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// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
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 *   See the file COPYING for full copying permissions.                      *
 *                                                                           *
 *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
 *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or       *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                     *
 *                                                                           *
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
 *                                                                           *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
 *   along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
 * \file
 * \ingroup CCMpfaDiscretization
 * \brief The local (stencil) volume variables class for cell centered mpfa models

#include <algorithm>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include <dumux/discretization/cellcentered/elementsolution.hh>

namespace Dumux {
namespace CCMpfa {

     * \ingroup CCMpfaDiscretization
     * \brief Computes how many boundary vol vars come into play for flux calculations
     *        on an element (for a given element finite volume geometry). This number here
     *        is probably always higher than the actually needed number of volume variables.
     *        However, we want to make sure it is high enough so that enough memory is reserved
     *        in the element volume variables below.
     * \todo TODO What about non-symmetric schemes? Is there a better way for estimating this?
     * \param fvGeometry the element finite volume geometry
    template<class FVElementGeometry>
    std::size_t maxNumBoundaryVolVars(const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry)
        const auto& fvGridGeometry = fvGeometry.fvGridGeometry();
        const auto& gridIvIndexSets = fvGridGeometry.gridInteractionVolumeIndexSets();

        std::size_t numBoundaryVolVars = 0;
        for (const auto& scvf : scvfs(fvGeometry))
            if (!fvGridGeometry.vertexUsesSecondaryInteractionVolume(scvf.vertexIndex()))
                numBoundaryVolVars += gridIvIndexSets.primaryIndexSet(scvf).nodalIndexSet().numBoundaryScvfs();
                numBoundaryVolVars += gridIvIndexSets.secondaryIndexSet(scvf).nodalIndexSet().numBoundaryScvfs();

        return numBoundaryVolVars;

     * \ingroup CCMpfaDiscretization
     * \brief Adds the boundary volume variables found within a given nodal index set
     *        into the provided containers and stores the indices associated with them.
     * \note  It only adds those boundary vol vars that do not live on scvfs that are
     *        inside the bound element. These have to be added separately
     * \param volVars       The container where the volume variables are stored
     * \param volVarIndices The container where the volume variable indices are stored
     * \param problem       The problem containing the Dirichlet boundary conditions
     * \param fvGeometry    The element finite volume geometry
     * \param nodalIndexSet The dual grid index set around a node
    template<class VolumeVariables, class IndexType, class Problem, class FVElemGeom, class NodalIndexSet>
    void addBoundaryVolVarsAtNode(std::vector<VolumeVariables>& volVars,
                                  std::vector<IndexType>& volVarIndices,
                                  const Problem& problem,
                                  const typename FVElemGeom::FVGridGeometry::GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity& element,
                                  const FVElemGeom& fvGeometry,
                                  const NodalIndexSet& nodalIndexSet)
        if (nodalIndexSet.numBoundaryScvfs() == 0)

        // index of the element the fvGeometry was bound to
        const auto boundElemIdx = fvGeometry.fvGridGeometry().elementMapper().index(element);

        // check each scvf in the index set for boundary presence
        for (auto scvfIdx : nodalIndexSet.gridScvfIndices())
            const auto& ivScvf = fvGeometry.scvf(scvfIdx);

            // only proceed for scvfs on the boundary and not in the bound element
            if (!ivScvf.boundary() || ivScvf.insideScvIdx() == boundElemIdx)

            const auto insideScvIdx = ivScvf.insideScvIdx();
            const auto insideElement = fvGeometry.fvGridGeometry().element(insideScvIdx);
            const auto bcTypes = problem.boundaryTypes(insideElement, ivScvf);

            // Only proceed on dirichlet boundaries. On Neumann
            // boundaries the "outside" vol vars cannot be properly defined.
            if (bcTypes.hasOnlyDirichlet())
                VolumeVariables dirichletVolVars;
                dirichletVolVars.update(elementSolution<FVElemGeom>(problem.dirichlet(insideElement, ivScvf)),


     * \ingroup CCMpfaDiscretization
     * \brief Adds the boundary volume variables found within the stencil to the
     *        provided containers and stores the indices associated with them.
     * \param volVars       The container where the volume variables are stored
     * \param volVarIndices The container where the volume variable indices are stored
     * \param problem       The problem containing the Dirichlet boundary conditions
     * \param element        The element to which the finite volume geometry was bound
     * \param fvGeometry    The element finite volume geometry
    template<class VolumeVariables, class IndexType, class Problem, class FVElemGeom>
    void addBoundaryVolVars(std::vector<VolumeVariables>& volVars,
                            std::vector<IndexType>& volVarIndices,
                            const Problem& problem,
                            const typename FVElemGeom::FVGridGeometry::GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity& element,
                            const FVElemGeom& fvGeometry)
        const auto& fvGridGeometry = fvGeometry.fvGridGeometry();

        // treat the BCs inside the element
        if (fvGeometry.hasBoundaryScvf())
            const auto boundElemIdx = fvGridGeometry.elementMapper().index(element);
            const auto& scvI = fvGeometry.scv(boundElemIdx);

            for (const auto& scvf : scvfs(fvGeometry))
                if (!scvf.boundary())

                // Only proceed on dirichlet boundaries. On Neumann
                // boundaries the "outside" vol vars cannot be properly defined.
                if (problem.boundaryTypes(element, scvf).hasOnlyDirichlet())
                    VolumeVariables dirichletVolVars;
                    dirichletVolVars.update(elementSolution<FVElemGeom>(problem.dirichlet(element, scvf)),


        // Update boundary volume variables in the neighbors
        const auto& gridIvIndexSets = fvGridGeometry.gridInteractionVolumeIndexSets();
        for (const auto& scvf : scvfs(fvGeometry))
            if (!fvGridGeometry.vertexUsesSecondaryInteractionVolume(scvf.vertexIndex()))
                addBoundaryVolVarsAtNode( volVars, volVarIndices, problem, element, fvGeometry,
                                          gridIvIndexSets.primaryIndexSet(scvf).nodalIndexSet() );
                addBoundaryVolVarsAtNode( volVars, volVarIndices, problem, element, fvGeometry,
                                          gridIvIndexSets.secondaryIndexSet(scvf).nodalIndexSet() );
} // end namespace CCMpfa

 * \ingroup CCMpfaDiscretization
 * \brief The local (stencil) volume variables class for cell centered mpfa models
 * \note The class is specilized for versions with and without caching
 * \tparam GVV the grid volume variables type
 * \tparam cachingEnabled if the cache is enabled
template<class GVV, bool cachingEnabled>
class CCMpfaElementVolumeVariables;

 * \ingroup CCMpfaDiscretization
 * \brief The local (stencil) volume variables class for cell centered mpfa models with caching
 * \note the volume variables are stored for the whole grid view in the corresponding GridVolumeVariables class
template<class GVV>
class CCMpfaElementVolumeVariables<GVV, /*cachingEnabled*/true>
    //! export type of the grid volume variables
    using GridVolumeVariables = GVV;

    //! export type of the volume variables
    using VolumeVariables = typename GridVolumeVariables::VolumeVariables;

    //! Constructor
    CCMpfaElementVolumeVariables(const GridVolumeVariables& gridVolVars)
    : gridVolVarsPtr_(&gridVolVars)
    , numScv_(gridVolVars.problem().fvGridGeometry().numScv())

    //! operator for the access with an scv
    template<class SubControlVolume, typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_integral<SubControlVolume>::value, int> = 0>
    const VolumeVariables& operator [](const SubControlVolume& scv) const
        return scv.dofIndex() < numScv_ ? gridVolVars().volVars(scv.dofIndex())
                                        : boundaryVolVars_[getLocalIdx_(scv.dofIndex())];

    //! operator for the access with an index
    const VolumeVariables& operator [](const std::size_t scvIdx) const
        return scvIdx < numScv_ ? gridVolVars().volVars(scvIdx)
                                : boundaryVolVars_[getLocalIdx_(scvIdx)];

    //! precompute all volume variables in a stencil of an element - bind Dirichlet vol vars in the stencil
    template<class FVElementGeometry, class SolutionVector>
    void bind(const typename FVElementGeometry::FVGridGeometry::GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity& element,
              const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
              const SolutionVector& sol)

        // maybe prepare boundary volume variables
        const auto maxNumBoundaryVolVars = CCMpfa::maxNumBoundaryVolVars(fvGeometry);
        if (maxNumBoundaryVolVars > 0)
            CCMpfa::addBoundaryVolVars(boundaryVolVars_, boundaryVolVarIndices_, gridVolVars().problem(), element, fvGeometry);

    //! precompute the volume variables of an element - do nothing: volVars are cached
    template<class FVElementGeometry, class SolutionVector>
    void bindElement(const typename FVElementGeometry::FVGridGeometry::GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity& element,
                     const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
                     const SolutionVector& sol)

    //! Clear all local storage
    void clear()

    //! The global volume variables object we are a restriction of
    const GridVolumeVariables& gridVolVars() const
    { return *gridVolVarsPtr_; }

    //! map a global scv index to the local storage index
    int getLocalIdx_(const int volVarIdx) const
        auto it = std::find(boundaryVolVarIndices_.begin(), boundaryVolVarIndices_.end(), volVarIdx);
        assert(it != boundaryVolVarIndices_.end() && "Could not find the current volume variables for volVarIdx!");
        return std::distance(boundaryVolVarIndices_.begin(), it);

    const GridVolumeVariables* gridVolVarsPtr_;

    std::size_t numScv_;
    std::vector<std::size_t> boundaryVolVarIndices_;
    std::vector<VolumeVariables> boundaryVolVars_;

 * \ingroup CCMpfaDiscretization
 * \brief The local (stencil) volume variables class for cell centered tpfa models with caching
template<class GVV>
class CCMpfaElementVolumeVariables<GVV, /*cachingEnabled*/false>
    //! export type of the grid volume variables
    using GridVolumeVariables = GVV;

