diff --git a/examples/analytical-function/example_analytical_function.py b/examples/analytical-function/example_analytical_function.py
index 37900127ab39018eef4af9dc5fa3f0326e2f4eeb..0303411be3ed7e04508ff78f5c162337736ab819 100644
--- a/examples/analytical-function/example_analytical_function.py
+++ b/examples/analytical-function/example_analytical_function.py
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ matplotlib.use('agg')
 # import bayesvalidrox
 # Add BayesValidRox path
 from bayesvalidrox.pylink.pylink import PyLinkForwardModel
 from bayesvalidrox.surrogate_models.inputs import Input
diff --git a/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_inference.py b/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_inference.py
index c7cfe78cd08431755f0d16a093363380801964ab..01815f59a07f87426b4903ba21a79b95cc7c16d8 100644
--- a/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_inference.py
+++ b/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/bayes_inference.py
@@ -251,6 +251,7 @@ class BayesInference:
         self.max_a_posteriori = max_a_posteriori
         self.corner_title_fmt = corner_title_fmt
         self.out_dir = out_dir
+        self.bmc = bmc  # Set to True, if you want to cut short to only Model Comparison
         # Other properties and parameters (found in code, but never set)
         self.error_model = False  # TODO: no example or use case for this!
@@ -265,7 +266,7 @@ class BayesInference:
         self._mean_pce_prior_pred = None
         self._std_pce_prior_pred = None
         self.__model_prior_pred = None
-        self.bmc = bmc  # Set to True, if you want to cut short to only Model Comparison
+        self.MCMC_Obj = None
         # System settings
         if os.name == 'nt':
@@ -290,6 +291,7 @@ class BayesInference:
         # If the prior is set by the user, take it, else generate from ExpDes
         if self.prior_samples is None:
+            print('Generating prior samples from the Experimental Design.')
             self.prior_samples = self.engine.ExpDesign.generate_samples(
                 self.n_prior_samples, 'random')
@@ -308,6 +310,7 @@ class BayesInference:
         # Read observation data 
         # TODO: later use valid #of measurements. but here only get the model observations?
         if self.measured_data is None:
+            print('Reading the observation data.')
             self.measured_data = Model.read_observation(case=self.name)
         # Convert measured_data to a data frame
         if not isinstance(self.measured_data, pd.DataFrame):
@@ -398,6 +401,7 @@ class BayesInference:
                 sigma2 = np.zeros((n_measurement[0]))
             total_sigma2[key] = sigma2
+        # TODO: can use this to debug!
         self.Discrepancy.total_sigma2 = total_sigma2
         # If inferred sigma2s obtained from e.g. calibration are given
@@ -416,13 +420,21 @@ class BayesInference:
         # ---------------- Parameter Bayesian inference ----------------
         # Convert to a dataframe if samples are provided after calibration.
-        MCMC_Obj = None
         if self.name.lower() == 'valid':
             self.posterior_df = pd.DataFrame(self.prior_samples, columns=self.engine.ExpDesign.par_names)
         # Instantiate the MCMC object
         elif self.inference_method.lower() == 'mcmc':
-            MCMC_Obj = MCMC(self)
-            self.posterior_df = MCMC_Obj.run_sampler(
+            #MCMC_Obj = MCMC(self)
+            # Decoupled MCMC from BayesInf
+            self.MCMC_Obj = MCMC(self.engine, self.mcmc_params, 
+                                 self.Discrepancy, 
+                                 # TODO: add this in when the error_MetaModel/error_model works
+                                 # self.BiasInputs, 
+                                 self.bias_inputs, 
+                                 self.error_model, self.req_outputs, 
+                                 self.selected_indices, self.emulator, 
+                                 self.out_dir, self.name)
+            self.posterior_df = self.MCMC_Obj.run_sampler(
                 self.measured_data, total_sigma2
         # Rejection sampling
@@ -440,10 +452,10 @@ class BayesInference:
         print('-' * 50)
         # -------- Model Discrepancy -----------
-        if self.error_model and self.name.lower() == 'calib' and MCMC_Obj is not None:  # TODO: where is this used
+        if self.error_model and self.name.lower() == 'calib' and self.MCMC_Obj is not None:  # TODO: where is this used
             # and what does it actually do there?
-                                    type_='posterior', sampler=MCMC_Obj)
+                                    type_='posterior', sampler=self.MCMC_Obj)
         # -------- Posterior predictive -----------
@@ -553,6 +565,7 @@ class BayesInference:
         # -------- Model Discrepancy -----------
         if self.error_model and self.name.lower() == 'valid':  # TODO: what should be set so that this is tested?
