): + idx = int(Inkey.split('_')[1]) - 1 + basis_deg_ind = PCEModel.basis_dict[Outkey][Inkey] + clf_poly = PCEModel.clf_poly[Outkey][Inkey] + + PSI_Val = PCEModel.create_psi(basis_deg_ind, univ_p_val) + + # Perdiction with error bar + y_mean, y_std = clf_poly.predict(PSI_Val, return_std=True) + + pce_out_mean[:, idx] = y_mean + pce_out_std[:, idx] = y_std + + # Model evaluation + model_out_dict, _ = Model.run_model_parallel(sample_mesh, + key_str='Valid3D') + model_outs[:, idx] = model_out_dict[Outkey].T + + PCE_Z[:, idxMesh] = y_mean + Model_Z[:, idxMesh] = model_outs[:, 0] + + # ---------------- 3D plot for PCEModel ----------------------- + fig_PCE = plt.figure() + ax = plt.axes(projection='3d') + ax.plot_surface(X, Y, PCE_Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, + cmap='viridis', edgecolor='none') + ax.set_title('PCEModel') + ax.set_xlabel('$x_1$') + ax.set_ylabel('$x_2$') + ax.set_zlabel('$f(x_1,x_2)$') + + plt.grid() + plt.show() + + # Saving the figure + newpath = f'Outputs_PostProcessing_{self.name}/' + if not os.path.exists(newpath): + os.makedirs(newpath) + + # save the figure to file + fig_PCE.savefig(f'./{newpath}/3DPlot_PCEModel.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + plt.close(fig_PCE) + + # ---------------- 3D plot for Model ----------------------- + fig_Model = plt.figure() + ax = plt.axes(projection='3d') + ax.plot_surface(X, Y, PCE_Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, + cmap='viridis', edgecolor='none') + ax.set_title('Model') + ax.set_xlabel('$x_1$') + ax.set_ylabel('$x_2$') + ax.set_zlabel('$f(x_1,x_2)$') + + plt.grid() + plt.show() + + # Save the figure + fig_Model.savefig(f'./{newpath}/3DPlot_Model.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + plt.close(fig_Model) + + return + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def compute_pce_moments(self): + """ + Computes the first two moments using the PCE-based meta-model. + + Returns + ------- + pce_means: dict + The first moments (mean) of outpust. + pce_means: dict + The first moments (mean) of outpust. + + """ + + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + outputs = self.ModelObj.Output.names + pce_means_b = {} + pce_stds_b = {} + + # Loop over bootstrap iterations + for b_i in range(MetaModel.n_bootstrap_itrs): + # Loop over the metamodels + coeffs_dicts = MetaModel.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'].items() + means = {} + stds = {} + for output, coef_dict in coeffs_dicts: + + pce_mean = np.zeros((len(coef_dict))) + pce_var = np.zeros((len(coef_dict))) + + for index, values in coef_dict.items(): + idx = int(index.split('_')[1]) - 1 + coeffs = MetaModel.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][index] + + # Mean = c_0 + if coeffs[0] != 0: + pce_mean[idx] = coeffs[0] + else: + clf_poly = MetaModel.clf_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output] + pce_mean[idx] = clf_poly[index].intercept_ + # Var = sum(coeffs[1:]**2) + pce_var[idx] = np.sum(np.square(coeffs[1:])) + + # Save predictions for each output + if MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + PCA = MetaModel.pca[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output] + means[output] = PCA.inverse_transform(pce_mean) + stds[output] = np.sqrt(np.dot(pce_var, + PCA.components_**2)) + else: + means[output] = pce_mean + stds[output] = np.sqrt(pce_var) + + # Save predictions for each bootstrap iteration + pce_means_b[b_i] = means + pce_stds_b[b_i] = stds + + # Change the order of nesting + mean_all = {} + for i in sorted(pce_means_b): + for k, v in pce_means_b[i].items(): + if k not in mean_all: + mean_all[k] = [None] * len(pce_means_b) + mean_all[k][i] = v + std_all = {} + for i in sorted(pce_stds_b): + for k, v in pce_stds_b[i].items(): + if k not in std_all: + std_all[k] = [None] * len(pce_stds_b) + std_all[k][i] = v + + # Back transformation if PCA is selected. + pce_means, pce_stds = {}, {} + for output in outputs: + pce_means[output] = np.mean(mean_all[output], axis=0) + pce_stds[output] = np.mean(std_all[output], axis=0) + + # Print a report table + print("\n>>>>> Moments of {} <<<<<".format(output)) + print("\nIndex | Mean | Std. deviation") + print('-'*35) + print('\n'.join(f'{i+1} | {k:.3e} | {j:.3e}' for i, (k, j) + in enumerate(zip(pce_means[output], + pce_stds[output])))) + print('-'*40) + + return pce_means, pce_stds + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _get_sample(self, n_samples=None): + """ + Generates random samples taken from the input parameter space. + + Returns + ------- + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Generated samples. + + """ + if n_samples is None: + n_samples = self.n_samples + self.samples = self.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + n_samples, + sampling_method='random') + return self.samples + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _eval_model(self, samples=None, key_str='Valid'): + """ + Evaluates Forward Model for the given number of self.samples or given + samples. + + Parameters + ---------- + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params), optional + Samples to evaluate the model at. The default is None. + key_str : str, optional + Key string pass to the model. The default is 'Valid'. + + Returns + ------- + model_outs : dict + Dictionary of results. + + """ + Model = self.ModelObj + + if samples is None: + samples = self._get_sample() + self.samples = samples + else: + self.n_samples = len(samples) + + model_outs, _ = Model.run_model_parallel(samples, key_str=key_str) + + return model_outs + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _plot_validation(self): + """ + Plots outputs for visual comparison of metamodel outputs with that of + the (full) original model. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + PCEModel = self.MetaModel + + # get the samples + x_val = self.samples + y_pce_val = self.pce_out_mean + y_val = self.model_out_dict + + # Open a pdf for the plots + newpath = f'Outputs_PostProcessing_{self.name}/' + if not os.path.exists(newpath): + os.makedirs(newpath) + + fig = plt.figure() + # Fit the data(train the model) + for key in y_pce_val.keys(): + + y_pce_val_ = y_pce_val[key] + y_val_ = y_val[key] + + regression_model = LinearRegression() + regression_model.fit(y_pce_val_, y_val_) + + # Predict + x_new = np.linspace(np.min(y_pce_val_), np.max(y_val_), 100) + y_predicted = regression_model.predict(x_new[:, np.newaxis]) + + plt.scatter(y_pce_val_, y_val_, color='gold', linewidth=2) + plt.plot(x_new, y_predicted, color='k') + + # Calculate the adjusted R_squared and RMSE + # the total number of explanatory variables in the model + # (not including the constant term) + length_list = [] + for key, value in PCEModel.coeffs_dict['b_1'][key].items(): + length_list.append(len(value)) + n_predictors = min(length_list) + n_samples = x_val.shape[0] + + R2 = r2_score(y_pce_val_, y_val_) + AdjR2 = 1 - (1 - R2) * (n_samples - 1) / \ + (n_samples - n_predictors - 1) + rmse = mean_squared_error(y_pce_val_, y_val_, squared=False) + + plt.annotate(f'RMSE = {rmse:.3f}\n Adjusted $R^2$ = {AdjR2:.3f}', + xy=(0.05, 0.85), xycoords='axes fraction') + + plt.ylabel("Original Model") + plt.xlabel("PCE Model") + plt.grid() + plt.show() + + # save the current figure + plot_name = key.replace(' ', '_') + fig.savefig(f'./{newpath}/Model_vs_PCEModel_{plot_name}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _plot_validation_multi(self, x_values=[], x_axis="x [m]"): + """ + Plots outputs for visual comparison of metamodel outputs with that of + the (full) multioutput original model + + Parameters + ---------- + x_values : list or array, optional + List of x values. The default is []. + x_axis : str, optional + Label of the x axis. The default is "x [m]". + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + Model = self.ModelObj + + newpath = f'Outputs_PostProcessing_{self.name}/' + if not os.path.exists(newpath): + os.makedirs(newpath) + + # List of markers and colors + color = cycle((['b', 'g', 'r', 'y', 'k'])) + marker = cycle(('x', 'd', '+', 'o', '*')) + + fig = plt.figure() + # Plot the model vs PCE model + for keyIdx, key in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + + y_pce_val = self.pce_out_mean[key] + y_pce_val_std = self.pce_out_std[key] + y_val = self.model_out_dict[key] + try: + x = self.model_out_dict['x_values'][key] + except (TypeError, IndexError): + x = x_values + + for idx in range(y_val.shape[0]): + Color = next(color) + Marker = next(marker) + + plt.plot(x, y_val[idx], color=Color, marker=Marker, + label='$Y_{%s}^M$'%(idx+1)) + + plt.plot(x, y_pce_val[idx], color=Color, marker=Marker, + linestyle='--', + label='$Y_{%s}^{PCE}$'%(idx+1)) + plt.fill_between(x, y_pce_val[idx]-1.96*y_pce_val_std[idx], + y_pce_val[idx]+1.96*y_pce_val_std[idx], + color=Color, alpha=0.15) + + # Calculate the RMSE + rmse = mean_squared_error(y_pce_val, y_val, squared=False) + R2 = r2_score(y_pce_val[idx].reshape(-1, 1), + y_val[idx].reshape(-1, 1)) + + plt.annotate(f'RMSE = {rmse:.3f}\n $R^2$ = {R2:.3f}', + xy=(0.85, 0.1), xycoords='axes fraction') + + plt.ylabel(key) + plt.xlabel(x_axis) + plt.legend(loc='best') + plt.grid() + + # save the current figure + plot_name = key.replace(' ', '_') + fig.savefig(f'./{newpath}/Model_vs_PCEModel_{plot_name}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + + # Zip the subdirectories + Model.zip_subdirs(f'{Model.name}valid', f'{Model.name}valid_') diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__init__.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4bd81739faf43956324b30f6d8e5365b29d55677 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +from .pylink import PyLinkForwardModel + +__all__ = [ + "PyLinkForwardModel" + ] diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5b7c1b3926506fb279b856f55ca6120df31b8888 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1947ad354716d0293953761f0d35193f706cedc1 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0bbb522855ad250ad55bca46123c0f5023076291 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/pylink.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/pylink.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b6ae7c14b35b60388e38fcbd3af64d04771a947c Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/pylink.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/pylink.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/pylink.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f0f850911d36dce30d3a9e6f59478e5216044c8 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/pylink.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/pylink.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/pylink.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..746c82eb52be2e437c61bd201433f9d38b8ab177 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/__pycache__/pylink.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/pylink.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/pylink.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..227a51ab38cd834e7e85f6193d83563c7ed3437a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/pylink/pylink.py @@ -0,0 +1,803 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Calls to the model and evaluations +""" + +from dataclasses import dataclass + +import os +import shutil +import h5py +import numpy as np +import time +import zipfile +import pandas as pd +import multiprocessing +from functools import partial +import tqdm + +#from multiprocessing import get_context +from multiprocess import get_context + + + +def within_range(out, minout, maxout): + """ + Checks if all the values in out lie between minout and maxout + + Parameters + ---------- + out : array or list + Data to check against range + minout : int + Lower bound of the range + maxout : int + Upper bound of the range + + Returns + ------- + inside : bool + True if all values in out are in the specified range + + """ + try: + out = np.array(out) + except: + raise AttributeError('The given values should be a 1D array, but are not') + if out.ndim != 1: + raise AttributeError('The given values should be a 1D array, but are not') + + if minout > maxout: + raise ValueError('The lower and upper bounds do not form a valid range, they might be switched') + + inside = False + if (out > minout).all() and (out < maxout).all(): + inside = True + return inside + + +class PyLinkForwardModel(object): + """ + A forward model binder + + This calss serves as a code wrapper. This wrapper allows the execution of + a third-party software/solver within the scope of BayesValidRox. + + Attributes + ---------- + link_type : str + The type of the wrapper. The default is `'pylink'`. This runs the + third-party software or an executable using a shell command with given + input files. + Second option is `'function'` which assumed that model can be run using + a function written separately in a Python script. + name : str + Name of the model. + py_file : str + Python file name without `.py` extension to be run for the `'function'` + wrapper. Note that the name of the python file and that of the function + must be simillar. This function must recieve the parameters in an array + of shape `(n_samples, n_params)` and returns a dictionary with the + x_values and output arrays for given output names. + func_args : dict + Additional arguments for the python file. The default is `{}`. + shell_command : str + Shell command to be executed for the `'pylink'` wrapper. + input_file : str or list + The input file to be passed to the `'pylink'` wrapper. + input_template : str or list + A template input file to be passed to the `'pylink'` wrapper. This file + must be a copy of `input_file` with `<Xi>` place holder for the input + parameters defined using `inputs` class, with i being the number of + parameter. The file name ending should include `.tpl` before the actual + extension of the input file, for example, `params.tpl.input`. + aux_file : str or list + The list of auxiliary files needed for the `'pylink'` wrapper. + exe_path : str + Execution path if you wish to run the model for the `'pylink'` wrapper + in another directory. The default is `None`, which corresponds to the + currecnt working directory. + output_file_names : list of str + List of the name of the model output text files for the `'pylink'` + wrapper. + output_names : list of str + List of the model outputs to be used for the analysis. + output_parser : str + Name of the model parser file (without `.py` extension) that recieves + the `output_file_names` and returns a 2d-array with the first row being + the x_values, e.g. x coordinates or time and the rest of raws pass the + simulation output for each model output defined in `output_names`. Note + that again here the name of the file and that of the function must be + the same. + multi_process: bool + Whether the model runs to be executed in parallel for the `'pylink'` + wrapper. The default is `True`. + n_cpus: int + The number of cpus to be used for the parallel model execution for the + `'pylink'` wrapper. The default is `None`, which corresponds to all + available cpus. + meas_file : str + The name of the measurement text-based file. This file must contain + x_values as the first column and one column for each model output. The + default is `None`. Only needed for the Bayesian Inference. + meas_file_valid : str + The name of the measurement text-based file for the validation. The + default is `None`. Only needed for the validation with Bayesian + Inference. + mc_ref_file : str + The name of the text file for the Monte-Carlo reference (mean and + standard deviation) values. It must contain `x_values` as the first + column, `mean` as the second column and `std` as the third. It can be + used to compare the estimated moments using meta-model in the post- + processing step. This is only available for one output. + obs_dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement text-based file. It must + contain `x_values` as the first item and one item for each model output + . The default is `{}`. Only needed for the Bayesian Inference. + obs_dict_valid : dict + A dictionary containing the validation measurement text-based file. It + must contain `x_values` as the first item and one item for each model + output. The default is `{}`. + mc_ref_dict : dict + A dictionary containing the Monte-Carlo reference (mean and standard + deviation) values. It must contain `x_values` as the first item and + `mean` as the second item and `std` as the third. The default is `{}`. + This is only available for one output. + """ + + # Nested class + @dataclass + class OutputData(object): + parser: str = "" + names: list = None + file_names: list = None + + def __init__(self, link_type='pylink', name=None, py_file=None, + func_args={}, shell_command='', input_file=None, + input_template=None, aux_file=None, exe_path='', + output_file_names=[], output_names=[], output_parser='', + multi_process=True, n_cpus=None, meas_file=None, + meas_file_valid=None, mc_ref_file=None, obs_dict={}, + obs_dict_valid={}, mc_ref_dict={}): + self.link_type = link_type + self.name = name + self.shell_command = shell_command + self.py_file = py_file + self.func_args = func_args + self.input_file = input_file + self.input_template = input_template + self.aux_file = aux_file + self.exe_path = exe_path + self.multi_process = multi_process + self.n_cpus = n_cpus + self.Output = self.OutputData( + parser=output_parser, + names=output_names, + file_names=output_file_names, + ) + self.n_outputs = len(self.Output.names) + self.meas_file = meas_file + self.meas_file_valid = meas_file_valid + self.mc_ref_file = mc_ref_file + self.observations = obs_dict + self.observations_valid = obs_dict_valid + self.mc_reference = mc_ref_dict + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def read_observation(self, case='calib'): + """ + Reads/prepare the observation/measurement data for + calibration. + + Parameters + ---------- + case : str + The type of observation to read in. Can be either 'calib', + 'valid' or 'mc_ref' + + Returns + ------- + DataFrame + A dataframe with the calibration data. + + """ + # TOOD: check that what is read in/transformed matches the expected form of data/reference + if case.lower() == 'calib': + if isinstance(self.observations, dict) and bool(self.observations): + self.observations = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self.observations) + elif self.meas_file is not None: + file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.meas_file) + self.observations = pd.read_csv(file_path, delimiter=',') + elif isinstance(self.observations, pd.DataFrame): + self.observations = self.observations + else: + raise Exception("Please provide the observation data as a " + "dictionary via observations attribute or pass" + " the csv-file path to MeasurementFile " + "attribute") + # Compute the number of observation + self.n_obs = self.observations[self.Output.names].notnull().sum().values.sum() + return self.observations + + elif case.lower() == 'valid': + if isinstance(self.observations_valid, dict) and \ + bool(self.observations_valid): + self.observations_valid = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self.observations_valid) + elif self.meas_file_valid is not None: + file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.meas_file_valid) + self.observations_valid = pd.read_csv(file_path, delimiter=',') + elif isinstance(self.observations_valid, pd.DataFrame): + self.observations_valid = self.observations_valid + else: + raise Exception("Please provide the observation data as a " + "dictionary via observations attribute or pass" + " the csv-file path to MeasurementFile " + "attribute") + # Compute the number of observation + self.n_obs_valid = self.observations_valid[self.Output.names].notnull().sum().values.sum() + return self.observations_valid + + elif case.lower() == 'mc_ref': + if self.mc_ref_file is None and \ + isinstance(self.mc_reference, pd.DataFrame): + return self.mc_reference + elif isinstance(self.mc_reference, dict) and bool(self.mc_reference): + self.mc_reference = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self.mc_reference) + elif self.mc_ref_file is not None: + file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.mc_ref_file) + self.mc_reference = pd.read_csv(file_path, delimiter=',') + else: + self.mc_reference = None + return self.mc_reference + + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def read_output(self): + """ + Reads the the parser output file and returns it as an + executable function. It is required when the models returns the + simulation outputs in csv files. + + Returns + ------- + Output : func + Output parser function. + + """ + output_func_name = self.Output.parser + + output_func = getattr(__import__(output_func_name), output_func_name) + + file_names = [] + for File in self.Output.file_names: + file_names.append(os.path.join(self.exe_path, File)) + try: + output = output_func(self.name, file_names) + except TypeError: + output = output_func(file_names) + return output + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def update_input_params(self, new_input_file, param_set): + """ + Finds this pattern with <X1> in the new_input_file and replace it with + the new value from the array param_sets. + + Parameters + ---------- + new_input_file : list + List of the input files with the adapted names. + param_set : array of shape (n_params) + Parameter set. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + NofPa = param_set.shape[0] + text_to_search_list = [f'<X{i+1}>' for i in range(NofPa)] + + for filename in new_input_file: + # Read in the file + with open(filename, 'r') as file: + filedata = file.read() + + # Replace the target string + for text_to_search, params in zip(text_to_search_list, param_set): + filedata = filedata.replace(text_to_search, f'{params:0.4e}') + + # Write the file out again + with open(filename, 'w') as file: + file.write(filedata) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def run_command(self, command, output_file_names): + """ + Runs the execution command given by the user to run the given model. + It checks if the output files have been generated. If yes, the jobe is + done and it extracts and returns the requested output(s). Otherwise, + it executes the command again. + + Parameters + ---------- + command : str + The shell command to be executed. + output_file_names : list + Name of the output file names. + + Returns + ------- + simulation_outputs : array of shape (n_obs, n_outputs) + Simulation outputs. + + """ + + # Check if simulation is finished + while True: + time.sleep(3) + files = os.listdir(".") + if all(elem in files for elem in output_file_names): + break + else: + # Run command + Process = os.system(f'./../{command}') + if Process != 0: + print('\nMessage 1:') + print(f'\tIf the value of \'{Process}\' is a non-zero value' + ', then compilation problems occur \n' % Process) + os.chdir("..") + + # Read the output + simulation_outputs = self.read_output() + + return simulation_outputs + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def run_forwardmodel(self, xx): + """ + This function creates subdirectory for the current run and copies the + necessary files to this directory and renames them. Next, it executes + the given command. + + Parameters + ---------- + xx : tuple + A tuple including parameter set, simulation number and key string. + + Returns + ------- + output : array of shape (n_outputs+1, n_obs) + An array passed by the output paraser containing the x_values as + the first row and the simulations results stored in the the rest of + the array. + + """ + c_points, run_no, key_str = xx + + # Handle if only one imput file is provided + if not isinstance(self.input_template, list): + self.input_template = [self.input_template] + if not isinstance(self.input_file, list): + self.input_file = [self.input_file] + + new_input_file = [] + # Loop over the InputTemplates: + for in_temp in self.input_template: + if '/' in in_temp: + in_temp = in_temp.split('/')[-1] + new_input_file.append(in_temp.split('.tpl')[0] + key_str + + f"_{run_no+1}" + in_temp.split('.tpl')[1]) + + # Create directories + newpath = self.name + key_str + f'_{run_no+1}' + if not os.path.exists(newpath): + os.makedirs(newpath) + + # Copy the necessary files to the directories + print(self.input_template) + for in_temp in self.input_template: + # Input file(s) of the model + shutil.copy2(in_temp, newpath) + # Auxiliary file + if self.aux_file is not None: + shutil.copy2(self.aux_file, newpath) # Auxiliary file + + # Rename the Inputfile and/or auxiliary file + os.chdir(newpath) + for input_tem, input_file in zip(self.input_template, new_input_file): + if '/' in input_tem: + input_tem = input_tem.split('/')[-1] + os.rename(input_tem, input_file) + + # Update the parametrs in Input file + self.update_input_params(new_input_file, c_points) + + # Update the user defined command and the execution path + try: + new_command = self.shell_command.replace(self.input_file[0], + new_input_file[0]) + new_command = new_command.replace(self.input_file[1], + new_input_file[1]) + except: + new_command = self.shell_command.replace(self.input_file[0], + new_input_file[0]) + # Set the exe path if not provided + if not bool(self.exe_path): + self.exe_path = os.getcwd() + + # Run the model + print(new_command) + output = self.run_command(new_command, self.Output.file_names) + + return output + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def run_model_parallel(self, c_points, prevRun_No=0, key_str='', + mp=True, verbose=True): + """ + Runs model simulations. If mp is true (default), then the simulations + are started in parallel. + + Parameters + ---------- + c_points : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Collocation points (training set). + prevRun_No : int, optional + Previous run number, in case the sequential design is selected. + The default is `0`. + key_str : str, optional + A descriptive string for validation runs. The default is `''`. + mp : bool, optional + Multiprocessing. The default is `True`. + verbose: bool, optional + Verbosity. The default is `True`. + + Returns + ------- + all_outputs : dict + A dictionary with x values (time step or point id) and all outputs. + Each key contains an array of the shape `(n_samples, n_obs)`. + new_c_points : array + Updated collocation points (training set). If a simulation does not + executed successfully, the parameter set is removed. + + """ + + # Initilization + n_c_points = len(c_points) + all_outputs = {} + + # If the link type is UM-Bridge, then no parallel needs to be started from here + if self.link_type.lower() == 'umbridge': + import umbridge + if not hasattr(self, 'x_values'): + raise AttributeError('For model type `umbridge` the attribute `x_values` needs to be set for the model!') + # Init model + #model = umbridge.HTTPModel('http://localhost:4242', 'forward') + self.model = umbridge.HTTPModel(self.host, 'forward') # TODO: is this always forward? + Function = self.uMBridge_model + + # Extract the function + if self.link_type.lower() == 'function': + # Prepare the function + Function = getattr(__import__(self.py_file), self.py_file) + # --------------------------------------------------------------- + # -------------- Multiprocessing with Pool Class ---------------- + # --------------------------------------------------------------- + # Start a pool with the number of CPUs + if self.n_cpus is None: + n_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() + else: + n_cpus = self.n_cpus + + # Run forward model + if n_c_points == 1 or not mp: + if n_c_points== 1: + if self.link_type.lower() == 'function' or self.link_type.lower() == 'umbridge': + group_results = Function(c_points, **self.func_args) + else: + group_results = self.run_forwardmodel( + (c_points[0], prevRun_No, key_str) + ) + else: + for i in range(c_points.shape[0]): + if i == 0: + if self.link_type.lower() == 'function' or self.link_type.lower() == 'umbridge': + group_results = Function(np.array([c_points[0]]), **self.func_args) + else: + group_results = self.run_forwardmodel( + (c_points[0], prevRun_No, key_str) + ) + for key in group_results: + if key != 'x_values': + group_results[key] = [group_results[key]] + else: + if self.link_type.lower() == 'function' or self.link_type.lower() == 'umbridge': + res = Function(np.array([c_points[i]]), **self.func_args) + else: + res = self.run_forwardmodel( + (c_points[i], prevRun_No, key_str) + ) + for key in res: + if key != 'x_values': + group_results[key].append(res[key]) + + for key in group_results: + if key != 'x_values': + group_results[key]= np.array(group_results[key]) + + elif self.multi_process or mp: + with get_context('spawn').Pool(n_cpus) as p: + #with multiprocessing.Pool(n_cpus) as p: + + if self.link_type.lower() == 'function' or self.link_type.lower() == 'umbridge': + imap_var = p.imap(partial(Function, **self.func_args), + c_points[:, np.newaxis]) + else: + args = zip(c_points, + [prevRun_No+i for i in range(n_c_points)], + [key_str]*n_c_points) + imap_var = p.imap(self.run_forwardmodel, args) + + if verbose: + desc = f'Running forward model {key_str}' + group_results = list(tqdm.tqdm(imap_var, total=n_c_points, + desc=desc)) + else: + group_results = list(imap_var) + + # Check for NaN + for var_i, var in enumerate(self.Output.names): + # If results are given as one dictionary + if isinstance(group_results, dict): + Outputs = np.asarray(group_results[var]) + # If results are given as list of dictionaries + elif isinstance(group_results, list): + Outputs = np.asarray([item[var] for item in group_results], + dtype=np.float64) + NaN_idx = np.unique(np.argwhere(np.isnan(Outputs))[:, 0]) + new_c_points = np.delete(c_points, NaN_idx, axis=0) + all_outputs[var] = np.atleast_2d( + np.delete(Outputs, NaN_idx, axis=0) + ) + + # Print the collocation points whose simulations crashed + if len(NaN_idx) != 0: + print('\n') + print('*'*20) + print("\nThe following parameter sets have been removed:\n", + c_points[NaN_idx]) + print("\n") + print('*'*20) + + # Save time steps or x-values + if isinstance(group_results, dict): + all_outputs["x_values"] = group_results["x_values"] + elif any(isinstance(i, dict) for i in group_results): + all_outputs["x_values"] = group_results[0]["x_values"] + + # Store simulations in a hdf5 file + self._store_simulations( + c_points, all_outputs, NaN_idx, key_str, prevRun_No + ) + + return all_outputs, new_c_points + + def uMBridge_model(self, params): + """ + Function that calls a UMBridge model and transforms its output into the + shape expected for the surrogate. + + Parameters + ---------- + params : 2d np.array, shape (#samples, #params) + The parameter values for which the model is run. + + Returns + ------- + dict + The transformed model outputs. + + """ + # Run the model + #out = np.array(model(np.ndarray.tolist(params), {'level':0})) + out = np.array(self.model(np.ndarray.tolist(params), self.modelparams)) + + # Sort into dict + out_dict = {} + cnt = 0 + for key in self.Output.names: + # # If needed resort into single-value outputs + # if self.output_type == 'single-valued': + # if out.shape[1]>1: # TODO: this doesn't fully seem correct?? + # for i in range(out[:,key]): # TODO: this doesn't fully seem correct?? + # new_key = key+str(i) + # if new_key not in self.Output.names: + # self.Output.names.append(new_key) + # if i == 0: + # self.Ouptut.names.remove(key) + # out_dict[new_key] = out[:,cnt,i] # TODO: not sure about this, need to test + # else: + # out_dict[key] = out[:,cnt] + # + # + # else: + out_dict[key] = out[:,cnt] + cnt += 1 + + + ## TODO: how to deal with the x-values? + #if self.output_type == 'single-valued': + # out_dict['x_values'] = [0] + #else: + # out_dict['x_values'] = np.arange(0,out[:,0].shape[0],1) + out_dict['x_values'] = self.x_values + + #return {'T1':out[:,0], 'T2':out[:,1], 'H1':out[:,2], 'H2':out[:,3], + # 'x_values':[0]} + return out_dict + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _store_simulations(self, c_points, all_outputs, NaN_idx, key_str, + prevRun_No): + """ + + + Parameters + ---------- + c_points : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + all_outputs : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + NaN_idx : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + key_str : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + prevRun_No : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + + # Create hdf5 metadata + if key_str == '': + hdf5file = f'ExpDesign_{self.name}.hdf5' + else: + hdf5file = f'ValidSet_{self.name}.hdf5' + hdf5_exist = os.path.exists(hdf5file) + file = h5py.File(hdf5file, 'a') + + # ---------- Save time steps or x-values ---------- + if not hdf5_exist: + if type(all_outputs["x_values"]) is dict: + grp_x_values = file.create_group("x_values/") + for varIdx, var in enumerate(self.Output.names): + grp_x_values.create_dataset( + var, data=all_outputs["x_values"][var] + ) + else: + file.create_dataset("x_values", data=all_outputs["x_values"]) + + # ---------- Save outputs ---------- + for varIdx, var in enumerate(self.Output.names): + if not hdf5_exist: + grpY = file.create_group("EDY/"+var) + else: + grpY = file.get("EDY/"+var) + + if prevRun_No == 0 and key_str == '': + grpY.create_dataset(f'init_{key_str}', data=all_outputs[var]) + else: + try: + oldEDY = np.array(file[f'EDY/{var}/adaptive_{key_str}']) + del file[f'EDY/{var}/adaptive_{key_str}'] + data = np.vstack((oldEDY, all_outputs[var])) + except KeyError: + data = all_outputs[var] + grpY.create_dataset('adaptive_'+key_str, data=data) + + if prevRun_No == 0 and key_str == '': + grpY.create_dataset(f"New_init_{key_str}", + data=all_outputs[var]) + else: + try: + name = f'EDY/{var}/New_adaptive_{key_str}' + oldEDY = np.array(file[name]) + del file[f'EDY/{var}/New_adaptive_{key_str}'] + data = np.vstack((oldEDY, all_outputs[var])) + except KeyError: + data = all_outputs[var] + grpY.create_dataset(f'New_adaptive_{key_str}', data=data) + + # ---------- Save CollocationPoints ---------- + new_c_points = np.delete(c_points, NaN_idx, axis=0) + grpX = file.create_group("EDX") if not hdf5_exist else file.get("EDX") + if prevRun_No == 0 and key_str == '': + grpX.create_dataset("init_"+key_str, data=c_points) + if len(NaN_idx) != 0: + grpX.create_dataset("New_init_"+key_str, data=new_c_points) + + else: + try: + name = f'EDX/adaptive_{key_str}' + oldCollocationPoints = np.array(file[name]) + del file[f'EDX/adaptive_{key_str}'] + data = np.vstack((oldCollocationPoints, new_c_points)) + except KeyError: + data = new_c_points + grpX.create_dataset('adaptive_'+key_str, data=data) + + if len(NaN_idx) != 0: + try: + name = f'EDX/New_adaptive_{key_str}' + oldCollocationPoints = np.array(file[name]) + del file[f'EDX/New_adaptive_{key_str}'] + data = np.vstack((oldCollocationPoints, new_c_points)) + except KeyError: + data = new_c_points + grpX.create_dataset('New_adaptive_'+key_str, data=data) + + # Close h5py file + file.close() + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def zip_subdirs(self, dir_name, key): + """ + Zips all the files containing the key(word). + + Parameters + ---------- + dir_name : str + Directory name. + key : str + Keyword to search for. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + # setup file paths variable + dir_list = [] + file_paths = [] + + # Read all directory, subdirectories and file lists + dir_path = os.getcwd() + + for root, directories, files in os.walk(dir_path): + for directory in directories: + # Create the full filepath by using os module. + if key in directory: + folderPath = os.path.join(dir_path, directory) + dir_list.append(folderPath) + + # Loop over the identified directories to store the file paths + for direct_name in dir_list: + for root, directories, files in os.walk(direct_name): + for filename in files: + # Create the full filepath by using os module. + filePath = os.path.join(root, filename) + file_paths.append('.'+filePath.split(dir_path)[1]) + + # writing files to a zipfile + if len(file_paths) != 0: + zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(dir_name+'.zip', 'w') + with zip_file: + # writing each file one by one + for file in file_paths: + zip_file.write(file) + + file_paths = [path for path in os.listdir('.') if key in path] + + for path in file_paths: + shutil.rmtree(path) + + print("\n") + print(f'{dir_name}.zip has been created successfully!\n') + + return diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__init__.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..70bfb20f570464c2907a0a4128f4ed99b6c13736 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +from .surrogate_models import MetaModel + +__all__ = [ + "MetaModel" + ] diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8c10c82287a57ba1e3b4dd428962e57cdfbc5c58 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b73e63a3096fbc9afc41bae35a3fcc1d7851166 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f1a3fcc2eed66172304cd27ab5fe111ca0198bf5 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/adaptPlot.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/adaptPlot.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2854217e56fecb2456011a91a984951fed9cbcbb Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/adaptPlot.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/apoly_construction.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/apoly_construction.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ffab8b4f67e52a3128aa8740301f958a0d72c502 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/apoly_construction.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/apoly_construction.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/apoly_construction.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5d2b8aa7d552e4f4afc87a25caf36ab034f31486 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/apoly_construction.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/apoly_construction.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/apoly_construction.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..82737a42dd7351d06b703b3da838031ba95979da Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/apoly_construction.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/bayes_linear.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/bayes_linear.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..92d0cc0e7a0a07123fdfbc2c777d1b9281a43344 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/bayes_linear.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/bayes_linear.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/bayes_linear.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..56cfc2006febc94fdf721712929918499cd46491 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/bayes_linear.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/bayes_linear.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/bayes_linear.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..063355b16a397fb5fd89d38daa0d3ca5a8506766 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/bayes_linear.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/engine.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/engine.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a98675fd4b4b1172c75b81b88112c0e39880261 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/engine.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/eval_rec_rule.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/eval_rec_rule.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cbfe4d97e8e83ebc276e45ba6e84f514784f1d0b Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/eval_rec_rule.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/eval_rec_rule.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/eval_rec_rule.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d789b4515f89e02f006dafd2c9d85b8e7bea110 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/eval_rec_rule.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/eval_rec_rule.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/eval_rec_rule.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27878248cbdaa2abf0af9d51d061aa6e2db86f43 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/eval_rec_rule.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/exp_designs.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/exp_designs.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc01f0f01b8bc70d438a3317b87d304883456f15 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/exp_designs.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/exp_designs.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/exp_designs.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a392bbec968c4728540bfbd2470d6cd4efb67faa Binary files 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b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/exp_designs_.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/exploration.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/exploration.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..af7431ce432969f095d1c07f429b8129cb5a2def Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/exploration.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/exploration.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/exploration.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9a435919a7163073324fbaf96093a1aeb0b6387b Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/exploration.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/exploration.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/exploration.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..98964152a4ea29f85f061ea6ec7daa3df7487230 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/exploration.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/glexindex.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/glexindex.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..16a383b994853cdb226f7b7fb291cdbef789e1f7 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/glexindex.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/glexindex.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/glexindex.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7ffc6990e1d99e9ad0a3c41c689e313d7f680d8e Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/glexindex.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/glexindex.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/glexindex.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c3f24cf9cb753b59f9e226f828a7c3598ac65a9a Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/glexindex.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/input_space.cpython-311.pyc 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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..615d2fe8b67cb014059c4fab5f06344ca0878adf Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/inputs.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/inputs.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/inputs.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b0c91ff3182adb1245aa7f20656e8e94336a438c Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/inputs.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/loss_function.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/loss_function.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a1e26394365e683dbec6da95fbe223ebcee10ef4 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/loss_function.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/meta_model_engine.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/meta_model_engine.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7ebbfad9c34b1f9e6c819ea7cf7852af65591444 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/meta_model_engine.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/meta_model_engine.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/meta_model_engine.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b2b3f8f40181637b13ee1156ffa8a03c1ffce8b3 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/meta_model_engine.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/meta_model_engine.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/meta_model_engine.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bd6eb8fcd459fd95ff1b85514f996344b6e4880c Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/meta_model_engine.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/orthogonal_matching_pursuit.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/orthogonal_matching_pursuit.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..543416416ef052c2402c2e9a97976dc4aab22866 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/orthogonal_matching_pursuit.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/orthogonal_matching_pursuit.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/orthogonal_matching_pursuit.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e909177d8f6cb2a1722e871da4bc92ebfea493c Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/orthogonal_matching_pursuit.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/orthogonal_matching_pursuit.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/orthogonal_matching_pursuit.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9f1ec9479869fec42f363e7f46e07dba2f1c6be5 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/orthogonal_matching_pursuit.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_ard.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_ard.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..97ed55acc1e800a138ddf489ccea709a8b28f634 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_ard.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_ard.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_ard.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4ab80e19a7070efd8d180d21c3b492cc333d73dd Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_ard.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_ard.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_ard.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0843cdf8bd820d9cccfdcde3a1193f3f416ccc10 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_ard.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_laplace.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_laplace.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..30079dce4bc04802324f720381b872c1a2f64018 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_laplace.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_laplace.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_laplace.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9f089d06b16a5698dee5f706d007dfa13916a42c Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_laplace.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_laplace.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_laplace.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7a3bbc05003eab405d52a934e83053ae50080d25 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/reg_fast_laplace.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/sequential_design.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/sequential_design.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..af35ff42f1ea1e8ee19d476f7b51c19199513cde Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/sequential_design.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/surrogate_models.cpython-310.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/surrogate_models.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b856dfef2c2658af8ecc6b1ab85b99c499a39705 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/surrogate_models.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/surrogate_models.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/surrogate_models.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..569685a009aea33d28959c005328402624029ef7 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/surrogate_models.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/surrogate_models.cpython-39.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/surrogate_models.cpython-39.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f44a774b4165e6ff769d8db2f2c13c4dd0cbe8b3 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/surrogate_models.cpython-39.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/wrapper.cpython-311.pyc b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/wrapper.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a6d61c979e164a0fd590b3f925c2d1ac68adb4fc Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/__pycache__/wrapper.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/adaptPlot.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/adaptPlot.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..102f0373c1086ba4420ada2fb2fc723b78bbd53f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/adaptPlot.py @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Created on Thu Aug 13 13:46:24 2020 + +@author: farid +""" +import os +from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score +from itertools import cycle +from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt + + +def adaptPlot(PCEModel, Y_Val, Y_PC_Val, Y_PC_Val_std, x_values=[], + plotED=False, SaveFig=True): + + NrofSamples = PCEModel.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + initNSamples = PCEModel.ExpDesign.n_init_samples + itrNr = 1 + (PCEModel.ExpDesign.X.shape[0] - initNSamples)//NrofSamples + + oldEDY = PCEModel.ExpDesign.Y + + if SaveFig: + newpath = 'adaptivePlots' + os.makedirs(newpath, exist_ok=True) + + # create a PdfPages object + pdf = PdfPages(f'./{newpath}/Model_vs_PCEModel_itr_{itrNr}.pdf') + + # List of markers and colors + color = cycle((['b', 'g', 'r', 'y', 'k'])) + marker = cycle(('x', 'd', '+', 'o', '*')) + + OutNames = list(Y_Val.keys()) + x_axis = 'Time [s]' + + if len(OutNames) == 1: + OutNames.insert(0, x_axis) + try: + x_values = Y_Val['x_values'] + except KeyError: + x_values = x_values + + fig = plt.figure(figsize=(24, 16)) + + # Plot the model vs PCE model + for keyIdx, key in enumerate(PCEModel.ModelObj.Output.names): + Y_PC_Val_ = Y_PC_Val[key] + Y_PC_Val_std_ = Y_PC_Val_std[key] + Y_Val_ = Y_Val[key] + if Y_Val_.ndim == 1: + Y_Val_ = Y_Val_.reshape(1, -1) + old_EDY = oldEDY[key] + if isinstance(x_values, dict): + x = x_values[key] + else: + x = x_values + + for idx, y in enumerate(Y_Val_): + Color = next(color) + Marker = next(marker) + + plt.plot( + x, y, color=Color, marker=Marker, + lw=2.0, label='$Y_{%s}^{M}$'%(idx+itrNr) + ) + + plt.plot( + x, Y_PC_Val_[idx], color=Color, marker=Marker, + lw=2.0, linestyle='--', label='$Y_{%s}^{PCE}$'%(idx+itrNr) + ) + plt.fill_between( + x, Y_PC_Val_[idx]-1.96*Y_PC_Val_std_[idx], + Y_PC_Val_[idx]+1.96*Y_PC_Val_std_[idx], color=Color, + alpha=0.15 + ) + + if plotED: + for output in old_EDY: + plt.plot(x, output, color='grey', alpha=0.1) + + # Calculate the RMSE + RMSE = mean_squared_error(Y_PC_Val_, Y_Val_, squared=False) + R2 = r2_score(Y_PC_Val_.reshape(-1, 1), Y_Val_.reshape(-1, 1)) + + plt.ylabel(key) + plt.xlabel(x_axis) + plt.title(key) + + ax = fig.axes[0] + ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=True) + fig.canvas.draw() + ax.text(0.65, 0.85, + f'RMSE = {round(RMSE, 3)}\n$R^2$ = {round(R2, 3)}', + transform=ax.transAxes, color='black', + bbox=dict(facecolor='none', + edgecolor='black', + boxstyle='round,pad=1') + ) + plt.grid() + + if SaveFig: + # save the current figure + pdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches='tight') + + # Destroy the current plot + plt.clf() + pdf.close() diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/apoly_construction.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/apoly_construction.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..40830fe8aaa94248df4828c0c49bd4d23e755abd --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/apoly_construction.py @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +import numpy as np + + +def apoly_construction(Data, degree): + """ + Construction of Data-driven Orthonormal Polynomial Basis + Author: Dr.-Ing. habil. Sergey Oladyshkin + Department of Stochastic Simulation and Safety Research for Hydrosystems + Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems + Universitaet Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 5a, 70569 Stuttgart + E-mail: Sergey.Oladyshkin@iws.uni-stuttgart.de + http://www.iws-ls3.uni-stuttgart.de + The current script is based on definition of arbitrary polynomial chaos + expansion (aPC), which is presented in the following manuscript: + Oladyshkin, S. and W. Nowak. Data-driven uncertainty quantification using + the arbitrary polynomial chaos expansion. Reliability Engineering & System + Safety, Elsevier, V. 106, P. 179-190, 2012. + DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2012.05.002. + + Parameters + ---------- + Data : array + Raw data. + degree : int + Maximum polynomial degree. + + Returns + ------- + Polynomial : array + The coefficients of the univariate orthonormal polynomials. + + """ + if Data.ndim !=1: + raise AttributeError('Data should be a 1D array') + + # Initialization + dd = degree + 1 + nsamples = len(Data) + + # Forward linear transformation (Avoiding numerical issues) + MeanOfData = np.mean(Data) + Data = Data/MeanOfData + + # Compute raw moments of input data + raw_moments = [np.sum(np.power(Data, p))/nsamples for p in range(2*dd+2)] + + # Main Loop for Polynomial with degree up to dd + PolyCoeff_NonNorm = np.empty((0, 1)) + Polynomial = np.zeros((dd+1, dd+1)) + + for degree in range(dd+1): + Mm = np.zeros((degree+1, degree+1)) + Vc = np.zeros((degree+1)) + + # Define Moments Matrix Mm + for i in range(degree+1): + for j in range(degree+1): + if (i < degree): + Mm[i, j] = raw_moments[i+j] + + elif (i == degree) and (j == degree): + Mm[i, j] = 1 + + # Numerical Optimization for Matrix Solver + Mm[i] = Mm[i] / max(abs(Mm[i])) + + # Defenition of Right Hand side ortogonality conditions: Vc + for i in range(degree+1): + Vc[i] = 1 if i == degree else 0 + + # Solution: Coefficients of Non-Normal Orthogonal Polynomial: Vp Eq.(4) + try: + Vp = np.linalg.solve(Mm, Vc) + except: + inv_Mm = np.linalg.pinv(Mm) + Vp = np.dot(inv_Mm, Vc.T) + + if degree == 0: + PolyCoeff_NonNorm = np.append(PolyCoeff_NonNorm, Vp) + + if degree != 0: + if degree == 1: + zero = [0] + else: + zero = np.zeros((degree, 1)) + PolyCoeff_NonNorm = np.hstack((PolyCoeff_NonNorm, zero)) + + PolyCoeff_NonNorm = np.vstack((PolyCoeff_NonNorm, Vp)) + + if 100*abs(sum(abs(np.dot(Mm, Vp)) - abs(Vc))) > 0.5: + print('\n---> Attention: Computational Error too high !') + print('\n---> Problem: Convergence of Linear Solver') + + # Original Numerical Normalization of Coefficients with Norm and + # orthonormal Basis computation Matrix Storrage + # Note: Polynomial(i,j) correspont to coefficient number "j-1" + # of polynomial degree "i-1" + P_norm = 0 + for i in range(nsamples): + Poly = 0 + for k in range(degree+1): + if degree == 0: + Poly += PolyCoeff_NonNorm[k] * (Data[i]**k) + else: + Poly += PolyCoeff_NonNorm[degree, k] * (Data[i]**k) + + P_norm += Poly**2 / nsamples + + P_norm = np.sqrt(P_norm) + + for k in range(degree+1): + if degree == 0: + Polynomial[degree, k] = PolyCoeff_NonNorm[k]/P_norm + else: + Polynomial[degree, k] = PolyCoeff_NonNorm[degree, k]/P_norm + + # Backward linear transformation to the real data space + Data *= MeanOfData + for k in range(len(Polynomial)): + Polynomial[:, k] = Polynomial[:, k] / (MeanOfData**(k)) + + return Polynomial diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/bayes_linear.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/bayes_linear.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3bd827ac0ecc5b3a38116b21767e8a8799593b24 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/bayes_linear.py @@ -0,0 +1,523 @@ +import numpy as np +from sklearn.base import RegressorMixin +from sklearn.linear_model._base import LinearModel +from sklearn.utils import check_X_y, check_array, as_float_array +from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted +from scipy.linalg import svd +import warnings +from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize as f_normalize + + + +class BayesianLinearRegression(RegressorMixin,LinearModel): + ''' + Superclass for Empirical Bayes and Variational Bayes implementations of + Bayesian Linear Regression Model + ''' + def __init__(self, n_iter, tol, fit_intercept,copy_X, verbose): + self.n_iter = n_iter + self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept + self.copy_X = copy_X + self.verbose = verbose + self.tol = tol + + + def _check_convergence(self, mu, mu_old): + ''' + Checks convergence of algorithm using changes in mean of posterior + distribution of weights + ''' + return np.sum(abs(mu-mu_old)>self.tol) == 0 + + + def _center_data(self,X,y): + ''' Centers data''' + X = as_float_array(X,copy = self.copy_X) + # normalisation should be done in preprocessing! + X_std = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype = X.dtype) + if self.fit_intercept: + X_mean = np.average(X,axis = 0) + y_mean = np.average(y,axis = 0) + X -= X_mean + y = y - y_mean + else: + X_mean = np.zeros(X.shape[1],dtype = X.dtype) + y_mean = 0. if y.ndim == 1 else np.zeros(y.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + return X,y, X_mean, y_mean, X_std + + + def predict_dist(self,X): + ''' + Calculates mean and variance of predictive distribution for each data + point of test set.(Note predictive distribution for each data point is + Gaussian, therefore it is uniquely determined by mean and variance) + + Parameters + ---------- + x: array-like of size (n_test_samples, n_features) + Set of features for which corresponding responses should be predicted + + Returns + ------- + :list of two numpy arrays [mu_pred, var_pred] + + mu_pred : numpy array of size (n_test_samples,) + Mean of predictive distribution + + var_pred: numpy array of size (n_test_samples,) + Variance of predictive distribution + ''' + # Note check_array and check_is_fitted are done within self._decision_function(X) + mu_pred = self._decision_function(X) + data_noise = 1./self.beta_ + model_noise = np.sum(np.dot(X,self.eigvecs_)**2 * self.eigvals_,1) + var_pred = data_noise + model_noise + return [mu_pred,var_pred] + + + + +class EBLinearRegression(BayesianLinearRegression): + ''' + Bayesian Regression with type II maximum likelihood (Empirical Bayes) + + Parameters: + ----------- + n_iter: int, optional (DEFAULT = 300) + Maximum number of iterations + + tol: float, optional (DEFAULT = 1e-3) + Threshold for convergence + + optimizer: str, optional (DEFAULT = 'fp') + Method for optimization , either Expectation Maximization or + Fixed Point Gull-MacKay {'em','fp'}. Fixed point iterations are + faster, but can be numerically unstable (especially in case of near perfect fit). + + fit_intercept: bool, optional (DEFAULT = True) + If True includes bias term in model + + perfect_fit_tol: float (DEAFAULT = 1e-5) + Prevents overflow of precision parameters (this is smallest value RSS can have). + ( !!! Note if using EM instead of fixed-point, try smaller values + of perfect_fit_tol, for better estimates of variance of predictive distribution ) + + alpha: float (DEFAULT = 1) + Initial value of precision paramter for coefficients ( by default we define + very broad distribution ) + + copy_X : boolean, optional (DEFAULT = True) + If True, X will be copied, otherwise will be + + verbose: bool, optional (Default = False) + If True at each iteration progress report is printed out + + Attributes + ---------- + coef_ : array, shape = (n_features) + Coefficients of the regression model (mean of posterior distribution) + + intercept_: float + Value of bias term (if fit_intercept is False, then intercept_ = 0) + + alpha_ : float + Estimated precision of coefficients + + beta_ : float + Estimated precision of noise + + eigvals_ : array, shape = (n_features, ) + Eigenvalues of covariance matrix (from posterior distribution of weights) + + eigvecs_ : array, shape = (n_features, n_featues) + Eigenvectors of covariance matrix (from posterior distribution of weights) + + ''' + + def __init__(self,n_iter = 300, tol = 1e-3, optimizer = 'fp', fit_intercept = True, + normalize=True, perfect_fit_tol = 1e-6, alpha = 1, copy_X = True, verbose = False): + super(EBLinearRegression,self).__init__(n_iter, tol, fit_intercept, copy_X, verbose) + if optimizer not in ['em','fp']: + raise ValueError('Optimizer can be either "em" or "fp" ') + self.optimizer = optimizer + self.alpha = alpha + self.perfect_fit = False + self.normalize = True + self.scores_ = [np.NINF] + self.perfect_fit_tol = perfect_fit_tol + + def _check_convergence(self, mu, mu_old): + ''' + Checks convergence of algorithm using changes in mean of posterior + distribution of weights + ''' + return np.sum(abs(mu-mu_old)>self.tol) == 0 + + + def _center_data(self,X,y): + ''' Centers data''' + X = as_float_array(X,copy = self.copy_X) + # normalisation should be done in preprocessing! + X_std = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype = X.dtype) + if self.fit_intercept: + X_mean = np.average(X, axis=0) + X -= X_mean + if self.normalize: + X, X_std = f_normalize(X, axis=0, copy=False, + return_norm=True) + else: + X_std = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + y_mean = np.average(y, axis=0) + y = y - y_mean + else: + X_mean = np.zeros(X.shape[1],dtype = X.dtype) + y_mean = 0. if y.ndim == 1 else np.zeros(y.