title: Making my own Dune-Module
# Custom Dune-Module
## My own workspace?
We all want to implement our own models and create our own test cases.
But where?
## The Dune/Dumux Suite
## The Dune/Dumux Suite
<img src=img/dependenciesOptional.png width="100%">
## The Dune/Dumux Suite
<img src=img/dependenciesMyModule.png width="100%">
## How are these models linked?
./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --opts=dumux/cmake.opts all
## Adding test cases to an `appl` folder
## Adding/Overwriting source headers in a `dumux` folder
## Exercises:
- Create a new module with the duneproject script
- Run dune control
- Create an appl folder
- Upload to a git repository