* Highly heterogeneous distribution of parameters and complex nonlinear material laws
* Strong interconnection of properties $\rightarrow$ difficult to achieve __modularity__
$\rightarrow$ this also applies to other complex nonlinear equation systems.
# How to achieve modularity?
* User-defined parameters and functional relationships:
- Components / Fluid system / Binary coefficients
- Solid system
- Fluid-matrix interactions
- Chemistry
* State representations and solvers:
- Fluid states (data)
- Solid states (data)
- Constraint solvers / "flash" (algorithm)
## How to achieve modularity?
There is a library of `Components`,
`FluidSystems`, `BinaryCoefficients`
available in DuMu^x^. Can be used as is or can
be a good start for a user implementation.
More resources can be found [in the code documentation](
* Define **Thermodynamic relations** (e.g. molar mass, vapor pressure, density) of a **single chemical species** or a fixed mixture of species
* Provide a convenient way to access these quantities
* _H2O_ : pure water properties by IAPWS-97
* _SimpleH2O_ : A simple water implementation at standard conditions
* Many more, see [DuMu^x^ components docs](
## Example interfaces
static Scalar gasDensity(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
// Assume an ideal gas
return IdealGas::density(molarMass(), temperature, pressure);
## Example interfaces
static Scalar gasHeatCapacity(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
constexpr Scalar cpVapA = 19.25;
constexpr Scalar cpVapB = 0.05213;
constexpr Scalar cpVapC = 1.197e-5;
constexpr Scalar cpVapD = -1.132e-8;
return 1/molarMass()*(
cpVapA + temperature*(
cpVapB/2 + temperature*(cpVapC/3 + temperature*(cpVapD/4))
Express the **thermodynamic relations between fluid quantities** (e.g. calculation of density or viscosity based on composition; fugacity coefficient based on temperature and pressure...)
<img src="img/fluidsystem.png" width="400"/>
* _TwoPImmiscible_ : two immiscible fluid phases
* _H2OAir_ : gas and liquid phase with components water and air
* Many more, see [DuMu^x^ fluid systems docs](
## Example interface
template <class FluidState>
static Scalar heatCapacity(const FluidState& fluidState, int phaseIdx)
const Scalar temperature = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
const Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx)
return H2O::liquidHeatCapacity(temperature, pressure); // neglect air
else if (phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx)
return Air::gasHeatCapacity(temperature, pressure)
* fluidState.moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, AirIdx)
+ H2O::gasHeatCapacity(temperature, pressure)
* fluidState.moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, H2OIdx);
**Contain** data and equations required for binary mixtures, for instance, binary diffusion coefficients or coefficients needed for constitutive relationships (e.g. Henry coefficient)
<img src="img/binarycoefficients.png" width="500"/>
* _H2O_Air_ : Henry coefficient, gas diffusion coefficient, liquid diffusion coefficent for water and air
* More, see [DuMu^x^ binary coefficients docs](
## Example interface
template <class Scalar>
static Scalar gasDiffCoeff(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
// _H2O_Air_
constexpr Scalar theta = 1.8;
constexpr Scalar Daw = 2.13e-5; /* reference value */
constexpr Scalar pg0 = 1.e5; /* reference pressure */
constexpr Scalar T0 = 273.15; /* reference temperature */
using std::pow;
return Daw*(pg0/pressure)*pow((temperature/T0), theta);
Express the **thermodynamic properties of the solid matrix** (e.g. calculation of the solid density and solid heat capacity based on the composition)
<img src="img/solidsystem.png" width="400"/>
_Specifying a solid system is only necessary if you work with a non-isothermal or mineralization model. If no solid system is specified in the problem file, the default is the inert solid phase with the constant component. For the constant component you can set properties in the input file._
* _OneCSolid_ : inert solid matrix of one solid component (e.g. granite)