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + return X,y, X_mean, y_mean, X_std + + def fit(self, X, y): + ''' + Fits Bayesian Linear Regression using Empirical Bayes + + Parameters + ---------- + X: array-like of size [n_samples,n_features] + Matrix of explanatory variables (should not include bias term) + + y: array-like of size [n_features] + Vector of dependent variables. + + Returns + ------- + object: self + self + + ''' + # preprocess data + X, y = check_X_y(X, y, dtype=np.float64, y_numeric=True) + n_samples, n_features = X.shape + X, y, X_mean, y_mean, X_std = self._center_data(X, y) + self._x_mean_ = X_mean + self._y_mean = y_mean + self._x_std = X_std + + # precision of noise & and coefficients + alpha = self.alpha + var_y = np.var(y) + # check that variance is non zero !!! + if var_y == 0 : + beta = 1e-2 + else: + beta = 1. / np.var(y) + + # to speed all further computations save svd decomposition and reuse it later + u,d,vt = svd(X, full_matrices = False) + Uy = np.dot(u.T,y) + dsq = d**2 + mu = 0 + + for i in range(self.n_iter): + + # find mean for posterior of w ( for EM this is E-step) + mu_old = mu + if n_samples > n_features: + mu = vt.T * d/(dsq+alpha/beta) + else: + # clever use of SVD here , faster for large n_features + mu = u * 1./(dsq + alpha/beta) + mu = np.dot(X.T,mu) + mu = np.dot(mu,Uy) + + # precompute errors, since both methods use it in estimation + error = y - np.dot(X,mu) + sqdErr = np.sum(error**2) + + if sqdErr / n_samples < self.perfect_fit_tol: + self.perfect_fit = True + warnings.warn( ('Almost perfect fit!!! Estimated values of variance ' + 'for predictive distribution are computed using only RSS')) + break + + if self.optimizer == "fp": + gamma = np.sum(beta*dsq/(beta*dsq + alpha)) + # use updated mu and gamma parameters to update alpha and beta + # !!! made computation numerically stable for perfect fit case + alpha = gamma / (np.sum(mu**2) + np.finfo(np.float32).eps ) + beta = ( n_samples - gamma ) / (sqdErr + np.finfo(np.float32).eps ) + else: + # M-step, update parameters alpha and beta to maximize ML TYPE II + eigvals = 1. / (beta * dsq + alpha) + alpha = n_features / ( np.sum(mu**2) + np.sum(1/eigvals) ) + beta = n_samples / ( sqdErr + np.sum(dsq/eigvals) ) + + # if converged or exceeded maximum number of iterations => terminate + converged = self._check_convergence(mu_old,mu) + if self.verbose: + print( "Iteration {0} completed".format(i) ) + if converged is True: + print("Algorithm converged after {0} iterations".format(i)) + if converged or i==self.n_iter -1: + break + eigvals = 1./(beta * dsq + alpha) + self.coef_ = beta*np.dot(vt.T*d*eigvals ,Uy) + self._set_intercept(X_mean,y_mean,X_std) + self.beta_ = beta + self.alpha_ = alpha + self.eigvals_ = eigvals + self.eigvecs_ = vt.T + + # set intercept_ + if self.fit_intercept: + self.coef_ = self.coef_ / X_std + self.intercept_ = y_mean - np.dot(X_mean, self.coef_.T) + else: + self.intercept_ = 0. + + return self + + def predict(self,X, return_std=False): + ''' + Computes predictive distribution for test set. + Predictive distribution for each data point is one dimensional + Gaussian and therefore is characterised by mean and variance. + + Parameters + ----------- + X: {array-like, sparse} (n_samples_test, n_features) + Test data, matrix of explanatory variables + + Returns + ------- + : list of length two [y_hat, var_hat] + + y_hat: numpy array of size (n_samples_test,) + Estimated values of targets on test set (i.e. mean of predictive + distribution) + + var_hat: numpy array of size (n_samples_test,) + Variance of predictive distribution + ''' + y_hat = np.dot(X,self.coef_) + self.intercept_ + + if return_std: + if self.normalize: + X = (X - self._x_mean_) / self._x_std + data_noise = 1./self.beta_ + model_noise = np.sum(np.dot(X,self.eigvecs_)**2 * self.eigvals_,1) + var_pred = data_noise + model_noise + std_hat = np.sqrt(var_pred) + return y_hat, std_hat + else: + return y_hat + + +# ============================== VBLR ========================================= + +def gamma_mean(a,b): + ''' + Computes mean of gamma distribution + + Parameters + ---------- + a: float + Shape parameter of Gamma distribution + + b: float + Rate parameter of Gamma distribution + + Returns + ------- + : float + Mean of Gamma distribution + ''' + return float(a) / b + + + +class VBLinearRegression(BayesianLinearRegression): + ''' + Implements Bayesian Linear Regression using mean-field approximation. + Assumes gamma prior on precision parameters of coefficients and noise. + + Parameters: + ----------- + n_iter: int, optional (DEFAULT = 100) + Maximum number of iterations for KL minimization + + tol: float, optional (DEFAULT = 1e-3) + Convergence threshold + + fit_intercept: bool, optional (DEFAULT = True) + If True will use bias term in model fitting + + a: float, optional (Default = 1e-4) + Shape parameter of Gamma prior for precision of coefficients + + b: float, optional (Default = 1e-4) + Rate parameter of Gamma prior for precision coefficients + + c: float, optional (Default = 1e-4) + Shape parameter of Gamma prior for precision of noise + + d: float, optional (Default = 1e-4) + Rate parameter of Gamma prior for precision of noise + + verbose: bool, optional (Default = False) + If True at each iteration progress report is printed out + + Attributes + ---------- + coef_ : array, shape = (n_features) + Coefficients of the regression model (mean of posterior distribution) + + intercept_: float + Value of bias term (if fit_intercept is False, then intercept_ = 0) + + alpha_ : float + Mean of precision of coefficients + + beta_ : float + Mean of precision of noise + + eigvals_ : array, shape = (n_features, ) + Eigenvalues of covariance matrix (from posterior distribution of weights) + + eigvecs_ : array, shape = (n_features, n_featues) + Eigenvectors of covariance matrix (from posterior distribution of weights) + + ''' + + def __init__(self, n_iter = 100, tol =1e-4, fit_intercept = True, + a = 1e-4, b = 1e-4, c = 1e-4, d = 1e-4, copy_X = True, + verbose = False): + super(VBLinearRegression,self).__init__(n_iter, tol, fit_intercept, copy_X, + verbose) + self.a,self.b = a, b + self.c,self.d = c, d + + + def fit(self,X,y): + ''' + Fits Variational Bayesian Linear Regression Model + + Parameters + ---------- + X: array-like of size [n_samples,n_features] + Matrix of explanatory variables (should not include bias term) + + Y: array-like of size [n_features] + Vector of dependent variables. + + Returns + ------- + object: self + self + ''' + # preprocess data + X, y = check_X_y(X, y, dtype=np.float64, y_numeric=True) + n_samples, n_features = X.shape + X, y, X_mean, y_mean, X_std = self._center_data(X, y) + self._x_mean_ = X_mean + self._y_mean = y_mean + self._x_std = X_std + + # SVD decomposition, done once , reused at each iteration + u,D,vt = svd(X, full_matrices = False) + dsq = D**2 + UY = np.dot(u.T,y) + + # some parameters of Gamma distribution have closed form solution + a = self.a + 0.5 * n_features + c = self.c + 0.5 * n_samples + b,d = self.b, self.d + + # initial mean of posterior for coefficients + mu = 0 + + for i in range(self.n_iter): + + # update parameters of distribution Q(weights) + e_beta = gamma_mean(c,d) + e_alpha = gamma_mean(a,b) + mu_old = np.copy(mu) + mu,eigvals = self._posterior_weights(e_beta,e_alpha,UY,dsq,u,vt,D,X) + + # update parameters of distribution Q(precision of weights) + b = self.b + 0.5*( np.sum(mu**2) + np.sum(eigvals)) + + # update parameters of distribution Q(precision of likelihood) + sqderr = np.sum((y - np.dot(X,mu))**2) + xsx = np.sum(dsq*eigvals) + d = self.d + 0.5*(sqderr + xsx) + + # check convergence + converged = self._check_convergence(mu,mu_old) + if self.verbose is True: + print("Iteration {0} is completed".format(i)) + if converged is True: + print("Algorithm converged after {0} iterations".format(i)) + + # terminate if convergence or maximum number of iterations are achieved + if converged or i==(self.n_iter-1): + break + + # save necessary parameters + self.beta_ = gamma_mean(c,d) + self.alpha_ = gamma_mean(a,b) + self.coef_, self.eigvals_ = self._posterior_weights(self.beta_, self.alpha_, UY, + dsq, u, vt, D, X) + self._set_intercept(X_mean,y_mean,X_std) + self.eigvecs_ = vt.T + return self + + + def _posterior_weights(self, e_beta, e_alpha, UY, dsq, u, vt, d, X): + ''' + Calculates parameters of approximate posterior distribution + of weights + ''' + # eigenvalues of covariance matrix + sigma = 1./ (e_beta*dsq + e_alpha) + + # mean of approximate posterior distribution + n_samples, n_features = X.shape + if n_samples > n_features: + mu = vt.T * d/(dsq + e_alpha/e_beta)# + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) + else: + mu = u * 1./(dsq + e_alpha/e_beta)# + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) + mu = np.dot(X.T,mu) + mu = np.dot(mu,UY) + return mu,sigma + + def predict(self,X, return_std=False): + ''' + Computes predictive distribution for test set. + Predictive distribution for each data point is one dimensional + Gaussian and therefore is characterised by mean and variance. + + Parameters + ----------- + X: {array-like, sparse} (n_samples_test, n_features) + Test data, matrix of explanatory variables + + Returns + ------- + : list of length two [y_hat, var_hat] + + y_hat: numpy array of size (n_samples_test,) + Estimated values of targets on test set (i.e. mean of predictive + distribution) + + var_hat: numpy array of size (n_samples_test,) + Variance of predictive distribution + ''' + x = (X - self._x_mean_) / self._x_std + y_hat = np.dot(x,self.coef_) + self._y_mean + + if return_std: + data_noise = 1./self.beta_ + model_noise = np.sum(np.dot(X,self.eigvecs_)**2 * self.eigvals_,1) + var_pred = data_noise + model_noise + std_hat = np.sqrt(var_pred) + return y_hat, std_hat + else: + return y_hat \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/engine.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/engine.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..42307d4770d4ae23a40107dfea64057aac682c23 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/engine.py @@ -0,0 +1,2225 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Engine to train the surrogate + +""" +import copy +from copy import deepcopy, copy +import h5py +import joblib +import numpy as np +import os + +from scipy import stats, signal, linalg, sparse +from scipy.spatial import distance +from tqdm import tqdm +import scipy.optimize as opt +from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error +import multiprocessing +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt +import pandas as pd +import sys +import seaborn as sns +from joblib import Parallel, delayed + + +from bayesvalidrox.bayes_inference.bayes_inference import BayesInference +from bayesvalidrox.bayes_inference.discrepancy import Discrepancy +from .exploration import Exploration +import pathlib + +#from .inputs import Input +#from .exp_designs import ExpDesigns +#from .surrogate_models import MetaModel +#from bayesvalidrox.post_processing.post_processing import PostProcessing + +def hellinger_distance(P, Q): + """ + Hellinger distance between two continuous distributions. + + The maximum distance 1 is achieved when P assigns probability zero to + every set to which Q assigns a positive probability, and vice versa. + 0 (identical) and 1 (maximally different) + + Parameters + ---------- + P : array + Reference likelihood. + Q : array + Estimated likelihood. + + Returns + ------- + float + Hellinger distance of two distributions. + + """ + P = np.array(P) + Q= np.array(Q) + + mu1 = P.mean() + Sigma1 = np.std(P) + + mu2 = Q.mean() + Sigma2 = np.std(Q) + + term1 = np.sqrt(2*Sigma1*Sigma2 / (Sigma1**2 + Sigma2**2)) + + term2 = np.exp(-.25 * (mu1 - mu2)**2 / (Sigma1**2 + Sigma2**2)) + + H_squared = 1 - term1 * term2 + + return np.sqrt(H_squared) + + +def logpdf(x, mean, cov): + """ + Computes the likelihood based on a multivariate normal distribution. + + Parameters + ---------- + x : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + mean : array_like + Observation data. + cov : 2d array + Covariance matrix of the distribution. + + Returns + ------- + log_lik : float + Log likelihood. + + """ + n = len(mean) + L = linalg.cholesky(cov, lower=True) + beta = np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L))) + dev = x - mean + alpha = dev.dot(linalg.cho_solve((L, True), dev)) + log_lik = -0.5 * alpha - beta - n / 2. * np.log(2 * np.pi) + + return log_lik + +def subdomain(Bounds, n_new_samples): + """ + Divides a domain defined by Bounds into sub domains. + + Parameters + ---------- + Bounds : list of tuples + List of lower and upper bounds. + n_new_samples : int + Number of samples to divide the domain for. + n_params : int + The number of params to build the subdomains for + + Returns + ------- + Subdomains : List of tuples of tuples + Each tuple of tuples divides one set of bounds into n_new_samples parts. + + """ + n_params = len(Bounds) + n_subdomains = n_new_samples + 1 + LinSpace = np.zeros((n_params, n_subdomains)) + + for i in range(n_params): + LinSpace[i] = np.linspace(start=Bounds[i][0], stop=Bounds[i][1], + num=n_subdomains) + Subdomains = [] + for k in range(n_subdomains-1): + mylist = [] + for i in range(n_params): + mylist.append((LinSpace[i, k+0], LinSpace[i, k+1])) + Subdomains.append(tuple(mylist)) + + return Subdomains + +class Engine(): + + + def __init__(self, MetaMod, Model, ExpDes): + self.MetaModel = MetaMod + self.Model = Model + self.ExpDesign = ExpDes + self.parallel = False + + def start_engine(self) -> None: + """ + Do all the preparations that need to be run before the actual training + + Returns + ------- + None + + """ + self.out_names = self.Model.Output.names + self.MetaModel.out_names = self.out_names + + + def train_normal(self, parallel = False, verbose = False, save = False) -> None: + """ + Trains surrogate on static samples only. + Samples are taken from the experimental design and the specified + model is run on them. + Alternatively the samples can be read in from a provided hdf5 file. + + + Returns + ------- + None + + """ + + ExpDesign = self.ExpDesign + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + + # Read ExpDesign (training and targets) from the provided hdf5 + if ExpDesign.hdf5_file is not None: + # TODO: need to run 'generate_ED' as well after this or not? + ExpDesign.read_from_file(self.out_names) + else: + # Check if an old hdf5 file exists: if yes, rename it + hdf5file = f'ExpDesign_{self.Model.name}.hdf5' + if os.path.exists(hdf5file): + # os.rename(hdf5file, 'old_'+hdf5file) + file = pathlib.Path(hdf5file) + file.unlink() + + # Prepare X samples + # For training the surrogate use ExpDesign.X_tr, ExpDesign.X is for the model to run on + ExpDesign.generate_ED(ExpDesign.n_init_samples, + transform=True, + max_pce_deg=np.max(MetaModel.pce_deg)) + + # Run simulations at X + if not hasattr(ExpDesign, 'Y') or ExpDesign.Y is None: + print('\n Now the forward model needs to be run!\n') + ED_Y, up_ED_X = self.Model.run_model_parallel(ExpDesign.X, mp = parallel) + ExpDesign.Y = ED_Y + else: + # Check if a dict has been passed. + if not type(ExpDesign.Y) is dict: + raise Exception('Please provide either a dictionary or a hdf5' + 'file to ExpDesign.hdf5_file argument.') + + # Separate output dict and x-values + if 'x_values' in ExpDesign.Y: + ExpDesign.x_values = ExpDesign.Y['x_values'] + del ExpDesign.Y['x_values'] + else: + print('No x_values are given, this might lead to issues during PostProcessing') + + + # Fit the surrogate + MetaModel.fit(ExpDesign.X, ExpDesign.Y, parallel, verbose) + + # Save what there is to save + if save: + # Save surrogate + with open(f'surrogates/surrogate_{self.Model.name}.pk1', 'wb') as output: + joblib.dump(MetaModel, output, 2) + + # Zip the model run directories + if self.Model.link_type.lower() == 'pylink' and\ + self.ExpDesign.sampling_method.lower() != 'user': + self.Model.zip_subdirs(self.Model.name, f'{self.Model.name}_') + + + def train_sequential(self, parallel = False, verbose = False) -> None: + """ + Train the surrogate in a sequential manner. + First build and train evereything on the static samples, then iterate + choosing more samples and refitting the surrogate on them. + + Returns + ------- + None + + """ + #self.train_normal(parallel, verbose) + self.parallel = parallel + self.train_seq_design(parallel, verbose) + + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def eval_metamodel(self, samples=None, nsamples=None, + sampling_method='random', return_samples=False): + """ + Evaluates meta-model at the requested samples. One can also generate + nsamples. + + Parameters + ---------- + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params), optional + Samples to evaluate meta-model at. The default is None. + nsamples : int, optional + Number of samples to generate, if no `samples` is provided. The + default is None. + sampling_method : str, optional + Type of sampling, if no `samples` is provided. The default is + 'random'. + return_samples : bool, optional + Retun samples, if no `samples` is provided. The default is False. + + Returns + ------- + mean_pred : dict + Mean of the predictions. + std_pred : dict + Standard deviatioon of the predictions. + """ + # Generate or transform (if need be) samples + if samples is None: + # Generate + samples = self.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + nsamples, + sampling_method + ) + + # Transformation to other space is to be done in the MetaModel + # TODO: sort the transformations better + mean_pred, std_pred = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples) + + if return_samples: + return mean_pred, std_pred, samples + else: + return mean_pred, std_pred + + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def train_seq_design(self, parallel = False, verbose = False): + """ + Starts the adaptive sequential design for refining the surrogate model + by selecting training points in a sequential manner. + + Returns + ------- + MetaModel : object + Meta model object. + + """ + self.parallel = parallel + + # Initialization + self.SeqModifiedLOO = {} + self.seqValidError = {} + self.SeqBME = {} + self.SeqKLD = {} + self.SeqDistHellinger = {} + self.seqRMSEMean = {} + self.seqRMSEStd = {} + self.seqMinDist = [] + + if not hasattr(self.MetaModel, 'valid_samples'): + self.ExpDesign.valid_samples = [] + self.ExpDesign.valid_model_runs = [] + self.valid_likelihoods = [] + + validError = None + + + # Determine the metamodel type + if self.MetaModel.meta_model_type.lower() != 'gpe': + pce = True + else: + pce = False + mc_ref = True if bool(self.Model.mc_reference) else False + if mc_ref: + self.Model.read_observation('mc_ref') + + # Get the parameters + max_n_samples = self.ExpDesign.n_max_samples + mod_LOO_threshold = self.ExpDesign.mod_LOO_threshold + n_canddidate = self.ExpDesign.n_canddidate + post_snapshot = self.ExpDesign.post_snapshot + n_replication = self.ExpDesign.n_replication + util_func = self.ExpDesign.util_func + output_name = self.out_names + + # Handle if only one UtilityFunctions is provided + if not isinstance(util_func, list): + util_func = [self.ExpDesign.util_func] + + # Read observations or MCReference + # TODO: recheck the logic in this if statement + if (len(self.Model.observations) != 0 or self.Model.meas_file is not None) and hasattr(self.MetaModel, 'Discrepancy'): + self.observations = self.Model.read_observation() + obs_data = self.observations + else: + obs_data = [] + # TODO: TotalSigma2 not defined if not in this else??? + # TODO: no self.observations if in here + TotalSigma2 = {} + + # ---------- Initial self.MetaModel ---------- + self.train_normal(parallel = parallel, verbose=verbose) + + initMetaModel = deepcopy(self.MetaModel) + + # Validation error if validation set is provided. + if self.ExpDesign.valid_model_runs: + init_rmse, init_valid_error = self._validError(initMetaModel) + init_valid_error = list(init_valid_error.values()) + else: + init_rmse = None + + # Check if discrepancy is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0 and hasattr(self.MetaModel, 'Discrepancy'): + TotalSigma2 = self.MetaModel.Discrepancy.parameters + + # Calculate the initial BME + out = self._BME_Calculator( + obs_data, TotalSigma2, init_rmse) + init_BME, init_KLD, init_post, init_likes, init_dist_hellinger = out + print(f"\nInitial BME: {init_BME:.2f}") + print(f"Initial KLD: {init_KLD:.2f}") + + # Posterior snapshot (initial) + if post_snapshot: + parNames = self.ExpDesign.par_names + print('Posterior snapshot (initial) is being plotted...') + self.__posteriorPlot(init_post, parNames, 'SeqPosterior_init') + + # Check the convergence of the Mean & Std + if mc_ref and pce: + init_rmse_mean, init_rmse_std = self._error_Mean_Std() + print(f"Initial Mean and Std error: {init_rmse_mean:.2f}," + f" {init_rmse_std:.2f}") + + # Read the initial experimental design + Xinit = self.ExpDesign.X + init_n_samples = len(self.ExpDesign.X) + initYprev = self.ExpDesign.Y#initMetaModel.ModelOutputDict + #self.MetaModel.ModelOutputDict = self.ExpDesign.Y + initLCerror = initMetaModel.LCerror + n_itrs = max_n_samples - init_n_samples + + ## Get some initial statistics + # Read the initial ModifiedLOO + if pce: + Scores_all, varExpDesignY = [], [] + for out_name in output_name: + y = self.ExpDesign.Y[out_name] + Scores_all.append(list( + self.MetaModel.score_dict['b_1'][out_name].values())) + if self.MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + pca = self.MetaModel.pca['b_1'][out_name] + components = pca.transform(y) + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(components, axis=0)) + else: + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(y, axis=0)) + + Scores = [item for sublist in Scores_all for item in sublist] + weights = [item for sublist in varExpDesignY for item in sublist] + init_mod_LOO = [np.average([1-score for score in Scores], + weights=weights)] + + prevMetaModel_dict = {} + #prevExpDesign_dict = {} + # Can run sequential design multiple times for comparison + for repIdx in range(n_replication): + print(f'\n>>>> Replication: {repIdx+1}<<<<') + + # util_func: the function to use inside the type of exploitation + for util_f in util_func: + print(f'\n>>>> Utility Function: {util_f} <<<<') + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + self.ExpDesign.X = Xinit + self.ExpDesign.Y = initYprev + self.ExpDesign.LCerror = initLCerror + + # Set the experimental design + Xprev = Xinit + total_n_samples = init_n_samples + Yprev = initYprev + + Xfull = [] + Yfull = [] + + # Store the initial ModifiedLOO + if pce: + print("\nInitial ModifiedLOO:", init_mod_LOO) + SeqModifiedLOO = np.array(init_mod_LOO) + + if len(self.ExpDesign.valid_model_runs) != 0: + SeqValidError = np.array(init_valid_error) + + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0 and hasattr(self.MetaModel, 'Discrepancy'): + SeqBME = np.array([init_BME]) + SeqKLD = np.array([init_KLD]) + SeqDistHellinger = np.array([init_dist_hellinger]) + + if mc_ref and pce: + seqRMSEMean = np.array([init_rmse_mean]) + seqRMSEStd = np.array([init_rmse_std]) + + # ------- Start Sequential Experimental Design ------- + postcnt = 1 + for itr_no in range(1, n_itrs+1): + print(f'\n>>>> Iteration number {itr_no} <<<<') + + # Save the metamodel prediction before updating + prevMetaModel_dict[itr_no] = deepcopy(self.MetaModel) + #prevExpDesign_dict[itr_no] = deepcopy(self.ExpDesign) + if itr_no > 1: + pc_model = prevMetaModel_dict[itr_no-1] + self._y_hat_prev, _ = pc_model.eval_metamodel( + samples=Xfull[-1].reshape(1, -1)) + del prevMetaModel_dict[itr_no-1] + + # Optimal Bayesian Design + #self.MetaModel.ExpDesignFlag = 'sequential' + Xnew, updatedPrior = self.choose_next_sample(TotalSigma2, + n_canddidate, + util_f) + S = np.min(distance.cdist(Xinit, Xnew, 'euclidean')) + self.seqMinDist.append(S) + print(f"\nmin Dist from OldExpDesign: {S:2f}") + print("\n") + + # Evaluate the full model response at the new sample + Ynew, _ = self.Model.run_model_parallel( + Xnew, prevRun_No=total_n_samples + ) + total_n_samples += Xnew.shape[0] + + # ------ Plot the surrogate model vs Origninal Model ------ + if hasattr(self.ExpDesign, 'adapt_verbose') and \ + self.ExpDesign.adapt_verbose: + from .adaptPlot import adaptPlot + y_hat, std_hat = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel( + samples=Xnew + ) + adaptPlot( + self.MetaModel, Ynew, y_hat, std_hat, + plotED=False + ) + + # -------- Retrain the surrogate model ------- + # Extend new experimental design + Xfull = np.vstack((Xprev, Xnew)) + + # Updating experimental design Y + for out_name in output_name: + Yfull = np.vstack((Yprev[out_name], Ynew[out_name])) + self.ExpDesign.Y[out_name] = Yfull + + # Pass new design to the metamodel object + self.ExpDesign.sampling_method = 'user' + self.ExpDesign.X = Xfull + #self.ExpDesign.Y = self.MetaModel.ModelOutputDict + + # Save the Experimental Design for next iteration + Xprev = Xfull + Yprev = self.ExpDesign.Y + + # Pass the new prior as the input + # TODO: another look at this - no difference apc to pce to gpe? + self.MetaModel.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = False + if updatedPrior is not None: + self.MetaModel.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = True + print("updatedPrior:", updatedPrior.shape) + # Arbitrary polynomial chaos + for i in range(updatedPrior.shape[1]): + self.MetaModel.input_obj.Marginals[i].dist_type = None + x = updatedPrior[:, i] + self.MetaModel.input_obj.Marginals[i].raw_data = x + + # Train the surrogate model for new ExpDesign + self.train_normal(parallel=False) + + # -------- Evaluate the retrained surrogate model ------- + # Extract Modified LOO from Output + if pce: + Scores_all, varExpDesignY = [], [] + for out_name in output_name: + y = self.ExpDesign.Y[out_name] + Scores_all.append(list( + self.MetaModel.score_dict['b_1'][out_name].values())) + if self.MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + pca = self.MetaModel.pca['b_1'][out_name] + components = pca.transform(y) + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(components, + axis=0)) + else: + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(y, axis=0)) + Scores = [item for sublist in Scores_all for item + in sublist] + weights = [item for sublist in varExpDesignY for item + in sublist] + ModifiedLOO = [np.average( + [1-score for score in Scores], weights=weights)] + + print('\n') + print(f"Updated ModifiedLOO {util_f}:\n", ModifiedLOO) + print('\n') + + # Compute the validation error + if self.ExpDesign.valid_model_runs: + rmse, validError = self._validError(self.MetaModel) + ValidError = list(validError.values()) + else: + rmse = None + + # Store updated ModifiedLOO + if pce: + SeqModifiedLOO = np.vstack( + (SeqModifiedLOO, ModifiedLOO)) + if len(self.ExpDesign.valid_model_runs) != 0: + SeqValidError = np.vstack( + (SeqValidError, ValidError)) + # -------- Caclulation of BME as accuracy metric ------- + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + # Calculate the initial BME + out = self._BME_Calculator(obs_data, TotalSigma2, rmse) + BME, KLD, Posterior, likes, DistHellinger = out + print('\n') + print(f"Updated BME: {BME:.2f}") + print(f"Updated KLD: {KLD:.2f}") + print('\n') + + # Plot some snapshots of the posterior + step_snapshot = self.ExpDesign.step_snapshot + if post_snapshot and postcnt % step_snapshot == 0: + parNames = self.ExpDesign.par_names + print('Posterior snapshot is being plotted...') + self.__posteriorPlot(Posterior, parNames, + f'SeqPosterior_{postcnt}') + postcnt += 1 + + # Check the convergence of the Mean&Std + if mc_ref and pce: + print('\n') + RMSE_Mean, RMSE_std = self._error_Mean_Std() + print(f"Updated Mean and Std error: {RMSE_Mean:.2f}, " + f"{RMSE_std:.2f}") + print('\n') + + # Store the updated BME & KLD + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + SeqBME = np.vstack((SeqBME, BME)) + SeqKLD = np.vstack((SeqKLD, KLD)) + SeqDistHellinger = np.vstack((SeqDistHellinger, + DistHellinger)) + if mc_ref and pce: + seqRMSEMean = np.vstack((seqRMSEMean, RMSE_Mean)) + seqRMSEStd = np.vstack((seqRMSEStd, RMSE_std)) + + if pce and any(LOO < mod_LOO_threshold + for LOO in ModifiedLOO): + break + + # Clean up + if len(obs_data) != 0: + del out + print() + print('-'*50) + print() + + # Store updated ModifiedLOO and BME in dictonary + strKey = f'{util_f}_rep_{repIdx+1}' + if pce: + self.SeqModifiedLOO[strKey] = SeqModifiedLOO + if len(self.ExpDesign.valid_model_runs) != 0: + self.seqValidError[strKey] = SeqValidError + + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + self.SeqBME[strKey] = SeqBME + self.SeqKLD[strKey] = SeqKLD + if hasattr(self.MetaModel, 'valid_likelihoods') and \ + self.valid_likelihoods: + self.SeqDistHellinger[strKey] = SeqDistHellinger + if mc_ref and pce: + self.seqRMSEMean[strKey] = seqRMSEMean + self.seqRMSEStd[strKey] = seqRMSEStd + + # return self.MetaModel + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_VarBasedDesign(self, X_can, index, util_func='Entropy'): + """ + Computes the exploitation scores based on: + active learning MacKay(ALM) and active learning Cohn (ALC) + Paper: Sequential Design with Mutual Information for Computer + Experiments (MICE): Emulation of a Tsunami Model by Beck and Guillas + (2016) + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + index : int + Model output index. + UtilMethod : string, optional + Exploitation utility function. The default is 'Entropy'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + ED_X = self.ExpDesign.X + out_dict_y = self.ExpDesign.Y + out_names = self.out_names + + # Run the Metamodel for the candidate + X_can = X_can.reshape(1, -1) + Y_PC_can, std_PC_can = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_can) + + if util_func.lower() == 'alm': + # ----- Entropy/MMSE/active learning MacKay(ALM) ----- + # Compute perdiction variance of the old model + canPredVar = {key: std_PC_can[key]**2 for key in out_names} + + varPCE = np.zeros((len(out_names), X_can.shape[0])) + for KeyIdx, key in enumerate(out_names): + varPCE[KeyIdx] = np.max(canPredVar[key], axis=1) + score = np.max(varPCE, axis=0) + + elif util_func.lower() == 'eigf': + # ----- Expected Improvement for Global fit ----- + # Find closest EDX to the candidate + distances = distance.cdist(ED_X, X_can, 'euclidean') + index = np.argmin(distances) + + # Compute perdiction error and variance of the old model + predError = {key: Y_PC_can[key] for key in out_names} + canPredVar = {key: std_PC_can[key]**2 for key in out_names} + + # Compute perdiction error and variance of the old model + # Eq (5) from Liu et al.(2018) + EIGF_PCE = np.zeros((len(out_names), X_can.shape[0])) + for KeyIdx, key in enumerate(out_names): + residual = predError[key] - out_dict_y[key][int(index)] + var = canPredVar[key] + EIGF_PCE[KeyIdx] = np.max(residual**2 + var, axis=1) + score = np.max(EIGF_PCE, axis=0) + + return -1 * score # -1 is for minimization instead of maximization + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_BayesianActiveDesign(self, y_hat, std, sigma2Dict, var='DKL'): + """ + Computes scores based on Bayesian active design criterion (var). + + It is based on the following paper: + Oladyshkin, Sergey, Farid Mohammadi, Ilja Kroeker, and Wolfgang Nowak. + "Bayesian3 active learning for the gaussian process emulator using + information theory." Entropy 22, no. 8 (2020): 890. + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + var : string, optional + BAL design criterion. The default is 'DKL'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + + # Get the data + obs_data = self.observations + # TODO: this should be optimizable to be calculated explicitly + if hasattr(self.Model, 'n_obs'): + n_obs = self.Model.n_obs + else: + n_obs = self.n_obs + mc_size = 10000 + + # Sample a distribution for a normal dist + # with Y_mean_can as the mean and Y_std_can as std. + Y_MC, std_MC = {}, {} + logPriorLikelihoods = np.zeros((mc_size)) + # print(y_hat) + # print(list[y_hat]) + for key in list(y_hat): + cov = np.diag(std[key]**2) + # print(y_hat[key], cov) + # TODO: added the allow_singular = True here + rv = stats.multivariate_normal(mean=y_hat[key], cov=cov,) + Y_MC[key] = rv.rvs(size=mc_size) + logPriorLikelihoods += rv.logpdf(Y_MC[key]) + std_MC[key] = np.zeros((mc_size, y_hat[key].shape[0])) + + # Likelihood computation (Comparison of data and simulation + # results via PCE with candidate design) + likelihoods = self._normpdf(Y_MC, std_MC, obs_data, sigma2Dict) + + # Rejection Step + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, mc_size)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + accepted = (likelihoods/np.max(likelihoods)) >= unif + + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods), dtype=np.longdouble)#float128) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postLikelihoods = likelihoods[accepted] + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(postLikelihoods)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + postExpPrior = np.mean(logPriorLikelihoods[accepted]) + + # Utility function Eq.2 in Ref. (2) + # Posterior covariance matrix after observing data y + # Kullback-Leibler Divergence (Sergey's paper) + if var == 'DKL': + + # TODO: Calculate the correction factor for BME + # BMECorrFactor = self.BME_Corr_Weight(PCE_SparseBayes_can, + # ObservationData, sigma2Dict) + # BME += BMECorrFactor + # Haun et al implementation + # U_J_d = np.mean(np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0])- logBME) + U_J_d = postExpLikelihoods - logBME + + # Marginal log likelihood + elif var == 'BME': + U_J_d = np.nanmean(likelihoods) + + # Entropy-based information gain + elif var == 'infEntropy': + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods)) + infEntropy = logBME - postExpPrior - postExpLikelihoods + U_J_d = infEntropy * -1 # -1 for minimization + + # Bayesian information criterion + elif var == 'BIC': + coeffs = self.MetaModel.coeffs_dict.values() + nModelParams = max(len(v) for val in coeffs for v in val.values()) + maxL = np.nanmax(likelihoods) + U_J_d = -2 * np.log(maxL) + np.log(n_obs) * nModelParams + + # Akaike information criterion + elif var == 'AIC': + coeffs = self.MetaModel.coeffs_dict.values() + nModelParams = max(len(v) for val in coeffs for v in val.values()) + maxlogL = np.log(np.nanmax(likelihoods)) + AIC = -2 * maxlogL + 2 * nModelParams + # 2 * nModelParams * (nModelParams+1) / (n_obs-nModelParams-1) + penTerm = 0 + U_J_d = 1*(AIC + penTerm) + + # Deviance information criterion + elif var == 'DIC': + # D_theta_bar = np.mean(-2 * Likelihoods) + N_star_p = 0.5 * np.var(np.log(likelihoods[likelihoods != 0])) + Likelihoods_theta_mean = self._normpdf( + y_hat, std, obs_data, sigma2Dict + ) + DIC = -2 * np.log(Likelihoods_theta_mean) + 2 * N_star_p + + U_J_d = DIC + + else: + print('The algorithm you requested has not been implemented yet!') + + # Handle inf and NaN (replace by zero) + if np.isnan(U_J_d) or U_J_d == -np.inf or U_J_d == np.inf: + U_J_d = 0.0 + + # Clear memory + del likelihoods + del Y_MC + del std_MC + + return -1 * U_J_d # -1 is for minimization instead of maximization + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_BayesianDesign(self, X_can, X_MC, sigma2Dict, var='DKL'): + """ + Computes scores based on Bayesian sequential design criterion (var). + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + var : string, optional + Bayesian design criterion. The default is 'DKL'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + out_names = self.out_names + if X_can.ndim == 1: + X_can = X_can.reshape(1, -1) + + # Compute the mean and std based on the MetaModel + # pce_means, pce_stds = self._compute_pce_moments(MetaModel) + if var == 'ALC': + Y_MC, Y_MC_std = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Old Experimental design + oldExpDesignX = self.ExpDesign.X + oldExpDesignY = self.ExpDesign.Y + + # Evaluate the PCE metamodels at that location ??? + Y_PC_can, Y_std_can = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_can) + PCE_Model_can = deepcopy(MetaModel) + engine_can = deepcopy(self) + # Add the candidate to the ExpDesign + NewExpDesignX = np.vstack((oldExpDesignX, X_can)) + + NewExpDesignY = {} + for key in oldExpDesignY.keys(): + NewExpDesignY[key] = np.vstack( + (oldExpDesignY[key], Y_PC_can[key]) + ) + + engine_can.ExpDesign.sampling_method = 'user' + engine_can.ExpDesign.X = NewExpDesignX + #engine_can.ModelOutputDict = NewExpDesignY + engine_can.ExpDesign.Y = NewExpDesignY + + # Train the model for the observed data using x_can + engine_can.MetaModel.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = False + engine_can.start_engine() + engine_can.train_normal(parallel=False) + engine_can.MetaModel.fit(NewExpDesignX, NewExpDesignY) +# engine_can.train_norm_design(parallel=False) + + # Set the ExpDesign to its original values + engine_can.ExpDesign.X = oldExpDesignX + engine_can.ModelOutputDict = oldExpDesignY + engine_can.ExpDesign.Y = oldExpDesignY + + if var.lower() == 'mi': + # Mutual information based on Krause et al + # Adapted from Beck & Guillas (MICE) paper + _, std_PC_can = engine_can.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_can) + std_can = {key: std_PC_can[key] for key in out_names} + + std_old = {key: Y_std_can[key] for key in out_names} + + varPCE = np.zeros((len(out_names))) + for i, key in enumerate(out_names): + varPCE[i] = np.mean(std_old[key]**2/std_can[key]**2) + score = np.mean(varPCE) + + return -1 * score + + elif var.lower() == 'alc': + # Active learning based on Gramyc and Lee + # Adaptive design and analysis of supercomputer experiments Techno- + # metrics, 51 (2009), pp. 130–145. + + # Evaluate the MetaModel at the given samples + Y_MC_can, Y_MC_std_can = engine_can.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Compute the score + score = [] + for i, key in enumerate(out_names): + pce_var = Y_MC_std_can[key]**2 + pce_var_can = Y_MC_std[key]**2 + score.append(np.mean(pce_var-pce_var_can, axis=0)) + score = np.mean(score) + + return -1 * score + + # ---------- Inner MC simulation for computing Utility Value ---------- + # Estimation of the integral via Monte Varlo integration + MCsize = X_MC.shape[0] + ESS = 0 + + while ((ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1)): + + # Enriching Monte Carlo samples if need be + if ESS != 0: + X_MC = self.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + MCsize, 'random' + ) + + # Evaluate the MetaModel at the given samples + Y_MC, std_MC = PCE_Model_can.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Likelihood computation (Comparison of data and simulation + # results via PCE with candidate design) + likelihoods = self._normpdf( + Y_MC, std_MC, self.observations, sigma2Dict + ) + + # Check the Effective Sample Size (1<ESS<MCsize) + ESS = 1 / np.sum(np.square(likelihoods/np.sum(likelihoods))) + + # Enlarge sample size if it doesn't fulfill the criteria + if ((ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1)): + print("--- increasing MC size---") + MCsize *= 10 + ESS = 0 + + # Rejection Step + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, MCsize)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + accepted = (likelihoods/np.max(likelihoods)) >= unif + + # -------------------- Utility functions -------------------- + # Utility function Eq.2 in Ref. (2) + # Kullback-Leibler Divergence (Sergey's paper) + if var == 'DKL': + + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods, dtype=np.longdouble))#float128)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postLikelihoods = likelihoods[accepted] + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(postLikelihoods)) + + # Haun et al implementation + U_J_d = np.mean(np.log(likelihoods[likelihoods != 0]) - logBME) + + # U_J_d = np.sum(G_n_m_all) + # Ryan et al (2014) implementation + # importanceWeights = Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0]/np.sum(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0]) + # U_J_d = np.mean(importanceWeights*np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0])) - logBME + + # U_J_d = postExpLikelihoods - logBME + + # Marginal likelihood + elif var == 'BME': + + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods)) + U_J_d = logBME + + # Bayes risk likelihood + elif var == 'BayesRisk': + + U_J_d = -1 * np.var(likelihoods) + + # Entropy-based information gain + elif var == 'infEntropy': + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postLikelihoods = likelihoods[accepted] + postLikelihoods /= np.nansum(likelihoods[accepted]) + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(postLikelihoods)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + postExpPrior = np.mean(logPriorLikelihoods[accepted]) + + infEntropy = logBME - postExpPrior - postExpLikelihoods + + U_J_d = infEntropy * -1 # -1 for minimization + + # D-Posterior-precision + elif var == 'DPP': + X_Posterior = X_MC[accepted] + # covariance of the posterior parameters + U_J_d = -np.log(np.linalg.det(np.cov(X_Posterior))) + + # A-Posterior-precision + elif var == 'APP': + X_Posterior = X_MC[accepted] + # trace of the posterior parameters + U_J_d = -np.log(np.trace(np.cov(X_Posterior))) + + else: + print('The algorithm you requested has not been implemented yet!') + + # Clear memory + del likelihoods + del Y_MC + del std_MC + + return -1 * U_J_d # -1 is for minimization instead of maximization + + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def run_util_func(self, method, candidates, index, sigma2Dict=None, + var=None, X_MC=None): + """ + Runs the utility function based on the given method. + + Parameters + ---------- + method : string + Exploitation method: `VarOptDesign`, `BayesActDesign` and + `BayesOptDesign`. + candidates : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + All candidate parameter sets. + index : int + ExpDesign index. + sigma2Dict : dict, optional + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). The + default is None. + var : string, optional + Utility function. The default is None. + X_MC : TYPE, optional + DESCRIPTION. The default is None. + + Returns + ------- + index : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + List + Scores. + + """ + + if method.lower() == 'varoptdesign': + # U_J_d = self.util_VarBasedDesign(candidates, index, var) + U_J_d = np.zeros((candidates.shape[0])) + for idx, X_can in tqdm(enumerate(candidates), ascii=True, + desc="varoptdesign"): + U_J_d[idx] = self.util_VarBasedDesign(X_can, index, var) + + elif method.lower() == 'bayesactdesign': + NCandidate = candidates.shape[0] + U_J_d = np.zeros((NCandidate)) + # Evaluate all candidates + y_can, std_can = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=candidates) + # loop through candidates + for idx, X_can in tqdm(enumerate(candidates), ascii=True, + desc="BAL Design"): + y_hat = {key: items[idx] for key, items in y_can.items()} + std = {key: items[idx] for key, items in std_can.items()} + + # print(y_hat) + # print(std) + U_J_d[idx] = self.util_BayesianActiveDesign( + y_hat, std, sigma2Dict, var) + + elif method.lower() == 'bayesoptdesign': + NCandidate = candidates.shape[0] + U_J_d = np.zeros((NCandidate)) + for idx, X_can in tqdm(enumerate(candidates), ascii=True, + desc="OptBayesianDesign"): + U_J_d[idx] = self.util_BayesianDesign(X_can, X_MC, sigma2Dict, + var) + return (index, -1 * U_J_d) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def dual_annealing(self, method, Bounds, sigma2Dict, var, Run_No, + verbose=False): + """ + Exploration algorithm to find the optimum parameter space. + + Parameters + ---------- + method : string + Exploitation method: `VarOptDesign`, `BayesActDesign` and + `BayesOptDesign`. + Bounds : list of tuples + List of lower and upper boundaries of parameters. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + Run_No : int + Run number. + verbose : bool, optional + Print out a summary. The default is False. + + Returns + ------- + Run_No : int + Run number. + array + Optimial candidate. + + """ + + Model = self.Model + max_func_itr = self.ExpDesign.max_func_itr + + if method == 'VarOptDesign': + Res_Global = opt.dual_annealing(self.util_VarBasedDesign, + bounds=Bounds, + args=(Model, var), + maxfun=max_func_itr) + + elif method == 'BayesOptDesign': + Res_Global = opt.dual_annealing(self.util_BayesianDesign, + bounds=Bounds, + args=(Model, sigma2Dict, var), + maxfun=max_func_itr) + + if verbose: + print(f"Global minimum: xmin = {Res_Global.x}, " + f"f(xmin) = {Res_Global.fun:.6f}, nfev = {Res_Global.nfev}") + + return (Run_No, Res_Global.x) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def tradeoff_weights(self, tradeoff_scheme, old_EDX, old_EDY): + """ + Calculates weights for exploration scores based on the requested + scheme: `None`, `equal`, `epsilon-decreasing` and `adaptive`. + + `None`: No exploration. + `equal`: Same weights for exploration and exploitation scores. + `epsilon-decreasing`: Start with more exploration and increase the + influence of exploitation along the way with a exponential decay + function + `adaptive`: An adaptive method based on: + Liu, Haitao, Jianfei Cai, and Yew-Soon Ong. "An adaptive sampling + approach for Kriging metamodeling by maximizing expected prediction + error." Computers & Chemical Engineering 106 (2017): 171-182. + + Parameters + ---------- + tradeoff_scheme : string + Trade-off scheme for exloration and exploitation scores. + old_EDX : array (n_samples, n_params) + Old experimental design (training points). + old_EDY : dict + Old model responses (targets). + + Returns + ------- + exploration_weight : float + Exploration weight. + exploitation_weight: float + Exploitation weight. + + """ + if tradeoff_scheme is None: + exploration_weight = 0 + + elif tradeoff_scheme == 'equal': + exploration_weight = 0.5 + + elif tradeoff_scheme == 'epsilon-decreasing': + # epsilon-decreasing scheme + # Start with more exploration and increase the influence of + # exploitation along the way with a exponential decay function + initNSamples = self.ExpDesign.n_init_samples + n_max_samples = self.ExpDesign.n_max_samples + + itrNumber = (self.ExpDesign.X.shape[0] - initNSamples) + itrNumber //= self.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + + tau2 = -(n_max_samples-initNSamples-1) / np.log(1e-8) + exploration_weight = signal.exponential(n_max_samples-initNSamples, + 0, tau2, False)[itrNumber] + + elif tradeoff_scheme == 'adaptive': + + # Extract itrNumber + initNSamples = self.ExpDesign.n_init_samples + n_max_samples = self.ExpDesign.n_max_samples + itrNumber = (self.ExpDesign.X.shape[0] - initNSamples) + itrNumber //= self.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + + if itrNumber == 0: + exploration_weight = 0.5 + else: + # New adaptive trade-off according to Liu et al. (2017) + # Mean squared error for last design point + last_EDX = old_EDX[-1].reshape(1, -1) + lastPCEY, _ = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=last_EDX) + pce_y = np.array(list(lastPCEY.values()))[:, 0] + y = np.array(list(old_EDY.values()))[:, -1, :] + mseError = mean_squared_error(pce_y, y) + + # Mean squared CV - error for last design point + pce_y_prev = np.array(list(self._y_hat_prev.values()))[:, 0] + mseCVError = mean_squared_error(pce_y_prev, y) + + exploration_weight = min([0.5*mseError/mseCVError, 1]) + + # Exploitation weight + exploitation_weight = 1 - exploration_weight + + return exploration_weight, exploitation_weight + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def choose_next_sample(self, sigma2=None, n_candidates=5, var='DKL'): + """ + Runs optimal sequential design. + + Parameters + ---------- + sigma2 : dict, optional + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). The + default is None. + n_candidates : int, optional + Number of candidate samples. The default is 5. + var : string, optional + Utility function. The default is None. # TODO: default is set to DKL, not none + + Raises + ------ + NameError + Wrong utility function. + + Returns + ------- + Xnew : array (n_samples, n_params) + Selected new training point(s). + """ + + # Initialization + Bounds = self.ExpDesign.bound_tuples + n_new_samples = self.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + explore_method = self.ExpDesign.explore_method + exploit_method = self.ExpDesign.exploit_method + n_cand_groups = self.ExpDesign.n_cand_groups + tradeoff_scheme = self.ExpDesign.tradeoff_scheme + + old_EDX = self.ExpDesign.X + old_EDY = self.ExpDesign.Y.copy() + ndim = self.ExpDesign.X.shape[1] + OutputNames = self.out_names + + # ----------------------------------------- + # ----------- CUSTOMIZED METHODS ---------- + # ----------------------------------------- + # Utility function exploit_method provided by user + if exploit_method.lower() == 'user': + if not hasattr(self.ExpDesign, 'ExploitFunction'): + raise AttributeError('Function `ExploitFunction` not given to the ExpDesign, thus cannor run user-defined sequential scheme') + # TODO: syntax does not fully match the rest - can test this?? + Xnew, filteredSamples = self.ExpDesign.ExploitFunction(self) + + print("\n") + print("\nXnew:\n", Xnew) + + return Xnew, filteredSamples + + + # Dual-Annealing works differently from the rest, so deal with this first + # Here exploration and exploitation are performed simulataneously + if explore_method == 'dual annealing': + # ------- EXPLORATION: OPTIMIZATION ------- + import time + start_time = time.time() + + # Divide the domain to subdomains + subdomains = subdomain(Bounds, n_new_samples) + + # Multiprocessing + if self.parallel: + args = [] + for i in range(n_new_samples): + args.append((exploit_method, subdomains[i], sigma2, var, i)) + pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) + + # With Pool.starmap_async() + results = pool.starmap_async(self.dual_annealing, args).get() + + # Close the pool + pool.close() + # Without multiprocessing + else: + results = [] + for i in range(n_new_samples): + results.append(self.dual_annealing(exploit_method, subdomains[i], sigma2, var, i)) + + # New sample + Xnew = np.array([results[i][1] for i in range(n_new_samples)]) + print("\nXnew:\n", Xnew) + + # Computational cost + elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time + print("\n") + print(f"Elapsed_time: {round(elapsed_time,2)} sec.") + print('-'*20) + + return Xnew, None + + # Generate needed Exploration class + explore = Exploration(self.ExpDesign, n_candidates) + explore.w = 100 # * ndim #500 # TODO: where does this value come from? + + # Select criterion (mc-intersite-proj-th, mc-intersite-proj) + explore.mc_criterion = 'mc-intersite-proj' + + # Generate the candidate samples + # TODO: here use the sampling method provided by the expdesign? + sampling_method = self.ExpDesign.sampling_method + + # TODO: changed this from 'random' for LOOCV + if explore_method == 'LOOCV': + allCandidates = self.ExpDesign.generate_samples(n_candidates, + sampling_method) + else: + allCandidates, scoreExploration = explore.get_exploration_samples() + + # ----------------------------------------- + # ---------- EXPLORATION METHODS ---------- + # ----------------------------------------- + if explore_method == 'LOOCV': + # ----------------------------------------------------------------- + # TODO: LOOCV model construnction based on Feng et al. (2020) + # 'LOOCV': + # Initilize the ExploitScore array + + # Generate random samples + allCandidates = self.ExpDesign.generate_samples(n_candidates, + 'random') + + # Construct error model based on LCerror + errorModel = self.MetaModel.create_ModelError(old_EDX, self.LCerror) + self.errorModel.append(copy(errorModel)) + + # Evaluate the error models for allCandidates + eLCAllCands, _ = errorModel.eval_errormodel(allCandidates) + # Select the maximum as the representative error + eLCAllCands = np.dstack(eLCAllCands.values()) + eLCAllCandidates = np.max(eLCAllCands, axis=1)[:, 0] + + # Normalize the error w.r.t the maximum error + scoreExploration = eLCAllCandidates / np.sum(eLCAllCandidates) + + else: + # ------- EXPLORATION: SPACE-FILLING DESIGN ------- + # Generate candidate samples from Exploration class + explore = Exploration(self.ExpDesign, n_candidates) + explore.w = 100 # * ndim #500 + # Select criterion (mc-intersite-proj-th, mc-intersite-proj) + explore.mc_criterion = 'mc-intersite-proj' + allCandidates, scoreExploration = explore.get_exploration_samples() + + # Temp: ---- Plot all candidates ----- + if ndim == 2: + def plotter(points, allCandidates, Method, + scoreExploration=None): + if Method == 'Voronoi': + from scipy.spatial import Voronoi, voronoi_plot_2d + vor = Voronoi(points) + fig = voronoi_plot_2d(vor) + ax1 = fig.axes[0] + else: + fig = plt.figure() + ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) + ax1.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], s=10, c='r', + marker="s", label='Old Design Points') + ax1.scatter(allCandidates[:, 0], allCandidates[:, 1], s=10, + c='b', marker="o", label='Design candidates') + for i in range(points.shape[0]): + txt = 'p'+str(i+1) + ax1.annotate(txt, (points[i, 0], points[i, 1])) + if scoreExploration is not None: + for i in range(allCandidates.shape[0]): + txt = str(round(scoreExploration[i], 5)) + ax1.annotate(txt, (allCandidates[i, 0], + allCandidates[i, 1])) + + plt.xlim(self.bound_tuples[0]) + plt.ylim(self.bound_tuples[1]) + # plt.show() + plt.legend(loc='upper left') + + # ----------------------------------------- + # --------- EXPLOITATION METHODS ---------- + # ----------------------------------------- + if exploit_method == 'BayesOptDesign' or\ + exploit_method == 'BayesActDesign': + + # ------- Calculate Exoploration weight ------- + # Compute exploration weight based on trade off scheme + explore_w, exploit_w = self.tradeoff_weights(tradeoff_scheme, + old_EDX, + old_EDY) + print(f"\n Exploration weight={explore_w:0.3f} " + f"Exploitation weight={exploit_w:0.3f}\n") + + # ------- EXPLOITATION: BayesOptDesign & ActiveLearning ------- + if explore_w != 1.0: + # Check if all needed properties are set + if not hasattr(self.ExpDesign, 'max_func_itr'): + raise AttributeError('max_func_itr not given to the experimental design') + + # Create a sample pool for rejection sampling + MCsize = 15000 + X_MC = self.ExpDesign.generate_samples(MCsize, 'random') + candidates = self.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + n_candidates, 'latin_hypercube') + + # Split the candidates in groups for multiprocessing + split_cand = np.array_split( + candidates, n_cand_groups, axis=0 + ) + # print(candidates) + # print(split_cand) + if self.parallel: + results = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, backend='multiprocessing')( + delayed(self.run_util_func)( + exploit_method, split_cand[i], i, sigma2, var, X_MC) + for i in range(n_cand_groups)) + else: + results = [] + for i in range(n_cand_groups): + results.append(self.run_util_func(exploit_method, split_cand[i], i, sigma2, var, X_MC)) + + # Retrieve the results and append them + U_J_d = np.concatenate([results[NofE][1] for NofE in + range(n_cand_groups)]) + + # Check if all scores are inf + if np.isinf(U_J_d).all() or np.isnan(U_J_d).all(): + U_J_d = np.ones(len(U_J_d)) + + # Get the expected value (mean) of the Utility score + # for each cell + if explore_method == 'Voronoi': + U_J_d = np.mean(U_J_d.reshape(-1, n_candidates), axis=1) + + # Normalize U_J_d + norm_U_J_d = U_J_d / np.sum(U_J_d) + else: + norm_U_J_d = np.zeros((len(scoreExploration))) + + # ------- Calculate Total score ------- + # ------- Trade off between EXPLORATION & EXPLOITATION ------- + # Accumulate the samples + finalCandidates = np.concatenate((allCandidates, candidates), axis = 0) + finalCandidates = np.unique(finalCandidates, axis = 0) + + # Calculations take into account both exploration and exploitation + # samples without duplicates + totalScore = np.zeros(finalCandidates.shape[0]) + #self.totalScore = totalScore + + for cand_idx in range(finalCandidates.shape[0]): + # find candidate indices + idx1 = np.where(allCandidates == finalCandidates[cand_idx])[0] + idx2 = np.where(candidates == finalCandidates[cand_idx])[0] + + # exploration + if idx1 != []: + idx1 = idx1[0] + totalScore[cand_idx] += explore_w * scoreExploration[idx1] + + # exploitation + if idx2 != []: + idx2 = idx2[0] + totalScore[cand_idx] += exploit_w * norm_U_J_d[idx2] + + + # Total score + totalScore = exploit_w * norm_U_J_d + totalScore += explore_w * scoreExploration + + # temp: Plot + # dim = self.ExpDesign.X.shape[1] + # if dim == 2: + # plotter(self.ExpDesign.X, allCandidates, explore_method) + + # ------- Select the best candidate ------- + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design by + # maximization of the utility score and taking care of NaN values + temp = totalScore.copy() + temp[np.isnan(totalScore)] = -np.inf + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(temp)[::-1] + bestIdx = sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples] + + # select the requested number of samples + if explore_method == 'Voronoi': + Xnew = np.zeros((n_new_samples, ndim)) + for i, idx in enumerate(bestIdx): + X_can = explore.closestPoints[idx] + + # Calculate the maxmin score for the region of interest + newSamples, maxminScore = explore.get_mc_samples(X_can) + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew[i] = newSamples[np.argmax(maxminScore)] + else: + # Changed this from allCandiates to full set of candidates + # TODO: still not changed for e.g. 'Voronoi' + Xnew = finalCandidates[sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples]] + + + elif exploit_method == 'VarOptDesign': + # ------- EXPLOITATION: VarOptDesign ------- + UtilMethod = var + + # ------- Calculate Exoploration weight ------- + # Compute exploration weight based on trade off scheme + explore_w, exploit_w = self.tradeoff_weights(tradeoff_scheme, + old_EDX, + old_EDY) + print(f"\nweightExploration={explore_w:0.3f} " + f"weightExploitation={exploit_w:0.3f}") + + # Generate candidate samples from Exploration class + nMeasurement = old_EDY[OutputNames[0]].shape[1] + + # print(UtilMethod) + + # Find sensitive region + if UtilMethod == 'LOOCV': + LCerror = self.MetaModel.LCerror + allModifiedLOO = np.zeros((len(old_EDX), len(OutputNames), + nMeasurement)) + for y_idx, y_key in enumerate(OutputNames): + for idx, key in enumerate(LCerror[y_key].keys()): + allModifiedLOO[:, y_idx, idx] = abs( + LCerror[y_key][key]) + + ExploitScore = np.max(np.max(allModifiedLOO, axis=1), axis=1) + # print(allModifiedLOO.shape) + + elif UtilMethod in ['EIGF', 'ALM']: + # ----- All other in ['EIGF', 'ALM'] ----- + # Initilize the ExploitScore array + ExploitScore = np.zeros((len(old_EDX), len(OutputNames))) + + # Split the candidates in groups for multiprocessing + if explore_method != 'Voronoi': + split_cand = np.array_split(allCandidates, + n_cand_groups, + axis=0) + goodSampleIdx = range(n_cand_groups) + else: + # Find indices of the Vornoi cells with samples + goodSampleIdx = [] + for idx in range(len(explore.closest_points)): + if len(explore.closest_points[idx]) != 0: + goodSampleIdx.append(idx) + split_cand = explore.closest_points + + # Split the candidates in groups for multiprocessing + args = [] + for index in goodSampleIdx: + args.append((exploit_method, split_cand[index], index, + sigma2, var)) + + # Multiprocessing + pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) + # With Pool.starmap_async() + results = pool.starmap_async(self.run_util_func, args).get() + + # Close the pool + pool.close() + + # Retrieve the results and append them + if explore_method == 'Voronoi': + ExploitScore = [np.mean(results[k][1]) for k in + range(len(goodSampleIdx))] + else: + ExploitScore = np.concatenate( + [results[k][1] for k in range(len(goodSampleIdx))]) + + else: + raise NameError('The requested utility function is not ' + 'available.') + + # print("ExploitScore:\n", ExploitScore) + + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design by + # maximization of the utility score and taking care of NaN values + # Total score + # Normalize U_J_d + ExploitScore = ExploitScore / np.sum(ExploitScore) + totalScore = exploit_w * ExploitScore + # print(totalScore.shape) + # print(explore_w) + # print(scoreExploration.shape) + totalScore += explore_w * scoreExploration + + temp = totalScore.copy() + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(temp, axis=0)[::-1] + bestIdx = sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples] + + Xnew = np.zeros((n_new_samples, ndim)) + if explore_method != 'Voronoi': + Xnew = allCandidates[bestIdx] + else: + for i, idx in enumerate(bestIdx.flatten()): + X_can = explore.closest_points[idx] + # plotter(self.ExpDesign.X, X_can, explore_method, + # scoreExploration=None) + + # Calculate the maxmin score for the region of interest + newSamples, maxminScore = explore.get_mc_samples(X_can) + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew[i] = newSamples[np.argmax(maxminScore)] + + elif exploit_method == 'alphabetic': + # ------- EXPLOITATION: ALPHABETIC ------- + Xnew = self.util_AlphOptDesign(allCandidates, var) + + elif exploit_method == 'Space-filling': + # ------- EXPLOITATION: SPACE-FILLING ------- + totalScore = scoreExploration + + # ------- Select the best candidate ------- + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design by + # maximization of the utility score and taking care of NaN values + temp = totalScore.copy() + temp[np.isnan(totalScore)] = -np.inf + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(temp)[::-1] + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew = allCandidates[sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples]] + + else: + raise NameError('The requested design method is not available.') + + print("\n") + print("\nRun No. {}:".format(old_EDX.shape[0]+1)) + print("Xnew:\n", Xnew) + + # TODO: why does it also return None? + return Xnew, None + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_AlphOptDesign(self, candidates, var='D-Opt'): + """ + Enriches the Experimental design with the requested alphabetic + criterion based on exploring the space with number of sampling points. + + Ref: Hadigol, M., & Doostan, A. (2018). Least squares polynomial chaos + expansion: A review of sampling strategies., Computer Methods in + Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 332, 382-407. + + Arguments + --------- + NCandidate : int + Number of candidate points to be searched + + var : string + Alphabetic optimality criterion + + Returns + ------- + X_new : array of shape (1, n_params) + The new sampling location in the input space. + """ + MetaModelOrig = self # TODO: this doesn't fully seem correct? + n_new_samples = MetaModelOrig.