- May 10, 2018
Dennis Gläser authored
Dennis Gläser authored
Dennis Gläser authored
Dennis Gläser authored
Some of the interfaces were designed such that they are in agreement with the porous medium flow framework where we make them work for both cell-centered as well as the box scheme. In the geomechanics framework we now make use of the fact that cell-centered schemes are not considered and use more FEM-like interfaces for the parameters required for stress evaluations. This might enable us to rename/redefine these interfaces to work with both FEM as well as Box. However, if cell-centered schemes for geomechanics are to be implemented one day, the whole structure would have to be overthought.
- May 09, 2018
Dennis Gläser authored
Dennis Gläser authored
- May 08, 2018
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
[solidsystem][spatialparams] Improve interface functions and adapt and clean all spatialparams/problems
[references][2pncminbox] update reference solution for saltflushbox after introduction of solidsystem
The volumevariables derive now from the energyvolumevariables which set the solid propererties needed for nonisothermal models in the new solidstate Each model now also includes a solidstate (inert or compositional) and each problem a solidsystem. For nonreactive models the default is set to constant component where properties can be specified in the input file. The fluidsystems now do not have solid properties anymore. Each solid component now has all thermal properties which might depend on temperature.
- May 07, 2018
Timo Koch authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
- May 04, 2018
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
- May 03, 2018
With contributions of Farid Mohammadi <farid.mohammadi@iws.uni-stuttgart.de>.
- May 02, 2018
Dennis Gläser authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
- Apr 27, 2018
Kilian Weishaupt authored
* Do not pass base class as template parameter for compositional localRes and fluxVars * instead pass base class as template parameter for rans localRes and fluxVars
Timo Koch authored
Thanks to Kilian for contributing the actual change of all the test's spatial params!
- Apr 26, 2018
Thomas Fetzer authored
- Apr 25, 2018
Timo Koch authored
What was broken: The test used philtophob law which used the wrong residual saturations. It went into efftoabslaw with the non-wetting saturation so swr and snr where the wrong way around. It also overwrote the krw/krn function of the material law in use with a quadratic/cubic law. It also defined the capillary pressure negative but then it would be pc = pw-pn. What was fixed: Use the wettingPhase function instead to make the gas phase the wetting phase This changed: - the pw solution as swr and snr were corrected (the wrong way around pw was equal) - the pc solution because it is now positite - the mobilities as they didn't use the real van genuchten curves