+            print('Creating the error model.')
         # -----------------------------------------------------
         # ----- Loop over the perturbed observation data ------
@@ -568,6 +581,7 @@ class BayesInference:
         # Compute the prior predictions
         # Evaluate the MetaModel
         if self.emulator:
+            print('Evaluating the metamodel on the prior samples.')
             y_hat, y_std = MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=self.prior_samples)
             self.__mean_pce_prior_pred = y_hat
             self._std_pce_prior_pred = y_std
@@ -588,6 +602,7 @@ class BayesInference:
         # Evaluate the model
+            print('Evaluating the model on the prior samples.')
             self.__model_prior_pred = self._eval_model(
                 samples=self.prior_samples, key='PriorPred')
             model_evals = self.__model_prior_pred
diff --git a/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/mcmc.py b/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/mcmc.py
index 016eb971be2a0167fec8b19c3fbd08d14a43d786..49748bce7c18ee3153954f85524795f9bf3ef519 100755
--- a/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/mcmc.py
+++ b/src/bayesvalidrox/bayes_inference/mcmc.py
@@ -9,9 +9,10 @@ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
 import multiprocessing
 import scipy.stats as st
-from scipy.linalg import cholesky as chol
-import warnings
+from scipy import stats
 import shutil
+import scipy.linalg as spla
+from sklearn import preprocessing
 os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
@@ -94,6 +95,92 @@ def gelman_rubin(chain, return_var=False):
         R_hat = np.sqrt(var_θ / W)
         return R_hat
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def _kernel_rbf(X, hyperparameters):
+    """
+    Isotropic squared exponential kernel.
+    Higher l values lead to smoother functions and therefore to coarser
+    approximations of the training data. Lower l values make functions
+    more wiggly with wide uncertainty regions between training data points.
+    sigma_f controls the marginal variance of b(x)
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    X : ndarray of shape (n_samples_X, n_features)
+    hyperparameters : Dict
+        Lambda characteristic length
+        sigma_f controls the marginal variance of b(x)
+        sigma_0 unresolvable error nugget term, interpreted as random
+                error that cannot be attributed to measurement error.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    var_cov_matrix : ndarray of shape (n_samples_X,n_samples_X)
+        Kernel k(X, X).
+    """
+    from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RBF
+    min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
+    X_minmax = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(X)
+    nparams = len(hyperparameters)
+    if nparams < 3:
+        raise AttributeError('Provide 3 parameters for the RBF kernel!')
+    # characteristic length (0,1]
+    Lambda = hyperparameters[0]
+    # sigma_f controls the marginal variance of b(x)
+    sigma2_f = hyperparameters[1]
+    rbf = RBF(length_scale=Lambda)
+    cov_matrix = sigma2_f * rbf(X_minmax)
+    # (unresolvable error) nugget term that is interpreted as random
+    # error that cannot be attributed to measurement error.
+    sigma2_0 = hyperparameters[2:]
+    for i, j in np.ndindex(cov_matrix.shape):
+        cov_matrix[i, j] += np.sum(sigma2_0) if i == j else 0
+    return cov_matrix
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def _logpdf(x, mean, cov):
+    """
+    Computes the likelihood based on a multivariate normal distribution.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    x : TYPE
+    mean : array_like
+        Observation data.
+    cov : 2d array
+        Covariance matrix of the distribution.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    log_lik : float
+        Log likelihood.
+    """
+    # Tranform into np arrays
+    x = np.array(x)
+    mean = np.array(mean)
+    cov = np.array(cov)
+    n = len(mean)
+    L = spla.cholesky(cov, lower=True)
+    beta = np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L)))
+    dev = x - mean
+    alpha = dev.dot(spla.cho_solve((L, True), dev))
+    log_lik = -0.5 * alpha - beta - n / 2. * np.log(2 * np.pi)
+    return log_lik
 class MCMC:
     A class for bayesian inference via a Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC)
@@ -119,29 +206,42 @@ class MCMC:
         Bayes object.
