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test_2pncmin.input 3.03 KiB
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# Parameter file for test case 2pncmin.
# Everything behind a '#' is a comment.
# Type "./test_2pncmin --help" for more information.
TEnd = 1e6                         # duration of the simulation [s]
DtInitial = 10                     # initial time step size [s]
MaxTimeStepSize = 50000            # maximum time step size
LowerLeft = 0 0
UpperRight = 40 10
Cells = 20 10
NTemperature =  100                # [-] number of tabularization entries
NPressure = 100                    # [-] number of tabularization entries
PressureLow = 1e4                  # [Pa]low end for tabularization of fluid properties
PressureHigh = 3e6                 # [Pa]high end for tabularization of fluid properties
TemperatureLow = 273.15            # [K]low end for tabularization of fluid properties
TemperatureHigh = 400.00           # [K]high end for tabularization of fluid properties
Name                = saltflush    # [-]  name for output files
ReservoirPressure   = 11e6         # [Pa] Initial reservoir pressure
reservoirSaturation = 0.4          # [-]  Initial saturation
solidity            = 0.0          # [-]  Initial solid salt precipitate
Temperature         = 418.15       # [K]  reservoir temperature
InnerPressure       = 13e6         # [Pa]
InnerLiqSaturation  = 0.95         # [-]  liquid saturation at inner boundary
InnerSalinity       = 0.0001       # [-]  salinity of inner liquid
OuterPressure       = 11e6         # [Pa] reservoir boundary pressure
OuterLiqSaturation  = 0.2          # [-]  liquid saturation at outer boundary
OuterSalinity       = 0.4          # [-]  Initial salinity
LiquidSaturation    = 0.4          # [-]  initial liquid saturation
InitPrecipitatedSalt1    = 0.0     # [-]  initial precipitated salt
InitPrecipitatedSalt2    = 0.05    # [-]  initial precipitated salt in the blocked part
SolubilityLimit     = 0.26 	       # [-]  solubility limit of salt in brine
Porosity            = 0.11         # [-]  initial porosity
Permeability        = 2.23e-14
IrreducibleLiqSat   = 0.2          # [-]  irreducible liquid saturation
IrreducibleGasSat   = 0.001        # [-]  irreducible gas saturation
BCLambda1           = 2            # [-]
AddVelocity         = 1            # Add extra information
VtuWritingFreq      = 1            # 1: write a vtu file at every timestep, 2: write a vtu file every second timestep ...

ResidualReduction = 1e-6

FreqOutput          = 100          # frequency of VTK output
WriteRestartFile    = 1            # Boolean. Should restart files be written? (1) Yes (0) No

#Frequency of restart file, flux and VTK output
FreqRestart = 1000                 # how often restart files are written out
FreqOutput = 50                    # frequency of VTK output
FreqMassOutput = 2                 # frequency of mass and evaporation rate output (Darcy)
FreqFluxOutput = 1000              # frequency of detailed flux output
FreqVaporFluxOutput = 2            # frequency of summarized flux output