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[WIP][implicit] implement check for plausible values

Bernd Flemisch requested to merge feature/fs134-check-plausibility into master

Implement a generic version of the checkPlausibility function for the ImplicitModel. Use four vectors of length numEq which describe the allowed ranges for the primary variables:

  • MinPlausibleValues: minimum plausible value of each primary variable
  • MaxPlausibleValues: maximum ...
  • MinPlausibleValuesThresholds: thresholds for the minimum values
  • MaxPlausibleValuesThresholds: ... maximum ...

The vectors can be specified as properties Implicit... by means of a macro SET_NUMEQARRAY_PROP, for example,

SET_NUMEQARRAY_PROP(TwoP, ImplicitMaxPlausibleValues, std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::max(), 1);

Alternatively, they can be specified run-time in the parameter file,

MaxPlausibleValues = 1e9 1

By default, set the range to [std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::lowest(), std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::max()] in implicit/propertydefaults.hh. Set model-specific values for 1p, 1p2c, 2p, 2p2c, 2pdfm, 3p, 3p3c.

Check the plausibility of the result at the end of the complete Newton method instead of after every Newton iteration. This allows unplausible values for not-yet-converged solutions. If one would like to have plausible values after every Newton step, the infrastructure can be used to implement a generic chop of the primary variables in the future.

Create a new class PrintableArray to store the aforementioned vectors. This uses a std::array for storage and offers constexpr constructors for an initializer_list and a single parameter. Moreover, it can be used together with << which is necessary when printing the parameter list in start.hh.

Fixes #134 (closed).

Edited by Timo Koch

Merge request reports
