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Commit 177ea2a4 authored by Dennis Gläser's avatar Dennis Gläser
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[mpfa][ivdatahandle] get rid of resize overload for surface grids

parent d5c75864
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2 merge requests!1337WIP Fix/dirichlet caching v2,!1298Restructure mpfa flux caches
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public:
template<class MatVecTraits, class PhysicsTraits, bool EnableAdvection>
class AdvectionDataHandle
// export matrix & vector types from interaction volume
// obtain matrix & vector types from interaction volume
using AMatrix = typename MatVecTraits::AMatrix;
using CMatrix = typename MatVecTraits::CMatrix;
using TMatrix = typename MatVecTraits::TMatrix;
......@@ -59,74 +59,42 @@ class AdvectionDataHandle
//! prepare data handle for subsequent fill (normal grids)
template< class IV,
std::enable_if_t<(IV::Traits::GridView::dimension==IV::Traits::GridView::dimensionworld), int> = 0>
void resize(const IV& iv)
// resize transmissibility matrix & pressure vectors
resizeMatrix(T_, iv.numFaces(), iv.numKnowns());
for (unsigned int pIdx = 0; pIdx < numPhases; ++pIdx)
resizeVector(p_[pIdx], iv.numKnowns());
// maybe resize gravity container
static const bool enableGravity = getParam<bool>("Problem.EnableGravity");
if (enableGravity)
resizeMatrix(CA_, iv.numFaces(), iv.numUnknowns());
for (unsigned int pIdx = 0; pIdx < numPhases; ++pIdx)
resizeVector(g_[pIdx], iv.numFaces());
//! prepare data handle for subsequent fill (surface grids)
template< class IV,
std::enable_if_t<(IV::Traits::GridView::dimension<IV::Traits::GridView::dimensionworld), int> = 0>
//! prepare data handle for subsequent fill
template< class IV >
void resize(const IV& iv)
using LocalIndexType = typename IV::Traits::IndexSet::LocalIndexType;
static const bool enableGravity = getParam<bool>("Problem.EnableGravity");
if (!enableGravity)
resizeMatrix(T_, iv.numFaces(), iv.numKnowns());
// resize matrices
resizeMatrix(T_, iv.numFaces(), iv.numKnowns());
resizeMatrix(A_, iv.numUnknowns(), iv.numUnknowns());
resizeMatrix(CA_, iv.numFaces(), iv.numUnknowns());
for (unsigned int pIdx = 0; pIdx < numPhases; ++pIdx)
resizeVector(p_[pIdx], iv.numKnowns());
for (LocalIndexType i = 0; i < iv.numFaces(); ++i)
const auto numNeighbors = iv.localScvf(i).neighboringLocalScvIndices().size() - 1;
for (LocalIndexType j = 0; j < numNeighbors; ++j)
resizeVector(outsideT_[i][j], iv.numKnowns());
// lambdas to resize a vector
auto resizeToNumFaces = [&iv] (auto& v) { resizeVector(v, iv.numFaces()); };
auto resizeToNumKnowns = [&iv] (auto& v) { resizeVector(v, iv.numKnowns()); };
// resize pressure/gravity vector
std::for_each(p_.begin(), p_.end(), resizeToNumKnowns);
std::for_each(g_.begin(), g_.end(), resizeToNumFaces);
// on surface grids, resize additional containers
static constexpr int dim = IV::Traits::GridView::dimension;
static constexpr int dimWorld = IV::Traits::GridView::dimensionworld;
if (dim < dimWorld)
resizeMatrix(T_, iv.numFaces(), iv.numKnowns());
resizeMatrix(CA_, iv.numFaces(), iv.numUnknowns());
resizeMatrix(A_, iv.numUnknowns(), iv.numUnknowns());
std::for_each(outsideG_.begin(), outsideG_.end(), resizeToNumFaces);
for (unsigned int pIdx = 0; pIdx < numPhases; ++pIdx)
resizeVector(p_[pIdx], iv.numKnowns());
resizeVector(g_[pIdx], iv.numFaces());
// resize the entries for each face
for (LocalIndexType i = 0; i < iv.numFaces(); ++i)
const auto numNeighbors = iv.localScvf(i).neighboringLocalScvIndices().size() - 1;
