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[test][md] Use new error helper in convergence test

Merged Timo Koch requested to merge fix/test-stokes-darcy-l2error into master
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@@ -42,12 +42,12 @@
#include <dumux/multidomain/staggeredtraits.hh>
#include <dumux/multidomain/fvassembler.hh>
#include <dumux/multidomain/newtonsolver.hh>
#include <test/freeflow/navierstokes/l2error.hh>
#include "testcase.hh"
#include "properties.hh"
#include <test/freeflow/navierstokes/analyticalsolutionvectors.hh>
#include <test/freeflow/navierstokes/errors.hh>
* \brief Creates analytical solution.
@@ -90,33 +90,28 @@ auto createDarcyAnalyticalSolution(const Problem& problem)
template<class Problem, class SolutionVector>
void printFreeFlowL2Error(const Problem& problem, const SolutionVector& x)
void printFreeFlowL2Error(std::shared_ptr<Problem> problem, const SolutionVector& x)
using namespace Dumux;
using Scalar = double;
using TypeTag = Properties::TTag::FreeFlowOneP;
using Indices = typename GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::ModelTraits>::Indices;
using ModelTraits = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::ModelTraits>;
using PrimaryVariables = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::PrimaryVariables>;
using L2Error = NavierStokesTestL2Error<Scalar, ModelTraits, PrimaryVariables>;
const auto l2error = L2Error::calculateL2Error(problem, x);
const int numCellCenterDofs = problem.gridGeometry().numCellCenterDofs();
const int numFaceDofs = problem.gridGeometry().numFaceDofs();
using Indices = typename Problem::Indices;
NavierStokesErrors errors(problem, x);
const int numCellCenterDofs = problem->gridGeometry().numCellCenterDofs();
const int numFaceDofs = problem->gridGeometry().numFaceDofs();
std::ostream tmpOutputObject(std::cout.rdbuf()); // create temporary output with fixed formatting without affecting std::cout
const auto l2Abs = errors.l2Absolute();
const auto l2Rel = errors.l2Relative();
tmpOutputObject << std::setprecision(8) << "** L2 error (abs/rel) for "
<< std::setw(6) << numCellCenterDofs << " cc dofs and " << numFaceDofs << " face dofs (total: " << numCellCenterDofs + numFaceDofs << "): "
<< std::scientific
<< "L2(p) = " << l2error.first[Indices::pressureIdx] << " / " << l2error.second[Indices::pressureIdx]
<< " , L2(vx) = " << l2error.first[Indices::velocityXIdx] << " / " << l2error.second[Indices::velocityXIdx]
<< " , L2(vy) = " << l2error.first[Indices::velocityYIdx] << " / " << l2error.second[Indices::velocityYIdx]
<< "L2(p) = " << l2Abs[Indices::pressureIdx] << " / " << l2Rel[Indices::pressureIdx]
<< " , L2(vx) = " << l2Abs[Indices::velocityXIdx] << " / " << l2Rel[Indices::velocityXIdx]
<< " , L2(vy) = " << l2Abs[Indices::velocityYIdx] << " / " << l2Rel[Indices::velocityYIdx]
<< std::endl;
// write the norm into a log file
std::ofstream logFile; + ".log", std::ios::app);
logFile << "[ConvergenceTest] L2(p) = " << l2error.first[Indices::pressureIdx] << " L2(vx) = " << l2error.first[Indices::velocityXIdx] << " L2(vy) = " << l2error.first[Indices::velocityYIdx] << std::endl;
std::ofstream logFile(problem->name() + ".log", std::ios::app);
logFile << "[ConvergenceTest] L2(p) = " << l2Abs[Indices::pressureIdx] << " L2(vx) = " << l2Abs[Indices::velocityXIdx] << " L2(vy) = " << l2Abs[Indices::velocityYIdx] << std::endl;
template<class Problem, class SolutionVector>
@@ -293,7 +288,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
printFreeFlowL2Error(*freeFlowProblem, freeFlowSol);
printFreeFlowL2Error(freeFlowProblem, freeFlowSol);
printDarcyL2Error(*darcyProblem, sol[darcyIdx]);