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Commit 1aa87827 authored by Simon Emmert's avatar Simon Emmert
Browse files

[doxygen] add new style, new modules.txt, adapt parameterlist, change

parent eefb6887
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2 merge requests!680[doxygen] add new style, new modules.txt, adapt parameterlist, change,!617[WIP] Next
......@@ -2,51 +2,72 @@
# 1. obtain a list new_parameters.csv of all current parameters
# retrieve all occurrences of GET_PARAM and GET_RUNTIME_PARAM
find dumux/ -name '*.[ch][ch]' -exec grep 'GET_PARAM' {} \; | sort -u >new_parameters.csv
find dumux/ -name '*.[ch][ch]' -exec grep 'GET_RUNTIME_PARAM' {} \; | sort -u >>new_parameters.csv
# remove all lines containing CSTRING
sed -i '/CSTRING/d' new_parameters.csv
find dumux/ -name '*.[ch][ch]' -exec awk '/getParam</,/;/' {} \; >new_parameters.csv
find dumux/ -name '*.[ch][ch]' -exec awk '/getParamFromGroup</,/;/' {} \; >>new_parameters.csv
#add \ to lines not ending with ;
sed -i '/\;$/!s/$/\\/' new_parameters.csv
# move lines with \ to previous line
sed -i ':x; /\\$/ { N; s/\\\n//; tx }' new_parameters.csv
# remove #define's
sed -i '/#define/d' new_parameters.csv
# remove everything before GET_PARAM and GET_RUNTIME_PARAM
sed -i 's/^.*GET_PARAM/GET_PARAM/' new_parameters.csv
sed -i 's/^.*GET_RUNTIME_PARAM/GET_RUNTIME_PARAM/' new_parameters.csv
# remove everything before and including first comma
awk '{print substr($0,index($0,",")+1)}' new_parameters.csv >tmp.txt
sed -i 's/^.*getParam/getParam/' new_parameters.csv
# remove everything before and including first <
awk '{print substr($0,index($0,"<")+1)}' new_parameters.csv >tmp.txt
mv tmp.txt new_parameters.csv
# remove leading whitespace
sed -i 's/^[ \t]*//' new_parameters.csv
# remove everything after and including paranthesis
sed -i 's/).*//' new_parameters.csv
# remove all blanks
sed -i 's/ //g' new_parameters.csv
#change unsigned to int
sed -i 's/unsigned int/int/' new_parameters.csv
sed -i 's/unsignedint/int/' new_parameters.csv
sed -i 's/unsigned/int/' new_parameters.csv
#remove everything after last )
sed -i 's/\(.*\)).*/\1 /' new_parameters.csv
#remove everything after last {
sed -i 's/{.*$//' new_parameters.csv
# sort uniquely
sort -u new_parameters.csv -o new_parameters.csv
# keep only the lines containing two commas
sed -i '/,.*,/!d' new_parameters.csv
# append types to the end of the lines
sed -i '/^bool,/ s/$/, bool/' new_parameters.csv
sed -i '/^double,/ s/$/, double/' new_parameters.csv
sed -i 's/unsigned int/int/' new_parameters.csv
sed -i 's/unsigned/int/' new_parameters.csv
sed -i '/^int,/ s/$/, int/' new_parameters.csv
sed -i '/^Scalar,/ s/$/, Scalar/' new_parameters.csv
sed -i '/^std::string,/ s/$/, std::string/' new_parameters.csv
# remove types from the beginning of the lines
sed -i 's/bool,//' new_parameters.csv
sed -i 's/double,//' new_parameters.csv
sed -i 's/int,//' new_parameters.csv
sed -i 's/Scalar,//' new_parameters.csv
sed -i 's/std::string,//' new_parameters.csv
# remove all blanks
sed -i 's/ //g' new_parameters.csv
# add blanks after every comma
sed -i 's/,/, /g' new_parameters.csv
sed -i 's/\(bool.*\)\(>.*\)/\2 \1/' new_parameters.csv
sed -i 's/\(double.*\)\(>.*\)/\2 \1/' new_parameters.csv
sed -i 's/\(int.*\)\(>.*\)/\2 \1/' new_parameters.csv
sed -i 's/\(Scalar.*\)\(>.*\)/\2 \1/' new_parameters.csv
sed -i 's/\(GlobalPosition.*\)\(>.*\)/\2 \1/' new_parameters.csv
sed -i 's/\(CoordinateType.*\)\(>.*\)/\2 \1/' new_parameters.csv
sed -i 's/\(CellArray.*\)\(>.*\)/\2 \1/' new_parameters.csv
sed -i 's/\(Dune::.*\)\(>.*\)/\2 \1/' new_parameters.csv
sed -i 's/\(std::.*\)\(>.*\)/\2 \1/' new_parameters.csv
#remove everything until first "
sed -i 's/[^"]*"//' new_parameters.csv
# move everything between , and BLANK to end of the lines
sed -i 's/\(,.*\)\( .*\)/\2 \1/' new_parameters.csv
# remove all "))
sed -i 's/"))//g' new_parameters.csv
# remove all ")
sed -i 's/")//g' new_parameters.csv
# remove all "
sed -i 's/"//g' new_parameters.csv
#remove all ,
sed -i 's/,//g' new_parameters.csv
#remove frist . in every line
sed -i 's/\./\ /' new_parameters.csv
#replace double blank by single blank
sed -i 's/ */ /g' new_parameters.csv
# sort uniquely
sort -u new_parameters.csv -o new_parameters.csv
# remove lines containing no parameter names
sed -i '/, , /d' new_parameters.csv
#adapt to doxygen format
#adapt to doxygen format:
#add final blank
sed -i '/\ $/!s/$/ /' new_parameters.csv
#replace blank with |
sed -i 's/ / | /g' new_parameters.csv
#add starting * |
sed -i 's/^/ * | /' new_parameters.csv
sed -i 's/, / | /g' new_parameters.csv
#add final | if not there 4th to 6th |)
sed -i '/\ |$/!s/$/|/' new_parameters.csv
#add 5th | if still missing
sed -i '/\ |.*|.*|.*|.*|$/!s/$/ |/' new_parameters.csv
#add 6th | if still missing
sed -i '/\ |.*|.*|.*|.*|.*|$/!s/$/ |/' new_parameters.csv
# 2. obtain a list old_parameters.csv of all old parameters
cp -v doc/doxygen/extradoc/parameterlist.txt old_parameters.csv
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......@@ -19,19 +19,27 @@ IMAGE_PATH = @srcdir@/images
EXTRA_PACKAGES += amsmath,amssymb,units
LAYOUT_FILE = @srcdir@/DoxygenDumuxLayout.xml
ALIASES += "warning=\xrefitem warning \"Warning List\" \"Warning List\""
HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET = @srcdir@/customdoxygendumux.css
ALIASES += "warning=\xrefitem warning \"Warning List\" \"Warning List\""
# enable client side searching
# the bibliography file used for the doxygen documentation
CITE_BIB_FILES = @top_srcdir@/doc/handbook/dumux-handbook.bib
CITE_BIB_FILES = @top_srcdir@/doc/handbook/dumux-handbook.bib
# enable macro expansion only for specified macros
PREDEFINED += "DUNE_DEPRECATED:=/** \deprecated */" \
PREDEFINED += "DUNE_DEPRECATED:=/** \deprecated */" \
"DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG(A):=/** \deprecated A */"
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -8,138 +8,107 @@
* but we point out that a certain model might not be able
* to use every parameter!
