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Python bindings for DuMux

The Python bindings have two objectives

  • making it possible to use DuMux from Python
  • use Python code in DuMux

The binding are experimental until further notice which means the API might undergo unannounced changes breaking backwards compatibility. Track changes by regularly checking for current merge requests and newly merged Dumux commits on GitLab. Python bindings require Python 3.


Python bindings are part of the dune core modules >= version 2.7. We recommend to use the Dune modules on the master branch to try out Python bindings.

Example development setup

This section is rather new and experimental. Please help improving this documentation in the future.

Checkout the master branch of the Dune core modules and DuMux

git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone

cp dumux/cmake.opts .

Enable the Python bindings by adding the flag in cmake.opts (see comments inside the .opts file). Then run dunecontrol which also builds the Dune Python bindings.

./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --opts=cmake.opts all

Add the Python binding modules to your Python path like this and install them with the setup environment setup script

source dumux/python/

If you are getting error with loading MPI in Python you might need to preload the MPI library

export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/

Replace the path with the path to the MPI library on your system. Run your first DuMux Python test

python3 dumux/test/python/

The Python bindings are based on just-in-time compilation of C++ code, so the first execution might take considerably longer than subsequent executions. In particular compiling the Dune grid interface may a few minutes.

You can run all currently existing DuMux Python tests with

cd dumux/build-cmake
ctest -L python


All Python files should be linted by the tool black. You can install black with pip install black and run it from the dumux top-directory

black ./python

You can also run it on a specific file (replace ./python by file name) This will automatically format the Python files. Run black before every commit changing Python files.

The dumux Python module should be get a score of 10 from the tool pylint. You can install pylint with pip install pylint and run it from the dumux top-directory

pylint build-cmake/python/dumux

Pylint needs to be able to check imports so the modules need to be properly set up with (see above). The pylint configuration file dumux/.pylintrc can be used to configure pylint. Some exceptions or other parameters than the default might be sensible in the future but generally advice given by pylint leads to better code. Different from black, pylint does no itself fix the code, you need to do this yourself. Always run black before checking pylint.