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[solver] Parallel ssor preconditioned cg solver

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// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
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* See the file COPYING for full copying permissions. *
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* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *
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* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
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* \file
* \ingroup Linear
* \brief Dumux parallel linear solver backends
#include <dune/istl/preconditioners.hh>
#include <dune/istl/solvers.hh>
#include <dumux/linear/solver.hh>
// the AMG-BiCGSTABBackend
#include <dumux/linear/amgbackend.hh>
namespace Dumux {
* \ingroup Linear
* \brief A linear solver based on the ISTL SSOR preconditioner
* and the ISTL CG solver.
template <class TypeTag>
class ParallelSSORCGBackend : public LinearSolver
using GridView = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, GridView);
using Traits = AmgTraits<TypeTag>;
using Grid = typename GridView::Grid;
enum { numEq = Traits::numEq };
using LinearOperator = typename Traits::LinearOperator;
using ScalarProduct = typename Traits::ScalarProduct;
using VType = typename Traits::VType;
using Comm = typename Traits::Comm;
using BCRSMat = typename Traits::LinearOperator::matrix_type;
using DofMapper = typename Traits::DofMapper;
using SeqPreconditioner = Dune::SeqSSOR<BCRSMat, VType, VType>;
using Preconditioner = Dune::BlockPreconditioner<VType, VType, Comm, SeqPreconditioner>;
* \brief Construct the backend for the sequential case only
* \param gridView the grid view on which we are performing the multi-grid
* \param dofMapper an index mapper for dof entities
* \param paramGroup the parameter group for parameter lookup
ParallelSSORCGBackend(const std::string& paramGroup = "")
: LinearSolver(paramGroup)
, firstCall_(true)
if (Dune::MPIHelper::getCollectiveCommunication().size() > 1)
DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Using sequential constructor for parallel run. Use signature with gridView and dofMapper!");
* \brief Construct the backend for parallel or sequential runs
* \param gridView the grid view on which we are performing the multi-grid
* \param dofMapper an index mapper for dof entities
* \param paramGroup the parameter group for parameter lookup
ParallelSSORCGBackend(const GridView& gridView,
const DofMapper& dofMapper,
const std::string& paramGroup = "")
: LinearSolver(paramGroup)
, phelper_(std::make_shared<ParallelISTLHelper<GridView, Traits>>(gridView, dofMapper))
, firstCall_(true)
* \brief Solve a linear system.
* \param A the matrix
* \param x the seeked solution vector, containing the initial solution upon entry
* \param b the right hand side vector
template<class Matrix, class Vector>
bool solve(Matrix& A, Vector& x, Vector& b)
int rank = 0;
std::shared_ptr<Comm> comm;
std::shared_ptr<LinearOperator> fop;
std::shared_ptr<ScalarProduct> sp;
static const int dofCodim = Traits::dofCodim;
static const bool isParallel = Dune::Capabilities::canCommunicate<Grid, dofCodim>::v;
prepareLinearAlgebra_<Matrix, Vector, isParallel>(A, b, rank, comm, fop, sp);
SeqPreconditioner seqSSOR(A, this->precondIter(), this->relaxation());
Preconditioner parSSOR(seqSSOR, *comm);
Dune::CGSolver<VType> solver(*fop, *sp, parSSOR, this->residReduction(), this->maxIter(),
rank == 0 ? this->verbosity() : 0);
solver.apply(x, b, result_);
firstCall_ = false;
return result_.converged;
* \brief The name of the solver
std::string name() const
return "SSOR preconditioned CG solver";
* \brief The result containing the convergence history.
const Dune::InverseOperatorResult& result() const
return result_;
* \brief Prepare the linear algebra member variables.
* At compile time, correct constructor calls have to be chosen,
* depending on whether the setting is parallel or sequential.
* Since several template parameters are present, this cannot be solved
* by a full function template specialization. Instead, class template
* specialization has to be used.
* This adapts example 4 from
* The function is called from the solve function. The call is
* forwarded to the corresponding function of a class template.
* \tparam Matrix the matrix type
* \tparam Vector the vector type
* \tparam isParallel decides if the setting is parallel or sequential
template<class Matrix, class Vector, bool isParallel>
void prepareLinearAlgebra_(Matrix& A, Vector& b, int& rank,
std::shared_ptr<Comm>& comm,
std::shared_ptr<LinearOperator>& fop,
std::shared_ptr<ScalarProduct>& sp)
LinearAlgebraPreparator<GridView, Traits, isParallel>
::prepareLinearAlgebra(A, b, rank, comm, fop, sp,
*phelper_, firstCall_);
std::shared_ptr<ParallelISTLHelper<GridView, Traits>> phelper_;
Dune::InverseOperatorResult result_;
bool firstCall_;
} // end namespace Dumux