* | Group | Parameter | Type | Default Value | Explanation |
* | :- | :- | :- | :- | :-
* | - | ParameterFile | std::string | executable.input | name of the parameter file |
* | \b BoundaryLayer | Model | int | 0 | 0 for none, 1 Blasius, 2 and 3 turbulent BL, 9 constant thickness |
* | | ConstThickness | Scalar | - | constant BL thickness (BL model 9) |
* | | Offset | Scalar | - | virtual run-up distance for BL models |
* | | RoughnessLength | Scalar | - | Equivalent sand grain roughness [m] |
* | | YPlus | Scalar | - | Conversion factor between dimensionless wall distance y^+ and actual wall distance |
* | \b FreeFlow | RefMassfrac | Scalar | - | free stream water vapor mass fraction |
* | | RefTemperature | Scalar | - | free stream temperature |
* | | RefVelocity | Scalar | - | free stream velocity |
* | \b Grid | File | std::string | - | name of the grid file, if a corresponding GridCreator is used |
* | | InterfacePosX | Scalar | 0.0 | x-coordinate of the refinement point/line (only Interface-GridCreator) |
* | | InterfacePosY | Scalar | 0.0 | y-coordinate of the refinement point/line (only Interface-GridCreator) |
* | | LowerLeft | globalPosition | - | coordinates of the lower front left corner for the Cube/Simplex/Interface-GridCreator |
* | | Cells | globalPosition | - | number of cells in respective coordinate directions for the Cube/SimplexGridCreator |
* | | RefineTopX | bool | false | Refine to the right of the domain (only Interface-GridCreator) |
* | | RefineTopY | bool | false | Refine to the top of the domain (only Interface-GridCreator) |
* | | UpperRight | globalPosition | - | coordinates of the upper back right corner for the Cube/Simplex/Interface-GridCreator |
* | \b GridAdapt | AdaptionInterval | int | 1 | time step interval for adaption |
* | | CoarsenPercentileFlux | Scalar | 0.2 | percentile of cells coarsened because of flux criterion |
* | | CoarsenPercentileSat | Scalar | 0.2 | percentile of cells coarsened because of saturation criterion |
* | | CoarsenThresholdFlux | Scalar | 0.2 | flux threshold for coarsening cells |
* | | CoarsenThresholdSat | Scalar | 0.2 | saturation threshold for coarsening cells |
* | | CoarsenTolerance | Scalar | 0.001 | tolerance for coarsening |
* | | EnableInitializationIndicator | bool | false | switch the use of initial grid adaption on/off |
* | | EnableMultiPointFluxApproximation | bool | true | hangingNode: Two-point flux approximation (false) or MPFA (true) |
* | | MaxInteractionVolumes | int | 4 | maximum number of interaction regions used |
* | | MaxLevel | int | 1 | maximum allowed level |
* | | MinLevel | int | 0 | mimimum allowed level |
* | | RefineAtDirichletBC | bool | false | switch for refinement at Dirichlet BC's -> not used by all indicators! |
* | | RefineAtFluxBC | bool | false | switch for refinement at Neumann BC's -> not used by all indicators! |
* | | RefineAtSource | bool | false | switch for refinement at sources -> not used by all indicators! |
* | | RefinePercentileFlux | Scalar | 0.8 | percentile of cells refined because of flux criterion |
* | | RefinePercentileSat | Scalar | 0.8 | percentile of cells refined because of saturation criterion |
* | | RefineThresholdFlux | Scalar | 0.8 | flux threshold for refining cells |
* | | RefineThresholdSat | Scalar | 0.8 | saturation threshold for refining cells |
* | | RefineTolerance | Scalar | 0.05 | tolerance for refinement |
* | \b Impet | CFLFactor | Scalar | 1 | scalar factor for additional scaling of the time step |
* | | DtVariationRestrictionFactor | Scalar | std::numeric_limits<double>::max() | |
