- Mar 23, 2016
Kilian Weishaupt authored
Kilian Weishaupt authored
*Use the full namespace Dumux::xxx::xxx to avoid error messages
Kilian Weishaupt authored
Kilian Weishaupt authored
[zeroeq] Fix grid manager to Yasp for ZeroEq tests UGGrid is not needed here. Increases the consistency with the reference results. See merge request !121
Kilian Weishaupt authored
*All ZeroEq test use Yasp now
UGGrid is not needed here. Increases the consistency with the reference results.
Kilian Weishaupt authored
[bin][installexternal] Update script * add dune-alugrid * add dune-foamgrid * correct remote urls See merge request !96
Kilian Weishaupt authored
Feature/use standard gridcreator for structured grids Cleanup in the face of new grid creator * Replace some dgfs for structured grids by their input file equivalent * Add a test using gmsh grid (2p adaptive cc) * Remove obsolete includes * Read FieldVectors from input file in some places * Fixes the restart co2 test See merge request !59
Kilian Weishaupt authored
[fluidsystems] fix two fluid systems and the fluid systems test The `BrineAir` fluid system could not pass the test. Replace asserts by exception handling to be consistent with the other fluid systems. Add missing `break` statements to switch clause in `Spe5ParameterCache`. Properly initialize pressure values for the `HairSpliitingFluidState`, correct output messages. See merge request !120
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
* Use input file for structured grids instead of dgf files for fluidmatrixinteractions tests
*remove #include <dune/grid/io/file/dgfparser/dgfyasp.hh> *remove #include <dune/grid/io/file/dgfparser.hh> *ect
* Use input file for structured grids instead of dgf files for zeroeq2c tests
* Use input file for structured grids instead of dgf files for zeroeq tests
* Use input file for structured grids instead of dgf files for stokes2cni tests
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
We only have one gridcreator test using gmsh files. This adds another one. The grid ordering changes and the fuzzy compare could not sort it correctly. Might need a fix there. The solution is identical. Update reference.
* Use input file for structured grids instead of dgf files for zeroeq2cni tests
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
* Use input file for structured grids instead of dgf files for 2p2c implicit tests
Timo Koch authored
The analytical problem cluttered the directory with hundreds of vtus. We just write out one now and no restart file.
Timo Koch authored
* Use input file for structured grids instead of dgf files for 2p implicit tests
*The dgf files are no longer needed, therefore the folder "grids" is removed
* Use input file for structured grids instead of dgf files for 1p2c tests
This includes several tasks (in this commit tutorial / stokes / 1p / 2p-sequential) * Remove unnecessary header includes * Use vectors / FieldVectors when reading from input file more often * Use input file for structured grids instead of dgf files for most tests * Adapt usage message Several severe fixes to the original commit were provided by Dennis.
Kilian Weishaupt authored
[fix][gridcreator][yasp] Set default overlap dependent on discretization Our box models only support non-overlapping partitioning. Our cc models only support overlapping partitioning (overlap > 0). This only concerns YaspGrid as it is the only grid manager using overlapping partitioning. See merge request !122
Timo Koch authored
Our box models only support non-overlapping partitioning. Our cc models only support overlapping partitioning (overlap > 0). This only concerns YaspGrid as it is the only grid manager using overlapping partitioning.
Kilian Weishaupt authored
Fix/use auto id set type Ids are not generally convertible to int. This fails e.g. for yasp grids that uses Dune::bigunsignedint. Further remark: Incrementing an Id might not always be possible. Ids are also not guaranteed to be contiguous. We should think about another method here! See merge request !117
Bernd Flemisch authored
The `BrineAir` fluid system could not pass the test. Replace asserts by exception handling to be consistent with the other fluid systems. Add missing `break` statements to switch clause in `Spe5ParameterCache`. Properly initialize pressure values for the `HairSpliitingFluidState`, correct output messages.
Kilian Weishaupt authored
[2cstokes2p2c] Use new fluxVars facility See merge request !119
Thomas Fetzer authored
Kilian Weishaupt authored
[fix][1p][test][sequential] Use a simple unit cube grid creator The MPFA interaction volumes store ElementSeeds. In other to restore entities from seed they need the grid which they obtain from the GridCreator. Thus having a GridCreator singleton class is mandatory for the MPFA models. See merge request !116