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Fix/problem exercise

Merged Martin Schneider requested to merge fix/problem-exercise into master
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
## Problem set-up
N$`_2`$ is injected in an aquifer previously saturated with water with an injection rate of 0.0001 kg/(s*m$`^2`$).
The aquifer is situated 2700 m below sea level and the domain size is 60 m x 40 m. It consists of two layers, a moderately permeable one ($`\Omega_1`$) and a lower permeable one ($`\Omega_2`$).
N$_2$ is injected in an aquifer previously saturated with water with an injection rate of 0.0001 kg/(s*m$^2$).
The aquifer is situated 2700 m below sea level and the domain size is 60 m x 40 m. It consists of two layers, a moderately permeable one ($\Omega_1$) and a lower permeable one ($\Omega_2$).
<img src="" width="1000">
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ The aquifer is situated 2700 m below sea level and the domain size is 60 m x 40
* Navigate to the directory `dumux-course/exercises/exercise-basic`
This exercise deals with two problems: a two-phase immiscible problem (__2p__) and a two-phase compositional problem (__2p2c__). They both set up the same scenario with the difference that the 2p2c assumes a miscible fluid state for the two fluids (water and gaseous N$`_2`$) and the 2p model assumes an immiscible fluid state.
This exercise deals with two problems: a two-phase immiscible problem (__2p__) and a two-phase compositional problem (__2p2c__). They both set up the same scenario with the difference that the 2p2c assumes a miscible fluid state for the two fluids (water and gaseous N$_2$) and the 2p model assumes an immiscible fluid state.
### Task 1: Getting familiar with the code
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ make exercise_basic_2pni # builds new executable
* Open the files `injection2pniproblem.hh` and `properties2pni.hh`.
These are a copies of the `injection2pproblem.hh` `properties2pni.hh` files, with some useful comments on how to implement a non-isothermal model.
These are a copies of the `injection2pproblem.hh` `properties2pni.hh` files, with some useful comments on how to implement a non-isothermal model.
Look for comments containing
@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ Look for comments containing
* The following set-up should be realized:
__Boundary conditions:__ Dirichlet conditions at the left boundary. For the primary variable 'temperature' use a varying temperature of <br/>
$`\displaystyle T(y) = 283~\text{K} + 0.03~\frac{\text{K}}{\text{m}} \cdot \left( d_\text{aquifer} - y \right) `$, <br/>
$\displaystyle T(y) = 283~\text{K} + 0.03~\frac{\text{K}}{\text{m}} \cdot \left( d_\text{aquifer} - y \right) $, <br/>
with the aquifer depth
$`\displaystyle d_\text{aquifer}=2700~\text{m}`$.
$\displaystyle d_\text{aquifer}=2700~\text{m}$.
Assign Neumann no-flow for the energy balance to the rest of the boundaries.
__Initial conditions:__ The same temperature gradient as in the boundary conditions with an exception in the subdomain (20 < x < 30, 5 < y < 35), where you assign a constant initial temperature of 380 K.