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DuMux course exercises

The DuMux course comprises the following exercises. Each exercise folder contains a detailed description of the tasks (best viewed online by following the links) and the source files to work on.

📂 Basics

Based on a scenario where gas is injected into an aquifer, you learn how to

  • compile and run an executable,
  • see the difference of an immiscible two-phase model compared to a two-phase two-component model,
  • set up a new executable,
  • set up a non-isothermal test problem based on the isothermal test problem,
  • set boundary conditions.

📂 Main file

In this exercise, you learn how to

  • find your way in the main file,
  • solve a stationary, linear system,
  • solve an instationary, linear system,
  • solve an instationary, nonlinear system,
  • apply analytic differentiation.

📂 Runtime parameters

This exercise covers the following topics: You learn how to

  • use different input files with one executable,
  • set variables to collect runtime parameters,
  • use and change default values for runtime parameters.

📂 Grids

This exercise guides you through the following tasks:

  • Apply a global grid refinement,
  • change the grid type,
  • apply grid zoning and grading,
  • read in structured and unstructured grids from external files.

📂 Properties

In this exercise, you learn how to adjust the properties in order to use a customized local residual.

📂 Fluid systems

This exercise covers the handling of phases and components in DuMux. You learn

  • how to implement and use a new, customized component,
  • how to implement a new fluidsystem,
  • and how to change the wettability of the porous medium.

📂 Dune module

You learn how to

  • create a new dune module which depends on the dumux module,
  • create a new GitLab project.

📂 Coupling free and porous medium flow

This exercise is related to the SFB1313 Project Area A

You learn how to

  • use a coupled problem set-up,
  • change coupling conditions between the two domains, porous-medium flow and free flow,
  • change the shape of the interface between the two domains,
  • change the model in the porous-medium domain,
  • change the model in the free-flow domain.

📂 Discrete fracture modeling

This exercise is related to the SFB1313 Project Area B

You learn how to

  • use a problem containing embedded, discrete fractures,
  • change the properties of the fractures,
  • use domain markers to set internal boundary conditions.

📂 Biomineralization

This exercise is related to the SFB1313 Project Area C

You learn how to

  • include a chemical reaction in the problem setup,
  • apply the mineralization model, i.e. add balance equations to describe dynamic solid phases.
  • compare different simulation results using a programmable filter in Paraview