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[test][freeflow] Fix header of error csv file.

Melanie Lipp requested to merge fix/ffErrorCsvFile into master

Previously it was assumed that pressure is index 0 in primary variables, u is index 1 and v is index 2. This is not correct, as pressure is dim index in primary variables, u is index 0 and v is index 1. Now we use the Indices funcionality also to set the error names.

Table produced from ./test_ff_stokes_donea params.input -Problem.PrintErrors true

Before (incorrect header):

time L2Abs(v) L2Abs(p) L2Abs(u) L2Rel(v) L2Rel(p) L2Rel(u) LinfAbs(v) LinfAbs(p) LinfAbs(u) LinfRel(v) LinfRel(p) LinfRel(u)
0 5.00385E-05 2.18466E-05 2.18466E-05 0.000274072 0.00397312 0.00397312 0.000150544 5.53845E-05 5.53845E-05 0.000602553 0.0046047 0.0046047

After (corrected header):

time L2Abs(p) L2Abs(u) L2Abs(v) L2Rel(p) L2Rel(u) L2Rel(v) LinfAbs(p) LinfAbs(u) LinfAbs(v) LinfRel(p) LinfRel(u) LinfRel(v)
0 5.00385E-05 2.18466E-05 2.18466E-05 0.000274072 0.00397312 0.00397312 0.000150544 5.53845E-05 5.53845E-05 0.000602553 0.0046047 0.0046047

Merge request reports
