[DuMu<sup>x</sup>][0] is a simulation toolbox mainly aimed at flow and transport
processes in porous media. DuMu<sup>x</sup> is based on the [DUNE][1]
framework and aims to provide a multitude of numerical models as well
as flexible discretization methods for complex non-linear phenomena,
such as CO2 sequestration, soil remediation, drug delivery in cancer
therapy and more. Have a look at our publications
(see below: [How to cite](#how-to-cite))
for a more detailed description of the goals and motivations behind DuMu<sup>x</sup>.
## Installation
Have a look at the [installation guide][3] or use the [DuMu<sup>x</sup> handbook][4],
Chapter 2.
Automated testing of installation: [](https://git.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/dumux-repositories/dumux-test-installation/-/pipelines?page=1&scope=all&ref=main)
## Documentation
The following resources are useful to get started with DuMu<sup>x</sup>:
*[Getting started guide](https://dumux.org/gettingstarted/) on the [DuMu<sup>x</sup> website](https://dumux.org/)
*[Handbook](https://dumux.org/docs/handbook/master/dumux-handbook.pdf), a detailed DuMu<sup>x</sup> manual,
*[Changelog](https://git.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/dumux-repositories/dumux/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md), where all changes between different release versions are listed and explained.
Some helpful code snippets are available in the [Wiki](https://git.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/dumux-repositories/dumux/wikis/home).
## License
DuMu<sup>x</sup> is licensed under the terms and conditions of the GNU General
Public License (GPL) version 3 or - at your option - any later
version. The GPL can be [read online][5] or in the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file
provided in the topmost directory of the DuMu<sup>x</sup> source code tree.
Please note that DuMu<sup>x</sup>' license, unlike DUNE's, does *not* feature a
template exception to the GNU General Public License. This means that
you must publish any source code which uses any of the DuMu<sup>x</sup> header
files if you want to redistribute your program to third parties. If
this is unacceptable to you, please [contact us][6] for a commercial
See the file [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) for copying permissions.
For a curated list of contributors see [AUTHORS.md](AUTHORS.md).
If you notice that a contributor is missing on the list,
please [contact us][6] or open a merge request adding the name.
## How to cite {#how-to-cite}
DuMu<sup>x</sup> is research software and developed at research institutions.
If you are using DuMu<sup>x</sup> in scientific publications and in
the academic context, please cite (at least one of)
our publications:
#### DuMux 3 – an open-source simulator for solving flow and transport problems in porous media with a focus on model coupling
Koch, T., Gläser, D., Weishaupt, K., Ackermann, S., Beck, M., Becker, B.,
Heck, K., Hommel, J., Kurz, T., Lipp, M., Mohammadi, F., Scherrer, S.,
Schneider, M., Seitz, G., Stadler, L., Utz, M., Weinhardt, F.
& Flemisch, B. (_2021_). _Computers & Mathematics with Applications_, 81, 423-443.
title = "{DuMu\textsuperscript{x} 3 - an open-source simulator for solving flow and transport problems in porous media with a focus on model coupling}",
journal = "Computers \& Mathematics with Applications",
year = "2020",
issn = "0898-1221",
doi = "10.1016/j.camwa.2020.02.012",
author = "Timo Koch and Dennis Gl\"aser and Kilian Weishaupt and others"
#### DuMux: DUNE for multi-{phase,component,scale,physics,…} flow and transport in porous media
Flemisch, B., Darcis, M., Erbertseder, K., Faigle, B., Lauser, A.,
Mosthaf, K., Müthing, S., Nuske, P., Tatomir, A., Wolff, M.,
& Helmig, R. (_2011_). _Advances in Water Resources_, 34(9), 1102–1112.
title = "DuMux: DUNE for multi-{phase,component,scale,physics,…} flow and transport in porous media",
journal = "Advances in Water Resources",
volume = "34",
number = "9",
pages = "1102-1112",
year = "2011",
note = "New Computational Methods and Software Tools",
issn = "0309-1708",
doi = "10.1016/j.advwatres.2011.03.007",
author = "B. Flemisch and M. Darcis and K. Erbertseder and B. Faigle and A. Lauser and K. Mosthaf and S. Müthing and P. Nuske and A. Tatomir and M. Wolff and R. Helmig",
You can also cite specific releases published on Zenodo: