- Feb 10, 2017
* Use ccSubContolVolume instead
This class generates a IntRange [a,b) which can be used in a for loop, e.g for(auto i : IntRange(3) { ... i = 0, 1, 2 } or for(auto i : IntRange(5, 8) { ... i = 5, 6, 7} see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generator_(computer_programming)
* Improve docu in problem * Add new convenience function dirichlet(face) * make some variables const
* There is no permeability in free flow
* Can be set in input file: [Vtk] WriteFaceData = true / false
* Writer now supports secondary variables, too * Needs to be implemented in outputmodule though * Add specialization for free flow staggered model * Add docu
* Pass a bundle of typedefs to writer * Docu still missing
* Gather data in outputmodule and then pass to writer * temporary commit, needs clean-up
* Add output of vectors * Fix some issues and typos
* Adds functionality similar to base vtkOutputModule: addFacePrimaryVariable() allows to specifiy a privar on the face to be written out
* Allows to generate separate vtk files which store face information
* Add convenience and factory functions * Allow specialization in derived classes
* Base fluxVars only get TypeTag as template argument
* Allow more specific implementations for different discretizations
* Current one is not compatible with staggerdGrid
* Add ref solution * Add L2 error norm function
* Use correct viscosity * Use correct yasp grid
* Use new SourceValues, BoundaryValues * Test not working yet
* Use new BoundaryValues class
* Add reference solution * clean-up problem * rename input file
* fix error (typo) in source-term * adapt to new interface
*Add more indices, make easier to use
*staggerd/problem.hh no longer required
Not working yet!
* isWall function now also works in 3D
* Specializations for 2d and 3d not required anymore