Christoph Grüninger authored
Use svn propedit svn:ignore. (thanks to klaus for the heads up) git-svn-id: svn://svn.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/DUMUX/dumux/trunk@12007 2fb0f335-1f38-0410-981e-8018bf24f1b0
Christoph Grüninger authoredUse svn propedit svn:ignore. (thanks to klaus for the heads up) git-svn-id: svn://svn.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/DUMUX/dumux/trunk@12007 2fb0f335-1f38-0410-981e-8018bf24f1b0
newFolder.tex 6.34 KiB
\section{Setup of a New Folder}
In this section setting up a new folder is described. In fact it is easy to create a new folder, but getting the build system to know the new folder takes some steps:
\item create new folder with content
\item adapt \verb+Makefile.am+
\item insert new folder in \verb+Makefile.am+ of the directory above
\item adapt \verb+configure.ac+ in the \verb+$DUMUX_ROOT+ (the directory you checked out, probably dumux)
\item rerun dunecontrol / autogen for \Dumux
\noindent In more detail:
\textbf{First} of all, the new folder including all relevant files needs to be created (see Section \ref{tutorial-coupled} and \ref{tutorial-decoupled} for description of a problem).
\textbf{Second}, a new \verb+Makefile.am+ for the new Folder needs to be created. It is good practice to simply copy an existing file. For example the file \verb+$DUMUX_ROOT/test/2p/Makefile.am+ looks as follows:
bin_PROGRAMS = test_2p
test_2p_SOURCES = test_2p.cc
test_2p_LDADD = $(MPI_LDFLAGS)
include $(top_srcdir)/am/global-rules
All occurrences of \verb+test_2p+ need to be replaced by the name of the new project, e.g. \verb+New_Project+. At least if the name of the source file as well as the name of the new project are \verb+New_Project+.
\textbf{Third}: In the directory above your new Project there is also a \verb+Makefile.am+ . In this file the subdirectories are listed. As you introduced a new subdirectory, it needs to be included here. In this case the name of the new Folder is \verb+New_Project+ . Don't forget the trailing backslash.
1p \
1p2c \
2p \
2p2c \
2p2cni \
2pni \
New_Project \
\textbf{Fourth}: In \verb+$DUMUX_ROOT+ there is a file \verb+configure.ac+. In this file, the respective Makefiles are listed. After a line reading
\noindent a line, declaring a new Makefile, needs to be included. The Makefile itself will be generated automatically during the autogen run which is triggered by dunecontrol. For keeping track of the included files, inserting in alphabetical order is good practice. The new line could read: \verb+test/New_Project/Makefile+
\textbf{Fifth}: Recreate the build system by running dunecontrol as described in Section \ref{install}.
\paragraph{Committing a new folder to the Subversion repository}
For those who work with Subversion (svn) and want to commit a newly setup folder to the repository some basics are
given in this paragraph. For further reading please check out the Subversion User Manual found at \cite{APACHE-SUBVERSION-HP}
where you will also find a "High Speed Turorial" in the appendix. \\
The four most important commands are \texttt{svn checkout}, \texttt{svn update}, \texttt{svn add}
and \texttt{svn commit}. The first one (\texttt{svn checkout}) you probably already know from the \Dumux installation.
It will create a copy of the trunk version from the svn server on your local system. Use \texttt{svn update} to get the
latest changes in the repository (commits from other users). In order to add a new folder to the repository the following
steps have to be taken:
\item \texttt{svn update}: The first step is to update your \Dumux. You should execute this command in your
dumux-stable or dumux-devel folder.
\item \texttt{svn add --depth=empty YOURFOLDER}: This command adds the folder without its content.
\item In your folder: use \texttt{svn add YOURFILES} to add your files. Generally, you should only add
your header files (.hh), your source files (.cc), your input file (.input) and if required your grid file (.dgf).
\item Use \texttt{svn commit} from the directory level containing your folder. This uploads all your changes to the
svn server. You will be asked to briefly explain the content of your commit in an editor.
The above shows you the necessary steps if you use the command line. There are also other tools providing a graphical
user interface for using svn like kdesvn or eclipse. The necessary steps for adding and committing stay the same.
In the following some additional guidelines are shown which are not necessary but are good practice.
Especially if you plan on committing to the stable part of \Dumux you must follow these steps.
\item use svn attributes to ignore files which are automatically created by a dunecontrol run
\item test \texttt{make headercheck}
\item test Doxygen
\noindent In more detail:
\textbf{First}: The command \verb+svn status+ marks all files which are not under version control with a question mark. Because dunecontrol creates a lot of files automatically this output becomes crowded and one might overlook ``real'' files which have to be added (they also will not be shown by a \verb+svn status -q+).
For the stable part of \Dumux there is the rule to ignore and only to ignore the folder {\em .deps}, executables \texttt{test\_*}, and the files {\em Makefile} and {\em Makefile.in}.
How to set the SVN attributes:
\item{\em eclipse}: right click on the file/folder $\rightarrow$ ``team'' $\rightarrow$ ``add to svn:ignore\dots''
\item{\em kdesvn}: right click on the file/folder $\rightarrow$ ``ignore/unignore current item''
\item{\em SVN on shell}: \verb+svn propedit svn:ignore .+
Commit the changes for example in the command line with \verb+svn commit -m+ to the repository. It is also possible to use wildcards, e.\,g., if you want to ignore all vtu-files in your application folder in dumux-devel add \verb+'*.vtu'+ to the SVN ignore properties. Remember that such an ignore is only allowed in dumux-devel and not in the stable dumux.
\textbf{Second}: It is good practice that every header includes everything it uses by itself and does not rely on the includes from headers that are included by themselves. This can be tested with \texttt{make headercheck} and should be done before committing to stable dumux. To test a specific header, use \texttt{make} \texttt{headercheck} \texttt{HEADER=} and add the header's path.
\textbf{Third}: Run \texttt{make doc} in the \texttt{\$DUMUX\_ROOT} directory to generate the class documentation by Doxygen. Have a look into \texttt{\$DUMUX\_ROOT/doc/doxygen/doxyerror.log} whether one of your files have errors or are causing warnings. Please fix them.