-    def __init__(self, BayesOpts):
+    def __init__(self, engine, mcmc_params, Discrepancy, bias_inputs, 
+                 error_model, req_outputs, selected_indices, emulator,
+                 out_dir, name, BiasInputs = None):
+        # TODO: maybe would be worth to make this a child class of BayesInf?
         # Inputs
-        self.BayesOpts = BayesOpts
+        #self.BayesOpts = BayesOpts
+        self.engine = engine
+        self.Discrepancy = Discrepancy
+        # Get the needed properties from the BayesInf class
+        self.bias_inputs = bias_inputs
+        self.error_model = error_model
+        self.BiasInputs = BiasInputs
+        self.selected_indices = selected_indices
+        self.req_outputs = req_outputs
+        self.emulator = emulator
+        self.out_dir = out_dir
+        self.name = name
         # Param inits
         self.counter = 0
         self.observation = None
         self.total_sigma2 = None
+        self.error_MetaModel = None
-        # Get general params from BayesOpts
-        self.out_dir = self.BayesOpts.out_dir
-        # Get MCMC parameters ftom BayesOpts
-        pars = self.BayesOpts.mcmc_params
-        self.initsamples = pars['init_samples']
+        # Get MCMC parameters from BayesOpts
+        self.initsamples = mcmc_params['init_samples']
         if isinstance(self.initsamples, pd.DataFrame):
             self.initsamples = self.initsamples.values
-        self.nsteps = int(pars['n_steps'])
-        self.nwalkers = int(pars['n_walkers'])
-        self.nburn = pars['n_burn']
-        self.moves = pars['moves']
-        self.mp = pars['multiprocessing']
-        self.verbose = pars['verbose']
+        self.nsteps = int(mcmc_params['n_steps'])
+        self.nwalkers = int(mcmc_params['n_walkers'])
+        self.nburn = mcmc_params['n_burn']
+        self.moves = mcmc_params['moves']
+        self.mp = mcmc_params['multiprocessing']
+        self.verbose = mcmc_params['verbose']
     def run_sampler(self, observation, total_sigma2):
@@ -161,10 +261,10 @@ class MCMC:
         # Get init values
-        BayesObj = self.BayesOpts
-        Discrepancy = self.BayesOpts.Discrepancy
-        n_cpus = BayesObj.engine.Model.n_cpus
-        ndim = BayesObj.engine.MetaModel.n_params
+        engine = self.engine
+        Discrepancy = self.Discrepancy
+        n_cpus = engine.Model.n_cpus
+        ndim = engine.MetaModel.n_params
         if not os.path.exists(self.out_dir):
@@ -176,11 +276,15 @@ class MCMC:
         if self.initsamples is None:
-                initsamples = BayesObj.engine.ExpDesign.JDist.sample(self.nwalkers).T
-                initsamples = np.swapaxes(np.array([initsamples]),0,1) # TODO: test if this still works with multiple input dists
+                # Version 1 # TODO: recheck this code, it it a mix of old and new
+                priorDist = self.engine.ExpDesign.JDist
+                initsamples = priorDist.sample(self.nwalkers).T
+#                initsamples = engine.ExpDesign.JDist.sample(self.nwalkers).T
+#                initsamples = np.swapaxes(np.array([initsamples]),0,1) # TODO: test if this still works with multiple input dists
                 # when aPCE selected - gaussian kernel distribution
-                inputSamples = BayesObj.engine.ExpDesign.raw_data.T
+                inputSamples = engine.ExpDesign.raw_data.T
                 random_indices = np.random.choice(
                     len(inputSamples), size=self.nwalkers, replace=False
@@ -206,7 +310,7 @@ class MCMC:
                     initsamples[:, idx_dim] = dist.rvs(size=self.nwalkers)
                 # Update lower and upper
-                BayesObj.engine.ExpDesign.bound_tuples = bound_tuples
+                engine.ExpDesign.bound_tuples = bound_tuples
         # Check if sigma^2 needs to be inferred
         if Discrepancy.opt_sigma != 'B': # TODO: why !='B'?
