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To get started with DuMux, we recommend the following documented examples. Each example folder contains a ready-to-use DuMux simulation example. The description in each folder (best viewed online by following the link) explains each line of the code example.

📂 Example 1: One-phase flow and tracer transport

In this example, we simulate tracer transport through a confined aquifer with a randomly distributed permeability field. We first solve the pressure field, compute the steady state flow field, and then solve the tracer transport equation. You learn how to

  • generate a randomly distributed permeability field
  • sequentially solve two types of problems after each other:
    • solve a one-phase flow in porous media problem
    • compute the flow field from a pressure solution to pass to a tracer problem
    • solve an instationary tracer transport problem with a given flow field
Tracer result

📂 Example 2: Two-phase flow with infiltration and adaptive grid

In this example we model a soil contamination problem where DNAPL infiltrates a water-saturated porous medium (two-phase flow). The initial distribution of DNAPL is read in from a txt-file. The grid is adapitvely refined where DNAPL enters the domain, around the plume, and around an injection well. You learn how to

  • solve a two-phase flow in porous media problem with two immiscible phases
  • set boundary conditions and a simple injection well
  • implement a problem with heterogenous material parameters
  • use adaptive grid refinement around the saturation front
2p result

📂 Example 3: Shallow water model

The shallow water flow model is applied to simulate steady subcritical flow in a channel including a bottom friction model. You learn how to

  • solve a shallow water flow problem including bottom friction
  • computate and output (VTK) an analytical reference solution
swe result

📂 Example 4: Freeflow channel

In this example, we simulate a free flow between two plates in two dimensions. You learn how to

  • solve a free flow problem
  • set outflow boundary conditions in the free-flow context
freeflow result

📂 Example 5: One-phase flow with rotation-symmetric solution

In this example, a rotation-symmetric solution for the single-phase flow equation is discussed. You learn how to

  • solve a rotation-symmetric problem
  • perform a convergence test against an analytical solution
  • do post-processing in ParaView
Rotation-symmetric setup

📂 Example 6: Biomineralization

In this example, we simulate microbially-induced calcite precipitation You learn how to

  • solve a reactive transport model including
    • biofilm growth
    • mineral precipitation and dissolution
    • changing porosity and permeability
  • use complex fluid and solid systems
  • set a complex time loop with checkpoints, reading the check points from a file
  • set complex injection boundary conditions, reading the injection types from a file
biomin result