
Andreas Lauser
\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames,table]{xcolor} % include at beginning because of compitibility issues
\DeclareRobustCommand\Cplusplus{\texorpdfstring{C\nolinebreak[4]\hspace{-.05em}\raisebox{.4ex}{\tiny\bfseries ++}\xspace}{C++}}
% a new counter you can give a label to it and thus reference it
% syntax: \numberThis{printedTextToBeLabeled}{label}
% if you wanted a \newline after a numbered thing, you could just add a empty line after ``\label{#2}''
\thethingCounter.\ #1 \label{#2}
%The theorems
{\Huge Handbook}
{\normalsize Lehrstuhl f\"ur Hydromechanik und Hydrosystemmodellierung, \\
Universit\"at Stuttgart, Paffenwaldring 61, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany}\\
{\normalsize \texttt{\url{}}}\\
First, we briefly describe the installation procedure.
Then we provide a quick start guide for the first \Dumux experience.
This chapter provides an overview of the general structure in \Dumux \ref{sc_structure}
and gives help for basic work with \Dumux
Further it presents useful external tools \ref{sc_externaltools} and basic
concepts \ref{sc_linearsystem}.
\chapter{Advanced \Dumux\ -- Detailed Instructions}
This chapter contains detailed information for those who are interested
in deeper modifications of underlying \Dumux models, classes, functions, etc.