const auto& localScvf = iv.localScvf(i);
const auto numNeighbors = localScvf.neighboringLocalScvIndices().size()-1;
for (unsigned int pIdx = 0; pIdx < numPhases; ++pIdx)
resizeVector(outsideG_[pIdx][i], numNeighbors);
for (LocalIndexType j = 0; j < numNeighbors; ++j)
resizeVector(outsideT_[i][j], iv.numKnowns());
std::for_each(outsideT_[i].begin(), outsideT_[i].end(), resizeToNumKnowns);
std::for_each(outsideG_.begin(), outsideG_.end(), [&] (auto& v) { resizeVector(v[i], numNeighbors); });
......@@ -135,7 +103,7 @@ public:
const CellVector& pressures(unsigned int pIdx) const { return p_[pIdx]; }
CellVector& pressures(unsigned int pIdx) { return p_[pIdx]; }
//! Access to the gravitational flux contributions for one phase
//! The gravitational flux contributions for a phase on all faces
const FaceVector& gravity(unsigned int pIdx) const { return g_[pIdx]; }
FaceVector& gravity(unsigned int pIdx) { return g_[pIdx]; }
......@@ -143,15 +111,16 @@ public:
const std::array< FaceVector, numPhases >& gravity() const { return g_; }
std::array< FaceVector, numPhases >& gravity() { return g_; }
//! Projection matrix for gravitational acceleration
//! Projection matrix for Neumann/gravity contribution computation
const CMatrix& advectionCA() const { return CA_; }
CMatrix& advectionCA() { return CA_; }
//! Additional projection matrix needed on surface grids
//! Inverse of the iv-local system matrix
const AMatrix& advectionA() const { return A_; }
AMatrix& advectionA() { return A_; }
//! The transmissibilities associated with advective fluxes
//! The transmissibility matrix (i.e. C*(A^-1)*B + D)
const TMatrix& advectionT() const { return T_; }
TMatrix& advectionT() { return T_; }
......@@ -168,9 +137,9 @@ public:
OutsideGravityStorage& gravityOutside(unsigned int pIdx) { return outsideG_[pIdx]; }
TMatrix T_; //!< The transmissibilities such that f_i = T_ij*p_j
CMatrix CA_; //!< Matrix to project gravitational acceleration to all scvfs
AMatrix A_; //!< Matrix additionally needed for the projection on surface grids
TMatrix T_; //!< The transmissibilities such that f_i = T_ij*p_j (... + Neumann/gravity contributions)
AMatrix A_; //!< Inverse of the iv-local system matrix (needed e.g. for face pressure reconstruction)
CMatrix CA_; //!< A_ right multiplied to C (needed e.g. for Neumann/gravity contribution computation)
std::array< CellVector, numPhases > p_; //!< The interaction volume-wide phase pressures
std::array< FaceVector, numPhases > g_; //!< The gravitational acceleration at each scvf (only for enabled gravity)
std::vector< std::vector<CellVector> > outsideT_; //!< The transmissibilities for "outside" faces (only on surface grids)
......@@ -313,9 +282,10 @@ class HeatConductionDataHandle<MatVecTraits, PhysicsTraits, false> : public Empt
* \tparam PT The physics traits collecting data on the physical processes to be considered
template<class MVT, class PT>
class InteractionVolumeDataHandle : public AdvectionDataHandle<MVT, PT, PT::enableAdvection>,
public DiffusionDataHandle<MVT, PT, PT::enableMolecularDiffusion>,
public HeatConductionDataHandle<MVT, PT, PT::enableHeatConduction>
class InteractionVolumeDataHandle
: public AdvectionDataHandle<MVT, PT, PT::enableAdvection>
, public DiffusionDataHandle<MVT, PT, PT::enableMolecularDiffusion>
, public HeatConductionDataHandle<MVT, PT, PT::enableHeatConduction>
using AdvectionHandle = AdvectionDataHandle<MVT, PT, PT::enableAdvection>;
using DiffusionHandle = DiffusionDataHandle<MVT, PT, PT::enableMolecularDiffusion>;
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