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K. Weishaupt, A. Bordenave, O. Atteia, H. Class, Transport in Porous Media, 2016: [Numerical Investigation on the Benefits of Preheating for an Increased Thermal Radius of Influence...] (http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11242-016-0624-z)
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N. Schwenck, PhD thesis, 2015: [An XFEM-based model for fluid flow in fractured porous media] (http://elib.uni-stuttgart.de/handle/11682/638?locale=en)
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N. Schmid, BSc Thesis, 2016: Entwicklung von Kopplungskriterien zur adaptiven Bestimmung des VE-Bereichs in einem gekoppelten Modell.
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M. Fritsch, Msc Thesis, 2014: Analysis of Processes and Properties at a Porous-Medium Free-Flow Interface with the Application of Evaporation.
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F. Schwarz, BSc thesis, 2016: Effizienz von Druckluftspeicherung in porösen geologischen Formationen.
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B. Flemisch, I. Berre, W. Boon, A. Fumagalli, N. Schwenck, A. Scotti, I. Stefansson and A. Tatomir, 2016: Benchmarks of single-phase flow in fractured porous media.
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P. Nuske, V. Joekar-Niasar, R. Helmig, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014: [Non-equilibrium in multiphase multicomponent flow in porous media: An evaporation...] (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0017931014002178)
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G. Seitz, MSc thesis, 2014: The influence of induced fractures on the stress field of a coupled flow and geomechanics scenario.
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