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[efftoabs] Add sneToSn for symmetry reasons

Merged Timo Koch requested to merge feature/efftoabs-add-snetosn into master
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@@ -250,6 +250,20 @@ public:
static Scalar sweToSw_(const Params &params, Scalar swe)
{ return sweToSw(params, swe); }
* \brief Convert an effective non-wetting saturation to an absolute one.
* \param sne Effective saturation of the non-wetting phase \f$\mathrm{[{S}_n]}\f$.
* \param params A container object that is populated with the appropriate coefficients for the respective law.
* Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters first, the material law is chosen,
* and then the params container is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
* \return Absolute saturation of the non-wetting phase.
static Scalar sneToSn(const Params &params, Scalar sne)
return sne*(1. - params.swr() - params.snr()) + params.snr();
* \brief Derivative of the effective saturation w.r.t. the absolute saturation.