- Feb 10, 2017
*Account for new vtk output *Reduce number of timesteps
* Use correct pos and dofIdx
* Now provides void addPointData() to make usage more similar to existing writer * Will get an interface which allows use with dune sequence writer
* Add ref solution * Add L2 error norm function
* Use correct viscosity * Use correct yasp grid
* Use new SourceValues, BoundaryValues * Test not working yet
* Use new BoundaryValues class
* Add reference solution * clean-up problem * rename input file
* fix error (typo) in source-term * adapt to new interface
Not working yet!
* isWall function now also works in 3D
* Make discretization test compile again
* Can be accessed with regular priVar indices * In the problem, a helper type has to be used in order to specifiy the velocities as vectors
*Test may fail due to tiny velocity discrepancies (no flow involved in this test)
* Stokes (Re=1) and Navier-Stokes (Re=1000) flow regimes
*Tests now use a Dirichlet BC for the pressure to get unique results
*Same executable used for two different tests with different input files
*Lid-driven cavity *Hydrostatic pressure distribution
* Include no-slip Dirichlet BC * Remove unused code
* Do not write drs files * Pressure Dirichlet BC only on right side
*Naive implementation *Remove unused stuff
* Cell-center privars might be related to two or even more equations while face priVars will probably always be related to only one equation
* Do not inherit from ImplicitLocalResidual anymore
* Use FluidSystems::LiquidPhase instead of Dumux::LiquidPhase
*This is just a copy of the standard 1p test to have something that acutally compiles * Needs to be reworked completely!
*Stencils, assembler, fluxVars, etc.. *Almost everything needs to be reworked!
*Add index of parallel element *Rename outerParallel to outerParallelFaceDofIdx
* Now calculates the distance between the intersection itself and its opposing one
*Now calculates the pair distances *Some clean-up
* Now calculates the parallel pairs * Beautify test output