- Apr 05, 2018
Dennis Gläser authored
Feature/primaryvariables numeqvector See merge request !888
Johannes Hommel authored
Feature/simplify perm poro laws Closes #449 See merge request !889
Sina Ackermann authored
Sina Ackermann authored
Sina Ackermann authored
Sina Ackermann authored
Sina Ackermann authored
Sina Ackermann authored
2p1c, 3p3c, 3pwateroil, compositional, immiscible, mineralization, nonequilibrium, nonisothermal, richards
Dennis Gläser authored
This is identical to PorosityPrecipitation with a unit reference porosity.
Dennis Gläser authored
This commit also removes porosity and permeability laws from the 1pncmin spatial parameters as they were not used anyway.
Sina Ackermann authored
Sina Ackermann authored
Dennis Gläser authored
Kilian Weishaupt authored
[assembly] Rename setTimeManager to setTimeLoop See merge request !886
Timo Koch authored
Simon Emmert authored
Fix/3pwateroil See merge request !885
Kilian Weishaupt authored
* "old" test expects Neumann BCs set accoring to vertex pos
Kilian Weishaupt authored
- Apr 04, 2018
Kilian Weishaupt authored
* fixes clang compilation errors
Kilian Weishaupt authored
Bernd Flemisch authored
[2p2c] unify 2p2c and 2pnc init saturation guess Closes #407 See merge request !881
Simon Emmert authored
The 2p2c and 2pnc priVar-switch had different initial saturation guesses. It was decided to unify them to the symmetry of the 2pnc priVarswitch.
Dennis Gläser authored
Overloading the evalFlux function for a single scvf did not have any effect as we did not forward the call to the implementation
Simon Emmert authored
dnapl.hh was renamed to trichloroethene.hh since dnapl is not a real component and resembled trichloroethene already.
- Apr 03, 2018
Simon Emmert authored
lnapl.hh was only included in some sequential tests, but not used. Since it does not have a physical meaning with its current implementation it is removed.