Implement a new boundary condition on the left boundary, injecting CO2 from 2 m to 3 m from the bottom. Make sure, that the injection time for the calcium and urea is finished. You can use the predefined value `gasFlux` directly and divide it by the molar mass of CO2.
Implement a new boundary condition on the left boundary, injecting CO2 from 2 m to 3 m from the bottom. Make sure, that the injection time for the calcium and urea is finished. You can use the predefined value `gasFlux` directly and divide it by the molar mass of CO2.
Run two simulations and compare them side by side by creating two input files, or overwriting the input file in the command line:
Run two simulations and compare them side by side by creating two input files, or overwriting the input file in the command line:
As a special feature, we would like the exponent $`\displaystyle \eta=5`$ to be a run-time parameter read from the input file, as this allows easy modification of the parameter and potentially fit it.
As a special feature, we would like the exponent $`\displaystyle \eta=5`$ to be a run-time parameter read from the input file, as this allows easy modification of the parameter and potentially fit it.
This is useful, as field-scale porosity-permeability relations might be quite uncertain.
This is useful, as field-scale porosity-permeability relations might be quite uncertain.
Adapt the input file `params.input` accordingly.
Adapt the input file `params.input` accordingly.
@@ -173,7 +181,7 @@ Finally, the header `permeabilitypowerlaw.hh` needs to be included in the spatia
@@ -173,7 +181,7 @@ Finally, the header `permeabilitypowerlaw.hh` needs to be included in the spatia
Note: As both the Kozeny-Carman and the Power-Law relation use the same parameters, there is no need to change the permeabuility function calling `evaluatePermeability(refPerm, refPoro, poro)` in `biominspatialparams.hh`:
Note: As both the Kozeny-Carman and the Power-Law relation use the same parameters, there is no need to change the permeability function calling `evaluatePermeability(refPerm, refPoro, poro)` in `biominspatialparams.hh`:
@@ -189,6 +197,10 @@ Note: As both the Kozeny-Carman and the Power-Law relation use the same paramete
@@ -189,6 +197,10 @@ Note: As both the Kozeny-Carman and the Power-Law relation use the same paramete
What is the effect of the exchanged permeability calculation on the results, especially the leakage of CO2? What if the exponent would be smaller, e.g. $`\displaystyle \eta=2`$, which would mean that the precipitation is less efficient in sealing the leakage?
What is the effect of the exchanged permeability calculation on the results, especially the leakage of CO2? What if the exponent would be smaller, e.g. $`\displaystyle \eta=2`$, which would mean that the precipitation is less efficient in sealing the leakage?
You can again run two simulations and compare them side by side by creating two input files, or overwriting the input file parameter in the command line: