@@ -13,12 +13,15 @@ the build system there is a new one.
\paragraph{Adding new Test Programs}
\noindent To add a test use the \texttt{add\_dumux\_test} macro.
The command has four arguments:
\item name of test (has to be unique)
\item name of executable
\item source file (*.cc)
\item command to be executed as test - either the executable or a
some helper script with arguments
\noindent To add a test use the \texttt{add\_dune\_test} macro within the \texttt{CMakeList.txt} file.
The macro can be used with a variable amount of arguments. A simple call could look like this:
dune_add_test(NAME my_test
SOURCES mainfile.cc
CMD_ARGS my_test params.input)
Here, we create an exectuable called \texttt{my\_test} from a source file \texttt{mainfile.cc}.
The name of the test will also be \texttt{my\_test} (has to be unique). The last argument specifies a command - here, we just run the executbable \texttt{my\_test} with an input file \texttt{params.input}. For more advanced uses of
the \texttt{add\_dune\_test} macro, have a look at the \texttt{test} directory. A complete documentation is given \href{https://www.dune-project.org/sphinx/core-2.5/}{here}