# CHANGELOG ## v1.0.0 ### Requirements * updated for python 3.10 ### Added Features * PyLinkForwardModel has new link_type 'umbridge' for UM-Bridge type models * class `InputSpace` as parent class to `ExpDesigns` * `MetaModel` has option to train with OLS+constraints Examples * Example `umbridge_tsunamitutorial` to show two options of using UM-Bridge type models * Example `convergence_tests` for the constraints ### Changed General * Independent functions moved out of classes * Constructors of `PostProcessing`, `BayesInference`, `BayesModelComp` are to be given the engine instead of the metamodel * Constructor of `Exploration` to be given `ExpDesigns` instead of `MetaModel` Engine * `MetaModelEngine` renamed to `Engine` * Split `run()` into `train_normal()` and `train_sequential()` * `opt_SeqDesign()` renamed to `choose_next_sample()` MetaModel * `MetaModel` fully independent of model * `MetaModel` uses `InputSpace` instead of `ExpDesigns` * `create_metamodel()` split into `build_metamodel()` and `fit()` * `fit()` renamed to `regression()` * `eval_metamodel()` only runs on given samples, full functionality retained in `Engine.eval_metamodel()` * Polynomial related functions moved from `MetaModelEngine` to `MetaModel` PyLinkForwardModel * Read-in of MC-references now performed by `PyLinkForwardModel.read_observation()` ExpDesigns * Parameters related to sequential training were moved from `MetaModel` to `ExpDesigns` (`Seq*`, `valid_model_runs`) ### Removed * Class `SequentialDesign` * `ExpDesigns.method` * `MetaModel.create_basis_indices()`