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + NCandidate = candidates.shape[0] + + # TODO: Loop over outputs + OutputName = self.out_names[0] + + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + MetaModel = deepcopy(MetaModelOrig) + + # Old Experimental design + oldExpDesignX = self.ExpDesign.X + + # TODO: Only one psi can be selected. + # Suggestion: Go for the one with the highest LOO error + # TODO: this is just a patch, need to look at again! + Scores = list(self.MetaModel.score_dict['b_1'][OutputName].values()) + #print(Scores) + #print(self.MetaModel.score_dict) + #print(self.MetaModel.score_dict.values()) + #print(self.MetaModel.score_dict['b_1'].values()) + #print(self.MetaModel.score_dict['b_1'][OutputName].values()) + ModifiedLOO = [1-score for score in Scores] + outIdx = np.argmax(ModifiedLOO) + + # Initialize Phi to save the criterion's values + Phi = np.zeros((NCandidate)) + + # TODO: also patched here + BasisIndices = self.MetaModel.basis_dict['b_1'][OutputName]["y_"+str(outIdx+1)] + P = len(BasisIndices) + + # ------ Old Psi ------------ + univ_p_val = self.MetaModel.univ_basis_vals(oldExpDesignX) + Psi = self.MetaModel.create_psi(BasisIndices, univ_p_val) + + # ------ New candidates (Psi_c) ------------ + # Assemble Psi_c + univ_p_val_c = self.MetaModel.univ_basis_vals(candidates) + Psi_c = self.MetaModel.create_psi(BasisIndices, univ_p_val_c) + + for idx in range(NCandidate): + + # Include the new row to the original Psi + Psi_cand = np.vstack((Psi, Psi_c[idx])) + + # Information matrix + PsiTPsi = np.dot(Psi_cand.T, Psi_cand) + M = PsiTPsi / (len(oldExpDesignX)+1) + + if np.linalg.cond(PsiTPsi) > 1e-12 \ + and np.linalg.cond(PsiTPsi) < 1 / sys.float_info.epsilon: + # faster + invM = linalg.solve(M, sparse.eye(PsiTPsi.shape[0]).toarray()) + else: + # stabler + invM = np.linalg.pinv(M) + + # ---------- Calculate optimality criterion ---------- + # Optimality criteria according to Section 4.5.1 in Ref. + + # D-Opt + if var.lower() == 'd-opt': + Phi[idx] = (np.linalg.det(invM)) ** (1/P) + + # A-Opt + elif var.lower() == 'a-opt': + Phi[idx] = np.trace(invM) + + # K-Opt + elif var.lower() == 'k-opt': + Phi[idx] = np.linalg.cond(M) + + else: + # print(var.lower()) + raise Exception('The optimality criterion you requested has ' + 'not been implemented yet!') + + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design + # by minimization of the Phi + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(Phi) + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew = candidates[sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples]] + + return Xnew + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _normpdf(self, y_hat_pce, std_pce, obs_data, total_sigma2s, + rmse=None): + """ + Calculated gaussian likelihood for given y+std based on given obs+sigma + # TODO: is this understanding correct? + + Parameters + ---------- + y_hat_pce : dict of 2d np arrays + Mean output of the surrogate. + std_pce : dict of 2d np arrays + Standard deviation output of the surrogate. + obs_data : dict of 1d np arrays + Observed data. + total_sigma2s : pandas dataframe, matches obs_data + Estimated uncertainty for the observed data. + rmse : dict, optional + RMSE values from validation of the surrogate. The default is None. + + Returns + ------- + likelihoods : dict of float + The likelihood for each surrogate eval in y_hat_pce compared to the + observations (?). + + """ + + likelihoods = 1.0 + + # Loop over the outputs + for idx, out in enumerate(self.out_names): + + # (Meta)Model Output + # print(y_hat_pce[out]) + nsamples, nout = y_hat_pce[out].shape + + # Prepare data and remove NaN + try: + data = obs_data[out].values[~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + except AttributeError: + data = obs_data[out][~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + + # Prepare sigma2s + non_nan_indices = ~np.isnan(total_sigma2s[out]) + tot_sigma2s = total_sigma2s[out][non_nan_indices][:nout].values + + # Surrogate error if valid dataset is given. + if rmse is not None: + tot_sigma2s += rmse[out]**2 + else: + tot_sigma2s += np.mean(std_pce[out])**2 + + likelihoods *= stats.multivariate_normal.pdf( + y_hat_pce[out], data, np.diag(tot_sigma2s), + allow_singular=True) + + # TODO: remove this here + self.Likelihoods = likelihoods + + return likelihoods + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _corr_factor_BME(self, obs_data, total_sigma2s, logBME): + """ + Calculates the correction factor for BMEs. + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + samples = self.ExpDesign.X # valid_samples + model_outputs = self.ExpDesign.Y # valid_model_runs + n_samples = samples.shape[0] + + # Extract the requested model outputs for likelihood calulation + output_names = self.out_names + + # TODO: Evaluate MetaModel on the experimental design and ValidSet + OutputRS, stdOutputRS = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=samples) + + logLik_data = np.zeros((n_samples)) + logLik_model = np.zeros((n_samples)) + # Loop over the outputs + for idx, out in enumerate(output_names): + + # (Meta)Model Output + nsamples, nout = model_outputs[out].shape + + # Prepare data and remove NaN + try: + data = obs_data[out].values[~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + except AttributeError: + data = obs_data[out][~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + + # Prepare sigma2s + non_nan_indices = ~np.isnan(total_sigma2s[out]) + tot_sigma2s = total_sigma2s[out][non_nan_indices][:nout] + + # Covariance Matrix + covMatrix_data = np.diag(tot_sigma2s) + + for i, sample in enumerate(samples): + + # Simulation run + y_m = model_outputs[out][i] + + # Surrogate prediction + y_m_hat = OutputRS[out][i] + + # CovMatrix with the surrogate error + # covMatrix = np.diag(stdOutputRS[out][i]**2) + covMatrix = np.diag((y_m-y_m_hat)**2) + covMatrix = np.diag( + np.mean((model_outputs[out]-OutputRS[out]), axis=0)**2 + ) + + # Compute likelilhood output vs data + logLik_data[i] += logpdf( + y_m_hat, data, covMatrix_data + ) + + # Compute likelilhood output vs surrogate + logLik_model[i] += logpdf(y_m_hat, y_m, covMatrix) + + # Weight + logLik_data -= logBME + weights = np.exp(logLik_model+logLik_data) + + return np.log(np.mean(weights)) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _posteriorPlot(self, posterior, par_names, key): + """ + Plot the posterior of a specific key as a corner plot + + Parameters + ---------- + posterior : 2d np.array + Samples of the posterior. + par_names : list of strings + List of the parameter names. + key : string + Output key that this posterior belongs to. + + Returns + ------- + figPosterior : corner.corner + Plot of the posterior. + + """ + + # Initialization + newpath = (r'Outputs_SeqPosteriorComparison/posterior') + os.makedirs(newpath, exist_ok=True) + + bound_tuples = self.ExpDesign.bound_tuples + n_params = len(par_names) + font_size = 40 + if n_params == 2: + + figPosterior, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 15)) + + sns.kdeplot(x=posterior[:, 0], y=posterior[:, 1], + fill=True, ax=ax, cmap=plt.cm.jet, + clip=bound_tuples) + # Axis labels + plt.xlabel(par_names[0], fontsize=font_size) + plt.ylabel(par_names[1], fontsize=font_size) + + # Set axis limit + plt.xlim(bound_tuples[0]) + plt.ylim(bound_tuples[1]) + + # Increase font size + plt.xticks(fontsize=font_size) + plt.yticks(fontsize=font_size) + + # Switch off the grids + plt.grid(False) + + else: + import corner + figPosterior = corner.corner(posterior, labels=par_names, + title_fmt='.2e', show_titles=True, + title_kwargs={"fontsize": 12}) + + figPosterior.savefig(f'./{newpath}/{key}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') + plt.close() + + # Save the posterior as .npy + np.save(f'./{newpath}/{key}.npy', posterior) + + return figPosterior + + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _BME_Calculator(self, obs_data, sigma2Dict, rmse=None): + """ + This function computes the Bayesian model evidence (BME) via Monte + Carlo integration. + + Parameters + ---------- + obs_data : dict of 1d np arrays + Observed data. + sigma2Dict : pandas dataframe, matches obs_data + Estimated uncertainty for the observed data. + rmse : dict of floats, optional + RMSE values for each output-key. The dafault is None. + + Returns + ------- + (logBME, KLD, X_Posterior, Likelihoods, distHellinger) + + """ + # Initializations + if hasattr(self, 'valid_likelihoods'): + valid_likelihoods = self.valid_likelihoods + else: + valid_likelihoods = [] + valid_likelihoods = np.array(valid_likelihoods) + + post_snapshot = self.ExpDesign.post_snapshot + if post_snapshot or valid_likelihoods.shape[0] != 0: + newpath = (r'Outputs_SeqPosteriorComparison/likelihood_vs_ref') + os.makedirs(newpath, exist_ok=True) + + SamplingMethod = 'random' + MCsize = 10000 + ESS = 0 + + # Estimation of the integral via Monte Varlo integration + while (ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1): + + # Generate samples for Monte Carlo simulation + X_MC = self.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + MCsize, SamplingMethod + ) + + # Monte Carlo simulation for the candidate design + Y_MC, std_MC = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Likelihood computation (Comparison of data and + # simulation results via PCE with candidate design) + Likelihoods = self._normpdf( + Y_MC, std_MC, obs_data, sigma2Dict, rmse + ) + + # Check the Effective Sample Size (1000<ESS<MCsize) + ESS = 1 / np.sum(np.square(Likelihoods/np.sum(Likelihoods))) + + # Enlarge sample size if it doesn't fulfill the criteria + if (ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1): + print(f'ESS={ESS} MC size should be larger.') + MCsize *= 10 + ESS = 0 + + # Rejection Step + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, MCsize)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + accepted = (Likelihoods/np.max(Likelihoods)) >= unif + X_Posterior = X_MC[accepted] + + # ------------------------------------------------------------ + # --- Kullback-Leibler Divergence & Information Entropy ------ + # ------------------------------------------------------------ + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(Likelihoods)) + + # TODO: Correction factor + # log_weight = self.__corr_factor_BME(obs_data, sigma2Dict, logBME) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(Likelihoods[accepted])) + + # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + postExpPrior = np.mean( + np.log(self.ExpDesign.JDist.pdf(X_Posterior.T)) + ) + + # Calculate Kullback-Leibler Divergence + # KLD = np.mean(np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0])- logBME) + KLD = postExpLikelihoods - logBME + + # Information Entropy based on Entropy paper Eq. 38 + infEntropy = logBME - postExpPrior - postExpLikelihoods + + # If post_snapshot is True, plot likelihood vs refrence + if post_snapshot or valid_likelihoods: + # Hellinger distance + valid_likelihoods = np.array(valid_likelihoods) + ref_like = np.log(valid_likelihoods[(valid_likelihoods > 0)]) + est_like = np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods > 0]) + distHellinger = hellinger_distance(ref_like, est_like) + + idx = len([name for name in os.listdir(newpath) if 'Likelihoods_' + in name and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(newpath, name))]) + + fig, ax = plt.subplots() + try: + sns.kdeplot(np.log(valid_likelihoods[valid_likelihoods > 0]), + shade=True, color="g", label='Ref. Likelihood') + sns.kdeplot(np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods > 0]), shade=True, + color="b", label='Likelihood with PCE') + except: + pass + + text = f"Hellinger Dist.={distHellinger:.3f}\n logBME={logBME:.3f}" + "\n DKL={KLD:.3f}" + + plt.text(0.05, 0.75, text, bbox=dict(facecolor='wheat', + edgecolor='black', + boxstyle='round,pad=1'), + transform=ax.transAxes) + + fig.savefig(f'./{newpath}/Likelihoods_{idx}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + plt.close() + + else: + distHellinger = 0.0 + + # Bayesian inference with Emulator only for 2D problem + if post_snapshot and self.MetaModel.n_params == 2 and not idx % 5: + BayesOpts = BayesInference(self) + + BayesOpts.emulator = True + BayesOpts.plot_post_pred = False + + # Select the inference method + import emcee + BayesOpts.inference_method = "MCMC" + # Set the MCMC parameters passed to self.mcmc_params + BayesOpts.mcmc_params = { + 'n_steps': 1e5, + 'n_walkers': 30, + 'moves': emcee.moves.KDEMove(), + 'verbose': False + } + + # ----- Define the discrepancy model ------- + # TODO: check with Farid if this first line is how it should be + BayesOpts.measured_data = obs_data + obs_data = pd.DataFrame(obs_data, columns=self.out_names) + BayesOpts.measurement_error = obs_data + # TODO: shouldn't the uncertainty be sigma2Dict instead of obs_data? + + # # -- (Option B) -- + DiscrepancyOpts = Discrepancy('') + DiscrepancyOpts.type = 'Gaussian' + DiscrepancyOpts.parameters = obs_data**2 + BayesOpts.Discrepancy = DiscrepancyOpts + # Start the calibration/inference + Bayes_PCE = BayesOpts.create_inference() + X_Posterior = Bayes_PCE.posterior_df.values + + return (logBME, KLD, X_Posterior, Likelihoods, distHellinger) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _validError(self): + """ + Evaluate the metamodel on the validation samples and calculate the + error against the corresponding model runs + + Returns + ------- + rms_error : dict + RMSE for each validation run. + valid_error : dict + Normed (?)RMSE for each validation run. + + """ + # Extract the original model with the generated samples + valid_model_runs = self.ExpDesign.valid_model_runs + + # Run the PCE model with the generated samples + valid_PCE_runs, _ = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=self.ExpDesign.valid_samples) + + rms_error = {} + valid_error = {} + # Loop over the keys and compute RMSE error. + for key in self.out_names: + rms_error[key] = mean_squared_error( + valid_model_runs[key], valid_PCE_runs[key], + multioutput='raw_values', + sample_weight=None, + squared=False) + # Validation error + valid_error[key] = (rms_error[key]**2) + valid_error[key] /= np.var(valid_model_runs[key], ddof=1, axis=0) + + # Print a report table + print("\n>>>>> Updated Errors of {} <<<<<".format(key)) + print("\nIndex | RMSE | Validation Error") + print('-'*35) + print('\n'.join(f'{i+1} | {k:.3e} | {j:.3e}' for i, (k, j) + in enumerate(zip(rms_error[key], + valid_error[key])))) + + return rms_error, valid_error + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _error_Mean_Std(self): + """ + Calculates the error in the overall mean and std approximation of the + surrogate against the mc-reference provided to the model. + This can only be applied to metamodels of polynomial type + + Returns + ------- + RMSE_Mean : float + RMSE of the means + RMSE_std : float + RMSE of the standard deviations + + """ + # Compute the mean and std based on the MetaModel + pce_means, pce_stds = self.MetaModel._compute_pce_moments() + + # Compute the root mean squared error + for output in self.out_names: + + # Compute the error between mean and std of MetaModel and OrigModel + RMSE_Mean = mean_squared_error( + self.Model.mc_reference['mean'], pce_means[output], squared=False + ) + RMSE_std = mean_squared_error( + self.Model.mc_reference['std'], pce_stds[output], squared=False + ) + + return RMSE_Mean, RMSE_std diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/eval_rec_rule.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/eval_rec_rule.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b583c7eb2ec58d55d19b34130812730d21a12368 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/eval_rec_rule.py @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" + + +Based on the implementation in UQLab [1]. + +References: +1. S. Marelli, and B. Sudret, UQLab: A framework for uncertainty quantification +in Matlab, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Vulnerability, Risk Analysis and Management +(ICVRAM2014), Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2014, 2554-2563. + +2. S. Marelli, N. Lüthen, B. Sudret, UQLab user manual – Polynomial chaos +expansions, Report # UQLab-V1.4-104, Chair of Risk, Safety and Uncertainty +Quantification, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 2021. + +Author: Farid Mohammadi, M.Sc. +E-Mail: farid.mohammadi@iws.uni-stuttgart.de +Department of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems (LH2) +Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems (IWS), University +of Stuttgart, www.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/lh2/ +Pfaffenwaldring 61 +70569 Stuttgart + +Created on Fri Jan 14 2022 +""" +import numpy as np +from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyval + + +def poly_rec_coeffs(n_max, poly_type, params=None): + """ + Computes the recurrence coefficients for classical Wiener-Askey orthogonal + polynomials. + + Parameters + ---------- + n_max : int + Maximum polynomial degree. + poly_type : string + Polynomial type. + params : list, optional + Parameters required for `laguerre` poly type. The default is None. + + Returns + ------- + AB : dict + The 3 term recursive coefficients and the applicable ranges. + + """ + + if poly_type == 'legendre': + + def an(n): + return np.zeros((n+1, 1)) + + def sqrt_bn(n): + sq_bn = np.zeros((n+1, 1)) + sq_bn[0, 0] = 1 + for i in range(1, n+1): + sq_bn[i, 0] = np.sqrt(1./(4-i**-2)) + return sq_bn + + bounds = [-1, 1] + + elif poly_type == 'hermite': + + def an(n): + return np.zeros((n+1, 1)) + + def sqrt_bn(n): + sq_bn = np.zeros((n+1, 1)) + sq_bn[0, 0] = 1 + for i in range(1, n+1): + sq_bn[i, 0] = np.sqrt(i) + return sq_bn + + bounds = [-np.inf, np.inf] + + elif poly_type == 'laguerre': + + def an(n): + a = np.zeros((n+1, 1)) + for i in range(1, n+1): + a[i] = 2*n + params[1] + return a + + def sqrt_bn(n): + sq_bn = np.zeros((n+1, 1)) + sq_bn[0, 0] = 1 + for i in range(1, n+1): + sq_bn[i, 0] = -np.sqrt(i * (i+params[1]-1)) + return sq_bn + + bounds = [0, np.inf] + + AB = {'alpha_beta': np.concatenate((an(n_max), sqrt_bn(n_max)), axis=1), + 'bounds': bounds} + + return AB + + +def eval_rec_rule(x, max_deg, poly_type): + """ + Evaluates the polynomial that corresponds to the Jacobi matrix defined + from the AB. + + Parameters + ---------- + x : array (n_samples) + Points where the polynomials are evaluated. + max_deg : int + Maximum degree. + poly_type : string + Polynomial type. + + Returns + ------- + values : array of shape (n_samples, max_deg+1) + Polynomials corresponding to the Jacobi matrix. + + """ + AB = poly_rec_coeffs(max_deg, poly_type) + AB = AB['alpha_beta'] + + values = np.zeros((len(x), AB.shape[0]+1)) + values[:, 1] = 1 / AB[0, 1] + + for k in range(AB.shape[0]-1): + values[:, k+2] = np.multiply((x - AB[k, 0]), values[:, k+1]) - \ + np.multiply(values[:, k], AB[k, 1]) + values[:, k+2] = np.divide(values[:, k+2], AB[k+1, 1]) + return values[:, 1:] + + +def eval_rec_rule_arbitrary(x, max_deg, poly_coeffs): + """ + Evaluates the polynomial at sample array x. + + Parameters + ---------- + x : array (n_samples) + Points where the polynomials are evaluated. + max_deg : int + Maximum degree. + poly_coeffs : dict + Polynomial coefficients computed based on moments. + + Returns + ------- + values : array of shape (n_samples, max_deg+1) + Univariate Polynomials evaluated at samples. + + """ + values = np.zeros((len(x), max_deg+1)) + + for deg in range(max_deg+1): + values[:, deg] = polyval(x, poly_coeffs[deg]).T + + return values + + +def eval_univ_basis(x, max_deg, poly_types, apoly_coeffs=None): + """ + Evaluates univariate regressors along input directions. + + Parameters + ---------- + x : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Training samples. + max_deg : int + Maximum polynomial degree. + poly_types : list of strings + List of polynomial types for all parameters. + apoly_coeffs : dict , optional + Polynomial coefficients computed based on moments. The default is None. + + Returns + ------- + univ_vals : array of shape (n_samples, n_params, max_deg+1) + Univariate polynomials for all degrees and parameters evaluated at x. + + """ + # Initilize the output array + n_samples, n_params = x.shape + univ_vals = np.zeros((n_samples, n_params, max_deg+1)) + + for i in range(n_params): + + if poly_types[i] == 'arbitrary': + polycoeffs = apoly_coeffs[f'p_{i+1}'] + univ_vals[:, i] = eval_rec_rule_arbitrary(x[:, i], max_deg, + polycoeffs) + else: + univ_vals[:, i] = eval_rec_rule(x[:, i], max_deg, poly_types[i]) + + return univ_vals diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/exp_designs.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/exp_designs.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fa03fe17d96fb2c1f19546b7b72fb2fd6dd1c13a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/exp_designs.py @@ -0,0 +1,479 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Experimental design with associated sampling methods +""" + +import numpy as np +import math +import itertools +import chaospy +import scipy.stats as st +from tqdm import tqdm +import h5py +import os + +from .apoly_construction import apoly_construction +from .input_space import InputSpace + +# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +def check_ranges(theta, ranges): + """ + This function checks if theta lies in the given ranges. + + Parameters + ---------- + theta : array + Proposed parameter set. + ranges : nested list + List of the praremeter ranges. + + Returns + ------- + c : bool + If it lies in the given range, it return True else False. + + """ + c = True + # traverse in the list1 + for i, bounds in enumerate(ranges): + x = theta[i] + # condition check + if x < bounds[0] or x > bounds[1]: + c = False + return c + return c + + +class ExpDesigns(InputSpace): + """ + This class generates samples from the prescribed marginals for the model + parameters using the `Input` object. + + Attributes + ---------- + Input : obj + Input object containing the parameter marginals, i.e. name, + distribution type and distribution parameters or available raw data. + meta_Model_type : str + Type of the meta_Model_type. + sampling_method : str + Name of the sampling method for the experimental design. The following + sampling method are supported: + + * random + * latin_hypercube + * sobol + * halton + * hammersley + * chebyshev(FT) + * grid(FT) + * user + hdf5_file : str + Name of the hdf5 file that contains the experimental design. + n_new_samples : int + Number of (initial) training points. + n_max_samples : int + Number of maximum training points. + mod_LOO_threshold : float + The modified leave-one-out cross validation threshold where the + sequential design stops. + tradeoff_scheme : str + Trade-off scheme to assign weights to the exploration and exploitation + scores in the sequential design. + n_canddidate : int + Number of candidate training sets to calculate the scores for. + explore_method : str + Type of the exploration method for the sequential design. The following + methods are supported: + + * Voronoi + * random + * latin_hypercube + * LOOCV + * dual annealing + exploit_method : str + Type of the exploitation method for the sequential design. The + following methods are supported: + + * BayesOptDesign + * BayesActDesign + * VarOptDesign + * alphabetic + * Space-filling + util_func : str or list + The utility function to be specified for the `exploit_method`. For the + available utility functions see Note section. + n_cand_groups : int + Number of candidate groups. Each group of candidate training sets will + be evaulated separately in parallel. + n_replication : int + Number of replications. Only for comparison. The default is 1. + post_snapshot : int + Whether to plot the posterior in the sequential design. The default is + `True`. + step_snapshot : int + The number of steps to plot the posterior in the sequential design. The + default is 1. + max_a_post : list or array + Maximum a posteriori of the posterior distribution, if known. The + default is `[]`. + adapt_verbose : bool + Whether to plot the model response vs that of metamodel for the new + trining point in the sequential design. + + Note + ---------- + The following utiliy functions for the **exploitation** methods are + supported: + + #### BayesOptDesign (when data is available) + - DKL (Kullback-Leibler Divergence) + - DPP (D-Posterior-percision) + - APP (A-Posterior-percision) + + #### VarBasedOptDesign -> when data is not available + - Entropy (Entropy/MMSE/active learning) + - EIGF (Expected Improvement for Global fit) + - LOOCV (Leave-one-out Cross Validation) + + #### alphabetic + - D-Opt (D-Optimality) + - A-Opt (A-Optimality) + - K-Opt (K-Optimality) + """ + + def __init__(self, Input, meta_Model_type='pce', + sampling_method='random', hdf5_file=None, + n_new_samples=1, n_max_samples=None, mod_LOO_threshold=1e-16, + tradeoff_scheme=None, n_canddidate=1, explore_method='random', + exploit_method='Space-filling', util_func='Space-filling', + n_cand_groups=4, n_replication=1, post_snapshot=False, + step_snapshot=1, max_a_post=[], adapt_verbose=False, max_func_itr=1): + + self.InputObj = Input + self.meta_Model_type = meta_Model_type + self.sampling_method = sampling_method + self.hdf5_file = hdf5_file + self.n_new_samples = n_new_samples + self.n_max_samples = n_max_samples + self.mod_LOO_threshold = mod_LOO_threshold + self.explore_method = explore_method + self.exploit_method = exploit_method + self.util_func = util_func + self.tradeoff_scheme = tradeoff_scheme + self.n_canddidate = n_canddidate + self.n_cand_groups = n_cand_groups + self.n_replication = n_replication + self.post_snapshot = post_snapshot + self.step_snapshot = step_snapshot + self.max_a_post = max_a_post + self.adapt_verbose = adapt_verbose + self.max_func_itr = max_func_itr + + # Other + self.apce = None + self.ndim = None + + # Init + self.check_valid_inputs() + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def generate_samples(self, n_samples, sampling_method='random', + transform=False): + """ + Generates samples with given sampling method + + Parameters + ---------- + n_samples : int + Number of requested samples. + sampling_method : str, optional + Sampling method. The default is `'random'`. + transform : bool, optional + Transformation via an isoprobabilistic transformation method. The + default is `False`. + + Returns + ------- + samples: array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Generated samples from defined model input object. + + """ + try: + samples = chaospy.generate_samples( + int(n_samples), domain=self.origJDist, rule=sampling_method + ) + except: + samples = self.random_sampler(int(n_samples)).T + + return samples.T + + + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def generate_ED(self, n_samples, transform=False, + max_pce_deg=None): + """ + Generates experimental designs (training set) with the given method. + + Parameters + ---------- + n_samples : int + Number of requested training points. + sampling_method : str, optional + Sampling method. The default is `'random'`. + transform : bool, optional + Isoprobabilistic transformation. The default is `False`. + max_pce_deg : int, optional + Maximum PCE polynomial degree. The default is `None`. + + Returns + ------- + None + + """ + if n_samples <0: + raise ValueError('A negative number of samples cannot be created. Please provide positive n_samples') + n_samples = int(n_samples) + + if not hasattr(self, 'n_init_samples'): + self.n_init_samples = n_samples + + # Generate the samples based on requested method + self.init_param_space(max_pce_deg) + + sampling_method = self.sampling_method + # Pass user-defined samples as ED + if sampling_method == 'user': + if not hasattr(self, 'X'): + raise AttributeError('User-defined sampling cannot proceed as no samples provided. Please add them to this class as attribute X') + if not self.X.ndim == 2: + raise AttributeError('The provided samples shuld have 2 dimensions') + samples = self.X + self.n_samples = len(samples) + + # Sample the distribution of parameters + elif self.input_data_given: + # Case II: Input values are directly given by the user. + + if sampling_method == 'random': + samples = self.random_sampler(n_samples) + + elif sampling_method == 'PCM' or \ + sampling_method == 'LSCM': + samples = self.pcm_sampler(n_samples, max_pce_deg) + + else: + # Create ExpDesign in the actual space using chaospy + try: + samples = chaospy.generate_samples(n_samples, + domain=self.JDist, + rule=sampling_method).T + except: + samples = self.JDist.resample(n_samples).T + + elif not self.input_data_given: + # Case I = User passed known distributions + samples = chaospy.generate_samples(n_samples, domain=self.JDist, + rule=sampling_method).T + + self.X = samples + + def read_from_file(self, out_names): + """ + Reads in the ExpDesign from a provided h5py file and saves the results. + + Parameters + ---------- + out_names : list of strings + The keys that are in the outputs (y) saved in the provided file. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + if self.hdf5_file == None: + raise AttributeError('ExpDesign cannot be read in, please provide hdf5 file first') + + # Read hdf5 file + f = h5py.File(self.hdf5_file, 'r+') + + # Read EDX and pass it to ExpDesign object + try: + self.X = np.array(f["EDX/New_init_"]) + except KeyError: + self.X = np.array(f["EDX/init_"]) + + # Update number of initial samples + self.n_init_samples = self.X.shape[0] + + # Read EDX and pass it to ExpDesign object + self.Y = {} + + # Extract x values + try: + self.Y["x_values"] = dict() + for varIdx, var in enumerate(out_names): + x = np.array(f[f"x_values/{var}"]) + self.Y["x_values"][var] = x + except KeyError: + self.Y["x_values"] = np.array(f["x_values"]) + + # Store the output + for varIdx, var in enumerate(out_names): + try: + y = np.array(f[f"EDY/{var}/New_init_"]) + except KeyError: + y = np.array(f[f"EDY/{var}/init_"]) + self.Y[var] = y + f.close() + print(f'Experimental Design is read in from file {self.hdf5_file}') + print('') + + + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def random_sampler(self, n_samples, max_deg = None): + """ + Samples the given raw data randomly. + + Parameters + ---------- + n_samples : int + Number of requested samples. + + max_deg : int, optional + Maximum degree. The default is `None`. + This will be used to run init_param_space, if it has not been done + until now. + + Returns + ------- + samples: array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + The sampling locations in the input space. + + """ + if not hasattr(self, 'raw_data'): + self.init_param_space(max_deg) + else: + if np.array(self.raw_data).ndim !=2: + raise AttributeError('The given raw data for sampling should have two dimensions') + samples = np.zeros((n_samples, self.ndim)) + sample_size = self.raw_data.shape[1] + + # Use a combination of raw data + if n_samples < sample_size: + for pa_idx in range(self.ndim): + # draw random indices + rand_idx = np.random.randint(0, sample_size, n_samples) + # store the raw data with given random indices + samples[:, pa_idx] = self.raw_data[pa_idx, rand_idx] + else: + try: + samples = self.JDist.resample(int(n_samples)).T + except AttributeError: + samples = self.JDist.sample(int(n_samples)).T + # Check if all samples are in the bound_tuples + for idx, param_set in enumerate(samples): + if not check_ranges(param_set, self.bound_tuples): + try: + proposed_sample = chaospy.generate_samples( + 1, domain=self.JDist, rule='random').T[0] + except: + proposed_sample = self.JDist.resample(1).T[0] + while not check_ranges(proposed_sample, + self.bound_tuples): + try: + proposed_sample = chaospy.generate_samples( + 1, domain=self.JDist, rule='random').T[0] + except: + proposed_sample = self.JDist.resample(1).T[0] + samples[idx] = proposed_sample + + return samples + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def pcm_sampler(self, n_samples, max_deg): + """ + Generates collocation points based on the root of the polynomial + degrees. + + Parameters + ---------- + n_samples : int + Number of requested samples. + max_deg : int + Maximum degree defined by user. Will also be used to run + init_param_space if that has not been done beforehand. + + Returns + ------- + opt_col_points: array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Collocation points. + + """ + + if not hasattr(self, 'raw_data'): + self.init_param_space(max_deg) + + raw_data = self.raw_data + + # Guess the closest degree to self.n_samples + def M_uptoMax(deg): + result = [] + for d in range(1, deg+1): + result.append(math.factorial(self.ndim+d) // + (math.factorial(self.ndim) * math.factorial(d))) + return np.array(result) + #print(M_uptoMax(max_deg)) + #print(np.where(M_uptoMax(max_deg) > n_samples)[0]) + + guess_Deg = np.where(M_uptoMax(max_deg) > n_samples)[0][0] + + c_points = np.zeros((guess_Deg+1, self.ndim)) + + def PolynomialPa(parIdx): + return apoly_construction(self.raw_data[parIdx], max_deg) + + for i in range(self.ndim): + poly_coeffs = PolynomialPa(i)[guess_Deg+1][::-1] + c_points[:, i] = np.trim_zeros(np.roots(poly_coeffs)) + + # Construction of optimal integration points + Prod = itertools.product(np.arange(1, guess_Deg+2), repeat=self.ndim) + sort_dig_unique_combos = np.array(list(filter(lambda x: x, Prod))) + + # Ranking relatively mean + Temp = np.empty(shape=[0, guess_Deg+1]) + for j in range(self.ndim): + s = abs(c_points[:, j]-np.mean(raw_data[j])) + Temp = np.append(Temp, [s], axis=0) + temp = Temp.T + + index_CP = np.sort(temp, axis=0) + sort_cpoints = np.empty((0, guess_Deg+1)) + + for j in range(self.ndim): + #print(index_CP[:, j]) + sort_cp = c_points[index_CP[:, j], j] + sort_cpoints = np.vstack((sort_cpoints, sort_cp)) + + # Mapping of Combination to Cpoint Combination + sort_unique_combos = np.empty(shape=[0, self.ndim]) + for i in range(len(sort_dig_unique_combos)): + sort_un_comb = [] + for j in range(self.ndim): + SortUC = sort_cpoints[j, sort_dig_unique_combos[i, j]-1] + sort_un_comb.append(SortUC) + sort_uni_comb = np.asarray(sort_un_comb) + sort_unique_combos = np.vstack((sort_unique_combos, sort_uni_comb)) + + # Output the collocation points + if self.sampling_method.lower() == 'lscm': + opt_col_points = sort_unique_combos + else: + opt_col_points = sort_unique_combos[0:self.n_samples] + + return opt_col_points diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/exploration.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/exploration.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6abb652f145fadb410ecf8f987142e8ceb544a41 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/exploration.py @@ -0,0 +1,367 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Exploration for sequential training of metamodels +""" + +import numpy as np +from scipy.spatial import distance + + +class Exploration: + """ + Created based on the Surrogate Modeling Toolbox (SUMO) [1]. + + [1] Gorissen, D., Couckuyt, I., Demeester, P., Dhaene, T. and Crombecq, K., + 2010. A surrogate modeling and adaptive sampling toolbox for computer + based design. Journal of machine learning research.-Cambridge, Mass., + 11, pp.2051-2055. sumo@sumo.intec.ugent.be - http://sumo.intec.ugent.be + + Attributes + ---------- + ExpDesign : obj + ExpDesign object. + n_candidate : int + Number of candidate samples. + mc_criterion : str + Selection crieterion. The default is `'mc-intersite-proj-th'`. Another + option is `'mc-intersite-proj'`. + w : int + Number of random points in the domain for each sample of the + training set. + """ + + def __init__(self, ExpDesign, n_candidate, + mc_criterion='mc-intersite-proj-th'): + self.ExpDesign = ExpDesign + self.n_candidate = n_candidate + self.mc_criterion = mc_criterion + self.w = 100 + + def get_exploration_samples(self): + """ + This function generates candidates to be selected as new design and + their associated exploration scores. + + Returns + ------- + all_candidates : array of shape (n_candidate, n_params) + A list of samples. + exploration_scores: arrays of shape (n_candidate) + Exploration scores. + """ + explore_method = self.ExpDesign.explore_method + + print("\n") + print(f' The {explore_method}-Method is selected as the exploration ' + 'method.') + print("\n") + + if explore_method == 'Voronoi': + # Generate samples using the Voronoi method + all_candidates, exploration_scores = self.get_vornoi_samples() + else: + # Generate samples using the MC method + all_candidates, exploration_scores = self.get_mc_samples() + + return all_candidates, exploration_scores + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def get_vornoi_samples(self): + """ + This function generates samples based on voronoi cells and their + corresponding scores + + Returns + ------- + new_samples : array of shape (n_candidate, n_params) + A list of samples. + exploration_scores: arrays of shape (n_candidate) + Exploration scores. + """ + + mc_criterion = self.mc_criterion + n_candidate = self.n_candidate + # Get the Old ExpDesign #samples + old_ED_X = self.ExpDesign.X + ndim = old_ED_X.shape[1] + + # calculate error #averageErrors + error_voronoi, all_candidates = self.approximate_voronoi( + self.w, old_ED_X + ) + + # Pick the best candidate point in the voronoi cell + # for each best sample + selected_samples = np.empty((0, ndim)) + bad_samples = [] + + for index in range(len(error_voronoi)): + + # get candidate new samples from voronoi tesselation + candidates = self.closest_points[index] + + # get total number of candidates + n_new_samples = candidates.shape[0] + + # still no candidate samples around this one, skip it! + if n_new_samples == 0: + print('The following sample has been skipped because there ' + 'were no candidate samples around it...') + print(old_ED_X[index]) + bad_samples.append(index) + continue + + # find candidate that is farthest away from any existing sample + max_min_distance = 0 + best_candidate = 0 + min_intersite_dist = np.zeros((n_new_samples)) + min_projected_dist = np.zeros((n_new_samples)) + + for j in range(n_new_samples): + + new_samples = np.vstack((old_ED_X, selected_samples)) + + # find min distorted distance from all other samples + euclidean_dist = self._build_dist_matrix_point( + new_samples, candidates[j], do_sqrt=True) + min_euclidean_dist = np.min(euclidean_dist) + min_intersite_dist[j] = min_euclidean_dist + + # Check if this is the maximum minimum distance from all other + # samples + if min_euclidean_dist >= max_min_distance: + max_min_distance = min_euclidean_dist + best_candidate = j + + # Projected distance + projected_dist = distance.cdist( + new_samples, [candidates[j]], 'chebyshev') + min_projected_dist[j] = np.min(projected_dist) + + if mc_criterion == 'mc-intersite-proj': + weight_euclidean_dist = 0.5 * ((n_new_samples+1)**(1/ndim) - 1) + weight_projected_dist = 0.5 * (n_new_samples+1) + total_dist_scores = weight_euclidean_dist * min_intersite_dist + total_dist_scores += weight_projected_dist * min_projected_dist + + elif mc_criterion == 'mc-intersite-proj-th': + alpha = 0.5 # chosen (tradeoff) + d_min = 2 * alpha / n_new_samples + if any(min_projected_dist < d_min): + candidates = np.delete( + candidates, [min_projected_dist < d_min], axis=0 + ) + total_dist_scores = np.delete( + min_intersite_dist, [min_projected_dist < d_min], + axis=0 + ) + else: + total_dist_scores = min_intersite_dist + else: + raise NameError( + 'The MC-Criterion you requested is not available.' + ) + + # Add the best candidate to the list of new samples + best_candidate = np.argsort(total_dist_scores)[::-1][:n_candidate] + selected_samples = np.vstack( + (selected_samples, candidates[best_candidate]) + ) + + self.new_samples = selected_samples + self.exploration_scores = np.delete(error_voronoi, bad_samples, axis=0) + + return self.new_samples, self.exploration_scores + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def get_mc_samples(self, all_candidates=None): + """ + This function generates random samples based on Global Monte Carlo + methods and their corresponding scores, based on [1]. + + [1] Crombecq, K., Laermans, E. and Dhaene, T., 2011. Efficient + space-filling and non-collapsing sequential design strategies for + simulation-based modeling. European Journal of Operational Research + , 214(3), pp.683-696. + DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2011.05.032 + + Implemented methods to compute scores: + 1) mc-intersite-proj + 2) mc-intersite-proj-th + + Arguments + --------- + all_candidates : array, optional + Samples to compute the scores for. The default is `None`. In this + case, samples will be generated by defined model input marginals. + + Returns + ------- + new_samples : array of shape (n_candidate, n_params) + A list of samples. + exploration_scores: arrays of shape (n_candidate) + Exploration scores. + """ + explore_method = self.ExpDesign.explore_method + mc_criterion = self.mc_criterion + if all_candidates is None: + n_candidate = self.n_candidate + else: + n_candidate = all_candidates.shape[0] + + # Get the Old ExpDesign #samples + old_ED_X = self.ExpDesign.X + ndim = old_ED_X.shape[1] + + # ----- Compute the number of random points ----- + if all_candidates is None: + # Generate MC Samples + all_candidates = self.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + self.n_candidate, explore_method + ) + self.all_candidates = all_candidates + + # initialization + min_intersite_dist = np.zeros((n_candidate)) + min_projected_dist = np.zeros((n_candidate)) + + for i, candidate in enumerate(all_candidates): + + # find candidate that is farthest away from any existing sample + maxMinDistance = 0 + + # find min distorted distance from all other samples + euclidean_dist = self._build_dist_matrix_point( + old_ED_X, candidate, do_sqrt=True + ) + min_euclidean_dist = np.min(euclidean_dist) + min_intersite_dist[i] = min_euclidean_dist + + # Check if this is the maximum minimum distance from all other + # samples + if min_euclidean_dist >= maxMinDistance: + maxMinDistance = min_euclidean_dist + + # Projected distance + projected_dist = self._build_dist_matrix_point( + old_ED_X, candidate, 'chebyshev' + ) + min_projected_dist[i] = np.min(projected_dist) + + if mc_criterion == 'mc-intersite-proj': + weight_euclidean_dist = ((n_candidate+1)**(1/ndim) - 1) * 0.5 + weight_projected_dist = (n_candidate+1) * 0.5 + total_dist_scores = weight_euclidean_dist * min_intersite_dist + total_dist_scores += weight_projected_dist * min_projected_dist + + elif mc_criterion == 'mc-intersite-proj-th': + alpha = 0.5 # chosen (tradeoff) + d_min = 2 * alpha / n_candidate + if any(min_projected_dist < d_min): + all_candidates = np.delete( + all_candidates, [min_projected_dist < d_min], axis=0 + ) + total_dist_scores = np.delete( + min_intersite_dist, [min_projected_dist < d_min], axis=0 + ) + else: + total_dist_scores = min_intersite_dist + else: + raise NameError('The MC-Criterion you requested is not available.') + + self.new_samples = all_candidates + self.exploration_scores = total_dist_scores + self.exploration_scores /= np.nansum(total_dist_scores) + + return self.new_samples, self.exploration_scores + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def approximate_voronoi(self, w, samples): + """ + An approximate (monte carlo) version of Matlab's voronoi command. + + Arguments + --------- + samples : array + Old experimental design to be used as center points for voronoi + cells. + + Returns + ------- + areas : array + An approximation of the voronoi cells' areas. + all_candidates: list of arrays + A list of samples in each voronoi cell. + """ + n_samples = samples.shape[0] + ndim = samples.shape[1] + + # Compute the number of random points + n_points = w * samples.shape[0] + # Generate w random points in the domain for each sample + points = self.ExpDesign.generate_samples(n_points, 'random') + self.all_candidates = points + + # Calculate the nearest sample to each point + self.areas = np.zeros((n_samples)) + self.closest_points = [np.empty((0, ndim)) for i in range(n_samples)] + + # Compute the minimum distance from all the samples of old_ED_X for + # each test point + for idx in range(n_points): + # calculate the minimum distance + distances = self._build_dist_matrix_point( + samples, points[idx], do_sqrt=True + ) + closest_sample = np.argmin(distances) + + # Add to the voronoi list of the closest sample + self.areas[closest_sample] = self.areas[closest_sample] + 1 + prev_closest_points = self.closest_points[closest_sample] + self.closest_points[closest_sample] = np.vstack( + (prev_closest_points, points[idx]) + ) + + # Divide by the amount of points to get the estimated volume of each + # voronoi cell + self.areas /= n_points + + self.perc = np.max(self.areas * 100) + + self.errors = self.areas + + return self.areas, self.all_candidates + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _build_dist_matrix_point(self, samples, point, method='euclidean', + do_sqrt=False): + """ + Calculates the intersite distance of all points in samples from point. + + Parameters + ---------- + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + The old experimental design. + point : array + A candidate point. + method : str + Distance method. + do_sqrt : bool, optional + Whether to return distances or squared distances. The default is + `False`. + + Returns + ------- + distances : array + Distances. + + """ + distances = distance.cdist(samples, np.array([point]), method) + + # do square root? + if do_sqrt: + return distances + else: + return distances**2 + diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/glexindex.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/glexindex.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..90877331ec121750e7f81e32a4b69edbc9a110ba --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/glexindex.py @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Multi indices for monomial exponents. +Credit: Jonathan Feinberg +https://github.com/jonathf/numpoly/blob/master/numpoly/utils/glexindex.py +""" + +import numpy +import numpy.typing + + +def glexindex(start, stop=None, dimensions=1, cross_truncation=1., + graded=False, reverse=False): + """ + Generate graded lexicographical multi-indices for the monomial exponents. + Args: + start (Union[int, numpy.ndarray]): + The lower order of the indices. If array of int, counts as lower + bound for each axis. + stop (Union[int, numpy.ndarray, None]): + The maximum shape included. If omitted: stop <- start; start <- 0 + If int is provided, set as largest total order. If array of int, + set as upper bound for each axis. + dimensions (int): + The number of dimensions in the expansion. + cross_truncation (float, Tuple[float, float]): + Use hyperbolic cross truncation scheme to reduce the number of + terms in expansion. If two values are provided, first is low bound + truncation, while the latter upper bound. If only one value, upper + bound is assumed. + graded (bool): + Graded sorting, meaning the indices are always sorted by the index + sum. E.g. ``(2, 2, 2)`` has a sum of 6, and will therefore be + consider larger than both ``(3, 1, 1)`` and ``(1, 1, 3)``. + reverse (bool): + Reversed lexicographical sorting meaning that ``(1, 3)`` is + considered smaller than ``(3, 1)``, instead of the opposite. + Returns: + list: + Order list of indices. + Examples: + >>> numpoly.glexindex(4).tolist() + [[0], [1], [2], [3]] + >>> numpoly.glexindex(2, dimensions=2).tolist() + [[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]] + >>> numpoly.glexindex(start=2, stop=3, dimensions=2).tolist() + [[2, 0], [1, 1], [0, 2]] + >>> numpoly.glexindex([1, 2, 3]).tolist() + [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2]] + >>> numpoly.glexindex([1, 2, 3], cross_truncation=numpy.inf).tolist() + [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 2], [0, 1, 2]] + """ + if stop is None: + start, stop = 0, start + start = numpy.array(start, dtype=int).flatten() + stop = numpy.array(stop, dtype=int).flatten() + start, stop, _ = numpy.broadcast_arrays(start, stop, numpy.empty(dimensions)) + + cross_truncation = cross_truncation*numpy.ones(2) + + # Moved here from _glexindex + bound = stop.max() + dimensions = len(start) + start = numpy.clip(start, a_min=0, a_max=None) + dtype = numpy.uint8 if bound < 256 else numpy.uint16 + range_ = numpy.arange(bound, dtype=dtype) + indices = range_[:, numpy.newaxis] + + for idx in range(dimensions-1): + + # Truncate at each step to keep memory usage low + if idx: + indices = indices[cross_truncate(indices, bound-1, cross_truncation[1])] + + # Repeats the current set of indices. + # e.g. [0,1,2] -> [0,1,2,0,1,2,...,0,1,2] + indices = numpy.tile(indices, (bound, 1)) + + # Stretches ranges over the new dimension. + # e.g. [0,1,2] -> [0,0,...,0,1,1,...,1,2,2,...,2] + front = range_.repeat(len(indices)//bound)[:, numpy.newaxis] + + # Puts them two together. + indices = numpy.column_stack((front, indices)) + + # Complete the truncation scheme + if dimensions == 1: + indices = indices[(indices >= start) & (indices < bound)] + else: + lower = cross_truncate(indices, start-1, cross_truncation[0]) + upper = cross_truncate(indices, stop-1, cross_truncation[1]) + indices = indices[lower ^ upper] + + indices = numpy.array(indices, dtype=int).reshape(-1, dimensions) + if indices.size: + # moved here from glexsort + keys = indices.T + keys_ = numpy.atleast_2d(keys) + if reverse: + keys_ = keys_[::-1] + + indices_sort = numpy.array(numpy.lexsort(keys_)) + if graded: + indices_sort = indices_sort[numpy.argsort( + numpy.sum(keys_[:, indices_sort], axis=0))].T + + indices = indices[indices_sort] + return indices + +def cross_truncate(indices, bound, norm): + r""" + Truncate of indices using L_p norm. + .. math: + L_p(x) = \sum_i |x_i/b_i|^p ^{1/p} \leq 1 + where :math:`b_i` are bounds that each :math:`x_i` should follow. + Args: + indices (Sequence[int]): + Indices to be truncated. + bound (int, Sequence[int]): + The bound function for witch the indices can not be larger than. + norm (float, Sequence[float]): + The `p` in the `L_p`-norm. Support includes both `L_0` and `L_inf`. + Returns: + Boolean indices to ``indices`` with True for each index where the + truncation criteria holds. + Examples: + >>> indices = numpy.array(numpy.mgrid[:10, :10]).reshape(2, -1).T + >>> indices[cross_truncate(indices, 2, norm=0)].T + array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 2], + [0, 1, 2, 0, 0]]) + >>> indices[cross_truncate(indices, 2, norm=1)].T + array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2], + [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0]]) + >>> indices[cross_truncate(indices, [0, 1], norm=1)].T + array([[0, 0], + [0, 1]]) + """ + assert norm >= 0, "negative L_p norm not allowed" + bound = numpy.asfarray(bound).flatten()*numpy.ones(indices.shape[1]) + + if numpy.any(bound < 0): + return numpy.zeros((len(indices),), dtype=bool) + + if numpy.any(bound == 0): + out = numpy.all(indices[:, bound == 0] == 0, axis=-1) + if numpy.any(bound): + out &= cross_truncate(indices[:, bound != 0], bound[bound != 0], norm=norm) + return out + + if norm == 0: + out = numpy.sum(indices > 0, axis=-1) <= 1 + out[numpy.any(indices > bound, axis=-1)] = False + elif norm == numpy.inf: + out = numpy.max(indices/bound, axis=-1) <= 1 + else: + out = numpy.sum((indices/bound)**norm, axis=-1)**(1./norm) <= 1 + + assert numpy.all(out[numpy.all(indices == 0, axis=-1)]) + + return out diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/input_space.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/input_space.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4e010d66f2933ec243bad756d8f2c5454808d802 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/input_space.py @@ -0,0 +1,398 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Input space built from set prior distributions +""" + +import numpy as np +import chaospy +import scipy.stats as st + + +class InputSpace: + """ + This class generates the input space for the metamodel from the + distributions provided using the `Input` object. + + Attributes + ---------- + Input : obj + Input object containing the parameter marginals, i.e. name, + distribution type and distribution parameters or available raw data. + meta_Model_type : str + Type of the meta_Model_type. + + """ + + def __init__(self, Input, meta_Model_type='pce'): + self.InputObj = Input + self.meta_Model_type = meta_Model_type + + # Other + self.apce = None + self.ndim = None + + # Init + self.check_valid_inputs() + + + def check_valid_inputs(self)-> None: + """ + Check if the given InputObj is valid to use for further calculations: + Has some Marginals + Marginals have valid priors + All Marginals given as the same type (samples vs dist) + + Returns + ------- + None + + """ + Inputs = self.InputObj + self.ndim = len(Inputs.Marginals) + + # Check if PCE or aPCE metamodel is selected. + # TODO: test also for 'pce'?? + if self.meta_Model_type.lower() == 'apce': + self.apce = True + else: + self.apce = False + + # check if marginals given + if not self.ndim >=1: + raise AssertionError('Cannot build distributions if no marginals are given') + + # check that each marginal is valid + for marginals in Inputs.Marginals: + if len(marginals.input_data) == 0: + if marginals.dist_type == None: + raise AssertionError('Not all marginals were provided priors') + break + if np.array(marginals.input_data).shape[0] and (marginals.dist_type != None): + raise AssertionError('Both samples and distribution type are given. Please choose only one.') + break + + # Check if input is given as dist or input_data. + self.input_data_given = -1 + for marg in Inputs.Marginals: + #print(self.input_data_given) + size = np.array(marg.input_data).shape[0] + #print(f'Size: {size}') + if size and abs(self.input_data_given) !=1: + self.input_data_given = 2 + break + if (not size) and self.input_data_given > 0: + self.input_data_given = 2 + break + if not size: + self.input_data_given = 0 + if size: + self.input_data_given = 1 + + if self.input_data_given == 2: + raise AssertionError('Distributions cannot be built as the priors have different types') + + + # Get the bounds if input_data are directly defined by user: + if self.input_data_given: + for i in range(self.ndim): + low_bound = np.min(Inputs.Marginals[i].input_data) + up_bound = np.max(Inputs.Marginals[i].input_data) + Inputs.Marginals[i].parameters = [low_bound, up_bound] + + + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def init_param_space(self, max_deg=None): + """ + Initializes parameter space. + + Parameters + ---------- + max_deg : int, optional + Maximum degree. The default is `None`. + + Creates + ------- + raw_data : array of shape (n_params, n_samples) + Raw data. + bound_tuples : list of tuples + A list containing lower and upper bounds of parameters. + + """ + # Recheck all before running! + self.check_valid_inputs() + + Inputs = self.InputObj + ndim = self.ndim + rosenblatt_flag = Inputs.Rosenblatt + mc_size = 50000 + + # Save parameter names + self.par_names = [] + for parIdx in range(ndim): + self.par_names.append(Inputs.Marginals[parIdx].name) + + # Create a multivariate probability distribution + # TODO: change this to make max_deg obligatory? at least in some specific cases? + if max_deg is not None: + JDist, poly_types = self.build_polytypes(rosenblatt=rosenblatt_flag) + self.JDist, self.poly_types = JDist, poly_types + + if self.input_data_given: + self.MCSize = len(Inputs.Marginals[0].input_data) + self.raw_data = np.zeros((ndim, self.MCSize)) + + for parIdx in range(ndim): + # Save parameter names + try: + self.raw_data[parIdx] = np.array( + Inputs.Marginals[parIdx].input_data) + except: + self.raw_data[parIdx] = self.JDist[parIdx].sample(mc_size) + + else: + # Generate random samples based on parameter distributions + self.raw_data = chaospy.generate_samples(mc_size, + domain=self.JDist) + + # Extract moments + for parIdx in range(ndim): + mu = np.mean(self.raw_data[parIdx]) + std = np.std(self.raw_data[parIdx]) + self.InputObj.Marginals[parIdx].moments = [mu, std] + + # Generate the bounds based on given inputs for marginals + bound_tuples = [] + for i in range(ndim): + if Inputs.Marginals[i].dist_type == 'unif': + low_bound = Inputs.Marginals[i].parameters[0] + up_bound = Inputs.Marginals[i].parameters[1] + else: + low_bound = np.min(self.raw_data[i]) + up_bound = np.max(self.raw_data[i]) + + bound_tuples.append((low_bound, up_bound)) + + self.bound_tuples = tuple(bound_tuples) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def build_polytypes(self, rosenblatt): + """ + Creates the polynomial types to be passed to univ_basis_vals method of + the MetaModel object. + + Parameters + ---------- + rosenblatt : bool + Rosenblatt transformation flag. + + Returns + ------- + orig_space_dist : object + A chaospy JDist object or a gaussian_kde object. + poly_types : list + List of polynomial types for the parameters. + + """ + Inputs = self.InputObj + + all_data = [] + all_dist_types = [] + orig_joints = [] + poly_types = [] + + for parIdx in range(self.ndim): + + if Inputs.Marginals[parIdx].dist_type is None: + data = Inputs.Marginals[parIdx].input_data + all_data.append(data) + dist_type = None + else: + dist_type = Inputs.Marginals[parIdx].dist_type + params = Inputs.Marginals[parIdx].parameters + + if rosenblatt: + polytype = 'hermite' + dist = chaospy.Normal() + + elif dist_type is None: + polytype = 'arbitrary' + dist = None + + elif 'unif' in dist_type.lower(): + polytype = 'legendre' + if not np.array(params).shape[0]>=2: + raise AssertionError('Distribution has too few parameters!') + dist = chaospy.Uniform(lower=params[0], upper=params[1]) + + elif 'norm' in dist_type.lower() and \ + 'log' not in dist_type.lower(): + if not np.array(params).shape[0]>=2: + raise AssertionError('Distribution has too few parameters!') + polytype = 'hermite' + dist = chaospy.Normal(mu=params[0], sigma=params[1]) + + elif 'gamma' in dist_type.lower(): + polytype = 'laguerre' + if not np.array(params).shape[0]>=3: + raise AssertionError('Distribution has too few parameters!') + dist = chaospy.Gamma(shape=params[0], + scale=params[1], + shift=params[2]) + + elif 'beta' in dist_type.lower(): + if not np.array(params).shape[0]>=4: + raise AssertionError('Distribution has too few parameters!') + polytype = 'jacobi' + dist = chaospy.Beta(alpha=params[0], beta=params[1], + lower=params[2], upper=params[3]) + + elif 'lognorm' in dist_type.lower(): + polytype = 'hermite' + if not np.array(params).shape[0]>=2: + raise AssertionError('Distribution has too few parameters!') + mu = np.log(params[0]**2/np.sqrt(params[0]**2 + params[1]**2)) + sigma = np.sqrt(np.log(1 + params[1]**2 / params[0]**2)) + dist = chaospy.LogNormal(mu, sigma) + # dist = chaospy.LogNormal(mu=params[0], sigma=params[1]) + + elif 'expon' in dist_type.lower(): + polytype = 'exponential' + if not np.array(params).shape[0]>=2: + raise AssertionError('Distribution has too few parameters!') + dist = chaospy.Exponential(scale=params[0], shift=params[1]) + + elif 'weibull' in dist_type.lower(): + polytype = 'weibull' + if not np.array(params).shape[0]>=3: + raise AssertionError('Distribution has too few parameters!') + dist = chaospy.Weibull(shape=params[0], scale=params[1], + shift=params[2]) + + else: + message = (f"DistType {dist_type} for parameter" + f"{parIdx+1} is not available.") + raise ValueError(message) + + if self.input_data_given or self.apce: + polytype = 'arbitrary' + + # Store dists and poly_types + orig_joints.append(dist) + poly_types.append(polytype) + all_dist_types.append(dist_type) + + # Prepare final output to return + if None in all_dist_types: + # Naive approach: Fit a gaussian kernel to the provided data + Data = np.asarray(all_data) + try: + orig_space_dist = st.gaussian_kde(Data) + except: + raise ValueError('The samples provided to the Marginals should be 1D only') + self.prior_space = orig_space_dist + else: + orig_space_dist = chaospy.J(*orig_joints) + try: + self.prior_space = st.gaussian_kde(orig_space_dist.sample(10000)) + except: + raise ValueError('Parameter values are not valid, please set differently') + + return orig_space_dist, poly_types + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def transform(self, X, params=None, method=None): + """ + Transforms the samples via either a Rosenblatt or an isoprobabilistic + transformation. + + Parameters + ---------- + X : array of shape (n_samples,n_params) + Samples to be transformed. + method : string + If transformation method is 'user' transform X, else just pass X. + + Returns + ------- + tr_X: array of shape (n_samples,n_params) + Transformed samples. + + """ + # Check for built JDist + if not hasattr(self, 'JDist'): + raise AttributeError('Call function init_param_space first to create JDist') + + # Check if X is 2d + if X.ndim != 2: + raise AttributeError('X should have two dimensions') + + # Check if size of X matches Marginals + if X.shape[1]!