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Commit 64f0592e authored by Bernd Flemisch's avatar Bernd Flemisch
Browse files

add folder structure, update README

parent 87aec542
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This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License. To view a copy of this license, visit
or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
This data repository accompanies the paper
[Verification benchmarks for single-phase flow and tracer transport in three-dimensional fractured porous media]
by I. Berre, W. Boon, B. Flemisch, A. Fumagalli, E. Keilegavlen, A. Scotti,
I. Stefansson and A. Tatomir.
Five benchmarks are considered in the following subfolders:
* [analytical](analytical): .
* [single](single): .
* [regular](regular): .
* [small](small): .
* [complex](complex): .
For each benchmark, grid and result data are provided in corresponding subfolders:
* `grids`: the employed computational grids, coming in the formats:
- `.msh`, `.geo`: Gmsh output and input.
- `.dgf`: Dune grid format.
- `.GRDECL`: Petrel/Eclipse.
- `.art`: FRAC3D/ART3D.
* `results`: result files of the following types:
- `.vtk, .vtu`: VTK.
- `.mat`: Matlab.
- `.csv`: comma separated values for one-dimensional data.
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