In the input file `exercise1.input` you can find the following section
* Change the values for the aquitard entry pressure in the input file to a lower value and compare the results with the previous solution. You don't need to recompile the executable.
### Task 4: Runtime parameters
The injection rate is currently hard-coded in `injection2p2cproblem.hh` to $`1e-4 kg/(s m^2)`$.
// set the Neumann values for the Nitrogen component balance
`<TYPE>`,`<GROUPNAME>`,`<PARAMNAME>` by what is appropriate for your case:
*`<TYPE>` is the type of the parameter to read
*`<GROUPNAME>` is the group in the input file
*`<PARAMNAME>` is the name of the parameter in the input file
Note that due to the way the macro works, the names are specified as plain text within the "quotation marks".`<GROUPNAME>` and `<PARAMNAME>` need to be separated by a dot (.).
Follow the instructions given as a
// TODO: dumux-course-task
in the `injection2p2cproblem.hh` file and also remember to also set the parameter totalAreaSpecificInflow in the input file.
* Check the influence of that parameter on the simulation result by rerunning the simulation with different injection rates. Remember to also set the parameter totalAreaSpecificInflow in the input file.
Since you have changed your header file, you have to recompile the program.
### 5. Setting up a new executable (for a non-isothermal simulation)
### Task 3: Setting up a new executable (for a non-isothermal simulation)
* Copy the main file `` and rename it to ``
@@ -131,7 +78,7 @@ make exercise1_2pni # builds new executable
### 6. Setting up a non-isothermal __2pni__ test problem
### Task 4: Setting up a non-isothermal __2pni__ test problem
* Open the file `injection2pniproblem.hh`. It is a copy of the `injection2pproblem.hh` with some useful comments on how to implement a non-isothermal model. Look for comments containing