@@ -220,10 +324,10 @@ class MCMC:
             disc_bound_tuple = Discrepancy.ExpDesign.bound_tuples
             # Update bound_tuples
-            BayesObj.engine.ExpDesign.bound_tuples += disc_bound_tuple
+            engine.ExpDesign.bound_tuples += disc_bound_tuple
         print("\n>>>> Bayesian inference with MCMC for "
-              f"{self.BayesOpts.name} started. <<<<<<")
+              f"{self.name} started. <<<<<<")
         # Set up the backend and clear it in case the file already exists
         backend = emcee.backends.HDFBackend(f"{self.out_dir}/emcee_sampler.h5")
@@ -270,7 +374,8 @@ class MCMC:
                 self.nwalkers, ndim, self.log_posterior, moves=self.moves,
                 backend=backend, vectorize=True
+            print(f'ndim: {ndim}')
+            print(f'initsamples.shape: {initsamples.shape}')
             # Check if a burn-in phase is needed!
             if self.initsamples is None:
                 # Burn-in
@@ -305,8 +410,9 @@ class MCMC:
                 # Train model discrepancy/error
-                if hasattr(BayesObj, 'errorModel') and BayesObj.errorModel \
-                   and not sampler.iteration % 3 * autocorreverynsteps:
+                # TODO: add this back in when the error model is actually working
+                #       and this is not dependent on BayesObj
+                if self.error_model and not sampler.iteration % 3 * autocorreverynsteps:
                         self.error_MetaModel = self.train_error_model(sampler)
@@ -370,17 +476,17 @@ class MCMC:
         print("** These values must be smaller than 1.1.")
-        print(f"\n>>>> Bayesian inference with MCMC for {self.BayesOpts.name} "
+        print(f"\n>>>> Bayesian inference with MCMC for {self.name} "
               "successfully completed. <<<<<<\n")
         # Extract parameter names and their prior ranges
-        par_names = self.BayesOpts.engine.ExpDesign.par_names
+        par_names = engine.ExpDesign.par_names
         if Discrepancy.opt_sigma != 'B':
             for i in range(len(Discrepancy.InputDisc.Marginals)):
-        params_range = self.BayesOpts.engine.ExpDesign.bound_tuples
+        params_range = engine.ExpDesign.bound_tuples
         # Plot traces
         if self.verbose and self.nsteps < 10000:
@@ -449,8 +555,9 @@ class MCMC:
             returned otherwise an array.
-        MetaModel = self.BayesOpts.engine.MetaModel
-        Discrepancy = self.BayesOpts.Discrepancy
+        engine = self.engine
+        MetaModel = engine.MetaModel
+        Discrepancy = self.Discrepancy
         # Find the number of sigma2 parameters
         if Discrepancy.opt_sigma != 'B':
@@ -460,8 +567,8 @@ class MCMC:
             n_sigma2 = len(disc_bound_tuples)
             n_sigma2 = -len(theta)
-        prior_dist = self.BayesOpts.engine.ExpDesign.prior_space
-        params_range = self.BayesOpts.engine.ExpDesign.bound_tuples
+        prior_dist = engine.ExpDesign.prior_space
+        params_range = engine.ExpDesign.bound_tuples
         theta = theta if theta.ndim != 1 else theta.reshape((1, -1))
         nsamples = theta.shape[0]
         logprior = -np.inf*np.ones(nsamples)
@@ -512,10 +619,8 @@ class MCMC:
             Log likelihood.
-        BayesOpts = self.BayesOpts
-        MetaModel = BayesOpts.engine.MetaModel
-        Discrepancy = self.BayesOpts.Discrepancy
+        MetaModel = self.engine.MetaModel
+        Discrepancy = self.Discrepancy
         # Find the number of sigma2 parameters
         if Discrepancy.opt_sigma != 'B':
@@ -531,17 +636,18 @@ class MCMC:
         theta = theta if theta.ndim != 1 else theta.reshape((1, -1))
         # Evaluate Model/MetaModel at theta
-        mean_pred, BayesOpts._std_pce_prior_pred = self.eval_model(theta)
+        mean_pred, _std_pce_prior_pred = self.eval_model(theta)
         # Surrogate model's error using RMSE of test data
         surrError = MetaModel.rmse if hasattr(MetaModel, 'rmse') else None
         # Likelihood
-        log_like = BayesOpts.normpdf(
+        log_like = self.normpdf(
             mean_pred, self.observation, self.total_sigma2, sigma2,
-        return log_like
+        # TODO: give the second return argument back to BayesInf (parameter of the same name)
+        return log_like, _std_pce_prior_pred 
     # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def log_posterior(self, theta):
@@ -570,7 +676,7 @@ class MCMC:
                 # Compute log prior
                 log_prior = self.log_prior(theta)
                 # Compute log Likelihood
-                log_likelihood = self.log_likelihood(theta)
+                log_likelihood, _std_pce_prior_pred = self.log_likelihood(theta)
                 return log_prior + log_likelihood
@@ -585,7 +691,7 @@ class MCMC:
             # Compute loLikelihoods
             if non_inf_idx.size != 0:
-                log_likelihood[non_inf_idx] = self.log_likelihood(
+                log_likelihood[non_inf_idx], _std_pce_prior_pred = self.log_likelihood(
@@ -609,13 +715,12 @@ class MCMC:
             Std of model prediction.
