@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ be evaluated with the function values provided in the same order as the names wh
- __Compositional Staggered__: The staggered discretization method has been updated to fix inconsistencies in handling density when evaluating diffusive boundary fluxes. In addition, a total mass balance is now always considered, rather than a total mole balance.
- __Parameters__: The template argument for `getParam` and `getParamFromGroup` now defaults to `std::string`, such that for string parameters one can simply write `const auto param = getParam("MyParam");`
- __Compositional Freeflow FCSFV__: Compositional transport has been implemented for the overhauled face-centered staggered finite volume scheme (FCSFV) discretization method. Ported tests are available in the testing suite.
- __GridGeometry__: No longer store the corners/geometry for scv/scvfs also for cc-mpfa and staggered discretizations. This improves the memory footprint a lot. Geometries can be obtained via the local view of the grid geometry.
### Immediate interface changes not allowing/requiring a deprecation period:
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ be evaluated with the function values provided in the same order as the names wh
### Deprecated properties/classes/functions/files, to be removed after 3.8:
- __MPFA__: `scvf.corners()/facetCorner()/vertexCorner()` have been deprecated. Use functions from the local view of the grid geometry instead.