Deprecated::templatecoolMethod(a,b);//TODO: Replace this after release 3.n
There are other methods for deprecating old interfaces, please see [ (cppref/deprecated) ]( for more information.
In addition, please be sure to:
* mark all deprecated interfaces with the release after which the deprecated interface will be removed, and
* add a detailed description of the changes made to the [changelog](
**In some more complicated cases,** guaranteeing backwards compatibility for all possible
cases is not feasible, or would require enormous intrusive changes. In this case, we recommend you do the following:
1. Organize all changes neatly in a merge request.
2. Include a detailed description of the changes in the changelog.
3. Within the comments section of the merge request, mark one of the core developers,
and document the reasons why guaranteeing backwards compatibility would not be feasible, and which cases will likely be effected.
4. The core developers will decide if the changes and efforts are sufficient during the next monthly core developers meeting (aka DumuxDay).
5. Should your efforts be deemed sufficient, continue with the standard MR procedure.