= self.ndim: + raise AttributeError('The second dimension of X should be the same size as the number of marginals in the InputObj') + + if self.InputObj.Rosenblatt: + self.origJDist, _ = self.build_polytypes(False) + if method == 'user': + tr_X = self.JDist.inv(self.origJDist.fwd(X.T)).T + else: + # Inverse to original spcace -- generate sample ED + tr_X = self.origJDist.inv(self.JDist.fwd(X.T)).T + else: + # Transform samples via an isoprobabilistic transformation + n_samples, n_params = X.shape + Inputs = self.InputObj + origJDist = self.JDist + poly_types = self.poly_types + + disttypes = [] + for par_i in range(n_params): + disttypes.append(Inputs.Marginals[par_i].dist_type) + + # Pass non-transformed X, if arbitrary PCE is selected. + if None in disttypes or self.input_data_given or self.apce: + return X + + cdfx = np.zeros((X.shape)) + tr_X = np.zeros((X.shape)) + + for par_i in range(n_params): + + # Extract the parameters of the original space + disttype = disttypes[par_i] + if disttype is not None: + dist = origJDist[par_i] + else: + dist = None + polytype = poly_types[par_i] + cdf = np.vectorize(lambda x: dist.cdf(x)) + + # Extract the parameters of the transformation space based on + # polyType + if polytype == 'legendre' or disttype == 'uniform': + # Generate Y_Dists based + params_Y = [-1, 1] + dist_Y = st.uniform(loc=params_Y[0], + scale=params_Y[1]-params_Y[0]) + inv_cdf = np.vectorize(lambda x: dist_Y.ppf(x)) + + elif polytype == 'hermite' or disttype == 'norm': + params_Y = [0, 1] + dist_Y = st.norm(loc=params_Y[0], scale=params_Y[1]) + inv_cdf = np.vectorize(lambda x: dist_Y.ppf(x)) + + elif polytype == 'laguerre' or disttype == 'gamma': + if params == None: + raise AttributeError('Additional parameters have to be set for the gamma distribution!') + params_Y = [1, params[1]] + dist_Y = st.gamma(loc=params_Y[0], scale=params_Y[1]) + inv_cdf = np.vectorize(lambda x: dist_Y.ppf(x)) + + # Compute CDF_x(X) + cdfx[:, par_i] = cdf(X[:, par_i]) + + # Compute invCDF_y(cdfx) + tr_X[:, par_i] = inv_cdf(cdfx[:, par_i]) + + return tr_X diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/inputs.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/inputs.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..094e1066fe008e37288e44750524c5a1370bd7a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/inputs.py @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Inputs and related marginal distributions +""" + +class Input: + """ + A class to define the uncertain input parameters. + + Attributes + ---------- + Marginals : obj + Marginal objects. See `inputs.Marginal`. + Rosenblatt : bool + If Rossenblatt transformation is required for the dependent input + parameters. + + Examples + ------- + Marginals can be defined as following: + + >>> Inputs.add_marginals() + >>> Inputs.Marginals[0].name = 'X_1' + >>> Inputs.Marginals[0].dist_type = 'uniform' + >>> Inputs.Marginals[0].parameters = [-5, 5] + + If there is no common data is avaliable, the input data can be given + as following: + + >>> Inputs.add_marginals() + >>> Inputs.Marginals[0].name = 'X_1' + >>> Inputs.Marginals[0].input_data = input_data + """ + poly_coeffs_flag = True + + def __init__(self): + self.Marginals = [] + self.Rosenblatt = False + + def add_marginals(self): + """ + Adds a new Marginal object to the input object. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + self.Marginals.append(Marginal()) + + +# Nested class +class Marginal: + """ + An object containing the specifications of the marginals for each uncertain + parameter. + + Attributes + ---------- + name : string + Name of the parameter. The default is `'$x_1$'`. + dist_type : string + Name of the distribution. The default is `None`. + parameters : list + List of the parameters corresponding to the distribution type. The + default is `None`. + input_data : array + Available input data. The default is `[]`. + moments : list + List of the moments. + """ + + def __init__(self): + self.name = '$x_1$' + self.dist_type = None + self.parameters = None + self.input_data = [] + self.moments = None diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/orthogonal_matching_pursuit.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/orthogonal_matching_pursuit.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..96ef9c1d50b10b587ad0846d41733fc7f1cedfe8 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/orthogonal_matching_pursuit.py @@ -0,0 +1,366 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Created on Fri Jul 15 14:08:59 2022 + +@author: farid +""" +import numpy as np +from sklearn.base import RegressorMixin +from sklearn.linear_model._base import LinearModel +from sklearn.utils import check_X_y + + +def corr(x, y): + return abs(x.dot(y))/np.sqrt((x**2).sum()) + + +class OrthogonalMatchingPursuit(LinearModel, RegressorMixin): + ''' + Regression with Orthogonal Matching Pursuit [1]. + + Parameters + ---------- + fit_intercept : boolean, optional (DEFAULT = True) + whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set + to false, no intercept will be used in calculations + (e.g. data is expected to be already centered). + + copy_X : boolean, optional (DEFAULT = True) + If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. + + verbose : boolean, optional (DEFAULT = FALSE) + Verbose mode when fitting the model + + Attributes + ---------- + coef_ : array, shape = (n_features) + Coefficients of the regression model (mean of posterior distribution) + + active_ : array, dtype = np.bool, shape = (n_features) + True for non-zero coefficients, False otherwise + + References + ---------- + [1] Pati, Y., Rezaiifar, R., Krishnaprasad, P. (1993). Orthogonal matching + pursuit: recursive function approximation with application to wavelet + decomposition. Proceedings of 27th Asilomar Conference on Signals, + Systems and Computers, 40-44. + ''' + + def __init__(self, fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, copy_X=True, + verbose=False): + self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept + self.normalize = normalize + self.copy_X = copy_X + self.verbose = verbose + + def _preprocess_data(self, X, y): + """Center and scale data. + Centers data to have mean zero along axis 0. If fit_intercept=False or + if the X is a sparse matrix, no centering is done, but normalization + can still be applied. The function returns the statistics necessary to + reconstruct the input data, which are X_offset, y_offset, X_scale, such + that the output + X = (X - X_offset) / X_scale + X_scale is the L2 norm of X - X_offset. + """ + + if self.copy_X: + X = X.copy(order='K') + + y = np.asarray(y, dtype=X.dtype) + + if self.fit_intercept: + X_offset = np.average(X, axis=0) + X -= X_offset + if self.normalize: + X_scale = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + std = np.sqrt(np.sum(X**2, axis=0)/(len(X)-1)) + X_scale[std != 0] = std[std != 0] + X /= X_scale + else: + X_scale = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + y_offset = np.mean(y) + y = y - y_offset + else: + X_offset = np.zeros(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + X_scale = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + if y.ndim == 1: + y_offset = X.dtype.type(0) + else: + y_offset = np.zeros(y.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + + return X, y, X_offset, y_offset, X_scale + + def fit(self, X, y): + ''' + Fits Regression with Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Algorithm. + + Parameters + ----------- + X: {array-like, sparse matrix} of size (n_samples, n_features) + Training data, matrix of explanatory variables + + y: array-like of size [n_samples, n_features] + Target values + + Returns + ------- + self : object + Returns self. + ''' + X, y = check_X_y(X, y, dtype=np.float64, y_numeric=True) + n_samples, n_features = X.shape + + X, y, X_mean, y_mean, X_std = self._preprocess_data(X, y) + self._x_mean_ = X_mean + self._y_mean = y_mean + self._x_std = X_std + + # Normalize columns of Psi, so that each column has norm = 1 + norm_X = np.linalg.norm(X, axis=0) + X_norm = X/norm_X + + # Initialize residual vector to full model response and normalize + R = y + norm_y = np.sqrt(np.dot(y, y)) + r = y/norm_y + + # Check for constant regressors + const_indices = np.where(~np.diff(X, axis=0).any(axis=0))[0] + bool_const = not const_indices + + # Start regression using OPM algorithm + precision = 0 # Set precision criterion to precision of program + early_stop = True + cond_early = True # Initialize condition for early stop + ind = [] + iindx = [] # index of selected columns + indtot = np.arange(n_features) # Full index set for remaining columns + kmax = min(n_samples, n_features) # Maximum number of iterations + LOO = np.PINF * np.ones(kmax) # Store LOO error at each iteration + LOOmin = np.PINF # Initialize minimum value of LOO + coeff = np.zeros((n_features, kmax)) + count = 0 + k = 0.1 # Percentage of iteration history for early stop + + # Begin iteration over regressors set (Matrix X) + while (np.linalg.norm(R) > precision) and (count <= kmax-1) and \ + ((cond_early or early_stop) ^ ~cond_early): + + # Update index set of columns yet to select + if count != 0: + indtot = np.delete(indtot, iindx) + + # Find column of X that is most correlated with residual + h = abs(np.dot(r, X_norm)) + iindx = np.argmax(h[indtot]) + indx = indtot[iindx] + + # initialize with the constant regressor, if it exists in the basis + if (count == 0) and bool_const: + # overwrite values for iindx and indx + iindx = const_indices[0] + indx = indtot[iindx] + + # Invert the information matrix at the first iteration, later only + # update its value on the basis of the previously inverted one, + if count == 0: + M = 1 / np.dot(X[:, indx], X[:, indx]) + else: + x = np.dot(X[:, ind].T, X[:, indx]) + r = np.dot(X[:, indx], X[:, indx]) + M = self.blockwise_inverse(M, x, x.T, r) + + # Add newly found index to the selected indexes set + ind.append(indx) + + # Select regressors subset (Projection subspace) + Xpro = X[:, ind] + + # Obtain coefficient by performing OLS + TT = np.dot(y, Xpro) + beta = np.dot(M, TT) + coeff[ind, count] = beta + + # Compute LOO error + LOO[count] = self.loo_error(Xpro, M, y, beta) + + # Compute new residual due to new projection + R = y - np.dot(Xpro, beta) + + # Normalize residual + norm_R = np.sqrt(np.dot(R, R)) + r = R / norm_R + + # Update counters and early-stop criterions + countinf = max(0, int(count-k*kmax)) + LOOmin = min(LOOmin, LOO[count]) + + if count == 0: + cond_early = (LOO[0] <= LOOmin) + else: + cond_early = (min(LOO[countinf:count+1]) <= LOOmin) + + if self.verbose: + print(f'Iteration: {count+1}, mod. LOOCV error : ' + f'{LOO[count]:.2e}') + + # Update counter + count += 1 + + # Select projection with smallest cross-validation error + countmin = np.argmin(LOO[:-1]) + self.coef_ = coeff[:, countmin] + self.active = coeff[:, countmin] != 0.0 + + # set intercept_ + if self.fit_intercept: + self.coef_ = self.coef_ / X_std + self.intercept_ = y_mean - np.dot(X_mean, self.coef_.T) + else: + self.intercept_ = 0. + + return self + + def predict(self, X): + ''' + Computes predictive distribution for test set. + + Parameters + ----------- + X: {array-like, sparse} (n_samples_test, n_features) + Test data, matrix of explanatory variables + + Returns + ------- + y_hat: numpy array of size (n_samples_test,) + Estimated values of targets on test set (i.e. mean of + predictive distribution) + ''' + + y_hat = np.dot(X, self.coef_) + self.intercept_ + + return y_hat + + def loo_error(self, psi, inv_inf_matrix, y, coeffs): + """ + Calculates the corrected LOO error for regression on regressor + matrix `psi` that generated the coefficients based on [1] and [2]. + + [1] Blatman, G., 2009. Adaptive sparse polynomial chaos expansions for + uncertainty propagation and sensitivity analysis (Doctoral + dissertation, Clermont-Ferrand 2). + + [2] Blatman, G. and Sudret, B., 2011. Adaptive sparse polynomial chaos + expansion based on least angle regression. Journal of computational + Physics, 230(6), pp.2345-2367. + + Parameters + ---------- + psi : array of shape (n_samples, n_feature) + Orthogonal bases evaluated at the samples. + inv_inf_matrix : array + Inverse of the information matrix. + y : array of shape (n_samples, ) + Targets. + coeffs : array + Computed regresssor cofficients. + + Returns + ------- + loo_error : float + Modified LOOCV error. + + """ + + # NrEvaluation (Size of experimental design) + N, P = psi.shape + + # h factor (the full matrix is not calculated explicitly, + # only the trace is, to save memory) + PsiM = np.dot(psi, inv_inf_matrix) + + h = np.sum(np.multiply(PsiM, psi), axis=1, dtype=np.longdouble) + + # ------ Calculate Error Loocv for each measurement point ---- + # Residuals + residual = np.dot(psi, coeffs) - y + + # Variance + varY = np.var(y) + + if varY == 0: + norm_emp_error = 0 + loo_error = 0 + else: + norm_emp_error = np.mean(residual**2)/varY + + loo_error = np.mean(np.square(residual / (1-h))) / varY + + # if there are NaNs, just return an infinite LOO error (this + # happens, e.g., when a strongly underdetermined problem is solved) + if np.isnan(loo_error): + loo_error = np.inf + + # Corrected Error for over-determined system + tr_M = np.trace(np.atleast_2d(inv_inf_matrix)) + if tr_M < 0 or abs(tr_M) > 1e6: + tr_M = np.trace(np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(psi.T, psi))) + + # Over-determined system of Equation + if N > P: + T_factor = N/(N-P) * (1 + tr_M) + + # Under-determined system of Equation + else: + T_factor = np.inf + + loo_error *= T_factor + + return loo_error + + def blockwise_inverse(self, Ainv, B, C, D): + """ + non-singular square matrix M defined as M = [[A B]; [C D]] . + B, C and D can have any dimension, provided their combination defines + a square matrix M. + + Parameters + ---------- + Ainv : float or array + inverse of the square-submatrix A. + B : float or array + Information matrix with all new regressor. + C : float or array + Transpose of B. + D : float or array + Information matrix with all selected regressors. + + Returns + ------- + M : array + Inverse of the information matrix. + + """ + if np.isscalar(D): + # Inverse of D + Dinv = 1/D + # Schur complement + SCinv = 1/(D - np.dot(C, np.dot(Ainv, B[:, None])))[0] + else: + # Inverse of D + Dinv = np.linalg.solve(D, np.eye(D.shape)) + # Schur complement + SCinv = np.linalg.solve((D - C*Ainv*B), np.eye(D.shape)) + + T1 = np.dot(Ainv, np.dot(B[:, None], SCinv)) + T2 = np.dot(C, Ainv) + + # Assemble the inverse matrix + M = np.vstack(( + np.hstack((Ainv+T1*T2, -T1)), + np.hstack((-(SCinv)*T2, SCinv)) + )) + return M diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/reg_fast_ard.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/reg_fast_ard.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e6883a3edd6d247c219b8be328f5206b75780fbb --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/reg_fast_ard.py @@ -0,0 +1,475 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Created on Tue Mar 24 19:41:45 2020 + +@author: farid +""" +import numpy as np +from scipy.linalg import solve_triangular +from numpy.linalg import LinAlgError +from sklearn.base import RegressorMixin +from sklearn.linear_model._base import LinearModel +import warnings +from sklearn.utils import check_X_y +from scipy.linalg import pinvh + + +def update_precisions(Q,S,q,s,A,active,tol,n_samples,clf_bias): + ''' + Selects one feature to be added/recomputed/deleted to model based on + effect it will have on value of log marginal likelihood. + ''' + # initialise vector holding changes in log marginal likelihood + deltaL = np.zeros(Q.shape[0]) + + # identify features that can be added , recomputed and deleted in model + theta = q**2 - s + add = (theta > 0) * (active == False) + recompute = (theta > 0) * (active == True) + delete = ~(add + recompute) + + # compute sparsity & quality parameters corresponding to features in + # three groups identified above + Qadd,Sadd = Q[add], S[add] + Qrec,Srec,Arec = Q[recompute], S[recompute], A[recompute] + Qdel,Sdel,Adel = Q[delete], S[delete], A[delete] + + # compute new alpha's (precision parameters) for features that are + # currently in model and will be recomputed + Anew = s[recompute]**2/ ( theta[recompute] + np.finfo(np.float32).eps) + delta_alpha = (1./Anew - 1./Arec) + + # compute change in log marginal likelihood + deltaL[add] = ( Qadd**2 - Sadd ) / Sadd + np.log(Sadd/Qadd**2 ) + deltaL[recompute] = Qrec**2 / (Srec + 1. / delta_alpha) - np.log(1 + Srec*delta_alpha) + deltaL[delete] = Qdel**2 / (Sdel - Adel) - np.log(1 - Sdel / Adel) + deltaL = deltaL / n_samples + + # find feature which caused largest change in likelihood + feature_index = np.argmax(deltaL) + + # no deletions or additions + same_features = np.sum( theta[~recompute] > 0) == 0 + + # changes in precision for features already in model is below threshold + no_delta = np.sum( abs( Anew - Arec ) > tol ) == 0 + # if same_features: print(abs( Anew - Arec )) + # print("same_features = {} no_delta = {}".format(same_features,no_delta)) + # check convergence: if no features to add or delete and small change in + # precision for current features then terminate + converged = False + if same_features and no_delta: + converged = True + return [A,converged] + + # if not converged update precision parameter of weights and return + if theta[feature_index] > 0: + A[feature_index] = s[feature_index]**2 / theta[feature_index] + if active[feature_index] == False: + active[feature_index] = True + else: + # at least two active features + if active[feature_index] == True and np.sum(active) >= 2: + # do not remove bias term in classification + # (in regression it is factored in through centering) + if not (feature_index == 0 and clf_bias): + active[feature_index] = False + A[feature_index] = np.PINF + + return [A,converged] + + +class RegressionFastARD(LinearModel, RegressorMixin): + ''' + Regression with Automatic Relevance Determination (Fast Version uses + Sparse Bayesian Learning) + https://github.com/AmazaspShumik/sklearn-bayes/blob/master/skbayes/rvm_ard_models/fast_rvm.py + + Parameters + ---------- + n_iter: int, optional (DEFAULT = 100) + Maximum number of iterations + + start: list, optional (DEFAULT = None) + Initial selected features. + + tol: float, optional (DEFAULT = 1e-3) + If absolute change in precision parameter for weights is below threshold + algorithm terminates. + + fit_intercept : boolean, optional (DEFAULT = True) + whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set + to false, no intercept will be used in calculations + (e.g. data is expected to be already centered). + + copy_X : boolean, optional (DEFAULT = True) + If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. + + compute_score : bool, default=False + If True, compute the log marginal likelihood at each iteration of the + optimization. + + verbose : boolean, optional (DEFAULT = FALSE) + Verbose mode when fitting the model + + Attributes + ---------- + coef_ : array, shape = (n_features) + Coefficients of the regression model (mean of posterior distribution) + + alpha_ : float + estimated precision of the noise + + active_ : array, dtype = np.bool, shape = (n_features) + True for non-zero coefficients, False otherwise + + lambda_ : array, shape = (n_features) + estimated precisions of the coefficients + + sigma_ : array, shape = (n_features, n_features) + estimated covariance matrix of the weights, computed only + for non-zero coefficients + + scores_ : array-like of shape (n_iter_+1,) + If computed_score is True, value of the log marginal likelihood (to be + maximized) at each iteration of the optimization. + + References + ---------- + [1] Fast marginal likelihood maximisation for sparse Bayesian models + (Tipping & Faul 2003) (http://www.miketipping.com/papers/met-fastsbl.pdf) + [2] Analysis of sparse Bayesian learning (Tipping & Faul 2001) + (http://www.miketipping.com/abstracts.htm#Faul:NIPS01) + ''' + + def __init__(self, n_iter=300, start=None, tol=1e-3, fit_intercept=True, + normalize=False, copy_X=True, compute_score=False, verbose=False): + self.n_iter = n_iter + self.start = start + self.tol = tol + self.scores_ = list() + self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept + self.normalize = normalize + self.copy_X = copy_X + self.compute_score = compute_score + self.verbose = verbose + + def _preprocess_data(self, X, y): + """Center and scale data. + Centers data to have mean zero along axis 0. If fit_intercept=False or + if the X is a sparse matrix, no centering is done, but normalization + can still be applied. The function returns the statistics necessary to + reconstruct the input data, which are X_offset, y_offset, X_scale, such + that the output + X = (X - X_offset) / X_scale + X_scale is the L2 norm of X - X_offset. + """ + + if self.copy_X: + X = X.copy(order='K') + + y = np.asarray(y, dtype=X.dtype) + + if self.fit_intercept: + X_offset = np.average(X, axis=0) + X -= X_offset + if self.normalize: + X_scale = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + std = np.sqrt(np.sum(X**2, axis=0)/(len(X)-1)) + X_scale[std != 0] = std[std != 0] + X /= X_scale + else: + X_scale = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + y_offset = np.mean(y) + y = y - y_offset + else: + X_offset = np.zeros(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + X_scale = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + if y.ndim == 1: + y_offset = X.dtype.type(0) + else: + y_offset = np.zeros(y.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + + return X, y, X_offset, y_offset, X_scale + + def fit(self, X, y): + ''' + Fits ARD Regression with Sequential Sparse Bayes Algorithm. + + Parameters + ----------- + X: {array-like, sparse matrix} of size (n_samples, n_features) + Training data, matrix of explanatory variables + + y: array-like of size [n_samples, n_features] + Target values + + Returns + ------- + self : object + Returns self. + ''' + X, y = check_X_y(X, y, dtype=np.float64, y_numeric=True) + n_samples, n_features = X.shape + + X, y, X_mean, y_mean, X_std = self._preprocess_data(X, y) + self._x_mean_ = X_mean + self._y_mean = y_mean + self._x_std = X_std + + # precompute X'*Y , X'*X for faster iterations & allocate memory for + # sparsity & quality vectors + XY = np.dot(X.T, y) + XX = np.dot(X.T, X) + XXd = np.diag(XX) + + # initialise precision of noise & and coefficients + var_y = np.var(y) + + # check that variance is non zero !!! + if var_y == 0: + beta = 1e-2 + self.var_y = True + else: + beta = 1. / np.var(y) + self.var_y = False + + A = np.PINF * np.ones(n_features) + active = np.zeros(n_features, dtype=np.bool) + + if self.start is not None and not hasattr(self, 'active_'): + start = self.start + # start from a given start basis vector + proj = XY**2 / XXd + active[start] = True + A[start] = XXd[start]/(proj[start] - var_y) + + else: + # in case of almost perfect multicollinearity between some features + # start from feature 0 + if np.sum(XXd - X_mean**2 < np.finfo(np.float32).eps) > 0: + A[0] = np.finfo(np.float16).eps + active[0] = True + + else: + # start from a single basis vector with largest projection on + # targets + proj = XY**2 / XXd + start = np.argmax(proj) + active[start] = True + A[start] = XXd[start]/(proj[start] - var_y + + np.finfo(np.float32).eps) + + warning_flag = 0 + scores_ = [] + for i in range(self.n_iter): + # Handle variance zero + if self.var_y: + A[0] = y_mean + active[0] = True + converged = True + break + + XXa = XX[active, :][:, active] + XYa = XY[active] + Aa = A[active] + + # mean & covariance of posterior distribution + Mn, Ri, cholesky = self._posterior_dist(Aa, beta, XXa, XYa) + if cholesky: + Sdiag = np.sum(Ri**2, 0) + else: + Sdiag = np.copy(np.diag(Ri)) + warning_flag += 1 + + # raise warning in case cholesky fails + if warning_flag == 1: + warnings.warn(("Cholesky decomposition failed! Algorithm uses " + "pinvh, which is significantly slower. If you " + "use RVR it is advised to change parameters of " + "the kernel!")) + + # compute quality & sparsity parameters + s, q, S, Q = self._sparsity_quality(XX, XXd, XY, XYa, Aa, Ri, + active, beta, cholesky) + + # update precision parameter for noise distribution + rss = np.sum((y - np.dot(X[:, active], Mn))**2) + + # if near perfect fit , then terminate + if (rss / n_samples/var_y) < self.tol: + warnings.warn('Early termination due to near perfect fit') + converged = True + break + beta = n_samples - np.sum(active) + np.sum(Aa * Sdiag) + beta /= rss + # beta /= (rss + np.finfo(np.float32).eps) + + # update precision parameters of coefficients + A, converged = update_precisions(Q, S, q, s, A, active, self.tol, + n_samples, False) + + if self.compute_score: + scores_.append(self.log_marginal_like(XXa, XYa, Aa, beta)) + + if self.verbose: + print(('Iteration: {0}, number of features ' + 'in the model: {1}').format(i, np.sum(active))) + + if converged or i == self.n_iter - 1: + if converged and self.verbose: + print('Algorithm converged!') + break + + # after last update of alpha & beta update parameters + # of posterior distribution + XXa, XYa, Aa = XX[active, :][:, active], XY[active], A[active] + Mn, Sn, cholesky = self._posterior_dist(Aa, beta, XXa, XYa, True) + self.coef_ = np.zeros(n_features) + self.coef_[active] = Mn + self.sigma_ = Sn + self.active_ = active + self.lambda_ = A + self.alpha_ = beta + self.converged = converged + if self.compute_score: + self.scores_ = np.array(scores_) + + # set intercept_ + if self.fit_intercept: + self.coef_ = self.coef_ / X_std + self.intercept_ = y_mean - np.dot(X_mean, self.coef_.T) + else: + self.intercept_ = 0. + return self + + def log_marginal_like(self, XXa, XYa, Aa, beta): + """Computes the log of the marginal likelihood.""" + N, M = XXa.shape + A = np.diag(Aa) + + Mn, sigma_, cholesky = self._posterior_dist(Aa, beta, XXa, XYa, + full_covar=True) + + C = sigma_ + np.dot(np.dot(XXa.T, np.linalg.pinv(A)), XXa) + + score = np.dot(np.dot(XYa.T, np.linalg.pinv(C)), XYa) +\ + np.log(np.linalg.det(C)) + N * np.log(2 * np.pi) + + return -0.5 * score + + def predict(self, X, return_std=False): + ''' + Computes predictive distribution for test set. + Predictive distribution for each data point is one dimensional + Gaussian and therefore is characterised by mean and variance based on + Ref.[1] Section 3.3.2. + + Parameters + ----------- + X: {array-like, sparse} (n_samples_test, n_features) + Test data, matrix of explanatory variables + + Returns + ------- + : list of length two [y_hat, var_hat] + + y_hat: numpy array of size (n_samples_test,) + Estimated values of targets on test set (i.e. mean of + predictive distribution) + + var_hat: numpy array of size (n_samples_test,) + Variance of predictive distribution + References + ---------- + [1] Bishop, C. M. (2006). Pattern recognition and machine learning. + springer. + ''' + + y_hat = np.dot(X, self.coef_) + self.intercept_ + + if return_std: + # Handle the zero variance case + if self.var_y: + return y_hat, np.zeros_like(y_hat) + + if self.normalize: + X -= self._x_mean_[self.active_] + X /= self._x_std[self.active_] + var_hat = 1./self.alpha_ + var_hat += np.sum(X.dot(self.sigma_) * X, axis=1) + std_hat = np.sqrt(var_hat) + return y_hat, std_hat + else: + return y_hat + + def _posterior_dist(self, A, beta, XX, XY, full_covar=False): + ''' + Calculates mean and covariance matrix of posterior distribution + of coefficients. + ''' + # compute precision matrix for active features + Sinv = beta * XX + np.fill_diagonal(Sinv, np.diag(Sinv) + A) + cholesky = True + + # try cholesky, if it fails go back to pinvh + try: + # find posterior mean : R*R.T*mean = beta*X.T*Y + # solve(R*z = beta*X.T*Y) =>find z=> solve(R.T*mean = z)=>find mean + R = np.linalg.cholesky(Sinv) + Z = solve_triangular(R, beta*XY, check_finite=True, lower=True) + Mn = solve_triangular(R.T, Z, check_finite=True, lower=False) + + # invert lower triangular matrix from cholesky decomposition + Ri = solve_triangular(R, np.eye(A.shape[0]), check_finite=False, + lower=True) + if full_covar: + Sn = np.dot(Ri.T, Ri) + return Mn, Sn, cholesky + else: + return Mn, Ri, cholesky + except LinAlgError: + cholesky = False + Sn = pinvh(Sinv) + Mn = beta*np.dot(Sinv, XY) + return Mn, Sn, cholesky + + def _sparsity_quality(self, XX, XXd, XY, XYa, Aa, Ri, active, beta, cholesky): + ''' + Calculates sparsity and quality parameters for each feature + + Theoretical Note: + ----------------- + Here we used Woodbury Identity for inverting covariance matrix + of target distribution + C = 1/beta + 1/alpha * X' * X + C^-1 = beta - beta^2 * X * Sn * X' + ''' + bxy = beta*XY + bxx = beta*XXd + if cholesky: + # here Ri is inverse of lower triangular matrix obtained from + # cholesky decomp + xxr = np.dot(XX[:, active], Ri.T) + rxy = np.dot(Ri, XYa) + S = bxx - beta**2 * np.sum(xxr**2, axis=1) + Q = bxy - beta**2 * np.dot(xxr, rxy) + else: + # here Ri is covariance matrix + XXa = XX[:, active] + XS = np.dot(XXa, Ri) + S = bxx - beta**2 * np.sum(XS*XXa, 1) + Q = bxy - beta**2 * np.dot(XS, XYa) + # Use following: + # (EQ 1) q = A*Q/(A - S) ; s = A*S/(A-S) + # so if A = np.PINF q = Q, s = S + qi = np.copy(Q) + si = np.copy(S) + # If A is not np.PINF, then it should be 'active' feature => use (EQ 1) + Qa, Sa = Q[active], S[active] + qi[active] = Aa * Qa / (Aa - Sa) + si[active] = Aa * Sa / (Aa - Sa) + + return [si, qi, S, Q] diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/reg_fast_laplace.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/reg_fast_laplace.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7fdcb5cf6e93c396d32eae2b0aad87a194a9cba4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/reg_fast_laplace.py @@ -0,0 +1,452 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +import numpy as np +from sklearn.utils import as_float_array +from sklearn.model_selection import KFold + + +class RegressionFastLaplace(): + ''' + Sparse regression with Bayesian Compressive Sensing as described in Alg. 1 + (Fast Laplace) of Ref.[1], which updated formulas from [2]. + + sigma2: noise precision (sigma^2) + nu fixed to 0 + + uqlab/lib/uq_regression/BCS/uq_bsc.m + + Parameters + ---------- + n_iter: int, optional (DEFAULT = 1000) + Maximum number of iterations + + tol: float, optional (DEFAULT = 1e-7) + If absolute change in precision parameter for weights is below + threshold algorithm terminates. + + fit_intercept : boolean, optional (DEFAULT = True) + whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set + to false, no intercept will be used in calculations + (e.g. data is expected to be already centered). + + copy_X : boolean, optional (DEFAULT = True) + If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. + + verbose : boolean, optional (DEFAULT = FALSE) + Verbose mode when fitting the model + + Attributes + ---------- + coef_ : array, shape = (n_features) + Coefficients of the regression model (mean of posterior distribution) + + alpha_ : float + estimated precision of the noise + + active_ : array, dtype = np.bool, shape = (n_features) + True for non-zero coefficients, False otherwise + + lambda_ : array, shape = (n_features) + estimated precisions of the coefficients + + sigma_ : array, shape = (n_features, n_features) + estimated covariance matrix of the weights, computed only + for non-zero coefficients + + References + ---------- + [1] Babacan, S. D., Molina, R., & Katsaggelos, A. K. (2009). Bayesian + compressive sensing using Laplace priors. IEEE Transactions on image + processing, 19(1), 53-63. + [2] Fast marginal likelihood maximisation for sparse Bayesian models + (Tipping & Faul 2003). + (http://www.miketipping.com/papers/met-fastsbl.pdf) + ''' + + def __init__(self, n_iter=1000, n_Kfold=10, tol=1e-7, fit_intercept=False, + bias_term=True, copy_X=True, verbose=False): + self.n_iter = n_iter + self.n_Kfold = n_Kfold + self.tol = tol + self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept + self.bias_term = bias_term + self.copy_X = copy_X + self.verbose = verbose + + def _center_data(self, X, y): + ''' Centers data''' + X = as_float_array(X, copy = self.copy_X) + + # normalisation should be done in preprocessing! + X_std = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + if self.fit_intercept: + X_mean = np.average(X, axis=0) + y_mean = np.average(y, axis=0) + X -= X_mean + y -= y_mean + else: + X_mean = np.zeros(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + y_mean = 0. if y.ndim == 1 else np.zeros(y.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype) + return X, y, X_mean, y_mean, X_std + + def fit(self, X, y): + + k_fold = KFold(n_splits=self.n_Kfold) + + varY = np.var(y, ddof=1) if np.var(y, ddof=1) != 0 else 1.0 + sigma2s = len(y)*varY*(10**np.linspace(-16, -1, self.n_Kfold)) + + errors = np.zeros((len(sigma2s), self.n_Kfold)) + for s, sigma2 in enumerate(sigma2s): + for k, (train, test) in enumerate(k_fold.split(X, y)): + self.fit_(X[train], y[train], sigma2) + errors[s, k] = np.linalg.norm( + y[test] - self.predict(X[test]) + )**2/len(test) + + KfCVerror = np.sum(errors, axis=1)/self.n_Kfold/varY + i_minCV = np.argmin(KfCVerror) + + self.kfoldCVerror = np.min(KfCVerror) + + return self.fit_(X, y, sigma2s[i_minCV]) + + def fit_(self, X, y, sigma2): + + N, P = X.shape + # n_samples, n_features = X.shape + + X, y, X_mean, y_mean, X_std = self._center_data(X, y) + self._x_mean_ = X_mean + self._y_mean = y_mean + self._x_std = X_std + + # check that variance is non zero !!! + if np.var(y) == 0: + self.var_y = True + else: + self.var_y = False + beta = 1./sigma2 + + # precompute X'*Y , X'*X for faster iterations & allocate memory for + # sparsity & quality vectors X=Psi + PsiTY = np.dot(X.T, y) + PsiTPsi = np.dot(X.T, X) + XXd = np.diag(PsiTPsi) + + # initialize with constant regressor, or if that one does not exist, + # with the one that has the largest correlation with Y + ind_global_to_local = np.zeros(P, dtype=np.int32) + + # identify constant regressors + constidx = np.where(~np.diff(X, axis=0).all(axis=0))[0] + + if self.bias_term and constidx.size != 0: + ind_start = constidx[0] + ind_global_to_local[ind_start] = True + else: + # start from a single basis vector with largest projection on + # targets + proj = np.divide(np.square(PsiTY), XXd) + ind_start = np.argmax(proj) + ind_global_to_local[ind_start] = True + + num_active = 1 + active_indices = [ind_start] + deleted_indices = [] + bcs_path = [ind_start] + gamma = np.zeros(P) + # for the initial value of gamma(ind_start), use the RVM formula + # gamma = (q^2 - s) / (s^2) + # and the fact that initially s = S = beta*Psi_i'*Psi_i and q = Q = + # beta*Psi_i'*Y + gamma[ind_start] = np.square(PsiTY[ind_start]) + gamma[ind_start] -= sigma2 * PsiTPsi[ind_start, ind_start] + gamma[ind_start] /= np.square(PsiTPsi[ind_start, ind_start]) + + Sigma = 1. / (beta * PsiTPsi[ind_start, ind_start] + + 1./gamma[ind_start]) + + mu = Sigma * PsiTY[ind_start] * beta + tmp1 = beta * PsiTPsi[ind_start] + S = beta * np.diag(PsiTPsi).T - Sigma * np.square(tmp1) + Q = beta * PsiTY.T - mu*(tmp1) + + tmp2 = np.ones(P) # alternative computation for the initial s,q + q0tilde = PsiTY[ind_start] + s0tilde = PsiTPsi[ind_start, ind_start] + tmp2[ind_start] = s0tilde / (q0tilde**2) / beta + s = np.divide(S, tmp2) + q = np.divide(Q, tmp2) + Lambda = 2*(num_active - 1) / np.sum(gamma) + + Delta_L_max = [] + for i in range(self.n_iter): + # Handle variance zero + if self.var_y: + mu = np.mean(y) + break + + if self.verbose: + print(' lambda = {0:.6e}\n'.format(Lambda)) + + # Calculate the potential updated value of each gamma[i] + if Lambda == 0.0: # RVM + gamma_potential = np.multiply(( + (q**2 - s) > Lambda), + np.divide(q**2 - s, s**2) + ) + else: + a = Lambda * s**2 + b = s**2 + 2*Lambda*s + c = Lambda + s - q**2 + gamma_potential = np.multiply( + (c < 0), np.divide( + -b + np.sqrt(b**2 - 4*np.multiply(a, c)), 2*a) + ) + + l_gamma = - np.log(np.absolute(1 + np.multiply(gamma, s))) + l_gamma += np.divide(np.multiply(q**2, gamma), + (1 + np.multiply(gamma, s))) + l_gamma -= Lambda*gamma # omitted the factor 1/2 + + # Contribution of each updated gamma(i) to L(gamma) + l_gamma_potential = - np.log( + np.absolute(1 + np.multiply(gamma_potential, s)) + ) + l_gamma_potential += np.divide( + np.multiply(q**2, gamma_potential), + (1 + np.multiply(gamma_potential, s)) + ) + # omitted the factor 1/2 + l_gamma_potential -= Lambda*gamma_potential + + # Check how L(gamma) would change if we replaced gamma(i) by the + # updated gamma_potential(i), for each i separately + Delta_L_potential = l_gamma_potential - l_gamma + + # deleted indices should not be chosen again + if len(deleted_indices) != 0: + values = -np.inf * np.ones(len(deleted_indices)) + Delta_L_potential[deleted_indices] = values + + Delta_L_max.append(np.nanmax(Delta_L_potential)) + ind_L_max = np.nanargmax(Delta_L_potential) + + # in case there is only 1 regressor in the model and it would now + # be deleted + if len(active_indices) == 1 and ind_L_max == active_indices[0] \ + and gamma_potential[ind_L_max] == 0.0: + Delta_L_potential[ind_L_max] = -np.inf + Delta_L_max[i] = np.max(Delta_L_potential) + ind_L_max = np.argmax(Delta_L_potential) + + # If L did not change significantly anymore, break + if Delta_L_max[i] <= 0.0 or\ + (i > 0 and all(np.absolute(Delta_L_max[i-1:]) + < sum(Delta_L_max)*self.tol)) or \ + (i > 0 and all(np.diff(bcs_path)[i-1:] == 0.0)): + if self.verbose: + print('Increase in L: {0:.6e} (eta = {1:.3e})\ + -- break\n'.format(Delta_L_max[i], self.tol)) + break + + # Print information + if self.verbose: + print(' Delta L = {0:.6e} \n'.format(Delta_L_max[i])) + + what_changed = int(gamma[ind_L_max] == 0.0) + what_changed -= int(gamma_potential[ind_L_max] == 0.0) + + # Print information + if self.verbose: + if what_changed < 0: + print(f'{i+1} - Remove regressor #{ind_L_max+1}..\n') + elif what_changed == 0: + print(f'{i+1} - Recompute regressor #{ind_L_max+1}..\n') + else: + print(f'{i+1} - Add regressor #{ind_L_max+1}..\n') + + # --- Update all quantities ---- + if what_changed == 1: + # adding a regressor + + # update gamma + gamma[ind_L_max] = gamma_potential[ind_L_max] + + Sigma_ii = 1.0 / (1.0/gamma[ind_L_max] + S[ind_L_max]) + try: + x_i = np.matmul( + Sigma, PsiTPsi[active_indices, ind_L_max].reshape(-1, 1) + ) + except ValueError: + x_i = Sigma * PsiTPsi[active_indices, ind_L_max] + tmp_1 = - (beta * Sigma_ii) * x_i + Sigma = np.vstack( + (np.hstack(((beta**2 * Sigma_ii) * np.dot(x_i, x_i.T) + + Sigma, tmp_1)), np.append(tmp_1.T, Sigma_ii)) + ) + mu_i = Sigma_ii * Q[ind_L_max] + mu = np.vstack((mu - (beta * mu_i) * x_i, mu_i)) + + tmp2_1 = PsiTPsi[:, ind_L_max] - beta * np.squeeze( + np.matmul(PsiTPsi[:, active_indices], x_i) + ) + if i == 0: + tmp2_1[0] /= 2 + tmp2 = beta * tmp2_1.T + S = S - Sigma_ii * np.square(tmp2) + Q = Q - mu_i * tmp2 + + num_active += 1 + ind_global_to_local[ind_L_max] = num_active + active_indices.append(ind_L_max) + bcs_path.append(ind_L_max) + + elif what_changed == 0: + # recomputation + # zero if regressor has not been chosen yet + if not ind_global_to_local[ind_L_max]: + raise Exception('Cannot recompute index{0} -- not yet\ + part of the model!'.format(ind_L_max)) + Sigma = np.atleast_2d(Sigma) + mu = np.atleast_2d(mu) + gamma_i_new = gamma_potential[ind_L_max] + gamma_i_old = gamma[ind_L_max] + # update gamma + gamma[ind_L_max] = gamma_potential[ind_L_max] + + # index of regressor in Sigma + local_ind = ind_global_to_local[ind_L_max]-1 + + kappa_i = (1.0/gamma_i_new - 1.0/gamma_i_old) + kappa_i = 1.0 / kappa_i + kappa_i += Sigma[local_ind, local_ind] + kappa_i = 1 / kappa_i + Sigma_i_col = Sigma[:, local_ind] + + Sigma = Sigma - kappa_i * (Sigma_i_col * Sigma_i_col.T) + mu_i = mu[local_ind] + mu = mu - (kappa_i * mu_i) * Sigma_i_col[:, None] + + tmp1 = beta * np.dot( + Sigma_i_col.reshape(1, -1), PsiTPsi[active_indices])[0] + S = S + kappa_i * np.square(tmp1) + Q = Q + (kappa_i * mu_i) * tmp1 + + # no change in active_indices or ind_global_to_local + bcs_path.append(ind_L_max + 0.1) + + elif what_changed == -1: + gamma[ind_L_max] = 0 + + # index of regressor in Sigma + local_ind = ind_global_to_local[ind_L_max]-1 + + Sigma_ii_inv = 1. / Sigma[local_ind, local_ind] + Sigma_i_col = Sigma[:, local_ind] + + Sigma = Sigma - Sigma_ii_inv * (Sigma_i_col * Sigma_i_col.T) + + Sigma = np.delete( + np.delete(Sigma, local_ind, axis=0), local_ind, axis=1) + + mu = mu - (mu[local_ind] * Sigma_ii_inv) * Sigma_i_col[:, None] + mu = np.delete(mu, local_ind, axis=0) + + tmp1 = beta * np.dot(Sigma_i_col, PsiTPsi[active_indices]) + S = S + Sigma_ii_inv * np.square(tmp1) + Q = Q + (mu_i * Sigma_ii_inv) * tmp1 + + num_active -= 1 + ind_global_to_local[ind_L_max] = 0.0 + v = ind_global_to_local[ind_global_to_local > local_ind] - 1 + ind_global_to_local[ind_global_to_local > local_ind] = v + del active_indices[local_ind] + deleted_indices.append(ind_L_max) + # and therefore ineligible + bcs_path.append(-ind_L_max) + + # same for all three cases + tmp3 = 1 - np.multiply(gamma, S) + s = np.divide(S, tmp3) + q = np.divide(Q, tmp3) + + # Update lambda + Lambda = 2*(num_active - 1) / np.sum(gamma) + + # Prepare the result object + self.coef_ = np.zeros(P) + self.coef_[active_indices] = np.squeeze(mu) + self.sigma_ = Sigma + self.active_ = active_indices + self.gamma = gamma + self.Lambda = Lambda + self.beta = beta + self.bcs_path = bcs_path + + # set intercept_ + if self.fit_intercept: + self.coef_ = self.coef_ / X_std + self.intercept_ = y_mean - np.dot(X_mean, self.coef_.T) + else: + self.intercept_ = 0. + + return self + + def predict(self, X, return_std=False): + ''' + Computes predictive distribution for test set. + Predictive distribution for each data point is one dimensional + Gaussian and therefore is characterised by mean and variance based on + Ref.[1] Section 3.3.2. + + Parameters + ----------- + X: {array-like, sparse} (n_samples_test, n_features) + Test data, matrix of explanatory variables + + Returns + ------- + : list of length two [y_hat, var_hat] + + y_hat: numpy array of size (n_samples_test,) + Estimated values of targets on test set (i.e. mean of + predictive distribution) + + var_hat: numpy array of size (n_samples_test,) + Variance of predictive distribution + + References + ---------- + [1] Bishop, C. M. (2006). Pattern recognition and machine learning. + springer. + ''' + y_hat = np.dot(X, self.coef_) + self.intercept_ + + if return_std: + # Handle the zero variance case + if self.var_y: + return y_hat, np.zeros_like(y_hat) + + var_hat = 1./self.beta + var_hat += np.sum(X.dot(self.sigma_) * X, axis=1) + std_hat = np.sqrt(var_hat) + return y_hat, std_hat + else: + return y_hat + +# l2norm = 0.0 +# for idx in range(10): +# sigma2 = np.genfromtxt('./test/sigma2_{0}.csv'.format(idx+1), delimiter=',') +# Psi_train = np.genfromtxt('./test/Psi_train_{0}.csv'.format(idx+1), delimiter=',') +# Y_train = np.genfromtxt('./test/Y_train_{0}.csv'.format(idx+1)) +# Psi_test = np.genfromtxt('./test/Psi_test_{0}.csv'.format(idx+1), delimiter=',') +# Y_test = np.genfromtxt('./test/Y_test_{0}.csv'.format(idx+1)) + +# clf = RegressionFastLaplace(verbose=True) +# clf.fit_(Psi_train, Y_train, sigma2) +# coeffs_fold = np.genfromtxt('./test/coeffs_fold_{0}.csv'.format(idx+1)) +# print("coeffs error: {0:.4g}".format(np.linalg.norm(clf.coef_ - coeffs_fold))) +# l2norm += np.linalg.norm(Y_test - clf.predict(Psi_test))**2/len(Y_test) +# print("l2norm error: {0:.4g}".format(l2norm)) diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/surrogate_models.py b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/surrogate_models.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca902f26bef0c45e8befb72ff67313ef09a77603 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/model-comparison/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/surrogate_models.py @@ -0,0 +1,1576 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Implementation of metamodel as either PC, aPC or GPE +""" + +import warnings +import numpy as np +import math +import h5py +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt +from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler +import scipy as sp +from scipy.optimize import minimize, NonlinearConstraint, LinearConstraint +from tqdm import tqdm +from sklearn.decomposition import PCA as sklearnPCA +import sklearn.linear_model as lm +from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor +import sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels as kernels +import os +from joblib import Parallel, delayed +import copy + +from .input_space import InputSpace +from .glexindex import glexindex +from .eval_rec_rule import eval_univ_basis +from .reg_fast_ard import RegressionFastARD +from .reg_fast_laplace import RegressionFastLaplace +from .orthogonal_matching_pursuit import OrthogonalMatchingPursuit +from .bayes_linear import VBLinearRegression, EBLinearRegression +from .apoly_construction import apoly_construction +warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") +# Load the mplstyle +plt.style.use(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], + '../', 'bayesvalidrox.mplstyle')) + + +class MetaModel(): + """ + Meta (surrogate) model + + This class trains a surrogate model. It accepts an input object (input_obj) + containing the specification of the distributions for uncertain parameters + and a model object with instructions on how to run the computational model. + + Attributes + ---------- + input_obj : obj + Input object with the information on the model input parameters. + meta_model_type : str + Surrogate model types. Three surrogate model types are supported: + polynomial chaos expansion (`PCE`), arbitrary PCE (`aPCE`) and + Gaussian process regression (`GPE`). Default is PCE. + pce_reg_method : str + PCE regression method to compute the coefficients. The following + regression methods are available: + + 1. OLS: Ordinary Least Square method + 2. BRR: Bayesian Ridge Regression + 3. LARS: Least angle regression + 4. ARD: Bayesian ARD Regression + 5. FastARD: Fast Bayesian ARD Regression + 6. VBL: Variational Bayesian Learning + 7. EBL: Emperical Bayesian Learning + Default is `OLS`. + bootstrap_method : str + Bootstraping method. Options are `'normal'` and `'fast'`. The default + is `'fast'`. It means that in each iteration except the first one, only + the coefficent are recalculated with the ordinary least square method. + n_bootstrap_itrs : int + Number of iterations for the bootstrap sampling. The default is `1`. + pce_deg : int or list of int + Polynomial degree(s). If a list is given, an adaptive algorithm is used + to find the best degree with the lowest Leave-One-Out cross-validation + (LOO) error (or the highest score=1-LOO). Default is `1`. + pce_q_norm : float + Hyperbolic (or q-norm) truncation for multi-indices of multivariate + polynomials. Default is `1.0`. + dim_red_method : str + Dimensionality reduction method for the output space. The available + method is based on principal component analysis (PCA). The Default is + `'no'`. There are two ways to select number of components: use + percentage of the explainable variance threshold (between 0 and 100) + (Option A) or direct prescription of components' number (Option B): + + >>> MetaModelOpts.dim_red_method = 'PCA' + >>> MetaModelOpts.var_pca_threshold = 99.999 # Option A + >>> MetaModelOpts.n_pca_components = 12 # Option B + apply_constraints : bool + If set to true constraints will be applied during training. + In this case the training uses OLS. In this version the constraints + need to be set explicitly in this class. + + verbose : bool + Prints summary of the regression results. Default is `False`. + + Note + ------- + To define the sampling methods and the training set, an experimental design + instance shall be defined. This can be done by: + + >>> MetaModelOpts.add_InputSpace() + + Two experimental design schemes are supported: one-shot (`normal`) and + adaptive sequential (`sequential`) designs. + For experimental design refer to `InputSpace`. + + """ + + def __init__(self, input_obj, meta_model_type='PCE', + pce_reg_method='OLS', bootstrap_method='fast', + n_bootstrap_itrs=1, pce_deg=1, pce_q_norm=1.0, + dim_red_method='no', apply_constraints = False, + verbose=False): + + self.input_obj = input_obj + self.meta_model_type = meta_model_type + self.pce_reg_method = pce_reg_method + self.bootstrap_method = bootstrap_method + self.n_bootstrap_itrs = n_bootstrap_itrs + self.pce_deg = pce_deg + self.pce_q_norm = pce_q_norm + self.dim_red_method = dim_red_method + self.apply_constraints = apply_constraints + self.verbose = verbose + + def build_metamodel(self, n_init_samples = None) -> None: + """ + Builds the parts for the metamodel (polynomes,...) that are neede before fitting. + + Returns + ------- + None + DESCRIPTION. + + """ + + # Generate general warnings + if self.apply_constraints or self.pce_reg_method.lower() == 'ols': + print('There are no estimations of surrogate uncertainty available' + ' for the chosen regression options. This might lead to issues' + ' in later steps.') + + # Add InputSpace to MetaModel if it does not have any + if not hasattr(self, 'InputSpace'): + self.InputSpace = InputSpace(self.input_obj) + self.InputSpace.n_init_samples = n_init_samples + self.InputSpace.init_param_space(np.max(self.pce_deg)) + + self.ndim = self.InputSpace.ndim + + if not hasattr(self, 'CollocationPoints'): + raise AttributeError('Please provide samples to the metamodel before building it.') + + # Transform input samples + # TODO: this is probably not yet correct! Make 'method' variable + self.CollocationPoints = self.InputSpace.transform(self.CollocationPoints, method='user') + + + self.n_params = len(self.input_obj.Marginals) + + # Generate polynomials + if self.meta_model_type.lower() != 'gpe': + self.generate_polynomials(np.max(self.pce_deg)) + + # Initialize the nested dictionaries + if self.meta_model_type.lower() == 'gpe': + self.gp_poly = self.auto_vivification() + self.x_scaler = self.auto_vivification() + self.LCerror = self.auto_vivification() + else: + self.deg_dict = self.auto_vivification() + self.q_norm_dict = self.auto_vivification() + self.coeffs_dict = self.auto_vivification() + self.basis_dict = self.auto_vivification() + self.score_dict = self.auto_vivification() + self.clf_poly = self.auto_vivification() + self.LCerror = self.auto_vivification() + if self.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + self.pca = self.auto_vivification() + + # Define an array containing the degrees + self.CollocationPoints = np.array(self.CollocationPoints) + self.n_samples, ndim = self.CollocationPoints.shape + if self.ndim != ndim: + raise AttributeError('The given samples do not match the given number of priors. The samples should be a 2D array of size (#samples, #priors)') + + self.deg_array = self.__select_degree(ndim, self.n_samples) + + # Generate all basis indices + self.allBasisIndices = self.auto_vivification() + for deg in self.deg_array: + keys = self.allBasisIndices.keys() + if deg not in np.fromiter(keys, dtype=float): + # Generate the polynomial basis indices + for qidx, q in enumerate(self.pce_q_norm): + basis_indices = glexindex(start=0, stop=deg+1, + dimensions=self.n_params, + cross_truncation=q, + reverse=False, graded=True) + self.allBasisIndices[str(deg)][str(q)] = basis_indices + + + + def fit(self, X, y, parallel = True, verbose = False): + """ + Fits the surrogate to the given data (samples X, outputs y). + Note here that the samples X should be the transformed samples provided + by the experimental design if the transformation is used there. + + Parameters + ---------- + X : 2D list or np.array of shape (#samples, #dim) + The parameter value combinations that the model was evaluated at. + y : dict of 2D lists or arrays of shape (#samples, #timesteps) + The respective model evaluations. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + X = np.array(X) + for key in y.keys(): + y_val = np.array(y[key]) + if y_val.ndim !=2: + raise ValueError('The given outputs y should be 2D') + y[key] = np.array(y[key]) + + # Output names are the same as the keys in y + self.out_names = list(y.keys()) + + # Build the MetaModel on the static samples + self.CollocationPoints = X + + # TODO: other option: rebuild every time + if not hasattr(self, 'deg_array'): + self.build_metamodel(n_init_samples = X.shape[1]) + + # Evaluate the univariate polynomials on InputSpace + if self.meta_model_type.lower() != 'gpe': + self.univ_p_val = self.univ_basis_vals(self.CollocationPoints) + + # --- Loop through data points and fit the surrogate --- + if verbose: + print(f"\n>>>> Training the {self.meta_model_type} metamodel " + "started. <<<<<<\n") + + # --- Bootstrap sampling --- + # Correct number of bootstrap if PCA transformation is required. + if self.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca' and self.n_bootstrap_itrs == 1: + self.n_bootstrap_itrs = 100 + + # Check if fast version (update coeffs with OLS) is selected. + if self.bootstrap_method.lower() == 'fast': + fast_bootstrap = True + first_out = {} + n_comp_dict = {} + else: + fast_bootstrap = False + + # Prepare tqdm iteration maessage + if verbose and self.n_bootstrap_itrs > 1: + enum_obj = tqdm(range(self.n_bootstrap_itrs), + total=self.n_bootstrap_itrs, + desc="Bootstrapping the metamodel", + ascii=True) + else: + enum_obj = range(self.n_bootstrap_itrs) + + # Loop over the bootstrap iterations + for b_i in enum_obj: + if b_i > 0: + b_indices = np.random.randint(self.n_samples, size=self.n_samples) + else: + b_indices = np.arange(len(X)) + + X_train_b = X[b_indices] + + if verbose and self.n_bootstrap_itrs == 1: + items = tqdm(y.items(), desc="Fitting regression") + else: + items = y.items() + + # For loop over the components/outputs + for key, Output in items: + + # Dimensionality reduction with PCA, if specified + if self.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + + # Use the stored n_comp for fast bootsrtrapping + if fast_bootstrap and b_i > 0: + self.n_pca_components = n_comp_dict[key] + + # Start transformation + pca, target, n_comp = self.pca_transformation( + Output[b_indices], verbose=False + ) + self.pca[f'b_{b_i+1}'][key] = pca + # Store the number of components for fast bootsrtrapping + if fast_bootstrap and b_i == 0: + n_comp_dict[key] = n_comp + else: + target = Output[b_indices] + + # Parallel fit regression + if self.meta_model_type.lower() == 'gpe': + # Prepare the input matrix + scaler = MinMaxScaler() + X_S = scaler.fit_transform(X_train_b) + + self.x_scaler[f'b_{b_i+1}'][key] = scaler + if parallel: + out = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, backend='multiprocessing')( + delayed(self.gaussian_process_emulator)( + X_S, target[:, idx]) for idx in + range(target.shape[1])) + else: + results = map(self.gaussian_process_emulator, + [X_train_b]*target.shape[1], + [target[:, idx] for idx in + range(target.shape[1])] + ) + out = list(results) + + for idx in range(target.shape[1]): + self.gp_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'][key][f"y_{idx+1}"] = out[idx] + + else: + self.univ_p_val = self.univ_p_val[b_indices] + if parallel and (not fast_bootstrap or b_i == 0): + out = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, backend='multiprocessing')( + delayed(self.adaptive_regression)(X_train_b, + target[:, idx], + idx) + for idx in range(target.shape[1])) + elif not parallel and (not fast_bootstrap or b_i == 0): + results = map(self.adaptive_regression, + [X_train_b]*target.shape[1], + [target[:, idx] for idx in + range(target.shape[1])], + range(target.shape[1])) + out = list(results) + + # Store the first out dictionary + if fast_bootstrap and b_i == 0: + first_out[key] = copy.deepcopy(out) + + if b_i > 0 and fast_bootstrap: + + # fast bootstrap + out = self.update_pce_coeffs( + X_train_b, target, first_out[key]) + + for i in range(target.shape[1]): + # Create a dict to pass the variables + self.deg_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][key][f"y_{i+1}"] = out[i]['degree'] + self.q_norm_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][key][f"y_{i+1}"] = out[i]['qnorm'] + self.