First, we define the type of initial and boundary conditions depending on location. Two types of boundary conditions
can be specified: Dirichlet and Neumann. On a Dirichlet boundary, the values of the primary variables need
First, we define the type of initial and boundary conditions depending on location.
Two types of boundary conditions can be specified: Dirichlet and Neumann. On a Dirichlet boundary,
the values of the primary variables need
to be fixed. On a Neumann boundary condition, values for derivatives need to be fixed.
When Dirichlet conditions are set for the pressure, the derivative of the velocity vector with respect to the direction normal to the boundary is automatically set to zero. This boundary condition is called in-/outflow
boundary condition in Dumux.
When Dirichlet conditions are set for the pressure, the derivative of the velocity
vector with respect to the direction normal to the boundary is automatically set to
zero. This boundary condition is called in-/outflow boundary condition in Dumux.
We create and initialize the finite volume grid geometry, the problem, the linear system, including the jacobian matrix, the residual and the solution vector and the gridvariables.
We need the finite volume geometry to build up the subcontrolvolumes (scv) and subcontrolvolume faces (scvf) for each element of the grid partition.
@@ -408,28 +444,14 @@ and then use the solution vector to intialize the `gridVariables`.
// We create and initialize the finite volume grid geometry, the problem, the linear system, including the jacobian matrix, the residual and the solution vector and the gridvariables.
// We need the finite volume geometry to build up the subcontrolvolumes (scv) and subcontrolvolume faces (scvf) for each element of the grid partition.
@@ -127,18 +142,6 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) try
IOFields::initOutputModule(vtkWriter);// Add model specific output fields