* | | EnableVolumeIntegral | bool | true | enables volume integral in the pressure equation (volume balance formulation) |
* | | ErrorTermFactor | Scalar | 0.5 | scaling factor for the error term |
* | | ErrorTermLowerBound | Scalar | 0.1 (2p), 0.2 (2p2c) | lower threshold used for the error term evaluation |
* | | ErrorTermUpperBound | Scalar | 0.9 | upper threshold used for the error term evaluation |
* | | IterationFlag | int | 0 | 0 = no iterations, 1 = iterate IterationNumber iterations, 2 = iterate until converged or IterationNumber is reached |
* | | IterationNumber | int | 2 | number of iterations if IMPET iterations are enabled by the IterationFlags |
* | | MaximumDefect | Scalar | 1.00E-005 | maximum Defect if IMPET iterations are enabled by the IterationFlags |
* | | PorosityThreshold | Scalar | 1e-6 | |
* | | RelaxationFactor | Scalar | 1 | 1 = new solution is new solution, 0 = old solution is new solution |
* | | RestrictFluxInTransport | int | 0 | restrict flux if direction reverses after pressure equation |
* | | SubCFLFactor | Scalar | 1 | CFL factor for local time-stepping |
* | | SwitchNormals | bool | false | |
* | \b Implicit | EnableHints | bool | false | use the already calculated solutions as starting values of the volume variables |
* | | EnableJacobianRecycling | bool | false | specify whether the jacobian matrix of the last iteration of a time step should be reused |
* | | EnablePartialReassemble | bool | false | specify whether the jacobian matrix should be only reassembled for elements where at least one vertex is above the specified tolerance |
* | | EnableSmoothUpwinding | bool | false | use the smooth upwinding method (MPNC only) |
* | | MassUpwindWeight | Scalar | 1 (0.5 for 1p) | value of the weight of the upwind direction in the mass conservation equations |
* | | MaxTimeStepDivisions | int | 10 | |
* | | MobilityUpwindWeight | Scalar | 1 (0.5 for 1p) | weight for the upwind mobility in the velocity calculation |
* | | NumericDifferenceMethod | int | 1 | which kind of method should be used to numerically calculate the partial derivatives of the residual (1: forward, 0: central, -1: backward) |
* | | UseTwoPointFlux | bool | false | indicates whether two-point flux should be used |
* | | WithStabilization | bool | true | |
* | \b LinearSolver | GMResRestart | int | 10 | restart parameter for GMRes |
* | | MaxIterations | double | 250 (imp), 500 (dec) | maximum number of iterations of solver |
* | | PreconditionerIterations | int | 1 | number of preconditioner iterations per solver iteration |
* | | PreconditionerRelaxation | double | 1 | relaxation parameter for the preconditioner |
* | | ResidualReduction | double | 1e-6 (imp), 1e-13 (dec) | target reduction of the initial residual |
* | | Verbosity | int | 0 | specifies the verbosity of the linear solver |
* | \b MassTransfer | Model | int | 0 | 0 for none, 1 power law, 2 Schluender model |
* | | CharPoreRadius | Scalar | - | parameter for Schluender mass-transfer model |
* | | Coefficient | Scalar | - | mass transfer coefficient for S^MTC |
* | \b MPFA | CalcVelocityInTransport | bool | false | enable facewise velocity calculation in the transport step (less efficient!) |
* | | EnableComplexLStencil | bool | true | enable use of the two more complex (non-centered) L-shapes (3-d) |
* | | EnableSimpleLStencil | bool | true | enable use of the two simpler (centered) L-shapes (3-d) |
* | | EnableTPFA | bool | false | enable use of TPFA (3-d) if neighboring cells are of the same grid level |