    //! export type of the volume variables
    using VolumeVariables = typename GridVolumeVariables::VolumeVariables;

    //! Constructor
    CCMpfaElementVolumeVariables(const GridVolumeVariables& gridVolVars)
    : gridVolVarsPtr_(&gridVolVars) {}

    //! Prepares the volume variables within the element stencil
    template<class FVElementGeometry, class SolutionVector>
    void bind(const typename FVElementGeometry::FVGridGeometry::GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity& element,
              const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
              const SolutionVector& sol)

        const auto& problem = gridVolVars().problem();
        const auto& fvGridGeometry = fvGeometry.fvGridGeometry();

        // stencil information
        const auto globalI = fvGridGeometry.elementMapper().index(element);
        const auto& assemblyMapI = fvGridGeometry.connectivityMap()[globalI];
        const auto numVolVars = assemblyMapI.size() + 1;

        // resize local containers to the required size (for internal elements)
        const auto maxNumBoundaryVolVars = CCMpfa::maxNumBoundaryVolVars(fvGeometry);

        VolumeVariables volVars;
        const auto& scvI = fvGeometry.scv(globalI);
        volVars.update(elementSolution(element, sol, fvGridGeometry),


        // Update the volume variables of the neighboring elements
        for (auto&& dataJ : assemblyMapI)
            const auto& elementJ = fvGridGeometry.element(dataJ.globalJ);
            const auto& scvJ = fvGeometry.scv(dataJ.globalJ);
            VolumeVariables volVarsJ;
            volVarsJ.update(elementSolution(elementJ, sol, fvGridGeometry),


        // maybe prepare boundary volume variables
        if (maxNumBoundaryVolVars > 0)
            CCMpfa::addBoundaryVolVars(volumeVariables_, volVarIndices_, problem, element, fvGeometry);

        // //! TODO Check if user added additional DOF dependencies, i.e. the residual of DOF globalI depends
        // //! on additional DOFs not included in the discretization schemes' occupation pattern
        // const auto& additionalDofDependencies = problem.getAdditionalDofDependencies(globalI);
        // if (!additionalDofDependencies.empty())
        // {
        //     volumeVariables_.reserve(volumeVariables_.size() + additionalDofDependencies.size());
        //     volVarIndices_.reserve(volVarIndices_.size() + additionalDofDependencies.size());
        //     for (auto globalJ : additionalDofDependencies)
        //     {
        //         const auto& elementJ = fvGridGeometry.element(globalJ);
        //         const auto& scvJ = fvGeometry.scv(globalJ);

        //         VolumeVariables additionalVolVars;
        //         additionalVolVars.update(elementSolution(elementJ, sol, fvGridGeometry),
        //                                  problem,
        //                                  elementJ,
        //                                  scvJ);

        //         volumeVariables_.emplace_back(std::move(additionalVolVars));
        //         volVarIndices_.push_back(globalJ);
        //     }
        // }

    //! Prepares the volume variables of an element
    template<class FVElementGeometry, class SolutionVector>
    void bindElement(const typename FVElementGeometry::FVGridGeometry::GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity& element,
                     const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
                     const SolutionVector& sol)

        const auto& fvGridGeometry = fvGeometry.fvGridGeometry();
        auto eIdx = fvGridGeometry.elementMapper().index(element);

        // update the volume variables of the element
        const auto& scv = fvGeometry.scv(eIdx);
        volumeVariables_[0].update(elementSolution(element, sol, fvGridGeometry),
        volVarIndices_[0] = scv.dofIndex();

    //! access operator with scv
    template<class SubControlVolume, typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_integral<SubControlVolume>::value, int> = 0>
    const VolumeVariables& operator [](const SubControlVolume& scv) const
    { return volumeVariables_[getLocalIdx_(scv.dofIndex())]; }

    //! access operator with scv
    template<class SubControlVolume, typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_integral<SubControlVolume>::value, int> = 0>
    VolumeVariables& operator [](const SubControlVolume& scv)
    { return volumeVariables_[getLocalIdx_(scv.dofIndex())]; }

    //! access operator with scv index
    const VolumeVariables& operator [](std::size_t scvIdx) const
    { return volumeVariables_[getLocalIdx_(scvIdx)]; }

    //! access operator with scv index
    VolumeVariables& operator [](std::size_t scvIdx)
    { return volumeVariables_[getLocalIdx_(scvIdx)]; }

    //! The global volume variables object we are a restriction of
    const GridVolumeVariables& gridVolVars() const
    { return *gridVolVarsPtr_; }

    //! Clear all local storage
    void clear()

    const GridVolumeVariables* gridVolVarsPtr_;

    //! map a global scv index to the local storage index
    int getLocalIdx_(const int volVarIdx) const
        auto it = std::find(volVarIndices_.begin(), volVarIndices_.end(), volVarIdx);
        assert(it != volVarIndices_.end() && "Could not find the current volume variables for volVarIdx!");
        return std::distance(volVarIndices_.begin(), it);

    std::vector<std::size_t> volVarIndices_;
    std::vector<VolumeVariables> volumeVariables_;

} // end namespace