* _CompositionalSolidPhase_ : composed solid matrix of inert or reactive components (e.g. NaCl and granite)
* Description of the **interaction of the fluid phases with the porous medium** (e.g. capillary pressure-saturation and relative permeability relationships)
* Through modular adapters, regularization schemes can be imposed for extreme values
<img src="img/fluidmatrixinteractions.png" width="250"/>
## Example implementations
* Capillary pressure-saturation relation after _Van Genuchten_
* Capillary pressure-saturation relation after _Brooks and Corey_
* Effective diffusivity after _Millington and Quirk_
## Van-Genuchten
p_c = \frac{1}{\alpha}\left(S_e^{-1/m} -1\right)^{1/n}
<img src="img/pc-Sw_VanGenuchten.png" width="500"/>
$\rightarrow$ the empirical parameters $\alpha$ and $n$ have to be specified
## Brooks-Corey
p_c = p_d S_e^{-1/\lambda}
<img src="img/pc-Sw_BrooksCorey.png" width="500"/>
$\rightarrow$ the empirical parameters $p_d$ and $\lambda$ have to be specified
* **Store** the complete thermodynamic configuration of a system at a given spatial and temporal position (e.g. saturation, mole fraction, enthalpy)
* **Provide access** methods to all thermodynamic quantities (e.g. saturation, mole fraction, enthalpy)
<img src="img/fluidstate.png" width="800"/>
* _ImmiscibleFluidState_ : assumes immiscibility of the fluid phases. Phase compositions and fugacity coefficients do not need to be stored explicitly.
* _CompositionalFluidState_ : assumes thermodynamic equilibrium, only a single temperature needs to be stored.
* **Store** the complete solid configuration of a system at a given spatial and temporal position (e.g. solid volume fractions, solid heat capacity)
* **Provide** access methods to all solid quantities (e.g. porosity, density, temperature)
<img src="img/solidstate.png" width="800"/>
* _InertSolidState_ : assumes an inert solid phase. Solid volume fractions do not change. This is the **default**.
* _CompositionalSolidState_ : assumes a solid matrix composed out of multiple components. The volume fractions can change and properties such as heat capacity are adapted.
**Connect** the thermodynamic relations expressed by fluid systems with the thermodynamic quantities stored by fluid states (e.g. mole fraction, density)
<img src="img/constraintsolver.png" width="800"/>
_CompositionFromFugacities_ : takes all component fugacities, the temperature and pressure of a phase as input and calculates the phase composition
# Example: From components to fluid system
## Components $\rightarrow$ fluid system
<img src="img/component-fluidsystem.png" width="500"/>
* Components: _H2O_, _Air_
* Fluid system: _TwoPTwoC_
// Predefined fluid system for components water and air
#include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oair.hh>
// H2OAir allows to customize the water phase. Here, we want
// to use tabulated H2O for fast evaluation of the properties.
#include <dumux/material/components/tabulatedcomponent.hh>
template<class TypeTag>
struct FluidSystem<TypeTag, TTag::H2OAir>
using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
using Liquid = Components::TabulatedComponent<Components::H2O<Scalar>>;
using Policy = FluidSystems::H2OAirDefaultPolicy<
using type = FluidSystems::H2OAir<
Scalar, Liquid, Policy, /*useKelvinVapourPressure*/true
## Example: 2 phases, miscible
* Components: _CaO_, _CaO2H2_ (slaked lime)
* Solid system: _OnePNCMin_
// The solid system
template<class TypeTag>
struct SolidSystem<TypeTag, TTag::ThermoChem>
using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
using ComponentOne = Components::ModifiedCaO<Scalar>;
using ComponentTwo = Components::CaO2H2<Scalar>;
using type = SolidSystems::CompositionalSolidPhase<
Scalar, ComponentOne, ComponentTwo
2. 2p model: Implement a new component (incompressible and compressible)
3. 2p2c model: Implement a new fluid system
4. Change wettability of the porous medium
5. Advanced: Use van Genuchten relationship with parameters: $\alpha = 0.0037$ and $\alpha_\mathrm{lense} = 0.00045$, $n = 4.7$ and $n_\mathrm{lense} = 7.3$
Go to [Fluidsystem exercise](