DuMuX course slides
The slides are automatically built and deployed in the CI and can be viewed at
In order to add new slides, simply add your .md
file in this folder, and add
an entry to index.md
such that your slides are linked from the landing page.
Important: In index.md
, link to your slides using ./YOUR_FILENAME.html
, and make sure to put your link at the right position in the list.
To build one slide set locally, you need to have a current version of pandoc installed, see https://pandoc.org/installing.html. If your slide set is my_slide_set.md
, you can translate it via
pandoc -t revealjs -s --mathjax -o test.html my_slide_set.md -V revealjs-url=https://unpkg.com/reveal.js/ -V theme=serif --include-in-header=dumux_course_header.html
and point your browser to the resulting test.html