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][key][f"y_{i+1}"] = out[i]['coeffs'] + self.basis_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][key][f"y_{i+1}"] = out[i]['multi_indices'] + self.score_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][key][f"y_{i+1}"] = out[i]['LOOCVScore'] + self.clf_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'][key][f"y_{i+1}"] = out[i]['clf_poly'] + #self.LCerror[f'b_{b_i+1}'][key][f"y_{i+1}"] = out[i]['LCerror'] + + if verbose: + print(f"\n>>>> Training the {self.meta_model_type} metamodel" + " sucessfully completed. <<<<<<\n") + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def update_pce_coeffs(self, X, y, out_dict = None): + """ + Updates the PCE coefficents using only the ordinary least square method + for the fast version of the bootstrapping. + + Parameters + ---------- + X : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Training set. + y : array of shape (n_samples, n_outs) + The (transformed) model responses. + out_dict : dict + The training output dictionary of the first iteration, i.e. + the surrogate model for the original experimental design. + + Returns + ------- + final_out_dict : dict + The updated training output dictionary. + + """ + # Make a copy + final_out_dict = copy.deepcopy(out_dict) + + # Loop over the points + for i in range(y.shape[1]): + + + # Extract nonzero basis indices + nnz_idx = np.nonzero(out_dict[i]['coeffs'])[0] + if len(nnz_idx) != 0: + basis_indices = out_dict[i]['multi_indices'] + + # Evaluate the multivariate polynomials on CollocationPoints + psi = self.create_psi(basis_indices, self.univ_p_val) + + # Calulate the cofficients of surrogate model + updated_out = self.regression( + psi, y[:, i], basis_indices, reg_method='OLS', + sparsity=False + ) + + # Update coeffs in out_dict + final_out_dict[i]['coeffs'][nnz_idx] = updated_out['coeffs'] + + return final_out_dict + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def add_InputSpace(self): + """ + Instanciates experimental design object. + + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + self.InputSpace = InputSpace(self.input_obj, + meta_Model_type=self.meta_model_type) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def univ_basis_vals(self, samples, n_max=None): + """ + Evaluates univariate regressors along input directions. + + Parameters + ---------- + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Samples. + n_max : int, optional + Maximum polynomial degree. The default is `None`. + + Returns + ------- + univ_basis: array of shape (n_samples, n_params, n_max+1) + All univariate regressors up to n_max. + """ + # Extract information + poly_types = self.InputSpace.poly_types + if samples.ndim != 2: + samples = samples.reshape(1, len(samples)) + n_max = np.max(self.pce_deg) if n_max is None else n_max + + # Extract poly coeffs + if self.InputSpace.input_data_given or self.InputSpace.apce: + apolycoeffs = self.polycoeffs + else: + apolycoeffs = None + + # Evaluate univariate basis + univ_basis = eval_univ_basis(samples, n_max, poly_types, apolycoeffs) + + return univ_basis + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def create_psi(self, basis_indices, univ_p_val): + """ + This function assemble the design matrix Psi from the given basis index + set INDICES and the univariate polynomial evaluations univ_p_val. + + Parameters + ---------- + basis_indices : array of shape (n_terms, n_params) + Multi-indices of multivariate polynomials. + univ_p_val : array of (n_samples, n_params, n_max+1) + All univariate regressors up to `n_max`. + + Raises + ------ + ValueError + n_terms in arguments do not match. + + Returns + ------- + psi : array of shape (n_samples, n_terms) + Multivariate regressors. + + """ + # Check if BasisIndices is a sparse matrix + sparsity = sp.sparse.issparse(basis_indices) + if sparsity: + basis_indices = basis_indices.toarray() + + # Initialization and consistency checks + # number of input variables + n_params = univ_p_val.shape[1] + + # Size of the experimental design + n_samples = univ_p_val.shape[0] + + # number of basis terms + n_terms = basis_indices.shape[0] + + # check that the variables have consistent sizes + if n_params != basis_indices.shape[1]: + raise ValueError( + f"The shapes of basis_indices ({basis_indices.shape[1]}) and " + f"univ_p_val ({n_params}) don't match!!" + ) + + # Preallocate the Psi matrix for performance + psi = np.ones((n_samples, n_terms)) + # Assemble the Psi matrix + for m in range(basis_indices.shape[1]): + aa = np.where(basis_indices[:, m] > 0)[0] + try: + basisIdx = basis_indices[aa, m] + bb = univ_p_val[:, m, basisIdx].reshape(psi[:, aa].shape) + psi[:, aa] = np.multiply(psi[:, aa], bb) + except ValueError as err: + raise err + return psi + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def regression(self, X, y, basis_indices, reg_method=None, sparsity=True): + """ + Fit regression using the regression method provided. + + Parameters + ---------- + X : array of shape (n_samples, n_features) + Training vector, where n_samples is the number of samples and + n_features is the number of features. + y : array of shape (n_samples,) + Target values. + basis_indices : array of shape (n_terms, n_params) + Multi-indices of multivariate polynomials. + reg_method : str, optional + DESCRIPTION. The default is None. + + Returns + ------- + return_out_dict : Dict + Fitted estimator, spareMulti-Index, sparseX and coefficients. + + """ + if reg_method is None: + reg_method = self.pce_reg_method + + bias_term = self.dim_red_method.lower() != 'pca' + + compute_score = True if self.verbose else False + + # inverse of the observed variance of the data + if np.var(y) != 0: + Lambda = 1 / np.var(y) + else: + Lambda = 1e-6 + + # Bayes sparse adaptive aPCE + if reg_method.lower() == 'ols': + clf_poly = lm.LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False) + elif reg_method.lower() == 'brr': + clf_poly = lm.BayesianRidge(n_iter=1000, tol=1e-7, + fit_intercept=False, + #normalize=True, + compute_score=compute_score, + alpha_1=1e-04, alpha_2=1e-04, + lambda_1=Lambda, lambda_2=Lambda) + clf_poly.converged = True + + elif reg_method.lower() == 'ard': + if X.shape[0]<2: + raise ValueError('Regression with ARD can only be performed for more than 2 samples') + clf_poly = lm.ARDRegression(fit_intercept=False, + #normalize=True, + compute_score=compute_score, + n_iter=1000, tol=0.0001, + alpha_1=1e-3, alpha_2=1e-3, + lambda_1=Lambda, lambda_2=Lambda) + + elif reg_method.lower() == 'fastard': + clf_poly = RegressionFastARD(fit_intercept=False, + normalize=True, + compute_score=compute_score, + n_iter=300, tol=1e-10) + + elif reg_method.lower() == 'bcs': + if X.shape[0]<10: + raise ValueError('Regression with BCS can only be performed for more than 10 samples') + clf_poly = RegressionFastLaplace(fit_intercept=False, + bias_term=bias_term, + n_iter=1000, tol=1e-7) + + elif reg_method.lower() == 'lars': + if X.shape[0]<10: + raise ValueError('Regression with LARS can only be performed for more than 5 samples') + clf_poly = lm.LassoLarsCV(fit_intercept=False) + + elif reg_method.lower() == 'sgdr': + clf_poly = lm.SGDRegressor(fit_intercept=False, + max_iter=5000, tol=1e-7) + + elif reg_method.lower() == 'omp': + clf_poly = OrthogonalMatchingPursuit(fit_intercept=False) + + elif reg_method.lower() == 'vbl': + clf_poly = VBLinearRegression(fit_intercept=False) + + elif reg_method.lower() == 'ebl': + clf_poly = EBLinearRegression(optimizer='em') + + + # Training with constraints automatically uses L2 + if self.apply_constraints: + # TODO: set the constraints here + # Define the nonlin. constraint + nlc = NonlinearConstraint(lambda x: np.matmul(X,x),-1,1.1) + self.nlc = nlc + + fun = lambda x: (np.linalg.norm(np.matmul(X, x)-y, ord = 2))**2 + if self.init_type =='zeros': + res = minimize(fun, np.zeros(X.shape[1]), method = 'trust-constr', constraints = self.nlc) + if self.init_type == 'nonpi': + clf_poly.fit(X, y) + coeff = clf_poly.coef_ + res = minimize(fun, coeff, method = 'trust-constr', constraints = self.nlc) + + coeff = np.array(res.x) + clf_poly.coef_ = coeff + clf_poly.X = X + clf_poly.y = y + clf_poly.intercept_ = 0 + + # Training without constraints uses chosen regression method + else: + clf_poly.fit(X, y) + + # Select the nonzero entries of coefficients + if sparsity: + nnz_idx = np.nonzero(clf_poly.coef_)[0] + else: + nnz_idx = np.arange(clf_poly.coef_.shape[0]) + + # This is for the case where all outputs are zero, thereby + # all coefficients are zero + if (y == 0).all(): + nnz_idx = np.insert(np.nonzero(clf_poly.coef_)[0], 0, 0) + + sparse_basis_indices = basis_indices[nnz_idx] + sparse_X = X[:, nnz_idx] + coeffs = clf_poly.coef_[nnz_idx] + clf_poly.coef_ = coeffs + + # Create a dict to pass the outputs + return_out_dict = dict() + return_out_dict['clf_poly'] = clf_poly + return_out_dict['spareMulti-Index'] = sparse_basis_indices + return_out_dict['sparePsi'] = sparse_X + return_out_dict['coeffs'] = coeffs + return return_out_dict + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def create_psi(self, basis_indices, univ_p_val): + """ + This function assemble the design matrix Psi from the given basis index + set INDICES and the univariate polynomial evaluations univ_p_val. + + Parameters + ---------- + basis_indices : array of shape (n_terms, n_params) + Multi-indices of multivariate polynomials. + univ_p_val : array of (n_samples, n_params, n_max+1) + All univariate regressors up to `n_max`. + + Raises + ------ + ValueError + n_terms in arguments do not match. + + Returns + ------- + psi : array of shape (n_samples, n_terms) + Multivariate regressors. + + """ + # Check if BasisIndices is a sparse matrix + sparsity = sp.sparse.issparse(basis_indices) + if sparsity: + basis_indices = basis_indices.toarray() + + # Initialization and consistency checks + # number of input variables + n_params = univ_p_val.shape[1] + + # Size of the experimental design + n_samples = univ_p_val.shape[0] + + # number of basis terms + n_terms = basis_indices.shape[0] + + # check that the variables have consistent sizes + if n_params != basis_indices.shape[1]: + raise ValueError( + f"The shapes of basis_indices ({basis_indices.shape[1]}) and " + f"univ_p_val ({n_params}) don't match!!" + ) + + # Preallocate the Psi matrix for performance + psi = np.ones((n_samples, n_terms)) + # Assemble the Psi matrix + for m in range(basis_indices.shape[1]): + aa = np.where(basis_indices[:, m] > 0)[0] + try: + basisIdx = basis_indices[aa, m] + bb = univ_p_val[:, m, basisIdx].reshape(psi[:, aa].shape) + psi[:, aa] = np.multiply(psi[:, aa], bb) + except ValueError as err: + raise err + return psi + + # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def adaptive_regression(self, ED_X, ED_Y, varIdx, verbose=False): + """ + Adaptively fits the PCE model by comparing the scores of different + degrees and q-norm. + + Parameters + ---------- + ED_X : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Experimental design. + ED_Y : array of shape (n_samples,) + Target values, i.e. simulation results for the Experimental design. + varIdx : int + Index of the output. + verbose : bool, optional + Print out summary. The default is False. + + Returns + ------- + returnVars : Dict + Fitted estimator, best degree, best q-norm, LOOCVScore and + coefficients. + + """ + + n_samples, n_params = ED_X.shape + # Initialization + qAllCoeffs, AllCoeffs = {}, {} + qAllIndices_Sparse, AllIndices_Sparse = {}, {} + qAllclf_poly, Allclf_poly = {}, {} + qAllnTerms, AllnTerms = {}, {} + qAllLCerror, AllLCerror = {}, {} + + # Extract degree array and qnorm array + deg_array = np.array([*self.allBasisIndices], dtype=int) + qnorm = [*self.allBasisIndices[str(int(deg_array[0]))]] + + # Some options for EarlyStop + errorIncreases = False + # Stop degree, if LOO error does not decrease n_checks_degree times + n_checks_degree = 3 + # Stop qNorm, if criterion isn't fulfilled n_checks_qNorm times + n_checks_qNorm = 2 + nqnorms = len(qnorm) + qNormEarlyStop = True + if nqnorms < n_checks_qNorm+1: + qNormEarlyStop = False + + # ===================================================================== + # basis adaptive polynomial chaos: repeat the calculation by increasing + # polynomial degree until the highest accuracy is reached + # ===================================================================== + # For each degree check all q-norms and choose the best one + scores = -np.inf * np.ones(deg_array.shape[0]) + qNormScores = -np.inf * np.ones(nqnorms) + + for degIdx, deg in enumerate(deg_array): + + for qidx, q in enumerate(qnorm): + + # Extract the polynomial basis indices from the pool of + # allBasisIndices + BasisIndices = self.allBasisIndices[str(deg)][str(q)] + + # Assemble the Psi matrix + Psi = self.create_psi(BasisIndices, self.univ_p_val) + + # Calulate the cofficients of the meta model + outs = self.regression(Psi, ED_Y, BasisIndices) + + # Calculate and save the score of LOOCV + score, LCerror = self.corr_loocv_error(outs['clf_poly'], + outs['sparePsi'], + outs['coeffs'], + ED_Y) + + # Check the convergence of noise for FastARD + if self.pce_reg_method == 'FastARD' and \ + outs['clf_poly'].alpha_ < np.finfo(np.float32).eps: + score = -np.inf + + qNormScores[qidx] = score + qAllCoeffs[str(qidx+1)] = outs['coeffs'] + qAllIndices_Sparse[str(qidx+1)] = outs['spareMulti-Index'] + qAllclf_poly[str(qidx+1)] = outs['clf_poly'] + qAllnTerms[str(qidx+1)] = BasisIndices.shape[0] + qAllLCerror[str(qidx+1)] = LCerror + + # EarlyStop check + # if there are at least n_checks_qNorm entries after the + # best one, we stop + if qNormEarlyStop and \ + sum(np.isfinite(qNormScores)) > n_checks_qNorm: + # If the error has increased the last two iterations, stop! + qNormScores_nonInf = qNormScores[np.isfinite(qNormScores)] + deltas = np.sign(np.diff(qNormScores_nonInf)) + if sum(deltas[-n_checks_qNorm+1:]) == 2: + # stop the q-norm loop here + break + if np.var(ED_Y) == 0: + break + + # Store the score in the scores list + best_q = np.nanargmax(qNormScores) + scores[degIdx] = qNormScores[best_q] + + AllCoeffs[str(degIdx+1)] = qAllCoeffs[str(best_q+1)] + AllIndices_Sparse[str(degIdx+1)] = qAllIndices_Sparse[str(best_q+1)] + Allclf_poly[str(degIdx+1)] = qAllclf_poly[str(best_q+1)] + AllnTerms[str(degIdx+1)] = qAllnTerms[str(best_q+1)] + AllLCerror[str(degIdx+1)] = qAllLCerror[str(best_q+1)] + + # Check the direction of the error (on average): + # if it increases consistently stop the iterations + if len(scores[scores != -np.inf]) > n_checks_degree: + scores_nonInf = scores[scores != -np.inf] + ss = np.sign(scores_nonInf - np.max(scores_nonInf)) + # ss<0 error decreasing + errorIncreases = np.sum(np.sum(ss[-2:])) <= -1*n_checks_degree + + if errorIncreases: + break + + # Check only one degree, if target matrix has zero variance + if np.var(ED_Y) == 0: + break + + # ------------------ Summary of results ------------------ + # Select the one with the best score and save the necessary outputs + best_deg = np.nanargmax(scores)+1 + coeffs = AllCoeffs[str(best_deg)] + basis_indices = AllIndices_Sparse[str(best_deg)] + clf_poly = Allclf_poly[str(best_deg)] + LOOCVScore = np.nanmax(scores) + P = AllnTerms[str(best_deg)] + LCerror = AllLCerror[str(best_deg)] + degree = deg_array[np.nanargmax(scores)] + qnorm = float(qnorm[best_q]) + + # ------------------ Print out Summary of results ------------------ + if self.verbose: + # Create PSI_Sparse by removing redundent terms + nnz_idx = np.nonzero(coeffs)[0] + BasisIndices_Sparse = basis_indices[nnz_idx] + + print(f'Output variable {varIdx+1}:') + print('The estimation of PCE coefficients converged at polynomial ' + f'degree {deg_array[best_deg-1]} with ' + f'{len(BasisIndices_Sparse)} terms (Sparsity index = ' + f'{round(len(BasisIndices_Sparse)/P, 3)}).') + + print(f'Final ModLOO error estimate: {1-max(scores):.3e}') + print('\n'+'-'*50) + + if verbose: + print('='*50) + print(' '*10 + ' Summary of results ') + print('='*50) + + print("Scores:\n", scores) + print("Degree of best score:", self.deg_array[best_deg-1]) + print("No. of terms:", len(basis_indices)) + print("Sparsity index:", round(len(basis_indices)/P, 3)) + print("Best Indices:\n", basis_indices) + + if self.pce_reg_method in ['BRR', 'ARD']: + fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 10)) + plt.title("Marginal log-likelihood") + plt.plot(clf_poly.scores_, color='navy', linewidth=2) + plt.ylabel("Score") + plt.xlabel("Iterations") + if self.pce_reg_method.lower() == 'bbr': + text = f"$\\alpha={clf_poly.alpha_:.1f}$\n" + f"$\\lambda={clf_poly.lambda_:.3f}$\n" + f"$L={clf_poly.scores_[-1]:.1f}$" + else: + text = f"$\\alpha={clf_poly.alpha_:.1f}$\n$" + f"\\L={clf_poly.scores_[-1]:.1f}$" + + plt.text(0.75, 0.5, text, fontsize=18, transform=ax.transAxes) + plt.show() + print('='*80) + + # Create a dict to pass the outputs + returnVars = dict() + returnVars['clf_poly'] = clf_poly + returnVars['degree'] = degree + returnVars['qnorm'] = qnorm + returnVars['coeffs'] = coeffs + returnVars['multi_indices'] = basis_indices + returnVars['LOOCVScore'] = LOOCVScore + returnVars['LCerror'] = LCerror + + return returnVars + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def corr_loocv_error(self, clf, psi, coeffs, y): + """ + Calculates the corrected LOO error for regression on regressor + matrix `psi` that generated the coefficients based on [1] and [2]. + + [1] Blatman, G., 2009. Adaptive sparse polynomial chaos expansions for + uncertainty propagation and sensitivity analysis (Doctoral + dissertation, Clermont-Ferrand 2). + + [2] Blatman, G. and Sudret, B., 2011. Adaptive sparse polynomial chaos + expansion based on least angle regression. Journal of computational + Physics, 230(6), pp.2345-2367. + + Parameters + ---------- + clf : object + Fitted estimator. + psi : array of shape (n_samples, n_features) + The multivariate orthogonal polynomials (regressor). + coeffs : array-like of shape (n_features,) + Estimated cofficients. + y : array of shape (n_samples,) + Target values. + + Returns + ------- + R_2 : float + LOOCV Validation score (1-LOOCV erro). + residual : array of shape (n_samples,) + Residual values (y - predicted targets). + + """ + psi = np.array(psi, dtype=float) + + # Create PSI_Sparse by removing redundent terms + nnz_idx = np.nonzero(coeffs)[0] + if len(nnz_idx) == 0: + nnz_idx = [0] + psi_sparse = psi[:, nnz_idx] + + # NrCoeffs of aPCEs + P = len(nnz_idx) + # NrEvaluation (Size of experimental design) + N = psi.shape[0] + + # Build the projection matrix + PsiTPsi = np.dot(psi_sparse.T, psi_sparse) + + if np.linalg.cond(PsiTPsi) > 1e-12: #and \ + # np.linalg.cond(PsiTPsi) < 1/sys.float_info.epsilon: + # faster + try: + M = sp.linalg.solve(PsiTPsi, + sp.sparse.eye(PsiTPsi.shape[0]).toarray()) + except: + raise AttributeError('There are too few samples for the corrected loo-cv error. Fit surrogate on at least as many samples as parameters to use this') + else: + # stabler + M = np.linalg.pinv(PsiTPsi) + + # h factor (the full matrix is not calculated explicitly, + # only the trace is, to save memory) + PsiM = np.dot(psi_sparse, M) + + h = np.sum(np.multiply(PsiM, psi_sparse), axis=1, dtype=np.longdouble)#float128) + + # ------ Calculate Error Loocv for each measurement point ---- + # Residuals + try: + residual = clf.predict(psi) - y + except: + residual = np.dot(psi, coeffs) - y + + # Variance + var_y = np.var(y) + + if var_y == 0: + norm_emp_error = 0 + loo_error = 0 + LCerror = np.zeros((y.shape)) + return 1-loo_error, LCerror + else: + norm_emp_error = np.mean(residual**2)/var_y + + # LCerror = np.divide(residual, (1-h)) + LCerror = residual / (1-h) + loo_error = np.mean(np.square(LCerror)) / var_y + # if there are NaNs, just return an infinite LOO error (this + # happens, e.g., when a strongly underdetermined problem is solved) + if np.isnan(loo_error): + loo_error = np.inf + + # Corrected Error for over-determined system + tr_M = np.trace(M) + if tr_M < 0 or abs(tr_M) > 1e6: + tr_M = np.trace(np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(psi.T, psi))) + + # Over-determined system of Equation + if N > P: + T_factor = N/(N-P) * (1 + tr_M) + + # Under-determined system of Equation + else: + T_factor = np.inf + + corrected_loo_error = loo_error * T_factor + + R_2 = 1 - corrected_loo_error + + return R_2, LCerror + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def pca_transformation(self, target, verbose=False): + """ + Transforms the targets (outputs) via Principal Component Analysis + + Parameters + ---------- + target : array of shape (n_samples,) + Target values. + + Returns + ------- + pca : obj + Fitted sklearnPCA object. + OutputMatrix : array of shape (n_samples,) + Transformed target values. + n_pca_components : int + Number of selected principal components. + + """ + # Transform via Principal Component Analysis + if hasattr(self, 'var_pca_threshold'): + var_pca_threshold = self.var_pca_threshold + else: + var_pca_threshold = 100.0 + n_samples, n_features = target.shape + + if hasattr(self, 'n_pca_components'): + n_pca_components = self.n_pca_components + else: + # Instantiate and fit sklearnPCA object + covar_matrix = sklearnPCA(n_components=None) + covar_matrix.fit(target) + var = np.cumsum(np.round(covar_matrix.explained_variance_ratio_, + decimals=5)*100) + # Find the number of components to explain self.varPCAThreshold of + # variance + try: + n_components = np.where(var >= var_pca_threshold)[0][0] + 1 + except IndexError: + n_components = min(n_samples, n_features) + + n_pca_components = min(n_samples, n_features, n_components) + + # Print out a report + if verbose: + print() + print('-' * 50) + print(f"PCA transformation is performed with {n_pca_components}" + " components.") + print('-' * 50) + print() + + # Fit and transform with the selected number of components + pca = sklearnPCA(n_components=n_pca_components, svd_solver='arpack') + scaled_target = pca.fit_transform(target) + + return pca, scaled_target, n_pca_components + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def gaussian_process_emulator(self, X, y, nug_term=None, autoSelect=False, + varIdx=None): + """ + Fits a Gaussian Process Emulator to the target given the training + points. + + Parameters + ---------- + X : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Training points. + y : array of shape (n_samples,) + Target values. + nug_term : float, optional + Nugget term. The default is None, i.e. variance of y. + autoSelect : bool, optional + Loop over some kernels and select the best. The default is False. + varIdx : int, optional + The index number. The default is None. + + Returns + ------- + gp : object + Fitted estimator. + + """ + + nug_term = nug_term if nug_term else np.var(y) + + Kernels = [nug_term * kernels.RBF(length_scale=1.0, + length_scale_bounds=(1e-25, 1e15)), + nug_term * kernels.RationalQuadratic(length_scale=0.2, + alpha=1.0), + nug_term * kernels.Matern(length_scale=1.0, + length_scale_bounds=(1e-15, 1e5), + nu=1.5)] + + # Automatic selection of the kernel + if autoSelect: + gp = {} + BME = [] + for i, kernel in enumerate(Kernels): + gp[i] = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel, + n_restarts_optimizer=3, + normalize_y=False) + + # Fit to data using Maximum Likelihood Estimation + gp[i].fit(X, y) + + # Store the MLE as BME score + BME.append(gp[i].log_marginal_likelihood()) + + gp = gp[np.argmax(BME)] + + else: + gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=Kernels[0], + n_restarts_optimizer=3, + normalize_y=False) + gp.fit(X, y) + + # Compute score + if varIdx is not None: + Score = gp.score(X, y) + print('-'*50) + print(f'Output variable {varIdx}:') + print('The estimation of GPE coefficients converged,') + print(f'with the R^2 score: {Score:.3f}') + print('-'*50) + + return gp + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def eval_metamodel(self, samples): + """ + Evaluates meta-model at the requested samples. One can also generate + nsamples. + + Parameters + ---------- + samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params), optional + Samples to evaluate meta-model at. The default is None. + nsamples : int, optional + Number of samples to generate, if no `samples` is provided. The + default is None. + sampling_method : str, optional + Type of sampling, if no `samples` is provided. The default is + 'random'. + return_samples : bool, optional + Retun samples, if no `samples` is provided. The default is False. + + Returns + ------- + mean_pred : dict + Mean of the predictions. + std_pred : dict + Standard deviatioon of the predictions. + """ + # Transform into np array - can also be given as list + samples = np.array(samples) + + # Transform samples to the independent space + samples = self.InputSpace.transform( + samples, + method='user' + ) + # Compute univariate bases for the given samples + if self.meta_model_type.lower() != 'gpe': + univ_p_val = self.univ_basis_vals( + samples, + n_max=np.max(self.pce_deg) + ) + + mean_pred_b = {} + std_pred_b = {} + # Loop over bootstrap iterations + for b_i in range(self.n_bootstrap_itrs): + + # Extract model dictionary + if self.meta_model_type.lower() == 'gpe': + model_dict = self.gp_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'] + else: + model_dict = self.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'] + + # Loop over outputs + mean_pred = {} + std_pred = {} + for output, values in model_dict.items(): + + mean = np.empty((len(samples), len(values))) + std = np.empty((len(samples), len(values))) + idx = 0 + for in_key, InIdxValues in values.items(): + + # Prediction with GPE + if self.meta_model_type.lower() == 'gpe': + X_T = self.x_scaler[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output].transform(samples) + gp = self.gp_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][in_key] + y_mean, y_std = gp.predict(X_T, return_std=True) + + else: + # Prediction with PCE + # Assemble Psi matrix + basis = self.basis_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][in_key] + psi = self.create_psi(basis, univ_p_val) + + # Prediction + if self.bootstrap_method != 'fast' or b_i == 0: + # with error bar, i.e. use clf_poly + clf_poly = self.clf_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][in_key] + try: + y_mean, y_std = clf_poly.predict( + psi, return_std=True + ) + except TypeError: + y_mean = clf_poly.predict(psi) + y_std = np.zeros_like(y_mean) + else: + # without error bar + coeffs = self.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][in_key] + y_mean = np.dot(psi, coeffs) + y_std = np.zeros_like(y_mean) + + mean[:, idx] = y_mean + std[:, idx] = y_std + idx += 1 + + # Save predictions for each output + if self.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + PCA = self.pca[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output] + mean_pred[output] = PCA.inverse_transform(mean) + std_pred[output] = np.zeros(mean.shape) + else: + mean_pred[output] = mean + std_pred[output] = std + + # Save predictions for each bootstrap iteration + mean_pred_b[b_i] = mean_pred + std_pred_b[b_i] = std_pred + + # Change the order of nesting + mean_pred_all = {} + for i in sorted(mean_pred_b): + for k, v in mean_pred_b[i].items(): + if k not in mean_pred_all: + mean_pred_all[k] = [None] * len(mean_pred_b) + mean_pred_all[k][i] = v + + # Compute the moments of predictions over the predictions + for output in self.out_names: + # Only use bootstraps with finite values + finite_rows = np.isfinite( + mean_pred_all[output]).all(axis=2).all(axis=1) + outs = np.asarray(mean_pred_all[output])[finite_rows] + # Compute mean + mean_pred[output] = np.mean(outs, axis=0) + # Compute standard deviation + if self.n_bootstrap_itrs > 1: + std_pred[output] = np.std(outs, axis=0) + else: + std_pred[output] = std_pred_b[b_i][output] + + return mean_pred, std_pred + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def create_model_error(self, X, y, Model, name='Calib'): + """ + Fits a GPE-based model error. + + Parameters + ---------- + X : array of shape (n_outputs, n_inputs) + Input array. It can contain any forcing inputs or coordinates of + extracted data. + y : array of shape (n_outputs,) + The model response for the MAP parameter set. + name : str, optional + Calibration or validation. The default is `'Calib'`. + + Returns + ------- + self: object + Self object. + + """ + outputNames = self.out_names + self.errorRegMethod = 'GPE' + self.errorclf_poly = self.auto_vivification() + self.errorScale = self.auto_vivification() + + # Read data + # TODO: do this call outside the metamodel + MeasuredData = Model.read_observation(case=name) + + # Fitting GPR based bias model + for out in outputNames: + nan_idx = ~np.isnan(MeasuredData[out]) + # Select data + try: + data = MeasuredData[out].values[nan_idx] + except AttributeError: + data = MeasuredData[out][nan_idx] + + # Prepare the input matrix + scaler = MinMaxScaler() + delta = data # - y[out][0] + BiasInputs = np.hstack((X[out], y[out].reshape(-1, 1))) + X_S = scaler.fit_transform(BiasInputs) + gp = self.gaussian_process_emulator(X_S, delta) + + self.errorScale[out]["y_1"] = scaler + self.errorclf_poly[out]["y_1"] = gp + + return self + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def eval_model_error(self, X, y_pred): + """ + Evaluates the error model. + + Parameters + ---------- + X : array + Inputs. + y_pred : dict + Predictions. + + Returns + ------- + mean_pred : dict + Mean predition of the GPE-based error model. + std_pred : dict + standard deviation of the GPE-based error model. + + """ + mean_pred = {} + std_pred = {} + + for Outkey, ValuesDict in self.errorclf_poly.items(): + + pred_mean = np.zeros_like(y_pred[Outkey]) + pred_std = np.zeros_like(y_pred[Outkey]) + + for Inkey, InIdxValues in ValuesDict.items(): + + gp = self.errorclf_poly[Outkey][Inkey] + scaler = self.errorScale[Outkey][Inkey] + + # Transform Samples using scaler + for j, pred in enumerate(y_pred[Outkey]): + BiasInputs = np.hstack((X[Outkey], pred.reshape(-1, 1))) + Samples_S = scaler.transform(BiasInputs) + y_hat, y_std = gp.predict(Samples_S, return_std=True) + pred_mean[j] = y_hat + pred_std[j] = y_std + # pred_mean[j] += pred + + mean_pred[Outkey] = pred_mean + std_pred[Outkey] = pred_std + + return mean_pred, std_pred + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + class auto_vivification(dict): + """ + Implementation of perl's AutoVivification feature. + + Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/651879/18082457 + """ + + def __getitem__(self, item): + try: + return dict.__getitem__(self, item) + except KeyError: + value = self[item] = type(self)() + return value + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def copy_meta_model_opts(self): + """ + This method is a convinient function to copy the metamodel options. + + Returns + ------- + new_MetaModelOpts : object + The copied object. + + """ + # TODO: what properties should be moved to the new object? + new_MetaModelOpts = copy.deepcopy(self) + new_MetaModelOpts.input_obj = self.input_obj#InputObj + new_MetaModelOpts.InputSpace = self.InputSpace + #new_MetaModelOpts.InputSpace.meta_Model = 'aPCE' + #new_MetaModelOpts.InputSpace.InputObj = self.input_obj + #new_MetaModelOpts.InputSpace.ndim = len(self.input_obj.Marginals) + new_MetaModelOpts.n_params = len(self.input_obj.Marginals) + #new_MetaModelOpts.InputSpace.hdf5_file = None + + return new_MetaModelOpts + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __select_degree(self, ndim, n_samples): + """ + Selects degree based on the number of samples and parameters in the + sequential design. + + Parameters + ---------- + ndim : int + Dimension of the parameter space. + n_samples : int + Number of samples. + + Returns + ------- + deg_array: array + Array containing the arrays. + + """ + # Define the deg_array + max_deg = np.max(self.pce_deg) + min_Deg = np.min(self.pce_deg) + + # TODO: remove the options for sequential? + #nitr = n_samples - self.InputSpace.n_init_samples + + # Check q-norm + if not np.isscalar(self.pce_q_norm): + self.pce_q_norm = np.array(self.pce_q_norm) + else: + self.pce_q_norm = np.array([self.pce_q_norm]) + + def M_uptoMax(maxDeg): + n_combo = np.zeros(maxDeg) + for i, d in enumerate(range(1, maxDeg+1)): + n_combo[i] = math.factorial(ndim+d) + n_combo[i] /= math.factorial(ndim) * math.factorial(d) + return n_combo + + deg_new = max_deg + #d = nitr if nitr != 0 and self.n_params > 5 else 1 + # d = 1 + # min_index = np.argmin(abs(M_uptoMax(max_deg)-ndim*n_samples*d)) + # deg_new = range(1, max_deg+1)[min_index] + + if deg_new > min_Deg and self.pce_reg_method.lower() != 'fastard': + deg_array = np.arange(min_Deg, deg_new+1) + else: + deg_array = np.array([deg_new]) + + return deg_array + + def generate_polynomials(self, max_deg=None): + # Check for InputSpace + if not hasattr(self, 'InputSpace'): + raise AttributeError('Generate or add InputSpace before generating polynomials') + + ndim = self.InputSpace.ndim + # Create orthogonal polynomial coefficients if necessary + if (self.meta_model_type.lower()!='gpe') and max_deg is not None:# and self.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag: + self.polycoeffs = {} + for parIdx in tqdm(range(ndim), ascii=True, + desc="Computing orth. polynomial coeffs"): + poly_coeffs = apoly_construction( + self.InputSpace.raw_data[parIdx], + max_deg + ) + self.polycoeffs[f'p_{parIdx+1}'] = poly_coeffs + else: + raise AttributeError('MetaModel cannot generate polynomials in the given scenario!') + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _compute_pce_moments(self): + """ + Computes the first two moments using the PCE-based meta-model. + + Returns + ------- + pce_means: dict + The first moment (mean) of the surrogate. + pce_stds: dict + The second moment (standard deviation) of the surrogate. + + """ + + # Check if its truly a pce-surrogate + if self.meta_model_type.lower() == 'gpe': + raise AttributeError('Moments can only be computed for pce-type surrogates') + + outputs = self.out_names + pce_means_b = {} + pce_stds_b = {} + + # Loop over bootstrap iterations + for b_i in range(self.n_bootstrap_itrs): + # Loop over the metamodels + coeffs_dicts = self.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'].items() + means = {} + stds = {} + for output, coef_dict in coeffs_dicts: + + pce_mean = np.zeros((len(coef_dict))) + pce_var = np.zeros((len(coef_dict))) + + for index, values in coef_dict.items(): + idx = int(index.split('_')[1]) - 1 + coeffs = self.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][index] + + # Mean = c_0 + if coeffs[0] != 0: + pce_mean[idx] = coeffs[0] + else: + clf_poly = self.clf_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output] + pce_mean[idx] = clf_poly[index].intercept_ + # Var = sum(coeffs[1:]**2) + pce_var[idx] = np.sum(np.square(coeffs[1:])) + + # Save predictions for each output + if self.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + PCA = self.pca[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output] + means[output] = PCA.inverse_transform(pce_mean) + stds[output] = PCA.inverse_transform(np.sqrt(pce_var)) + else: + means[output] = pce_mean + stds[output] = np.sqrt(pce_var) + + # Save predictions for each bootstrap iteration + pce_means_b[b_i] = means + pce_stds_b[b_i] = stds + + # Change the order of nesting + mean_all = {} + for i in sorted(pce_means_b): + for k, v in pce_means_b[i].items(): + if k not in mean_all: + mean_all[k] = [None] * len(pce_means_b) + mean_all[k][i] = v + std_all = {} + for i in sorted(pce_stds_b): + for k, v in pce_stds_b[i].items(): + if k not in std_all: + std_all[k] = [None] * len(pce_stds_b) + std_all[k][i] = v + + # Back transformation if PCA is selected. + pce_means, pce_stds = {}, {} + for output in outputs: + pce_means[output] = np.mean(mean_all[output], axis=0) + pce_stds[output] = np.mean(std_all[output], axis=0) + + return pce_means, pce_stds diff --git a/examples/model-comparison/example_model_comparison.py b/examples/model-comparison/example_model_comparison.py index ebd80fea82a3caf3ff204b89da96c59737ba502b..e712bba8c370cfb6bdbfd5a42dda64803edab571 100644 --- a/examples/model-comparison/example_model_comparison.py +++ b/examples/model-comparison/example_model_comparison.py @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__": # BME Bootstrap optuions opts_bootstrap = { "bootstrap": True, - "n_samples": 10000, + "n_samples": 1000,#0, "Discrepancy": DiscrepancyOpts, "emulator": True, "plot_post_pred": False @@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__": # Run model comparison BayesOpts = BayesModelComparison( justifiability=True, - n_bootstarp=100,#00, + n_bootstarp=1000,#00, just_n_meas=2 ) output_dict = BayesOpts.create_model_comparison( diff --git a/src/bayesvalidrox.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/src/bayesvalidrox.egg-info/PKG-INFO index dc88c833512df7b831d0849f008eda731b639173..279feebe3b7b4b5a53bdc43208dd65c926f06f2f 100644 --- a/src/bayesvalidrox.egg-info/PKG-INFO +++ b/src/bayesvalidrox.egg-info/PKG-INFO @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: bayesvalidrox -Version: 0.0.5 +Version: 1.0.0 Summary: An open-source, object-oriented Python package for surrogate-assisted Bayesain Validation of computational models. Home-page: https://git.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/inversemodeling/bayesian-validation -Author: Farid Mohammadi -Author-email: farid.mohammadi@iws.uni-stuttgart.de +Author: Farid Mohammadi, Rebecca Kohlhaas +Author-email: farid.mohammadi@iws.uni-stuttgart.de, rebecca.kohlhaas@iws.uni-stuttgart.de Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent diff --git a/src/bayesvalidrox.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/src/bayesvalidrox.egg-info/SOURCES.txt index d6619704eee21931221fa73b5d2076a2dce99991..344e9840627bb3e5a89593dbd9256472a8ef41d9 100644 --- a/src/bayesvalidrox.egg-info/SOURCES.txt +++ b/src/bayesvalidrox.egg-info/SOURCES.txt @@ -29,10 +29,13 @@ src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/exploration.py src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/glexindex.py src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/input_space.py src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/inputs.py +src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/meta_model_engine.py src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/orthogonal_matching_pursuit.py src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/reg_fast_ard.py src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/reg_fast_laplace.py +src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/sequential_design.py src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/surrogate_models.py +tests/test_BayesModelComparison.py tests/test_Discrepancy.py tests/test_ExpDesign.py tests/test_Input.py diff --git a/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_inference.py b/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_inference.py index 1898a8ae619597d92bc355ac4249f57019f0aed7..44e90b77c69b4c2c7bd27639727c5d2bd4fe8720 100644 --- a/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_inference.py +++ b/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_inference.py @@ -27,6 +27,91 @@ from .mcmc import MCMC plt.style.use(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], '../', 'bayesvalidrox.mplstyle')) +# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +def _kernel_rbf(X, hyperparameters): + """ + Isotropic squared exponential kernel. + + Higher l values lead to smoother functions and therefore to coarser + approximations of the training data. Lower l values make functions + more wiggly with wide uncertainty regions between training data points. + + sigma_f controls the marginal variance of b(x) + + Parameters + ---------- + X : ndarray of shape (n_samples_X, n_features) + + hyperparameters : Dict + Lambda characteristic length + sigma_f controls the marginal variance of b(x) + sigma_0 unresolvable error nugget term, interpreted as random + error that cannot be attributed to measurement error. + Returns + ------- + var_cov_matrix : ndarray of shape (n_samples_X,n_samples_X) + Kernel k(X, X). + + """ + from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RBF + min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler() + X_minmax = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(X) + + nparams = len(hyperparameters) + if nparams <3: + raise AttributeError('Provide 3 parameters for the RBF kernel!') + + # characteristic length (0,1] + Lambda = hyperparameters[0] + # sigma_f controls the marginal variance of b(x) + sigma2_f = hyperparameters[1] + + rbf = RBF(length_scale=Lambda) + cov_matrix = sigma2_f * rbf(X_minmax) + + # (unresolvable error) nugget term that is interpreted as random + # error that cannot be attributed to measurement error. + sigma2_0 = hyperparameters[2:] + for i, j in np.ndindex(cov_matrix.shape): + cov_matrix[i, j] += np.sum(sigma2_0) if i == j else 0 + + return cov_matrix + + +# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +def _logpdf(x, mean, cov): + """ + Computes the likelihood based on a multivariate normal distribution. + + Parameters + ---------- + x : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + mean : array_like + Observation data. + cov : 2d array + Covariance matrix of the distribution. + + Returns + ------- + log_lik : float + Log likelihood. + + """ + + # Tranform into np arrays + x = np.array(x) + mean = np.array(mean) + cov = np.array(cov) + + n = len(mean) + L = spla.cholesky(cov, lower=True) + beta = np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L))) + dev = x - mean + alpha = dev.dot(spla.cho_solve((L, True), dev)) + log_lik = -0.5 * alpha - beta - n / 2. * np.log(2 * np.pi) + return log_lik + class BayesInference: """ @@ -42,7 +127,7 @@ class BayesInference: of the variance matrix for a multivariate normal likelihood. name : str, optional The type of analysis, either calibration (`Calib`) or validation - (`Valid`). The default is `'Calib'`. + (`Valid`). The default is `'Calib'`. # TODO: what is going on here for validation? emulator : bool, optional Analysis with emulator (MetaModel). The default is `True`. bootstrap : bool, optional @@ -55,11 +140,11 @@ class BayesInference: A dictionary with the selected indices of each model output. The default is `None`. If `None`, all measurement points are used in the analysis. - samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params), optional + prior_samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params), optional The samples to be used in the analysis. The default is `None`. If None the samples are drawn from the probablistic input parameter object of the MetaModel object. - n_samples : int, optional + n_prior_samples : int, optional Number of samples to be used in the analysis. The default is `500000`. If samples is not `None`, this argument will be assigned based on the number of samples given. @@ -127,13 +212,13 @@ class BayesInference: def __init__(self, engine, MetaModel = None, discrepancy=None, emulator=True, name='Calib', bootstrap=False, req_outputs=None, - selected_indices=None, samples=None, n_samples=100000, + selected_indices=None, prior_samples=None, n_prior_samples=100000, measured_data=None, inference_method='rejection', mcmc_params=None, bayes_loocv=False, n_bootstrap_itrs=1, perturbed_data=[], bootstrap_noise=0.05, just_analysis=False, valid_metrics=['BME'], plot_post_pred=True, plot_map_pred=False, max_a_posteriori='mean', - corner_title_fmt='.2e'): + corner_title_fmt='.2e', out_dir = ''): self.engine = engine self.MetaModel = engine.MetaModel @@ -143,8 +228,8 @@ class BayesInference: self.bootstrap = bootstrap self.req_outputs = req_outputs self.selected_indices = selected_indices - self.samples = samples - self.n_samples = n_samples + self.prior_samples = prior_samples + self.n_prior_samples = n_prior_samples self.measured_data = measured_data self.inference_method = inference_method self.mcmc_params = mcmc_params @@ -158,6 +243,7 @@ class BayesInference: self.plot_map_pred = plot_map_pred self.max_a_posteriori = max_a_posteriori self.corner_title_fmt = corner_title_fmt + self.out_dir = out_dir # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_inference(self): @@ -168,31 +254,37 @@ class BayesInference: ------- BayesInference : obj The Bayes inference object. + + # TODO: should this function really return the class? """ - # Set some variables MetaModel = self.MetaModel Model = self.engine.Model n_params = MetaModel.n_params output_names = Model.Output.names par_names = self.engine.ExpDesign.par_names - - # If the prior is set by the user, take it. - if self.samples is None: - self.samples = self.engine.ExpDesign.generate_samples( - self.n_samples, 'random') + + # Create output directory + if self.out_dir == '': + self.out_dir = f'Outputs_Bayes_{Model.name}_{self.name}' + os.makedirs(self.out_dir, exist_ok=True) + + # If the prior is set by the user, take it, else generate from ExpDes + if self.prior_samples is None: + self.prior_samples = self.engine.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + self.n_prior_samples, 'random') else: try: - samples = self.samples.values + samples = self.prior_samples.values except AttributeError: - samples = self.samples - + samples = self.prior_samples + # Take care of an additional Sigma2s - self.samples = samples[:, :n_params] - + self.prior_samples = samples[:, :self.engine.MetaModel.n_params] + # Update number of samples - self.n_samples = self.samples.shape[0] + self.n_prior_samples = self.prior_samples.shape[0] # ---------- Preparation of observation data ---------- # Read observation data and perturb it if requested. @@ -229,239 +321,58 @@ class BayesInference: opt_sigma_flag = isinstance(self.Discrepancy, dict) opt_sigma = None for key_idx, key in enumerate(output_names): - # Find opt_sigma if opt_sigma_flag and opt_sigma is None: # Option A: known error with unknown bias term opt_sigma = 'A' - known_discrepancy = self.Discrepancy['known'] - self.Discrepancy = self.Discrepancy['infer'] + known_discrepancy = self.Discrepancy['known'] # TODO: the syntax here looks different from expected + self.Discrepancy = self.Discrepancy['infer'] # TODO: the syntax here looks different from expected sigma2 = np.array(known_discrepancy.parameters[key]) - elif opt_sigma == 'A' or self.Discrepancy.parameters is not None: + elif self.Discrepancy.parameters is not None: # Option B: The sigma2 is known (no bias term) - if opt_sigma == 'A': - sigma2 = np.array(known_discrepancy.parameters[key]) - else: - opt_sigma = 'B' - sigma2 = np.array(self.Discrepancy.parameters[key]) + opt_sigma = 'B' + sigma2 = np.array(self.Discrepancy.parameters[key]) elif not isinstance(self.Discrepancy.InputDisc, str): # Option C: The sigma2 is unknown (bias term including error) opt_sigma = 'C' - self.Discrepancy.opt_sigma = opt_sigma n_measurement = self.measured_data[key].values.shape sigma2 = np.zeros((n_measurement[0])) total_sigma2[key] = sigma2 - self.Discrepancy.opt_sigma = opt_sigma - self.Discrepancy.total_sigma2 = total_sigma2 + self.Discrepancy.opt_sigma = opt_sigma + self.Discrepancy.total_sigma2 = total_sigma2 # If inferred sigma2s obtained from e.g. calibration are given try: - self.sigma2s = self.Discrepancy.get_sample(self.n_samples) + self.sigma2s = self.Discrepancy.get_sample(self.n_prior_samples) except: - pass + pass #TODO: should an error be raised in this case? # ---------------- Bootstrap & TOM -------------------- + if self.bootstrap or self.bayes_loocv or self.just_analysis: - if len(self.perturbed_data) == 0: - # zero mean noise Adding some noise to the observation function - self.perturbed_data = self._perturb_data( - self.measured_data, output_names - ) - else: - self.n_bootstrap_itrs = len(self.perturbed_data) - - # -------- Model Discrepancy ----------- - if hasattr(self, 'error_model') and self.error_model \ - and self.name.lower() != 'calib': - # Select posterior mean as MAP - MAP_theta = self.samples.mean(axis=0).reshape((1, n_params)) - # MAP_theta = stats.mode(self.samples,axis=0)[0] - - # Evaluate the (meta-)model at the MAP - y_MAP, y_std_MAP = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=MAP_theta) - - # Train a GPR meta-model using MAP - self.error_MetaModel = MetaModel.create_model_error( - self.bias_inputs, y_MAP, Name=self.name - ) - - # ----------------------------------------------------- - # ----- Loop over the perturbed observation data ------ - # ----------------------------------------------------- - # Initilize arrays - logLikelihoods = np.zeros((self.n_samples, self.n_bootstrap_itrs), - dtype=np.float16) - BME_Corr = np.zeros((self.n_bootstrap_itrs)) - log_BME = np.zeros((self.n_bootstrap_itrs)) - KLD = np.zeros((self.n_bootstrap_itrs)) - inf_entropy = np.zeros((self.n_bootstrap_itrs)) - - # Compute the prior predtions - # Evaluate the MetaModel - if self.emulator: - y_hat, y_std = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=self.samples) - self.__mean_pce_prior_pred = y_hat - self._std_pce_prior_pred = y_std - - # Correct the predictions with Model discrepancy - if hasattr(self, 'error_model') and self.error_model: - y_hat_corr, y_std = self.error_MetaModel.eval_model_error( - self.bias_inputs, self.__mean_pce_prior_pred - ) - self.__mean_pce_prior_pred = y_hat_corr - self._std_pce_prior_pred = y_std - - # Surrogate model's error using RMSE of test data - if hasattr(MetaModel, 'rmse'): - surrError = MetaModel.rmse - else: - surrError = None - - else: - # Evaluate the original model - self.__model_prior_pred = self._eval_model( - samples=self.samples, key='PriorPred' - ) - surrError = None - - # Start the likelihood-BME computations for the perturbed data - for itr_idx, data in tqdm( - enumerate(self.perturbed_data), - total=self.n_bootstrap_itrs, - desc="Bootstrapping the BME calculations", ascii=True - ): - - # ---------------- Likelihood calculation ---------------- - if self.emulator: - model_evals = self.__mean_pce_prior_pred - else: - model_evals = self.__model_prior_pred - - # Leave one out - if self.bayes_loocv or self.just_analysis: - self.selected_indices = np.nonzero(data)[0] - - # Prepare data dataframe - nobs = list(self.measured_data.count().values[1:]) - numbers = list(np.cumsum(nobs)) - indices = list(zip([0] + numbers, numbers)) - data_dict = { - output_names[i]: data[j:k] for i, (j, k) in - enumerate(indices) - } - #print(output_names) - #print(indices) - #print(numbers) - #print(nobs) - #print(self.measured_data) - #for i, (j, k) in enumerate(indices): - # print(i,j,k) - #print(data) - #print(data_dict) - #stop - - # Unknown sigma2 - if opt_sigma == 'C' or hasattr(self, 'sigma2s'): - logLikelihoods[:, itr_idx] = self.normpdf( - model_evals, data_dict, total_sigma2, - sigma2=self.sigma2s, std=surrError - ) - else: - # known sigma2 - logLikelihoods[:, itr_idx] = self.normpdf( - model_evals, data_dict, total_sigma2, - std=surrError - ) - - # ---------------- BME Calculations ---------------- - # BME (log) - log_BME[itr_idx] = np.log( - np.nanmean(np.exp(logLikelihoods[:, itr_idx], - dtype=np.longdouble))#float128)) - ) - - # BME correction when using Emulator - if self.emulator: - BME_Corr[itr_idx] = self.__corr_factor_BME( - data_dict, total_sigma2, log_BME[itr_idx] - ) - - # Rejection Step - if 'kld' in list(map(str.lower, self.valid_metrics)) and\ - 'inf_entropy' in list(map(str.lower, self.valid_metrics)): - # Random numbers between 0 and 1 - unif = np.random.rand(1, self.n_samples)[0] - - # Reject the poorly performed prior - Likelihoods = np.exp(logLikelihoods[:, itr_idx], - dtype=np.float64) - accepted = (Likelihoods/np.max(Likelihoods)) >= unif - posterior = self.samples[accepted] - - # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods - postExpLikelihoods = np.mean( - logLikelihoods[:, itr_idx][accepted] - ) - - # Calculate Kullback-Leibler Divergence - KLD[itr_idx] = postExpLikelihoods - log_BME[itr_idx] - - # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities - if 'inf_entropy' in list(map(str.lower, self.valid_metrics)): - n_thread = int(0.875 * multiprocessing.cpu_count()) - with multiprocessing.Pool(n_thread) as p: - postExpPrior = np.mean(np.concatenate( - p.map( - self.engine.ExpDesign.JDist.pdf, - np.array_split(posterior.T, n_thread, axis=1)) - ) - ) - # Information Entropy based on Entropy paper Eq. 38 - inf_entropy[itr_idx] = log_BME[itr_idx] - postExpPrior - \ - postExpLikelihoods - - # Clear memory - gc.collect(generation=2) - - # ---------- Store metrics for perturbed data set ---------------- - # Likelihoods (Size: n_samples, n_bootstrap_itr) - self.log_likes = logLikelihoods - - # BME (log), KLD, infEntropy (Size: 1,n_bootstrap_itr) - self.log_BME = log_BME - - # BMECorrFactor (log) (Size: 1,n_bootstrap_itr) - if self.emulator: - self.log_BME_corr_factor = BME_Corr - - if 'kld' in list(map(str.lower, self.valid_metrics)): - self.KLD = KLD - if 'inf_entropy' in list(map(str.lower, self.valid_metrics)): - self.inf_entropy = inf_entropy - - # BME = BME + BMECorrFactor - if self.emulator: - self.log_BME += self.log_BME_corr_factor - + self.perform_bootstrap(opt_sigma, total_sigma2) + else: + print('No bootstrap for TOM performed!') # TODO: stop the code? Use n_bootstrap = 1? + # ---------------- Parameter Bayesian inference ---------------- - if self.inference_method.lower() == 'mcmc': + if self.name.lower() == 'valid': + # Convert to a dataframe if samples are provided after calibration. + self.posterior_df = pd.DataFrame(self.prior_samples, columns=par_names) + elif self.inference_method.lower() == 'mcmc': # Instantiate the MCMC object MCMC_Obj = MCMC(self) self.posterior_df = MCMC_Obj.run_sampler( self.measured_data, total_sigma2 ) - - elif self.name.lower() == 'valid': - # Convert to a dataframe if samples are provided after calibration. - self.posterior_df = pd.DataFrame(self.samples, columns=par_names) - - else: + elif self.inference_method.lower() == 'rejection': # Rejection sampling self.posterior_df = self._rejection_sampling() + else: + raise AttributeError('The chosen inference method is not available!') # Provide posterior's summary print('\n') @@ -502,10 +413,8 @@ class BayesInference: # ------------------ Visualization -------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------- # Create Output directory, if it doesn't exist already. - out_dir = f'Outputs_Bayes_{Model.name}_{self.name}' - os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) - # -------- Posteior parameters -------- + # -------- Posterior parameters -------- if opt_sigma != "B": par_names.extend( [self.Discrepancy.InputDisc.Marginals[i].name for i @@ -549,7 +458,7 @@ class BayesInference: plotname = f'/Posterior_Dist_{Model.name}' figPosterior.set_size_inches((24, 16)) - figPosterior.savefig(f'./{out_dir}{plotname}.pdf', + figPosterior.savefig(f'./{self.out_dir}{plotname}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') # -------- Plot MAP -------- @@ -558,47 +467,212 @@ class BayesInference: # -------- Plot log_BME dist -------- if self.bootstrap: + self.plot_log_BME() + + # -------- Posterior perdictives -------- + if self.plot_post_pred: + # Plot the posterior predictive + self._plot_post_predictive() + + return self + + def perform_bootstrap(self, opt_sigma, total_sigma2): + """ + Perform bootstrap to get TOM (??) + + Parameters + ---------- + opt_sigma : string + 'A', 'B', or 'C' + total_sigma2 : dict + Dictionary containing the sigma2 for the training(?) data + Returns + ------- + None. + + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + n_params = MetaModel.n_params + output_names = self.engine.Model.Output.names - # Computing the TOM performance - self.log_BME_tom = stats.chi2.rvs( - self.n_tot_measurement, size=self.log_BME.shape[0] + # Adding some zero mean noise to the observation function + if len(self.perturbed_data) == 0: + self.perturbed_data = self._perturb_data( + self.measured_data, output_names ) + else: + self.n_bootstrap_itrs = len(self.perturbed_data) - fig, ax = plt.subplots() - sns.kdeplot(self.log_BME_tom, ax=ax, color="green", shade=True) - sns.kdeplot( - self.log_BME, ax=ax, color="blue", shade=True, - label='Model BME') + # -------- Model Discrepancy ----------- + if hasattr(self, 'error_model') and self.error_model \ + and self.name.lower() != 'calib':# TODO: what should be set so that this is tested? + # Select prior ? mean as MAP + MAP_theta = self.prior_samples.mean(axis=0).reshape((1, n_params)) - ax.set_xlabel('log$_{10}$(BME)') - ax.set_ylabel('Probability density') + # Evaluate the (meta-)model at the MAP + y_MAP, y_std_MAP = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=MAP_theta) - legend_elements = [ - Patch(facecolor='green', edgecolor='green', label='TOM BME'), - Patch(facecolor='blue', edgecolor='blue', label='Model BME') - ] - ax.legend(handles=legend_elements) + # Train a GPR meta-model using MAP + self.error_MetaModel = MetaModel.create_model_error( + self.bias_inputs, y_MAP, Name=self.name + ) - if self.emulator: - plotname = f'/BME_hist_{Model.name}_emulator' + # ----------------------------------------------------- + # ----- Loop over the perturbed observation data ------ + # ----------------------------------------------------- + # Initilize arrays + logLikelihoods = np.zeros((self.n_prior_samples, self.n_bootstrap_itrs), + dtype=np.float16) + BME_Corr = np.zeros((self.n_bootstrap_itrs)) + log_BME = np.zeros((self.n_bootstrap_itrs)) + KLD = np.zeros((self.n_bootstrap_itrs)) + inf_entropy = np.zeros((self.n_bootstrap_itrs)) + + # Compute the prior predictions + # Evaluate the MetaModel + if self.emulator: + y_hat, y_std = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=self.prior_samples) + self.__mean_pce_prior_pred = y_hat + self._std_pce_prior_pred = y_std + + # Correct the predictions with Model discrepancy + if hasattr(self, 'error_model') and self.error_model: # TODO this does not check for calib? + y_hat_corr, y_std = self.error_MetaModel.eval_model_error( + self.bias_inputs, self.__mean_pce_prior_pred + ) + self.__mean_pce_prior_pred = y_hat_corr + self._std_pce_prior_pred = y_std + + # Surrogate model's error using RMSE of test data + if hasattr(MetaModel, 'rmse'): + surrError = MetaModel.rmse else: - plotname = f'/BME_hist_{Model.name}' + surrError = None - plt.savefig(f'./{out_dir}{plotname}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') - plt.show() - plt.close() + else: + # Evaluate the original model + self.__model_prior_pred = self._eval_model( + samples=self.prior_samples, key='PriorPred' + ) + surrError = None + + # Start the likelihood-BME computations for the perturbed data + for itr_idx, data in tqdm( + enumerate(self.perturbed_data), + total=self.n_bootstrap_itrs, + desc="Bootstrapping the BME calculations", ascii=True + ): + print('') + #print(itr_idx, data) + #print(np.nonzero(data)) + + # ---------------- Likelihood calculation ---------------- + if self.emulator: # TODO: do this outside of the loop? + model_evals = self.__mean_pce_prior_pred + else: + model_evals = self.__model_prior_pred + + # Leave one out # TODO: why is this loo? It just looks at perturbed data? + if self.bayes_loocv or self.just_analysis: + # Consider only non-zero entries + self.selected_indices = np.nonzero(data)[0] + + # Prepare data dataframe # TODO: what's with this transformation? + nobs = list(self.measured_data.count().values[1:]) + numbers = list(np.cumsum(nobs)) + indices = list(zip([0] + numbers, numbers)) + data_dict = { + output_names[i]: data[j:k] for i, (j, k) in + enumerate(indices) + } - # -------- Posteior perdictives -------- - if self.plot_post_pred: - # Plot the posterior predictive - self._plot_post_predictive() + # Unknown sigma2 + if opt_sigma == 'C' or hasattr(self, 'sigma2s'): + logLikelihoods[:, itr_idx] = self.normpdf( + model_evals, data_dict, total_sigma2, + sigma2=self.sigma2s, std=surrError + ) + else: + # known sigma2 + logLikelihoods[:, itr_idx] = self.normpdf( + model_evals, data_dict, total_sigma2, + std=surrError + ) + # ---------------- BME Calculations ---------------- + # BME (log) + log_BME[itr_idx] = np.log( + np.nanmean(np.exp(logLikelihoods[:, itr_idx], + dtype=np.longdouble))#float128)) + ) + + # BME correction when using Emulator + if self.emulator: + BME_Corr[itr_idx] = self._corr_factor_BME( + data_dict, total_sigma2, log_BME[itr_idx] + ) + + # Rejection Step + if 'kld' in list(map(str.lower, self.valid_metrics)) and\ + 'inf_entropy' in list(map(str.lower, self.valid_metrics)): # TODO: why and and not or? + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, self.n_prior_samples)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + Likelihoods = np.exp(logLikelihoods[:, itr_idx], + dtype=np.float64) + accepted = (Likelihoods/np.max(Likelihoods)) >= unif + posterior = self.prior_samples[accepted] + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean( + logLikelihoods[:, itr_idx][accepted] + ) + + # Calculate Kullback-Leibler Divergence + KLD[itr_idx] = postExpLikelihoods - log_BME[itr_idx] + + # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + if 'inf_entropy' in list(map(str.lower, self.valid_metrics)): + n_thread = int(0.875 * multiprocessing.cpu_count()) + with multiprocessing.Pool(n_thread) as p: + postExpPrior = np.mean(np.concatenate( + p.map( + self.engine.ExpDesign.JDist.pdf, + np.array_split(posterior.T, n_thread, axis=1)) + ) + ) + # Information Entropy based on Entropy paper Eq. 38 + inf_entropy[itr_idx] = log_BME[itr_idx] - postExpPrior - \ + postExpLikelihoods + + # Clear memory + gc.collect(generation=2) + + # ---------- Store metrics for perturbed data set ---------------- + # Likelihoods (Size: n_samples, n_bootstrap_itr) + self.log_likes = logLikelihoods + + # BME (log), KLD, infEntropy (Size: 1,n_bootstrap_itr) + self.log_BME = log_BME + + # BMECorrFactor (log) (Size: 1,n_bootstrap_itr) + if self.emulator: + self.log_BME_corr_factor = BME_Corr + # BME = BME + BMECorrFactor + self.log_BME += self.log_BME_corr_factor + + if 'kld' in list(map(str.lower, self.valid_metrics)): + self.KLD = KLD + if 'inf_entropy' in list(map(str.lower, self.valid_metrics)): + self.inf_entropy = inf_entropy + + - return self # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _perturb_data(self, data, output_names): """ - Returns an array with n_bootstrap_itrs rowsof perturbed data. + Returns an array with n_bootstrap_itrs rows of perturbed data. The first row includes the original observation data. If `self.bayes_loocv` is True, a 2d-array will be returned with repeated rows and zero diagonal entries. @@ -620,12 +694,11 @@ class BayesInference: obs_data = data[output_names].values n_measurement, n_outs = obs_data.shape self.n_tot_measurement = obs_data[~np.isnan(obs_data)].shape[0] - # Number of bootstrap iterations - if self.bayes_loocv: - self.n_bootstrap_itrs = self.n_tot_measurement - + # Pass loocv dataset if self.bayes_loocv: + # Number of bootstrap iterations + self.n_bootstrap_itrs = self.n_tot_measurement obs = obs_data.T[~np.isnan(obs_data.T)] final_data = np.repeat(np.atleast_2d(obs), self.n_bootstrap_itrs, axis=0) @@ -633,6 +706,7 @@ class BayesInference: return final_data else: + # Init return data with original data final_data = np.zeros( (self.n_bootstrap_itrs, self.n_tot_measurement) ) @@ -640,9 +714,11 @@ class BayesInference: for itrIdx in range(1, self.n_bootstrap_itrs): data = np.zeros((n_measurement, n_outs)) for idx in range(len(output_names)): + # Perturb the data std = np.nanstd(obs_data[:, idx]) if std == 0: - std = 0.001 + print('Note: Use std=0.01 for perturbation') + std = 0.001 noise = std * noise_level data[:, idx] = np.add( obs_data[:, idx], @@ -653,45 +729,18 @@ class BayesInference: return final_data - # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - def _logpdf(self, x, mean, cov): - """ - computes the likelihood based on a multivariate normal distribution. - - Parameters - ---------- - x : TYPE - DESCRIPTION. - mean : array_like - Observation data. - cov : 2d array - Covariance matrix of the distribution. - - Returns - ------- - log_lik : float - Log likelihood. - - """ - n = len(mean) - L = spla.cholesky(cov, lower=True) - beta = np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L))) - dev = x - mean - alpha = dev.dot(spla.cho_solve((L, True), dev)) - log_lik = -0.5 * alpha - beta - n / 2. * np.log(2 * np.pi) - return log_lik - + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _eval_model(self, samples=None, key='MAP'): """ - Evaluates Forward Model. + Evaluates Forward Model and zips the results Parameters ---------- samples : array of shape (n_samples, n_params), optional Parameter sets. The default is None. key : str, optional - Key string to be passed to the run_model_parallel method. + Descriptive key string for the run_model_parallel method. The default is 'MAP'. Returns @@ -700,18 +749,17 @@ class BayesInference: Model outputs. """ - MetaModel = self.MetaModel Model = self.engine.Model if samples is None: - self.samples = self.engine.ExpDesign.generate_samples( - self.n_samples, 'random') + self.prior_samples = self.engine.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + self.n_prior_samples, 'random') else: - self.samples = samples - self.n_samples = len(samples) + self.prior_samples = samples + self.n_prior_samples = len(samples) model_outputs, _ = Model.run_model_parallel( - self.samples, key_str=key+self.name) + self.prior_samples, key_str=key+self.name) # Clean up # Zip the subdirectories @@ -724,55 +772,6 @@ class BayesInference: return model_outputs - # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - def _kernel_rbf(self, X, hyperparameters): - """ - Isotropic squared exponential kernel. - - Higher l values lead to smoother functions and therefore to coarser - approximations of the training data. Lower l values make functions - more wiggly with wide uncertainty regions between training data points. - - sigma_f controls the marginal variance of b(x) - - Parameters - ---------- - X : ndarray of shape (n_samples_X, n_features) - - hyperparameters : Dict - Lambda characteristic length - sigma_f controls the marginal variance of b(x) - sigma_0 unresolvable error nugget term, interpreted as random - error that cannot be attributed to measurement error. - Returns - ------- - var_cov_matrix : ndarray of shape (n_samples_X,n_samples_X) - Kernel k(X, X). - - """ - from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RBF - min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler() - X_minmax = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(X) - - nparams = len(hyperparameters) - # characteristic length (0,1] - Lambda = hyperparameters[0] - # sigma_f controls the marginal variance of b(x) - sigma2_f = hyperparameters[1] - - # cov_matrix = sigma2_f*rbf_kernel(X_minmax, gamma = 1/Lambda**2) - - rbf = RBF(length_scale=Lambda) - cov_matrix = sigma2_f * rbf(X_minmax) - if nparams > 2: - # (unresolvable error) nugget term that is interpreted as random - # error that cannot be attributed to measurement error. - sigma2_0 = hyperparameters[2:] - for i, j in np.ndindex(cov_matrix.shape): - cov_matrix[i, j] += np.sum(sigma2_0) if i == j else 0 - - return cov_matrix - # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def normpdf(self, outputs, obs_data, total_sigma2s, sigma2=None, std=None): """ @@ -809,11 +808,11 @@ class BayesInference: # Extract the requested model outputs for likelihood calulation if self.req_outputs is None: - req_outputs = Model.Output.names + req_outputs = Model.Output.names # TODO: should this then be saved as self.req_outputs? else: req_outputs = list(self.req_outputs) - - # Loop over the outputs + + # Loop over the output keys for idx, out in enumerate(req_outputs): # (Meta)Model Output @@ -825,27 +824,26 @@ class BayesInference: except AttributeError: data = obs_data[out][~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] - # Prepare sigma2s + # Prepare data uncertainty / error estimation (sigma2s) non_nan_indices = ~np.isnan(total_sigma2s[out]) tot_sigma2s = total_sigma2s[out][non_nan_indices][:nout] - # Add the std of the PCE is chosen as emulator. + # Add the std of the PCE if an emulator is used if self.emulator: if std is not None: tot_sigma2s += std[out]**2 - # Covariance Matrix - covMatrix = np.diag(tot_sigma2s) - # Select the data points to compare try: indices = self.selected_indices[out] except: indices = list(range(nout)) - covMatrix = np.diag(covMatrix[indices, indices]) + + # Set up Covariance Matrix + covMatrix = np.diag(np.diag(tot_sigma2s)[indices, indices]) - # If sigma2 is not given, use given total_sigma2s - if sigma2 is None: + # If sigma2 is not given, use given total_sigma2s and move to next itr + if sigma2 is None: logLik += stats.multivariate_normal.logpdf( outputs[out][:, indices], data[indices], covMatrix) continue @@ -860,26 +858,25 @@ class BayesInference: # Covariance Matrix covMatrix = np.diag(tot_sigma2s) - if sigma2 is not None: - # Check the type error term - if hasattr(self, 'bias_inputs') and \ - not hasattr(self, 'error_model'): - # Infer a Bias model usig Gaussian Process Regression - bias_inputs = np.hstack( - (self.bias_inputs[out], - tot_outputs[s_idx].reshape(-1, 1))) - - params = sigma2[s_idx, idx*3:(idx+1)*3] - covMatrix = self._kernel_rbf(bias_inputs, params) - else: - # Infer equal sigma2s - try: - sigma_2 = sigma2[s_idx, idx] - except TypeError: - sigma_2 = 0.0 + # Check the type error term + if hasattr(self, 'bias_inputs') and \ + not hasattr(self, 'error_model'): + # Infer a Bias model usig Gaussian Process Regression + bias_inputs = np.hstack( + (self.bias_inputs[out], + tot_outputs[s_idx].reshape(-1, 1))) + + params = sigma2[s_idx, idx*3:(idx+1)*3] + covMatrix = _kernel_rbf(bias_inputs, params) + else: + # Infer equal sigma2s + try: + sigma_2 = sigma2[s_idx, idx] + except TypeError: + sigma_2 = 0.0 - covMatrix += sigma_2 * np.eye(nout) - # covMatrix = np.diag(sigma2 * total_sigma2s) + covMatrix += sigma_2 * np.eye(nout) + # covMatrix = np.diag(sigma2 * total_sigma2s) # Select the data points to compare try: @@ -889,80 +886,40 @@ class BayesInference: covMatrix = np.diag(covMatrix[indices, indices]) # Compute loglikelihood - logliks[s_idx] = self._logpdf( + logliks[s_idx] = _logpdf( tot_outputs[s_idx, indices], data[indices], covMatrix ) - + #print(logLik) logLik += logliks return logLik # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - def _corr_factor_BME_old(self, Data, total_sigma2s, posterior): + def _corr_factor_BME(self, obs_data, total_sigma2s, logBME): """ Calculates the correction factor for BMEs. - """ - MetaModel = self.MetaModel - OrigModelOutput = self.engine.ExpDesign.Y - Model = self.engine.Model - - # Posterior with guassian-likelihood - postDist = stats.gaussian_kde(posterior.T) - - # Remove NaN - Data = Data[~np.isnan(Data)] - total_sigma2s = total_sigma2s[~np.isnan(total_sigma2s)] - - # Covariance Matrix - covMatrix = np.diag(total_sigma2s[:self.n_tot_measurement]) - - # Extract the requested model outputs for likelihood calulation - if self.req_outputs is None: - OutputType = Model.Output.names - else: - OutputType = list(self.req_outputs) - - # SampleSize = OrigModelOutput[OutputType[0]].shape[0] - - - # Flatten the OutputType for OrigModel - TotalOutputs = np.concatenate([OrigModelOutput[x] for x in OutputType], 1) - - NrofBayesSamples = self.n_samples - # Evaluate MetaModel on the experimental design - Samples = self.engine.ExpDesign.X - OutputRS, stdOutputRS = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=Samples) - - # Reset the NrofSamples to NrofBayesSamples - self.n_samples = NrofBayesSamples - - # Flatten the OutputType for MetaModel - TotalPCEOutputs = np.concatenate([OutputRS[x] for x in OutputRS], 1) - TotalPCEstdOutputRS= np.concatenate([stdOutputRS[x] for x in stdOutputRS], 1) + + Parameters + ---------- + obs_data : dict + A dictionary/dataframe containing the observation data. + total_sigma2s : dict + A dictionary with known values of the covariance diagonal entries, + a.k.a sigma^2. + logBME : ?? + ?? - logweight = 0 - for i, sample in enumerate(Samples): - # Compute likelilhood output vs RS - covMatrix = np.diag(TotalPCEstdOutputRS[i]**2) - logLik = self._logpdf(TotalOutputs[i], TotalPCEOutputs[i], covMatrix) - # Compute posterior likelihood of the collocation points - logpostLik = np.log(postDist.pdf(sample[:, None]))[0] - if logpostLik != -np.inf: - logweight += logLik + logpostLik - return logweight + Returns + ------- + np.log(weights) : ?? + Correction factors # TODO: factors or log of factors? - # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - def __corr_factor_BME(self, obs_data, total_sigma2s, logBME): - """ - Calculates the correction factor for BMEs. """ + # Extract the requested model outputs for likelihood calulation MetaModel = self.MetaModel samples = self.engine.ExpDesign.X model_outputs = self.engine.ExpDesign.Y - Model = self.engine.Model n_samples = samples.shape[0] - - # Extract the requested model outputs for likelihood calulation - output_names = Model.Output.names + output_names = self.engine.Model.Output.names # Evaluate MetaModel on the experimental design and ValidSet OutputRS, stdOutputRS = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=samples) @@ -1008,13 +965,13 @@ class BayesInference: covMatrix_data = np.diag(covMatrix_data[indices, indices]) # Compute likelilhood output vs data - logLik_data[i] += self._logpdf( + logLik_data[i] += _logpdf( y_m_hat[indices], data[indices], covMatrix_data ) # Compute likelilhood output vs surrogate - logLik_model[i] += self._logpdf( + logLik_model[i] += _logpdf( y_m_hat[indices], y_m[indices], covMatrix ) @@ -1037,48 +994,51 @@ class BayesInference: Posterior samples of the input parameters. """ + if self.prior_samples is None: + raise AttributeError('No prior samples available!') - MetaModel = self.MetaModel + if not hasattr(self, 'log_likes'): + raise AttributeError('No log-likelihoods available!') + + # Get sigmas # TODO: is this data uncertainty? try: sigma2_prior = self.Discrepancy.sigma2_prior except: sigma2_prior = None - # Check if the discrepancy is defined as a distribution: - samples = self.samples - + # Combine samples and sigma2 for the return + samples = self.prior_samples if sigma2_prior is not None: samples = np.hstack((samples, sigma2_prior)) # Take the first column of Likelihoods (Observation data without noise) if self.just_analysis or self.bayes_loocv: index = self.n_tot_measurement-1 - likelihoods = np.exp(self.log_likes[:, index], dtype=np.longdouble)#np.float128) else: - likelihoods = np.exp(self.log_likes[:, 0], dtype=np.longdouble)#np.float128) + index = 0 + + # Use longdouble on windows, float128 on linux + if os.name != 'nt': + likelihoods = np.exp(self.log_likes[:, index], dtype=np.float128) + else: + print('WARNING: Performing the inference on windows can lead to reduced accuracy!') + likelihoods = np.exp(self.log_likes[:, index], dtype=np.longdouble) n_samples = len(likelihoods) - norm_ikelihoods = likelihoods / np.max(likelihoods) + norm_likelihoods = likelihoods / np.max(likelihoods) # Normalize based on min if all Likelihoods are zero if all(likelihoods == 0.0): likelihoods = self.log_likes[:, 0] - norm_ikelihoods = likelihoods / np.min(likelihoods) + norm_likelihoods = likelihoods / np.min(likelihoods) - # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + # Reject the poorly performed prior compared to a uniform distribution unif = np.random.rand(1, n_samples)[0] - - # Reject the poorly performed prior - accepted_samples = samples[norm_ikelihoods >= unif] - - # Output the Posterior - par_names = self.engine.ExpDesign.par_names - if sigma2_prior is not None: - for name in self.Discrepancy.name: - par_names.append(name) + accepted_samples = samples[norm_likelihoods >= unif] return pd.DataFrame(accepted_samples, columns=sigma2_prior) + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _posterior_predictive(self): """ @@ -1100,11 +1060,7 @@ class BayesInference: MetaModel = self.MetaModel Model = self.engine.Model - # Make a directory to save the prior/posterior predictive - out_dir = f'Outputs_Bayes_{Model.name}_{self.name}' - os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) - - # Read observation data and perturb it if requested + # Read observation data and perturb it if requested # TODO: where is the perturbation? if self.measured_data is None: self.measured_data = Model.read_observation(case=self.name) @@ -1125,7 +1081,7 @@ class BayesInference: # Take care of the sigma2 if sigma2_prior is not None: try: - sigma2s = posterior_df[self.Discrepancy.name].values + sigma2s = posterior_df[self.Discrepancy.name].values # TODO: what is Discrepancy.name? posterior_df = posterior_df.drop( labels=self.Discrepancy.name, axis=1 ) @@ -1134,17 +1090,17 @@ class BayesInference: # Posterior predictive if self.emulator: - if self.inference_method == 'rejection': + if self.inference_method == 'rejection': # TODO: combine these two? prior_pred = self.__mean_pce_prior_pred if self.name.lower() != 'calib': post_pred = self.__mean_pce_prior_pred post_pred_std = self._std_pce_prior_pred else: - post_pred, post_pred_std = MetaModel.eval_metamodel( + post_pred, post_pred_std = MetaModel.eval_metamodel( # TODO: recheck if this is needed samples=posterior_df.values ) - else: + else: # TODO: see emulator version if self.inference_method == 'rejection': prior_pred = self.__model_prior_pred if self.name.lower() != 'calib': @@ -1182,7 +1138,7 @@ class BayesInference: bias_inputs = np.hstack(( self.bias_inputs[var], pred.reshape(-1, 1))) params = sigma2s[i, varIdx*3:(varIdx+1)*3] - cov = self._kernel_rbf(bias_inputs, params) + cov = _kernel_rbf(bias_inputs, params) else: # Infer equal sigma2s try: @@ -1211,7 +1167,7 @@ class BayesInference: # ----- Prior Predictive ----- if self.inference_method.lower() == 'rejection': # Create hdf5 metadata - hdf5file = f'{out_dir}/priorPredictive.hdf5' + hdf5file = f'{self.out_dir}/priorPredictive.hdf5' hdf5_exist = os.path.exists(hdf5file) if hdf5_exist: os.remove(hdf5file) @@ -1232,7 +1188,7 @@ class BayesInference: # ----- Posterior Predictive only model evaluations ----- # Create hdf5 metadata - hdf5file = out_dir+'/postPredictive_wo_noise.hdf5' + hdf5file = self.out_dir+'/postPredictive_wo_noise.hdf5' hdf5_exist = os.path.exists(hdf5file) if hdf5_exist: os.remove(hdf5file) @@ -1253,7 +1209,7 @@ class BayesInference: # ----- Posterior Predictive with noise ----- # Create hdf5 metadata - hdf5file = out_dir+'/postPredictive.hdf5' + hdf5file = self.out_dir+'/postPredictive.hdf5' hdf5_exist = os.path.exists(hdf5file) if hdf5_exist: os.remove(hdf5file) @@ -1288,7 +1244,6 @@ class BayesInference: MetaModel = self.MetaModel Model = self.engine.Model - out_dir = f'Outputs_Bayes_{Model.name}_{self.name}' opt_sigma = self.Discrepancy.opt_sigma # -------- Find MAP and run MetaModel and origModel -------- @@ -1324,7 +1279,7 @@ class BayesInference: Marker = 'x' # Create a PdfPages object - pdf = PdfPages(f'./{out_dir}MAP_PCE_vs_Model_{self.name}.pdf') + pdf = PdfPages(f'./{self.out_dir}MAP_PCE_vs_Model_{self.name}.pdf') fig = plt.figure() for i, key in enumerate(Model.Output.names): @@ -1374,6 +1329,38 @@ class BayesInference: plt.clf() pdf.close() + + def plot_log_BME(self): + + # Computing the TOM performance + self.log_BME_tom = stats.chi2.rvs( + self.n_tot_measurement, size=self.log_BME.shape[0] + ) + + fig, ax = plt.subplots() + sns.kdeplot(self.log_BME_tom, ax=ax, color="green", shade=True) + sns.kdeplot( + self.log_BME, ax=ax, color="blue", shade=True, + label='Model BME') + + ax.set_xlabel('log$_{10}$(BME)') + ax.set_ylabel('Probability density') + + legend_elements = [ + Patch(facecolor='green', edgecolor='green', label='TOM BME'), + Patch(facecolor='blue', edgecolor='blue', label='Model BME') + ] + ax.legend(handles=legend_elements) + + if self.emulator: + plotname = f'/BME_hist_{self.Model.name}_emulator' + else: + plotname = f'/BME_hist_{self.Model.name}' + + plt.savefig(f'./{self.self.out_dir}{plotname}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') + plt.show() + plt.close() + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _plot_post_predictive(self): @@ -1387,7 +1374,6 @@ class BayesInference: """ Model = self.engine.Model - out_dir = f'Outputs_Bayes_{Model.name}_{self.name}' # Plot the posterior predictive for out_idx, out_name in enumerate(Model.Output.names): fig, ax = plt.subplots() @@ -1400,7 +1386,7 @@ class BayesInference: # --- Prior --- # Load posterior predictive f = h5py.File( - f'{out_dir}/priorPredictive.hdf5', 'r+') + f'{self.out_dir}/priorPredictive.hdf5', 'r+') try: x_coords = np.array(f[f"x_values/{out_name}"]) @@ -1422,7 +1408,7 @@ class BayesInference: f.close() # --- Posterior --- - f = h5py.File(f"{out_dir}/postPredictive.hdf5", 'r+') + f = h5py.File(f"{self.out_dir}/postPredictive.hdf5", 'r+') X_values = np.repeat( x_coords, np.array(f[f"EDY/{out_name}"]).shape[0]) @@ -1477,7 +1463,7 @@ class BayesInference: else: # Load posterior predictive - f = h5py.File(f"{out_dir}/postPredictive.hdf5", 'r+') + f = h5py.File(f"{self.out_dir}/postPredictive.hdf5", 'r+') try: x_coords = np.array(f[f"x_values/{out_name}"]) @@ -1528,5 +1514,5 @@ class BayesInference: else: plotname = f'/Post_Prior_Perd_{Model.name}' - fig.savefig(f'./{out_dir}{plotname}_{out_name}.pdf', + fig.savefig(f'./{self.out_dir}{plotname}_{out_name}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') diff --git a/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_model_comparison.py b/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_model_comparison.py index 828613556e90ec0c529b91f2592eec148c98136b..769ad2ceaaced2c1fb6f18d22a9ca27278c3e8a1 100644 --- a/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_model_comparison.py +++ b/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_model_comparison.py @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +import emcee import numpy as np import os from scipy import stats @@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ class BayesModelComparison: `True`. perturbed_data : array of shape (n_bootstrap_itrs, n_obs), optional User defined perturbed data. The default is `None`. - n_bootstarp : int + n_bootstrap : int Number of bootstrap iteration. The default is `1000`. data_noise_level : float A noise level to perturb the data set. The default is `0.01`. @@ -38,13 +39,15 @@ class BayesModelComparison: """ def __init__(self, justifiability=True, perturbed_data=None, - n_bootstarp=1000, data_noise_level=0.01, just_n_meas=2): + n_bootstrap=1000, data_noise_level=0.01, just_n_meas=2): + # TODO: check valid ranges of the parameters + self.justifiability = justifiability self.perturbed_data = perturbed_data - self.n_bootstarp = n_bootstarp + self.n_bootstrap = n_bootstrap self.data_noise_level = data_noise_level - self.just_n_meas = just_n_meas + self.just_n_meas = just_n_meas # TODO: what is this parameter? # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_model_comparison(self, model_dict, opts_dict): @@ -77,7 +80,9 @@ class BayesModelComparison: comparison using Bayes factors and justifiability analysis. """ - + # TODO: why are these two separate calls of the same function? + # They should be performable at the same time + # Bayes factor bayes_dict_bf, model_weights_dict_bf = self.compare_models( model_dict, opts_dict @@ -93,7 +98,8 @@ class BayesModelComparison: bayes_dict_ja, model_weights_dict_ja = self.compare_models( model_dict, opts_dict, justifiability=True ) - + + # TODO: why does this version of the call not return a summarized confusion matrix? output['Bayes objects JA'] = bayes_dict_ja output['Model weights JA'] = model_weights_dict_ja @@ -135,6 +141,7 @@ class BayesModelComparison: self.model_names = [*model_dict] # Compute total number of the measurement points + # TODO: there could be a different option for this here Engine = list(model_dict.items())[0][1] Engine.Model.read_observation() self.n_meas = Engine.Model.n_obs @@ -142,21 +149,40 @@ class BayesModelComparison: # ----- Generate data ----- # Find n_bootstrap if self.perturbed_data is None: - n_bootstarp = self.n_bootstarp + n_bootstrap = self.n_bootstrap else: - n_bootstarp = self.perturbed_data.shape[0] + n_bootstrap = self.perturbed_data.shape[0] # Create dataset justData = self.generate_dataset( - model_dict, justifiability, n_bootstarp=n_bootstarp) + model_dict, justifiability, n_bootstarp=n_bootstrap) # Run create Interface for each model - bayes_dict = {} + self.bayes_dict = {} for model in model_dict.keys(): print("-"*20) print("Bayesian inference of {}.\n".format(model)) BayesOpts = BayesInference(model_dict[model]) + + # Explicitly set the settings of the BayesOpts + if self.use_Bayes_settings: + BayesOpts.emulator= True + BayesOpts.plot_post_pred = True + #BayesOpts.inference_method = 'rejection' + BayesOpts.bootstrap = True + BayesOpts.n_bootstrap_itrs = 10 + BayesOpts.bootstrap_noise = 0.05 + + # Set the MCMC parameters + BayesOpts.inference_method = "MCMC" + BayesOpts.mcmc_params = { + 'n_steps': 1e3,#5, + 'n_walkers': 30, + 'moves': emcee.moves.KDEMove(), + 'multiprocessing': False, + 'verbose': False + } # Set BayesInference options for key, value in opts_dict.items(): @@ -170,17 +196,17 @@ class BayesModelComparison: BayesOpts.perturbed_data = justData BayesOpts.just_analysis = justifiability - bayes_dict[model] = BayesOpts.create_inference() + self.bayes_dict[model] = BayesOpts.create_inference() print("-"*20) # Compute model weights - BME_Dict = dict() - for modelName, bayesObj in bayes_dict.items(): - BME_Dict[modelName] = np.exp(bayesObj.log_BME, dtype=np.longdouble)#float128) + self.BME_Dict = dict() + for modelName, bayesObj in self.bayes_dict.items(): + self.BME_Dict[modelName] = np.exp(bayesObj.log_BME, dtype=np.longdouble)#float128) # BME correction in BayesInference class - model_weights = self.cal_model_weight( - BME_Dict, justifiability, n_bootstarp=n_bootstarp) + self.model_weights = self.cal_model_weight( + self.BME_Dict, justifiability, n_bootstarp=n_bootstrap) # Plot model weights if justifiability: @@ -189,27 +215,27 @@ class BayesModelComparison: # Split the model weights and save in a dict list_ModelWeights = np.split( - model_weights, model_weights.shape[1]/self.n_meas, axis=1) + self.model_weights, self.model_weights.shape[1]/self.n_meas, axis=1) model_weights_dict = {key: weights for key, weights in zip(model_names, list_ModelWeights)} #self.plot_just_analysis(model_weights_dict) else: # Create box plot for model weights - self.plot_model_weights(model_weights, 'model_weights') + self.plot_model_weights(self.model_weights, 'model_weights') # Create kde plot for bayes factors - self.plot_bayes_factor(BME_Dict, 'kde_plot') + self.plot_bayes_factor(self.BME_Dict, 'kde_plot') # Store model weights in a dict model_weights_dict = {key: weights for key, weights in - zip(self.model_names, model_weights)} + zip(self.model_names, self.model_weights)} - return bayes_dict, model_weights_dict + return self.bayes_dict, model_weights_dict # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def generate_dataset(self, model_dict, justifiability=False, - n_bootstarp=1): + n_bootstrap=1): """ Generates the perturbed data set for the Bayes factor calculations and the data set for the justifiability analysis. @@ -221,7 +247,7 @@ class BayesModelComparison: bool, optional Whether to perform the justifiability analysis. The default is `False`. - n_bootstarp : int, optional + n_bootstrap : int, optional Number of bootstrap iterations. The default is `1`. Returns @@ -238,7 +264,7 @@ class BayesModelComparison: # Perturb observations for Bayes Factor if self.perturbed_data is None: self.perturbed_data = self.__perturb_data( - Engine.Model.observations, out_names, n_bootstarp, + Engine.Model.observations, out_names, n_bootstrap, noise_level=self.data_noise_level) # Only for Bayes Factor @@ -248,11 +274,11 @@ class BayesModelComparison: # Evaluate metamodel runs = {} for key, metaModel in model_dict.items(): - y_hat, _ = metaModel.eval_metamodel(nsamples=n_bootstarp) + y_hat, _ = metaModel.eval_metamodel(nsamples=n_bootstrap) runs[key] = y_hat # Generate data - for i in range(n_bootstarp): + for i in range(n_bootstrap): y_data = self.perturbed_data[i].reshape(1, -1) justData = np.tril(np.repeat(y_data, y_data.shape[1], axis=0)) # Use surrogate runs for data-generating process @@ -318,7 +344,7 @@ class BayesModelComparison: return final_data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - def cal_model_weight(self, BME_Dict, justifiability=False, n_bootstarp=1): + def cal_model_weight(self, BME_Dict, justifiability=False, n_bootstrap=1): """ Normalize the BME (Asumption: Model Prior weights are equal for models) @@ -339,7 +365,7 @@ class BayesModelComparison: if justifiability: # Compute expected log_BME for justifiabiliy analysis all_BME = all_BME.reshape( - all_BME.shape[0], -1, n_bootstarp).mean(axis=2) + all_BME.shape[0], -1, n_bootstrap).mean(axis=2) # Model weights model_weights = np.divide(all_BME, np.nansum(all_BME, axis=0)) diff --git a/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/discrepancy.py b/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/discrepancy.py index fff32a2500ae20b3667c7b0ec2cc85c1da614688..b3c235ebeb6d6ae9e109ca862cc522cc21efb45e 100644 --- a/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/discrepancy.py +++ b/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/discrepancy.py @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class Discrepancy: * Option B: With unknown redidual covariance matrix \\(\\Sigma\\), paramethrized as \\(\\Sigma(\\theta_{\\epsilon})=\\sigma^2 \\textbf{I}_ {N_{out}}\\) with unknown residual variances \\(\\sigma^2\\). - This term will be jointly infer with the uncertain input parameters. For + This term will be jointly infered with the uncertain input parameters. For the inversion, you need to define a prior marginal via `Input` class. Note that \\(\\sigma^2\\) is only a single scalar multiplier for the diagonal entries of the covariance matrix \\(\\Sigma\\). @@ -58,10 +58,17 @@ class Discrepancy: """ def __init__(self, InputDisc='', disc_type='Gaussian', parameters=None): + # Set the values self.InputDisc = InputDisc self.disc_type = disc_type self.parameters = parameters - + + # Other inits + self.ExpDesign = None + self.n_samples = None + self.sigma2_prior = None + self.name = None + self.opt_sigma = None # This will be set in the inference class and used in mcmc # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_sample(self, n_samples): """ @@ -87,6 +94,11 @@ class Discrepancy: # Create and store BoundTuples self.ExpDesign = ExpDesigns(self.InputDisc) self.ExpDesign.sampling_method = 'random' + + # TODO: why does it call 'generate_ED' instead of 'generate_samples? + # ExpDesign.bound_tuples, onp_sigma, prior_space needed from the outside + # Discrepancy opt_sigma, InputDisc needed from the outside + # TODO: opt_sigma not defined here, but called from the outside?? self.ExpDesign.generate_ED( n_samples, max_pce_deg=1 ) diff --git a/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/mcmc.py b/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/mcmc.py index fe22a152f117aab7023bfe6592ce3a48bb0b3aec..d78d15b5fd90dc4477da7d0fd58da835acc75310 100755 --- a/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/mcmc.py +++ b/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/mcmc.py @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class MCMC: initsamples = priorDist.sample(self.nwalkers).T except: # when aPCE selected - gaussian kernel distribution - inputSamples = MetaModel.ExpDesign.raw_data.T + inputSamples = self.BayesOpts.engine.ExpDesign.raw_data.T random_indices = np.random.choice( len(inputSamples), size=self.nwalkers, replace=False ) diff --git a/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/desktop.ini b/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/desktop.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..632de13ae6b61cecf0d9fdbf9c97cfb16bfb51a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/desktop.ini @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[LocalizedFileNames] +exploration.py=@exploration.py,0 diff --git a/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/engine.py b/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/engine.py index 42307d4770d4ae23a40107dfea64057aac682c23..387cec5010373a087b01e838aba89404f2069c51 100644 --- a/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/engine.py +++ b/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/engine.py @@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ class Engine(): self.Model = Model self.ExpDesign = ExpDes self.parallel = False + self.trained = False def start_engine(self) -> None: """ @@ -225,6 +226,9 @@ class Engine(): self.ExpDesign.sampling_method.lower() != 'user': self.Model.zip_subdirs(self.Model.name, f'{self.Model.name}_') + # Set that training was done + self.trained = True + def train_sequential(self, parallel = False, verbose = False) -> None: """ @@ -353,7 +357,8 @@ class Engine(): TotalSigma2 = {} # ---------- Initial self.MetaModel ---------- - self.train_normal(parallel = parallel, verbose=verbose) + if not self.trained: + self.train_normal(parallel = parallel, verbose=verbose) initMetaModel = deepcopy(self.MetaModel) @@ -745,11 +750,14 @@ class Engine(): logPriorLikelihoods = np.zeros((mc_size)) # print(y_hat) # print(list[y_hat]) + #print(std) for key in list(y_hat): + #print(std[key]) cov = np.diag(std[key]**2) - # print(y_hat[key], cov) + #print(y_hat[key], cov) + print(key, y_hat[key], std[key]) # TODO: added the allow_singular = True here - rv = stats.multivariate_normal(mean=y_hat[key], cov=cov,) + rv = stats.multivariate_normal(mean=y_hat[key], cov=cov,allow_singular = True) Y_MC[key] = rv.rvs(size=mc_size) logPriorLikelihoods += rv.logpdf(Y_MC[key]) std_MC[key] = np.zeros((mc_size, y_hat[key].shape[0])) diff --git a/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/exp_designs.py b/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/exp_designs.py index fa03fe17d96fb2c1f19546b7b72fb2fd6dd1c13a..96012162a614c308c18ba09c8c57344e442f9c43 100644 --- a/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/exp_designs.py +++ b/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/exp_designs.py @@ -371,10 +371,18 @@ class ExpDesigns(InputSpace): # store the raw data with given random indices samples[:, pa_idx] = self.raw_data[pa_idx, rand_idx] else: + if not hasattr(self, 'JDist'): + raise AttributeError('Sampling cannot proceed, build ExpDesign with max_deg != 0 to create JDist!') try: + # Use resample if JDist is of type gaussian_kde samples = self.JDist.resample(int(n_samples)).T except AttributeError: + # Use sample if JDist is of type chaospy.J samples = self.JDist.sample(int(n_samples)).T + # If there is only one input transform the samples + if self.ndim == 1: + samples = np.swapaxes(np.atleast_2d(samples),0,1) + # Check if all samples are in the bound_tuples for idx, param_set in enumerate(samples): if not check_ranges(param_set, self.bound_tuples): diff --git a/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/input_space.py b/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/input_space.py index 4e010d66f2933ec243bad756d8f2c5454808d802..d722e387a8106a07472f8612aaaa7f2fe8daea84 100644 --- a/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/input_space.py +++ b/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/input_space.py @@ -100,8 +100,6 @@ class InputSpace: up_bound = np.max(Inputs.Marginals[i].input_data) Inputs.Marginals[i].parameters = [low_bound, up_bound] - - # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def init_param_space(self, max_deg=None): """ @@ -386,6 +384,8 @@ class InputSpace: if params == None: raise AttributeError('Additional parameters have to be set for the gamma distribution!') params_Y = [1, params[1]] + + # TOOD: update the call to the gamma function, seems like source code has been changed! dist_Y = st.gamma(loc=params_Y[0], scale=params_Y[1]) inv_cdf = np.vectorize(lambda x: dist_Y.ppf(x)) diff --git a/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/meta_model_engine.py b/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/meta_model_engine.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..71c0244216b0c87a22174a3ad2043a4c0a80efab --- /dev/null +++ b/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/meta_model_engine.py @@ -0,0 +1,2195 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Created on Fri Jan 28 09:21:18 2022 + +@author: farid +""" +import numpy as np +from scipy import stats, signal, linalg, sparse +from scipy.spatial import distance +from copy import deepcopy, copy +from tqdm import tqdm +import scipy.optimize as opt +from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error +import multiprocessing +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt +import sys +import os +import gc +import seaborn as sns +from joblib import Parallel, delayed + +import bayesvalidrox +from .exploration import Exploration +from bayesvalidrox.bayes_inference.bayes_inference import BayesInference +from bayesvalidrox.bayes_inference.discrepancy import Discrepancy +import pandas as pd + + +class MetaModelEngine(): + """ Sequential experimental design + This class provieds method for trainig the meta-model in an iterative + manners. + The main method to execute the task is `train_seq_design`, which + recieves a model object and returns the trained metamodel. + """ + + def __init__(self, meta_model_opts): + self.MetaModel = meta_model_opts + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def run(self): + + Model = self.MetaModel.ModelObj + self.MetaModel.n_params = len(self.MetaModel.input_obj.Marginals) + self.MetaModel.ExpDesignFlag = 'normal' + # --- Prepare pce degree --- + if self.MetaModel.meta_model_type.lower() == 'pce': + if type(self.MetaModel.pce_deg) is not np.ndarray: + self.MetaModel.pce_deg = np.array(self.MetaModel.pce_deg) + + if self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.method == 'normal': + self.MetaModel.ExpDesignFlag = 'normal' + self.MetaModel.train_norm_design(parallel = False) + + elif self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.method == 'sequential': + self.train_seq_design() + else: + raise Exception("The method for experimental design you requested" + " has not been implemented yet.") + + # Zip the model run directories + if self.MetaModel.ModelObj.link_type.lower() == 'pylink' and\ + self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.sampling_method.lower() != 'user': + Model.zip_subdirs(Model.name, f'{Model.name}_') + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def train_seq_design(self): + """ + Starts the adaptive sequential design for refining the surrogate model + by selecting training points in a sequential manner. + + Returns + ------- + MetaModel : object + Meta model object. + + """ + # Set model to have shorter call + Model = self.MetaModel.ModelObj + # MetaModel = self.MetaModel + self.Model = Model + + # Initialization + self.MetaModel.SeqModifiedLOO = {} + self.MetaModel.seqValidError = {} + self.MetaModel.SeqBME = {} + self.MetaModel.SeqKLD = {} + self.MetaModel.SeqDistHellinger = {} + self.MetaModel.seqRMSEMean = {} + self.MetaModel.seqRMSEStd = {} + self.MetaModel.seqMinDist = [] + + # Determine the metamodel type + if self.MetaModel.meta_model_type.lower() != 'gpe': + pce = True + else: + pce = False + # If given, use mc reference data + mc_ref = True if bool(Model.mc_reference) else False + if mc_ref: + Model.read_mc_reference() + + # if valid_samples not defined, do so now + if not hasattr(self.MetaModel, 'valid_samples'): + self.MetaModel.valid_samples = [] + self.MetaModel.valid_model_runs = [] + self.MetaModel.valid_likelihoods = [] + + # Get the parameters + max_n_samples = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_max_samples + mod_LOO_threshold = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.mod_LOO_threshold + n_canddidate = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_canddidate + post_snapshot = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.post_snapshot + n_replication = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_replication + util_func = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.util_func + output_name = Model.Output.names + validError = None + # Handle if only one UtilityFunctions is provided + if not isinstance(util_func, list): + util_func = [self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.util_func] + + # Read observations or MCReference + if len(Model.observations) != 0 or Model.meas_file is not None: + self.observations = Model.read_observation() + obs_data = self.observations + else: + obs_data = [] + TotalSigma2 = {} + + # TODO: ---------- Initial self.MetaModel ---------- + # First run MetaModel on non-sequential design + self.MetaModel.train_norm_design(parallel = False) + initMetaModel = deepcopy(self.MetaModel) + + # Validation error if validation set is provided. - use as initial errors + if self.MetaModel.valid_model_runs: + init_rmse, init_valid_error = self.__validError(initMetaModel) + init_valid_error = list(init_valid_error.values()) + else: + init_rmse = None + + # Check if discrepancy is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0 and hasattr(self.MetaModel, 'Discrepancy'): + TotalSigma2 = self.MetaModel.Discrepancy.parameters + + # Calculate the initial BME + out = self.__BME_Calculator( + initMetaModel, obs_data, TotalSigma2, init_rmse) + init_BME, init_KLD, init_post, init_likes, init_dist_hellinger = out + print(f"\nInitial BME: {init_BME:.2f}") + print(f"Initial KLD: {init_KLD:.2f}") + + # Posterior snapshot (initial) + if post_snapshot: + parNames = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.par_names + print('Posterior snapshot (initial) is being plotted...') + self.__posteriorPlot(init_post, parNames, 'SeqPosterior_init') + + # Check the convergence of the Mean & Std + if mc_ref and pce: + init_rmse_mean, init_rmse_std = self.__error_Mean_Std() + print(f"Initial Mean and Std error: {init_rmse_mean:.2f}," + f" {init_rmse_std:.2f}") + + # Read the initial experimental design + # TODO: this sequential, or the non-sequential samples?? + Xinit = initMetaModel.ExpDesign.X + init_n_samples = len(initMetaModel.ExpDesign.X) + initYprev = initMetaModel.ModelOutputDict + initLCerror = initMetaModel.LCerror + n_itrs = max_n_samples - init_n_samples + + # Read the initial ModifiedLOO + if pce: + Scores_all, varExpDesignY = [], [] + for out_name in output_name: + y = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y[out_name] + Scores_all.append(list( + self.MetaModel.score_dict['b_1'][out_name].values())) + if self.MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + pca = self.MetaModel.pca['b_1'][out_name] + components = pca.transform(y) + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(components, axis=0)) + else: + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(y, axis=0)) + + Scores = [item for sublist in Scores_all for item in sublist] + weights = [item for sublist in varExpDesignY for item in sublist] + init_mod_LOO = [np.average([1-score for score in Scores], + weights=weights)] + + prevMetaModel_dict = {} + # Replicate the sequential design + for repIdx in range(n_replication): # TODO: what does this do? + print(f'\n>>>> Replication: {repIdx+1}<<<<') + + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.X = Xinit + self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y = initYprev + self.MetaModel.LCerror = initLCerror + + for util_f in util_func: # TODO: recheck choices for this + print(f'\n>>>> Utility Function: {util_f} <<<<') + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.X = Xinit + self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y = initYprev + self.MetaModel.LCerror = initLCerror + + # Set the experimental design + Xprev = Xinit + total_n_samples = init_n_samples + Yprev = initYprev + + Xfull = [] + Yfull = [] + + # Store the initial ModifiedLOO + if pce: + print("\nInitial ModifiedLOO:", init_mod_LOO) + SeqModifiedLOO = np.array(init_mod_LOO) + + if len(self.MetaModel.valid_model_runs) != 0: + SeqValidError = np.array(init_valid_error) + + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + SeqBME = np.array([init_BME]) + SeqKLD = np.array([init_KLD]) + SeqDistHellinger = np.array([init_dist_hellinger]) + + if mc_ref and pce: + seqRMSEMean = np.array([init_rmse_mean]) + seqRMSEStd = np.array([init_rmse_std]) + + # ------- Start Sequential Experimental Design ------- + postcnt = 1 + for itr_no in range(1, n_itrs+1): + print(f'\n>>>> Iteration number {itr_no} <<<<') + + # Save the metamodel prediction before updating + prevMetaModel_dict[itr_no] = deepcopy(self.MetaModel) # Write last MetaModel here + if itr_no > 1: + pc_model = prevMetaModel_dict[itr_no-1] + self._y_hat_prev, _ = pc_model.eval_metamodel( # What's the use of this here?? + samples=Xfull[-1].reshape(1, -1)) + del prevMetaModel_dict[itr_no-1] # Delete second to last metamodel here? + + # Optimal Bayesian Design + self.MetaModel.ExpDesignFlag = 'sequential' + Xnew, updatedPrior = self.opt_SeqDesign(TotalSigma2, # TODO: check in this!! + n_canddidate, + util_f) + S = np.min(distance.cdist(Xinit, Xnew, 'euclidean')) + self.MetaModel.seqMinDist.append(S) + print(f"\nmin Dist from OldExpDesign: {S:2f}") + print("\n") + + # Evaluate the full model response at the new sample + Ynew, _ = Model.run_model_parallel( + Xnew, prevRun_No=total_n_samples + ) + total_n_samples += Xnew.shape[0] + + # ------ Plot the surrogate model vs Origninal Model ------ + if hasattr(self.MetaModel, 'adapt_verbose') and \ + self.MetaModel.adapt_verbose: + from .adaptPlot import adaptPlot + y_hat, std_hat = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel( + samples=Xnew + ) + adaptPlot( + self.MetaModel, Ynew, y_hat, std_hat, + plotED=False + ) + + # -------- Retrain the surrogate model ------- + # Extend new experimental design + Xfull = np.vstack((Xprev, Xnew)) + + # Updating experimental design Y + for out_name in output_name: + Yfull = np.vstack((Yprev[out_name], Ynew[out_name])) + self.MetaModel.ModelOutputDict[out_name] = Yfull + + # Pass new design to the metamodel object + self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.sampling_method = 'user' + self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.X = Xfull + self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y = self.MetaModel.ModelOutputDict + + # Save the Experimental Design for next iteration + Xprev = Xfull + Yprev = self.MetaModel.ModelOutputDict + + # Pass the new prior as the input + self.MetaModel.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = False + if updatedPrior is not None: + self.MetaModel.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = True + print("updatedPrior:", updatedPrior.shape) + # Arbitrary polynomial chaos + for i in range(updatedPrior.shape[1]): + self.MetaModel.input_obj.Marginals[i].dist_type = None + x = updatedPrior[:, i] + self.MetaModel.input_obj.Marginals[i].raw_data = x + + # Train the surrogate model for new ExpDesign + self.MetaModel.train_norm_design(parallel=False) + + # -------- Evaluate the retrained surrogate model ------- + # Extract Modified LOO from Output + if pce: + Scores_all, varExpDesignY = [], [] + for out_name in output_name: + y = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y[out_name] + Scores_all.append(list( + self.MetaModel.score_dict['b_1'][out_name].values())) + if self.MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + pca = self.MetaModel.pca['b_1'][out_name] + components = pca.transform(y) + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(components, + axis=0)) + else: + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(y, axis=0)) + Scores = [item for sublist in Scores_all for item + in sublist] + weights = [item for sublist in varExpDesignY for item + in sublist] + ModifiedLOO = [np.average( + [1-score for score in Scores], weights=weights)] + + print('\n') + print(f"Updated ModifiedLOO {util_f}:\n", ModifiedLOO) + print('\n') + + # Compute the validation error + if self.MetaModel.valid_model_runs: + rmse, validError = self.__validError(self.MetaModel) + ValidError = list(validError.values()) + else: + rmse = None + + # Store updated ModifiedLOO + if pce: + SeqModifiedLOO = np.vstack( + (SeqModifiedLOO, ModifiedLOO)) + if len(self.MetaModel.valid_model_runs) != 0: + SeqValidError = np.vstack( + (SeqValidError, ValidError)) + # -------- Caclulation of BME as accuracy metric ------- + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + # Calculate the initial BME + out = self.__BME_Calculator(self.MetaModel, obs_data, + TotalSigma2, rmse) + BME, KLD, Posterior, likes, DistHellinger = out + print('\n') + print(f"Updated BME: {BME:.2f}") + print(f"Updated KLD: {KLD:.2f}") + print('\n') + + # Plot some snapshots of the posterior + step_snapshot = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.step_snapshot + if post_snapshot and postcnt % step_snapshot == 0: + parNames = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.par_names + print('Posterior snapshot is being plotted...') + self.__posteriorPlot(Posterior, parNames, + f'SeqPosterior_{postcnt}') + postcnt += 1 + + # Check the convergence of the Mean&Std + if mc_ref and pce: + print('\n') + RMSE_Mean, RMSE_std = self.__error_Mean_Std() + print(f"Updated Mean and Std error: {RMSE_Mean:.2f}, " + f"{RMSE_std:.2f}") + print('\n') + + # Store the updated BME & KLD + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + SeqBME = np.vstack((SeqBME, BME)) + SeqKLD = np.vstack((SeqKLD, KLD)) + SeqDistHellinger = np.vstack((SeqDistHellinger, + DistHellinger)) + if mc_ref and pce: + seqRMSEMean = np.vstack((seqRMSEMean, RMSE_Mean)) + seqRMSEStd = np.vstack((seqRMSEStd, RMSE_std)) + + if pce and any(LOO < mod_LOO_threshold + for LOO in ModifiedLOO): + break + + # Clean up + if len(obs_data) != 0: + del out + print() + print('-'*50) + print() + + # Store updated ModifiedLOO and BME in dictonary + strKey = f'{util_f}_rep_{repIdx+1}' + if pce: + self.MetaModel.SeqModifiedLOO[strKey] = SeqModifiedLOO + if len(self.MetaModel.valid_model_runs) != 0: + self.MetaModel.seqValidError[strKey] = SeqValidError + + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + self.MetaModel.SeqBME[strKey] = SeqBME + self.MetaModel.SeqKLD[strKey] = SeqKLD + if hasattr(self.MetaModel, 'valid_likelihoods') and \ + self.MetaModel.valid_likelihoods: + self.MetaModel.SeqDistHellinger[strKey] = SeqDistHellinger + if mc_ref and pce: + self.MetaModel.seqRMSEMean[strKey] = seqRMSEMean + self.MetaModel.seqRMSEStd[strKey] = seqRMSEStd + + # return self.MetaModel + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_VarBasedDesign(self, X_can, index, util_func='Entropy'): + """ + Computes the exploitation scores based on: + active learning MacKay(ALM) and active learning Cohn (ALC) + Paper: Sequential Design with Mutual Information for Computer + Experiments (MICE): Emulation of a Tsunami Model by Beck and Guillas + (2016) + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + index : int + Model output index. + UtilMethod : string, optional + Exploitation utility function. The default is 'Entropy'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + ED_X = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X + out_dict_y = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y + out_names = MetaModel.ModelObj.Output.names + + # Run the Metamodel for the candidate + X_can = X_can.reshape(1, -1) + Y_PC_can, std_PC_can = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_can) + + if util_func.lower() == 'alm': + # ----- Entropy/MMSE/active learning MacKay(ALM) ----- + # Compute perdiction variance of the old model + canPredVar = {key: std_PC_can[key]**2 for key in out_names} + + varPCE = np.zeros((len(out_names), X_can.shape[0])) + for KeyIdx, key in enumerate(out_names): + varPCE[KeyIdx] = np.max(canPredVar[key], axis=1) + score = np.max(varPCE, axis=0) + + elif util_func.lower() == 'eigf': + # ----- Expected Improvement for Global fit ----- + # Find closest EDX to the candidate + distances = distance.cdist(ED_X, X_can, 'euclidean') + index = np.argmin(distances) + + # Compute perdiction error and variance of the old model + predError = {key: Y_PC_can[key] for key in out_names} + canPredVar = {key: std_PC_can[key]**2 for key in out_names} + + # Compute perdiction error and variance of the old model + # Eq (5) from Liu et al.(2018) + EIGF_PCE = np.zeros((len(out_names), X_can.shape[0])) + for KeyIdx, key in enumerate(out_names): + residual = predError[key] - out_dict_y[key][int(index)] + var = canPredVar[key] + EIGF_PCE[KeyIdx] = np.max(residual**2 + var, axis=1) + score = np.max(EIGF_PCE, axis=0) + + return -1 * score # -1 is for minimization instead of maximization + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_BayesianActiveDesign(self, y_hat, std, sigma2Dict, var='DKL'): + """ + Computes scores based on Bayesian active design criterion (var). + + It is based on the following paper: + Oladyshkin, Sergey, Farid Mohammadi, Ilja Kroeker, and Wolfgang Nowak. + "Bayesian3 active learning for the gaussian process emulator using + information theory." Entropy 22, no. 8 (2020): 890. + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + var : string, optional + BAL design criterion. The default is 'DKL'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + + # Get the data + obs_data = self.observations + n_obs = self.Model.n_obs + mc_size = 10000 + + # Sample a distribution for a normal dist + # with Y_mean_can as the mean and Y_std_can as std. + Y_MC, std_MC = {}, {} + logPriorLikelihoods = np.zeros((mc_size)) + for key in list(y_hat): + cov = np.diag(std[key]**2) + rv = stats.multivariate_normal(mean=y_hat[key], cov=cov) + Y_MC[key] = rv.rvs(size=mc_size) + logPriorLikelihoods += rv.logpdf(Y_MC[key]) + std_MC[key] = np.zeros((mc_size, y_hat[key].shape[0])) + + # Likelihood computation (Comparison of data and simulation + # results via PCE with candidate design) + likelihoods = self.__normpdf(Y_MC, std_MC, obs_data, sigma2Dict) + + # Rejection Step + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, mc_size)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + accepted = (likelihoods/np.max(likelihoods)) >= unif + + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods), dtype=np.longdouble) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postLikelihoods = likelihoods[accepted] + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(postLikelihoods)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + postExpPrior = np.mean(logPriorLikelihoods[accepted]) + + # Utility function Eq.2 in Ref. (2) + # Posterior covariance matrix after observing data y + # Kullback-Leibler Divergence (Sergey's paper) + if var == 'DKL': + + # TODO: Calculate the correction factor for BME + # BMECorrFactor = self.BME_Corr_Weight(PCE_SparseBayes_can, + # ObservationData, sigma2Dict) + # BME += BMECorrFactor + # Haun et al implementation + # U_J_d = np.mean(np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0])- logBME) + U_J_d = postExpLikelihoods - logBME + + # Marginal log likelihood + elif var == 'BME': + U_J_d = np.nanmean(likelihoods) + + # Entropy-based information gain + elif var == 'infEntropy': + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods)) + infEntropy = logBME - postExpPrior - postExpLikelihoods + U_J_d = infEntropy * -1 # -1 for minimization + + # Bayesian information criterion + elif var == 'BIC': + coeffs = self.MetaModel.coeffs_dict.values() + nModelParams = max(len(v) for val in coeffs for v in val.values()) + maxL = np.nanmax(likelihoods) + U_J_d = -2 * np.log(maxL) + np.log(n_obs) * nModelParams + + # Akaike information criterion + elif var == 'AIC': + coeffs = self.MetaModel.coeffs_dict.values() + nModelParams = max(len(v) for val in coeffs for v in val.values()) + maxlogL = np.log(np.nanmax(likelihoods)) + AIC = -2 * maxlogL + 2 * nModelParams + # 2 * nModelParams * (nModelParams+1) / (n_obs-nModelParams-1) + penTerm = 0 + U_J_d = 1*(AIC + penTerm) + + # Deviance information criterion + elif var == 'DIC': + # D_theta_bar = np.mean(-2 * Likelihoods) + N_star_p = 0.5 * np.var(np.log(likelihoods[likelihoods != 0])) + Likelihoods_theta_mean = self.__normpdf( + y_hat, std, obs_data, sigma2Dict + ) + DIC = -2 * np.log(Likelihoods_theta_mean) + 2 * N_star_p + + U_J_d = DIC + + else: + print('The algorithm you requested has not been implemented yet!') + + # Handle inf and NaN (replace by zero) + if np.isnan(U_J_d) or U_J_d == -np.inf or U_J_d == np.inf: + U_J_d = 0.0 + + # Clear memory + del likelihoods + del Y_MC + del std_MC + + return -1 * U_J_d # -1 is for minimization instead of maximization + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def update_metamodel(self, MetaModel, output, y_hat_can, univ_p_val, index, + new_pca=False): + BasisIndices = MetaModel.basis_dict[output]["y_"+str(index+1)] + clf_poly = MetaModel.clf_poly[output]["y_"+str(index+1)] + Mn = clf_poly.coef_ + Sn = clf_poly.sigma_ + beta = clf_poly.alpha_ + active = clf_poly.active_ + Psi = self.MetaModel.create_psi(BasisIndices, univ_p_val) + + Sn_new_inv = np.linalg.inv(Sn) + Sn_new_inv += beta * np.dot(Psi[:, active].T, Psi[:, active]) + Sn_new = np.linalg.inv(Sn_new_inv) + + Mn_new = np.dot(Sn_new_inv, Mn[active]).reshape(-1, 1) + Mn_new += beta * np.dot(Psi[:, active].T, y_hat_can) + Mn_new = np.dot(Sn_new, Mn_new).flatten() + + # Compute the old and new moments of PCEs + mean_old = Mn[0] + mean_new = Mn_new[0] + std_old = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(Mn[1:]))) + std_new = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(Mn_new[1:]))) + + # Back transformation if PCA is selected. + if MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + old_pca = MetaModel.pca[output] + mean_old = old_pca.mean_[index] + mean_old += np.sum(mean_old * old_pca.components_[:, index]) + std_old = np.sqrt(np.sum(std_old**2 * + old_pca.components_[:, index]**2)) + mean_new = new_pca.mean_[index] + mean_new += np.sum(mean_new * new_pca.components_[:, index]) + std_new = np.sqrt(np.sum(std_new**2 * + new_pca.components_[:, index]**2)) + # print(f"mean_old: {mean_old:.2f} mean_new: {mean_new:.2f}") + # print(f"std_old: {std_old:.2f} std_new: {std_new:.2f}") + # Store the old and new moments of PCEs + results = { + 'mean_old': mean_old, + 'mean_new': mean_new, + 'std_old': std_old, + 'std_new': std_new + } + return results + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_BayesianDesign_old(self, X_can, X_MC, sigma2Dict, var='DKL'): + """ + Computes scores based on Bayesian sequential design criterion (var). + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + var : string, optional + Bayesian design criterion. The default is 'DKL'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + Model = self.Model + MetaModel = deepcopy(self.MetaModel) + old_EDY = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y + + # Evaluate the PCE metamodels using the candidate design + Y_PC_can, Y_std_can = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel( + samples=np.array([X_can]) + ) + + # Generate y from posterior predictive + m_size = 100 + y_hat_samples = {} + for idx, key in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + means, stds = Y_PC_can[key][0], Y_std_can[key][0] + y_hat_samples[key] = np.random.multivariate_normal( + means, np.diag(stds), m_size) + + # Create the SparseBayes-based PCE metamodel: + MetaModel.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = False + univ_p_val = self.MetaModel.univ_basis_vals(X_can) + G_n_m_all = np.zeros((m_size, len(Model.Output.names), Model.n_obs)) + + for i in range(m_size): + for idx, key in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + if MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + # Equal number of components + new_outputs = np.vstack( + (old_EDY[key], y_hat_samples[key][i]) + ) + new_pca, _ = MetaModel.pca_transformation(new_outputs) + target = new_pca.transform( + y_hat_samples[key][i].reshape(1, -1) + )[0] + else: + new_pca, target = False, y_hat_samples[key][i] + + for j in range(len(target)): + + # Update surrogate + result = self.update_metamodel( + MetaModel, key, target[j], univ_p_val, j, new_pca) + + # Compute Expected Information Gain (Eq. 39) + G_n_m = np.log(result['std_old']/result['std_new']) - 1./2 + G_n_m += result['std_new']**2 / (2*result['std_old']**2) + G_n_m += (result['mean_new'] - result['mean_old'])**2 /\ + (2*result['std_old']**2) + + G_n_m_all[i, idx, j] = G_n_m + + U_J_d = G_n_m_all.mean(axis=(1, 2)).mean() + return -1 * U_J_d + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_BayesianDesign(self, X_can, X_MC, sigma2Dict, var='DKL'): + """ + Computes scores based on Bayesian sequential design criterion (var). + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + var : string, optional + Bayesian design criterion. The default is 'DKL'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + out_names = MetaModel.ModelObj.Output.names + if X_can.ndim == 1: + X_can = X_can.reshape(1, -1) + + # Compute the mean and std based on the MetaModel + # pce_means, pce_stds = self._compute_pce_moments(MetaModel) + if var == 'ALC': + Y_MC, Y_MC_std = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Old Experimental design + oldExpDesignX = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X + oldExpDesignY = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y + + # Evaluate the PCE metamodels at that location ??? + Y_PC_can, Y_std_can = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_can) + PCE_Model_can = deepcopy(MetaModel) + # Add the candidate to the ExpDesign + NewExpDesignX = np.vstack((oldExpDesignX, X_can)) + + NewExpDesignY = {} + for key in oldExpDesignY.keys(): + NewExpDesignY[key] = np.vstack( + (oldExpDesignY[key], Y_PC_can[key]) + ) + + PCE_Model_can.ExpDesign.sampling_method = 'user' + PCE_Model_can.ExpDesign.X = NewExpDesignX + PCE_Model_can.ModelOutputDict = NewExpDesignY + PCE_Model_can.ExpDesign.Y = NewExpDesignY + + # Train the model for the observed data using x_can + PCE_Model_can.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = False + PCE_Model_can.train_norm_design(parallel=False) + + # Set the ExpDesign to its original values + PCE_Model_can.ExpDesign.X = oldExpDesignX + PCE_Model_can.ModelOutputDict = oldExpDesignY + PCE_Model_can.ExpDesign.Y = oldExpDesignY + + if var.lower() == 'mi': + # Mutual information based on Krause et al + # Adapted from Beck & Guillas (MICE) paper + _, std_PC_can = PCE_Model_can.eval_metamodel(samples=X_can) + std_can = {key: std_PC_can[key] for key in out_names} + + std_old = {key: Y_std_can[key] for key in out_names} + + varPCE = np.zeros((len(out_names))) + for i, key in enumerate(out_names): + varPCE[i] = np.mean(std_old[key]**2/std_can[key]**2) + score = np.mean(varPCE) + + return -1 * score + + elif var.lower() == 'alc': + # Active learning based on Gramyc and Lee + # Adaptive design and analysis of supercomputer experiments Techno- + # metrics, 51 (2009), pp. 130–145. + + # Evaluate the MetaModel at the given samples + Y_MC_can, Y_MC_std_can = PCE_Model_can.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Compute the score + score = [] + for i, key in enumerate(out_names): + pce_var = Y_MC_std_can[key]**2 + pce_var_can = Y_MC_std[key]**2 + score.append(np.mean(pce_var-pce_var_can, axis=0)) + score = np.mean(score) + + return -1 * score + + # ---------- Inner MC simulation for computing Utility Value ---------- + # Estimation of the integral via Monte Varlo integration + MCsize = X_MC.shape[0] + ESS = 0 + + while ((ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1)): + + # Enriching Monte Carlo samples if need be + if ESS != 0: + X_MC = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + MCsize, 'random' + ) + + # Evaluate the MetaModel at the given samples + Y_MC, std_MC = PCE_Model_can.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Likelihood computation (Comparison of data and simulation + # results via PCE with candidate design) + likelihoods = self.__normpdf( + Y_MC, std_MC, self.observations, sigma2Dict + ) + + # Check the Effective Sample Size (1<ESS<MCsize) + ESS = 1 / np.sum(np.square(likelihoods/np.sum(likelihoods))) + + # Enlarge sample size if it doesn't fulfill the criteria + if ((ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1)): + print("--- increasing MC size---") + MCsize *= 10 + ESS = 0 + + # Rejection Step + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, MCsize)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + accepted = (likelihoods/np.max(likelihoods)) >= unif + + # -------------------- Utility functions -------------------- + # Utility function Eq.2 in Ref. (2) + # Kullback-Leibler Divergence (Sergey's paper) + if var == 'DKL': + + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods, dtype=np.longdouble)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postLikelihoods = likelihoods[accepted] + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(postLikelihoods)) + + # Haun et al implementation + U_J_d = np.mean(np.log(likelihoods[likelihoods != 0]) - logBME) + + # U_J_d = np.sum(G_n_m_all) + # Ryan et al (2014) implementation + # importanceWeights = Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0]/np.sum(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0]) + # U_J_d = np.mean(importanceWeights*np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0])) - logBME + + # U_J_d = postExpLikelihoods - logBME + + # Marginal likelihood + elif var == 'BME': + + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods)) + U_J_d = logBME + + # Bayes risk likelihood + elif var == 'BayesRisk': + + U_J_d = -1 * np.var(likelihoods) + + # Entropy-based information gain + elif var == 'infEntropy': + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postLikelihoods = likelihoods[accepted] + postLikelihoods /= np.nansum(likelihoods[accepted]) + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(postLikelihoods)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + postExpPrior = np.mean(logPriorLikelihoods[accepted]) + + infEntropy = logBME - postExpPrior - postExpLikelihoods + + U_J_d = infEntropy * -1 # -1 for minimization + + # D-Posterior-precision + elif var == 'DPP': + X_Posterior = X_MC[accepted] + # covariance of the posterior parameters + U_J_d = -np.log(np.linalg.det(np.cov(X_Posterior))) + + # A-Posterior-precision + elif var == 'APP': + X_Posterior = X_MC[accepted] + # trace of the posterior parameters + U_J_d = -np.log(np.trace(np.cov(X_Posterior))) + + else: + print('The algorithm you requested has not been implemented yet!') + + # Clear memory + del likelihoods + del Y_MC + del std_MC + + return -1 * U_J_d # -1 is for minimization instead of maximization + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def subdomain(self, Bounds, n_new_samples): + """ + Divides a domain defined by Bounds into sub domains. + + Parameters + ---------- + Bounds : list of tuples + List of lower and upper bounds. + n_new_samples : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + + Returns + ------- + Subdomains : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + + """ + n_params = self.MetaModel.n_params + n_subdomains = n_new_samples + 1 + LinSpace = np.zeros((n_params, n_subdomains)) + + for i in range(n_params): + LinSpace[i] = np.linspace(start=Bounds[i][0], stop=Bounds[i][1], + num=n_subdomains) + Subdomains = [] + for k in range(n_subdomains-1): + mylist = [] + for i in range(n_params): + mylist.append((LinSpace[i, k+0], LinSpace[i, k+1])) + Subdomains.append(tuple(mylist)) + + return Subdomains + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def run_util_func(self, method, candidates, index, sigma2Dict=None, + var=None, X_MC=None): + """ + Runs the utility function based on the given method. + + Parameters + ---------- + method : string + Exploitation method: `VarOptDesign`, `BayesActDesign` and + `BayesOptDesign`. + candidates : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + All candidate parameter sets. + index : int + ExpDesign index. + sigma2Dict : dict, optional + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). The + default is None. + var : string, optional + Utility function. The default is None. + X_MC : TYPE, optional + DESCRIPTION. The default is None. + + Returns + ------- + index : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + List + Scores. + + """ + + if method.lower() == 'varoptdesign': + # U_J_d = self.util_VarBasedDesign(candidates, index, var) + U_J_d = np.zeros((candidates.shape[0])) + for idx, X_can in tqdm(enumerate(candidates), ascii=True, + desc="varoptdesign"): + U_J_d[idx] = self.util_VarBasedDesign(X_can, index, var) + + elif method.lower() == 'bayesactdesign': + NCandidate = candidates.shape[0] + U_J_d = np.zeros((NCandidate)) + # Evaluate all candidates + y_can, std_can = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=candidates) + # loop through candidates + for idx, X_can in tqdm(enumerate(candidates), ascii=True, + desc="BAL Design"): + y_hat = {key: items[idx] for key, items in y_can.items()} + std = {key: items[idx] for key, items in std_can.items()} + U_J_d[idx] = self.util_BayesianActiveDesign( + y_hat, std, sigma2Dict, var) + + elif method.lower() == 'bayesoptdesign': + NCandidate = candidates.shape[0] + U_J_d = np.zeros((NCandidate)) + for idx, X_can in tqdm(enumerate(candidates), ascii=True, + desc="OptBayesianDesign"): + U_J_d[idx] = self.util_BayesianDesign(X_can, X_MC, sigma2Dict, + var) + return (index, -1 * U_J_d) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def dual_annealing(self, method, Bounds, sigma2Dict, var, Run_No, + verbose=False): + """ + Exploration algorithim to find the optimum parameter space. + + Parameters + ---------- + method : string + Exploitation method: `VarOptDesign`, `BayesActDesign` and + `BayesOptDesign`. + Bounds : list of tuples + List of lower and upper boundaries of parameters. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + Run_No : int + Run number. + verbose : bool, optional + Print out a summary. The default is False. + + Returns + ------- + Run_No : int + Run number. + array + Optimial candidate. + + """ + + Model = self.Model + max_func_itr = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.max_func_itr + + if method == 'VarOptDesign': + Res_Global = opt.dual_annealing(self.util_VarBasedDesign, + bounds=Bounds, + args=(Model, var), + maxfun=max_func_itr) + + elif method == 'BayesOptDesign': + Res_Global = opt.dual_annealing(self.util_BayesianDesign, + bounds=Bounds, + args=(Model, sigma2Dict, var), + maxfun=max_func_itr) + + if verbose: + print(f"global minimum: xmin = {Res_Global.x}, " + f"f(xmin) = {Res_Global.fun:.6f}, nfev = {Res_Global.nfev}") + + return (Run_No, Res_Global.x) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def tradoff_weights(self, tradeoff_scheme, old_EDX, old_EDY): + """ + Calculates weights for exploration scores based on the requested + scheme: `None`, `equal`, `epsilon-decreasing` and `adaptive`. + + `None`: No exploration. + `equal`: Same weights for exploration and exploitation scores. + `epsilon-decreasing`: Start with more exploration and increase the + influence of exploitation along the way with a exponential decay + function + `adaptive`: An adaptive method based on: + Liu, Haitao, Jianfei Cai, and Yew-Soon Ong. "An adaptive sampling + approach for Kriging metamodeling by maximizing expected prediction + error." Computers & Chemical Engineering 106 (2017): 171-182. + + Parameters + ---------- + tradeoff_scheme : string + Trade-off scheme for exloration and exploitation scores. + old_EDX : array (n_samples, n_params) + Old experimental design (training points). + old_EDY : dict + Old model responses (targets). + + Returns + ------- + exploration_weight : float + Exploration weight. + exploitation_weight: float + Exploitation weight. + + """ + if tradeoff_scheme is None: + exploration_weight = 0 + + elif tradeoff_scheme == 'equal': + exploration_weight = 0.5 + + elif tradeoff_scheme == 'epsilon-decreasing': + # epsilon-decreasing scheme + # Start with more exploration and increase the influence of + # exploitation along the way with a exponential decay function + initNSamples = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_init_samples + n_max_samples = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_max_samples + + itrNumber = (self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.X.shape[0] - initNSamples) + itrNumber //= self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + + tau2 = -(n_max_samples-initNSamples-1) / np.log(1e-8) + exploration_weight = signal.exponential(n_max_samples-initNSamples, + 0, tau2, False)[itrNumber] + + elif tradeoff_scheme == 'adaptive': + + # Extract itrNumber + initNSamples = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_init_samples + n_max_samples = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_max_samples + itrNumber = (self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.X.shape[0] - initNSamples) + itrNumber //= self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + + if itrNumber == 0: + exploration_weight = 0.5 + else: + # New adaptive trade-off according to Liu et al. (2017) + # Mean squared error for last design point + last_EDX = old_EDX[-1].reshape(1, -1) + lastPCEY, _ = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=last_EDX) + pce_y = np.array(list(lastPCEY.values()))[:, 0] + y = np.array(list(old_EDY.values()))[:, -1, :] + mseError = mean_squared_error(pce_y, y) + + # Mean squared CV - error for last design point + pce_y_prev = np.array(list(self._y_hat_prev.values()))[:, 0] + mseCVError = mean_squared_error(pce_y_prev, y) + + exploration_weight = min([0.5*mseError/mseCVError, 1]) + + # Exploitation weight + exploitation_weight = 1 - exploration_weight + + return exploration_weight, exploitation_weight + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def opt_SeqDesign(self, sigma2, n_candidates=5, var='DKL'): + """ + Runs optimal sequential design. + + Parameters + ---------- + sigma2 : dict, optional + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). The + default is None. + n_candidates : int, optional + Number of candidate samples. The default is 5. + var : string, optional + Utility function. The default is None. + + Raises + ------ + NameError + Wrong utility function. + + Returns + ------- + Xnew : array (n_samples, n_params) + Selected new training point(s). + """ + + # Initialization + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + Bounds = MetaModel.bound_tuples + n_new_samples = MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + explore_method = MetaModel.ExpDesign.explore_method + exploit_method = MetaModel.ExpDesign.exploit_method + n_cand_groups = MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_cand_groups + tradeoff_scheme = MetaModel.ExpDesign.tradeoff_scheme + + old_EDX = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X + old_EDY = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y.copy() + ndim = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X.shape[1] + OutputNames = MetaModel.ModelObj.Output.names + + # ----------------------------------------- + # ----------- CUSTOMIZED METHODS ---------- + # ----------------------------------------- + # Utility function exploit_method provided by user + if exploit_method.lower() == 'user': + + Xnew, filteredSamples = MetaModel.ExpDesign.ExploitFunction(self) + + print("\n") + print("\nXnew:\n", Xnew) + + return Xnew, filteredSamples + + # ----------------------------------------- + # ---------- EXPLORATION METHODS ---------- + # ----------------------------------------- + if explore_method == 'dual annealing': + # ------- EXPLORATION: OPTIMIZATION ------- + import time + start_time = time.time() + + # Divide the domain to subdomains + args = [] + subdomains = self.subdomain(Bounds, n_new_samples) + for i in range(n_new_samples): + args.append((exploit_method, subdomains[i], sigma2, var, i)) + + # Multiprocessing + pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) + + # With Pool.starmap_async() + results = pool.starmap_async(self.dual_annealing, args).get() + + # Close the pool + pool.close() + + Xnew = np.array([results[i][1] for i in range(n_new_samples)]) + + print("\nXnew:\n", Xnew) + + elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time + print("\n") + print(f"elapsed_time: {round(elapsed_time,2)} sec.") + print('-'*20) + + elif explore_method == 'LOOCV': + # ----------------------------------------------------------------- + # TODO: LOOCV model construnction based on Feng et al. (2020) + # 'LOOCV': + # Initilize the ExploitScore array + + # Generate random samples + allCandidates = MetaModel.ExpDesign.generate_samples(n_candidates, + 'random') + + # Construct error model based on LCerror + errorModel = MetaModel.create_ModelError(old_EDX, self.LCerror) + self.errorModel.append(copy(errorModel)) + + # Evaluate the error models for allCandidates + eLCAllCands, _ = errorModel.eval_errormodel(allCandidates) + # Select the maximum as the representative error + eLCAllCands = np.dstack(eLCAllCands.values()) + eLCAllCandidates = np.max(eLCAllCands, axis=1)[:, 0] + + # Normalize the error w.r.t the maximum error + scoreExploration = eLCAllCandidates / np.sum(eLCAllCandidates) + + else: + # ------- EXPLORATION: SPACE-FILLING DESIGN ------- + # Generate candidate samples from Exploration class + explore = Exploration(MetaModel, n_candidates) + explore.w = 100 # * ndim #500 + # Select criterion (mc-intersite-proj-th, mc-intersite-proj) + explore.mc_criterion = 'mc-intersite-proj' + allCandidates, scoreExploration = explore.get_exploration_samples() + + # Temp: ---- Plot all candidates ----- + if ndim == 2: + def plotter(points, allCandidates, Method, + scoreExploration=None): + if Method == 'Voronoi': + from scipy.spatial import Voronoi, voronoi_plot_2d + vor = Voronoi(points) + fig = voronoi_plot_2d(vor) + ax1 = fig.axes[0] + else: + fig = plt.figure() + ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) + ax1.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], s=10, c='r', + marker="s", label='Old Design Points') + ax1.scatter(allCandidates[:, 0], allCandidates[:, 1], s=10, + c='b', marker="o", label='Design candidates') + for i in range(points.shape[0]): + txt = 'p'+str(i+1) + ax1.annotate(txt, (points[i, 0], points[i, 1])) + if scoreExploration is not None: + for i in range(allCandidates.shape[0]): + txt = str(round(scoreExploration[i], 5)) + ax1.annotate(txt, (allCandidates[i, 0], + allCandidates[i, 1])) + + plt.xlim(self.bound_tuples[0]) + plt.ylim(self.bound_tuples[1]) + # plt.show() + plt.legend(loc='upper left') + + # ----------------------------------------- + # --------- EXPLOITATION METHODS ---------- + # ----------------------------------------- + if exploit_method == 'BayesOptDesign' or\ + exploit_method == 'BayesActDesign': + + # ------- Calculate Exoploration weight ------- + # Compute exploration weight based on trade off scheme + explore_w, exploit_w = self.tradoff_weights(tradeoff_scheme, + old_EDX, + old_EDY) + print(f"\n Exploration weight={explore_w:0.3f} " + f"Exploitation weight={exploit_w:0.3f}\n") + + # ------- EXPLOITATION: BayesOptDesign & ActiveLearning ------- + if explore_w != 1.0: + + # Create a sample pool for rejection sampling + MCsize = 15000 + X_MC = MetaModel.ExpDesign.generate_samples(MCsize, 'random') + candidates = MetaModel.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + MetaModel.ExpDesign.max_func_itr, 'latin_hypercube') + + # Split the candidates in groups for multiprocessing + split_cand = np.array_split( + candidates, n_cand_groups, axis=0 + ) + + results = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, backend='multiprocessing')( + delayed(self.run_util_func)( + exploit_method, split_cand[i], i, sigma2, var, X_MC) + for i in range(n_cand_groups)) + # out = map(self.run_util_func, + # [exploit_method]*n_cand_groups, + # split_cand, + # range(n_cand_groups), + # [sigma2] * n_cand_groups, + # [var] * n_cand_groups, + # [X_MC] * n_cand_groups + # ) + # results = list(out) + + # Retrieve the results and append them + U_J_d = np.concatenate([results[NofE][1] for NofE in + range(n_cand_groups)]) + + # Check if all scores are inf + if np.isinf(U_J_d).all() or np.isnan(U_J_d).all(): + U_J_d = np.ones(len(U_J_d)) + + # Get the expected value (mean) of the Utility score + # for each cell + if explore_method == 'Voronoi': + U_J_d = np.mean(U_J_d.reshape(-1, n_candidates), axis=1) + + # create surrogate model for U_J_d + # from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler + # # Take care of inf entries + # good_indices = [i for i, arr in enumerate(U_J_d) + # if np.isfinite(arr).all()] + # scaler = MinMaxScaler() + # X_S = scaler.fit_transform(candidates[good_indices]) + # gp = MetaModel.gaussian_process_emulator( + # X_S, U_J_d[good_indices], autoSelect=False + # ) + # U_J_d = gp.predict(scaler.transform(allCandidates)) + + # Normalize U_J_d + norm_U_J_d = U_J_d / np.sum(U_J_d) + else: + norm_U_J_d = np.zeros((len(scoreExploration))) + + # ------- Calculate Total score ------- + # ------- Trade off between EXPLORATION & EXPLOITATION ------- + # Accumulate the samples + # TODO: added this, recheck!! + finalCandidates = np.concatenate((allCandidates, candidates), axis = 0) + finalCandidates = np.unique(finalCandidates, axis = 0) + + #self.allCandidates = allCandidates + #self.candidates = candidates + #self.norm_U_J_d = norm_U_J_d + #self.exploit_w = exploit_w + #self.scoreExploration = scoreExploration + + # Total score + #totalScore = exploit_w * norm_U_J_d + #totalScore += explore_w * scoreExploration + + # TODO: changed this from the above to take into account both exploration and exploitation samples without duplicates + totalScore = np.zeros(finalCandidates.shape[0]) + #self.totalScore = totalScore + + for cand_idx in range(finalCandidates.shape[0]): + # find candidate indices + idx1 = np.where(allCandidates == finalCandidates[cand_idx])[0] + idx2 = np.where(candidates == finalCandidates[cand_idx])[0] + #print(f'Candidate number {cand_idx}') + #print(finalCandidates[cand_idx]) + #print(f'Idx1: {idx1}, Idx2: {idx2}') + + # exploration + if idx1 != []: + idx1 = idx1[0] + #print(f'Values1: {allCandidates[idx1]}') + totalScore[cand_idx] += explore_w * scoreExploration[idx1] + + # exploitation + if idx2 != []: + idx2 = idx2[0] + #print(f'Values1: {candidates[idx2]}') + totalScore[cand_idx] += exploit_w * norm_U_J_d[idx2] + + + # temp: Plot + # dim = self.ExpDesign.X.shape[1] + # if dim == 2: + # plotter(self.ExpDesign.X, allCandidates, explore_method) + + # ------- Select the best candidate ------- + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design by + # maximization of the utility score and taking care of NaN values + temp = totalScore.copy() + temp[np.isnan(totalScore)] = -np.inf + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(temp)[::-1] + bestIdx = sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples] + + # select the requested number of samples + if explore_method == 'Voronoi': + Xnew = np.zeros((n_new_samples, ndim)) + for i, idx in enumerate(bestIdx): + X_can = explore.closestPoints[idx] + + # Calculate the maxmin score for the region of interest + newSamples, maxminScore = explore.get_mc_samples(X_can) + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew[i] = newSamples[np.argmax(maxminScore)] + else: + # TODO: changed this from allCandiates to full set of candidates - still not changed for e.g. 'Voronoi' + Xnew = finalCandidates[sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples]] # here candidates(exploitation) vs allCandidates (exploration)!! + + elif exploit_method == 'VarOptDesign': + # ------- EXPLOITATION: VarOptDesign ------- + UtilMethod = var + + # ------- Calculate Exoploration weight ------- + # Compute exploration weight based on trade off scheme + explore_w, exploit_w = self.tradoff_weights(tradeoff_scheme, + old_EDX, + old_EDY) + print(f"\nweightExploration={explore_w:0.3f} " + f"weightExploitation={exploit_w:0.3f}") + + # Generate candidate samples from Exploration class + nMeasurement = old_EDY[OutputNames[0]].shape[1] + + # Find sensitive region + if UtilMethod == 'LOOCV': + LCerror = MetaModel.LCerror + allModifiedLOO = np.zeros((len(old_EDX), len(OutputNames), + nMeasurement)) + for y_idx, y_key in enumerate(OutputNames): + for idx, key in enumerate(LCerror[y_key].keys()): + allModifiedLOO[:, y_idx, idx] = abs( + LCerror[y_key][key]) + + ExploitScore = np.max(np.max(allModifiedLOO, axis=1), axis=1) + + elif UtilMethod in ['EIGF', 'ALM']: + # ----- All other in ['EIGF', 'ALM'] ----- + # Initilize the ExploitScore array + ExploitScore = np.zeros((len(old_EDX), len(OutputNames))) + + # Split the candidates in groups for multiprocessing + if explore_method != 'Voronoi': + split_cand = np.array_split(allCandidates, + n_cand_groups, + axis=0) + goodSampleIdx = range(n_cand_groups) + else: + # Find indices of the Vornoi cells with samples + goodSampleIdx = [] + for idx in range(len(explore.closest_points)): + if len(explore.closest_points[idx]) != 0: + goodSampleIdx.append(idx) + split_cand = explore.closest_points + + # Split the candidates in groups for multiprocessing + args = [] + for index in goodSampleIdx: + args.append((exploit_method, split_cand[index], index, + sigma2, var)) + + # Multiprocessing + pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) + # With Pool.starmap_async() + results = pool.starmap_async(self.run_util_func, args).get() + + # Close the pool + pool.close() + # out = map(self.run_util_func, + # [exploit_method]*len(goodSampleIdx), + # split_cand, + # range(len(goodSampleIdx)), + # [sigma2] * len(goodSampleIdx), + # [var] * len(goodSampleIdx) + # ) + # results = list(out) + + # Retrieve the results and append them + if explore_method == 'Voronoi': + ExploitScore = [np.mean(results[k][1]) for k in + range(len(goodSampleIdx))] + else: + ExploitScore = np.concatenate( + [results[k][1] for k in range(len(goodSampleIdx))]) + + else: + raise NameError('The requested utility function is not ' + 'available.') + + # print("ExploitScore:\n", ExploitScore) + + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design by + # maximization of the utility score and taking care of NaN values + # Total score + # Normalize U_J_d + ExploitScore = ExploitScore / np.sum(ExploitScore) + totalScore = exploit_w * ExploitScore + totalScore += explore_w * scoreExploration + + temp = totalScore.copy() + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(temp, axis=0)[::-1] + bestIdx = sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples] + + Xnew = np.zeros((n_new_samples, ndim)) + if explore_method != 'Voronoi': + Xnew = allCandidates[bestIdx] + else: + for i, idx in enumerate(bestIdx.flatten()): + X_can = explore.closest_points[idx] + # plotter(self.ExpDesign.X, X_can, explore_method, + # scoreExploration=None) + + # Calculate the maxmin score for the region of interest + newSamples, maxminScore = explore.get_mc_samples(X_can) + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew[i] = newSamples[np.argmax(maxminScore)] + + elif exploit_method == 'alphabetic': + # ------- EXPLOITATION: ALPHABETIC ------- + Xnew = self.util_AlphOptDesign(allCandidates, var) + + elif exploit_method == 'Space-filling': + # ------- EXPLOITATION: SPACE-FILLING ------- + totalScore = scoreExploration + + # ------- Select the best candidate ------- + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design by + # maximization of the utility score and taking care of NaN values + temp = totalScore.copy() + temp[np.isnan(totalScore)] = -np.inf + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(temp)[::-1] + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew = allCandidates[sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples]] + + else: + raise NameError('The requested design method is not available.') + + print("\n") + print("\nRun No. {}:".format(old_EDX.shape[0]+1)) + print("Xnew:\n", Xnew) + + return Xnew, None + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_AlphOptDesign(self, candidates, var='D-Opt'): + """ + Enriches the Experimental design with the requested alphabetic + criterion based on exploring the space with number of sampling points. + + Ref: Hadigol, M., & Doostan, A. (2018). Least squares polynomial chaos + expansion: A review of sampling strategies., Computer Methods in + Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 332, 382-407. + + Arguments + --------- + NCandidate : int + Number of candidate points to be searched + + var : string + Alphabetic optimality criterion + + Returns + ------- + X_new : array of shape (1, n_params) + The new sampling location in the input space. + """ + MetaModelOrig = self + Model = self.Model + n_new_samples = MetaModelOrig.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + NCandidate = candidates.shape[0] + + # TODO: Loop over outputs + OutputName = Model.Output.names[0] + + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + MetaModel = deepcopy(MetaModelOrig) + + # Old Experimental design + oldExpDesignX = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X + + # TODO: Only one psi can be selected. + # Suggestion: Go for the one with the highest LOO error + Scores = list(MetaModel.score_dict[OutputName].values()) + ModifiedLOO = [1-score for score in Scores] + outIdx = np.argmax(ModifiedLOO) + + # Initialize Phi to save the criterion's values + Phi = np.zeros((NCandidate)) + + BasisIndices = MetaModelOrig.basis_dict[OutputName]["y_"+str(outIdx+1)] + P = len(BasisIndices) + + # ------ Old Psi ------------ + univ_p_val = MetaModelOrig.univ_basis_vals(oldExpDesignX) + Psi = MetaModelOrig.create_psi(BasisIndices, univ_p_val) + + # ------ New candidates (Psi_c) ------------ + # Assemble Psi_c + univ_p_val_c = self.univ_basis_vals(candidates) + Psi_c = self.create_psi(BasisIndices, univ_p_val_c) + + for idx in range(NCandidate): + + # Include the new row to the original Psi + Psi_cand = np.vstack((Psi, Psi_c[idx])) + + # Information matrix + PsiTPsi = np.dot(Psi_cand.T, Psi_cand) + M = PsiTPsi / (len(oldExpDesignX)+1) + + if np.linalg.cond(PsiTPsi) > 1e-12 \ + and np.linalg.cond(PsiTPsi) < 1 / sys.float_info.epsilon: + # faster + invM = linalg.solve(M, sparse.eye(PsiTPsi.shape[0]).toarray()) + else: + # stabler + invM = np.linalg.pinv(M) + + # ---------- Calculate optimality criterion ---------- + # Optimality criteria according to Section 4.5.1 in Ref. + + # D-Opt + if var == 'D-Opt': + Phi[idx] = (np.linalg.det(invM)) ** (1/P) + + # A-Opt + elif var == 'A-Opt': + Phi[idx] = np.trace(invM) + + # K-Opt + elif var == 'K-Opt': + Phi[idx] = np.linalg.cond(M) + + else: + raise Exception('The optimality criterion you requested has ' + 'not been implemented yet!') + + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design + # by minimization of the Phi + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(Phi) + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew = candidates[sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples]] + + return Xnew + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __normpdf(self, y_hat_pce, std_pce, obs_data, total_sigma2s, + rmse=None): + + Model = self.Model + likelihoods = 1.0 + + # Loop over the outputs + for idx, out in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + + # (Meta)Model Output + nsamples, nout = y_hat_pce[out].shape + + # Prepare data and remove NaN + try: + data = obs_data[out].values[~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + except AttributeError: + data = obs_data[out][~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + + # Prepare sigma2s + non_nan_indices = ~np.isnan(total_sigma2s[out]) + tot_sigma2s = total_sigma2s[out][non_nan_indices][:nout].values + + # Surrogate error if valid dataset is given. + if rmse is not None: + tot_sigma2s += rmse[out]**2 + else: + tot_sigma2s += np.mean(std_pce[out])**2 + + likelihoods *= stats.multivariate_normal.pdf( + y_hat_pce[out], data, np.diag(tot_sigma2s), + allow_singular=True) + + self.Likelihoods = likelihoods + + return likelihoods + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __corr_factor_BME(self, obs_data, total_sigma2s, logBME): + """ + Calculates the correction factor for BMEs. + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + samples = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X # valid_samples + model_outputs = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y # valid_model_runs + Model = MetaModel.ModelObj + n_samples = samples.shape[0] + + # Extract the requested model outputs for likelihood calulation + output_names = Model.Output.names + + # TODO: Evaluate MetaModel on the experimental design and ValidSet + OutputRS, stdOutputRS = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=samples) + + logLik_data = np.zeros((n_samples)) + logLik_model = np.zeros((n_samples)) + # Loop over the outputs + for idx, out in enumerate(output_names): + + # (Meta)Model Output + nsamples, nout = model_outputs[out].shape + + # Prepare data and remove NaN + try: + data = obs_data[out].values[~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + except AttributeError: + data = obs_data[out][~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + + # Prepare sigma2s + non_nan_indices = ~np.isnan(total_sigma2s[out]) + tot_sigma2s = total_sigma2s[out][non_nan_indices][:nout] + + # Covariance Matrix + covMatrix_data = np.diag(tot_sigma2s) + + for i, sample in enumerate(samples): + + # Simulation run + y_m = model_outputs[out][i] + + # Surrogate prediction + y_m_hat = OutputRS[out][i] + + # CovMatrix with the surrogate error + # covMatrix = np.diag(stdOutputRS[out][i]**2) + covMatrix = np.diag((y_m-y_m_hat)**2) + covMatrix = np.diag( + np.mean((model_outputs[out]-OutputRS[out]), axis=0)**2 + ) + + # Compute likelilhood output vs data + logLik_data[i] += self.__logpdf( + y_m_hat, data, covMatrix_data + ) + + # Compute likelilhood output vs surrogate + logLik_model[i] += self.__logpdf(y_m_hat, y_m, covMatrix) + + # Weight + logLik_data -= logBME + weights = np.exp(logLik_model+logLik_data) + + return np.log(np.mean(weights)) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __logpdf(self, x, mean, cov): + """ + computes the likelihood based on a multivariate normal distribution. + + Parameters + ---------- + x : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + mean : array_like + Observation data. + cov : 2d array + Covariance matrix of the distribution. + + Returns + ------- + log_lik : float + Log likelihood. + + """ + n = len(mean) + L = linalg.cholesky(cov, lower=True) + beta = np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L))) + dev = x - mean + alpha = dev.dot(linalg.cho_solve((L, True), dev)) + log_lik = -0.5 * alpha - beta - n / 2. * np.log(2 * np.pi) + + return log_lik + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __posteriorPlot(self, posterior, par_names, key): + + # Initialization + newpath = (r'Outputs_SeqPosteriorComparison/posterior') + os.makedirs(newpath, exist_ok=True) + + bound_tuples = self.MetaModel.bound_tuples + n_params = len(par_names) + font_size = 40 + if n_params == 2: + + figPosterior, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 15)) + + sns.kdeplot(x=posterior[:, 0], y=posterior[:, 1], + fill=True, ax=ax, cmap=plt.cm.jet, + clip=bound_tuples) + # Axis labels + plt.xlabel(par_names[0], fontsize=font_size) + plt.ylabel(par_names[1], fontsize=font_size) + + # Set axis limit + plt.xlim(bound_tuples[0]) + plt.ylim(bound_tuples[1]) + + # Increase font size + plt.xticks(fontsize=font_size) + plt.yticks(fontsize=font_size) + + # Switch off the grids + plt.grid(False) + + else: + import corner + figPosterior = corner.corner(posterior, labels=par_names, + title_fmt='.2e', show_titles=True, + title_kwargs={"fontsize": 12}) + + figPosterior.savefig(f'./{newpath}/{key}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') + plt.close() + + # Save the posterior as .npy + np.save(f'./{newpath}/{key}.npy', posterior) + + return figPosterior + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __hellinger_distance(self, P, Q): + """ + Hellinger distance between two continuous distributions. + + The maximum distance 1 is achieved when P assigns probability zero to + every set to which Q assigns a positive probability, and vice versa. + 0 (identical) and 1 (maximally different) + + Parameters + ---------- + P : array + Reference likelihood. + Q : array + Estimated likelihood. + + Returns + ------- + float + Hellinger distance of two distributions. + + """ + mu1 = P.mean() + Sigma1 = np.std(P) + + mu2 = Q.mean() + Sigma2 = np.std(Q) + + term1 = np.sqrt(2*Sigma1*Sigma2 / (Sigma1**2 + Sigma2**2)) + + term2 = np.exp(-.25 * (mu1 - mu2)**2 / (Sigma1**2 + Sigma2**2)) + + H_squared = 1 - term1 * term2 + + return np.sqrt(H_squared) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __BME_Calculator(self, MetaModel, obs_data, sigma2Dict, rmse=None): + """ + This function computes the Bayesian model evidence (BME) via Monte + Carlo integration. + + """ + # Initializations + if hasattr(MetaModel, 'valid_likelihoods'): + valid_likelihoods = MetaModel.valid_likelihoods + else: + valid_likelihoods = [] + + post_snapshot = MetaModel.ExpDesign.post_snapshot + #print(f'post_snapshot: {post_snapshot}') + if post_snapshot or len(valid_likelihoods) != 0: + newpath = (r'Outputs_SeqPosteriorComparison/likelihood_vs_ref') + os.makedirs(newpath, exist_ok=True) + + SamplingMethod = 'random' + MCsize = 10000 + ESS = 0 + + # Estimation of the integral via Monte Varlo integration + while (ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1): + + # Generate samples for Monte Carlo simulation + X_MC = MetaModel.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + MCsize, SamplingMethod + ) + + # Monte Carlo simulation for the candidate design + Y_MC, std_MC = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Likelihood computation (Comparison of data and + # simulation results via PCE with candidate design) + Likelihoods = self.__normpdf( + Y_MC, std_MC, obs_data, sigma2Dict, rmse + ) + + # Check the Effective Sample Size (1000<ESS<MCsize) + ESS = 1 / np.sum(np.square(Likelihoods/np.sum(Likelihoods))) + + # Enlarge sample size if it doesn't fulfill the criteria + if (ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1): + print(f'ESS={ESS} MC size should be larger.') + MCsize *= 10 + ESS = 0 + + # Rejection Step + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, MCsize)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + accepted = (Likelihoods/np.max(Likelihoods)) >= unif + X_Posterior = X_MC[accepted] + + # ------------------------------------------------------------ + # --- Kullback-Leibler Divergence & Information Entropy ------ + # ------------------------------------------------------------ + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(Likelihoods)) + + # TODO: Correction factor + # log_weight = self.__corr_factor_BME(obs_data, sigma2Dict, logBME) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(Likelihoods[accepted])) + + # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + postExpPrior = np.mean( + np.log(MetaModel.ExpDesign.JDist.pdf(X_Posterior.T)) + ) + + # Calculate Kullback-Leibler Divergence + # KLD = np.mean(np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0])- logBME) + KLD = postExpLikelihoods - logBME + + # Information Entropy based on Entropy paper Eq. 38 + infEntropy = logBME - postExpPrior - postExpLikelihoods + + # If post_snapshot is True, plot likelihood vs refrence + if post_snapshot or valid_likelihoods: + # Hellinger distance + #print('arrived here') + #print(np.array(valid_likelihoods)) + valid_likelihoods = np.array(valid_likelihoods) + #valid_likelihoods = np.array(valid_likelihoods) + ref_like = np.log(valid_likelihoods[(valid_likelihoods > 0)]) + est_like = np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods > 0]) + distHellinger = self.__hellinger_distance(ref_like, est_like) + + idx = len([name for name in os.listdir(newpath) if 'Likelihoods_' + in name and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(newpath, name))]) + fig, ax = plt.subplots() + try: + sns.kdeplot(np.log(valid_likelihoods[valid_likelihoods > 0]), + shade=True, color="g", label='Ref. Likelihood') + sns.kdeplot(np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods > 0]), shade=True, + color="b", label='Likelihood with PCE') + except: + pass + + text = f"Hellinger Dist.={distHellinger:.3f}\n logBME={logBME:.3f}" + "\n DKL={KLD:.3f}" + + plt.text(0.05, 0.75, text, bbox=dict(facecolor='wheat', + edgecolor='black', + boxstyle='round,pad=1'), + transform=ax.transAxes) + + fig.savefig(f'./{newpath}/Likelihoods_{idx}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + plt.close() + + else: + distHellinger = 0.0 + + # Bayesian inference with Emulator only for 2D problem + if post_snapshot and MetaModel.n_params == 2 and not idx % 5: + BayesOpts = BayesInference(MetaModel) + BayesOpts.emulator = True + BayesOpts.plot_post_pred = False + + # Select the inference method + import emcee + BayesOpts.inference_method = "MCMC" + # Set the MCMC parameters passed to self.mcmc_params + BayesOpts.mcmc_params = { + 'n_steps': 1e5, + 'n_walkers': 30, + 'moves': emcee.moves.KDEMove(), + 'verbose': False + } + + # ----- Define the discrepancy model ------- + obs_data = pd.DataFrame(obs_data, columns=self.Model.Output.names) + BayesOpts.measurement_error = obs_data + + # # -- (Option B) -- + DiscrepancyOpts = Discrepancy('') + DiscrepancyOpts.type = 'Gaussian' + DiscrepancyOpts.parameters = obs_data**2 + BayesOpts.Discrepancy = DiscrepancyOpts + # Start the calibration/inference + Bayes_PCE = BayesOpts.create_inference() + X_Posterior = Bayes_PCE.posterior_df.values + + return (logBME, KLD, X_Posterior, Likelihoods, distHellinger) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __validError(self, MetaModel): + + # MetaModel = self.MetaModel + Model = MetaModel.ModelObj + OutputName = Model.Output.names + + # Extract the original model with the generated samples + valid_samples = MetaModel.valid_samples + valid_model_runs = MetaModel.valid_model_runs + + # Run the PCE model with the generated samples + valid_PCE_runs, _ = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=valid_samples) + + rms_error = {} + valid_error = {} + # Loop over the keys and compute RMSE error. + for key in OutputName: + rms_error[key] = mean_squared_error( + valid_model_runs[key], valid_PCE_runs[key], + multioutput='raw_values', + sample_weight=None, + squared=False) + # Validation error + valid_error[key] = (rms_error[key]**2) + valid_error[key] /= np.var(valid_model_runs[key], ddof=1, axis=0) + + # Print a report table + print("\n>>>>> Updated Errors of {} <<<<<".format(key)) + print("\nIndex | RMSE | Validation Error") + print('-'*35) + print('\n'.join(f'{i+1} | {k:.3e} | {j:.3e}' for i, (k, j) + in enumerate(zip(rms_error[key], + valid_error[key])))) + + return rms_error, valid_error + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __error_Mean_Std(self): + + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + # Extract the mean and std provided by user + df_MCReference = MetaModel.ModelObj.mc_reference + + # Compute the mean and std based on the MetaModel + pce_means, pce_stds = self._compute_pce_moments(MetaModel) + + # Compute the root mean squared error + for output in MetaModel.ModelObj.Output.names: + + # Compute the error between mean and std of MetaModel and OrigModel + RMSE_Mean = mean_squared_error( + df_MCReference['mean'], pce_means[output], squared=False + ) + RMSE_std = mean_squared_error( + df_MCReference['std'], pce_means[output], squared=False + ) + + return RMSE_Mean, RMSE_std + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _compute_pce_moments(self, MetaModel): + """ + Computes the first two moments using the PCE-based meta-model. + + Returns + ------- + pce_means: dict + The first moment (mean) of the surrogate. + pce_stds: dict + The second moment (standard deviation) of the surrogate. + + """ + outputs = MetaModel.ModelObj.Output.names + pce_means_b = {} + pce_stds_b = {} + + # Loop over bootstrap iterations + for b_i in range(MetaModel.n_bootstrap_itrs): + # Loop over the metamodels + coeffs_dicts = MetaModel.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'].items() + means = {} + stds = {} + for output, coef_dict in coeffs_dicts: + + pce_mean = np.zeros((len(coef_dict))) + pce_var = np.zeros((len(coef_dict))) + + for index, values in coef_dict.items(): + idx = int(index.split('_')[1]) - 1 + coeffs = MetaModel.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][index] + + # Mean = c_0 + if coeffs[0] != 0: + pce_mean[idx] = coeffs[0] + else: + clf_poly = MetaModel.clf_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output] + pce_mean[idx] = clf_poly[index].intercept_ + # Var = sum(coeffs[1:]**2) + pce_var[idx] = np.sum(np.square(coeffs[1:])) + + # Save predictions for each output + if MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + PCA = MetaModel.pca[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output] + means[output] = PCA.inverse_transform(pce_mean) + stds[output] = PCA.inverse_transform(np.sqrt(pce_var)) + else: + means[output] = pce_mean + stds[output] = np.sqrt(pce_var) + + # Save predictions for each bootstrap iteration + pce_means_b[b_i] = means + pce_stds_b[b_i] = stds + + # Change the order of nesting + mean_all = {} + for i in sorted(pce_means_b): + for k, v in pce_means_b[i].items(): + if k not in mean_all: + mean_all[k] = [None] * len(pce_means_b) + mean_all[k][i] = v + std_all = {} + for i in sorted(pce_stds_b): + for k, v in pce_stds_b[i].items(): + if k not in std_all: + std_all[k] = [None] * len(pce_stds_b) + std_all[k][i] = v + + # Back transformation if PCA is selected. + pce_means, pce_stds = {}, {} + for output in outputs: + pce_means[output] = np.mean(mean_all[output], axis=0) + pce_stds[output] = np.mean(std_all[output], axis=0) + + return pce_means, pce_stds diff --git a/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/sequential_design.py b/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/sequential_design.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc81dcd4529ca0708dfba47385aef4415992eb3e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/sequential_design.py @@ -0,0 +1,2187 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Created on Fri Jan 28 09:21:18 2022 + +@author: farid +""" +import numpy as np +from scipy import stats, signal, linalg, sparse +from scipy.spatial import distance +from copy import deepcopy, copy +from tqdm import tqdm +import scipy.optimize as opt +from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error +import multiprocessing +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt +import sys +import os +import gc +import seaborn as sns +from joblib import Parallel, delayed +import resource +from .exploration import Exploration + + +class SeqDesign(): + """ Sequential experimental design + This class provieds method for trainig the meta-model in an iterative + manners. + The main method to execute the task is `train_seq_design`, which + recieves a model object and returns the trained metamodel. + """ + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def train_seq_design(self, MetaModel): + """ + Starts the adaptive sequential design for refining the surrogate model + by selecting training points in a sequential manner. + + Parameters + ---------- + Model : object + An object containing all model specifications. + + Returns + ------- + MetaModel : object + Meta model object. + + """ + # MetaModel = self + Model = MetaModel.ModelObj + self.MetaModel = MetaModel + self.Model = Model + + # Initialization + MetaModel.SeqModifiedLOO = {} + MetaModel.seqValidError = {} + MetaModel.SeqBME = {} + MetaModel.SeqKLD = {} + MetaModel.SeqDistHellinger = {} + MetaModel.seqRMSEMean = {} + MetaModel.seqRMSEStd = {} + MetaModel.seqMinDist = [] + pce = True if MetaModel.meta_model_type.lower() != 'gpe' else False + mc_ref = True if bool(Model.mc_reference) else False + if mc_ref: + Model.read_mc_reference() + + if not hasattr(MetaModel, 'valid_likelihoods'): + MetaModel.valid_samples = [] + MetaModel.valid_model_runs = [] + MetaModel.valid_likelihoods = [] + + # Get the parameters + max_n_samples = MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_max_samples + mod_LOO_threshold = MetaModel.ExpDesign.mod_LOO_threshold + n_canddidate = MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_canddidate + post_snapshot = MetaModel.ExpDesign.post_snapshot + n_replication = MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_replication + util_func = MetaModel.ExpDesign.util_func + output_name = Model.Output.names + validError = None + # Handle if only one UtilityFunctions is provided + if not isinstance(util_func, list): + util_func = [MetaModel.ExpDesign.util_func] + + # Read observations or MCReference + if len(Model.observations) != 0 or Model.meas_file is not None: + self.observations = Model.read_observation() + obs_data = self.observations + else: + obs_data = [] + TotalSigma2 = {} + # ---------- Initial MetaModel ---------- + initMetaModel = deepcopy(MetaModel) + + # Validation error if validation set is provided. + if len(MetaModel.valid_model_runs) != 0: + init_rmse, init_valid_error = self.__validError(initMetaModel) + init_valid_error = list(init_valid_error.values()) + else: + init_rmse = None + + # Check if discrepancy is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0 and hasattr(MetaModel, 'Discrepancy'): + TotalSigma2 = MetaModel.Discrepancy.parameters + + # Calculate the initial BME + out = self.__BME_Calculator( + initMetaModel, obs_data, TotalSigma2, init_rmse) + init_BME, init_KLD, init_post, init_likes, init_dist_hellinger = out + print(f"\nInitial BME: {init_BME:.2f}") + print(f"Initial KLD: {init_KLD:.2f}") + + # Posterior snapshot (initial) + if post_snapshot: + parNames = MetaModel.ExpDesign.par_names + print('Posterior snapshot (initial) is being plotted...') + self.__posteriorPlot(init_post, parNames, 'SeqPosterior_init') + + # Check the convergence of the Mean & Std + if mc_ref and pce: + init_rmse_mean, init_rmse_std = self.__error_Mean_Std() + print(f"Initial Mean and Std error: {init_rmse_mean}," + f" {init_rmse_std}") + + # Read the initial experimental design + Xinit = initMetaModel.ExpDesign.X + init_n_samples = len(MetaModel.ExpDesign.X) + initYprev = initMetaModel.ModelOutputDict + initLCerror = initMetaModel.LCerror + n_itrs = max_n_samples - init_n_samples + + # Read the initial ModifiedLOO + if pce: + Scores_all, varExpDesignY = [], [] + for out_name in output_name: + y = initMetaModel.ExpDesign.Y[out_name] + Scores_all.append(list( + initMetaModel.score_dict['b_1'][out_name].values())) + if MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + pca = MetaModel.pca['b_1'][out_name] + components = pca.transform(y) + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(components, axis=0)) + else: + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(y, axis=0)) + + Scores = [item for sublist in Scores_all for item in sublist] + weights = [item for sublist in varExpDesignY for item in sublist] + init_mod_LOO = [np.average([1-score for score in Scores], + weights=weights)] + + prevMetaModel_dict = {} + # Replicate the sequential design + for repIdx in range(n_replication): + print(f'\n>>>> Replication: {repIdx+1}<<<<') + + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + MetaModel.ExpDesign.X = Xinit + MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y = initYprev + MetaModel.LCerror = initLCerror + + for util_f in util_func: + print(f'\n>>>> Utility Function: {util_f} <<<<') + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + MetaModel.ExpDesign.X = Xinit + MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y = initYprev + MetaModel.LCerror = initLCerror + + # Set the experimental design + Xprev = Xinit + total_n_samples = init_n_samples + Yprev = initYprev + + Xfull = [] + Yfull = [] + + # Store the initial ModifiedLOO + if pce: + print("\nInitial ModifiedLOO:", init_mod_LOO) + SeqModifiedLOO = np.array(init_mod_LOO) + + if len(MetaModel.valid_model_runs) != 0: + SeqValidError = np.array(init_valid_error) + + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + SeqBME = np.array([init_BME]) + SeqKLD = np.array([init_KLD]) + SeqDistHellinger = np.array([init_dist_hellinger]) + + if mc_ref and pce: + seqRMSEMean = np.array([init_rmse_mean]) + seqRMSEStd = np.array([init_rmse_std]) + + # ------- Start Sequential Experimental Design ------- + postcnt = 1 + for itr_no in range(1, n_itrs+1): + print(f'\n>>>> Iteration number {itr_no} <<<<') + + # Save the metamodel prediction before updating + prevMetaModel_dict[itr_no] = deepcopy(MetaModel) + if itr_no > 1: + pc_model = prevMetaModel_dict[itr_no-1] + self._y_hat_prev, _ = pc_model.eval_metamodel( + samples=Xfull[-1].reshape(1, -1)) + + # Optimal Bayesian Design + m_1 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/1024 + MetaModel.ExpDesignFlag = 'sequential' + Xnew, updatedPrior = self.opt_SeqDesign(TotalSigma2, + n_canddidate, + util_f) + m_2 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/1024 + S = np.min(distance.cdist(Xinit, Xnew, 'euclidean')) + MetaModel.seqMinDist.append(S) + print(f"\nmin Dist from OldExpDesign: {S:2f}") + print("\n") + + # Evaluate the full model response at the new sample + Ynew, _ = Model.run_model_parallel( + Xnew, prevRun_No=total_n_samples + ) + total_n_samples += Xnew.shape[0] + # ------ Plot the surrogate model vs Origninal Model ------ + if hasattr(MetaModel, 'adapt_verbose') and \ + MetaModel.adapt_verbose: + from .adaptPlot import adaptPlot + y_hat, std_hat = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=Xnew) + adaptPlot(MetaModel, Ynew, y_hat, std_hat, plotED=False) + + # -------- Retrain the surrogate model ------- + # Extend new experimental design + Xfull = np.vstack((Xprev, Xnew)) + + # Updating experimental design Y + for out_name in output_name: + Yfull = np.vstack((Yprev[out_name], Ynew[out_name])) + MetaModel.ModelOutputDict[out_name] = Yfull + + # Pass new design to the metamodel object + MetaModel.ExpDesign.sampling_method = 'user' + MetaModel.ExpDesign.X = Xfull + MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y = MetaModel.ModelOutputDict + + # Save the Experimental Design for next iteration + Xprev = Xfull + Yprev = MetaModel.ModelOutputDict + + # Pass the new prior as the input + MetaModel.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = False + if updatedPrior is not None: + MetaModel.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = True + print("updatedPrior:", updatedPrior.shape) + # Arbitrary polynomial chaos + for i in range(updatedPrior.shape[1]): + MetaModel.input_obj.Marginals[i].dist_type = None + x = updatedPrior[:, i] + MetaModel.input_obj.Marginals[i].raw_data = x + + # Train the surrogate model for new ExpDesign + MetaModel.train_norm_design(parallel=False) + m_3 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/1024 + + # -------- Evaluate the retrained surrogate model ------- + # Extract Modified LOO from Output + if pce: + Scores_all, varExpDesignY = [], [] + for out_name in output_name: + y = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y[out_name] + Scores_all.append(list( + MetaModel.score_dict['b_1'][out_name].values())) + if MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + pca = MetaModel.pca['b_1'][out_name] + components = pca.transform(y) + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(components, + axis=0)) + else: + varExpDesignY.append(np.var(y, axis=0)) + Scores = [item for sublist in Scores_all for item + in sublist] + weights = [item for sublist in varExpDesignY for item + in sublist] + ModifiedLOO = [np.average( + [1-score for score in Scores], weights=weights)] + + print('\n') + print(f"Updated ModifiedLOO {util_f}:\n", ModifiedLOO) + print('\n') + + # Compute the validation error + if len(MetaModel.valid_model_runs) != 0: + rmse, validError = self.__validError(MetaModel) + ValidError = list(validError.values()) + else: + rmse = None + + # Store updated ModifiedLOO + if pce: + SeqModifiedLOO = np.vstack( + (SeqModifiedLOO, ModifiedLOO)) + if len(MetaModel.valid_model_runs) != 0: + SeqValidError = np.vstack( + (SeqValidError, ValidError)) + m_4 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/1024 + # -------- Caclulation of BME as accuracy metric ------- + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + # Calculate the initial BME + out = self.__BME_Calculator(MetaModel, obs_data, + TotalSigma2, rmse) + BME, KLD, Posterior, likes, DistHellinger = out + print('\n') + print(f"Updated BME: {BME:.2f}") + print(f"Updated KLD: {KLD:.2f}") + print('\n') + + # Plot some snapshots of the posterior + step_snapshot = MetaModel.ExpDesign.step_snapshot + if post_snapshot and postcnt % step_snapshot == 0: + parNames = MetaModel.ExpDesign.par_names + print('Posterior snapshot is being plotted...') + self.__posteriorPlot(Posterior, parNames, + f'SeqPosterior_{postcnt}') + postcnt += 1 + m_5 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/1024 + + # Check the convergence of the Mean&Std + if mc_ref and pce: + print('\n') + RMSE_Mean, RMSE_std = self.__error_Mean_Std() + print(f"Updated Mean and Std error: {RMSE_Mean:.2f}, " + f"{RMSE_std:.2f}") + print('\n') + + # Store the updated BME & KLD + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + SeqBME = np.vstack((SeqBME, BME)) + SeqKLD = np.vstack((SeqKLD, KLD)) + SeqDistHellinger = np.vstack((SeqDistHellinger, + DistHellinger)) + if mc_ref and pce: + seqRMSEMean = np.vstack((seqRMSEMean, RMSE_Mean)) + seqRMSEStd = np.vstack((seqRMSEStd, RMSE_std)) + + if pce and any(LOO < mod_LOO_threshold + for LOO in ModifiedLOO): + break + + print(f"Memory itr {itr_no}: I: {m_2-m_1:.2f} MB") + print(f"Memory itr {itr_no}: II: {m_3-m_2:.2f} MB") + print(f"Memory itr {itr_no}: III: {m_4-m_3:.2f} MB") + print(f"Memory itr {itr_no}: IV: {m_5-m_4:.2f} MB") + m_6 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/1024 + print(f"Memory itr {itr_no}: total: {m_6:.2f} MB") + + # Clean up + if len(obs_data) != 0: + del out + gc.collect() + print() + print('-'*50) + print() + + # Store updated ModifiedLOO and BME in dictonary + strKey = f'{util_f}_rep_{repIdx+1}' + if pce: + MetaModel.SeqModifiedLOO[strKey] = SeqModifiedLOO + if len(MetaModel.valid_model_runs) != 0: + MetaModel.seqValidError[strKey] = SeqValidError + + # Check if data is provided + if len(obs_data) != 0: + MetaModel.SeqBME[strKey] = SeqBME + MetaModel.SeqKLD[strKey] = SeqKLD + if len(MetaModel.valid_likelihoods) != 0: + MetaModel.SeqDistHellinger[strKey] = SeqDistHellinger + if mc_ref and pce: + MetaModel.seqRMSEMean[strKey] = seqRMSEMean + MetaModel.seqRMSEStd[strKey] = seqRMSEStd + + return MetaModel + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_VarBasedDesign(self, X_can, index, util_func='Entropy'): + """ + Computes the exploitation scores based on: + active learning MacKay(ALM) and active learning Cohn (ALC) + Paper: Sequential Design with Mutual Information for Computer + Experiments (MICE): Emulation of a Tsunami Model by Beck and Guillas + (2016) + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + index : int + Model output index. + UtilMethod : string, optional + Exploitation utility function. The default is 'Entropy'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + ED_X = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X + out_dict_y = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y + out_names = MetaModel.ModelObj.Output.names + + # Run the Metamodel for the candidate + X_can = X_can.reshape(1, -1) + Y_PC_can, std_PC_can = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_can) + + if util_func.lower() == 'alm': + # ----- Entropy/MMSE/active learning MacKay(ALM) ----- + # Compute perdiction variance of the old model + canPredVar = {key: std_PC_can[key]**2 for key in out_names} + + varPCE = np.zeros((len(out_names), X_can.shape[0])) + for KeyIdx, key in enumerate(out_names): + varPCE[KeyIdx] = np.max(canPredVar[key], axis=1) + score = np.max(varPCE, axis=0) + + elif util_func.lower() == 'eigf': + # ----- Expected Improvement for Global fit ----- + # Find closest EDX to the candidate + distances = distance.cdist(ED_X, X_can, 'euclidean') + index = np.argmin(distances) + + # Compute perdiction error and variance of the old model + predError = {key: Y_PC_can[key] for key in out_names} + canPredVar = {key: std_PC_can[key]**2 for key in out_names} + + # Compute perdiction error and variance of the old model + # Eq (5) from Liu et al.(2018) + EIGF_PCE = np.zeros((len(out_names), X_can.shape[0])) + for KeyIdx, key in enumerate(out_names): + residual = predError[key] - out_dict_y[key][int(index)] + var = canPredVar[key] + EIGF_PCE[KeyIdx] = np.max(residual**2 + var, axis=1) + score = np.max(EIGF_PCE, axis=0) + + return -1 * score # -1 is for minimization instead of maximization + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_BayesianActiveDesign(self, X_can, sigma2Dict, var='DKL'): + """ + Computes scores based on Bayesian active design criterion (var). + + It is based on the following paper: + Oladyshkin, Sergey, Farid Mohammadi, Ilja Kroeker, and Wolfgang Nowak. + "Bayesian3 active learning for the gaussian process emulator using + information theory." Entropy 22, no. 8 (2020): 890. + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + var : string, optional + BAL design criterion. The default is 'DKL'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + + # Evaluate the PCE metamodels at that location ??? + Y_mean_can, Y_std_can = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel( + samples=np.array([X_can]) + ) + + # Get the data + obs_data = self.observations + n_obs = self.Model.n_obs + # TODO: Analytical DKL + # Sample a distribution for a normal dist + # with Y_mean_can as the mean and Y_std_can as std. + + # priorMean, priorSigma2, Obs = np.empty((0)),np.empty((0)),np.empty((0)) + + # for key in list(Y_mean_can): + # # concatenate the measurement error + # Obs = np.hstack((Obs,ObservationData[key])) + + # # concatenate the mean and variance of prior predictive + # means, stds = Y_mean_can[key][0], Y_std_can[key][0] + # priorMean = np.hstack((priorSigma2,means)) + # priorSigma2 = np.hstack((priorSigma2,stds**2)) + + # # Covariance Matrix of prior + # covPrior = np.zeros((priorSigma2.shape[0], priorSigma2.shape[0]), float) + # np.fill_diagonal(covPrior, priorSigma2) + + # # Covariance Matrix of Likelihood + # covLikelihood = np.zeros((sigma2Dict.shape[0], sigma2Dict.shape[0]), float) + # np.fill_diagonal(covLikelihood, sigma2Dict) + + # # Calculate moments of the posterior (Analytical derivation) + # n = priorSigma2.shape[0] + # covPost = np.dot(np.dot(covPrior,np.linalg.inv(covPrior+(covLikelihood/n))),covLikelihood/n) + + # meanPost = np.dot(np.dot(covPrior,np.linalg.inv(covPrior+(covLikelihood/n))) , Obs) + \ + # np.dot(np.dot(covPrior,np.linalg.inv(covPrior+(covLikelihood/n))), + # priorMean/n) + # # Compute DKL from prior to posterior + # term1 = np.trace(np.dot(np.linalg.inv(covPrior),covPost)) + # deltaMean = priorMean-meanPost + # term2 = np.dot(np.dot(deltaMean,np.linalg.inv(covPrior)),deltaMean[:,None]) + # term3 = np.log(np.linalg.det(covPrior)/np.linalg.det(covPost)) + # DKL = 0.5 * (term1 + term2 - n + term3)[0] + + # ---------- Inner MC simulation for computing Utility Value ---------- + # Estimation of the integral via Monte Varlo integration + MCsize = 20000 + ESS = 0 + + while ((ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1)): + + # Sample a distribution for a normal dist + # with Y_mean_can as the mean and Y_std_can as std. + Y_MC, std_MC = {}, {} + logPriorLikelihoods = np.zeros((MCsize)) + for key in list(Y_mean_can): + means, stds = Y_mean_can[key][0], Y_std_can[key][0] + # cov = np.zeros((means.shape[0], means.shape[0]), float) + # np.fill_diagonal(cov, stds**2) + + Y_MC[key] = np.zeros((MCsize, n_obs)) + logsamples = np.zeros((MCsize, n_obs)) + for i in range(n_obs): + NormalDensity = stats.norm(means[i], stds[i]) + Y_MC[key][:, i] = NormalDensity.rvs(MCsize) + logsamples[:, i] = NormalDensity.logpdf(Y_MC[key][:, i]) + + logPriorLikelihoods = np.sum(logsamples, axis=1) + std_MC[key] = np.zeros((MCsize, means.shape[0])) + + # Likelihood computation (Comparison of data and simulation + # results via PCE with candidate design) + likelihoods = self.__normpdf(Y_MC, std_MC, obs_data, sigma2Dict) + + # Check the Effective Sample Size (1<ESS<MCsize) + ESS = 1 / np.sum(np.square(likelihoods/np.nansum(likelihoods))) + + # Enlarge sample size if it doesn't fulfill the criteria + if ((ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1)): + MCsize *= 10 + ESS = 0 + + # Rejection Step + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, MCsize)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + accepted = (likelihoods/np.max(likelihoods)) >= unif + + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postLikelihoods = likelihoods[accepted] + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(postLikelihoods)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + postExpPrior = np.mean(logPriorLikelihoods[accepted]) + + # Utility function Eq.2 in Ref. (2) + # Posterior covariance matrix after observing data y + # Kullback-Leibler Divergence (Sergey's paper) + if var == 'DKL': + + # TODO: Calculate the correction factor for BME + # BMECorrFactor = self.BME_Corr_Weight(PCE_SparseBayes_can, + # ObservationData, sigma2Dict) + # BME += BMECorrFactor + # Haun et al implementation + # U_J_d = np.mean(np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0])- logBME) + U_J_d = postExpLikelihoods - logBME + + # Marginal log likelihood + elif var == 'BME': + U_J_d = logBME + + # Entropy-based information gain + elif var == 'infEntropy': + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods)) + infEntropy = logBME - postExpPrior - postExpLikelihoods + U_J_d = infEntropy * -1 # -1 for minimization + + # Bayesian information criterion + elif var == 'BIC': + coeffs = self.MetaModel.coeffs_dict.values() + nModelParams = max(len(v) for val in coeffs for v in val.values()) + maxL = np.nanmax(likelihoods) + U_J_d = -2 * np.log(maxL) + np.log(n_obs) * nModelParams + + # Akaike information criterion + elif var == 'AIC': + coeffs = self.MetaModel.coeffs_dict.values() + nModelParams = max(len(v) for val in coeffs for v in val.values()) + maxlogL = np.log(np.nanmax(likelihoods)) + AIC = -2 * maxlogL + 2 * nModelParams + # 2 * nModelParams * (nModelParams+1) / (n_obs-nModelParams-1) + penTerm = 0 + U_J_d = 1*(AIC + penTerm) + + # Deviance information criterion + elif var == 'DIC': + # D_theta_bar = np.mean(-2 * Likelihoods) + N_star_p = 0.5 * np.var(np.log(likelihoods[likelihoods != 0])) + Likelihoods_theta_mean = self.__normpdf( + Y_mean_can, Y_std_can, obs_data, sigma2Dict + ) + DIC = -2 * np.log(Likelihoods_theta_mean) + 2 * N_star_p + + U_J_d = DIC + + else: + print('The algorithm you requested has not been implemented yet!') + + # Handle inf and NaN (replace by zero) + if np.isnan(U_J_d) or U_J_d == -np.inf or U_J_d == np.inf: + U_J_d = 0.0 + + # Clear memory + del likelihoods + del Y_MC + del std_MC + gc.collect(generation=2) + + return -1 * U_J_d # -1 is for minimization instead of maximization + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def update_metamodel(self, MetaModel, output, y_hat_can, univ_p_val, index, + new_pca=False): + BasisIndices = MetaModel.basis_dict[output]["y_"+str(index+1)] + clf_poly = MetaModel.clf_poly[output]["y_"+str(index+1)] + Mn = clf_poly.coef_ + Sn = clf_poly.sigma_ + beta = clf_poly.alpha_ + active = clf_poly.active_ + Psi = self.MetaModel.create_psi(BasisIndices, univ_p_val) + + Sn_new_inv = np.linalg.inv(Sn) + Sn_new_inv += beta * np.dot(Psi[:, active].T, Psi[:, active]) + Sn_new = np.linalg.inv(Sn_new_inv) + + Mn_new = np.dot(Sn_new_inv, Mn[active]).reshape(-1, 1) + Mn_new += beta * np.dot(Psi[:, active].T, y_hat_can) + Mn_new = np.dot(Sn_new, Mn_new).flatten() + + # Compute the old and new moments of PCEs + mean_old = Mn[0] + mean_new = Mn_new[0] + std_old = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(Mn[1:]))) + std_new = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(Mn_new[1:]))) + + # Back transformation if PCA is selected. + if MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + old_pca = MetaModel.pca[output] + mean_old = old_pca.mean_[index] + mean_old += np.sum(mean_old * old_pca.components_[:, index]) + std_old = np.sqrt(np.sum(std_old**2 * + old_pca.components_[:, index]**2)) + mean_new = new_pca.mean_[index] + mean_new += np.sum(mean_new * new_pca.components_[:, index]) + std_new = np.sqrt(np.sum(std_new**2 * + new_pca.components_[:, index]**2)) + # print(f"mean_old: {mean_old:.2f} mean_new: {mean_new:.2f}") + # print(f"std_old: {std_old:.2f} std_new: {std_new:.2f}") + # Store the old and new moments of PCEs + results = { + 'mean_old': mean_old, + 'mean_new': mean_new, + 'std_old': std_old, + 'std_new': std_new + } + return results + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_BayesianDesign_old(self, X_can, X_MC, sigma2Dict, var='DKL'): + """ + Computes scores based on Bayesian sequential design criterion (var). + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + var : string, optional + Bayesian design criterion. The default is 'DKL'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + Model = self.Model + MetaModel = deepcopy(self.MetaModel) + old_EDY = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y + + # Evaluate the PCE metamodels using the candidate design + Y_PC_can, Y_std_can = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel( + samples=np.array([X_can]) + ) + + # Generate y from posterior predictive + m_size = 100 + y_hat_samples = {} + for idx, key in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + means, stds = Y_PC_can[key][0], Y_std_can[key][0] + y_hat_samples[key] = np.random.multivariate_normal( + means, np.diag(stds), m_size) + + # Create the SparseBayes-based PCE metamodel: + MetaModel.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = False + univ_p_val = self.MetaModel.univ_basis_vals(X_can) + G_n_m_all = np.zeros((m_size, len(Model.Output.names), Model.n_obs)) + + for i in range(m_size): + for idx, key in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + if MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + # Equal number of components + new_outputs = np.vstack( + (old_EDY[key], y_hat_samples[key][i]) + ) + new_pca, _ = MetaModel.pca_transformation(new_outputs) + target = new_pca.transform( + y_hat_samples[key][i].reshape(1, -1) + )[0] + else: + new_pca, target = False, y_hat_samples[key][i] + + for j in range(len(target)): + + # Update surrogate + result = self.update_metamodel( + MetaModel, key, target[j], univ_p_val, j, new_pca) + + # Compute Expected Information Gain (Eq. 39) + G_n_m = np.log(result['std_old']/result['std_new']) - 1./2 + G_n_m += result['std_new']**2 / (2*result['std_old']**2) + G_n_m += (result['mean_new'] - result['mean_old'])**2 /\ + (2*result['std_old']**2) + + G_n_m_all[i, idx, j] = G_n_m + + U_J_d = G_n_m_all.mean(axis=(1, 2)).mean() + return -1 * U_J_d + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_BayesianDesign(self, X_can, X_MC, sigma2Dict, var='DKL'): + """ + Computes scores based on Bayesian sequential design criterion (var). + + Parameters + ---------- + X_can : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + Candidate samples. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + var : string, optional + Bayesian design criterion. The default is 'DKL'. + + Returns + ------- + float + Score. + + """ + + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + Model = self.Model + MetaModel = deepcopy(self.MetaModel) + out_names = MetaModel.ModelObj.Output.names + if X_can.ndim == 1: + X_can = X_can.reshape(1, -1) + + # Compute the mean and std based on the MetaModel + # pce_means, pce_stds = self._compute_pce_moments(MetaModel) + if var == 'ALC': + Y_MC, Y_MC_std = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Old Experimental design + oldExpDesignX = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X + oldExpDesignY = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y + + # Evaluate the PCE metamodels at that location ??? + Y_PC_can, Y_std_can = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_can) + + # Add all suggestion as new ExpDesign + NewExpDesignX = np.vstack((oldExpDesignX, X_can)) + + NewExpDesignY = {} + for key in oldExpDesignY.keys(): + try: + NewExpDesignY[key] = np.vstack((oldExpDesignY[key], + Y_PC_can[key])) + except: + NewExpDesignY[key] = oldExpDesignY[key] + + MetaModel.ExpDesign.sampling_method = 'user' + MetaModel.ExpDesign.X = NewExpDesignX + MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y = NewExpDesignY + + # Train the model for the observed data using x_can + MetaModel.input_obj.poly_coeffs_flag = False + MetaModel.train_norm_design(parallel=False) + PCE_Model_can = MetaModel + + if var.lower() == 'mi': + # Mutual information based on Krause et al + # Adapted from Beck & Guillas (MICE) paper + _, std_PC_can = PCE_Model_can.eval_metamodel(samples=X_can) + std_can = {key: std_PC_can[key] for key in out_names} + + std_old = {key: Y_std_can[key] for key in out_names} + + varPCE = np.zeros((len(out_names))) + for i, key in enumerate(out_names): + varPCE[i] = np.mean(std_old[key]**2/std_can[key]**2) + score = np.mean(varPCE) + + return -1 * score + + elif var.lower() == 'alc': + # Active learning based on Gramyc and Lee + # Adaptive design and analysis of supercomputer experiments Techno- + # metrics, 51 (2009), pp. 130–145. + + # Evaluate the MetaModel at the given samples + Y_MC_can, Y_MC_std_can = PCE_Model_can.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Compute the score + score = [] + for i, key in enumerate(out_names): + pce_var = Y_MC_std_can[key]**2 + pce_var_can = Y_MC_std[key]**2 + score.append(np.mean(pce_var-pce_var_can, axis=0)) + score = np.mean(score) + + return -1 * score + + # ---------- Inner MC simulation for computing Utility Value ---------- + # Estimation of the integral via Monte Varlo integration + MCsize = X_MC.shape[0] + ESS = 0 + + while ((ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1)): + + # Enriching Monte Carlo samples if need be + if ESS != 0: + X_MC = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + MCsize, 'random' + ) + + # Evaluate the MetaModel at the given samples + Y_MC, std_MC = PCE_Model_can.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + + # Likelihood computation (Comparison of data and simulation + # results via PCE with candidate design) + likelihoods = self.__normpdf( + Y_MC, std_MC, self.observations, sigma2Dict + ) + + # Check the Effective Sample Size (1<ESS<MCsize) + ESS = 1 / np.sum(np.square(likelihoods/np.sum(likelihoods))) + + # Enlarge sample size if it doesn't fulfill the criteria + if ((ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1)): + print("--- increasing MC size---") + MCsize *= 10 + ESS = 0 + + # Rejection Step + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, MCsize)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + accepted = (likelihoods/np.max(likelihoods)) >= unif + + # -------------------- Utility functions -------------------- + # Utility function Eq.2 in Ref. (2) + # Kullback-Leibler Divergence (Sergey's paper) + if var == 'DKL': + + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods, dtype=np.float128)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postLikelihoods = likelihoods[accepted] + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(postLikelihoods)) + + # Haun et al implementation + U_J_d = np.mean(np.log(likelihoods[likelihoods != 0]) - logBME) + + # U_J_d = np.sum(G_n_m_all) + # Ryan et al (2014) implementation + # importanceWeights = Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0]/np.sum(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0]) + # U_J_d = np.mean(importanceWeights*np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0])) - logBME + + # U_J_d = postExpLikelihoods - logBME + + # Marginal likelihood + elif var == 'BME': + + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods)) + U_J_d = logBME + + # Bayes risk likelihood + elif var == 'BayesRisk': + + U_J_d = -1 * np.var(likelihoods) + + # Entropy-based information gain + elif var == 'infEntropy': + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(likelihoods)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postLikelihoods = likelihoods[accepted] / np.nansum(likelihoods[accepted]) + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(postLikelihoods)) + + # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + postExpPrior = np.mean(logPriorLikelihoods[accepted]) + + infEntropy = logBME - postExpPrior - postExpLikelihoods + + U_J_d = infEntropy * -1 # -1 for minimization + + # D-Posterior-precision + elif var == 'DPP': + X_Posterior = X_MC[accepted] + # covariance of the posterior parameters + U_J_d = -np.log(np.linalg.det(np.cov(X_Posterior))) + + # A-Posterior-precision + elif var == 'APP': + X_Posterior = X_MC[accepted] + # trace of the posterior parameters + U_J_d = -np.log(np.trace(np.cov(X_Posterior))) + + else: + print('The algorithm you requested has not been implemented yet!') + + # Clear memory + del likelihoods + del Y_MC + del std_MC + gc.collect(generation=2) + + return -1 * U_J_d # -1 is for minimization instead of maximization + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def subdomain(self, Bounds, n_new_samples): + """ + Divides a domain defined by Bounds into sub domains. + + Parameters + ---------- + Bounds : list of tuples + List of lower and upper bounds. + n_new_samples : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + + Returns + ------- + Subdomains : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + + """ + n_params = self.MetaModel.n_params + n_subdomains = n_new_samples + 1 + LinSpace = np.zeros((n_params, n_subdomains)) + + for i in range(n_params): + LinSpace[i] = np.linspace(start=Bounds[i][0], stop=Bounds[i][1], + num=n_subdomains) + Subdomains = [] + for k in range(n_subdomains-1): + mylist = [] + for i in range(n_params): + mylist.append((LinSpace[i, k+0], LinSpace[i, k+1])) + Subdomains.append(tuple(mylist)) + + return Subdomains + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def run_util_func(self, method, candidates, index, sigma2Dict=None, + var=None, X_MC=None): + """ + Runs the utility function based on the given method. + + Parameters + ---------- + method : string + Exploitation method: `VarOptDesign`, `BayesActDesign` and + `BayesOptDesign`. + candidates : array of shape (n_samples, n_params) + All candidate parameter sets. + index : int + ExpDesign index. + sigma2Dict : dict, optional + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). The + default is None. + var : string, optional + Utility function. The default is None. + X_MC : TYPE, optional + DESCRIPTION. The default is None. + + Returns + ------- + index : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + List + Scores. + + """ + + if method.lower() == 'varoptdesign': + # U_J_d = self.util_VarBasedDesign(candidates, index, var) + U_J_d = np.zeros((candidates.shape[0])) + for idx, X_can in tqdm(enumerate(candidates), ascii=True, + desc="varoptdesign"): + U_J_d[idx] = self.util_VarBasedDesign(X_can, index, var) + + elif method.lower() == 'bayesactdesign': + NCandidate = candidates.shape[0] + U_J_d = np.zeros((NCandidate)) + for idx, X_can in tqdm(enumerate(candidates), ascii=True, + desc="OptBayesianDesign"): + U_J_d[idx] = self.util_BayesianActiveDesign(X_can, sigma2Dict, + var) + elif method.lower() == 'bayesoptdesign': + NCandidate = candidates.shape[0] + U_J_d = np.zeros((NCandidate)) + for idx, X_can in tqdm(enumerate(candidates), ascii=True, + desc="OptBayesianDesign"): + U_J_d[idx] = self.util_BayesianDesign(X_can, X_MC, sigma2Dict, + var) + return (index, -1 * U_J_d) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def dual_annealing(self, method, Bounds, sigma2Dict, var, Run_No, + verbose=False): + """ + Exploration algorithim to find the optimum parameter space. + + Parameters + ---------- + method : string + Exploitation method: `VarOptDesign`, `BayesActDesign` and + `BayesOptDesign`. + Bounds : list of tuples + List of lower and upper boundaries of parameters. + sigma2Dict : dict + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). + Run_No : int + Run number. + verbose : bool, optional + Print out a summary. The default is False. + + Returns + ------- + Run_No : int + Run number. + array + Optimial candidate. + + """ + + Model = self.Model + max_func_itr = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.max_func_itr + + if method == 'VarOptDesign': + Res_Global = opt.dual_annealing(self.util_VarBasedDesign, + bounds=Bounds, + args=(Model, var), + maxfun=max_func_itr) + + elif method == 'BayesOptDesign': + Res_Global = opt.dual_annealing(self.util_BayesianDesign, + bounds=Bounds, + args=(Model, sigma2Dict, var), + maxfun=max_func_itr) + + if verbose: + print(f"global minimum: xmin = {Res_Global.x}, " + f"f(xmin) = {Res_Global.fun:.6f}, nfev = {Res_Global.nfev}") + + return (Run_No, Res_Global.x) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def tradoff_weights(self, tradeoff_scheme, old_EDX, old_EDY): + """ + Calculates weights for exploration scores based on the requested + scheme: `None`, `equal`, `epsilon-decreasing` and `adaptive`. + + `None`: No exploration. + `equal`: Same weights for exploration and exploitation scores. + `epsilon-decreasing`: Start with more exploration and increase the + influence of exploitation along the way with a exponential decay + function + `adaptive`: An adaptive method based on: + Liu, Haitao, Jianfei Cai, and Yew-Soon Ong. "An adaptive sampling + approach for Kriging metamodeling by maximizing expected prediction + error." Computers & Chemical Engineering 106 (2017): 171-182. + + Parameters + ---------- + tradeoff_scheme : string + Trade-off scheme for exloration and exploitation scores. + old_EDX : array (n_samples, n_params) + Old experimental design (training points). + old_EDY : dict + Old model responses (targets). + + Returns + ------- + exploration_weight : float + Exploration weight. + exploitation_weight: float + Exploitation weight. + + """ + if tradeoff_scheme is None: + exploration_weight = 0 + + elif tradeoff_scheme == 'equal': + exploration_weight = 0.5 + + elif tradeoff_scheme == 'epsilon-decreasing': + # epsilon-decreasing scheme + # Start with more exploration and increase the influence of + # exploitation along the way with a exponential decay function + initNSamples = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_init_samples + n_max_samples = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_max_samples + + itrNumber = (self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.X.shape[0] - initNSamples) + itrNumber //= self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + + tau2 = -(n_max_samples-initNSamples-1) / np.log(1e-8) + exploration_weight = signal.exponential(n_max_samples-initNSamples, + 0, tau2, False)[itrNumber] + + elif tradeoff_scheme == 'adaptive': + + # Extract itrNumber + initNSamples = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_init_samples + n_max_samples = self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_max_samples + itrNumber = (self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.X.shape[0] - initNSamples) + itrNumber //= self.MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + + if itrNumber == 0: + exploration_weight = 0.5 + else: + # New adaptive trade-off according to Liu et al. (2017) + # Mean squared error for last design point + last_EDX = old_EDX[-1].reshape(1, -1) + lastPCEY, _ = self.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=last_EDX) + pce_y = np.array(list(lastPCEY.values()))[:, 0] + y = np.array(list(old_EDY.values()))[:, -1, :] + mseError = mean_squared_error(pce_y, y) + + # Mean squared CV - error for last design point + pce_y_prev = np.array(list(self._y_hat_prev.values()))[:, 0] + mseCVError = mean_squared_error(pce_y_prev, y) + + exploration_weight = min([0.5*mseError/mseCVError, 1]) + + # Exploitation weight + exploitation_weight = 1 - exploration_weight + + return exploration_weight, exploitation_weight + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def opt_SeqDesign(self, sigma2, n_candidates=5, var='DKL'): + """ + Runs optimal sequential design. + + Parameters + ---------- + sigma2 : dict, optional + A dictionary containing the measurement errors (sigma^2). The + default is None. + n_candidates : int, optional + Number of candidate samples. The default is 5. + var : string, optional + Utility function. The default is None. + + Raises + ------ + NameError + Wrong utility function. + + Returns + ------- + Xnew : array (n_samples, n_params) + Selected new training point(s). + """ + + # Initialization + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + Bounds = MetaModel.bound_tuples + n_new_samples = MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + explore_method = MetaModel.ExpDesign.explore_method + exploit_method = MetaModel.ExpDesign.exploit_method + n_cand_groups = MetaModel.ExpDesign.n_cand_groups + tradeoff_scheme = MetaModel.ExpDesign.tradeoff_scheme + + old_EDX = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X + old_EDY = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y.copy() + ndim = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X.shape[1] + OutputNames = MetaModel.ModelObj.Output.names + + # ----------------------------------------- + # ----------- CUSTOMIZED METHODS ---------- + # ----------------------------------------- + # Utility function exploit_method provided by user + if exploit_method.lower() == 'user': + + Xnew, filteredSamples = MetaModel.ExpDesign.ExploitFunction(self) + + print("\n") + print("\nXnew:\n", Xnew) + + return Xnew, filteredSamples + + # ----------------------------------------- + # ---------- EXPLORATION METHODS ---------- + # ----------------------------------------- + if explore_method == 'dual annealing': + # ------- EXPLORATION: OPTIMIZATION ------- + import time + start_time = time.time() + + # Divide the domain to subdomains + args = [] + subdomains = self.subdomain(Bounds, n_new_samples) + for i in range(n_new_samples): + args.append((exploit_method, subdomains[i], sigma2, var, i)) + + # Multiprocessing + pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) + + # With Pool.starmap_async() + results = pool.starmap_async(self.dual_annealing, args).get() + + # Close the pool + pool.close() + + Xnew = np.array([results[i][1] for i in range(n_new_samples)]) + + print("\nXnew:\n", Xnew) + + elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time + print("\n") + print(f"elapsed_time: {round(elapsed_time,2)} sec.") + print('-'*20) + + elif explore_method == 'LOOCV': + # ----------------------------------------------------------------- + # TODO: LOOCV model construnction based on Feng et al. (2020) + # 'LOOCV': + # Initilize the ExploitScore array + + # Generate random samples + allCandidates = MetaModel.ExpDesign.generate_samples(n_candidates, + 'random') + + # Construct error model based on LCerror + errorModel = MetaModel.create_ModelError(old_EDX, self.LCerror) + self.errorModel.append(copy(errorModel)) + + # Evaluate the error models for allCandidates + eLCAllCands, _ = errorModel.eval_errormodel(allCandidates) + # Select the maximum as the representative error + eLCAllCands = np.dstack(eLCAllCands.values()) + eLCAllCandidates = np.max(eLCAllCands, axis=1)[:, 0] + + # Normalize the error w.r.t the maximum error + scoreExploration = eLCAllCandidates / np.sum(eLCAllCandidates) + + else: + # ------- EXPLORATION: SPACE-FILLING DESIGN ------- + # Generate candidate samples from Exploration class + explore = Exploration(MetaModel, n_candidates) + explore.w = 100 # * ndim #500 + # Select criterion (mc-intersite-proj-th, mc-intersite-proj) + explore.mc_criterion = 'mc-intersite-proj' + allCandidates, scoreExploration = explore.get_exploration_samples() + + # Temp: ---- Plot all candidates ----- + if ndim == 2: + def plotter(points, allCandidates, Method, + scoreExploration=None): + if Method == 'Voronoi': + from scipy.spatial import Voronoi, voronoi_plot_2d + vor = Voronoi(points) + fig = voronoi_plot_2d(vor) + ax1 = fig.axes[0] + else: + fig = plt.figure() + ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) + ax1.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], s=10, c='r', + marker="s", label='Old Design Points') + ax1.scatter(allCandidates[:, 0], allCandidates[:, 1], s=10, + c='b', marker="o", label='Design candidates') + for i in range(points.shape[0]): + txt = 'p'+str(i+1) + ax1.annotate(txt, (points[i, 0], points[i, 1])) + if scoreExploration is not None: + for i in range(allCandidates.shape[0]): + txt = str(round(scoreExploration[i], 5)) + ax1.annotate(txt, (allCandidates[i, 0], + allCandidates[i, 1])) + + plt.xlim(self.bound_tuples[0]) + plt.ylim(self.bound_tuples[1]) + # plt.show() + plt.legend(loc='upper left') + + # ----------------------------------------- + # --------- EXPLOITATION METHODS ---------- + # ----------------------------------------- + if exploit_method == 'BayesOptDesign' or\ + exploit_method == 'BayesActDesign': + + # ------- Calculate Exoploration weight ------- + # Compute exploration weight based on trade off scheme + explore_w, exploit_w = self.tradoff_weights(tradeoff_scheme, + old_EDX, + old_EDY) + print(f"\n Exploration weight={explore_w:0.3f} " + f"Exploitation weight={exploit_w:0.3f}\n") + + # ------- EXPLOITATION: BayesOptDesign & ActiveLearning ------- + if explore_w != 1.0: + + # Create a sample pool for rejection sampling + MCsize = 15000 + X_MC = MetaModel.ExpDesign.generate_samples(MCsize, 'random') + candidates = MetaModel.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + MetaModel.ExpDesign.max_func_itr, 'latin_hypercube') + + # Split the candidates in groups for multiprocessing + split_cand = np.array_split( + candidates, n_cand_groups, axis=0 + ) + + results = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, backend='threading')( + delayed(self.run_util_func)( + exploit_method, split_cand[i], i, sigma2, var, X_MC) + for i in range(n_cand_groups)) + # out = map(self.run_util_func, + # [exploit_method]*n_cand_groups, + # split_cand, + # range(n_cand_groups), + # [sigma2] * n_cand_groups, + # [var] * n_cand_groups, + # [X_MC] * n_cand_groups + # ) + # results = list(out) + + # Retrieve the results and append them + U_J_d = np.concatenate([results[NofE][1] for NofE in + range(n_cand_groups)]) + + # Check if all scores are inf + if np.isinf(U_J_d).all() or np.isnan(U_J_d).all(): + U_J_d = np.ones(len(U_J_d)) + + # Get the expected value (mean) of the Utility score + # for each cell + if explore_method == 'Voronoi': + U_J_d = np.mean(U_J_d.reshape(-1, n_candidates), axis=1) + + # create surrogate model for U_J_d + from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler + # Take care of inf entries + good_indices = [i for i, arr in enumerate(U_J_d) + if np.isfinite(arr).all()] + scaler = MinMaxScaler() + X_S = scaler.fit_transform(candidates[good_indices]) + gp = MetaModel.gaussian_process_emulator( + X_S, U_J_d[good_indices], autoSelect=True + ) + U_J_d = gp.predict(scaler.transform(allCandidates)) + + # Normalize U_J_d + norm_U_J_d = U_J_d / np.sum(U_J_d) + print("norm_U_J_d:\n", norm_U_J_d) + else: + norm_U_J_d = np.zeros((len(scoreExploration))) + + # ------- Calculate Total score ------- + # ------- Trade off between EXPLORATION & EXPLOITATION ------- + # Total score + totalScore = exploit_w * norm_U_J_d + totalScore += explore_w * scoreExploration + + # temp: Plot + # dim = self.ExpDesign.X.shape[1] + # if dim == 2: + # plotter(self.ExpDesign.X, allCandidates, explore_method) + + # ------- Select the best candidate ------- + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design by + # maximization of the utility score and taking care of NaN values + temp = totalScore.copy() + temp[np.isnan(totalScore)] = -np.inf + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(temp)[::-1] + bestIdx = sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples] + + # select the requested number of samples + if explore_method == 'Voronoi': + Xnew = np.zeros((n_new_samples, ndim)) + for i, idx in enumerate(bestIdx): + X_can = explore.closestPoints[idx] + + # Calculate the maxmin score for the region of interest + newSamples, maxminScore = explore.get_mc_samples(X_can) + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew[i] = newSamples[np.argmax(maxminScore)] + else: + Xnew = allCandidates[sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples]] + + elif exploit_method == 'VarOptDesign': + # ------- EXPLOITATION: VarOptDesign ------- + UtilMethod = var + + # ------- Calculate Exoploration weight ------- + # Compute exploration weight based on trade off scheme + explore_w, exploit_w = self.tradoff_weights(tradeoff_scheme, + old_EDX, + old_EDY) + print(f"\nweightExploration={explore_w:0.3f} " + f"weightExploitation={exploit_w:0.3f}") + + # Generate candidate samples from Exploration class + nMeasurement = old_EDY[OutputNames[0]].shape[1] + + # Find sensitive region + if UtilMethod == 'LOOCV': + LCerror = MetaModel.LCerror + allModifiedLOO = np.zeros((len(old_EDX), len(OutputNames), + nMeasurement)) + for y_idx, y_key in enumerate(OutputNames): + for idx, key in enumerate(LCerror[y_key].keys()): + allModifiedLOO[:, y_idx, idx] = abs( + LCerror[y_key][key]) + + ExploitScore = np.max(np.max(allModifiedLOO, axis=1), axis=1) + + elif UtilMethod in ['EIGF', 'ALM']: + # ----- All other in ['EIGF', 'ALM'] ----- + # Initilize the ExploitScore array + ExploitScore = np.zeros((len(old_EDX), len(OutputNames))) + + # Split the candidates in groups for multiprocessing + if explore_method != 'Voronoi': + split_cand = np.array_split(allCandidates, + n_cand_groups, + axis=0) + goodSampleIdx = range(n_cand_groups) + else: + # Find indices of the Vornoi cells with samples + goodSampleIdx = [] + for idx in range(len(explore.closest_points)): + if len(explore.closest_points[idx]) != 0: + goodSampleIdx.append(idx) + split_cand = explore.closest_points + + # Split the candidates in groups for multiprocessing + args = [] + for index in goodSampleIdx: + args.append((exploit_method, split_cand[index], index, + sigma2, var)) + + # Multiprocessing + pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) + # With Pool.starmap_async() + results = pool.starmap_async(self.run_util_func, args).get() + + # Close the pool + pool.close() + # out = map(self.run_util_func, + # [exploit_method]*len(goodSampleIdx), + # split_cand, + # range(len(goodSampleIdx)), + # [sigma2] * len(goodSampleIdx), + # [var] * len(goodSampleIdx) + # ) + # results = list(out) + + # Retrieve the results and append them + if explore_method == 'Voronoi': + ExploitScore = [np.mean(results[k][1]) for k in + range(len(goodSampleIdx))] + else: + ExploitScore = np.concatenate( + [results[k][1] for k in range(len(goodSampleIdx))]) + + else: + raise NameError('The requested utility function is not ' + 'available.') + + # print("ExploitScore:\n", ExploitScore) + + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design by + # maximization of the utility score and taking care of NaN values + # Total score + # Normalize U_J_d + ExploitScore = ExploitScore / np.sum(ExploitScore) + totalScore = exploit_w * ExploitScore + totalScore += explore_w * scoreExploration + + temp = totalScore.copy() + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(temp, axis=0)[::-1] + bestIdx = sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples] + + Xnew = np.zeros((n_new_samples, ndim)) + if explore_method != 'Voronoi': + Xnew = allCandidates[bestIdx] + else: + for i, idx in enumerate(bestIdx.flatten()): + X_can = explore.closest_points[idx] + # plotter(self.ExpDesign.X, X_can, explore_method, + # scoreExploration=None) + + # Calculate the maxmin score for the region of interest + newSamples, maxminScore = explore.get_mc_samples(X_can) + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew[i] = newSamples[np.argmax(maxminScore)] + + elif exploit_method == 'alphabetic': + # ------- EXPLOITATION: ALPHABETIC ------- + Xnew = self.util_AlphOptDesign(allCandidates, var) + + elif exploit_method == 'Space-filling': + # ------- EXPLOITATION: SPACE-FILLING ------- + totalScore = scoreExploration + + # ------- Select the best candidate ------- + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design by + # maximization of the utility score and taking care of NaN values + temp = totalScore.copy() + temp[np.isnan(totalScore)] = -np.inf + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(temp)[::-1] + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew = allCandidates[sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples]] + + else: + raise NameError('The requested design method is not available.') + + print("\n") + print("\nRun No. {}:".format(old_EDX.shape[0]+1)) + print("Xnew:\n", Xnew) + gc.collect() + + return Xnew, None + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def util_AlphOptDesign(self, candidates, var='D-Opt'): + """ + Enriches the Experimental design with the requested alphabetic + criterion based on exploring the space with number of sampling points. + + Ref: Hadigol, M., & Doostan, A. (2018). Least squares polynomial chaos + expansion: A review of sampling strategies., Computer Methods in + Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 332, 382-407. + + Arguments + --------- + NCandidate : int + Number of candidate points to be searched + + var : string + Alphabetic optimality criterion + + Returns + ------- + X_new : array of shape (1, n_params) + The new sampling location in the input space. + """ + MetaModelOrig = self + Model = self.Model + n_new_samples = MetaModelOrig.ExpDesign.n_new_samples + NCandidate = candidates.shape[0] + + # TODO: Loop over outputs + OutputName = Model.Output.names[0] + + # To avoid changes ub original aPCE object + MetaModel = deepcopy(MetaModelOrig) + + # Old Experimental design + oldExpDesignX = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X + + # TODO: Only one psi can be selected. + # Suggestion: Go for the one with the highest LOO error + Scores = list(MetaModel.score_dict[OutputName].values()) + ModifiedLOO = [1-score for score in Scores] + outIdx = np.argmax(ModifiedLOO) + + # Initialize Phi to save the criterion's values + Phi = np.zeros((NCandidate)) + + BasisIndices = MetaModelOrig.basis_dict[OutputName]["y_"+str(outIdx+1)] + P = len(BasisIndices) + + # ------ Old Psi ------------ + univ_p_val = MetaModelOrig.univ_basis_vals(oldExpDesignX) + Psi = MetaModelOrig.create_psi(BasisIndices, univ_p_val) + + # ------ New candidates (Psi_c) ------------ + # Assemble Psi_c + univ_p_val_c = self.univ_basis_vals(candidates) + Psi_c = self.create_psi(BasisIndices, univ_p_val_c) + + for idx in range(NCandidate): + + # Include the new row to the original Psi + Psi_cand = np.vstack((Psi, Psi_c[idx])) + + # Information matrix + PsiTPsi = np.dot(Psi_cand.T, Psi_cand) + M = PsiTPsi / (len(oldExpDesignX)+1) + + if np.linalg.cond(PsiTPsi) > 1e-12 \ + and np.linalg.cond(PsiTPsi) < 1 / sys.float_info.epsilon: + # faster + invM = linalg.solve(M, sparse.eye(PsiTPsi.shape[0]).toarray()) + else: + # stabler + invM = np.linalg.pinv(M) + + # ---------- Calculate optimality criterion ---------- + # Optimality criteria according to Section 4.5.1 in Ref. + + # D-Opt + if var == 'D-Opt': + Phi[idx] = (np.linalg.det(invM)) ** (1/P) + + # A-Opt + elif var == 'A-Opt': + Phi[idx] = np.trace(invM) + + # K-Opt + elif var == 'K-Opt': + Phi[idx] = np.linalg.cond(M) + + else: + raise Exception('The optimality criterion you requested has ' + 'not been implemented yet!') + + # find an optimal point subset to add to the initial design + # by minimization of the Phi + sorted_idxtotalScore = np.argsort(Phi) + + # select the requested number of samples + Xnew = candidates[sorted_idxtotalScore[:n_new_samples]] + + return Xnew + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __normpdf(self, y_hat_pce, std_pce, obs_data, total_sigma2s, + rmse=None): + + Model = self.Model + likelihoods = 1.0 + + # Loop over the outputs + for idx, out in enumerate(Model.Output.names): + + # (Meta)Model Output + nsamples, nout = y_hat_pce[out].shape + + # Prepare data and remove NaN + try: + data = obs_data[out].values[~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + except AttributeError: + data = obs_data[out][~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + + # Prepare sigma2s + non_nan_indices = ~np.isnan(total_sigma2s[out]) + tot_sigma2s = total_sigma2s[out][non_nan_indices][:nout].values + + # Surrogate error if valid dataset is given. + if rmse is not None: + tot_sigma2s += rmse[out]**2 + + likelihoods *= stats.multivariate_normal.pdf( + y_hat_pce[out], data, np.diag(tot_sigma2s), + allow_singular=True) + self.Likelihoods = likelihoods + + return likelihoods + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __corr_factor_BME(self, obs_data, total_sigma2s, logBME): + """ + Calculates the correction factor for BMEs. + """ + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + samples = MetaModel.ExpDesign.X # valid_samples + model_outputs = MetaModel.ExpDesign.Y # valid_model_runs + Model = MetaModel.ModelObj + n_samples = samples.shape[0] + + # Extract the requested model outputs for likelihood calulation + output_names = Model.Output.names + + # TODO: Evaluate MetaModel on the experimental design and ValidSet + OutputRS, stdOutputRS = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=samples) + + logLik_data = np.zeros((n_samples)) + logLik_model = np.zeros((n_samples)) + # Loop over the outputs + for idx, out in enumerate(output_names): + + # (Meta)Model Output + nsamples, nout = model_outputs[out].shape + + # Prepare data and remove NaN + try: + data = obs_data[out].values[~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + except AttributeError: + data = obs_data[out][~np.isnan(obs_data[out])] + + # Prepare sigma2s + non_nan_indices = ~np.isnan(total_sigma2s[out]) + tot_sigma2s = total_sigma2s[out][non_nan_indices][:nout] + + # Covariance Matrix + covMatrix_data = np.diag(tot_sigma2s) + + for i, sample in enumerate(samples): + + # Simulation run + y_m = model_outputs[out][i] + + # Surrogate prediction + y_m_hat = OutputRS[out][i] + + # CovMatrix with the surrogate error + # covMatrix = np.diag(stdOutputRS[out][i]**2) + covMatrix = np.diag((y_m-y_m_hat)**2) + covMatrix = np.diag( + np.mean((model_outputs[out]-OutputRS[out]), axis=0)**2 + ) + + # Compute likelilhood output vs data + logLik_data[i] += self.__logpdf( + y_m_hat, data, covMatrix_data + ) + + # Compute likelilhood output vs surrogate + logLik_model[i] += self.__logpdf(y_m_hat, y_m, covMatrix) + + # Weight + logLik_data -= logBME + weights = np.exp(logLik_model+logLik_data) + + return np.log(np.mean(weights)) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __logpdf(self, x, mean, cov): + """ + computes the likelihood based on a multivariate normal distribution. + + Parameters + ---------- + x : TYPE + DESCRIPTION. + mean : array_like + Observation data. + cov : 2d array + Covariance matrix of the distribution. + + Returns + ------- + log_lik : float + Log likelihood. + + """ + n = len(mean) + L = linalg.cholesky(cov, lower=True) + beta = np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L))) + dev = x - mean + alpha = dev.dot(linalg.cho_solve((L, True), dev)) + log_lik = -0.5 * alpha - beta - n / 2. * np.log(2 * np.pi) + + return log_lik + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __posteriorPlot(self, posterior, par_names, key): + + # Initialization + newpath = (r'Outputs_SeqPosteriorComparison/posterior') + os.makedirs(newpath, exist_ok=True) + + bound_tuples = self.MetaModel.bound_tuples + n_params = len(par_names) + font_size = 40 + if n_params == 2: + + figPosterior, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 15)) + + sns.kdeplot(x=posterior[:, 0], y=posterior[:, 1], + fill=True, ax=ax, cmap=plt.cm.jet, + clip=bound_tuples) + # Axis labels + plt.xlabel(par_names[0], fontsize=font_size) + plt.ylabel(par_names[1], fontsize=font_size) + + # Set axis limit + plt.xlim(bound_tuples[0]) + plt.ylim(bound_tuples[1]) + + # Increase font size + plt.xticks(fontsize=font_size) + plt.yticks(fontsize=font_size) + + # Switch off the grids + plt.grid(False) + + else: + import corner + figPosterior = corner.corner(posterior, labels=par_names, + title_fmt='.2e', show_titles=True, + title_kwargs={"fontsize": 12}) + + figPosterior.savefig(f'./{newpath}/{key}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') + plt.close() + + # Save the posterior as .npy + np.save(f'./{newpath}/{key}.npy', posterior) + + return figPosterior + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __hellinger_distance(self, P, Q): + """ + Hellinger distance between two continuous distributions. + + The maximum distance 1 is achieved when P assigns probability zero to + every set to which Q assigns a positive probability, and vice versa. + 0 (identical) and 1 (maximally different) + + Parameters + ---------- + P : array + Reference likelihood. + Q : array + Estimated likelihood. + + Returns + ------- + float + Hellinger distance of two distributions. + + """ + mu1 = P.mean() + Sigma1 = np.std(P) + + mu2 = Q.mean() + Sigma2 = np.std(Q) + + term1 = np.sqrt(2*Sigma1*Sigma2 / (Sigma1**2 + Sigma2**2)) + + term2 = np.exp(-.25 * (mu1 - mu2)**2 / (Sigma1**2 + Sigma2**2)) + + H_squared = 1 - term1 * term2 + + return np.sqrt(H_squared) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __BME_Calculator(self, MetaModel, obs_data, sigma2Dict, rmse=None): + """ + This function computes the Bayesian model evidence (BME) via Monte + Carlo integration. + + """ + # Initializations + valid_likelihoods = MetaModel.valid_likelihoods + + post_snapshot = MetaModel.ExpDesign.post_snapshot + if post_snapshot or len(valid_likelihoods) != 0: + newpath = (r'Outputs_SeqPosteriorComparison/likelihood_vs_ref') + os.makedirs(newpath, exist_ok=True) + + SamplingMethod = 'random' + MCsize = 10000 + ESS = 0 + + # Estimation of the integral via Monte Varlo integration + while (ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1): + + # Generate samples for Monte Carlo simulation + X_MC = MetaModel.ExpDesign.generate_samples( + MCsize, SamplingMethod + ) + + # Monte Carlo simulation for the candidate design + m_1 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/1024 + Y_MC, std_MC = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=X_MC) + m_2 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/1024 + print(f"\nMemory eval_metamodel in BME: {m_2-m_1:.2f} MB") + + # Likelihood computation (Comparison of data and + # simulation results via PCE with candidate design) + Likelihoods = self.__normpdf( + Y_MC, std_MC, obs_data, sigma2Dict, rmse + ) + + # Check the Effective Sample Size (1000<ESS<MCsize) + ESS = 1 / np.sum(np.square(Likelihoods/np.sum(Likelihoods))) + + # Enlarge sample size if it doesn't fulfill the criteria + if (ESS > MCsize) or (ESS < 1): + print(f'ESS={ESS} MC size should be larger.') + MCsize *= 10 + ESS = 0 + + # Rejection Step + # Random numbers between 0 and 1 + unif = np.random.rand(1, MCsize)[0] + + # Reject the poorly performed prior + accepted = (Likelihoods/np.max(Likelihoods)) >= unif + X_Posterior = X_MC[accepted] + + # ------------------------------------------------------------ + # --- Kullback-Leibler Divergence & Information Entropy ------ + # ------------------------------------------------------------ + # Prior-based estimation of BME + logBME = np.log(np.nanmean(Likelihoods)) + + # TODO: Correction factor + # log_weight = self.__corr_factor_BME(obs_data, sigma2Dict, logBME) + + # Posterior-based expectation of likelihoods + postExpLikelihoods = np.mean(np.log(Likelihoods[accepted])) + + # Posterior-based expectation of prior densities + postExpPrior = np.mean( + np.log(MetaModel.ExpDesign.JDist.pdf(X_Posterior.T)) + ) + + # Calculate Kullback-Leibler Divergence + # KLD = np.mean(np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods!=0])- logBME) + KLD = postExpLikelihoods - logBME + + # Information Entropy based on Entropy paper Eq. 38 + infEntropy = logBME - postExpPrior - postExpLikelihoods + + # If post_snapshot is True, plot likelihood vs refrence + if post_snapshot or len(valid_likelihoods) != 0: + # Hellinger distance + ref_like = np.log(valid_likelihoods[valid_likelihoods > 0]) + est_like = np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods > 0]) + distHellinger = self.__hellinger_distance(ref_like, est_like) + + idx = len([name for name in os.listdir(newpath) if 'Likelihoods_' + in name and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(newpath, name))]) + fig, ax = plt.subplots() + try: + sns.kdeplot(np.log(valid_likelihoods[valid_likelihoods > 0]), + shade=True, color="g", label='Ref. Likelihood') + sns.kdeplot(np.log(Likelihoods[Likelihoods > 0]), shade=True, + color="b", label='Likelihood with PCE') + except: + pass + + text = f"Hellinger Dist.={distHellinger:.3f}\n logBME={logBME:.3f}" + "\n DKL={KLD:.3f}" + + plt.text(0.05, 0.75, text, bbox=dict(facecolor='wheat', + edgecolor='black', + boxstyle='round,pad=1'), + transform=ax.transAxes) + + fig.savefig(f'./{newpath}/Likelihoods_{idx}.pdf', + bbox_inches='tight') + plt.close() + + else: + distHellinger = 0.0 + + # Bayesian inference with Emulator only for 2D problem + if post_snapshot and MetaModel.n_params == 2 and not idx % 5: + from bayes_inference.bayes_inference import BayesInference + from bayes_inference.discrepancy import Discrepancy + import pandas as pd + BayesOpts = BayesInference(MetaModel) + BayesOpts.emulator = True + BayesOpts.plot_post_pred = False + + # Select the inference method + import emcee + BayesOpts.inference_method = "MCMC" + # Set the MCMC parameters passed to self.mcmc_params + BayesOpts.mcmc_params = { + 'n_steps': 1e5, + 'n_walkers': 30, + 'moves': emcee.moves.KDEMove(), + 'verbose': False + } + + # ----- Define the discrepancy model ------- + obs_data = pd.DataFrame(obs_data, columns=self.Model.Output.names) + BayesOpts.measurement_error = obs_data + + # # -- (Option B) -- + DiscrepancyOpts = Discrepancy('') + DiscrepancyOpts.type = 'Gaussian' + DiscrepancyOpts.parameters = obs_data**2 + BayesOpts.Discrepancy = DiscrepancyOpts + # Start the calibration/inference + Bayes_PCE = BayesOpts.create_inference() + X_Posterior = Bayes_PCE.posterior_df.values + + # Clean up + del Y_MC, std_MC + gc.collect() + + return (logBME, KLD, X_Posterior, Likelihoods, distHellinger) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __validError(self, MetaModel): + + # MetaModel = self.MetaModel + Model = MetaModel.ModelObj + OutputName = Model.Output.names + + # Extract the original model with the generated samples + valid_samples = MetaModel.valid_samples + valid_model_runs = MetaModel.valid_model_runs + + # Run the PCE model with the generated samples + m_1 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/1024 + valid_PCE_runs, valid_PCE_std = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=valid_samples) + m_2 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/1024 + print(f"\nMemory eval_metamodel: {m_2-m_1:.2f} MB") + + rms_error = {} + valid_error = {} + # Loop over the keys and compute RMSE error. + for key in OutputName: + rms_error[key] = mean_squared_error( + valid_model_runs[key], valid_PCE_runs[key], + multioutput='raw_values', + sample_weight=None, + squared=False) + + # Validation error + valid_error[key] = (rms_error[key]**2) + valid_error[key] /= np.var(valid_model_runs[key], ddof=1, axis=0) + + # Print a report table + print("\n>>>>> Updated Errors of {} <<<<<".format(key)) + print("\nIndex | RMSE | Validation Error") + print('-'*35) + print('\n'.join(f'{i+1} | {k:.3e} | {j:.3e}' for i, (k, j) + in enumerate(zip(rms_error[key], + valid_error[key])))) + + return rms_error, valid_error + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def __error_Mean_Std(self): + + MetaModel = self.MetaModel + # Extract the mean and std provided by user + df_MCReference = MetaModel.ModelObj.mc_reference + + # Compute the mean and std based on the MetaModel + pce_means, pce_stds = self._compute_pce_moments(MetaModel) + + # Compute the root mean squared error + for output in MetaModel.ModelObj.Output.names: + + # Compute the error between mean and std of MetaModel and OrigModel + RMSE_Mean = mean_squared_error( + df_MCReference['mean'], pce_means[output], squared=False + ) + RMSE_std = mean_squared_error( + df_MCReference['std'], pce_means[output], squared=False + ) + + return RMSE_Mean, RMSE_std + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + def _compute_pce_moments(self, MetaModel): + """ + Computes the first two moments using the PCE-based meta-model. + + Returns + ------- + pce_means: dict + The first moment (mean) of the surrogate. + pce_stds: dict + The second moment (standard deviation) of the surrogate. + + """ + outputs = MetaModel.ModelObj.Output.names + pce_means_b = {} + pce_stds_b = {} + + # Loop over bootstrap iterations + for b_i in range(MetaModel.n_bootstrap_itrs): + # Loop over the metamodels + coeffs_dicts = MetaModel.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'].items() + means = {} + stds = {} + for output, coef_dict in coeffs_dicts: + + pce_mean = np.zeros((len(coef_dict))) + pce_var = np.zeros((len(coef_dict))) + + for index, values in coef_dict.items(): + idx = int(index.split('_')[1]) - 1 + coeffs = MetaModel.coeffs_dict[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output][index] + + # Mean = c_0 + if coeffs[0] != 0: + pce_mean[idx] = coeffs[0] + else: + clf_poly = MetaModel.clf_poly[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output] + pce_mean[idx] = clf_poly[index].intercept_ + # Var = sum(coeffs[1:]**2) + pce_var[idx] = np.sum(np.square(coeffs[1:])) + + # Save predictions for each output + if MetaModel.dim_red_method.lower() == 'pca': + PCA = MetaModel.pca[f'b_{b_i+1}'][output] + means[output] = PCA.mean_ + np.dot( + pce_mean, PCA.components_) + stds[output] = np.sqrt(np.dot(pce_var, + PCA.components_**2)) + else: + means[output] = pce_mean + stds[output] = np.sqrt(pce_var) + + # Save predictions for each bootstrap iteration + pce_means_b[b_i] = means + pce_stds_b[b_i] = stds + + # Change the order of nesting + mean_all = {} + for i in sorted(pce_means_b): + for k, v in pce_means_b[i].items(): + if k not in mean_all: + mean_all[k] = [None] * len(pce_means_b) + mean_all[k][i] = v + std_all = {} + for i in sorted(pce_stds_b): + for k, v in pce_stds_b[i].items(): + if k not in std_all: + std_all[k] = [None] * len(pce_stds_b) + std_all[k][i] = v + + # Back transformation if PCA is selected. + pce_means, pce_stds = {}, {} + for output in outputs: + pce_means[output] = np.mean(mean_all[output], axis=0) + pce_stds[output] = np.mean(std_all[output], axis=0) + + return pce_means, pce_stds diff --git a/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/surrogate_models.py b/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/surrogate_models.py index ca902f26bef0c45e8befb72ff67313ef09a77603..a13a96cc53da289b08f05683234c7d7203b6ed8e 100644 --- a/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/surrogate_models.py +++ b/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/surrogate_models.py @@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ class MetaModel(): if not hasattr(self, 'CollocationPoints'): raise AttributeError('Please provide samples to the metamodel before building it.') + self.CollocationPoints = np.array(self.CollocationPoints) # Transform input samples # TODO: this is probably not yet correct! Make 'method' variable @@ -220,6 +221,10 @@ class MetaModel(): None. """ +# print(X) +# print(X.shape) +# print(y) +# print(y['Z'].shape) X = np.array(X) for key in y.keys(): y_val = np.array(y[key]) @@ -301,6 +306,7 @@ class MetaModel(): if fast_bootstrap and b_i == 0: n_comp_dict[key] = n_comp else: + #print(b_indices) target = Output[b_indices] # Parallel fit regression @@ -1288,7 +1294,7 @@ class MetaModel(): return mean_pred, std_pred # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - def create_model_error(self, X, y, Model, name='Calib'): + def create_model_error(self, X, y, MeasuredData, name='Calib'): """ Fits a GPE-based model error. @@ -1315,7 +1321,7 @@ class MetaModel(): # Read data # TODO: do this call outside the metamodel - MeasuredData = Model.read_observation(case=name) + #MeasuredData = Model.read_observation(case=name) # Fitting GPR based bias model for out in outputNames: diff --git a/tests/test_engine.py b/tests/itest_Engine.py similarity index 100% rename from tests/test_engine.py rename to tests/itest_Engine.py diff --git a/tests/test_MetaModel.py b/tests/itest_MetaModel.py similarity index 100% rename from tests/test_MetaModel.py rename to tests/itest_MetaModel.py diff --git a/tests/test_BayesInference.py b/tests/test_BayesInference.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7fbb79195799724a8ae820a2c777c99c0b86d9b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/test_BayesInference.py @@ -0,0 +1,422 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Test the BayesInference class for bayesvalidrox + +Tests are available for the following functions + _logpdf - x + _kernel_rbf - x +class BayesInference: + create_inference + perform_bootstrap + _perturb_data - x + _eval_model Need working model to test this + normpdf + _corr_factor_BME_old - removed + _corr_factor_BME - x + _rejection_sampling - x + _posterior_predictive + _plot_max_a_posteriori + _plot_post_predictive +""" +import sys +sys.path.append("src/") +sys.path.append("../src/") +import pytest +import numpy as np +import pandas as pd + +from bayesvalidrox.surrogate_models.inputs import Input +from bayesvalidrox.surrogate_models.exp_designs import ExpDesigns +from bayesvalidrox.surrogate_models.surrogate_models import MetaModel +from bayesvalidrox.pylink.pylink import PyLinkForwardModel as PL +from bayesvalidrox.surrogate_models.engine import Engine +from bayesvalidrox.bayes_inference.discrepancy import Discrepancy +from bayesvalidrox.bayes_inference.mcmc import MCMC +from bayesvalidrox.bayes_inference.bayes_inference import BayesInference +from bayesvalidrox.bayes_inference.bayes_inference import _logpdf, _kernel_rbf + +#%% Test _logpdf + +def test_logpdf() -> None: + """ + Calculate loglikelihood + + """ + _logpdf([0],[0],[1]) + +#%% Test _kernel_rbf + +def test_kernel_rbf() -> None: + """ + Create RBF kernel + """ + X = [[0,0],[1,1.5]] + pars = [1,0.5,1] + _kernel_rbf(X, pars) + +def test_kernel_rbf_lesspar() -> None: + """ + Create RBF kernel with too few parameters + """ + X = [[0,0],[1,1.5]] + pars = [1,2] + with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as excinfo: + _kernel_rbf(X, pars) + assert str(excinfo.value) == 'Provide 3 parameters for the RBF kernel!' + +#%% Test MCMC init + +def test_BayesInference() -> None: + """ + Construct a BayesInference object + """ + inp = Input() + inp.add_marginals() + inp.Marginals[0].dist_type = 'normal' + inp.Marginals[0].parameters = [0,1] + mod = PL() + mm = MetaModel(inp) + expdes = ExpDesigns(inp) + engine = Engine(mm, mod, expdes) + BayesInference(engine) + +#%% Test create_inference +# TODO: disabled this test! +def itest_create_inference() -> None: + """ + Run inference + """ + inp = Input() + inp.add_marginals() + inp.Marginals[0].dist_type = 'normal' + inp.Marginals[0].parameters = [0,1] + + expdes = ExpDesigns(inp) + expdes.n_init_samples = 2 + expdes.n_max_samples = 4 + expdes.X = np.array([[0],[1],[0.5]]) + expdes.Y = {'Z':[[0.4],[0.5],[0.45]]} + expdes.x_values = np.array([0]) # Error in plots if this is not available + + mm = MetaModel(inp) + mm.fit(expdes.X, expdes.Y) + expdes.generate_ED(expdes.n_init_samples, transform=True, max_pce_deg=np.max(mm.pce_deg)) + + mod = PL() + mod.observations = {'Z':np.array([0.45])} + mod.observations = {'Z':np.array([0.45]), 'x_values':np.array([0])} # Error if x_values not given + mod.Output.names = ['Z'] + + engine = Engine(mm, mod, expdes) + + sigma2Dict = {'Z':np.array([0.05])} + sigma2Dict = pd.DataFrame(sigma2Dict, columns = ['Z']) + obsData = pd.DataFrame(mod.observations, columns=mod.Output.names) + DiscrepancyOpts = Discrepancy('') + DiscrepancyOpts.type = 'Gaussian' + DiscrepancyOpts.parameters = (obsData*0.15)**2 + + bi = BayesInference(engine) + bi.Discrepancy = DiscrepancyOpts # Error if this not class 'DiscrepancyOpts' or dict(?) + bi.bootstrap = True # Error if this and bayes_loocv and just_analysis are all False? + bi.plot_post_pred = False # Remaining issue in the violinplot + bi.create_inference() + # Remaining issue in the violinplot in plot_post_predictive + + +#%% Test rejection_sampling +def test_rejection_sampling_nologlik() -> None: + """ + Perform rejection sampling without given log likelihood + """ + inp = Input() + inp.add_marginals() + inp.Marginals[0].dist_type = 'normal' + inp.Marginals[0].parameters = [0,1] + mod = PL() + mm = MetaModel(inp) + expdes = ExpDesigns(inp) + expdes.init_param_space(max_deg=1) + engine = Engine(mm, mod, expdes) + bi = BayesInference(engine) + bi.prior_samples = expdes.generate_samples(100, 'random') + with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as excinfo: + bi._rejection_sampling() + assert str(excinfo.value) == 'No log-likelihoods available!' + +def test_rejection_sampling_noprior() -> None: + """ + Perform rejection sampling without prior samples + """ + inp = Input() + inp.add_marginals() + inp.Marginals[0].dist_type = 'normal' + inp.Marginals[0].parameters = [0,1] + mod = PL() + mm = MetaModel(inp) + expdes = ExpDesigns(inp) + engine = Engine(mm, mod, expdes) + bi = BayesInference(engine) + with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as excinfo: + bi._rejection_sampling() + assert str(excinfo.value) == 'No prior samples available!' + +def test_rejection_sampling() -> None: + """ + Perform rejection sampling + """ + inp = Input() + inp.add_marginals() + inp.Marginals[0].dist_type = 'normal' + inp.Marginals[0].parameters = [0,1] + mod = PL() + mm = MetaModel(inp) + expdes = ExpDesigns(inp) + expdes.init_param_space(max_deg=1) + engine = Engine(mm, mod, expdes) + bi = BayesInference(engine) + bi.prior_samples = expdes.generate_samples(100, 'random') + bi.log_likes = np.swapaxes(np.atleast_2d(np.log(np.random.random(100)*3)),0,1) + bi._rejection_sampling() + + +#%% Test _perturb_data + +def test_perturb_data() -> None: + """ + Perturb data + """ + inp = Input() + inp.add_marginals() + inp.Marginals[0].dist_type = 'normal' + inp.Marginals[0].parameters = [0,1] + mod = PL() + mm = MetaModel(inp) + expdes = ExpDesigns(inp) + engine = Engine(mm, mod, expdes) + + bi = BayesInference(engine) + data = pd.DataFrame() + data['Z'] = [0.45] + bi._perturb_data(data, ['Z']) + + +def test_perturb_data_loocv() -> None: + """ + Perturb data with bayes_loocv + """ + inp = Input() + inp.add_marginals() + inp.Marginals[0].dist_type = 'normal' + inp.Marginals[0].parameters = [0,1] + mod = PL() + mm = MetaModel(inp) + expdes = ExpDesigns(inp) + engine = Engine(mm, mod, expdes) + + bi = BayesInference(engine) + data = pd.DataFrame() + data['Z'] = [0.45] + bi.bayes_loocv = True + bi._perturb_data(data, ['Z']) + +#%% Test _eval_model + +def test_eval_model() -> None: + """ + Run model with descriptive key + """ + # TODO: need functioning example model to test this + None + +#%% Test corr_factor_BME + +def test_corr_factor_BME() -> None: + """ + Calculate correction factor + """ + inp = Input() + inp.add_marginals() + inp.Marginals[0].dist_type = 'normal' + inp.Marginals[0].parameters = [0,1] + expdes = ExpDesigns(inp) + expdes.init_param_space(max_deg=1) + expdes.X = np.array([[0],[1],[0.5]]) + expdes.Y = {'Z':[[0.4],[0.5],[0.45]]} + + mm = MetaModel(inp) + mm.fit(expdes.X, expdes.Y) + mod = PL() + engine = Engine(mm, mod, expdes) + + obs_data = {'Z':np.array([0.45])} + total_sigma2s = {'Z':np.array([0.15])} + logBME = [0,0,0] + + bi = BayesInference(engine) + bi.selected_indices = {'Z':0} + bi. _corr_factor_BME(obs_data, total_sigma2s, logBME) + +def test_corr_factor_BME_selectedindices() -> None: + """ + Calculate correction factor + """ + inp = Input() + inp.add_marginals() + inp.Marginals[0].dist_type = 'normal' + inp.Marginals[0].parameters = [0,1] + expdes = ExpDesigns(inp) + expdes.init_param_space(max_deg=1) + expdes.X = np.array([[0],[1],[0.5]]) + expdes.Y = {'Z':[[0.4],[0.5],[0.45]]} + + mm = MetaModel(inp) + mm.fit(expdes.X, expdes.Y) + mod = PL() + engine = Engine(mm, mod, expdes) + + obs_data = {'Z':np.array([0.45])} + total_sigma2s = {'Z':np.array([0.15])} + logBME = [0,0,0] + + bi = BayesInference(engine) + bi.selected_indices = {'Z':0} + bi. _corr_factor_BME(obs_data, total_sigma2s, logBME) + + +#%% Test normpdf + +def test_normpdf_nosigmas() -> None: + """ + Run normpdf without any additional sigmas + """ + inp = Input() + inp.add_marginals() + inp.Marginals[0].dist_type = 'normal' + inp.Marginals[0].parameters = [0,1] + expdes = ExpDesigns(inp) + expdes.init_param_space(max_deg=1) + expdes.X = np.array([[0],[1],[0.5]]) + expdes.Y = {'Z':np.array([[0.4],[0.5],[0.45]])} + + mm = MetaModel(inp) + mod = PL() + mod.Output.names = ['Z'] + engine = Engine(mm, mod, expdes) + + obs_data = {'Z':np.array([0.45])} + total_sigma2s = {'Z':np.array([0.15])} + + bi = BayesInference(engine) + bi.normpdf(expdes.Y, obs_data, total_sigma2s, sigma2=None, std=None) + +def test_normpdf_sigma2() -> None: + """ + Run normpdf with sigma2 + """ + inp = Input() + inp.add_marginals() + inp.Marginals[0].dist_type = 'normal' + inp.Marginals[0].parameters = [0,1] + expdes = ExpDesigns(inp) + expdes.init_param_space(max_deg=1) + expdes.X = np.array([[0],[1],[0.5]]) + expdes.Y = {'Z':np.array([[0.4],[0.5],[0.45]])} + + mm = MetaModel(inp) + mod = PL() + mod.Output.names = ['Z'] + engine = Engine(mm, mod, expdes) + + obs_data = {'Z':np.array([0.45])} + total_sigma2s = {'Z':np.array([0.15])} + sigma2 = [[0]] + + bi = BayesInference(engine) + bi.normpdf(expdes.Y, obs_data, total_sigma2s, sigma2=sigma2, std=None) + +def test_normpdf_allsigmas() -> None: + """ + Run normpdf with all additional sigmas + """ + inp = Input() + inp.add_marginals() + inp.Marginals[0].dist_type = 'normal' + inp.Marginals[0].parameters = [0,1] + expdes = ExpDesigns(inp) + expdes.init_param_space(max_deg=1) + expdes.X = np.array([[0],[1],[0.5]]) + expdes.Y = {'Z':np.array([[0.4],[0.5],[0.45]])} + + mm = MetaModel(inp) + mod = PL() + mod.Output.names = ['Z'] + engine = Engine(mm, mod, expdes) + + obs_data = {'Z':np.array([0.45])} + total_sigma2s = {'Z':np.array([0.15])} + sigma2 = [[0]] + + bi = BayesInference(engine) + bi.normpdf(expdes.Y, obs_data, total_sigma2s, sigma2=sigma2, std=total_sigma2s) + + +#%% Test perform_bootstrap + +def test_perform_bootstrap() -> None: + """ + Do bootstrap + """ + + opt_sigma = 'B' + total_sigma2s = {'Z':np.array([0.15])} + bi.perform_bootstrap(opt_sigma, total_sigma2s) + +if __name__ == '__main__': + inp = Input() + inp.add_marginals() + inp.Marginals[0].dist_type = 'normal' + inp.Marginals[0].parameters = [0,1] + + expdes = ExpDesigns(inp) + expdes.n_init_samples = 2 + expdes.n_max_samples = 4 + expdes.X = np.array([[0],[1],[0.5]]) + expdes.Y = {'Z':[[0.4],[0.5],[0.45]]} + expdes.x_values = np.array([0]) # Error in plots if this is not available + + mm = MetaModel(inp) + mm.n_params = 1 + mm.fit(expdes.X, expdes.Y) + expdes.generate_ED(expdes.n_init_samples, transform=True, max_pce_deg=np.max(mm.pce_deg)) + + mod = PL() + mod.observations = {'Z':np.array([0.45])} + mod.observations = {'Z':np.array([0.45]), 'x_values':np.array([0])} # Error if x_values not given + mod.Output.names = ['Z'] + + engine = Engine(mm, mod, expdes) + + sigma2Dict = {'Z':np.array([0.05])} + sigma2Dict = pd.DataFrame(sigma2Dict, columns = ['Z']) + obsData = pd.DataFrame(mod.observations, columns=mod.Output.names) + DiscrepancyOpts = Discrepancy('') + DiscrepancyOpts.type = 'Gaussian' + DiscrepancyOpts.parameters = (obsData*0.15)**2 + + bi = BayesInference(engine) + bi.Discrepancy = DiscrepancyOpts # Error if this not class 'DiscrepancyOpts' or dict(?) + bi.bootstrap = True # Error if this and bayes_loocv and just_analysis are all False? + bi.plot_post_pred = False # Remaining issue in the violinplot + #bi.error_model = True + #bi.bayes_loocv = True + bi.create_inference() + stop + opt_sigma = 'B' + total_sigma2s = {'Z':np.array([0.15])} + data = pd.DataFrame() + data['Z'] = [0.45] + data['x_values'] = [0.3] + bi.measured_data = data + bi.perform_bootstrap(opt_sigma, total_sigma2s) + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/test_BayesModelComparison.py b/tests/test_BayesModelComparison.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..91f328ec7ae39cf7cded6b228edc1442053a2dfb --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/test_BayesModelComparison.py @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Test the BayesModelComparison class in bayesvalidrox. +Tests are available for the following functions +Class BayesModelComparison: + create_model_comparison + compare_models + generate_dataset + __perturb_data + cal_model_weight + plot_just_analysis + plot_model_weights + plot_bayes_factor + +""" +import sys +sys.path.append("src/") +import pytest +import numpy as np + +from bayesvalidrox.bayes_inference.bayes_model_comparison import BayesModelComparison +#from bayesvalidrox.surrogate_models.input_space import InputSpace + +def test_BMC() -> None: + """ + Build BMC without inputs + """ + BayesModelComparison() \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/test_Discrepancy.py b/tests/test_Discrepancy.py index c46e0a13751756e0583f3176489e7215da77f4ba..7fb948d905031e7d7e6235857c27792fb29ece57 100644 --- a/tests/test_Discrepancy.py +++ b/tests/test_Discrepancy.py @@ -36,22 +36,8 @@ def test_get_sample() -> None: """ Get discrepancy sample """ - inp = Input() - inp.add_marginals() - inp.Marginals[0].dist_type = 'normal' - inp.Marginals[0].parameters = [0,1] - disc = Discrepancy(InputDisc = inp) + disc = Discrepancy() with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as excinfo: disc.get_sample(2) assert str(excinfo.value) == 'Cannot create new samples, please provide input distributions' - - - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - inp = Input() - inp.add_marginals() - inp.Marginals[0].dist_type = 'normal' - inp.Marginals[0].parameters = [0,1] - disc = Discrepancy(InputDisc = inp) - disc.get_sample(2) \ No newline at end of file + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/test_ExpDesign.py b/tests/test_ExpDesign.py index 42f87663c2d843c4fa3a23e047270673501dbd4c..8b8618e5447870bea2afbd5c9148fa87ddab7b52 100644 --- a/tests/test_ExpDesign.py +++ b/tests/test_ExpDesign.py @@ -131,6 +131,47 @@ def test_random_sampler() -> None: exp = ExpDesigns(inp) exp.random_sampler(4) +def test_random_sampler_largedatanoJDist() -> None: + """ + Sample randomly, init_param_space implicitly, more samples wanted than given, no JDist available + """ + x = np.random.uniform(0,1,1000) + inp = Input() + inp.add_marginals() + inp.Marginals[0].input_data = x + exp = ExpDesigns(inp) + with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as excinfo: + exp.random_sampler(100000) + assert str(excinfo.value) == 'Sampling cannot proceed, build ExpDesign with max_deg != 0 to create JDist!' + +def test_random_sampler_largedataJDist0() -> None: + """ + Sample randomly, init_param_space implicitly, more samples wanted than given, + JDist available, priors given via samples + """ + x = np.random.uniform(0,1,1000) + inp = Input() + inp.add_marginals() + inp.Marginals[0].input_data = x + exp = ExpDesigns(inp) + exp.init_param_space(max_deg = 1) + exp.random_sampler(100000) + +def test_random_sampler_largedataJDist1() -> None: + """ + Sample randomly, init_param_space implicitly, more samples wanted than given, + JDist available, prior distributions given + """ + inp = Input() + inp.add_marginals() + inp.Marginals[0].dist_type = 'normal' + inp.Marginals[0].parameters = [0,1] + exp = ExpDesigns(inp) + exp.init_param_space(max_deg = 1) + exp.random_sampler(100000) + + + def test_random_sampler_rawdata() -> None: """ Sample randomly, init_param_space implicitly, has 2d raw data diff --git a/tests/test_InputSpace.py b/tests/test_InputSpace.py index 1b5a28fa3eb4b1ad11c8a666a9e98e2b0dbaa8b9..719336e88e285b3c4bbc61cc1704c0d0c1fa64bf 100644 --- a/tests/test_InputSpace.py +++ b/tests/test_InputSpace.py @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Class InputSpace: """ import sys sys.path.append("src/") +sys.path.append("../src/") import pytest import numpy as np @@ -577,4 +578,3 @@ def test_transform_gammaparam() -> None: exp = InputSpace(inp) exp.init_param_space(max_deg=2) exp.transform(y, params = [1,1]) - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/test_MCMC.py b/tests/test_MCMC.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..50f6d69b67449ef0647e777f876dd10210566d8f --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/test_MCMC.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Test the MCM class of bayesvalidrox +Tests are available for the following functions +Class MCMC: + run_sampler + log_prior + log_likelihood + log_posterior + eval_model + train_error_model + gelmain_rubin + marginal_llk_emcee + _iterative_scheme + _my_ESS + _check_ranges +""" +import sys +sys.path.append("src/") +sys.path.append("../src/") +import pytest +import numpy as np + +from bayesvalidrox.bayes_inference.mcmc import MCMC +from bayesvalidrox.bayes_inference.bayes_inference import BayesInference + +#%% Test MCMC init + +def test_MCMC() -> None: + """ + Construct an MCMC object + """ + MCMC('') + +def test_MCMC() -> None: + """ + Construct an MCMC object + """ + MCMC('') + + + + +