Differences Between DuMuX 2.11 and DuMuX 2.12
- DuMuX 2.12 is expected to run based on Dune 2.4.1, 2.5, 2.6 and the Dune
master. We will try to keep the compatibility with the Dune master
as long as it is technically feasible and our resources allow it. If
you want to use Dumux multidomain models, you have to stick with the
Dune 2.4 core and specific versions of other modules, see
[test/multidomain/README](test/multidomain/README) for details.
Also the geomechanics models require Dune 2.4 and PDELab 2.0.
- DuMux 2.12 requires at least GCC 4.9 or Clang 3.5 in their C++-14 mode.
- For employing corner-point grids by means of opm-grid (former
dune-cornerpoint), the OPM releases 2017.04 or 2017.10 have to be used.
- Four new tutorial exercises have been added in the folder
[tutorial](tutorial). They can be built by executing
`make build_tutorials` in the build folder. Each exercise
comes with detailed instructions:
1. [Exercise 1](tutorial/ex1/
2. [Exercise 2](tutorial/ex2/
3. [Exercise 3](tutorial/ex3/
4. [Exercise 4](tutorial/ex4/
- Fixed bug in heatCapacity() of component air and replace
the use of a constant value in gasEnthalpy() by calling
- The GnuplotInterface now supports in-simulation generation of image
files (*.png).
- A paraview python script for exporting 2d pictures from *.vtu files
has been added.
- A class for estimating turbulence properties has been added with
* IMMEDIATE INTERFACE CHANGES not allowing/requiring a deprecation period:
- gnuplotinterface.hh: The add...ToPlot() functions have changed signature,
the curve name/title is not mandatory anymore and can be specified together
with the curve options.
* DELETED classes/files, property names, constants/enums,
member functions, which have been deprecated in DuMuX 2.11:
- Everything listed as deprecated below has been removed.
Differences Between DuMuX 2.10 and DuMuX 2.11
- DuMuX 2.11 is expected to run based on Dune 2.4.1, 2.5 and the Dune
master. We will try to keep the compatibility with the Dune master
as long as it is technically feasible and our resources allow it. If
you want to use Dumux multidomain models, you have to stick with the
Dune 2.4 core and specific versions of other modules, see
`test/multidomain/README` for details.
- DuMux 2.11 requires at least GCC 4.9 or Clang 3.5 in their C++-14 mode.
- For employing corner-point grids by means of opm-grid (former
dune-cornerpoint), the OPM release 2016.04 has to be used.
* IMMEDIATE INTERFACE CHANGES not allowing/requiring a deprecation period:
- A gridcreator for piece-of-cake-type grids has been added. It is capable
of creating meshes with gradually in- and decreasing distances between nodes.
It also allows the creation of a 360° cake where the last elements are
connected to the first elements.
- shouldWriteRestartFile() is now, as shouldWriteOutput() already was,
called before the time level is advanced. So it might be necessary to use
...WillBeFinished instead of ...IsFinished for writing restart files at
the correct time.
- In the ZeroEq models, the properties BBoxMinIsWall and BBoxMaxIsWall have
been replaced by the functions bBoxMaxIsWall() and bBoxMaxIsWall() in the
problem file.

Thomas Fetzer
- In the TwoPNC (and, consequently the TwoPNCMin) models, the old formulations
pgSl, plSg as well as pnSw and pwSg have been replaced by the pnsw and pwsn,
to satify the naming convention and be consistent with TwoPTwoC.
- In the TwoPTwoC model, the indices are no longer dependent on the
formulation. Further, the values of "nPhaseOnly" and "bothPhases"
have been harmonized with those in TwoPNC
* Deprecated PROPERTY and PARAMETER NAMES, to be removed after 2.11: BEWARE: The
compiler will not print any warning if a deprecated property or parameter name
is used. If possible, a run-time warning will appear in the summary lines
after the corresponding run.
* Deprecated CLASSES/FILES, to be removed after 2.11:
* Deprecated MEMBER FUNCTIONS, to be removed after 2.11:
* DELETED classes/files, property names, constants/enums,
member functions, which have been deprecated in DuMuX 2.10:
- Everything listed as deprecated below has been removed.
