There is an Eclipse style file which can be used for \Dumux.
\item open in eclipse: \texttt{Window} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{Preferences} $\rightarrow$
\texttt{C/C++} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{Code Style} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{Formatter}
\item press the \texttt{Import} button
\item choose the file \texttt{eclipse\_profile.xml} from your dumux-devel directory
\item make sure that now \Dumux is chosen in \texttt{Select a profile}
Git is a version control tool which we use.
The basic Git commands are:
\item \texttt{git checkout} receive a specified branch from the repository
\item \texttt{git clone} clone a repository; creates a local copy
\item \texttt{git diff} to see the actual changes compared to your last commit
\item \texttt{git pull} pull changes from the repository; synchronizes the
repository with your local copy
\item \texttt{git push} push comitted changes to the repository; synchronizes
your local copy with the repository
\item \texttt{git status} to check which files/folders have been changed
\item \texttt{git gui} graphical user interface, helps selecting changes for
a commit
A gnuplot interface is available to plot or visualize results during a simulation run.
This is achieved with the help of the class provided in \texttt{io/gnuplotinterface.hh}.
Have a look at tests including this header for examples how to use this interface.
Gstat is an open source software tool which generates geostatistical random fields (see \url{}).
In order to use gstat, execute the \texttt{bin/} from your \Dumux root
directory or donwload, unpack and install the tarball from the gstat-website.
Then rerun cmake (in the second case set \texttt{GSTAT\_ROOT} in your input file to the
path where gstat is installed).
\paragraph{Reload Button:}
There are scripts to reload \texttt{*.pvd} or series of {\texttt{*.vtu} files since ParaView 4.2.
The scripts can be found
\href{}{\texttt{under this link}}.
Just save the specific code portion in a file and load it via \texttt{Macros} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{Add new macro}.
Since ParaView 4.3.1 The ParaView Guide is partly
available for free download, see \url{}.
It corresponds to the ParaView book, only without three application chapters.
Attention, its size is 180 MiB.