- [ ] Update all install scripts and the install text in the handbook
- [ ] Update all install scripts and the install text in the handbook
- [ ] Header check (run `make headercheck`)
- [ ] Header check (run `make headercheck`)
- [ ] Re-generate parameter list (`bin/doc/generate_parameterlist.py`) and check log file (maybe manual updates to `bin/doc/docextra/parameters.json` are needed)
- [ ] Re-generate parameter list (`bin/doc/generate_parameterlist.py`) and check log file (maybe manual updates to `bin/doc/docextra/parameters.json` are needed)
- [ ] Make sure the CMakeLists.txt in `dumux` subfolder are up-to-date (generated with `bin/utils/create_cmakelists.py`, dumux `make install` should result in a usable installed dumux version)
- [ ] Make sure the CMakeLists.txt in `dumux` subfolder are up-to-date (generated with `bin/create_cmakelists.py`, dumux `make install` should result in a usable installed dumux version)
- [ ] Create release branches
- [ ] Create release branches
- [ ] Configure CI to test release branch
- [ ] Configure CI to test release branch
- [ ] Local Testing (different compilers and dependency setups)
- [ ] Local Testing (different compilers and dependency setups)