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Commit 0ca78590 authored by Ned Coltman's avatar Ned Coltman
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Merge branch 'fix/BJS-velocity-calculation' into 'master'

Fix/bjs velocity calculation

See merge request !1798
parents d537957e 581bf687
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1 merge request!1798Fix/bjs velocity calculation
......@@ -91,11 +91,17 @@ public:
//! export the type of the local view
using LocalView = typename Traits::template LocalView<ThisType, cachingEnabled>;
StaggeredGridFluxVariablesCache(const Problem& problem, const std::string& paramGroup = "")
[[deprecated("Will be removed after 3.2. Use StaggeredGridFluxVariablesCache(problem) instead.")]]
StaggeredGridFluxVariablesCache(const Problem& problem, const std::string& paramGroup)
: problemPtr_(&problem)
, staggeredUpwindMethods_(paramGroup)
StaggeredGridFluxVariablesCache(const Problem& problem)
: problemPtr_(&problem)
, staggeredUpwindMethods_(problem.paramGroup())
// When global caching is enabled, precompute transmissibilities and stencils for all the scv faces
template<class GridGeometry, class GridVolumeVariables, class SolutionVector>
void update(const GridGeometry& gridGeometry,
......@@ -181,9 +187,9 @@ public:
//! export the type of the local view
using LocalView = typename Traits::template LocalView<ThisType, cachingEnabled>;
StaggeredGridFluxVariablesCache(const Problem& problem, const std::string& paramGroup = "")
StaggeredGridFluxVariablesCache(const Problem& problem)
: problemPtr_(&problem)
, staggeredUpwindMethods_(paramGroup)
, staggeredUpwindMethods_(problem.paramGroup())
// When global caching is enabled, precompute transmissibilities and stencils for all the scv faces
......@@ -412,9 +412,9 @@ private:
if (ownScvf.hasParallelNeighbor(oppositeSubFaceIdx, 0))
momenta[2] = faceVars.velocityParallel(oppositeSubFaceIdx, 0) * insideVolVars.density();
momenta[2] = getParallelVelocityFromOtherBoundary_(problem, fvGeometry, ownScvf,
oppositeSubFaceIdx, element,
(momenta[1]/insideVolVars.density())) * insideVolVars.density();
momenta[2] = getParallelVelocityFromOppositeBoundary_(problem, element, fvGeometry, ownScvf,
faceVars, currentScvfBoundaryTypes,
oppositeSubFaceIdx) * insideVolVars.density();
......@@ -428,9 +428,10 @@ private:
const Element& elementParallel = fvGeometry.gridGeometry().element(lateralFace.outsideScvIdx());
const SubControlVolumeFace& firstParallelScvf = fvGeometry.scvf(lateralFace.outsideScvIdx(), ownScvf.localFaceIdx());
momenta[2] = getParallelVelocityFromOtherBoundary_(problem, fvGeometry, firstParallelScvf,
localSubFaceIdx, elementParallel,
(momenta[1]/outsideVolVars.density())) * outsideVolVars.density();
momenta[2] = getParallelVelocityFromOppositeBoundary_(problem, elementParallel, fvGeometry, firstParallelScvf,
faceVars, problem.boundaryTypes(elementParallel, firstParallelScvf),
localSubFaceIdx) * outsideVolVars.density();
......@@ -579,26 +580,22 @@ private:
const int localSubFaceIdx)
// Find out what boundary type is set on the lateral face
const bool lateralFaceHasDirichletPressure = lateralFaceBoundaryTypes && lateralFaceBoundaryTypes->isDirichlet(Indices::pressureIdx);
const bool useZeroGradient = lateralFaceBoundaryTypes && (lateralFaceBoundaryTypes->isSymmetry()
|| lateralFaceBoundaryTypes->isDirichlet(Indices::pressureIdx));
const bool lateralFaceHasBJS = lateralFaceBoundaryTypes && lateralFaceBoundaryTypes->isBJS(Indices::velocity(scvf.directionIndex()));
const bool lateralFaceHasDirichletVelocity = lateralFaceBoundaryTypes && lateralFaceBoundaryTypes->isDirichlet(Indices::velocity(scvf.directionIndex()));
const Scalar velocitySelf = faceVars.velocitySelf();
// If there is a Dirichlet condition for the pressure we assume zero gradient for the velocity,
// so the velocity at the boundary equal to that on the scvf.
