Doxygen for 3.5
- empty doxyerr.log as much as possible
- Anything interesting to fix in doxygen.log? There is a warning "warning: Tag 'COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX' at line 114 of file 'Doxyfile' has become obsolete." However, this concerns dune-common/doc/doxygen/Doxystyle, not dumux.
- does doc/doxygen/modules.txt match the folder structure?
- Check for missing ingroup
- Check for wrong ingroup
- check correct display of the equations
- correct linking of the sites (see for previous fixes)
- does work on the dumux website as well?
- under Namespaces - Namespace List spot some undocumented classes
- does the documentation make sense? spot mistakenly made copy& paste?
For possible reference of a future doxygen dude: The documentation is built by running make doc in the dumux build folder. One way to switch doxygen versions is to:
- download the doxygen git repository from
- checkout the branch you want, e.g. Release_1_8_17
- the first time do: mkdir build, cd build, cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..
- always do in the doxygen build directory: make, sudo make install
- the first time do: export PATH=/usr/local/bin/doxygen:$PATH
- delete the dumux build folder and rerun dunecontrol for dumux ./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --opts=./dumux/cmake.opts --only=dumux all
After Changes in scr/doxygen.cpp delete the build folder an recreate it.
Related MRs: !3027 (merged), !3029 (merged)