- Nov 23, 2016
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
TODO * Box local residual * Darcy and Fickean flux vars
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
There are now stencils related to elements and stencils related to vertices. The element stencil for box e.g. contains all dof related to an element whereas the vertex stencil contains all dofs related to a vertex (==dof).
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Apparently returning sets by value is extremely slow. Return everything by reference. Try use insert. Eliminate map in localjacobian. * use stationary capability. We now have a speedup of 30%! im comparison to stable at solver dominated 300x300 cells.
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
* Boundary volvars are only needed/updated once per fluxvars instance. * The fluxes can be precomputed to be more efficient in composiitonial models. * The density has to be outisde the gradient operator in Fick's law!
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
The primary variable switch now updated the global volvars. In the newtonEndStep method in the model only those volvars need to be updated now that switched primary variables.
Timo Koch authored
* The immiscible folder contains files common to immiscible porousmediumflow. It now contains a general local residual for np flow * The compositional folder contains files common to the compositional porousmediumflow models. It now contains the privarswitch base class.
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
All three diffusion coeffficients were previously computed on each function call but only two are needed per phase.
Timo Koch authored
The diffusion coefficient computation consists of three steps. A scalar diffusion coefficient can be constant or computed depending on primary and secondary variables in a constitutive law. This is done for every volume variable once and thus in the volvars update. In a second step an effective diffusion coefficient in computed depending on saturation and porosity. In a third step (currently not implemented) a fibre structure could lead to anisotropic diffusion tensors. They could be provided in the current framework as normalized tensors per SCV by the spatial params and then scaled with the computed diffusion coefficient (see e.g. Linniger 2012).
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
This is used to update the secondary variables or perform variable switches
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
The flux variables are now named according to the physical processes they represent. There is an advection type (possbibly darcy, forchheimer, stokes) where currently darcy's law is implemented for CC TPFA. There is a diffusion type. This implements fickean diffusion. And a heat conduction type that could be implemented as Fourier's law. The latter two types are commonly of elliptic type like (D grad c) or (lambda grad T) where the first one is only elliptic for darcy's law (K grad P). The flux vars are specialized for models via the properties EnableAdvection, EnableDiffusion, and EnableHeatConduction. The contrasts (K, D, lambda) can be thus possibly precomputed.
Timo Koch authored
* introduce a variable switch property * derive the 3p3c switch from a base primary variable switch
Timo Koch authored
Instead of variables we have classes computing fluxes according to laws like darcy's law / fick's law / fourier's law.
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored