Ned Coltman authoredNed Coltman authored
Exercise Mainfiles (DuMuX course)
Problem set-up
This exercise will make you familiar the program sequence in DuMuX and how different levels of complexity can be realized in the main file according to the complexity of your physical problem.
In order to do so, there are three examples of one phase flow problems. Two examples (a and b) are stationary problems and the third example (c) is an instationary problem.
The stationary examples differ in the fluidssystems
they are using, which means they differ in the fluid properties (e.g. density, thermal conductivity etc). The first problem (a) uses an incompressible fluid, i.e. the density does not change when pressure changes. This makes it possible to solve the system linearly. The second problem uses a compressible fluid, that means the density is a function of pressure and we need to use a nonlinear solver.
To summarize, the problems differ in:
- exercise mainfile a: a one-phase incompressible, stationary problem
- exercise mainfile b: a one-phase compressible, stationary problem
- exercise mainfile c: a one-phase compressible, instationary problem
The problem set-up for all three examples is always the same: It is a two dimensional problem and the domain is 1 m
by 1 m
. It is a heterogeneous set-up with a lens in the middle of the domain which has a lower permeability (1\cdot 10^{-12} m^2
compared to 1\cdot 10^{-10} m^2
in the rest of the domain).