+        engine = self.engine
+        Model = engine.Model
-        BayesObj = self.BayesOpts
-        Model = BayesObj.engine.Model
-        if BayesObj.emulator:
+        if self.emulator:
             # Evaluate the MetaModel
-            mean_pred, std_pred = BayesObj.engine.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=theta)
+            mean_pred, std_pred = engine.MetaModel.eval_metamodel(samples=theta)
             # Evaluate the origModel
             mean_pred, std_pred = dict(), dict()
@@ -636,9 +741,9 @@ class MCMC:
             # Add one to the counter
             self.counter += 1
-        if hasattr(self, 'error_MetaModel') and BayesObj.error_model:
+        if self.error_MetaModel is not None and self.error_model:
             meanPred, stdPred = self.error_MetaModel.eval_model_error(
-                BayesObj.BiasInputs, mean_pred
+                self.BiasInputs, mean_pred
         return mean_pred, std_pred
@@ -659,7 +764,7 @@ class MCMC:
             A error model.
-        MetaModel = self.BayesOpts.engine.MetaModel
+        MetaModel = self.engine.MetaModel
         # Prepare the poster samples
@@ -684,6 +789,126 @@ class MCMC:
         # Train a GPR meta-model using MAP
         error_MetaModel = MetaModel.create_model_error(
-            self.BayesOpts.BiasInputs, y_map, name='Calib')
+            self.BiasInputs, y_map, name='Calib')
         return error_MetaModel
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def normpdf(self, outputs, obs_data, total_sigma2s, sigma2=None, std=None):
+        """
+        Calculates the likelihood of simulation outputs compared with
+        observation data.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        outputs : dict
+            A dictionary containing the simulation outputs as array of shape
+            (n_samples, n_measurement) for each model output.
+        obs_data : dict
+            A dictionary/dataframe containing the observation data.
+        total_sigma2s : dict
+            A dictionary with known values of the covariance diagonal entries,
+            a.k.a. sigma^2.
+        sigma2 : array, optional
+            An array of the sigma^2 samples, when the covariance diagonal
+            entries are unknown and are being jointly inferred. The default is
+            None.
+        std : dict, optional
+            A dictionary containing the root mean squared error as array of
+            shape (n_samples, n_measurement) for each model output. The default
+            is None.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        logLik : array of shape (n_samples)
+            Likelihoods.
+        """
+        Model = self.engine.Model
+        logLik = 0.0
+        # Extract the requested model outputs for likelihood calulation
+        if self.req_outputs is None:
+            req_outputs = Model.Output.names  # TODO: should this then be saved as self.req_outputs?