* | | TransmissibilityCriterion | int | 0 | 0 = default criterion, 1 = accumulative criterion |
* | | TransmissibilityCriterionThreshold | Scalar | 1e-8 | threshold for transmissibility choice |
* | \b Newton | EnableChop | bool | true | chop the Newton update at the beginning of the non-linear solver (MPNC only) |
* | | EnableResidualCriterion | bool | false | declare convergence if the initial residual is reduced by the factor ResidualReduction |
* | | EnableShiftCriterion | bool | true | declare convergence if the primary variables differ by a maximum of MaxRelativeShift |
* | | MaxRelativeShift | Scalar | 1e-8 | tolerance for the shift criterion |
* | | MaxSteps | int | 18 | number of maximum iterations for the Newton method |
* | | MaxTimeStepDivisions | int | 10 | |
* | | ResidualReduction | Scalar | 1e-5 | tolerance for the residual criterion |
* | | SatisfyResidualAndShiftCriterion | bool | false | declare convergence only if both criteria are met |
* | | TargetSteps | int | 10 | number of iterations at which the Newton method should aim at |
* | | UseLineSearch | bool | false | specifies whether the update should be done using line search |
* | | WriteConvergence | bool | false | specifies whether the convergence rate and the global residual gets written out to disk for every Newton iteration |
* | \b Pardiso | NumProcessors | int | - | |
* | \b Problem | EnableGravity | bool | true | returns whether gravity is considered in the problem |
* | | GasDensity | Scalar | - | The density of the gas (only components/constant.hh) |
* | | GasKinematicViscosity | Scalar | - | The kinematic viscosity of the gas (only components/constant.hh) |
* | | LiquidDensity | Scalar | - | The density of the liquid (only components/constant.hh) |
* | | LiquidKinematicViscosity | Scalar | - | The kinematic viscosity of the liquid (only components/constant.hh) |
* | | Name | std::string | - | The name of the current problem, used for output |
* | | Salinity | Scalar | 1e-3 | |
* | \b SpatialParams | ForchCoeff | Scalar | 0.55 | property for the forchheimer coefficient |
* | \b Stokes | StabilizationAlpha | Scalar | 0 | parameter for the stabilization |
* | | StabilizationBeta | Scalar | 0 | parameter for the stabilization at boundaries |
* | \b TimeManager | DtInitial | Scalar | - | initial time step size |
* | | MaxTimeStepSize | Scalar | 1.00E+100 | maximum time step size |
* | | PrintParameters | bool | true | print used and unused parameters and their values at the end of the simulation |
* | | PrintProperties | bool | false | print used properties and their values at the end of the simulation |
* | | Restart | Scalar | false | use the restart mechanism |
* | | SubTimestepVerbosity | int | 0 | |
* | | TEnd | Scalar | - | the final time until the simulation should run |
* | \b Vtk | AddAverageMolarMass | bool | false | add average molar mass to output (MPNC only) |
* | | AddBoundaryTypes | bool | false | add boundary types to output (MPNC only) |
* | | AddDeltaP | bool | false | output of pressure minus a fixed value |
* | | AddDensities | bool | true | add densities to output (MPNC only) |
* | | AddEnthalpies | bool | true | add enthalpies to output (MPNC only) |
* | | AddFugacities | bool | false | add fugacities to output (MPNC only) |
* | | AddInternalEnergies | bool | false | add internal energies to output (MPNC only) |
* | | AddMassFractions | bool | false | add mass fractions to output (MPNC only) |
* | | AddMobilities | bool | true | add mobilities to output (MPNC only) |
