- Jan 06, 2018
Kilian Weishaupt authored
* consider replaceCompIdx correctly
Kilian Weishaupt authored
* calculate the mass and volume fluxes over two different planes
Kilian Weishaupt authored
* add convenience functions to get mass/mole or volume fluxes * make more generic, for compositional models
- Jan 05, 2018
Dennis Gläser authored
[mpfa] Use numLocalScvf instead of constant See merge request !718
Dennis Gläser authored
Feature/mpfa template by interaction volume See merge request !729
Dennis Gläser authored
Bernd Flemisch authored
Make one-parameter constructors explicit. Pass parameters by const reference if copying is potentially expensive. Pass string instead of const char* to function that expects a string. Fix out-of-bounds access.
- Jan 04, 2018
Bernd Flemisch authored
Timo Koch authored
Bernd Flemisch authored
Use the `DUNE_VERSION*` macros to distinguish between Dune >= 2.6 and < 2.6. Employ the correspondingly correct types, constructors and function calls for Mappers and ReferenceElements.
Timo Koch authored
Bernd Flemisch authored
[pointsources] Do not enable by default See merge request !724
- Jan 03, 2018
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Unfortunately clang seems to compile the else branch even if the compile time condition is true. From the Dune documentation it didn't come clear to me how to fix this for more elaborate functions.
or cube(3).
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
The point source computation in FVProblem uses the problem implementation to compute the point source map. However it is executed in the constructor where the problem implemenation is not fully instatiated yet as it derives from FVProblem. This patch disables point source computation by default. If you want to specify point sources you have to manually call problem->computePointSourceMap() now.
Timo Koch authored
Bernd Flemisch authored
Replace all calls of `*_PARAM*` macros by correspnding calls to `getParam`. Remove the corresponding properties. If `getParam` is called more than once for one parameter, specify a default value in [`properties.hh`](dumux/porousmediumflow/sequential/properties.hh). Otherwise, specify the default value in the call to `getParam`.
- Jan 02, 2018
Otherwise it will lead to CMake warnings and might break code.
- Dec 28, 2017
Dennis Gläser authored
Dennis Gläser authored
Dennis Gläser authored
We now do not specialize the interaction volume depending on the method chosen but extract the chosen method from the interaction volume type that has been set as property. This enables us to hand in the traits class to the interaction volume from the outside, which is actually what you want. Now, for certain grids one can use static matrix/vector types to speed up simulations.
- Dec 22, 2017
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Bernd Flemisch authored
[2pncmin][test] Use dofMapper instead of elementMapper for AMG See merge request !717
Kilian Weishaupt authored
* test did not compile for box
Bernd Flemisch authored
[mpnc][localresidual] Use correct type for ElementResidualVector See merge request !716