- Feb 10, 2017
* Stokes (Re=1) and Navier-Stokes (Re=1000) flow regimes
* Affects normal advective momentum flux and pressure term
*For Stokes/Navier-Stokes
*Tests now use a Dirichlet BC for the pressure to get unique results
* Treat boundaries on model-specific localResidual * Add support for Dirichlet BCs for velocity and presure
*Remove unused ones *introduce velocityIdx
*Same executable used for two different tests with different input files
*Lid-driven cavity *Hydrostatic pressure distribution
*Multiply by density *Use correct extrusion factor in volVars
* Use CCPriVars as type for ccResidual * Use FaceSolutionVector as type for daceResidual
*Hard coded values, has to be improved
* Include no-slip Dirichlet BC * Remove unused code
*Always take the velocity from the facevars (no Dirichlet values) to prevent zero entries in Jacobian *Account for up-wound velocity in normal momentum term
*Now also provides a vector
*For umfpack
* Do not write drs files * Pressure Dirichlet BC only on right side
* use Dirichlet velocity provided by problem. Might me done better in faceVars class ... * account for momentum in/outflux at boundary
* account for gravity * account for pressure * use scalar value of face normals
* remove "static" from all functions in order to allow the use of "this->" * account for face area in computeFluxForCellCenter * Add functions to calculate tangential momentum transport
*remove unused code *introduce free function to get the direction index of a (axis-parallel) vector
*Add localFaceIdx in geometry helper *Comment out code which is potentially superfluous (to be deleted later)
* Use dirichtlet values from problem or assume zero gradient and use values from cell at boundary
*Comment-out boundary scvs in globalVolumeVariables (may be needed later) *Renaming in localJacobian to make clear we deflect volVars of element J
* Does not work yet and yields valgrind errors
*numbers were switched
*GeometryHelper: storing references to temporaries yields compiler warnings (clang) * massBalanceIdx should be 0 because we work on separate vector, not connected to momentum balance
*Same way as derivative of cc dofs w.r.t cc dofs
*Naive implementation *Remove unused stuff
* Remove (yet) ununsed functions * Account for inflow/outflow bcs for mass balance