* | | AddMolarities | bool | false | add molarities to output (MPNC only) |
* | | AddMoleFractions | bool | true | add mole fractions to output (MPNC only) |
* | | AddPermeability | bool | false | |
* | | AddPorosity | bool | true | add porosity to output (MPNC only) |
* | | AddPressures | bool | true | add pressures to output (MPNC only) |
* | | AddSaturations | bool | true | add saturations to output (MPNC only) |
* | | AddTemperatures | bool | false | add temperatures to output (MPNC only) |
* | | AddVelocity | bool | false | add velocity to output (2p(ni) and 2p2c(ni) only) |
* | | OutputLevel | int | 0 (2 for 2p2c) | Vtk output verbosity (0: only primary variables, >0 more depending on the model) |
* | | RockMechanicsSignConvention | bool | true | Compressive stress has positive sign |
* | \b ZeroEq | BBoxMaxSandGrainRoughness | Scalar | 0.0 | Equivalent sand grain roughness of the upper wall [m] |
* | | BBoxMinSandGrainRoughness | Scalar | 0.0 | Equivalent sand grain roughness of the lower wall [m] |
* | | EddyConductivityModel | int | 1 | The used eddy conductivity model (default = Reynolds analogy) |
* | | EddyDiffusivityModel | int | 1 | The used eddy diffusivity model (default = Reynolds analogy) |
* | | EddyViscosityModel | int | 1 | The used eddy viscosity model (default = Prandtl) |
* | | FlowNormal | int | 0 | Coordinate axis of main velocity entry |
* | | TurbulentPrandtlNumber | Scalar | 1.0 | Conversion between eddy viscosity and eddy conductivity |
* | | TurbulentSchmidtNumber | Scalar | 1.0 | Conversion between eddy viscosity and eddy diffusivity |
* | | WallNormal | int | 1 | Coordinate axis normal to the wall |
* | Group | Parameter | Type | Default Value | Explanation |
* | :- | :- | :- | :- | :- |
* | - | ParameterFile | std::string| executable.input | name of the parameter file |
* | \b Component | GasDensity | Scalar | 1.0 | |
* | | GasDiffusionCoefficient | Scalar | 1.0 | |
* | | GasKinematicViscosity | Scalar | 1.0 | |
* | | HenryComponentInWater | Scalar | 1.0 | |
* | | HenryWaterInComponent | Scalar | 1.0 | |
* | | LiquidDensity | Scalar | 1.0 | |
* | | LiquidDiffusionCoefficient | Scalar | 1.0 | |
* | | LiquidKinematicViscosity | Scalar | 1.0 | |
* | | MolarMass | Scalar | 1.0 | |
* | | Name | std::string | component | |
* | \b ElectroChemistry | ActivationBarrier | Scalar | | |
* | | CellVoltage | Scalar | | |
* | | MaxIterations | Scalar | | |
* | | NumElectrons | Scalar | | |
* | | pO2Inlet | Scalar | | |
* | | RefCurrentDensity | Scalar | | |
* | | RefO2PartialPressure | Scalar | | |
* | | RefTemperature | Scalar | | |
* | | ReversibleVoltage | Scalar | | |
* | | SpecificResistance | Scalar | | |
* | | SurfaceIncreasingFactor | Scalar | | |
* | | ThermoneutralVoltage | Scalar | | |
* | | TransferCoefficient | Scalar | | |
* | | TransportNumberH20 | Scalar | | |
* | \b Grid | Angular+std::to_string(i) | Scalar | | |
* | | Axial+std::to_string(i) | Scalar | | |
* | | BoundarySegments | bool | false | |
* | | Cells | CellArray | cells | |
* | | Cells | GlobalPosition | | |
* | | Cells | int | 1 | |
* | | Cells | intdim | cells | |
* | | Cellsstd::array< | | | |
* | | Cells+std::to_string(i) | int | cells[i] | |
* | | CellType | std::string | Cube | |
* | | ClosureType | std::string | Green | |
* | | Coordinates | std::vector<typenameGrid::ctype> | | |
* | | DomainMarkers | bool | false | |
* | | File | std::string | | |
* | | File | std::string | modelParamGroup | |
* | | Grading+std::to_string(i) | Scalar | grading[i] | |
* | | Grading+std::to_string(i) | std::vector<ctype> | grading[i] | |
* | | HeapSize | int | | |
* | | KeepPhysicalOverlap | bool | true | |
* | | LeftBoundary | CoordinateType | 0.0 | |
* | | LowerLeft | GlobalPosition | GlobalPosition(0.0) | |
* | | Overlap | int | 1 | |
* | | Partitioning | intdim | | |
* | | Periodicstd::bitset<dim | | | |
* | | Positions+std::to_string(i) | std::vector<ctype> | | |
* | | Radial+std::to_string(i) | Scalar | | |
* | | Refinement | int | | |
* | | RefinementType | std::string | Local | |
* | | RightBoundary | CoordinateType | | |
* | | UpperRight | Dune::FieldVector<ctdim> | | |
* | | UpperRight | GlobalPosition | | |
* | | UpperRight | GlobalPosition | GlobalPosition(0.0) | |
* | | Verbosity | bool | false | |
* | | WellRadius | Scalar | | |
* | \b Impet | ErrorTermFactor | Scalar | GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTagImpetErrorTermFactor) | |
* | | ErrorTermLowerBound | Scalar | GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTagImpetErrorTermLowerBound) | |
* | | ErrorTermUpperBound | Scalar | GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTagImpetErrorTermUpperBound) | |
* | \b Implicit | NumericDifferenceMethod | int | | |
* | | UpwindWeight | Scalar | | |
* | \b LinearSolver | GMResRestart | double | | |
* | | GMResRestart | int | | |
* | | MaxIterations | int | | |
* | | PreconditionerIterations | int | | |
* | | PreconditionerRelaxation | Scalar | | |
* | | ResidualReduction | Scalar | | |
* | | ResidualReduction | Scalar | 1e-6 | |
* | | Verbosity | int | | |
* | \b Mpfa | Q | Scalar | | |
* | \b Newton | EnableAbsoluteResidualCriterion | bool | | |
* | | EnableChop | bool | | |
* | | EnableResidualCriterion | bool | | |
* | | EnableShiftCriterion | bool | | |
* | | MaxAbsoluteResidual | Scalar | | |
* | | MaxRelativeShift | Scalar | | |
* | | MaxSteps | int | | |
* | | ResidualReduction | Scalar | | |
* | | SatisfyResidualAndShiftCriterion | bool | | |
* | | TargetSteps | int | | |
* | | UseLineSearch | bool | | |
* | \b Problem | AddVelocity | bool | | |
* | | EnableGravity | bool | | |
* | | Name | std::string | | |
* | | Salinity | Scalar | 1e-3 | |
* | | UsePrimaryVariableSwitch | bool | | |
* | \b SpatialParams | ForchCoeff | Scalar | 0.55 | |
* | | Tortuosity | Scalar | 0.5 | |
* | \b TimeLoop | Restart | double | | |
* | \b TimeManager | DtInitial | Scalar | | |
* | | MaxTimeStepSizestd::numeric_limits<Scalar> | | | |
* | | Restart | Scalar | | |
* | | TEnd | double | | |
* | | TEnd | Scalar | | |
* | \b Vtk | AddProcessRank | bool | | |
* | | AddVelocity | bool | | |
* | | OutputLevel | int | | |
* | | WriteFaceData | bool | false | |
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ documenting C/C++ code.
\section mods Modules
The best way to start is from the page <a href="modules.html">Modules</a> which gives
The best way to start is from the <a href="modules.html">Modules</a> page which gives
you access to the documentation by category.
\section params Parameters
This diff is collapsed.
# sanitizes the links to the given lists, because doxygen somehow links
# to a page with a wrong index
sanitizelinks () {
NEW_FILE=`grep -l "\"title\">$1" html/*html | egrep -o [0-9]+`
OLD_FILE=`awk -v a=$NEW_FILE 'BEGIN {printf("%05d", a-1)}'`
sed -i "s/$OLD_FILE/$NEW_FILE/g" html/*html
sanitizelinks "Todo List"
sanitizelinks "Bug List"
sanitizelinks "Deprecated List"
sanitizelinks "Bibliography"
#make the modules page default view clearer (toggleLevel(1))
sed -i 's/\(init_search();\)/\1 toggleLevel(1);/' html/modules.html
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