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[privarSwitch] Move update of volVars / fluxVarsCache to privarSwitch

Merged Kilian Weishaupt requested to merge feature/improve-pv-switch into master
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@@ -44,9 +44,6 @@ class PriVarSwitchNewtonSolver : public NewtonSolver<Assembler, LinearSolver>
using ParentType = NewtonSolver<Assembler, LinearSolver>;
using SolutionVector = typename Assembler::ResidualType;
static constexpr auto discMethod = Assembler::FVGridGeometry::discMethod;
static constexpr bool isBox = discMethod == DiscretizationMethod::box;
using ParentType::ParentType;
@@ -98,20 +95,15 @@ public:
switchedInLastIteration_ = priVarSwitch_->update(uCurrentIter, gridVariables,
problem, fvGridGeometry);
constexpr bool volVarCachingEnabled = std::decay_t<decltype(gridVariables.curGridVolVars())>::cachingEnabled;
constexpr bool fluxVarCachingEnabled = std::decay_t<decltype(gridVariables.gridFluxVarsCache())>::cachingEnabled;
for (const auto& element : elements(fvGridGeometry.gridView()))
// if the volume variables are cached globally, we need to update those where the primary variables have been switched
updateSwitchedVolVars_(std::integral_constant<bool, volVarCachingEnabled>(),
element, assembler, uCurrentIter, uLastIter);
priVarSwitch_->updateSwitchedVolVars(problem, element, fvGridGeometry, gridVariables, uCurrentIter);
// if the flux variables are cached globally, we need to update those where the primary variables have been switched
// (not needed for box discretization)
updateSwitchedFluxVarsCache_(std::integral_constant<bool, (fluxVarCachingEnabled && !isBox)>(),
element, assembler, uCurrentIter, uLastIter);
priVarSwitch_->updateSwitchedFluxVarsCache(problem, element, fvGridGeometry, gridVariables, uCurrentIter);
@@ -131,75 +123,6 @@ public:
* \brief Update the volume variables whose primary variables were
switched. Required when volume variables are cached globally.
template<class Element>
void updateSwitchedVolVars_(std::true_type,
const Element& element,
Assembler& assembler,
const SolutionVector &uCurrentIter,
const SolutionVector &uLastIter)
const auto& fvGridGeometry = assembler.fvGridGeometry();
const auto& problem = assembler.problem();
auto& gridVariables = assembler.gridVariables();
// make sure FVElementGeometry is bound to the element
auto fvGeometry = localView(fvGridGeometry);
// update the secondary variables if global caching is enabled
for (auto&& scv : scvs(fvGeometry))
const auto dofIdxGlobal = scv.dofIndex();
if (priVarSwitch_->wasSwitched(dofIdxGlobal))
const auto elemSol = elementSolution(element, uCurrentIter, fvGridGeometry);
auto& volVars = gridVariables.curGridVolVars().volVars(scv);
volVars.update(elemSol, problem, element, scv);
* \brief Update the fluxVars cache for dof whose primary variables were
switched. Required when flux variables are cached globally.
template<class Element>
void updateSwitchedFluxVarsCache_(std::true_type,
const Element& element,
Assembler& assembler,
const SolutionVector &uCurrentIter,
const SolutionVector &uLastIter)
const auto& fvGridGeometry = assembler.fvGridGeometry();
auto& gridVariables = assembler.gridVariables();
// update the flux variables if global caching is enabled
const auto dofIdxGlobal = fvGridGeometry.dofMapper().index(element);
if (priVarSwitch_->wasSwitched(dofIdxGlobal))
// make sure FVElementGeometry and the volume variables are bound
auto fvGeometry = localView(fvGridGeometry);
auto curElemVolVars = localView(gridVariables.curGridVolVars());
curElemVolVars.bind(element, fvGeometry, uCurrentIter);
gridVariables.gridFluxVarsCache().updateElement(element, fvGeometry, curElemVolVars);
//! brief Do nothing when volume variables are not cached globally.
template <typename... Args>
void updateSwitchedVolVars_(std::false_type, Args&&... args) const {}
//! brief Do nothing when flux variables are not cached globally.
template <typename... Args>
void updateSwitchedFluxVarsCache_(std::false_type, Args&&... args) const {}
//! the class handling the primary variable switch
std::unique_ptr<PrimaryVariableSwitch> priVarSwitch_;
//! if we switched primary variables in the last iteration