Differences Between DuMuX 2.9 and DuMuX 2.10
- DuMuX 2.10 is expected to run based on Dune 2.4.1, 2.5 and the Dune
master. We will try to keep the compatibility with the Dune master
as long as it is technically feasible and our resources allow it. If
you want to use Dumux multidomain models, you have to stick with the
Dune 2.4 core and specific versions of other modules, see
`test/multidomain/README` for details.
- DuMux 2.10 requires at least GCC 4.9 or Clang 3.5 in their C++-14 mode.
- For employing corner-point grids by means of opm-grid (former
dune-cornerpoint), the OPM release 2016.04 has to be used.
- Two new fully-implicit models have been added: `ThreePWaterOil` and
`TwoPOneC`. The first one admits two components water and oil that may be
present in two liquid and one gaseous phase, see `test_box3pwateroil` in
`test/porousmediumflow/3pwateroil/implicit` for details. The second one is
dedicated to one generic component that may be present in liquid and
gaseous state, see `test_boxsteaminjection` in
`test/porousmediumflow/2p1c/implicit` for an example.
- Numbering of the VTK files starts with `0` now.
- Using the geostatistical tool gstat for generating random fields has been
facilitated. See `test_cc1pwithgstat` in `test/porousmediumflow/1p/implicit`.
This tool can be installed using the `bin/` script.
If cmake does not find gstat, one has to specify the GSTAT_ROOT variable,
see the standard optim.opts or debug.opts.
- The multidomain models should now run with all compilers without
segfaults, both with optimization and debug options.
- Computation for two-dimensional fracture networks in three-dimensional
space has been fixed and is tested now in
- The `bin` folder containing various helper scripts has been restructured.
For example, the scripts `` and `` are now
contained in the subfolder `testing`.
- Two new scripts `` and ``
have been added to `bin/postprocessing`. They realize what their names
- The computation of the tortuosity tau with the Millington-Quirk model has
been optimized. Tests show a speedup of up to 5% for a 2p2c simulation.
- The fully-implicit box scheme now fully supports prism-shaped elements.
- Convenience functions for reading values from a file to a container and
for writing values to a file from a container have been added, see
`test_container_io` in `test/io/container`.
* IMMEDIATE INTERFACE CHANGES not allowing/requiring a deprecation period:
- The problem class interface needs to provide the method maxTimeStepSize().
This is important if you implement problem classes not deriving from the base
problem classes in Dumux (`ImplicitProblem`, `OneModelProblem`,
`ImpetProblem`, and `MultidomainProblem`).

Timo Koch
- All name-related methods that previously returned / received `const char*`
do now use the type-safe alternative `std::string`. An example is
`FluidSystem::componentName()`. If you need a
`const char*` for special operation use the string member `c_str()`.
* Deprecated PROPERTY and PARAMETER NAMES, to be removed after 2.10: BEWARE: The
compiler will not print any warning if a deprecated property or parameter name
is used. If possible, a run-time warning will appear in the summary lines
after the corresponding run.
- The pure run-time parameter `tau` has been renamed to the property and
run-time parameter `TauTortuosity`. For the models 1p2c, 2p2c, 3p3c it got
the default value 0.5.
* Deprecated CLASSES/FILES, to be removed after 2.10:
- The class `DiffusivityConstantTau<TypeTag, Scalar>` was renamed to
`DiffusivityConstant<TypeTag>` and is located in a according new header. The
old class, its header and the property `tau` are deprecated.
- `PointSourceHelper<TypeTag>` has been deprecated. Use
`BoundingBoxTreePointSourceHelper<TypeTag>` instead.
- The classes `Dumux::Liquid/GasPhase<Scalar, Component>` have been moved to
the namespace `Dumux::FluidSystems`.
* Deprecated MEMBER FUNCTIONS, to be removed after 2.10:
- `checkEffectiveSaturation` of the classes `PlotMaterialLaw<TypeTag>` in
- `concentrationGrad` of the class `TwoPNCFluxVariables<TypeTag>`. Use
`moleFractionGrad` instead, with the obviously different physical meaning.
* DELETED classes/files, property names, constants/enums,
member functions, which have been deprecated in DuMuX 2.9:
- Everything listed as deprecated below has been removed.
Differences Between DuMuX 2.8 and DuMuX 2.9
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