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What is DuMux?
DuMux is a simulation toolbox mainly aimed at flow and transport processes in porous media. DuMux is based on the DUNE framework and aims to provide a multitude of numerical models as well as flexible discretization methods for complex non-linear phenomena, such as CO2 sequestration, soil remediation, drug delivery in cancer therapy and more. Have a look at our publications (see below: How to cite) for a more detailed description of the goals and motivations behind DuMux.
Have a look at the installation guide or use the DuMux handbook, Chapter 2.
The following resources are useful to get started with DuMux:
- Getting started guide on the DuMux website
- Handbook, a detailed DuMux manual,
- DuMux course materials,
- Examples, with detailed description of code and results,
- Class documentation generated from the source code,
- Mailing list,
- Changelog, where all changes between different release versions are listed and explained.
Some helpful code snippets are available in the Wiki.