if (lateralFaceHasDirichletPressure)
if (useZeroGradient)
return velocitySelf;
if (lateralFaceHasBJS)
const auto eIdx = scvf.insideScvIdx();
const auto& lateralFace = fvGeometry.scvf(eIdx, scvf.pairData(localSubFaceIdx).localLateralFaceIdx);
const Scalar velocityGrad_ji = VelocityGradients::velocityGradJI(problem, element, fvGeometry, scvf, faceVars,
currentScvfBoundaryTypes, lateralFaceBoundaryTypes, localSubFaceIdx);
return VelocityGradients::beaversJosephVelocityAtLateralScvf(problem, element, fvGeometry, scvf, faceVars,
currentScvfBoundaryTypes, lateralFaceBoundaryTypes, localSubFaceIdx);
const SubControlVolume& scv = fvGeometry.scv(scvf.insideScvIdx());
return problem.beaversJosephVelocity(element, scv, lateralFace, velocitySelf, velocityGrad_ji);
else if(lateralFaceHasDirichletVelocity)
// ________________
// ---------------o || frontal face of staggered half-control-volume
......@@ -612,6 +609,11 @@ private:
const auto ghostFace = makeParallelGhostFace_(scvf, localSubFaceIdx);
return problem.dirichlet(element, ghostFace)[Indices::velocity(scvf.directionIndex())];
// Neumann conditions are not well implemented
DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Something went wrong with the boundary conditions for the momentum equations at global position " << fvGeometry.scvf(scvf.insideScvIdx(), scvf.pairData(localSubFaceIdx).localLateralFaceIdx).center());
......@@ -623,60 +625,36 @@ private:
* \param boundaryElement The element that is on the boundary
* \param parallelVelocity The velocity over scvf
static Scalar getParallelVelocityFromOtherBoundary_(const Problem& problem,
const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
const SubControlVolumeFace& scvf,
const int localIdx,
const Element& boundaryElement,
const Scalar parallelVelocity)
static Scalar getParallelVelocityFromOppositeBoundary_(const Problem& problem,
const Element& element,
const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
const SubControlVolumeFace& scvf,
const FaceVariables& faceVars,
const Dune::Std::optional<BoundaryTypes>& currentScvfBoundaryTypes,
const int localOppositeSubFaceIdx)
// A ghost subface at the boundary is created, featuring the location of the sub face's center
const SubControlVolumeFace& lateralScvf = fvGeometry.scvf(scvf.insideScvIdx(), scvf.pairData(localIdx).localLateralFaceIdx);
GlobalPosition lateralBoundaryFaceCenter = scvf.pairData(localIdx).lateralStaggeredFaceCenter +;
lateralBoundaryFaceCenter *= 0.5;
const SubControlVolumeFace& lateralOppositeScvf = fvGeometry.scvf(scvf.insideScvIdx(), scvf.pairData(localOppositeSubFaceIdx).localLateralFaceIdx);
GlobalPosition center = scvf.pairData(localOppositeSubFaceIdx).lateralStaggeredFaceCenter +;
center *= 0.5;
// ________________
// --------####o### || frontal face of staggered half-control-volume
// | || | current scvf # lateralBoundaryFace of interest, lies on lateral boundary
// lateral face # lateralFace currently being assembled
// --------######## || frontal face of staggered half-control-volume
// | || | current scvf % lateralOppositeBoundaryFace of interest, lies on boundary
// | || | x dof position
// | || x~~~~> vel.Self -- element boundaries
// | || | __ domain boundary
// | || | o position at which the boundary conditions will be evaluated
// ---------------- (lateralBoundaryFaceCenter)
// --------%%%c%%%o
// ________________ c center of opposite boundary face
const SubControlVolumeFace lateralBoundaryFace = lateralScvf.makeBoundaryFace(lateralBoundaryFaceCenter);
// The boundary condition is checked, in case of symmetry or Dirichlet for the pressure
// a gradient of zero is assumed in the direction normal to the bounadry, while if there is
// Dirichlet of BJS for the velocity the related values are exploited.
const auto bcTypes = problem.boundaryTypes(boundaryElement, lateralBoundaryFace);
// Get the boundary types of the lateral opposite boundary face
const auto lateralOppositeFaceBoundaryTypes = problem.boundaryTypes(element, lateralOppositeScvf.makeBoundaryFace(center));
if (bcTypes.isDirichlet(Indices::velocity(scvf.directionIndex())))
// ________________
// --------#######o || frontal face of staggered half-control-volume
// | || | current scvf # lateralBoundaryFace of interest, lies on lateral boundary
// | || | x dof position
// | || x~~~~> vel.Self -- element boundaries
// | || | __ domain boundary
// | || | o position at which the boundary conditions will be evaluated
// ----------------
const SubControlVolumeFace ghostFace = makeParallelGhostFace_(scvf, localIdx);
return problem.dirichlet(boundaryElement, ghostFace)[Indices::velocity(scvf.directionIndex())];
else if (bcTypes.isSymmetry() || bcTypes.isDirichlet(Indices::pressureIdx))
return parallelVelocity;
else if (bcTypes.isBJS(Indices::velocity(scvf.directionIndex())))
const SubControlVolume& scv = fvGeometry.scv(scvf.insideScvIdx());
return problem.beaversJosephVelocity(boundaryElement, scv, lateralScvf, parallelVelocity, 0.0);
// Neumann conditions are not well implemented
DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Something went wrong with the boundary conditions for the momentum equations at global position " << lateralBoundaryFaceCenter);
return getParallelVelocityFromBoundary_(problem, element, fvGeometry, scvf,
faceVars, currentScvfBoundaryTypes, lateralOppositeFaceBoundaryTypes,
//! helper function to conveniently create a ghost face which is outside the domain, parallel to the scvf of interest
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