// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
* Copyright (C) 2008-2010 by Andreas Lauser *
* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 by Klaus Mosthaf *
* Institute of Hydraulic Engineering *
* University of Stuttgart, Germany *
* email: <givenname>.<name> *
* *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see <>. *
* \file
* \brief Definition of the spatial parameters for the water-air problem.
#include <dumux/material/spatialparameters/boxspatialparameters.hh>
#include <dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/linearmaterial.hh>
#include <dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/regularizedbrookscorey.hh>
#include <dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/efftoabslaw.hh>
namespace Dumux
//forward declaration
template<class TypeTag>
class WaterAirSpatialParameters;
namespace Properties
// The spatial parameters TypeTag
// Set the spatial parameters
SET_TYPE_PROP(WaterAirSpatialParameters, SpatialParameters, Dumux::WaterAirSpatialParameters<TypeTag>);
// Set the material Law
SET_PROP(WaterAirSpatialParameters, MaterialLaw)
// define the material law which is parameterized by effective
// saturations
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar;
typedef RegularizedBrooksCorey<Scalar> EffMaterialLaw;
// define the material law parameterized by absolute saturations
typedef EffToAbsLaw<EffMaterialLaw> type;
* \ingroup TwoPTwoCNIModel
* \ingroup BoxTestProblems
* \brief Definition of the spatial parameters for the water-air problem
template<class TypeTag>
class WaterAirSpatialParameters : public BoxSpatialParameters<TypeTag>
typedef BoxSpatialParameters<TypeTag> ParentType;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Grid) Grid;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, GridView) GridView;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar;
typedef typename Grid::ctype CoordScalar;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, TwoPTwoCIndices) Indices;
typedef Dune::FieldVector<CoordScalar,dim> LocalPosition;
typedef Dune::FieldVector<CoordScalar,dimWorld> GlobalPosition;
typedef Dune::FieldVector<CoordScalar,dimWorld> Vector;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, SolutionVector) SolutionVector;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, VolumeVariables) VolumeVariables;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluxVariables) FluxVariables;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ElementVolumeVariables) ElementVolumeVariables;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FVElementGeometry) FVElementGeometry;
typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity Element;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem) FluidSystem;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, MaterialLaw) MaterialLaw;
typedef typename MaterialLaw::Params MaterialLawParams;
* \brief The constructor
* \param gv The grid view
WaterAirSpatialParameters(const GridView &gv)
: ParentType(gv)
layerBottom_ = 22.0;
// intrinsic permeabilities
fineK_ = 1e-13;
coarseK_ = 1e-12;
// porosities
finePorosity_ = 0.3;
coarsePorosity_ = 0.3;
// residual saturations
// parameters for the Brooks-Corey law
* \brief Update the spatial parameters with the flow solution
* after a timestep.
void update(const SolutionVector &globalSolution)
* \brief Apply the intrinsic permeability tensor to a pressure
* potential gradient.
* \param element The current finite element
* \param fvElemGeom The current finite volume geometry of the element
* \param scvIdx The index of the sub-control volume
const Scalar intrinsicPermeability(const Element &element,
const GlobalPosition &pos = fvElemGeom.subContVol[scvIdx].global;
if (isFineMaterial_(pos))
return fineK_;
return coarseK_;
* \brief Define the porosity \f$[-]\f$ of the spatial parameters
* \param element The finite element
* \param fvElemGeom The finite volume geometry
* \param scvIdx The local index of the sub-control volume where
double porosity(const Element &element,
const GlobalPosition &pos = fvElemGeom.subContVol[scvIdx].global;
if (isFineMaterial_(pos))
return finePorosity_;
return coarsePorosity_;
* \brief return the parameter object for the Brooks-Corey material law which depends on the position
* \param element The current finite element
* \param fvElemGeom The current finite volume geometry of the element
* \param scvIdx The index of the sub-control volume
const MaterialLawParams& materialLawParams(const Element &element,
const GlobalPosition &pos = fvElemGeom.subContVol[scvIdx].global;
if (isFineMaterial_(pos))
return fineMaterialParams_;
return coarseMaterialParams_;
* \brief Returns the heat capacity \f$[J/m^3 K]\f$ of the rock matrix.
* This is only required for non-isothermal models.
* \param element The finite element
* \param fvElemGeom The finite volume geometry
* \param scvIdx The local index of the sub-control volume where
double heatCapacity(const Element &element,
790 // specific heat capacity of granite [J / (kg K)]
* 2700 // density of granite [kg/m^3]
* (1 - porosity(element, fvElemGeom, scvIdx));
* \brief Calculate the heat flux \f$[W/m^2]\f$ through the
* rock matrix based on the temperature gradient \f$[K / m]\f$
* This is only required for non-isothermal models.
* \param heatFlux The resulting heat flux vector
* \param fluxDat The flux variables
* \param vDat The volume variables
* \param tempGrad The temperature gradient
* \param element The current finite element
* \param fvElemGeom The finite volume geometry of the current element
* \param scvfIdx The local index of the sub-control volume face where
* the matrix heat flux should be calculated
void matrixHeatFlux(Vector &heatFlux,
const FluxVariables &fluxDat,
const ElementVolumeVariables &vDat,
const Vector &tempGrad,
const Element &element,
static const Scalar lWater = 0.6;
static const Scalar lGranite = 2.8;
// arithmetic mean of the liquid saturation and the porosity
const int i = fvElemGeom.subContVolFace[scvfIdx].i;
const int j = fvElemGeom.subContVolFace[scvfIdx].j;
Scalar Sl = std::max<Scalar>(0.0, (vDat[i].saturation(lPhaseIdx) +
vDat[j].saturation(lPhaseIdx)) / 2);
Scalar poro = (porosity(element, fvElemGeom, i) +
porosity(element, fvElemGeom, j)) / 2;
Scalar lsat = pow(lGranite, (1-poro)) * pow(lWater, poro);
Scalar ldry = pow(lGranite, (1-poro));
// the heat conductivity of the matrix. in general this is a
// tensorial value, but we assume isotropic heat conductivity.
Scalar heatCond = ldry + sqrt(Sl) * (ldry - lsat);
// the matrix heat flux is the negative temperature gradient
// times the heat conductivity.
heatFlux *= -heatCond;
bool isFineMaterial_(const GlobalPosition &pos) const
{ return pos[dim-1] > layerBottom_; };
Scalar fineK_;
Scalar coarseK_;
Scalar layerBottom_;
Scalar finePorosity_;
Scalar coarsePorosity_;
MaterialLawParams fineMaterialParams_;
MaterialLawParams coarseMaterialParams_;