+        else:
+            req_outputs = list(self.req_outputs)
+        # Loop over the output keys
+        for idx, out in enumerate(req_outputs):
+            # (Meta)Model Output
+            nsamples, nout = outputs[out].shape
+            # Prepare data and remove NaN
+            try:
+                data = obs_data[out].values[~np.isnan(obs_data[out])]
+            except AttributeError:
+                data = obs_data[out][~np.isnan(obs_data[out])]
+            # Prepare data uncertainty / error estimation (sigma2s)
+            non_nan_indices = ~np.isnan(total_sigma2s[out])
+            tot_sigma2s = total_sigma2s[out][non_nan_indices][:nout]
+            # Add the std of the PCE if an emulator is used
+            if self.emulator:
+                if std is not None:
+                    tot_sigma2s += std[out] ** 2
+            # Select the data points to compare
+            try:
+                indices = self.selected_indices[out]
+            except:
+                indices = list(range(nout))
+            # Set up Covariance Matrix
+            covMatrix = np.diag(np.diag(tot_sigma2s)[indices, indices])
+            # If sigma2 is not given, use given total_sigma2s and move to next itr
+            if sigma2 is None:
+                logLik += stats.multivariate_normal.logpdf(
+                    outputs[out][:, indices], data[indices], covMatrix)
+                continue
+            # Loop over each run/sample and calculate logLikelihood
+            logliks = np.zeros(nsamples)
+            for s_idx in range(nsamples):
+                # Simulation run
+                tot_outputs = outputs[out]
+                # Covariance Matrix
+                covMatrix = np.diag(tot_sigma2s)
+                # Check the type error term
+                if self.bias_inputs is not None and self.error_model is None:
+                    # Infer a Bias model usig Gaussian Process Regression
+                    bias_inputs = np.hstack(
+                        (self.bias_inputs[out],
+                         tot_outputs[s_idx].reshape(-1, 1)))
+                    params = sigma2[s_idx, idx * 3:(idx + 1) * 3]
+                    covMatrix = _kernel_rbf(bias_inputs, params)
+                else:
+                    # Infer equal sigma2s
+                    try:
+                        sigma_2 = sigma2[s_idx, idx]
+                    except TypeError:
+                        sigma_2 = 0.0
+                    covMatrix += sigma_2 * np.eye(nout)
+                    # covMatrix = np.diag(sigma2 * total_sigma2s)
+                # Select the data points to compare
+                try:
+                    indices = self.selected_indices[out]
+                except:
+                    indices = list(range(nout))
+                covMatrix = np.diag(covMatrix[indices, indices])
+                # Compute loglikelihood
+                logliks[s_idx] = _logpdf(
+                    tot_outputs[s_idx, indices], data[indices], covMatrix
+                )
+            logLik += logliks
+        return logLik
diff --git a/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/engine.py b/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/engine.py
index 193a109eaf7734d6e4c57ded790f142bf66b04b8..27c117a790d588c3216fe17540419480d15e9790 100644
--- a/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/engine.py
+++ b/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/engine.py
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ class Engine:
         # Prepare X samples 
         # For training the surrogate use ExpDesign.X_tr, ExpDesign.X is for the model to run on 
-                              # transform=True,
+                              #transform=True,
         # Run simulations at X 
diff --git a/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/input_space.py b/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/input_space.py
index c534d34b22cbdc9421b5b59c91054032577df4c6..9576462d8de15b292aa6210072c905fca68a2382 100644
--- a/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/input_space.py
+++ b/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/input_space.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Input space built from set prior distributions
 import numpy as np
 import chaospy
 import scipy.stats as st
+from tqdm import tqdm
 # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
@@ -363,7 +364,10 @@ class InputSpace:
             cdfx = np.zeros(X.shape)
             tr_X = np.zeros(X.shape)
-            for par_i in range(n_params):
+            # TODO: this transformation takes quite a while,
+            #       especially for many samples to transform, can it be improved?
+            for par_i in range(n_params):#tqdm(range(n_params),
+                         #     desc='Transforming the input samples'):
                 # Extract the parameters of the original space
                 disttype = disttypes[par_i]
diff --git a/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/surrogate_models.py b/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/surrogate_models.py
index d8a589dde7973e6c7c86ba6d246e297bf001397a..eb22b9085aaebc6701f50696dd5a093cfc218d90 100644
--- a/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/surrogate_models.py
+++ b/src/bayesvalidrox/surrogate_models/surrogate_models.py
@@ -1176,6 +1176,7 @@ class MetaModel:
         # Compute univariate bases for the given samples
+        #print('Creating the univariate basis.')
         univ_p_val = None
         if self.meta_model_type.lower() != 'gpe':
             univ_p_val = self.univ_basis_vals(
@@ -1189,6 +1190,7 @@ class MetaModel:
         std_pred_b = {}
         b_i = 0
         # Loop over bootstrap iterations
+        #print('Looping over bootstrap iterations.')
         for b_i in range(self.n_bootstrap_itrs):
             # Extract model dictionary
@@ -1200,11 +1202,14 @@ class MetaModel:
             # Loop over outputs
             mean_pred = {}
             std_pred = {}
+            #print(model_dict.items())
+            #print('Looping over the output timesteps')
             for output, values in model_dict.items():
                 mean = np.empty((len(samples), len(values)))
                 std = np.empty((len(samples), len(values)))
                 idx = 0
+                #print('Looping over ??')
                 for in_key, InIdxValues in values.items():
                     # Prediction with GPE