- Dec 21, 2017
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Katharina Heck authored
- Dec 20, 2017
Timo Koch authored
The velocity calculation in Dumux 2.11 for the reynoldsnumbers is different, which leads to a different solution now
*harmonic mean for thermal conductivity
changes to Dumux 2.12: *NewtonEnableChop is not enabled *Dirichlet conditions are set as in CClocalresidual *harmonic mean for diffusion coefficient not arithmetic
this is the solution produces by Dumux 2.12 when *ImplicitEnableSmoothUpwinding *ImplicitEnableJacobianRecycyling *ImplicitEnablePartialReassemble *NewtonEnableChop are not enabled
[mpnc][reference] change reference solution for evaporation. The difference to the old solution is this: *harmonic mean for diffusion coefficients * change in boundary conditions, no outflow, only inflow from left, no dirichlet for temperature * changed input values for sw_initial so that more diffusion takes place over the interface of pm and ff
Katharina Heck authored
Katharina Heck authored
[feature][maxwellstefan] implement maxwellstefan for cellcentered tpfa, box, freeflow and tests for 2pnc, staggerednc and tracer
- Dec 19, 2017
Johannes Hommel authored
Bernd Flemisch authored
The Doxygen comment `//!` refers to the line after the comment. If the comment should refer to the same line, `//!<` has to be used.
Johannes Hommel authored
Johannes Hommel authored
Johannes Hommel authored
Johannes Hommel authored
Johannes Hommel authored
Johannes Hommel authored
Johannes Hommel authored
Johannes Hommel authored
Kilian Weishaupt authored
Timo Koch authored
* make stationary
* use specialized methods for stationary/transient problems * fix indentation of docu * TODO adapt assembler accordingly
- Dec 18, 2017
Timo Koch authored
* Generalize bounding box tree * Extract intersection algorithms * Fix some epsilon issues in interval (1d) and triangle (2d) point intersection * Adapt point sources to new interface * Adapt fv grid geometry to new interface -> element map moved to basefvgeometry * Improve bounding box tree test
- Dec 16, 2017