- Feb 10, 2017
*remove unused code *introduce free function to get the direction index of a (axis-parallel) vector
*Add localFaceIdx in geometry helper *Comment out code which is potentially superfluous (to be deleted later)
* Use dirichtlet values from problem or assume zero gradient and use values from cell at boundary
*Comment-out boundary scvs in globalVolumeVariables (may be needed later) *Renaming in localJacobian to make clear we deflect volVars of element J
* Does not work yet and yields valgrind errors
*numbers were switched
*GeometryHelper: storing references to temporaries yields compiler warnings (clang) * massBalanceIdx should be 0 because we work on separate vector, not connected to momentum balance
*Same way as derivative of cc dofs w.r.t cc dofs
*Naive implementation *Remove unused stuff
* Remove (yet) ununsed functions * Account for inflow/outflow bcs for mass balance
* Cell-center privars might be related to two or even more equations while face priVars will probably always be related to only one equation
* Required to account e.g. for wall friction
* Do not inherit from ImplicitLocalResidual anymore
*Equivalent to volumevariables, but for faces
* Forgotten in previous commit
*Not needed since we use a multitype matrix
* Add Staggered to discretization methods * Fix minor issues
* Fixed bug in definition of multitype matrix
* Use FluidSystems::LiquidPhase instead of Dumux::LiquidPhase
*4 blocks: cellcenter/cellcenter cellcenter/face face/cellcenter face/face
*Provide: -cellCenterToCellCenterStencil -cellCenterToFaceStencil -faceToCellCenterStencil -faceToFaceStencil_
* Empty entries now get value -1
* Directly return a unique_ptr
*This is just a copy of the standard 1p test to have something that acutally compiles * Needs to be reworked completely!